const std = @import("std"); const State = @import("State.zig"); const c = @import("ffi.zig").c; const log = std.log.scoped(.live); pub fn reloadLiveThread(s: *State) !void { { s.mutex.lock(); defer s.mutex.unlock(); for (s.channels.?) |*chan| { switch (chan.*) { .channel => |*ch| = .loading, else => {}, } } } tryFetchChannelsLive(s); } pub fn tryFetchChannelsLive(s: *State) void { fetchChannelsLive(s) catch |e| { log.err("fetching status: {}", .{e}); s.mutex.lock(); defer s.mutex.unlock(); for (s.channels.?) |*chan| { switch (chan.*) { .channel => |*ch| = .err, else => {}, } } }; } fn fetchChannelsLive(s: *State) !void { @atomicStore(bool, &s.live_status_loading, true, .unordered); defer @atomicStore(bool, &s.live_status_loading, false, .unordered);"initiaizing cURL", .{}); const curl = c.curl_easy_init(); if (curl == null) return error.CurlInitError; defer c.curl_easy_cleanup(curl); try handleCurlErr(c.curl_easy_setopt( curl, c.CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, &curlWriteCb, )); try handleCurlErr(c.curl_easy_setopt(curl, c.CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, @as(c_long, 1))); try handleCurlErr(c.curl_easy_setopt(curl, c.CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, @as(c_long, 1))); // the twitch info grabbinator works by downloading the web page // and checking if it contains a string. this is the bufffer for the page. // // Fuck you, twitch! amazing API design! var page_buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(std.heap.c_allocator); defer page_buf.deinit(); try handleCurlErr(c.curl_easy_setopt(curl, c.CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &page_buf)); // we shouldn't need to aquire the mutex here, this data isnt being read and we're // only doing atomic writes. var fmt_buf: [512]u8 = undefined; for (s.channels.?) |*entry| { const chan = if (entry.* == .channel) & else continue;"requesting live state for channel {s}", .{}); const url = try std.fmt.bufPrintZ( &fmt_buf, "{s}", .{}, ); try handleCurlErr(c.curl_easy_setopt(curl, c.CURLOPT_URL, url.ptr)); var tries: u8 = 3; while (tries > 0) : (tries -= 1) { page_buf.clearRetainingCapacity(); try handleCurlErr(c.curl_easy_perform(curl)); var response: c_long = 0; try handleCurlErr(c.curl_easy_getinfo(curl, c.CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &response)); if (response != 200) { log.warn( "got error response {}, retrying ({} tries left)", .{ response, tries }, ); continue; } break; } if (tries == 0) { @atomicStore(State.Live, &, .err, .unordered); } if (std.mem.containsAtLeast(u8, page_buf.items, 1, "live_user")) { @atomicStore(State.Live, &, .live, .unordered); } else { @atomicStore(State.Live, &, .offline, .unordered); } } } fn curlWriteCb( data: [*]const u8, size: usize, nmemb: usize, out: *std.ArrayList(u8), ) callconv(.C) usize { const realsize = size * nmemb; out.writer().writeAll(data[0..realsize]) catch return 0; return realsize; } fn handleCurlErr(code: c.CURLcode) !void { if (code != c.CURLE_OK) { log.err("Curl error: {s}", .{c.curl_easy_strerror(code)}); return error.CurlError; } }