/*! alertify - v0.3.11 - 2013-10-08 */ !(function (a, b) { "use strict"; var c, d = a.document; (c = function () { var c, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q = {}, r = {}, s = !1, t = { ENTER: 13, ESC: 27, SPACE: 32 }, u = []; return ( (r = { buttons: { holder: '', submit: '', ok: '', cancel: '', }, input: '
', message: '


', log: '
', }), (p = function () { var a, c, e = !1, f = d.createElement("fakeelement"), g = { WebkitTransition: "webkitTransitionEnd", MozTransition: "transitionend", OTransition: "otransitionend", transition: "transitionend", }; for (a in g) if (f.style[a] !== b) { (c = g[a]), (e = !0); break; } return { type: c, supported: e }; }), (c = function (a) { return d.getElementById(a); }), (q = { labels: { ok: "OK", cancel: "Cancel" }, delay: 5e3, buttonReverse: !1, buttonFocus: "ok", transition: b, addListeners: function (a) { var b, c, i, j, k, l = "undefined" != typeof f, m = "undefined" != typeof e, n = "undefined" != typeof o, p = "", q = this; (b = function (b) { return ( "undefined" != typeof b.preventDefault && b.preventDefault(), i(b), "undefined" != typeof o && (p = o.value), "function" == typeof a && ("undefined" != typeof o ? a(!0, p) : a(!0)), !1 ); }), (c = function (b) { return ( "undefined" != typeof b.preventDefault && b.preventDefault(), i(b), "function" == typeof a && a(!1), !1 ); }), (i = function () { q.hide(), q.unbind(d.body, "keyup", j), q.unbind(g, "focus", k), l && q.unbind(f, "click", b), m && q.unbind(e, "click", c); }), (j = function (a) { var d = a.keyCode; ((d === t.SPACE && !n) || (n && d === t.ENTER)) && b(a), d === t.ESC && m && c(a); }), (k = function () { n ? o.focus() : !m || q.buttonReverse ? f.focus() : e.focus(); }), this.bind(g, "focus", k), this.bind(h, "focus", k), l && this.bind(f, "click", b), m && this.bind(e, "click", c), this.bind(d.body, "keyup", j), this.transition.supported || this.setFocus(); }, bind: function (a, b, c) { "function" == typeof a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(b, c, !1) : a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("on" + b, c); }, handleErrors: function () { if ("undefined" != typeof a.onerror) { var b = this; return ( (a.onerror = function (a, c, d) { b.error( "[" + a + " on line " + d + " of " + c + "]", 0 ); }), !0 ); } return !1; }, appendButtons: function (a, b) { return this.buttonReverse ? b + a : a + b; }, build: function (a) { var b = "", c = a.type, d = a.message, e = a.cssClass || ""; switch ( ((b += '
'), (b += 'Reset Focus'), "none" === q.buttonFocus && (b += ''), "prompt" === c && (b += '
'), (b += '
'), (b += r.message.replace("{{message}}", d)), "prompt" === c && (b += r.input), (b += r.buttons.holder), (b += "
"), "prompt" === c && (b += "
"), (b += 'Reset Focus'), (b += "
"), c) ) { case "confirm": (b = b.replace( "{{buttons}}", this.appendButtons( r.buttons.cancel, r.buttons.ok ) )), (b = b .replace("{{ok}}", this.labels.ok) .replace("{{cancel}}", this.labels.cancel)); break; case "prompt": (b = b.replace( "{{buttons}}", this.appendButtons( r.buttons.cancel, r.buttons.submit ) )), (b = b .replace("{{ok}}", this.labels.ok) .replace("{{cancel}}", this.labels.cancel)); break; case "alert": (b = b.replace("{{buttons}}", r.buttons.ok)), (b = b.replace("{{ok}}", this.labels.ok)); } return ( (l.className = "alertify alertify-" + c + " " + e), (k.className = "alertify-cover"), b ); }, close: function (a, b) { var c, d, e = b && !isNaN(b) ? +b : this.delay, f = this; this.bind(a, "click", function () { c(a); }), (d = function (a) { a.stopPropagation(), f.unbind(this, f.transition.type, d), m.removeChild(this), m.hasChildNodes() || (m.className += " alertify-logs-hidden"); }), (c = function (a) { "undefined" != typeof a && a.parentNode === m && (f.transition.supported ? (f.bind(a, f.transition.type, d), (a.className += " alertify-log-hide")) : (m.removeChild(a), m.hasChildNodes() || (m.className += " alertify-logs-hidden"))); }), 0 !== b && setTimeout(function () { c(a); }, e); }, dialog: function (a, b, c, e, f) { j = d.activeElement; var g = function () { (m && null !