
296 lines
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#Generate Void Crystal Ore?
void = true
#Metal types that Crossroads should add gears for
#Specify the metal then a space then a hexadecimal color then a space then a density in kg/m3
#Adding a new gear material requires adding localization and recipes via datapack
#Removing a default gear material is not recommended
gear_types = ["copper FF783C 9000", "tin F0F0F0 7300", "iron A0A0A0 8000", "gold FFFF00 20000", "bronze FFA03C 8800", "copshowium FF8200 0"]
#Generate Tin Ore?
tin = false # NTX4
#Generate Ruby Ore?
ruby = false # NTX4
#Metal ore types that Crossroads should generate tripling items for
#Specify the metal then a space then a hexadecimal color, ex. "copper FF4800"
#Doesn't register a molten fluid, recipes, or localization
#Use a datapack to register any desired recipes or localization for new materials, Find a mod already adding the desired molten fluid for the fluid
process_ores = ["copper FF7800", "tin C8C8C8", "iron A0A0A0", "gold FFFF00"]
#Allow Multiple specializations per player in Multiplayer?
paths_multi = false
#Allow forgetting paths using Path Sigils?
path_forget = false
#Allow Multiple specializations per player in Singleplayer?
paths_single = true
#Chance for a medicinal mushroom to attempt to spread on a random tick
#Value out of 1. Set to 0 to disable spread
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
medicinal_mushroom_spread = 1.0
#Production/growth speed multiplier for the Hydroponics Trough compared to normal crop growth
#Setting to 0 will effectively disable the machine
#Range: 0 ~ 100
hydroponics_mult = 16
#Time in seconds for the debuffs on respawned entities
#Also controls the vulnerability period. Cannot be disabled
#Range: 1 ~ 32767
respawn_penalty_duration = 30
#Specify entities that can not have their AI disabled by sedation. Players can never be fully sedated
#Format of 'domain:entity_id', ex. minecraft:pig
sedation_blacklist = ["minecraft:player", "minecraft:wither", "minecraft:ender_dragon"]
#Multiplier for the degradation added by the blood centrifuge
#Range: 0.0 ~ 4.0
blood_centrifuge_degradation_mult = 1.25
#The permanent maximum health reduction for each injected permanent potion effect
#Set to 0 or lower to disable the penalty
#Set to 20 or higher to effectively disable permanent injection for players
#Range: 0 ~ 100
injection_perma_penalty = 2
#Specify entities which can not be cloned. Players can never be cloned
#Format of 'domain:entity_id', ex. minecraft:pig
cloning_blacklist = ["minecraft:player", "minecraft:wither", "minecraft:ender_dragon"]
#Specify potion effects that can not be applied permanently to an entity or player
#Format of 'domain:potion_effect_id', ex. minecraft:health_boost
permanent_effect_blacklist = ["minecraft:health_boost", "minecraft:glowing"]
#Time in seconds for genetically modified entities to respawn
#Set to 0 or a negative value to disable respawning
#Range: -1 ~ 32767
respawn_delay = 30
#The duration of injected potions vs drinking them
#Setting to 1 or below makes injection equivalent to normal potions
#Range: 1.0 ~ 100.0
injection_efficiency = 2.0
#The reduction in maximum health for each point of degradation on a clone
#Range: 0 ~ 100
degradation_penalty = 2
#FE equal to 1 Temporal Entropy
#Range: > 1
fe_per_entropy = 50
#Allow adding Netherite armor to Technomancy armor?
techno_armor_reinforce = true
#Level of the All-Terrain Boots soul speed effect
#Set to 0 to disable
#Range: 0 ~ 10
enviro_boot_soul = 3
#Allow time acceleration of Tile Entities?
#Disabling this does not affect acceleration of normal entities or block ticks
te_accel = true
#Level of the All-Terrain Boots frost walker effect
#Higher levels increase freezing range
#Set to 0 to disable
#Range: 0 ~ 10
enviro_boot_frost = 2
#Speed boost from All-Terrain Boots in water (swim speed boost)
#Set to 0 to disable
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
enviro_boot_depth = 3.0
#Whether Gateways can teleport entities at all
allow_gateway = true
#Should recalling restore previous health and hunger?
