const std = @import("std"); const xev = @import("xev"); const wayland = @import("wayland"); const c = @import("ffi.zig").c; const options = @import("options.zig"); const DrawTimerHandler = @import("DrawTimerHandler.zig"); const Gfx = @import("Gfx.zig"); const Globals = @import("Globals.zig"); const OutputInfo = @import("OutputInfo.zig"); const OutputWindow = @import("OutputWindow.zig"); const PointerState = @import("PointerState.zig"); const wl = wayland.client.wl; const zwlr = wayland.client.zwlr; const zxdg = wayland.client.zxdg; pub const std_options = struct { pub const log_level = .debug; }; pub fn main() !void {"initializing event loop", .{}); var loop = try xev.Loop.init(.{}); defer loop.deinit();"connecting to wayland display", .{}); const dpy = try wl.Display.connect(null); defer dpy.disconnect(); const globs = try Globals.collect(dpy); defer globs.outputs.deinit(); const output_info = try std.heap.c_allocator.alloc(OutputInfo, globs.outputs.items.len); defer; @memset(output_info, .{}); for (globs.outputs.items, 0..) |output, i| { const xdg_output = try globs.xdg_output_manager.getXdgOutput(output); xdg_output.setListener(*OutputInfo, xdgOutputListener, &output_info[i]); } if (dpy.roundtrip() != .SUCCESS) return error.RoundtipFail; if (c.eglBindAPI(c.EGL_OPENGL_API) == 0) return error.EGLError; const egl_dpy = c.eglGetDisplay(@ptrCast(dpy)) orelse return error.EGLError; if (c.eglInitialize(egl_dpy, null, null) != c.EGL_TRUE) return error.EGLError; defer _ = c.eglTerminate(egl_dpy); const config = egl_conf: { var config: c.EGLConfig = undefined; var n_config: i32 = 0; if (c.eglChooseConfig( egl_dpy, &[_]i32{ c.EGL_SURFACE_TYPE, c.EGL_WINDOW_BIT, c.EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE, c.EGL_OPENGL_BIT, c.EGL_RED_SIZE, 8, c.EGL_GREEN_SIZE, 8, c.EGL_BLUE_SIZE, 8, c.EGL_NONE, }, &config, 1, &n_config, ) != c.EGL_TRUE) return error.EGLError; break :egl_conf config; };"creating EGL context", .{}); const egl_ctx = c.eglCreateContext( egl_dpy, config, c.EGL_NO_CONTEXT, &[_]i32{ c.EGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4, c.EGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, 3, c.EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_DEBUG, c.EGL_TRUE, c.EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_PROFILE_MASK, c.EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE_BIT, c.EGL_NONE, }, ) orelse return error.EGLError; defer _ = c.eglDestroyContext(egl_dpy, egl_ctx); const output_windows = try std.heap.c_allocator.alloc(OutputWindow, globs.outputs.items.len); defer; for (output_windows, 0..) |*output_window, i| {"creating EGL surface #{}", .{i}); const surface = try globs.compositor.createSurface(); const lsurf = try globs.layer_shell.getLayerSurface( surface, globs.outputs.items[i], .background, "wlbg", ); var winsize: ?[2]c_int = null; lsurf.setListener(*?[2]c_int, layerSurfaceListener, &winsize); lsurf.setAnchor(.{ .top = true, .right = true, .bottom = true, .left = true, }); lsurf.setExclusiveZone(-1); surface.commit(); if (dpy.dispatch() != .SUCCESS) return error.DispatchFail; const egl_win = win: {"creating EGL window #{}", .{i}); const size = winsize orelse return error.DidNotGetWindowSize; break :win try wl.EglWindow.create(surface, size[0], size[1]); }; errdefer egl_win.destroy(); const egl_surface = c.eglCreateWindowSurface( egl_dpy, config, @ptrCast(egl_win), null, ) orelse return error.EGLError; errdefer _ = c.eglDestroySurface(egl_dpy, egl_surface); output_window.* = .