LordMZTE 277de089db rename logger module to logging
this prevents the module from having the same name as its parant
and makes the linter happy
2020-08-25 23:44:18 +02:00

16 lines
613 B

use winapi::um::winuser::GetKeyNameTextW;
use std::ffi::OsString;
use wio::wide::FromWide;
pub mod logging;
pub fn scan_code_to_key_name(scan_code: u32) -> String {
unsafe {
let mut out = [0u16; 128];
GetKeyNameTextW((scan_code << 16) as i32, (&mut out).as_mut_ptr(), 128);
let null_pos = out.iter().position(|x| *x == b'\0' as u16).unwrap_or_else(|| out.len());
//use to_string_lossy to avoid unicode checks for better performance. if the windows api screws up thats not my fault :P