switch from dracula to catppuccin mocha

This commit is contained in:
LordMZTE 2023-06-08 23:17:19 +02:00
parent eabb7bf634
commit 04ceab9676
Signed by: LordMZTE
GPG key ID: B64802DC33A64FF6
19 changed files with 1331 additions and 271 deletions

View file

@ -18,58 +18,82 @@ key_bindings:
- { key: Plus, mods: Control, action: IncreaseFontSize }
- { key: Minus, mods: Control, action: DecreaseFontSize }
background: '0x282a36'
foreground: '0xf8f8f2'
background: "#1E1E2E" # base
foreground: "#CDD6F4" # text
# Bright and dim foreground colors
dim_foreground: "#CDD6F4" # text
bright_foreground: "#CDD6F4" # text
# Cursor colors
text: CellBackground
cursor: CellForeground
text: "#1E1E2E" # base
cursor: "#F5E0DC" # rosewater
text: CellBackground
cursor: CellForeground
text: "#1E1E2E" # base
cursor: "#B4BEFE" # lavender
# Search colors
foreground: '0x44475a'
background: '0x50fa7b'
foreground: "#1E1E2E" # base
background: "#A6ADC8" # subtext0
foreground: '0x44475a'
background: '0xffb86c'
foreground: "#1E1E2E" # base
background: "#A6E3A1" # green
background: '0x282a36'
foreground: '0xf8f8f2'
foreground: None
background: None
text: CellForeground
background: '0x44475a'
black: '0x000000'
red: '0xff5555'
green: '0x50fa7b'
yellow: '0xf1fa8c'
blue: '0xbd93f9'
magenta: '0xff79c6'
cyan: '0x8be9fd'
white: '0xbfbfbf'
black: '0x4d4d4d'
red: '0xff6e67'
green: '0x5af78e'
yellow: '0xf4f99d'
blue: '0xcaa9fa'
magenta: '0xff92d0'
cyan: '0x9aedfe'
white: '0xe6e6e6'
black: '0x14151b'
red: '0xff2222'
green: '0x1ef956'
yellow: '0xebf85b'
blue: '0x4d5b86'
magenta: '0xff46b0'
cyan: '0x59dffc'
white: '0xe6e6d1'
foreground: "#1E1E2E" # base
background: "#A6ADC8" # subtext0
# Keyboard regex hints
foreground: "#1E1E2E" # base
background: "#F9E2AF" # yellow
foreground: "#1E1E2E" # base
background: "#A6ADC8" # subtext0
# Selection colors
text: "#1E1E2E" # base
background: "#F5E0DC" # rosewater
# Normal colors
black: "#45475A" # surface1
red: "#F38BA8" # red
green: "#A6E3A1" # green
yellow: "#F9E2AF" # yellow
blue: "#89B4FA" # blue
magenta: "#F5C2E7" # pink
cyan: "#94E2D5" # teal
white: "#BAC2DE" # subtext1
# Bright colors
black: "#585B70" # surface2
red: "#F38BA8" # red
green: "#A6E3A1" # green
yellow: "#F9E2AF" # yellow
blue: "#89B4FA" # blue
magenta: "#F5C2E7" # pink
cyan: "#94E2D5" # teal
white: "#A6ADC8" # subtext0
# Dim colors
black: "#45475A" # surface1
red: "#F38BA8" # red
green: "#A6E3A1" # green
yellow: "#F9E2AF" # yellow
blue: "#89B4FA" # blue
magenta: "#F5C2E7" # pink
cyan: "#94E2D5" # teal
white: "#BAC2DE" # subtext1
- { index: 16, color: "#FAB387" }
- { index: 17, color: "#F5E0DC" }

