2022-06-18 17:08:41 +02:00
const std = @import("std");
const at = @import("ansi-term");
const known_folders = @import("known-folders");
const ffi = @import("ffi.zig");
const checkGitError = ffi.checkGitError;
const c = ffi.c;
const FishMode = @import("FishMode.zig");
const symbols = struct {
const left_separator = "";
const right_separator = "";
const top_left = "";
const bottom_left = "";
const path_separator = "❯";
const top_end = "";
const staged = "";
const unstaged = "";
2022-06-18 18:16:41 +02:00
const home = "";
const root = "";
2022-06-18 17:08:41 +02:00
pub fn render(writer: anytype, status: i16, mode: FishMode) !void {
_ = status;
_ = mode;
try (Renderer(@TypeOf(writer)){
.last_style = null,
.writer = writer,
.status = status,
.mode = mode,
fn Renderer(comptime Writer: type) type {
return struct {
last_style: ?at.Style,
writer: Writer,
status: i16,
mode: FishMode,
const Self = @This();
pub fn render(self: *Self) !void {
//const alloc = std.heap.c_allocator;
const left_color = if (self.status == 0)
at.Color{ .Green = {} }
at.Color{ .Red = {} };
try self.setStyle(.{ .foreground = left_color });
try self.writer.writeAll(symbols.top_left);
try self.setStyle(.{ .background = left_color });
try self.renderCwd();
self.renderGit() catch |err| {
switch (err) {
2022-06-18 18:16:41 +02:00
error.GitError => {}, // git error will be printed
2022-06-18 17:08:41 +02:00
else => return err,
try self.writer.writeAll(" ");
try self.setStyle(.{ .foreground = self.last_style.?.background });
try self.writer.writeAll(symbols.top_end ++ "\n");
try self.setStyle(.{ .foreground = left_color });
try self.writer.writeAll(symbols.bottom_left);
try self.setStyle(.{ .foreground = left_color, .background = left_color });
try self.writer.writeAll(" ");
const mode_color = self.mode.getColor();
try self.setStyle(.{
.foreground = left_color,
.background = mode_color,
.font_style = .{ .bold = true },
try self.writer.writeAll(symbols.right_separator ++ " ");
try self.setStyle(.{
.foreground = .{ .Black = {} },
.background = mode_color,
.font_style = .{ .bold = true },
try self.writer.writeAll(self.mode.getText());
try self.writer.writeAll(" ");
try self.setStyle(.{ .foreground = mode_color });
try self.writer.writeAll(symbols.right_separator ++ " ");
try self.setStyle(.{});
fn renderCwd(self: *Self) !void {
const pwd = std.fs.cwd();
const realpath = try pwd.realpathAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, ".");
defer std.heap.c_allocator.free(realpath);
const home_path = (try known_folders.getPath(std.heap.c_allocator, .home));
try self.drawLeftSep(.{ .Yellow = {} });
var written_path = false;
if (home_path) |home| {
defer std.heap.c_allocator.free(home);
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, realpath, home)) {
try self.setStyle(.{
.background = .{ .Yellow = {} },
.foreground = .{ .Magenta = {} },
2022-06-18 18:16:41 +02:00
try self.writer.writeAll(" " ++ symbols.home);
2022-06-18 17:08:41 +02:00
if (home.len != realpath.len) {
2022-06-18 18:16:41 +02:00
try self.renderPathSep();
try self.renderPath(realpath[(home.len + 1)..]);
2022-06-18 17:08:41 +02:00
written_path = true;
2022-06-18 18:16:41 +02:00
// write root-relative path
2022-06-18 17:08:41 +02:00
if (!written_path) {
try self.setStyle(.{
.background = .{ .Yellow = {} },
2022-06-18 18:16:41 +02:00
.foreground = .{ .Red = {} },
2022-06-18 17:08:41 +02:00
