//! Module for telescope.nvim. const std = @import("std"); const ser = @import("../ser.zig"); const ffi = @import("../ffi.zig"); const c = ffi.c; pub fn luaPush(l: *c.lua_State) void { ser.luaPushAny(l, .{ .makePathTransformer = ffi.luaFunc(lMakePathTransformer), }); } fn lMakePathTransformer(l: *c.lua_State) !c_int { c.luaL_checktype(l, 1, c.LUA_TFUNCTION); c.lua_pushvalue(l, 1); c.lua_pushcclosure(l, ffi.luaFunc(lPathTransformerClosure), 1); return 1; } fn lPathTransformerClosure(l: *c.lua_State) !c_int { c.luaL_checkany(l, 1); const path = ffi.luaCheckstring(l, 2); // push the delegate function c.lua_pushvalue(l, c.lua_upvalueindex(1)); // push the opts parameter c.lua_pushvalue(l, 1); const prefix = "jdt://contents/"; if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, path, prefix)) { var buf: [1024 * 4]u8 = undefined; var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(&buf); if (transformJdtlsURI(path, fbs.writer())) { ffi.luaPushString(l, fbs.getWritten()); } else |e| { std.log.err("transforming JDTLS URI: {}", .{e}); ffi.luaPushString(l, path); } } else { ffi.luaPushString(l, path); } c.lua_call(l, 2, 1); return 1; } fn transformJdtlsURI(uri_str: []const u8, writer: anytype) !void { // We do a full-on URI parse here because JDTLS often appends parameters and other garbage data. const uri = try std.Uri.parse(uri_str); var fname_iter = std.fs.path.ComponentIterator(.posix, u8).init(uri.path) catch unreachable; // this can only error on windows lol _ = fname_iter.next() orelse return error.InvalidPath; // name of the JAR const package = (fname_iter.next() orelse return error.InvalidPath).name; const classfile = (fname_iter.next() orelse return error.InvalidPath).name; if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, classfile, ".class")) { try writer.writeAll(classfile[0 .. classfile.len - ".class".len]); } else { try writer.writeAll(classfile); } try writer.print(" ({s})", .{package}); }