View file

@ -1 +1 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,960 @@
<!-- Yoinked from: https://github.com/catppuccin/bat/tree/main -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>String regex</string>
<string>bold italic</string>
<string>Built-in constant</string>
<string>Built-in function</string>
<string>User-defined constant</string>
<string>keyword.control.loop, keyword.control.conditional, keyword.control.c++</string>
<string>keyword.control.return, keyword.control.flow.return</string>
<string>keyword.operator, punctuation.accessor</string>
<string>Punctuation separator</string>
<string>Punctuation terminator</string>
<string>Punctuation bracket</string>
<string>Storage type</string>
<string>Storage modifier</string>
<string>Storage type namespace</string>
<string>entity.name.namespace, meta.path</string>
<string>Storage type class</string>
<string>Keyword class</string>
<string>Class name</string>
<string>entity.name.class, meta.toc-list.full-identifier</string>
<string>Inherited class</string>
<string>Function name</string>
<string>entity.name.function, variable.function</string>
<string>Function macro</string>
<string>Macro directive - ifdef</string>
<string>entity.name.function.constructor, entity.name.function.destructor</string>
<string>Function argument</string>
<string>Function declaration</string>
<string>Library function</string>
<string>Library constant</string>
<string>Library class/type</string>
<string>support.type, support.class</string>
<string>Library variable</string>
<string>Variable function</string>
<string>Variable parameter</string>
<string>Variable other</string>
<string>Variable field</string>
<string>Variable language</string>
<string>Tag name</string>
<string>Tag attribute</string>
<string>Tag delimiter</string>
<string>Markdown URL</string>
<string>italic underline</string>
<string>Markdown reference</string>
<string>Markdown literal</string>
<string>comment.block.markdown, meta.code-fence, markup.raw.code-fence, markup.raw.inline</string>
<string>Markdown title</string>
<string>punctuation.definition.heading, entity.name.section</string>
<string>Markdown emphasis</string>
<string>Markdown strong</string>
<string>Bash built-in function</string>
<string>source.shell.bash meta.function.shell meta.compound.shell meta.function-call.identifier.shell</string>
<string>Bash parameter</string>
<string>Lua field</string>
<string>source.lua meta.function.lua meta.block.lua meta.mapping.value.lua meta.mapping.key.lua string.unquoted.key.lua</string>
<string>Lua constructor</string>
<string>source.lua meta.function.lua meta.block.lua meta.mapping.key.lua string.unquoted.key.lua</string>
<string>Java constant</string>
<string>CSS property</string>
<string>CSS constant</string>
<string>CSS suffix</string>
<string>constant.numeric.suffix.css, keyword.other.unit.css</string>
<string>CSS variable property</string>
<string>variable.other.custom-property.name.css, support.type.custom-property.name.css, punctuation.definition.custom-property.css</string>
<string>SCSS tag</string>
<string>SASS variable</string>
<string>Invalid deprecated</string>
<string>Diff header</string>
<string>meta.diff, meta.diff.header</string>
<string>Diff deleted</string>
<string>Diff inserted</string>
<string>Diff changed</string>
<string>Message error</string>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
set -g fish_color_normal cdd6f4
set -g fish_color_command 89b4fa
set -g fish_color_param f2cdcd
set -g fish_color_keyword f38ba8
set -g fish_color_quote a6e3a1
set -g fish_color_redirection f5c2e7
set -g fish_color_end fab387
set -g fish_color_comment 7f849c
set -g fish_color_error f38ba8
set -g fish_color_gray 6c7086
set -g fish_color_selection --background=313244
set -g fish_color_search_match --background=313244
set -g fish_color_option a6e3a1
set -g fish_color_operator f5c2e7
set -g fish_color_escape eba0ac
set -g fish_color_autosuggestion 6c7086
set -g fish_color_cancel f38ba8
set -g fish_color_cwd f9e2af
set -g fish_color_user 94e2d5
set -g fish_color_host 89b4fa
set -g fish_color_host_remote a6e3a1
set -g fish_color_status f38ba8
set -g fish_pager_color_progress 6c7086
set -g fish_pager_color_prefix f5c2e7
set -g fish_pager_color_completion cdd6f4
set -g fish_pager_color_description 6c7086

