const std = @import("std"); const c = @import("ffi.zig").c; const igu = @import("ig_util.zig"); const launch = @import("launch.zig"); const State = @import("State.zig"); const StartType = union(enum) { none, channel_bar, channels_idx: usize, }; pub fn winContent(state: *State) !void { state.mutex.lock(); defer state.mutex.unlock(); var start: StartType = .none; if (c.igBeginTable( "##text_inputs", 2, 0, .{ .x = 0.0, .y = 0.0 }, 0.0, )) { defer c.igEndTable(); c.igTableSetupColumn("##label", c.ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthFixed, 85.0, 0); c.igTableSetupColumn("##input", 0, 0.0, 0); _ = c.igTableNextRow(0, 0.0); // Quality input _ = c.igTableSetColumnIndex(0); igu.sliceText("Quality"); _ = c.igTableSetColumnIndex(1); if (c.igInputText( "##quality_input", &state.quality_buf, state.quality_buf.len, c.ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue, null, null, )) { start = .channel_bar; } var quality_popup_pos: c.ImVec2 = undefined; c.igGetItemRectMin(&quality_popup_pos); var quality_popup_size: c.ImVec2 = undefined; c.igGetItemRectSize(&quality_popup_size); c.igSameLine(0.0, 0.0); if (c.igArrowButton("##open_quality_popup", c.ImGuiDir_Down)) { c.igOpenPopup_Str("quality_popup", 0); } // open popup on arrow button click c.igOpenPopupOnItemClick("quality_popup", 0); var btn_size: c.ImVec2 = undefined; c.igGetItemRectSize(&btn_size); const preset_qualities = [_][:0]const u8{ "best", "1080p60", "720p60", "480p", "360p", "worst", "audio_only", }; quality_popup_pos.y += quality_popup_size.y; quality_popup_size.x += btn_size.x; quality_popup_size.y += 5 + (quality_popup_size.y * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(preset_qualities.len))); c.igSetNextWindowPos(quality_popup_pos, c.ImGuiCond_Always, .{ .x = 0.0, .y = 0.0 }); c.igSetNextWindowSize(quality_popup_size, c.ImGuiCond_Always); if (c.igBeginPopup("quality_popup", c.ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove)) { defer c.igEndPopup(); for (preset_qualities) |quality| { if (c.igSelectable_Bool(quality.ptr, false, 0, .{ .x = 0.0, .y = 0.0 })) { @memcpy(state.quality_buf[0..quality.len], quality); state.quality_buf[quality.len] = 0; } } } _ = c.igTableNextRow(0, 0.0); _ = c.igTableSetColumnIndex(0); igu.sliceText("Play Channel"); _ = c.igTableSetColumnIndex(1); if (c.igInputText( "##play_channel_input", &state.channel_name_buf, state.channel_name_buf.len, c.ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue, null, null, )) { start = .channel_bar; } c.igSameLine(0.0, 0.0); if (c.igButton("Play!", .{ .x = 0.0, .y = 0.0 })) { start = .channel_bar; } } if (state.channels != null) { c.igBeginDisabled(state.live_status_loading); defer c.igEndDisabled(); if (c.igButton("Refresh Status", .{ .x = 0.0, .y = 0.0 })) { (try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, @import("live.zig").reloadLiveThread, .{state})) .detach(); } c.igSameLine(0, 5.0); } // Chatty checkbox _ = c.igCheckbox("Start Chatty", &state.chatty); if (state.channels != null and c.igBeginChild_Str( "Quick Pick", .{ .x = 0.0, .y = 0.0 }, true, 0, )) { _ = c.igBeginTable( "##qp_table", 3, c.ImGuiTableFlags_Resizable, .{ .x = 0.0, .y = 0.0 }, 0.0, ); defer c.igEndTable(); c.igTableSetupColumn("Channel", 0, 0.0, 0); c.igTableSetupColumn("Comment", 0, 0.0, 0); c.igTableSetupColumn("Live?", c.ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthFixed, 80.0, 0); c.igTableHeadersRow(); _ = c.igTableSetColumnIndex(0); c.igTableHeader("Channel"); _ = c.igTableSetColumnIndex(1); c.igTableHeader("Comment"); _ = c.igTableSetColumnIndex(2); c.igTableHeader("Live?"); for (state.channels.?, 0..) |entry, i| { c.igPushID_Int(@intCast(i)); defer c.igPopID(); _ = c.igTableNextRow(0, 0.0); _ = c.igTableSetColumnIndex(0); switch (entry) { .channel => |ch| { var ch_buf: [256]u8 = undefined; const formatted = try std.fmt.bufPrintZ( &ch_buf, "{s}", .{}, ); if (c.igSelectable_Bool( formatted.ptr, false, c.ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns, .{ .x = 0.0, .y = 0.0 }, )) { start = .{ .channels_idx = i }; } _ = c.igTableSetColumnIndex(1); if (ch.comment) |comment| { igu.sliceText(comment); } _ = c.igTableSetColumnIndex(2); const live_color = switch ( { .loading => c.ImVec4{ .x = 1.0, .y = 1.0, .z = 0.0, .w = 1.0 }, .live => c.ImVec4{ .x = 0.0, .y = 1.0, .z = 0.0, .w = 1.0 }, .offline => c.ImVec4{ .x = 1.0, .y = 0.0, .z = 0.0, .w = 1.0 }, .err => c.ImVec4{ .x = 0.8, .y = 0.0, .z = 0.0, .w = 1.0 }, }; const live_label = switch ( { .loading => "Loading...", .live => "Live", .offline => "Offline", .err => "Error", }; const prev_col = c.igGetStyle().*.Colors[c.ImGuiCol_Text]; c.igGetStyle().*.Colors[c.ImGuiCol_Text] = live_color; igu.sliceText(live_label); c.igGetStyle().*.Colors[c.ImGuiCol_Text] = prev_col; }, .separator => |heading| { if (heading) |h| { const spacer_size = c.ImVec2{ .x = 0.0, .y = 2.0 }; c.igDummy(spacer_size); const prev_col = c.igGetStyle().*.Colors[c.ImGuiCol_Text]; c.igGetStyle().*.Colors[c.ImGuiCol_Text] = c.ImVec4{ .x = 0.7, .y = 0.2, .z = 0.9, .w = 1.0, }; igu.sliceText(h); c.igGetStyle().*.Colors[c.ImGuiCol_Text] = prev_col; // TODO: is this the best way to do the alignment? c.igSeparator(); _ = c.igTableSetColumnIndex(1); c.igDummy(spacer_size); c.igDummy(c.ImVec2{ .x = 0.0, .y = c.igGetTextLineHeight() }); c.igSeparator(); _ = c.igTableSetColumnIndex(2); c.igDummy(spacer_size); c.igDummy(c.ImVec2{ .x = 0.0, .y = c.igGetTextLineHeight() }); c.igSeparator(); } else { c.igSeparator(); _ = c.igTableSetColumnIndex(1); c.igSeparator(); _ = c.igTableSetColumnIndex(2); c.igSeparator(); } }, } } } if (state.channels != null) c.igEndChild(); // END THE CHILD MWAAHAHA if (state.streamlink_out) |out| { c.igSetNextWindowSize(.{ .x = 400.0, .y = 150.0 }, c.ImGuiCond_Appearing); var open = true; if (c.igBeginPopupModal( "Streamlink Crashed!", &open, c.ImGuiWindowFlags_Modal, )) { defer c.igEndPopup(); if (c.igBeginChild_Str( "##output", .{ .x = 0.0, .y = 0.0 }, true, c.ImGuiWindowFlags_HorizontalScrollbar, )) igu.sliceText(out); c.igEndChild(); } else { c.igOpenPopup_Str("Streamlink Crashed!", 0); } if (!open) { state.freeStreamlinkMemfd(); } } if (start == .channel_bar and state.channel_name_buf[0] == 0) { std.log.warn("Tried to start an empty stream!", .{}); start = .none; } switch (start) { .none => {}, .channel_bar => { c.glfwHideWindow(; try launch.launchChildren( state, std.mem.sliceTo(&state.channel_name_buf, 0), ); }, .channels_idx => |idx| { c.glfwHideWindow(; try launch.launchChildren(state, state.channels.?[idx]; }, } }