#lang racket (provide define-logging log-calls output-bin-path cmd rm copy generate-cgopt-json install-zig install-rust install-roswell) ;; Whether to log calls or not (define log-calls (make-parameter #t)) ;; Default output path (define output-bin-path (make-parameter (build-path (find-system-path 'home-dir) ".local"))) (define (display-function-call func args) (when (log-calls) (fprintf (current-error-port) "\x1b[1;30m(\x1b[1;32m~s\x1b[1;33m~a\x1b[1;30m)\x1b[0m\n" func (string-append (if (null? args) "" " ") (apply ~a #:separator " " args))))) ;; Defines an alias to a function which will log it's parameters on invokation. (define-syntax-rule (define-logging name func) (define (name . args) (display-function-call (quote name) args) (apply func args))) (define-logging cmd (λ (exe . args) (unless (apply system* (find-executable-path exe) args) (raise-user-error "Command Failed")))) (define-logging rm delete-directory/files) (define-logging copy copy-directory/files) (define-logging install-zig (λ (path [mode "ReleaseFast"]) (parameterize ([current-directory path] [log-calls #f]) (cmd "zig" "build" "-p" (output-bin-path) (string-append "-Doptimize=" mode))))) (define-logging install-rust (λ (path) (parameterize ([current-directory path] [log-calls #f]) (cmd "cargo" "-Z" "unstable-options" "build" "--release" "--out-dir" (build-path (output-bin-path) "bin"))))) (define-logging generate-cgopt-json (λ () (unless (directory-exists? "cgout") (make-directory "cgout")) (call-with-output-file* #:exists 'truncate/replace "cgout/opts.json" (λ (outfile) (parameterize ([log-calls #f] [current-output-port outfile]) (cmd "confgen" "--json-opt" "confgen.lua")))))) (define-logging install-roswell (λ (path) (parameterize ([log-calls #f]) (match-let*-values ([(_ filename _) (split-path path)] [(outpath) (build-path (output-bin-path) "bin" (path-replace-extension filename ""))]) (cmd "ros" "dump" "executable" path "-o" outpath)))))