(local mztenv (require :mzte_nv)) (tset mztenv.reg :plugin_load_callbacks []) (let [path mztenv.reg.nvim_plugins] (when path (vim.opt.runtimepath:prepend (.. path "/*")) (vim.opt.runtimepath:append (.. path "/*/after")))) ;; Plugins to load before nvim finishes startup (local startup-plugins []) ;; Plugins to load in the background (local deferred-plugins [:lspconf :cmp :luasnip :nullls :catppuccin :lspprogress :line :treesitter :nvimtree :devicons :neogit :telescope :autopairs :tterm :ts-context :ufo :aerial :dap :harpoon :recorder :tsn-actions :lightbulb :dressing :gitsigns]) (local errors {}) (fn load-plugin [plugin] (let [(success ret) (pcall require (.. :pluginconf/p- plugin))] (when (not success) (tset errors p ret)))) (each [_ p (ipairs startup-plugins)] (load-plugin p)) (fn load-one-deferred [idx] (let [plugin (. deferred-plugins idx)] (if plugin (do (load-plugin plugin) (vim.schedule #(load-one-deferred (+ idx 1)))) (do (when (next errors) (vim.notify (accumulate [text "Errors loading plugin configs:\n" plugin err (pairs errors)] (.. text " - " plugin ": " err)) vim.log.levels.error)) (each [_ cb (ipairs mztenv.reg.plugin_load_callbacks)] (pcall cb)))))) (vim.schedule #(load-one-deferred 1))