const std = @import("std"); const opts = @import("opts"); const log = std.log.scoped(.mzteriver); const Connection = @import("Connection.zig"); pub fn init(alloc: std.mem.Allocator) !void { const con = try Connection.init(); defer con.deinit(); // Normal-Mode keyboard mappings inline for (.{ // "run command" maps .{ "Super", "Return", "spawn", opts.term_command }, .{ "Super+Control", "E", "spawn", opts.file_manager_command }, .{ "Super+Control", "B", "spawn", opts.browser_command }, .{ "Super+Control", "V", "spawn", "vinput md" }, .{ "Super+Control", "L", "spawn", "swaylock --color 660000" }, .{ "Super+Shift", "P", "spawn", "gpower2" }, .{ "Alt", "Space", "spawn", "rofi -show combi" }, .{ "Super+Alt", "Space", "spawn", "rofi -show emoji" }, .{ "None", "Print", "spawn", "grim -g \"$(slurp; sleep 1)\" ~/Downloads/screenshot.png" }, .{ "Shift", "Print", "spawn", "grim -g \"$(slurp; sleep 1)\" - | feh -" }, // media keys .{ "None", "XF86Eject", "spawn", "eject -T" }, .{ "None", "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", "spawn", "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5%" }, .{ "None", "XF86AudioLowerVolume", "spawn", "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5%" }, .{ "None", "XF86AudioMute", "spawn", "pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle" }, .{ "None", "XF86AudioMicMute", "spawn", "pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle" }, .{ "None", "XF86AudioMedia", "spawn", "playerctl play-pause" }, .{ "None", "XF86AudioPlay", "spawn", "playerctl play-pause" }, .{ "None", "XF86AudioPrev", "spawn", "playerctl previous" }, .{ "None", "XF86AudioNext", "spawn", "playerctl next" }, // control maps .{ "Super+Shift", "E", "exit" }, .{ "Super", "Space", "toggle-float" }, .{ "Super", "F", "toggle-fullscreen" }, .{ "Super+Shift", "Q", "close" }, // screenshot // "irregular" focus & move maps // (that is, they don't exist for all 4 directions) .{ "Super", "J", "focus-view", "next" }, .{ "Super", "K", "focus-view", "previous" }, .{ "Super+Shift", "J", "swap", "next" }, .{ "Super+Shift", "K", "swap", "previous" }, .{ "Super", "Period", "focus-output", "next" }, .{ "Super", "Comma", "focus-output", "previous" }, .{ "Super+Shift", "Period", "send-to-output", "next" }, .{ "Super+Shift", "Comma", "send-to-output", "previous" }, .{ "Super+Shift", "Return", "zoom" }, .{ "Super", "H", "send-layout-cmd", "rivertile", "main-ratio -0.05" }, .{ "Super", "L", "send-layout-cmd", "rivertile", "main-ratio +0.05" }, .{ "Super+Shift", "H", "send-layout-cmd", "rivertile", "main-count -1" }, .{ "Super+Shift", "L", "send-layout-cmd", "rivertile", "main-count +1" }, }) |map_cmd| { try con.runCommand(&(.{ "map", "normal" } ++ map_cmd)); } inline for (.{ .{ .H, "left" }, .{ .J, "down" }, .{ .K, "up" }, .{ .L, "right" }, }) |kd| { const key = kd.@"0"; const dir = kd.@"1"; // moving floating views try con.runCommand(&.{ "map", "normal", "Super+Alt", @tagName(key), "move", dir, "100" }); // snapping floating views try con.runCommand(&.{ "map", "normal", "Super+Alt+Control", @tagName(key), "snap", dir }); // resizing floating views try con.runCommand(&.{ "map", "normal", "Super+Alt+Shift", @tagName(key), switch (key) { .H, .L => "horizontal", .J, .K => "vertical", else => unreachable, }, switch (key) { .J, .L => "100", .H, .K => "-100", else => unreachable, } }); } // change layout orientation with arrow keys inline for (.{ .{ "Up", "top" }, .{ "Right", "right" }, .{ "Down", "bottom" }, .{ "Left", "left" }, }) |kv| { try con.runCommand(&.{ "map", "normal", "Super", kv.@"0", "send-layout-cmd", "rivertile", std.fmt.comptimePrint("main-location {s}", .{kv.@"1"}), }); } // moving & resizing with the mouse try con.runCommand(&.