local map = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap -- Getting stuck in ~~vim~~ terminal map("t", "", "", {}) map("n", "fzf", ":FZF", { silent = true }) -- Quick cursor movement map("n", "", "5j", { noremap = true }) map("n", "", "5k", { noremap = true }) -- Quick pasting/yoinking to system register map("n", "+y", "\"+y", { noremap = true }) map("n", "+p", "\"+p", { noremap = true }) map("n", "+d", "\"+d", { noremap = true }) map("n", "*y", "\"*y", { noremap = true }) map("n", "*p", "\"*p", { noremap = true }) map("n", "*d", "\"*d", { noremap = true }) -- symbol renaming map("n", "cn", "(coc-rename)", { silent = true }) -- apply AutoFix to problem on current line map("n", "cf", "(coc-fix-current)", { silent = true }) -- open action dialog map("n", "ca", ":CocAction", { silent = true }) -- GoTo code navigation. map("n", "gd", "(coc-definition)", { silent = true }) map("n", "gy", "(coc-type-definition)", { silent = true }) map("n", "gi", "(coc-implementation)", { silent = true }) map("n", "gr", "(coc-references)", { silent = true }) -- Use K to show documentation in preview window. map("n", "K", ":call CocActionAsync(\'doHover\')", { silent = true }) -- use space o to show symbols map("n", "o", ":CocList -I symbols", { silent = true }) -- format code map("n", "cr", ":call CocActionAsync(\'format\')", { silent = true }) -- Use to trigger completion. map("i", "", "coc#refresh()", { silent = true, expr = true }) -- Use cd to jump to next diagnostic map("n", "cd", "(coc-diagnostic-next)", { silent = true })