== m.scrollTop && k && null !== k.scrollTop) || g(); }; if ("string" != typeof a) throw new Error("message must be a string"); if ("string" != typeof b) throw new Error("type must be a string"); if ("undefined" != typeof c && "function" != typeof c) throw new Error("fn must be a function"); return ( this.init(), g(), u.push({ type: b, message: a, callback: c, placeholder: e, cssClass: f, }), s || this.setup(), this ); }, extend: function (a) { if ("string" != typeof a) throw new Error( "extend method must have exactly one paramter" ); return function (b, c) { return this.log(b, a, c), this; }; }, hide: function () { var a, b = this; u.splice(0, 1), u.length > 0 ? this.setup(!0) : ((s = !1), (a = function (c) { c.stopPropagation(), b.unbind(l, b.transition.type, a); }), this.transition.supported ? (this.bind(l, this.transition.type, a), (l.className = "alertify alertify-hide alertify-hidden")) : (l.className = "alertify alertify-hide alertify-hidden alertify-isHidden"), (k.className = "alertify-cover alertify-cover-hidden"), j.focus()); }, init: function () { d.createElement("nav"), d.createElement("article"), d.createElement("section"), null == c("alertify-cover") && ((k = d.createElement("div")), k.setAttribute("id", "alertify-cover"), (k.className = "alertify-cover alertify-cover-hidden"), d.body.appendChild(k)), null == c("alertify") && ((s = !1), (u = []), (l = d.createElement("section")), l.setAttribute("id", "alertify"), (l.className = "alertify alertify-hidden"), d.body.appendChild(l)), null == c("alertify-logs") && ((m = d.createElement("section")), m.setAttribute("id", "alertify-logs"), (m.className = "alertify-logs alertify-logs-hidden"), d.body.appendChild(m)), d.body.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"), (this.transition = p()); }, log: function (a, b, c) { var d = function () { (m && null !== m.scrollTop) || d(); }; return ( this.init(), d(), (m.className = "alertify-logs"), this.notify(a, b, c), this ); }, notify: function (a, b, c) { var e = d.createElement("article"); (e.className = "alertify-log" + ("string" == typeof b && "" !== b ? " alertify-log-" + b : "")), (e.innerHTML = a), m.appendChild(e), setTimeout(function () { e.className = e.className + " alertify-log-show"; }, 50), this.close(e, c); }, set: function (a) { var b; if ("object" != typeof a && a instanceof Array) throw new Error("args must be an object"); for (b in a) a.hasOwnProperty(b) && (this[b] = a[b]); }, setFocus: function () { o ? (o.focus(), o.select()) : i.focus(); }, setup: function (a) { var d, j = u[0], k = this; (s = !0), (d = function (a) { a.stopPropagation(), k.setFocus(), k.unbind(l, k.transition.type, d); }), this.transition.supported && !a && this.bind(l, this.transition.type, d), (l.innerHTML = this.build(j)), (g = c("alertify-resetFocus")), (h = c("alertify-resetFocusBack")), (f = c("alertify-ok") || b), (e = c("alertify-cancel") || b), (i = "cancel" === q.buttonFocus ? e : "none" === q.buttonFocus ? c("alertify-noneFocus") : f), (o = c("alertify-text") || b), (n = c("alertify-form") || b), "string" == typeof j.placeholder && "" !== j.placeholder && (o.value = j.placeholder), a && this.setFocus(), this.addListeners(j.callback); }, unbind: function (a, b, c) { "function" == typeof a.removeEventListener ? a.removeEventListener(b, c, !1) : a.detachEvent && a.detachEvent("on" + b, c); }, }), { alert: function (a, b, c) { return q.dialog(a, "alert", b, "", c), this; }, confirm: function (a, b, c) { return q.dialog(a, "confirm", b, "", c), this; }, extend: q.extend, init: q.init, log: function (a, b, c) { return q.log(a, b, c), this; }, prompt: function (a, b, c, d) { return q.dialog(a, "prompt", b, c, d), this; }, success: function (a, b) { return q.log(a, "success", b), this; }, error: function (a, b) { return q.log(a, "error", b), this; }, set: function (a) { q.set(a); }, labels: q.labels, debug: q.handleErrors, } ); }), "function" == typeof define ? define([], function () { return new c(); }) : "undefined" == typeof a.alertify && (a.alertify = new c()); })(this);