{ .egl_win = egl_win, .egl_surface = egl_surface, .surface = surface, }; } defer for (output_windows) |output| output.deinit(egl_ctx); var r_timer_completion: xev.Completion = undefined; var r_timer = try xev.Timer.init(); defer r_timer.deinit(); var dth = DrawTimerHandler{ .should_redraw = try std.heap.c_allocator.alloc(bool, output_info.len), .completion = &r_timer_completion, .loop = &loop, }; defer; @memset(dth.should_redraw, true); var pointer_state = PointerState{ .active_surface_idx = null, .surface_positions = try std.heap.c_allocator.alloc([2]c_int, output_info.len), }; defer; @memset(pointer_state.surface_positions, .{ 0, 0 }); var pointer_listener_data = PointerListenerData{ .pstate = &pointer_state, .outputs = output_windows, .dth = &dth, }; const pointer = try; defer pointer.destroy(); pointer.setListener(*PointerListenerData, pointerListener, &pointer_listener_data); const base_offset: [2]i32 = off: { if (comptime options.multihead_mode == .individual) break :off .{ 0, 0 }; var total_width: i32 = 0; var total_height: i32 = 0; for (output_info) |inf| { const xmax = inf.x; const ymax = inf.y; if (xmax > total_width) total_width = xmax; if (ymax > total_height) total_height = ymax; } break :off .{ @divTrunc(total_width, 2), @divTrunc(total_height, 2), }; }; if (c.eglMakeCurrent( egl_dpy, output_windows[0].egl_surface, output_windows[0].egl_surface, egl_ctx, ) != c.EGL_TRUE) return error.EGLError; c.glDebugMessageCallback(&glDebugCb, null); c.glEnable(c.GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT);"initialized OpenGL {s}", .{c.glGetString(c.GL_VERSION)}); var gfx = try Gfx.init(dpy, egl_dpy, output_info); defer gfx.deinit(); var rdata = RenderData{ .gfx = &gfx, .egl_dpy = egl_dpy, .egl_ctx = egl_ctx, .outputs = output_windows, .output_info = output_info, .last_time =, .base_offset = base_offset, .pointer_state = &pointer_state, .dth = &dth, }; var rbg_timer_completion: xev.Completion = undefined; var rbg_timer = try xev.Timer.init(); defer rbg_timer.deinit(); &loop, &rbg_timer_completion, 0, RenderData, &rdata, renderBackgroundCb, ); &loop, &r_timer_completion, 0, RenderData, &rdata, renderCb, ); var wl_poll_completion = xev.Completion{ .op = .{ .poll = .{ .fd = dpy.getFd() } }, .userdata = dpy, .callback = wlPollCb, }; loop.add(&wl_poll_completion); if (dpy.dispatchPending() != .SUCCESS) return error.RoundtipFail; std.debug.assert(dpy.prepareRead());"running event loop", .{}); try; } const RenderData = struct { gfx: *Gfx, egl_dpy: c.EGLDisplay, egl_ctx: c.EGLContext, outputs: []const OutputWindow, output_info: []const OutputInfo, last_time: isize, base_offset: [2]c_int, pointer_state: *PointerState, dth: *DrawTimerHandler, }; fn renderCb( data: ?*RenderData, loop: *xev.Loop, completion: *xev.Completion, result: xev.Timer.RunError!void, ) xev.CallbackAction { _ = completion; result catch unreachable; const now =; const delta_time = now - data.?.last_time; data.?.last_time = now; data.?.dth.resetTimer(); data.?.gfx.preDraw( delta_time, data.?.pointer_state, data.?.output_info, data.?.dth, ) catch |e| { std.log.err("running preDraw: {}", .{e}); loop.stop(); return .disarm; }; for (data.?.outputs, 0..) |output, i| { if (!data.?.dth.should_redraw[i]) continue; if (c.eglMakeCurrent( data.?.egl_dpy, output.egl_surface, output.egl_surface, data.?.egl_ctx, ) != c.EGL_TRUE) { std.log.err("failed to set EGL context", .{}); loop.stop(); return .disarm; } data.?.gfx.draw( delta_time, data.?.pointer_state, i, data.?.outputs, data.?.output_info, data.?.dth, ) catch |e| { std.log.err("drawing: {}", .