
112 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket
(require net/url
(prefix-in pack: "src/pack.rkt"))
(provide mod
(current-print void)
(define do-clean (make-parameter #f))
(command-line #:program "build.rkt"
#:once-any [("-c" "--clean") "Delete build output instead of building"
(do-clean #t)])
;; This is the API key used by the CurseForge launcher.
;; Fuck you, CurseForge!
(define cf-launcher-api-key "$2a$10$bL4bIL5pUWqfcO7KQtnMReakwtfHbNKh6v1uTpKlzhwoueEJQnPnm")
;; TODO: Find a HTTP lib for racket that works with CF's broken URL encoding implementation
(define download-urls
(match (find-executable-path "aria2c")
[#f (match (find-executable-path "wget")
[#f (raise-user-error "WGet or Aria2 is required!")]
[wget-exe (λ (urls) (parameterize ([current-directory mods-dir])
(apply system* #:set-pwd? #t wget-exe "--no-verbose" urls)))])]
(λ (urls)
(parameterize ([current-directory mods-dir])
(match-let ([(list #f #f _ #f control)
(process*/ports (current-output-port)
(open-input-string (string-join urls "\n"))
#:set-pwd? #t
;; CF idiotically thinks they can block aria2 by detecting this header.
"--auto-file-renaming" "false"
"--allow-overwrite" "true"
"-i" "-"
"-j" "8")])
(control 'wait))))]))
;; Mods are collected in this list.
(define mods '())
(define (mod url)
(set! mods (cons url mods)))
(define (mod/cf pid fid)
(printf "resolve CF: ~a:~a\n" pid fid)
(let* ([url (string->url (format "" pid fid))]
[response (call/input-url url get-pure-port read-json (list (format "x-api-key: ~a" cf-launcher-api-key)))]
[mod-url (hash-ref response 'data)])
(mod mod-url)))
(define build-dir (build-path "build" pack:name))
(when (do-clean)
(when (directory-exists? build-dir)
(delete-directory/files build-dir))
(define mods-dir (build-path build-dir "minecraft" "mods"))
(make-directory* mods-dir)
(displayln "creating manifests")
(with-output-to-file (build-path build-dir "instance.cfg") #:exists 'truncate/replace
(λ ()
(displayln "InstanceType=OneSix")
(printf "name=~a\n" pack:name)
(printf "ManagedPackName=~a\n" pack:name)
(printf "ManagedPackVersionName=~a\n" pack:version)))
(let* ([components
(list #hasheq((cachedName . "LWJGL 3")
(cachedVersion . "3.2.2")
(version . "3.2.2")
(cachedVolatile . #t)
(dependencyOnly . #t)
(uid . "org.lwjgl3"))
(hasheq 'cachedName "Minecraft"
'cachedRequires '(#hasheq((suggests . "3.2.2")
(uid . "org.lwjgl3")))
'uid "net.minecraft"
'cachedVersion pack:mc-version
'version pack:mc-version
'important #t)
(hasheq 'cachedName "Forge"
'cachedRequires (list (hasheq 'uid "net.minecraft"
'equals pack:mc-version))
'uid "net.minecraftforge"
'cachedVersion pack:forge-version
'version pack:forge-version))]
[manifest (hasheq 'components components 'formatVersion 1)])
(with-output-to-file (build-path build-dir "mmc-pack.json") #:exists 'truncate/replace
(λ () (write-json manifest))))
(printf "=== downloading the following URLs ===\n")
(pretty-print mods)
(download-urls mods)
(displayln "installing overrides")
(let loop ([src "src/overrides"] [dest (build-path build-dir "minecraft")])
(cond [(directory-exists? src)
(unless (directory-exists? dest) (make-directory dest))
(for ([subp (directory-list src)])
(loop (build-path src subp) (build-path dest subp)))]
[(file-exists? src)
(copy-file src dest #:exists-ok? #t)]))