package resonantinduction.old.client.gui; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiTextField; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import resonantinduction.core.Reference; import resonantinduction.old.api.coding.ITask; import resonantinduction.old.api.coding.args.ArgumentData; import universalelectricity.api.vector.Vector2; import cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler; import dark.lib.prefab.invgui.GuiBase; import dark.lib.prefab.invgui.GuiMessageBox; import dark.lib.prefab.invgui.IMessageBoxDialog; public class GuiEditTask extends GuiBase implements IMessageBoxDialog { public static final ResourceLocation TEXTURE = new ResourceLocation(Reference.DOMAIN, Reference.GUI_DIRECTORY + "gui_task_edit.png"); protected GuiEncoderCoder gui; protected ITask task, editTask; int ySpacing = 20; int xStart = 13, yStart = 50; protected GuiTextField[] argTextBoxes; int getFocus = -1; boolean newTask = false; public GuiEditTask(GuiEncoderCoder gui, ITask task, boolean newTask) { this.newTask = newTask; this.guiSize.y = 380 / 2; this.gui = gui; this.task = task; this.editTask = task.clone(); NBTTagCompound nbt = new NBTTagCompound();; this.editTask.load(nbt); } @Override public void initGui() { super.initGui(); this.drawButtons(); Keyboard.enableRepeatEvents(true); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void drawButtons() { this.buttonList.clear(); this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(0, (this.width - this.guiSize.intX()) / 2 + 13, (this.height - this.guiSize.intY()) / 2 + 135, 50, 20, "Save")); this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(1, (this.width - this.guiSize.intX()) / 2 + 68, (this.height - this.guiSize.intY()) / 2 + 135, 50, 20, "Cancel")); if (!this.newTask) this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(2, (this.width - this.guiSize.intX()) / 2 + 125, (this.height - this.guiSize.intY()) / 2 + 135, 40, 20, "Del")); if (task.getArgs() != null) { this.argTextBoxes = new GuiTextField[task.getArgs().size()]; int i = 0; for (ArgumentData arg : task.getArgs()) { this.argTextBoxes[i] = new GuiTextField(this.fontRenderer, (this.width - this.guiSize.intX()) / 2 + 60, (this.height - this.guiSize.intY()) / 2 + 64 + (i * this.ySpacing), 30, 10); this.argTextBoxes[i].setMaxStringLength(30); this.argTextBoxes[i].setVisible(true); this.argTextBoxes[i].setText("" + arg.getData()); i++; } } } @Override public void onGuiClosed() { super.onGuiClosed(); Keyboard.enableRepeatEvents(false); } @Override protected void keyTyped(char character, int keycode) { if (keycode == Keyboard.KEY_ESCAPE) {; } else if (keycode == Keyboard.KEY_TAB) { if (this.argTextBoxes != null) { this.getFocus += 1; if (this.getFocus >= this.argTextBoxes.length) { this.getFocus = 0; } } else { this.getFocus = -1; } } else { if (this.argTextBoxes != null && this.getFocus > -1 && this.getFocus < this.argTextBoxes.length) { if (this.argTextBoxes[this.getFocus] != null) this.argTextBoxes[this.getFocus].textboxKeyTyped(character, keycode); } } } @Override protected void mouseClicked(int par1, int par2, int par3) { super.mouseClicked(par1, par2, par3); this.getFocus = -1; if (this.argTextBoxes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.argTextBoxes.length; i++) { GuiTextField box = this.argTextBoxes[i]; if (box != null && box.getVisible()) { box.mouseClicked(par1, par2, par3); if (box.isFocused()) { this.getFocus = i; } } } } } @Override protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton button) { super.actionPerformed(button); switch ( { case 0: case 1: if ( == 0) { if (this.argTextBoxes != null) { int i = 0; for (ArgumentData arg : task.getArgs()) { if (this.argTextBoxes[i] != null) { if (arg.isValid(this.argTextBoxes[i].getText())) { editTask.setArg(arg.getName(), this.argTextBoxes[i].getText()); } else { this.argTextBoxes[i].setText(""); } } i++; } } if (!this.newTask) { this.gui.getTile().updateTask(this.editTask); FMLCommonHandler.instance().showGuiScreen(this.gui); } else { new GuiMessageBox(this, 1, "Create new Task", "Are you sure?").show(); } } else { FMLCommonHandler.instance().showGuiScreen(this.gui); } break; case 2: new GuiMessageBox(this, 0, "Remove Task", "Are you sure?").show(); break; } } /** Draw the background layer for the GuiContainer (everything behind the items) */ @Override protected void drawBackgroundLayer(int x, int y, float var1) { FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().renderEngine.bindTexture(TEXTURE); GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); int containerWidth = (this.width - this.guiSize.intX()) / 2; int containerHeight = (this.height - this.guiSize.intY()) / 2; this.drawTexturedModalRect(containerWidth, containerHeight, 0, 0, this.guiSize.intX(), this.guiSize.intY()); if (this.argTextBoxes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.argTextBoxes.length; i++) { GuiTextField box = this.argTextBoxes[i]; if (box != null) { box.drawTextBox(); } } } } @Override protected void drawForegroundLayer(int var2, int var3, float var1) { this.fontRenderer.drawString("Edit Task", (int) (this.guiSize.intX() / 2 - 7 * 2.5), 5, 4210752); this.fontRenderer.drawString("Task: " + "\u00a77" + this.task.getMethodName(), ((this.guiSize.intX() / 2) - 70), 20, 4210752); this.fontRenderer.drawString("----Task Arguments---- ", ((this.guiSize.intX() / 2) - 70), 50, 4210752); int i = 0; if (task.getArgs() != null) { for (ArgumentData arg : task.getArgs()) { i++; this.fontRenderer.drawString(arg.getName() + ":", ((this.guiSize.intX() / 2) - 70), 45 + (i * this.ySpacing), 4210752); this.fontRenderer.drawString(arg.warning(), ((this.guiSize.intX() / 2) + 11), 45 + (i * this.ySpacing), 4210752); } } else { this.fontRenderer.drawString("\u00a77" + " No editable args ", ((this.guiSize.intX() / 2) - 70), 70, 4210752); } } @Override public void onMessageBoxClosed(int id, boolean yes) { if (id == 0 && yes) { this.gui.getTile().removeTask(new Vector2(this.editTask.getCol(), this.editTask.getRow())); FMLCommonHandler.instance().showGuiScreen(this.gui); } if (id == 1) { if (yes) { this.gui.getTile().insertTask(this.editTask); FMLCommonHandler.instance().showGuiScreen(this.gui); } this.gui.insertingTask = false; } } }