use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context}; use libjens::JMClient; use log::{error, info, warn}; use matrix_sdk::{ config::SyncSettings, deserialized_responses::SyncResponse, encryption::verification::Verification, room::Room, ruma::{ api::client::r0::{ session::login, uiaa::{AuthData, Password, UserIdentifier}, }, assign, events::{ room::{ member::StrippedRoomMemberEvent, message::{ MessageType, RoomMessageEventContent, SyncRoomMessageEvent, TextMessageEventContent, }, }, AnyToDeviceEvent, SyncMessageEvent, }, UserId, }, Client, LoopCtrl, }; use rand::{rngs::StdRng, SeedableRng}; use sled::Db; use std::{ path::PathBuf, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU32}, Arc, }, time::Duration, }; use structopt::StructOpt; use tokio::sync::{Mutex, RwLock}; use config::Config; mod config; mod meme; mod responder; mod util; #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] struct Opt { #[structopt( short, long, help = "config file to use", default_value = "~/.config/ruff/config.toml" )] config: PathBuf, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { env_logger::init(); let opt = Opt::from_args(); let config = std::fs::read(&opt.config).map_err(|e| anyhow!("Error reading config: {}", e))?; let config = toml::from_slice::(&config).map_err(|e| anyhow!("Error parsing config: {}", e))?; let config = Arc::new(config); let client = Client::new(config.homeserver_url.clone())?; let device_name = config.device_name.as_ref().map(String::as_ref); let bot = Arc::new(Bot { client: client.clone(), jm_client: RwLock::new(JMClient::new()), memecache: sled::open(config.store_path.join("memecache")) .map_err(|e| anyhow!("error opening memecache: {}", e))?, config: Arc::clone(&config), meme_count: AtomicU32::new(0), rng: Mutex::new(StdRng::from_rng(rand::thread_rng())?), }); client .register_event_handler(on_stripped_state_member) .await; let bot_ = Arc::clone(&bot); client .register_event_handler(move |ev, client, room| { on_room_message(ev, client, room, Arc::clone(&bot_)) }) .await; let login::Response { user_id, .. } = client .login(&config.user_id, &config.password, device_name, Some("ruff")) .await?; let initial = AtomicBool::from(true); let initial_ref = &initial; let client_ref = &client; let config_ref = &config; let user_id_ref = &user_id; client .sync_with_callback(SyncSettings::new(), |response| async move { if let Err(e) = on_response(&response, client_ref).await { error!("Error processing response: {}", e); } let initial = initial_ref; if initial.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst) { if let Err(e) = on_initial_response(client_ref, user_id_ref, &config_ref.password).await { error!("Error processing initial response: {}", e); }, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst); } LoopCtrl::Continue }) .await; Ok(()) } pub struct Bot { client: Client, jm_client: RwLock, memecache: Db, config: Arc, /// used to keep track of how many memes have been sent. /// this is reset once the threshold set in the config has been reached, and /// the JMClient cache is cleared. meme_count: AtomicU32, rng: Mutex, } async fn on_stripped_state_member(event: StrippedRoomMemberEvent, client: Client, room: Room) { if event.state_key == client.user_id().await.unwrap() { return; } if let Room::Invited(room) = room { info!("Autojoining room {}", room.room_id()); let mut delay = 2; while let Err(err) = client.join_room_by_id(room.room_id()).await { // retry autojoin due to synapse sending invites, before the // invited user can join for more information see // warn!( "Failed to join room {} ({:?}), retrying in {}s", room.room_id(), err, delay ); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(delay)).await; delay *= 2; if delay > 3600 { error!("Can't join room {} ({:?})", room.room_id(), err); break; } } info!("Successfully joined room {}", room.room_id()); } } async fn on_room_message(msg: SyncRoomMessageEvent, client: Client, room: Room, bot: Arc) { if client .user_id() .await .map(|u| u == msg.sender) .unwrap_or(true) { return; } if let SyncMessageEvent { content: RoomMessageEventContent { msgtype: MessageType::Text(TextMessageEventContent { body: msg_body, .. }), .. }, .. } = msg { if let Err(e) = responder::on_msg(&msg_body, room, &bot).await { error!("Responder error: {}", e); } } } async fn on_initial_response( client: &Client, user_id: &UserId, password: &str, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { bootstrap_cross_signing(client, user_id, password).await?; Ok(()) } async fn on_response(response: &SyncResponse, client: &Client) -> anyhow::Result<()> { for event in response .to_device .events .iter() .filter_map(|e| e.deserialize().ok()) { match event { AnyToDeviceEvent::KeyVerificationStart(e) => { info!("Starting verification"); if let Some(Verification::SasV1(sas)) = &client .get_verification(&e.sender, &e.content.transaction_id) .await { if let Err(e) = sas.accept().await { error!("Error accepting key verification request: {}", e); } } }, AnyToDeviceEvent::KeyVerificationKey(e) => { if let Some(Verification::SasV1(sas)) = &client .get_verification(&e.sender, &e.content.transaction_id) .await { if let Err(e) = sas.confirm().await { error!("Error confirming key verification request: {}", e); } } }, _ => {}, } } Ok(()) } async fn bootstrap_cross_signing( client: &Client, user_id: &UserId, password: &str, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { info!("bootstrapping e2e"); if let Err(e) = client.bootstrap_cross_signing(None).await { if let Some(response) = e.uiaa_response() { let auth_data = AuthData::Password(assign!( Password::new(UserIdentifier::MatrixId(user_id.as_str()), password), { session: response.session.as_deref() } )); client .bootstrap_cross_signing(Some(auth_data)) .await .context("Couldn't bootstrap cross signing")?; } else { bail!("Error during cross-signing bootstrap {:#?}", e); } } info!("bootstrapped e2e"); Ok(()) }