{e}); loop.stop(); return .disarm; }; } return data.?.dth.nextAction(); } fn renderBackgroundCb( data: ?*RenderData, loop: *xev.Loop, completion: *xev.Completion, result: xev.Timer.RunError!void, ) xev.CallbackAction { result catch unreachable; resetXevTimerCompletion(completion,, options.refresh_time); var rand: f32 = if (options.multihead_mode == .combined) std.crypto.random.float(f32) else 0.0; for (data.?.output_info, 0..) |info, i| { if (options.multihead_mode == .individual) rand = std.crypto.random.float(f32); data.?.gfx.drawBackground( info, i, data.?.base_offset, rand, ) catch |e| { std.log.err("drawing background: {}", .{e}); loop.stop(); return .disarm; }; } data.?.dth.damageAll(); return .rearm; } fn wlPollCb( userdata: ?*anyopaque, loop: *xev.Loop, _: *xev.Completion, result: xev.Result, ) xev.CallbackAction { result.poll catch |e| { std.log.err("unable to poll wayland FD: {}", .{e}); loop.stop(); return .disarm; }; const dpy: *wl.Display = @ptrCast(@alignCast(userdata)); if (dpy.readEvents() != .SUCCESS) { std.log.err("error reading wayland events", .{}); loop.stop(); return .disarm; } while (!dpy.prepareRead()) { if (dpy.dispatchPending() != .SUCCESS or dpy.flush() != .SUCCESS) { std.log.err("error processing wayland events", .{}); loop.stop(); return .disarm; } } return .rearm; } fn layerSurfaceListener(lsurf: *zwlr.LayerSurfaceV1, ev: zwlr.LayerSurfaceV1.Event, winsize: *?[2]c_int) void { switch (ev) { .configure => |configure| { winsize.* = .{ @intCast(configure.width), @intCast(configure.height) }; lsurf.setSize(configure.width, configure.height); lsurf.ackConfigure(configure.serial); }, else => {}, } } fn xdgOutputListener(_: *zxdg.OutputV1, ev: zxdg.OutputV1.Event, info: *OutputInfo) void { switch (ev) { .logical_position => |pos| { info.x = pos.x; info.y = pos.y; }, .logical_size => |size| { info.width = size.width; info.height = size.height; }, else => {}, } } const PointerListenerData = struct { pstate: *PointerState, outputs: []const OutputWindow, dth: *DrawTimerHandler, }; fn pointerListener(_: *wl.Pointer, ev: wl.Pointer.Event, d: *PointerListenerData) void { switch (ev) { .motion => |motion| { if (d.pstate.active_surface_idx) |i| { d.pstate.surface_positions[i] = .{ motion.surface_x.toInt(), motion.surface_y.toInt(), }; d.dth.damage(i); } }, .enter => |enter| { for (d.outputs, 0..) |out, i| { if (out.surface == enter.surface) { d.dth.damage(i); d.pstate.active_surface_idx = i; break; } } }, .leave => { if (d.pstate.active_surface_idx) |i| { d.dth.damage(i); d.pstate.active_surface_idx = null; } }, else => {}, } } fn resetXevTimerCompletion(completion: *xev.Completion, now: i64, in: i64) void { const next_time = now + in; completion.op.timer.reset = .{ .tv_sec = @divTrunc(next_time, std.time.ms_per_s), .tv_nsec = @mod(next_time, std.time.ms_per_s) * std.time.ns_per_ms, }; } fn glDebugCb( source: c.GLenum, @"type": c.GLenum, id: c.GLuint, severity: c.GLenum, len: c.GLsizei, msgp: ?[*:0]const u8, udata: ?*const anyopaque, ) callconv(.C) void { _ = source; _ = @"type"; _ = id; _ = udata; const log = std.log.scoped(.gl); // Mesa likes to include trailing newlines sometimes const msg = std.mem.trim(u8, msgp.?[0..@intCast(len)], &std.ascii.whitespace); switch (severity) { c.GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH => log.err("{s}", .{msg}), c.GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM, c.GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW => log.warn("{s}", .{msg}), c.GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION =>"{s}", .{msg}), else => unreachable, } }