#Recommended to disable this for PvP
stat_recall = true
#Beam power output of the beacon harness
#Range: 8 ~ 4096
beacon_harness_power = 512
#Multiplier for XP levels to upgrade Technomancy armor
#Range: 0 ~ 100
techno_armor_xp = 1
#Temporal Entropy gained per Entropy Node when transferring
#Higher values are more difficult, and encourage using fewer node chains
#Range: 0 ~ 64
entropy_node_gain = 2
#Enable hardmode for the Gateway?
#If true, dialing in chevrons only works if the beam alignment matches the chevron being dialed
#Enable this if you want an extra challenge
gateway_hard = false
#If enabled, machines will NOT break/explode/cause damage when overfilling on Temporal Entropy
#Machines which overfill on Temporal Entropy will shut down instead
flux_safe = false
#Whether Technomancy machines should drop an item when overloaded
drop_machine = false
#Whether Gateways can teleport entities that aren't players
#If false, players can still use Gateways
allow_gateway_ent = true
#Maximum time duration for recalling, in seconds. Set to -1 to disable limit, 0 to disable recalling
#Range: -1 ~ 86400
time_recall = 300
#Does the CCC require specifically a Time beam?
ccc_req_time = true
#Allow Temporal Entropy disasters from Technomancy?
#If disabled, disasters create a small explosion instead
flux_disaster = true
#Destroy the CCC if Copshowium overfills the tank?
#Disabling this will make the CCC much easier to use
allow_overflow = true
#Power output of the Lodestone Dynamo (in J/t)
#Set to 0 to disable the Lodestone Dynamo
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
lodestone_dynamo = 100
#Acceleration of Density Plates
#In blocks/tick/tick, where normal gravity ~0.08
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0
grav_accel = 0.15
#Whether lightning bolts from atmospheric overcharging can spawn the 4 horsemen
#Overriden by gamerules
atmos_horses = true
#Maximum charge for the atmosphere
#Range: 0 ~ 2000000000
charge_limit = 1000000000
#Allow the full effect of Phelostogen?
#If disabled Phelostogen lights a single small fire instead
phel_effect = true
#Range of Density Plates
#Range: 0 ~ 128
grav_range = 64
#If true, rift beams will spawn mob drops instead of actual mobs
#Rift beams do this regardless of config setting in peaceful mode
rift_drops = false
#Level of effects from overcharging the atmosphere
#0: No negative effects
#1: Allow lightning strikes
#2: Allow creeper charging
#3: Allow lightning strikes & creeper charging
#Range: 0 ~ 3
atmos_effects = 3
#Whether to allow Ignis Infernum
#If disabled, Ignis Infernum is still craftable, but it gets nerfed to Phelostogen level
ignis_infernum = true
#FE produced by one Voltus
#Range: 0 ~ 100000
voltus_power = 2000
#If enabled, the beacon harness will have an extra 'safety period' for a full color loop when the chunk is loaded
#Used to stop beacon harnesses shutting off when loading across several chunks
beacon_harness_load_safety = false
#Number of millibuckets of molten metal per ingot
#Does not change recipes
#Range: 1 ~ 10000
ingot_mb = 90
#The size of the raytracing interval used by the beam staff and beam cannon
#Larger numbers cause less lag when using those devices, but are less precise
#Range: 0.10000000149011612 ~ 1.0
beam_raytrace_step = 0.25
#Whether beams decide what they can pass through based on beam power
#If true, low power beams require a smaller hole, and high power beams require a larger empty space in blocks to pass through
beam_collision_use_power = false
#Lower values increase network lag but increases gear speed synchronization
#Range: 0.05000000074505806 ~ 10.0
predict_speed = 0.20000000298023224
#Interval in ticks between gear network checks
#Range: 100 ~ 2400
network_time = 300
#Distance in blocks that players can see various effects from (electric arcs, beams from staffs, etc)
#Lower values will decrease the amount of packets sent
#Range: 1 ~ 512
effect_distance = 512
#Whether Charge beams can summon lightning underground or under a roof
underground_lightning = false
#Whether the charge alignment can summon lightning
charge_lightning = true
#Minimum temperature of nether biomes (in degrees C)
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0
nether_temp = 60.0
#Enable overheat effects?
