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synced 2024-12-15 05:43:43 +01:00
51 lines
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51 lines
1.3 KiB
(local cmd vim.cmd)
(local (wo g opt) (values vim.wo vim.g vim.opt))
(cmd "syntax on")
;; Indentation
(set opt.tabstop 4)
(set opt.shiftwidth 4)
(set opt.expandtab true)
;; Search
(set opt.ignorecase true)
(set opt.smartcase true)
;; Window config
(set opt.scrolloff 10)
(set opt.number true)
(set opt.relativenumber true)
(set opt.guifont "Iosevka Nerd Font Mono:h10")
(set opt.mouse :a)
(set opt.termguicolors true)
(set opt.cursorline true)
(set opt.cursorcolumn true)
;; Folds
(set opt.conceallevel 2)
;; Disable unwanted filetype mappings
(set g.no_plugin_maps true)
;; Disable automatic formatting of Zig code (this is on by default!!!)
(set g.zig_fmt_autosave 0)
;; Other settings
(cmd "colorscheme dracula")
(cmd "filetype plugin on")
;; Disable garbage providers
(let [garbage [:python :python3 :ruby :perl :node]]
(each [_ ga (ipairs garbage)]
(tset g (.. :loaded_ ga :_provider) false)))
;; Compile commands
(let [compile-path (. (require :mzte_nv) :compile :compilePath)
make-cmd vim.api.nvim_create_user_command]
(make-cmd :CompileConfig
#(compile-path (.. (vim.fn.getenv :HOME) :/.config/nvim)) {:nargs 0})
(make-cmd :CompilePlugins
#(compile-path (. (require :packer) :config :package_root))
{:nargs 0}))