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#lang racket
;; Script for setting up the config.
(require racket/runtime-path)
;; Default output path
(define output-bin-path (make-parameter (build-path (find-system-path 'home-dir) ".local")))
;; Whether to log calls or not
(define log-calls (make-parameter #t))
;; Valid verbs
(define verbs '(install-scripts install-lsps-paru setup-nvim-config confgen))
(define verb
#:program "setup.rkt"
#:usage-help "Sets up my dotfiles. Available verbs:"
"install-scripts, install-lsps-paru, setup-nvim-config, confgen"
#:once-each [("-o" "--bin-output") o "Output directory for executables" (output-bin-path o)]
#:args (verb)
(string->symbol verb)))
;; Disable random printing of top-level stuff
(current-print void)
;; Set working directory to the location of the script
(define-runtime-path script-dir ".")
(current-directory script-dir))
;; Verify valid verb
(when (not (for/or ([valid-verb verbs])
(symbol=? valid-verb verb)))
(error "Invalid verb" verb))
(define (display-function-call func args)
(when (log-calls)
(printf "(~s ~a)\n" func (apply ~a #:separator " " args))))
;; Defines an alias to a function which will log it's parameters on invokation.
(define-syntax-rule (define-logging name func)
(define (name . args)
(display-function-call (quote name) args)
(apply func args)))
(define-logging cmd (λ (exe . args) (apply system* (find-executable-path exe) args)))
(define-logging rm delete-directory/files)
(define-logging copy copy-directory/files)
(define (cmd/install-scripts)
(define-logging mklink
(λ (from to)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (const #f)]) (delete-file to))
(make-file-or-directory-link (normalize-path from) to)))
(define-logging install-zig-script
(λ (path)
(parameterize ([current-directory path] [log-calls #f])
(cmd "zig" "build" "-p" (output-bin-path) "-Doptimize=ReleaseFast"))))
(mklink "scripts/map-touch-display.rkt" (build-path (output-bin-path) "bin" "map-touch-display"))
(mklink "scripts/playvid.rkt" (build-path (output-bin-path) "bin" "playvid"))
(mklink "scripts/" (build-path (output-bin-path) "bin" "start-joshuto"))
(mklink "scripts/" (build-path (output-bin-path) "bin" "startriver"))
(mklink "scripts/update-nvim-plugins.rkt"
(build-path (output-bin-path) "bin" "update-nvim-plugins"))
(mklink "scripts/" (build-path (output-bin-path) "bin" "withjava"))
(install-zig-script "scripts/mzteinit")
(install-zig-script "scripts/openbrowser")
(install-zig-script "scripts/playtwitch")
(install-zig-script "scripts/prompt")
(install-zig-script "scripts/randomwallpaper")
(install-zig-script "scripts/vinput")
(define (cmd/install-lsps-paru)
(define lsp-packages
(list "elixir-ls-git"
(apply cmd "paru" "-S" "--needed" "--noconfirm" lsp-packages)
(when (find-executable-path "opam")
(cmd "opam" "install" "--yes" "ocaml-lsp-server" "ocamlformat"))
(define (cmd/setup-nvim-config)
(define nvim-config-dir (build-path (find-system-path 'home-dir) ".config" "nvim"))
(rm nvim-config-dir)
(copy "mzte-nv/conf" nvim-config-dir)
(cmd "mzte-nv-compile" (path->string nvim-config-dir))
(define (cmd/confgen)
(rm "cgout")
(cmd "confgen" "confgen.lua" "cgout")
(case verb
[(install-scripts) (cmd/install-scripts)]
[(install-lsps-paru) (cmd/install-lsps-paru)]
[(setup-nvim-config) (cmd/setup-nvim-config)]
[(confgen) (cmd/confgen)])