View file

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
# Dracula Color Palette
set -l foreground f8f8f2
set -l selection 44475a
set -l comment 6272a4
set -l red ff5555
set -l orange ffb86c
set -l yellow f1fa8c
set -l green 50fa7b
set -l purple bd93f9
set -l cyan 8be9fd
set -l pink ff79c6
# Syntax Highlighting Colors
set -g fish_color_normal $foreground
set -g fish_color_command $cyan
set -g fish_color_keyword $pink
set -g fish_color_quote $yellow
set -g fish_color_redirection $foreground
set -g fish_color_end $orange
set -g fish_color_error $red
set -g fish_color_param $purple
set -g fish_color_comment $comment
set -g fish_color_selection --background=$selection
set -g fish_color_search_match --background=$selection
set -g fish_color_operator $green
set -g fish_color_option $orange
set -g fish_color_escape $pink
set -g fish_color_autosuggestion $comment
# Completion Pager Colors
set -g fish_pager_color_progress $comment
set -g fish_pager_color_prefix $cyan
set -g fish_pager_color_completion $foreground
set -g fish_pager_color_description $comment

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
gtk-icon-theme-name=<% opt.icon_theme %>
gtk-font-name=<% opt.font %> 11
gtk-cursor-theme-name=<% opt.cursor.theme %>

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
gtk-icon-theme-name=<% opt.icon_theme %>
gtk-font-name=<% opt.font %> 11
gtk-cursor-theme-name=<% opt.cursor.theme %>

View file

@ -260,15 +260,39 @@ bindsym Ctrl+Shift+F12 exec xdotool click --delay 10 --repeat 100 3
bindsym Shift+Print exec shotgun -s - | feh --class feh-float -
for_window [class="feh-float"] floating enable
# dracula theme
# class border bground text indicator child_border
client.focused #6272A4 #6272A4 #F8F8F2 #6272A4 #6272A4
client.focused_inactive #44475A #44475A #F8F8F2 #44475A #44475A
client.unfocused #6272A4 #282A36 #BFBFBF #282A36 #282A36
client.urgent #44475A #FF5555 #F8F8F2 #FF5555 #FF5555
client.placeholder #282A36 #282A36 #F8F8F2 #282A36 #282A36
# catppuccin mocha theme
set $rosewater #f5e0dc
set $flamingo #f2cdcd
set $pink #f5c2e7
set $mauve #cba6f7
set $red #f38ba8
set $maroon #eba0ac
set $peach #fab387
set $green #a6e3a1
set $teal #94e2d5
set $sky #89dceb
set $sapphire #74c7ec
set $blue #89b4fa
set $lavender #b4befe
set $text #cdd6f4
set $subtext1 #bac2de
set $subtext0 #a6adc8
set $overlay2 #9399b2
set $overlay1 #7f849c
set $overlay0 #6c7086
set $surface2 #585b70
set $surface1 #45475a
set $surface0 #313244
set $base #1e1e2e
set $mantle #181825
set $crust #11111b
client.background #F8F8F2
client.focused $pink $crust $text $rosewater $pink
client.focused_inactive $mauve $base $text $rosewater $mauve
client.unfocused $mauve $base $text $rosewater $mauve
client.urgent $peach $base $peach $overlay0 $peach
client.placeholder $overlay0 $base $text $overlay0 $overlay0
client.background $base
bar {
font pango:<% opt.term_font %> 12
@ -277,15 +301,14 @@ bar {
status_command i3status
separator_symbol |
colors {
background #282A36
statusline #F8F8F2
separator #44475A
background $mantle
statusline $text
focused_workspace #44475A #44475A #F8F8F2
active_workspace #282A36 #44475A #F8F8F2
inactive_workspace #282A36 #282A36 #BFBFBF
urgent_workspace #FF5555 #FF5555 #F8F8F2
binding_mode #FF5555 #FF5555 #F8F8F2
focused_workspace $surface2 $base $text
active_workspace $base $base $text
inactive_workspace $crust $crust $surface1
urgent_workspace $red $red $text
binding_mode $red $red $text

