LordMZTE 8b3762ded6
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
some fixes
2021-04-09 21:39:46 +02:00

86 lines
2.3 KiB

digraph langchart {
rank = same;
node [shape=hexagon];
v_bad [label="The language is total Garbage! Immediately dispose of!"];
bad [label="The language is bad!"];
acceptable [label="The language is acceptable"];
good [label="The language is good"];
v_good [label="The language is awesome!"];
n_0 [shape=house, label="Is this programming language good?"];
n_1 [label="Is the language interpreted?"];
n_0 -> n_1;
n_2 [label="Is the language used for embedded scripting?"];
subgraph cluster0 {
label="Embedded Scripting";
n_4 [label="Is the language used for scripting in a very complex program such as a browser?"];
n_2 -> n_4 [label="Yes"];
n_5 [shape=parallelogram, label="Use VM language"];
n_4 -> n_5 [label="Yes"];
n_2 -> v_bad [label="No"];
n_5 -> bad;
n_4 -> n_6 [label="No"];
n_1 -> n_3 [label="No"];
n_1 -> n_2 [label="Yes"];
n_3 [label="Does the language have dynamic types?"];
n_6 [label="Does the language have whitespace-dependant Syntax?"];
n_3 -> v_bad [label="Yes"];
n_3 -> n_6 [label="No"];
n_6 -> v_bad [label="Yes"];
n_7 [label="Does the language COMPLETELY work on linux?"];
n_6 -> n_7 [label="No"];
n_7 -> v_bad [label="No"];
n_8 [label="Has the language been developed by Microsoft?"];
n_8 -> v_bad [label="Yes"];
n_7 -> n_8 [label="Yes"];
n_9 [label="Is the WHOLE Toolchain FOSS?"];
n_8 -> n_9 [label="No"];
n_9 -> bad [label="No"];
n_10 [label="Is the language transpiled to another?"];
n_11 [label="Do all targets of the langauge arrive at \"Bad\" in this test?"];
n_12 [label="Does the language only run in a VM?"];
n_9 -> n_10 [label="Yes"];
n_10 -> n_11 [label="Yes"];
n_10 -> n_12 [label="No"];
n_11 -> acceptable [label="Yes"];
n_11 -> v_good [label="No"];
n_13 [label="Does the language have a Garbage Collector?"];
n_12 -> n_13 [label="No"];
n_13 -> good [label="Yes"];
n_13 -> v_good [label="No"];
n_14 [label="What is the language used for?"];
n_12 -> n_14 [label="Yes"];
n_14 -> v_bad [label="CLI App"];
n_14 -> good [label="Embedded Scripting"];
n_14 -> v_good [label="Game Dev"];