2023-07-16 12:31:56 +02:00

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package universalelectricity.core.vector;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
import universalelectricity.api.vector.IRotation;
import universalelectricity.api.vector.IVector3;
/** The euler angles describing a 3D rotation. The rotation always in degrees.
* Note: The rotational system Minecraft uses is non-standard. The angles and vector calculations
* have been calibrated to match. DEFINITIONS:
* Yaw: 0 Degrees - Looking at NORTH 90 - Looking at WEST 180 - Looking at SOUTH 270 - Looking at
* Pitch: 0 Degrees - Looking straight forward towards the horizon. 90 Degrees - Looking straight up
* to the sky. -90 Degrees - Looking straight down to the void.
* Make sure all models are use the Techne Model loader, they will naturally follow this rule.
* @author Calclavia */
public class EulerAngle implements IRotation, IVector3
/** Angles in degrees. */
public double yaw, pitch, roll;
public EulerAngle()
this(0, 0, 0);
public EulerAngle(ForgeDirection dir)
switch (dir)
case DOWN:
pitch = -90;
case UP:
pitch = 90;
case NORTH:
yaw = 0;
case SOUTH:
yaw = 180;
case WEST:
yaw = 90;
case EAST:
// or 270 degrees
yaw = -90;
public EulerAngle(double yaw, double pitch, double roll)
this.yaw = yaw;
this.pitch = pitch;
this.roll = roll;
public EulerAngle(double[] angles)
this(angles[0], angles[1], angles[2]);
public EulerAngle(EulerAngle angle)
this(angle.yaw(), angle.pitch(), angle.roll());
public EulerAngle(double yaw, double pitch)
this(yaw, pitch, 0);
public double yaw()
return yaw;
public double pitch()
return pitch;
public double roll()
return roll;
public double yawRadians()
return Math.toRadians(yaw());
public double pitchRadians()
return Math.toRadians(pitch());
public double rollRadians()
return Math.toRadians(roll());
public double x()
return -Math.sin(yawRadians()) * Math.cos(pitchRadians());
public double y()
return Math.sin(pitchRadians());
public double z()
return -Math.cos(yawRadians()) * Math.cos(pitchRadians());
public double[] toArray()
return new double[] { yaw(), pitch(), roll() };
public double[] toRadianArray()
return new double[] { yawRadians(), pitchRadians(), rollRadians() };
public EulerAngle set(int i, double value)
switch (i)
case 0:
yaw = value;
case 1:
pitch = value;
case 2:
roll = value;
return this;
/** gets the difference in degrees between the two angles */
public EulerAngle difference(EulerAngle other)
return new EulerAngle(yaw() - other.yaw(), pitch() - other.pitch(), roll() - other.roll());
public EulerAngle absoluteDifference(EulerAngle other)
return new EulerAngle(getAngleDifference(yaw(), other.yaw()), getAngleDifference(pitch(), other.pitch()), getAngleDifference(roll(), other.roll()));
public boolean isWithin(EulerAngle other, double margin)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (absoluteDifference(other).toArray()[i] > margin)
return false;
return true;
public static double getAngleDifference(double angleA, double angleB)
return Math.abs(angleA - angleB);
public EulerAngle clone()
return new EulerAngle(this.yaw(), this.pitch(), this.roll());
public static double clampAngleTo360(double var)
return clampAngle(var, -360, 360);
public static double clampAngleTo180(double var)
return clampAngle(var, -180, 180);
public static double clampAngle(double var, double min, double max)
while (var < min)
var += 360;
while (var > max)
var -= 360;
return var;
public int hashCode()
long x = Double.doubleToLongBits(yaw());
long y = Double.doubleToLongBits(pitch());
long z = Double.doubleToLongBits(roll());
int hash = (int) (x ^ (x >>> 32));
hash = 31 * hash + (int) (y ^ (y >>> 32));
hash = 31 * hash + (int) (z ^ (z >>> 32));
return hash;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (o instanceof EulerAngle)
EulerAngle angle = (EulerAngle) o;
return yaw() == angle.yaw() && pitch() == angle.pitch() && roll() == angle.roll();
return false;
public String toString()
return "Angle [" + this.yaw() + "," + this.pitch() + "," + this.roll() + "]";