2024-01-24 19:41:08 +01:00

51 lines
1.1 KiB

font-family = "<% opt.term_font %>"
theme = "catppuccin-mocha"
# Broken thanks to GNOME's influence in the Linux desktop ecosystem (thanks!)
#background-opacity = 0.8
# Disable useless GTK bar
gtk-titlebar = false
# Use one Process
gtk-single-instance = true
window-save-state = "never"
keybind = clear
<! local function key(k, v) !>
keybind = <% k %>=<% v %>
<! end !>
-- Prefix for window-management keybinds
local win_pref = "ctrl+alt+"
-- Prefix for action keybinds
local act_pref = "ctrl+shift+"
key("ctrl+t", "next_tab")
key("ctrl+shift+t", "new_tab")
key("ctrl+plus", "increase_font_size:1")
key("ctrl+minus", "decrease_font_size:1")
key(win_pref .. "d", "jump_to_prompt:1")
key(win_pref .. "u", "jump_to_prompt:-1")
key(win_pref .. "s", "new_split:down")
key(win_pref .. "v", "new_split:right")
for k, v in pairs {
h = "left",
j = "bottom",
k = "top",
l = "right"
} do key(win_pref .. k, "goto_split:" .. v) end
key(act_pref .. "c", "copy_to_clipboard")
key(act_pref .. "v", "paste_from_clipboard")