View file

@ -1,65 +1,83 @@
font_family <% opt.term_font %>
background_opacity 0.8
# https://draculatheme.com/kitty
# Installation instructions:
# cp dracula.conf ~/.config/kitty/
# echo "include dracula.conf" >> ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf
# Then reload kitty for the config to take affect.
# Alternatively copy paste below directly into kitty.conf
foreground #f8f8f2
background #282a36
selection_foreground #ffffff
selection_background #44475a
## name: Catppuccin Kitty Mocha
## author: Catppuccin Org
## license: MIT
## upstream: https://github.com/catppuccin/kitty/blob/main/mocha.conf
## blurb: Soothing pastel theme for the high-spirited!
url_color #8be9fd
# black
color0 #21222c
color8 #6272a4
# red
color1 #ff5555
color9 #ff6e6e
# green
color2 #50fa7b
color10 #69ff94
# yellow
color3 #f1fa8c
color11 #ffffa5
# blue
color4 #bd93f9
color12 #d6acff
# magenta
color5 #ff79c6
color13 #ff92df
# cyan
color6 #8be9fd
color14 #a4ffff
# white
color7 #f8f8f2
color15 #ffffff
# The basic colors
foreground #CDD6F4
background #1E1E2E
selection_foreground #1E1E2E
selection_background #F5E0DC
# Cursor colors
cursor #f8f8f2
cursor_text_color background
cursor #F5E0DC
cursor_text_color #1E1E2E
# URL underline color when hovering with mouse
url_color #F5E0DC
# Kitty window border colors
active_border_color #B4BEFE
inactive_border_color #6C7086
bell_border_color #F9E2AF
# OS Window titlebar colors
wayland_titlebar_color system
macos_titlebar_color system
# Tab bar colors
active_tab_foreground #282a36
active_tab_background #f8f8f2
inactive_tab_foreground #282a36
inactive_tab_background #6272a4
active_tab_foreground #11111B
active_tab_background #CBA6F7
inactive_tab_foreground #CDD6F4
inactive_tab_background #181825
tab_bar_background #11111B
# Marks
mark1_foreground #282a36
mark1_background #ff5555
# Colors for marks (marked text in the terminal)
mark1_foreground #1E1E2E
mark1_background #B4BEFE
mark2_foreground #1E1E2E
mark2_background #CBA6F7
mark3_foreground #1E1E2E
mark3_background #74C7EC
# The 16 terminal colors
# black
color0 #45475A
color8 #585B70
# red
color1 #F38BA8
color9 #F38BA8
# green
color2 #A6E3A1
color10 #A6E3A1
# yellow
color3 #F9E2AF
color11 #F9E2AF
# blue
color4 #89B4FA
color12 #89B4FA
# magenta
color5 #F5C2E7
color13 #F5C2E7
# cyan
color6 #94E2D5
color14 #94E2D5
# white
color7 #BAC2DE
color15 #A6ADC8

