Remove import command and add sync, list, open and pm

Fixes #29
This commit is contained in:
Tulir Asokan 2019-02-20 14:39:44 +02:00
parent 58a1ec9f2e
commit 361a1a1d1c

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@ -17,9 +17,11 @@
package main
import (
@ -54,7 +56,9 @@ type CommandEvent struct {
// Reply sends a reply to command as notice
func (ce *CommandEvent) Reply(msg string) {
_, err := ce.Bot.SendNotice(string(ce.User.ManagementRoom), msg)
content := format.RenderMarkdown(msg)
content.MsgType = mautrix.MsgNotice
_, err := ce.Bot.SendMessageEvent(ce.User.ManagementRoom, mautrix.EventMessage, content)
if err != nil {
ce.Handler.log.Warnfln("Failed to reply to command from %s: %v", ce.User.MXID, err)
@ -79,8 +83,14 @@ func (handler *CommandHandler) Handle(roomID types.MatrixRoomID, user *User, mes
case "help":
case "import":
case "sync":
case "list":
case "open":
case "pm":
ce.Reply("Unknown Command")
@ -128,53 +138,146 @@ func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandHelp(ce *CommandEvent) {
cmdPrefix = handler.bridge.Config.Bridge.CommandPrefix + " "
ce.Reply("* " + strings.Join([]string{
cmdPrefix + cmdHelpHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdLoginHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdLogoutHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdImportHelp,
}, "\n"))
cmdPrefix + cmdSyncHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdListHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdOpenHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdPMHelp,
}, "\n* "))
const cmdImportHelp = `import <jid>|contacts - Open up a room for JID or for each WhatsApp contact`
const cmdSyncHelp = `sync [--create] - Synchronize contacts from phone and optionally create portals for group chats.`
// CommandImport handles import command
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandImport(ce *CommandEvent) {
// ensure all messages go to the management room
ce.RoomID = ce.User.ManagementRoom
// CommandSync handles sync command
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandSync(ce *CommandEvent) {
user := ce.User
create := len(ce.Args) > 0 && ce.Args[0] == "--create"
if len(ce.Args) == 0 {
ce.Reply("Usage: import <jid>|contacts")
handler.log.Debugln("Importing all contacts of", user)
_, err := user.Conn.Contacts()
if err != nil {
handler.log.Errorln("Error on update of contacts of user", user, ":", err)
for jid, contact := range user.Conn.Store.Contacts {
if strings.HasSuffix(jid, whatsappExt.NewUserSuffix) {
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(contact.Jid)
puppet.Sync(user, contact)
} else {
portal := user.bridge.GetPortalByJID(database.GroupPortalKey(contact.Jid))
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 || create {
portal.Sync(user, contact)
ce.Reply("Imported contacts successfully.")
const cmdListHelp = `list - Get a list of all contacts and groups.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandList(ce *CommandEvent) {
var contacts strings.Builder
var groups strings.Builder
for jid, contact := range ce.User.Conn.Store.Contacts {
if strings.HasSuffix(jid, whatsappExt.NewUserSuffix) {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&contacts, "* %s / %s - `%s`\n", contact.Name, contact.Notify, contact.Jid[:len(contact.Jid)-len(whatsappExt.NewUserSuffix)])
} else {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&groups, "* %s - `%s`\n", contact.Name, contact.Jid)
ce.Reply(fmt.Sprintf("### Contacts\n%s\n\n### Groups\n%s", contacts.String(), groups.String()))
const cmdOpenHelp = `open <_group JID_> - Open a group chat portal.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandOpen(ce *CommandEvent) {
if len(ce.Args) == 0 {
ce.Reply("**Usage:** `open <group JID>`")
user := ce.User
jid := ce.Args[0]
if strings.HasSuffix(jid, whatsappExt.NewUserSuffix) {
ce.Reply(fmt.Sprintf("That looks like a user JID. Did you mean `pm %s`?", jid[:len(jid)-len(whatsappExt.NewUserSuffix)]))
contact, ok := user.Conn.Store.Contacts[jid]
if !ok {
ce.Reply("Group JID not found in contacts. Try syncing contacts with `sync` first.")
handler.log.Debugln("Importing", jid, "for", user)
portal := user.bridge.GetPortalByJID(database.GroupPortalKey(jid))
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 {
portal.Sync(user, contact)
ce.Reply("Portal room synced.")
} else {
portal.Sync(user, contact)
ce.Reply("Portal room created.")
const cmdPMHelp = `pm [--force] <_international phone number_> - Open a private chat with the given phone number.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandPM(ce *CommandEvent) {
if len(ce.Args) == 0 {
ce.Reply("**Usage:** `pm [--force] <international phone number>`")
force := ce.Args[0] == "--force"
if force {
ce.Args = ce.Args[1:]
user := ce.User
if ce.Args[0] == "contacts" {
handler.log.Debugln("Importing all contacts of", user)
_, err := user.Conn.Contacts()
if err != nil {
handler.log.Errorln("Error on update of contacts of user", user, ":", err)
number := strings.Join(ce.Args, "")
if number[0] == '+' {
number = number[1:]
for _, char := range number {
if char < '0' || char > '9' {
ce.Reply("Invalid phone number.")
for jid, contact := range user.Conn.Store.Contacts {
if strings.HasSuffix(jid, whatsappExt.NewUserSuffix) {
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(contact.Jid)
puppet.Sync(user, contact)
} else {
portal := user.bridge.GetPortalByJID(database.GroupPortalKey(contact.Jid))
portal.Sync(user, contact)
ce.Reply("Importing all contacts done")
} else {
jid := ce.Args[0] + whatsappExt.NewUserSuffix
handler.log.Debugln("Importing", jid, "for", user)
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(jid)
contact := whatsapp.Contact { Jid: jid }
puppet.Sync(user, contact)
jid := number + whatsappExt.NewUserSuffix
handler.log.Debugln("Importing", jid, "for", user)
contact, ok := user.Conn.Store.Contacts[jid]
if !ok {
if !force {
ce.Reply("Phone number not found in contacts. Try syncing contacts with `sync` first. " +
"To create a portal anyway, use `pm --force <number>`.")
contact = whatsapp.Contact{Jid: jid}
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(contact.Jid)
puppet.Sync(user, contact)
portal := user.bridge.GetPortalByJID(database.NewPortalKey(contact.Jid, user.JID))
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 {
_, err := portal.MainIntent().InviteUser(portal.MXID, &mautrix.ReqInviteUser{UserID: user.MXID})
if err != nil {
} else {
ce.Reply("Existing portal room found, invited you to it.")
err := portal.CreateMatrixRoom([]string{user.MXID})
if err != nil {
ce.Reply(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create portal room: %v", err))
ce.Reply("Created portal room and invited you to it.")