text: A string representing raw text to display directly in chat. Note that selectors such as "@a" and "@p" are not translated into player names; use selector instead. "\n" is newline (enter).

translate: The translation identifier of text to be displayed using the player's selected language. This identifier is the same as the identifiers found in lang files from assets or resource packs.

score: A player's score in an objective. Displays nothing if the player is not tracked in the given objective. Enter the name of the player whose score should be displayed. Selectors (such as @p) can be used, in addition to "fake" player names created by the scoreboard system. In addition, if the name is "*", it will show the reader's own score (for example, {"score":{"name":"*","objective":"obj"}} will show every online player their own score in the "obj" objective). This option requires the name of the objective to be set in the field below.

selector: A string containing a selector (@p,@a,@r, or @e) and, optionally, selector arguments. Unlike text, the selector will be translated into the correct player/entity names.