View file

@ -1,99 +1,99 @@
-- <! tmpl:setPostProcessor(opt.luaCompile) !>
local dracula = {
bg = "#282a36",
fg = "#f8f8f2",
bright_bg = "#44475a",
very_bright_bg = "#6272a4",
cyan = "#8be9fd",
green = "#50fa7b",
orange = "#ffb86c",
pink = "#ff79c6",
purple = "#bd93f9",
red = "#ff5555",
yellow = "#f1fa8c",
local catppuccin = {
bg = "#181825",
fg = "#cdd6f4",
bright_bg = "#1e1e2e",
very_bright_bg = "#313244",
cyan = "#89b4fa",
green = "#a6e3a1",
orange = "#fab387",
pink = "#f5c2e7",
purple = "#cba6f7",
red = "#f38ba8",
yellow = "#f9e2af",
local theme = {}
-- Default settings
theme.font = "12px <% opt.font %>"
theme.fg = dracula.fg
theme.bg = dracula.bg
theme.fg = catppuccin.fg
theme.bg = catppuccin.bg
-- Genaral colors
theme.success_fg = dracula.green
theme.loaded_fg = dracula.cyan
theme.success_fg = catppuccin.green
theme.loaded_fg = catppuccin.cyan
-- Error colors
theme.error_fg = dracula.red
theme.error_bg = dracula.bright_bg
theme.error_fg = catppuccin.red
theme.error_bg = catppuccin.bright_bg
-- Warning colors
theme.warning_fg = dracula.orange
theme.warning_bg = dracula.bright_bg
theme.warning_fg = catppuccin.orange
theme.warning_bg = catppuccin.bright_bg
-- Notification colors
theme.notif_fg = dracula.very_bright_bg
theme.notif_bg = dracula.bg
theme.notif_fg = catppuccin.very_bright_bg
theme.notif_bg = catppuccin.bg
-- Menu colors
theme.menu_fg = dracula.fg
theme.menu_bg = dracula.bg
theme.menu_selected_fg = dracula.fg
theme.menu_selected_bg = dracula.bright_bg
theme.menu_title_bg = dracula.bg
theme.menu_primary_title_fg = dracula.red
theme.menu_secondary_title_fg = dracula.bright_bg
theme.menu_fg = catppuccin.fg
theme.menu_bg = catppuccin.bg
theme.menu_selected_fg = catppuccin.fg
theme.menu_selected_bg = catppuccin.bright_bg
theme.menu_title_bg = catppuccin.bg
theme.menu_primary_title_fg = catppuccin.red
theme.menu_secondary_title_fg = catppuccin.bright_bg
theme.menu_disabled_fg = dracula.very_bright_bg
theme.menu_disabled_bg = dracula.purple
theme.menu_disabled_fg = catppuccin.very_bright_bg
theme.menu_disabled_bg = catppuccin.purple
theme.menu_enabled_fg = theme.menu_fg
theme.menu_enabled_bg = theme.menu_bg
theme.menu_active_fg = dracula.very_bright_bg
theme.menu_active_fg = catppuccin.very_bright_bg
theme.menu_active_bg = theme.menu_bg
-- Proxy manager
theme.proxy_active_menu_fg = dracula.fg
theme.proxy_active_menu_bg = dracula.bg
theme.proxy_inactive_menu_fg = dracula.bright_bg
theme.proxy_inactive_menu_bg = dracula.very_bright_bg
theme.proxy_active_menu_fg = catppuccin.fg
theme.proxy_active_menu_bg = catppuccin.bg
theme.proxy_inactive_menu_fg = catppuccin.bright_bg
theme.proxy_inactive_menu_bg = catppuccin.very_bright_bg
-- Statusbar specific
theme.sbar_fg = dracula.fg
theme.sbar_bg = dracula.bg
theme.sbar_fg = catppuccin.fg
theme.sbar_bg = catppuccin.bg
-- Downloadbar specific
theme.dbar_fg = dracula.fg
theme.dbar_bg = dracula.bg
theme.dbar_error_fg = dracula.red
theme.dbar_fg = catppuccin.fg
theme.dbar_bg = catppuccin.bg
theme.dbar_error_fg = catppuccin.red
-- Input bar specific
theme.ibar_fg = dracula.fg
theme.ibar_bg = dracula.bg
theme.ibar_fg = catppuccin.fg
theme.ibar_bg = catppuccin.bg
-- Tab label
theme.tab_fg = dracula.fg
theme.tab_bg = dracula.bg
theme.tab_hover_bg = dracula.orange
theme.tab_fg = catppuccin.fg
theme.tab_bg = catppuccin.bg
theme.tab_hover_bg = catppuccin.orange
theme.tab_ntheme = "#ddd"
theme.selected_fg = dracula.fg
theme.selected_bg = dracula.bright_bg
theme.selected_fg = catppuccin.fg
theme.selected_bg = catppuccin.bright_bg
theme.selected_ntheme = "#ddd"
theme.loading_fg = dracula.cyan
theme.loading_bg = dracula.bg
theme.loading_fg = catppuccin.cyan
theme.loading_bg = catppuccin.bg
theme.selected_private_tab_bg = dracula.pink
theme.private_tab_bg = dracula.purple
theme.selected_private_tab_bg = catppuccin.pink
theme.private_tab_bg = catppuccin.purple
-- Trusted/untrusted ssl colors
theme.trust_fg = dracula.green
theme.notrust_fg = dracula.red
theme.trust_fg = catppuccin.green
theme.notrust_fg = catppuccin.red
-- Follow mode hints
theme.hint_font = "12px <% opt.font %>, monospace, courier, sans-serif"
theme.hint_fg = dracula.fg
theme.hint_bg = dracula.very_bright_bg
theme.hint_border = "2px dashed " .. dracula.green
theme.hint_fg = catppuccin.fg
theme.hint_bg = catppuccin.very_bright_bg
theme.hint_border = "2px dashed " .. catppuccin.green
theme.hint_opacity = "0.3"
theme.hint_overlay_bg = "rgba(255,255,153,0.3)"
theme.hint_overlay_border = "1px dotted #000"
@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ theme.hint_overlay_selected_bg = "rgba(0,255,0,0.3)"
theme.hint_overlay_selected_border = theme.hint_overlay_border
-- General colour pairings
theme.ok = { fg = dracula.fg, bg = dracula.bg }
theme.warn = { fg = dracula.orange, bg = dracula.bg }
theme.error = { fg = dracula.red, bg = dracula.bright_bg }
theme.ok = { fg = catppuccin.fg, bg = catppuccin.bg }
theme.warn = { fg = catppuccin.orange, bg = catppuccin.bg }
theme.error = { fg = catppuccin.red, bg = catppuccin.bright_bg }
-- Gopher page style (override defaults)
theme.gopher_light = { bg = "#E8E8E8", fg = "#17181C", link = "#03678D" }