2022-06-18 18:16:41 +02:00
try self.writer.writeAll(" " ++ symbols.root);
// don't render separators when we're in /
if (realpath.len > 1) {
try self.renderPathSep();
try self.renderPath(realpath[1..]);
2022-06-18 17:08:41 +02:00
2022-06-18 18:16:41 +02:00
fn renderPath(self: *Self, path: []const u8) !void {
for (path) |byte|
if (byte == '/')
try self.renderPathSep()
try self.writer.writeByte(byte);
fn renderPathSep(self: *Self) !void {
try self.setStyle(.{
.background = self.last_style.?.background,
.foreground = .{ .Blue = {} },
try self.writer.writeAll(" " ++ symbols.path_separator ++ " ");
try self.setStyle(.{
.background = self.last_style.?.background,
.foreground = .{ .Black = {} },
2022-06-18 17:08:41 +02:00
fn renderGit(self: *Self) !void {
_ = self;
try checkGitError(c.git_libgit2_init());
defer _ = c.git_libgit2_shutdown();
var path_buf = std.mem.zeroes(c.git_buf);
defer c.git_buf_dispose(&path_buf);
if (c.git_repository_discover(&path_buf, ".", 1, null) < 0)
// no repo found
var repo: ?*c.git_repository = null;
try checkGitError(c.git_repository_open(&repo, path_buf.ptr));
defer c.git_repository_free(repo);
var head: ?*c.git_reference = null;
try checkGitError(c.git_repository_head(&head, repo));
defer c.git_reference_free(head);
const name = c.git_reference_shorthand(head);
var status_options: c.git_status_options = undefined;
try checkGitError(c.git_status_options_init(
status_options.flags =
var status_list: ?*c.git_status_list = null;
try checkGitError(c.git_status_list_new(
var counts = GitStatusCounts{};
try checkGitError(c.git_status_foreach_ext(
// now render all that info!
const ref_bg = counts.getColor();
try self.drawLeftSep(ref_bg);
try self.setStyle(.{
.background = ref_bg,
.foreground = .{ .Black = {} },
.font_style = .{ .bold = true },
// using print here because name is a cstring
try self.writer.print(" {s}", .{name});
if (counts.staged > 0) {
try self.drawLeftSep(.{ .Green = {} });
try self.setStyle(.{
.background = .{ .Green = {} },
.foreground = .{ .Black = {} },
try self.writer.print(" {}{s}", .{ counts.staged, symbols.staged });
if (counts.unstaged > 0) {
try self.drawLeftSep(.{ .Magenta = {} });
try self.setStyle(.{
.background = .{ .Magenta = {} },
.foreground = .{ .Black = {} },
try self.writer.print(" {}{s}", .{ counts.unstaged, symbols.unstaged });
fn setStyle(self: *Self, style: at.Style) !void {
try at.updateStyle(self.writer, style, self.*.last_style);
self.last_style = style;
fn drawLeftSep(self: *Self, new_bg: at.Color) !void {
try self.writer.writeAll(" ");
try self.setStyle(.{
.background = self.last_style.?.background,
.foreground = new_bg,
try self.writer.writeAll(symbols.left_separator);
fn gitStatusCb(
_: [*c]const u8,
flags: c_uint,
counts_: ?*anyopaque,
) callconv(.C) c_int {
const staged_flags =
const unstaged_flags =
const counts = @ptrCast(
@alignCast(@alignOf(GitStatusCounts), counts_),
if (flags & staged_flags > 0)
counts.staged += 1;
if (flags & unstaged_flags > 0)
counts.unstaged += 1;
return 0;
const GitStatusCounts = struct {
staged: c_int = 0,
unstaged: c_int = 0,
pub fn getColor(self: *GitStatusCounts) at.Color {
const has_staged = self.staged > 0;
const has_unstaged = self.unstaged > 0;
return if (!has_staged and !has_unstaged)
at.Color{ .Blue = {} }
else if (has_staged and has_unstaged)
at.Color{ .Magenta = {} }
else if (has_staged)
at.Color{ .Green = {} }
at.Color{ .Grey = 200 };