{ "map-pointer", "normal", "Super", "BTN_LEFT", "move-view" }); try con.runCommand(&.{ "map-pointer", "normal", "Super", "BTN_RIGHT", "resize-view" }); // tag config for (0..9) |i| { var key_buf: [16]u8 = undefined; var tags_buf: [16]u8 = undefined; const key = try std.fmt.bufPrintZ(&key_buf, "{}", .{i + 1}); const tags = try std.fmt.bufPrintZ(&tags_buf, "{}", .{@as(u32, 1) << @intCast(i)}); try con.runCommand(&.{ "map", "normal", "Super", key, "set-focused-tags", tags }); try con.runCommand(&.{ "map", "normal", "Super+Shift", key, "set-view-tags", tags }); try con.runCommand(&.{ "map", "normal", "Super+Control", key, "toggle-focused-tags", tags }); try con.runCommand(&.{ "map", "normal", "Super+Shift+Control", key, "toggle-view-tags", tags }); } // "0" acts as "all tags" const all_tags_s = std.fmt.comptimePrint("{}", .{std.math.maxInt(u32)}); try con.runCommand(&.{ "map", "normal", "Super", "0", "set-focused-tags", all_tags_s }); try con.runCommand(&.{ "map", "normal", "Super+Shift", "0", "set-view-tags", all_tags_s }); // passthrough mode const passthr_mode = "passthrough"; try con.runCommand(&.{ "declare-mode", passthr_mode }); try con.runCommand(&.{ "map", "normal", "Super", "F12", "enter-mode", passthr_mode }); try con.runCommand(&.{ "map", passthr_mode, "Super", "F12", "enter-mode", "normal" }); try con.runCommand(&.{ "set-repeat", "50", "300" }); try con.runCommand(&.{ "border-color-focused", "0x880000" }); try con.runCommand(&.{ "border-color-unfocused", "0x660000" }); try con.runCommand(&.{ "hide-cursor", "when-typing", "enabled" }); try con.runCommand(&.{ "xcursor-theme", opts.cursor_theme, std.fmt.comptimePrint("{}", .{opts.cursor_size}), }); try con.runCommand(&.{ "rule-add", "-app-id", "vinput-editor", "float" }); // disable client-side decoration (completely stupid concept) try con.runCommand(&.{ "rule-add", "-app-id", "*", "ssd" }); try con.runCommand(&.{ "default-layout", "rivertile" }); const home = std.os.getenv("HOME") orelse return error.HomeNotSet; const init_path = try std.fs.path.join( alloc, &.{ home, ".config", "mzte_localconf", "river_init" }, ); defer; var init_child = std.process.Child.init(&.{init_path}, alloc); const term = init_child.spawnAndWait() catch |e| switch (e) { error.FileNotFound => b: {"no river_init", .{}); break :b std.process.Child.Term{ .Exited = 0 }; }, else => return e, }; if (!std.meta.eql(term, .{ .Exited = 0 })) { log.err("river_init borked: {}", .{term}); return error.InitBorked; }"configuration finished, spawning processes", .{}); // tell confgenfs we're now using river confgenfs: { const cgfs_eval_path = try std.fs.path.join( alloc, &.{ home, "confgenfs", "_cgfs", "eval" }, ); defer; const evalf = std.fs.cwd().openFile(cgfs_eval_path, .{ .mode = .write_only }) catch { std.log.warn("unable to open confgenfs eval file", .{}); break :confgenfs; }; defer evalf.close(); try evalf.writeAll( \\cg.opt.setCurrentWaylandCompositor "river" ); } var child_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(alloc); defer child_arena.deinit(); // spawn background processes inline for (.{ .{"wlbg"}, .{"waybar"}, .{ "dbus-update-activation-environment", "DISPLAY", "XAUTHORITY", "WAYLAND_DISPLAY", "XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" }, .{ "systemctl", "--user", "import-environment", "DISPLAY", "XAUTHORITY", "WAYLAND_DISPLAY", "XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" }, .{ "rivertile", "-view-padding", "6", "-outer-padding", "6" }, }) |argv| { // TODO: wonk // We use an arena here to prevent leaks because process.Child apparently doesn't support // detaching. var child = std.process.Child.init(&argv, child_arena.allocator()); try child.spawn(); } }