package resonantinduction.old.transport.hopper; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection; import resonantinduction.core.prefab.tile.TileEntityFilterable; import resonantinduction.old.transport.imprinter.ItemImprinter; import universalelectricity.api.vector.Vector3; import calclavia.lib.utility.HelperMethods; import calclavia.lib.utility.InvInteractionHelper; /** * Advanced version of the hopper with features such as redstone control, sorting, filtering, and * crate version. * * @author DarkGuardsman */ public class TileEntityAdvancedHopper extends TileEntityFilterable { public ForgeDirection connection = ForgeDirection.DOWN; public boolean[] connections = new boolean[6]; public boolean singleConnection = true; /** The class that interacts with inventories for this machine */ private InvInteractionHelper invExtractionHelper; public TileEntityAdvancedHopper() { this.invSlots = 5; } /** Gets the class that managed extracting and placing items into inventories */ public InvInteractionHelper invHelper() { if (invExtractionHelper == null || != this.worldObj) { this.invExtractionHelper = new InvInteractionHelper(this.worldObj, new Vector3(this), this.getFilter() != null ? ItemImprinter.getFilters(getFilter()) : null, this.isInverted()); } return invExtractionHelper; } /** * Allows the entity to update its state. Overridden in most subclasses, e.g. the mob spawner * uses this to count ticks and creates a new spawn inside its implementation. */ @Override public void updateEntity() { super.updateEntity(); if (!this.worldObj.isRemote && this.ticks % 8 == 0) { this.grabItems(); this.dumpItems(); } } public void grabItems() { Vector3 inputPos = this.getThisPos().clone().modifyPositionFromSide(ForgeDirection.UP); List itemsInBound = HelperMethods.getEntitiesInDirection(worldObj, this.getThisPos(), ForgeDirection.UP); ItemStack itemStack = invHelper().tryGrabFromPosition(inputPos, ForgeDirection.UP, 1); if (itemStack != null) { itemStack = invHelper().tryPlaceInPosition(itemStack, this.getThisPos(), ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN); if (itemStack != null) { itemStack = invHelper().tryPlaceInPosition(itemStack, inputPos, ForgeDirection.DOWN); if (itemStack != null) { invHelper().throwItem(inputPos, itemStack); } } } else if (inputPos.getTileEntity(worldObj) == null && itemsInBound != null) { for (EntityItem entity : itemsInBound) { if (entity.isDead) { continue; } ItemStack remainingStack = entity.getEntityItem().copy(); if (this.getFilter() == null || this.isFiltering(remainingStack)) { if (remainingStack != null) { remainingStack = invHelper().tryPlaceInPosition(itemStack, this.getThisPos(), ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN); } if (remainingStack == null || remainingStack.stackSize <= 0) { entity.setDead(); } else { entity.setEntityItemStack(remainingStack); } } } } } public void dumpItems() { Vector3 outputPos = this.getThisPos().clone().modifyPositionFromSide(this.connection); for (int slot = 0; slot < this.getInventory().getSizeInventory(); slot++) { if (this.getInventory().getStackInSlot(slot) != null) { ItemStack stack = this.getInventory().getStackInSlot(slot).copy(); if (this.getFilter() == null || this.isFiltering(stack)) { stack = this.invHelper().tryGrabFromPosition(outputPos, this.connection.getOpposite(), 1); if (stack == null || !areItemStacksEqualItem(stack, this.getInventory().getStackInSlot(slot)) || this.getInventory().getStackInSlot(slot).stackSize != stack.stackSize) { this.getInventory().setInventorySlotContents(slot, stack); this.onInventoryChanged(); } } } } } @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.readFromNBT(nbt); } @Override public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.writeToNBT(nbt); } @Override public String getInvName() { return "container.advancedhopper"; } private static boolean areItemStacksEqualItem(ItemStack stack, ItemStack stack2) { return stack.itemID != stack2.itemID ? false : (stack.getItemDamage() != stack2.getItemDamage() ? false : (stack.stackSize > stack.getMaxStackSize() ? false : ItemStack.areItemStackTagsEqual(stack, stack2))); } }