View file

@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ configuration {
icon-theme: "<% opt.icon_theme %>";
combi-modi: "drun,nheko,window,run";
@theme "dracula-sidebar.rasi"
@theme "catppuccin-sidebar.rasi"

View file

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
[dir-name resize-amt]))))
{:default_prog [:fish]
:color_scheme "Dracula (Official)"
:color_scheme "Catppuccin Mocha"
:font (wt.font "<% opt.term_font %>")
:warn_about_missing_glyphs false
:window_background_opacity 0.8

View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
gtk-icon-theme-name="<% opt.icon_theme %>"
gtk-cursor-theme-name="<% opt.cursor.theme %>"

View file

@ -1,3 +1,29 @@
local base = "#1e1e2e"
local mantle = "#181825"
local crust = "#11111b"
local text = "#cdd6f4"
local surface0 = "#313244"
local red = "#f38ba8"
local maroon = "#eba0ac"
local green = "#a6e3a1"
local teal = "#94e2d5"
local peach = "#fab387"
local yellow = "#f9e2af"
local blue = "#89b4fa"
local sapphire = "#74c7ec"
local mauve = "#cba6f7"
local pink = "#f5c2e7"
local lavender = "#b4befe"
local sky = "#89dceb"
* ROFI Color theme
* User: Qball
@ -5,41 +31,42 @@
* {
text-color: #f8f8f2;
background-color: #282a3630;
dark: #282a36;
text-color: <% text %>;
background-color: <% mantle %>30;
dark: <% crust %>;
// Black
black: #282a36;
lightblack: #44475a;
black: <% crust %>;
lightblack: <% mantle %>;
// Red
red: #ff5555;
lightred: #ff6e6e;
red: <% red %>;
lightred: <% maroon %>;
// Green
green: #50fa7b;
lightgreen: #69ff94;
green: <% green %>;
lightgreen: <% teal %>;
// Yellow
yellow: #f1fa8c;
lightyellow: #ffffa5;
yellow: <% peach %>;
lightyellow: <% yellow %>;
// Blue
blue: #bd93f9;
lightblue: #d6acff;
blue: <% blue %>;
lightblue: <% sapphire %>;
// Magenta
magenta: #ff79c6;
lightmagenta: #ff92df;
magenta: <% mauve %>;
lightmagenta: <% pink %>;
// Cyan
cyan: #8be9fd;
lightcyan: #a4ffff;
cyan: <% lavender %>;
lightcyan: <% sky %>;
// White
white: #f8f8f2;
white: <% text %>;
lightwhite: #ffffff;
// Bold, Italic, Underline
highlight: bold #ffffff;
@ -68,7 +95,7 @@ inputbar {
mainbox {
expand: true;
background-color: #1c1c1cee;
background-color: <% mantle %>ee;
spacing: 1em;
listview {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
use i3status_rs::themes::color::{Color, Rgba};
const fn c(r: u8, g: u8, b: u8) -> Color {
Color::Rgba(Rgba { r, g, b, a: 0xff })
pub const BASE: Color = c(30, 30, 46);
pub const MANTLE: Color = c(24, 24, 37);
//pub const CRUST: Color = c(17, 17, 27);
pub const SURFACE: [Color; 3] = [c(49, 50, 68), c(69, 71, 90), c(88, 91, 112)];
pub const TEXT: Color = c(205, 214, 244);
pub const RED: Color = c(243, 166, 168);
pub const PEACH: Color = c(250, 179, 172);
pub const GREEN: Color = c(166, 227, 161);
pub const BLUE: Color = c(137, 220, 235);