#If false, all heat cable overheating effects are replaced with burning
cable_effects = true
#Whether void-potential (death) beams do absolute damage
#Absolute damage ignores potion effects and enchantments
beam_damage_absolute = false
#Whether Enchantment beams have a chance to destroy items
enchant_destroy = true
#Minimum spring speed to hover with the Whirligig
#If set at or above 10, gaining elevation with a Whirligig is disabled
#Range: 1.0 ~ 100.0
whirligig_hover = 6.0
#Percentage to reduce success rate of Stamp Mill by when not reaching 100% progress
#Effectively nerfs ore-tripling
#Range: 0 ~ 100
mill_damping = 0
#Amount of liquid fat equivalent to 1 hunger or saturation (in millibuckets)
#Range: 1 ~ 10000
fat_cost = 100
#Minimum spring speed to eliminate fall damage with the Whirligig
#If set at or above 10, gaining the Whirligig can not eliminate fall damage, but can reduce it
#Range: 1.0 ~ 100.0
whirligig_safe = 4.0
#FE generated by one unit of charge-alignment beam
#Range: > 0
fe_per_charge = 50
#Multiplier for rotary energy loss
#Range: 0.0 ~ 2.147483647E9
rotary_loss = 1.0
#The rate at which the Solar Heater makes heat, in deg/t
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
solar_rate = 8.0
#The maximum speed on a Spring Gun
#Higher maximum speeds increase maximum damage
#Range: 1.0 ~ 100.0
spring_gun_cap = 10.0
#The power produced by the Lodestone Turbine (in J/t)
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
lodestone_power = 15.0
#Temperature change from energy and cold beams, per unit power, applied every 4 ticks
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
beam_heat_mult = 100
#The number of degrees one bucket of steam is worth
#If this is changed, it is recommended to rebalance JSON recipes with steam
#Range: > 0
steam_value = 50
#FE equivalent to 1J. Set to 0 to effectively disable the dynamo and lodestone dynamo
#Range: > 0
dynamo_efficiency = 2
#The power produced by the Hamster Wheel (in J/t)
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
hamster_power = 5.0
#Maximum fuel burn time in the Firebox. Set to -1 to remove the limit
#Range: > -1
firebox_cap = 64000
#The power produced by the Maxwell's Demon (both hot and cold, in degrees C/t)
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
demon_power = 5.0
#Stirling Engine joules per degree of heat consumed
#Stirling engines will never actually reach this efficiency- it is an unreachable upper bound
#Range: 0.0 ~ 2.147483647E9
stirling_conversion = 20.0
#Resistive power exerted by the Winding Table per speed of the wound item
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0
winding_resist = 20.0
#Power generated by the Crystal Master Axis in J/t
#Range: 0.0 ~ 2.147483647E9
crystal_power = 100.0
#The number of Joules generated from one degree worth of steam
#Range: > 0
joule_value = 4
#Multiplier on fuel burn time for a Firebox compared to a furnace
#Range: 1 ~ 100
firebox_fuel_mult = 4
#The maximum speed a Stirling Engine can reach
#Range: 0.0 ~ 2.147483647E9
stirling_limit = 2.0
#Power divider for potential beams grow effect
#For example, 2 will cause twice as much beam power for the same effect
#Range: 1 ~ 64
grow_divider = 1
#Whether to destroy items when failing to wind them in a Winding Table
winding_destroy = true
#Formula for rotary power loss, where 'a' is 'rotary_loss' config
#0: No loss
#1: -a*w^2 /tick, where w is I-weighted average system speed [default]
#2: -a% of system energy /tick [Larger systems lose power faster]
#3: -a*w of gear energy /tick, for every gear [Larger systems lose power faster, relatively less loss for larger or slower gears]
#Range: 0 ~ 3
rotary_loss_mode = 1