(local lspc (require :lspconfig)) (macro setup [conf args] (var args args) (when (not args) (set args {})) (when (not (. args :on_attach)) (tset args :on_attach `check-conjure)) (tset args :capabilities `caps) `((. lspc ,conf :setup) ,args)) (var caps ((. (require :cmp_nvim_lsp) :default_capabilities) (vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities))) (tset caps :textDocument :foldingRange {:dynamicRegistration false :lineFoldingOnly true}) ;; Check if the buffer is a conjure log and stop the client if it is. ;; TODO: This doesn't work on popups, seems like on_attach isn't called. (fn check-conjure [client buf] (when (vim.startswith (vim.fs.basename (vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name buf)) :conjure-) (client.stop))) (fn disable-formatter [client _] (tset client :server_capabilities :documentFormattingRangeProvider false)) (setup :clangd {:on_attach (fn [c b] (disable-formatter c b) (check-conjure c b))}) (setup :cssls) (setup :elixirls {:cmd [:elixir-ls]}) (setup :eslint) (setup :haxe_language_server) (setup :html) (setup :jsonls) (setup :lua_ls {:settings {:Lua {:runtime {:version :LuaJIT :path (do (var p (vim.split package.path ";")) (table.insert p :lua/?.lua) (table.insert p :lua/?/init.lua))} :diagnostics {:globals [:vim]} :workspace [(vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file "" true)] :telemetry {:enable false}}}}) (setup :ocamllsp) (setup :prosemd_lsp) (setup :racket_langserver) (setup :rust_analyzer {:settings {:rust-analyzer {:checkOnSave {:command :clippy}}}}) (setup :taplo) (setup :yamlls) (setup :zls)