; ; ; vim: filetype=fennel (local wt (require :wezterm)) (macro kmap [key mods act args] (if args `{:key ,key :mods ,mods :action ((. wt :action ,act) ,args)} `{:key ,key :mods ,mods :action (. wt :action ,act)})) (var keys [;; splitting (kmap :s :LEADER :SplitVertical {}) (kmap :v :LEADER :SplitHorizontal {}) ;; tabs (kmap :t :CTRL|SHIFT :SpawnTab :CurrentPaneDomain) (kmap :t :CTRL :ActivateTabRelative 1) ;; font size (kmap "+" :CTRL :IncreaseFontSize) (kmap "-" :CTRL :DecreaseFontSize) ;; moving panes (kmap :r :LEADER :RotatePanes :Clockwise) (kmap :m :LEADER :PaneSelect {:mode :SwapWithActive}) ;; scrolling (kmap :PageUp :ALT :ScrollByPage -1) (kmap :PageDown :ALT :ScrollByPage 1) ;; copying (kmap :C :CTRL|SHIFT :CopyTo :ClipboardAndPrimarySelection) (kmap :V :CTRL|SHIFT :PasteFrom :Clipboard) ;; copy mode (kmap :y :LEADER :ActivateCopyMode) ;; command palette (kmap :p :LEADER :ActivateCommandPalette) ;; search mode (kmap :t :LEADER :Search :CurrentSelectionOrEmptyString)]) (local directions [[:h :Left] [:j :Down] [:k :Up] [:l :Right]]) (each [_ dir (ipairs directions)] (let [(dir-key dir-name) (table.unpack dir)] ;; switching panes (table.insert keys (kmap dir-key :ALT :ActivatePaneDirection dir-name)) ;; resize double in horizontal directions so the absolute amounts are constant (local resize-amt (if (or (= dir-name :Up) (= dir-name :Down)) 2 4)) (table.insert keys (kmap dir-key :ALT|SHIFT :AdjustPaneSize [dir-name resize-amt])))) (fn on-format-tab-title [tab tabs panes config hover max_width] (let [title (if (and tab.tab_title (> (length tab.tab_title) 0)) tab.tab_title tab.active_pane.title) bg (fn [t h] (if t.is_active :#cba6f7 (if h :#45475a :#313244))) fg (fn [t] (if t.is_active :#181825 :#cdd6f4)) not-first? (~= tab.tab_index 0) last? (= tab.tab_index (- (length tabs) 1)) deco-len (+ 2 (if not-first? 1 0) (if last? 2 0)) elems []] ;; first tab (when (~= tab.tab_index 0) (table.insert elems {:Foreground {:Color (bg (. tabs tab.tab_index) false)}}) (table.insert elems {:Background {:Color (bg tab hover)}}) (table.insert elems {:Text ""})) (table.insert elems {:Background {:Color (bg tab hover)}}) (table.insert elems {:Foreground {:Color (fg tab)}}) (table.insert elems {:Text (.. " " (string.sub title 1 (math.min (- max_width deco-len) (length title))) " ")}) ;; last tab (when (= tab.tab_index (- (length tabs) 1)) (table.insert elems {:Foreground {:Color (bg tab hover)}}) (table.insert elems {:Background {:Color :#45475a}}) ;; color of new tab button (table.insert elems {:Text " "})) elems)) (wt.on :format-tab-title on-format-tab-title) (fn new-tab-button [hover] (let [bg (if hover :#89b4fa :#45475a)] (wt.format [{:Background {:Color bg}} {:Foreground {:Color :#cdd6f4}} {:Text "  "} {:Foreground {:Color bg}} {:Background {:Color :#11111b}} {:Text ""}]))) {:default_prog ["<% shell %>"] :color_scheme "Catppuccin Mocha" :font (wt.font "<% opt.term_font %>") :warn_about_missing_glyphs false :window_background_opacity 0.8 :disable_default_key_bindings true :leader {:key :a :mods :CTRL :timeout_milliseconds 2000} :adjust_window_size_when_changing_font_size false ;; this breaks on tiling WMs :cursor_blink_ease_in :Constant :cursor_blink_ease_out :Constant :check_for_updates false ;; WTF :use_fancy_tab_bar false :tab_bar_style {:new_tab (new-tab-button false) :new_tab_hover (new-tab-button true)} :tab_max_width 128 ;; BULLSHIT: WezTerm by default sets $SHELL to the login shell. ;; This is justified by the fact that some users are too incompetent to ;; relog after chaning their login shell. WezTerm is fixing a very rare (and basic) ;; user error while compromising the experience of advanced users. ;; See https://github.com/wez/wezterm/issues/4168 :set_environment_variables {:SHELL "<% shell %>"} :enable_wayland false ;; WL is completely broken : keys}