
93 lines
2.6 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const znvim = @import("znvim");
const nvim = @import("nvim");
const log = std.log.scoped(.options);
/// Initializes neovim options.
pub fn initOptions() !void {
// Shell (defaults to mzteinit since that's my login shell)
try setOption("shell", "fish");
try cmd("syntax on");
// Quicker updatetime
try setOption("updatetime", 1000);
// Indentation
try setOption("tabstop", 4);
try setOption("shiftwidth", 4);
try setOption("expandtab", true);
// Search
try setOption("ignorecase", true);
try setOption("smartcase", true);
// Window Config
try setOption("colorcolumn", "100");
try setOption("cursorcolumn", true);
try setOption("cursorline", true);
try setOption("guifont", "Iosevka Nerd Font Mono:h10");
try setOption("mouse", "a");
try setOption("number", true);
try setOption("relativenumber", true);
try setOption("scrolloff", 10);
try setOption("termguicolors", true);
// Folds
try setOption("conceallevel", 2);
// Disable unwanted filetype mappings
setVar("g:no_plugin_maps", .{ .bool = true });
// Disable automatic formatting of Zig code (this is on by default!!!)
setVar("g:zig_fmt_autosave", .{ .bool = false });
// Other settings
try cmd("colorscheme dracula");
try cmd("filetype plugin on");
// Disable garbage providers
for ([_][]const u8{
}) |garbage| {
var buf: [64]u8 = undefined;
const opt = try std.fmt.bufPrintZ(&buf, "g:loaded_{s}_provider", .{garbage});
setVar(opt, .{ .bool = false });
// Neovide
setVar("g:neovide_transparency", .{ .float = 0.9 });
setVar("g:neovide_cursor_vfx_mode", .{ .string = @constCast("wireframe") });
fn setOption(key: [*:0]const u8, value: anytype) !void {
const Val = @TypeOf(value);
const ret = switch (@typeInfo(Val)) {
.Pointer => nvim.set_option_value(key, 0, value, 0),
.Int, .ComptimeInt => nvim.set_option_value(key, value, null, 0),
.Bool => nvim.set_option_value(key, @boolToInt(value), null, 0),
else => @compileError("Unsupported value type: " ++ @typeName(Val)),
if (ret) |err| {
log.err("Setting option: {s}", .{err});
return error.SetOption;
fn setVar(key: [:0]const u8, value: znvim.TypVal) void {
var val = value.toNvim();
nvim.set_var(key, key.len, &val, false);
fn cmd(cmd_s: [*:0]const u8) !void {
if (nvim.do_cmdline_cmd(cmd_s) != nvim.OK) {
return error.ExecCmd;