const std = @import("std"); const c = @import("ffi.zig").c; const State = @import("State.zig"); const log = std.log.scoped(.launch); pub fn launchChildren(state: *State, channel: []const u8) !void { "starting for channel {s} with quality {s} (chatty: {})", .{ channel, std.mem.sliceTo(&state.quality_buf, 0), state.chatty }, ); // just to be safe... state.freeStreamlinkMemfd(); if (state.chatty and !state.chatty_alive) { var chatty_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.c_allocator); const channel_d = try std.ascii.allocLowerString(chatty_arena.allocator(), channel); const chatty_argv = try chatty_arena.allocator().dupe( []const u8, &.{ "chatty", "-connect", "-channel", channel_d }, ); const chatty_child = std.ChildProcess.init(chatty_argv, std.heap.c_allocator); const chatty_thread = try std.Thread.spawn( .{}, chattyThread, .{ state, chatty_child, chatty_arena }, ); chatty_thread.detach(); } const channel_d = try std.heap.c_allocator.dupe(u8, channel); const streamlink_thread = try std.Thread.spawn( .{}, streamlinkThread, .{ state, channel_d }, ); streamlink_thread.detach(); } fn streamlinkThread(state: *State, channel: []const u8) !void { defer; errdefer { state.mutex.lock(); defer state.mutex.unlock(); c.glfwShowWindow(; } const memfd = try std.os.memfd_create("streamlink_out", 0); errdefer std.os.close(memfd); const memfile = std.fs.File{ .handle = memfd }; var arg_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.c_allocator); defer arg_arena.deinit(); const pid = spawn: { state.mutex.lock(); defer state.mutex.unlock(); var ch_buf: [128]u8 = undefined; const lower_channel = std.ascii.lowerString(&ch_buf, channel); const url = try std.fmt.allocPrintZ(arg_arena.allocator(), "{s}", .{lower_channel}); const quality = try arg_arena.allocator().dupeZ(u8, std.mem.sliceTo(&state.quality_buf, 0)); const streamlink_argv = try arg_arena.allocator().allocSentinel( ?[*:0]const u8, 3, null, ); streamlink_argv[0] = "streamlink"; streamlink_argv[1] = url; streamlink_argv[2] = quality; // Doing it the C way because zig's ChildProcess ain't got this const pid = try std.os.fork(); if (pid == 0) { try std.os.dup2(memfd, 1); try std.os.dup2(memfd, 2); return std.os.execvpeZ(streamlink_argv[0].?, streamlink_argv, std.c.environ); } break :spawn pid; }; var success = std.os.waitpid(pid, 0).status == 0; var size = (try memfile.stat()).size; if (size == 0) { try memfile.writeAll(""); size = (try memfile.stat()).size; } const mem = try std.os.mmap( null, size, std.os.PROT.READ, .{ .TYPE = .PRIVATE }, memfd, 0, ); // If the stream ends, this silly program still exits with a non-zero status. success = success or std.mem.containsAtLeast(u8, mem, 1, "Stream ended"); state.mutex.lock(); defer state.mutex.unlock(); if (success) { std.os.munmap(mem);"streamlink exited successfully, closing.", .{}); c.glfwSetWindowShouldClose(, 1); } else { state.streamlink_memfd = memfile; state.streamlink_out = mem; c.glfwShowWindow(; } } fn chattyThread(state: *State, child: std.ChildProcess, arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator) !void { // no need to get the mutex here, chatty_alive is atomic @atomicStore(bool, &state.chatty_alive, true, .unordered); defer @atomicStore(bool, &state.chatty_alive, false, .unordered); var ch = child; defer arena.deinit(); _ = ch.spawnAndWait() catch |e| { std.log.err("Spawning Chatty: {!}", .{e}); }; }