const std = @import("std"); const nvim = @import("nvim"); const znvim = @import("znvim"); const ffi = @import("ffi.zig"); const ser = @import("ser.zig"); const c = ffi.c; pub const version = "1.2.0"; const modules = struct { const cmp = @import("modules/cmp.zig"); const compile = @import("modules/compile.zig"); const cpbuf = @import("modules/cpbuf.zig"); const fennel = @import("modules/fennel.zig"); const jdtls = @import("modules/jdtls.zig"); const tsn_actions = @import("modules/tsn_actions.zig"); const utils = @import("modules/utils.zig"); }; pub const std_options = struct { pub fn logFn( comptime level: std.log.Level, comptime scope: @TypeOf(.EnumLiteral), comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype, ) void { var msg_buf: [512]u8 = undefined; const msg = std.fmt.bufPrintZ(&msg_buf, format, args) catch return; var title_buf: [512]u8 = undefined; const title = std.fmt.bufPrintZ( &title_buf, "MZTE-NV ({s})", .{@tagName(scope)}, ) catch return; const lvl = switch (level) { .debug => nvim.LOGLVL_DBG, .info => nvim.LOGLVL_INF, .warn => nvim.LOGLVL_WRN, .err => nvim.LOGLVL_ERR, }; var dict = znvim.Dictionary{ .alloc = std.heap.c_allocator }; defer dict.deinit(); dict.push(@constCast("title"), znvim.nvimObject(@as([]u8, title))) catch return; // noice notficitaions recognize this and show in the mini view instead of notifs dict.push(@constCast("mzte_nv_mini"), comptime znvim.nvimObject(true)) catch return; var e = znvim.Error{}; _ = nvim.nvim_notify( znvim.nvimString(msg), lvl, dict.dict, &e.err, ); } pub const log_level = .debug; }; export fn luaopen_mzte_nv(l_: ?*c.lua_State) c_int { const l = l_.?; ser.luaPushAny(l, .{ .onInit = ffi.luaFunc(lOnInit), .cmp = modules.cmp, .compile = modules.compile, .cpbuf = modules.cpbuf, .fennel = modules.fennel, .jdtls = modules.jdtls, .tsn_actions = modules.tsn_actions, .utils = modules.utils, }); return 1; } fn lOnInit(l: *c.lua_State) !c_int { _ = l; try @import("options.zig").initOptions(); "MZTE-NV v{s} Initialized on NVIM v{s}", .{ version, nvim.longVersion }, ); return 0; }