
179 lines
6.3 KiB

//! This module will find .live_chat.json files from yt-dlp and transcode them to WEBVTT, which
//! is then transferred to mpv via a pipe.
//! The live_chat file must be next to the video being viewed.
const std = @import("std");
const c = ffi.c;
const ffi = @import("../ffi.zig");
const util = @import("../util.zig");
// Zig segfaults when this is a ZST
padding: u1 = 0,
const LiveChat = @This();
pub fn onEvent(self: *LiveChat, mpv: *c.mpv_handle, ev: *c.mpv_event) !void {
_ = self;
switch (ev.event_id) {
const evprop: *c.mpv_event_property = @ptrCast(@alignCast(;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, std.mem.span(, "stream-open-filename")) {
var buf: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
const str = std.mem.span((@as(?*[*:0]const u8, @ptrCast(@alignCast( orelse return).*);
// Don't check live_chat for non-file streams
if (std.mem.containsAtLeast(u8, str, 1, "://")) return;
const fname = fname: {
const dot_idx = std.mem.lastIndexOfScalar(u8, str, '.') orelse return;
break :fname try std.fmt.bufPrintZ(&buf, "{s}.live_chat.json", .{str[0..dot_idx]});
const file = std.fs.cwd().openFileZ(fname, .{}) catch |e| switch (e) {
error.FileNotFound => return,
else => return e,
errdefer file.close();"initializing subtitle transcoder: {s}", .{fname});
const pipe = try std.os.pipe2(0);
// This needs to be done here instead of the separate thread. MPV will instantly
// give up if there's nothing to be read from the pipe when the command is called.
try (std.fs.File{ .handle = pipe[1] }).writer().writeAll(
\\WEBVTT - MZTE-MPV transcoded live stream chat
\\00:00.000 --> 00:05.000
\\[MZTE-MPV] Live chat subtitle transcoder initialized
const sub_addr = try std.fmt.bufPrintZ(&buf, "fdclose://{}", .{pipe[0]});
try ffi.checkMpvError(c.mpv_command_async(
@constCast(&[_:null]?[*:0]const u8{ "sub-add", sub_addr.ptr, "select", "MZTE-MPV live chat" }),
// Quite stupidly, MPV will wait until the WHOLE subtitle stream is received before
// adding the track. We still do this in a separate thread so we don't have to
// buffer the WEBVTT data and MPV can concurrently decode it.
(try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, transcoderThread, .{ file, pipe[1] })).detach();
else => {},
fn transcoderThread(jsonf: std.fs.File, pipefd: std.c.fd_t) !void {
defer jsonf.close();
var pipe = std.fs.File{ .handle = pipefd };
defer pipe.close();
var writer =;
try writer.flush();
var reader =;
var line_buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(std.heap.c_allocator);
defer line_buf.deinit();
while (true) {
reader.reader().streamUntilDelimiter(line_buf.writer(), '\n', null) catch |e| switch (e) {
error.EndOfStream => break,
else => return e,
processLine(line_buf.items, pipe.writer()) catch |e| {
std.log.warn("failed to parse chat entry: {}", .{e});
try writer.flush();
/// I have yet to find who is responsible for this but oh boy...
const ChatEntry = struct {
replayChatItemAction: struct {
actions: []struct {
addChatItemAction: struct {
item: struct {
liveChatTextMessageRenderer: struct {
message: struct {
runs: []struct {
text: ?[]u8 = null,
authorName: struct {
simpleText: []u8,
videoOffsetTimeMsec: usize,
const WebVttTime = struct {
ms: usize,
pub fn format(
self: WebVttTime,
comptime _: []const u8,
_: std.fmt.FormatOptions,
writer: anytype,
) !void {
const time: @Vector(4, usize) = @splat(;
const div: @Vector(4, usize) = .{ std.time.ms_per_hour, std.time.ms_per_min, std.time.ms_per_s, 1 };
const mod: @Vector(4, usize) = .{ 1, 60, 60, 1000 };
const times = @divTrunc(time, div) % mod;
try writer.print("{d:0>2}:{d:0>2}:{d:0>2}.{d:0>3}", .{ times[0], times[1], times[2], times[3] });
fn processLine(line: []const u8, pipe: anytype) !void {
const parsed = try std.json.parseFromSlice(
.{ .ignore_unknown_fields = true },
defer parsed.deinit();
// Show chat messages for 5 seconds
const ms = parsed.value.replayChatItemAction.videoOffsetTimeMsec;
try pipe.print("{} --> {}\n", .{ WebVttTime{ .ms = ms }, WebVttTime{ .ms = ms + 5000 } });
for (parsed.value.replayChatItemAction.actions) |act| {
try pipe.print("<b>&lt;{s}&gt;:</b> ", .{
for (act.addChatItemAction.item.liveChatTextMessageRenderer.message.runs) |seg| {
if (seg.text) |txt| {
std.mem.replaceScalar(u8, txt, '\n', '\\');
try pipe.writeAll(txt);
} else {
// Emojis and such
try pipe.writeAll("&lt;?&gt;");
try pipe.writeByte('\n');
try pipe.writeByte('\n');
pub fn create() LiveChat {
return .{};
pub fn setup(self: *LiveChat, mpv: *c.mpv_handle) !void {
_ = self;
try ffi.checkMpvError(c.mpv_observe_property(mpv, 0, "stream-open-filename", c.MPV_FORMAT_STRING));
pub fn deinit(self: *LiveChat) void {
_ = self;