View file

@ -36,27 +36,25 @@ async fn main() {
mod catppuccin;
async fn try_main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
fn color(r: u8, g: u8, b: u8) -> Color {
Color::Rgba(Rgba { r, g, b, a: 0xff })
let icons = Icons(toml::from_str(include_str!("../assets/material-nf.toml"))?);
let theme = Theme {
// dracula theme
idle_bg: color(0x44, 0x47, 0x5a),
idle_fg: color(0xf8, 0xf8, 0xf2),
info_bg: color(0x44, 0x47, 0x5a),
info_fg: color(0xf8, 0xf8, 0xf2),
good_bg: color(0x50, 0xfa, 0x7b),
good_fg: color(0x62, 0x72, 0xa4),
warning_bg: color(0xff, 0xb8, 0x6c),
warning_fg: color(0xbd, 0x93, 0xf9),
critical_bg: color(0xff, 0x55, 0x55),
critical_fg: color(0xbd, 0x93, 0xf9),
// catppuccin theme
idle_bg: catppuccin::MANTLE,
idle_fg: catppuccin::TEXT,
info_bg: catppuccin::BLUE,
info_fg: catppuccin::SURFACE[0],
good_bg: catppuccin::GREEN,
good_fg: catppuccin::BASE,
warning_bg: catppuccin::PEACH,
warning_fg: catppuccin::SURFACE[2],
critical_bg: catppuccin::RED,
critical_fg: catppuccin::SURFACE[1],
separator: Separator::Custom("\u{e0b2}".to_string()),
separator_bg: Color::Auto,
separator_fg: Color::Auto,

View file

@ -69,14 +69,14 @@ pub fn populateEnvironment(env: *std.process.EnvMap) !bool {
// GUI options
try env.put("QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME", "gtk2");
try env.put("GTK_THEME", "Dracula");
try env.put("GTK_THEME", "Catppuccin-Mocha-Standard-Pink-Dark");
// icon path
icons: {
const path = "/usr/share/icons/Dracula/scalable";
const path = "/usr/share/icons/candy-icons";
var dir = std.fs.openIterableDirAbsolute(path, .{}) catch {
"Couldn't open dracula icons directory @ `{s}`, not setting ICONPATH",
"Couldn't open candy-icons directory @ `{s}`, not setting ICONPATH",
break :icons;

View file

@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ fn Renderer(comptime Writer: type) type {
try self.drawLeftSep(.Blue);
try self.setStyle(.{
.background = .Blue,
.foreground = .White,
.foreground = .Black,
.font_style = .{ .bold = true },
try self.writer.writeAll(" ");
@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ fn Renderer(comptime Writer: type) type {
defer std.heap.c_allocator.free(home);
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, cwd, home)) {
try self.setStyle(.{
.background = .{ .Yellow = {} },
.foreground = .{ .Magenta = {} },
.background = .Yellow,
.foreground = .Red,
try self.writer.writeAll(" " ++ symbols.home);
if (home.len != cwd.len) {

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export QT_QPA_PLATFORM="wayland"
export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP="river"
# theming
export GTK_THEME=Dracula
export GTK_THEME=Catppuccin-Mocha-Standard-Pink-Dark
export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true -Dswing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel -Dswing.crossplatformlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel'