diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/new-submission.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/new-submission.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..86aa8491 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/new-submission.md @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +--- +name: New Submission +about: Add a new submission +title: 'New Submission: [title]' +labels: new submission +assignees: '' + +--- + +Paste the atlas code output in the codeblock below: +``` + +``` diff --git a/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..21e5ef92 --- /dev/null +++ b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as +contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and +our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body +size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, +education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, +religion, or sexual identity and orientation. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment +include: + +* Using welcoming and inclusive language +* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences +* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism +* Focusing on what is best for the community +* Showing empathy towards other community members + +Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or + advances +* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic + address, without explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a + professional setting + +## Our Responsibilities + +Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable +behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in +response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. + +Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or +reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions +that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or +permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, +threatening, offensive, or harmful. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces +when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of +representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail +address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed +representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be +further defined and clarified by project maintainers. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be +reported by contacting the project team at {{ email }}. All +complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that +is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is +obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. +Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. + +Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good +faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other +members of the project's leadership. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, +available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct.html + +[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org diff --git a/tools/redditcrawl.py b/tools/redditcrawl.py index d9a766c9..b2030c3b 100755 --- a/tools/redditcrawl.py +++ b/tools/redditcrawl.py @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ latestID = int(input("Latest ID: ")) -for submission in reddit.subreddit('placeAtlas2').new(limit=220): +for submission in reddit.subreddit('placeAtlas2').new(limit=1100): """ Auth setup 1. Head to https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps @@ -39,19 +39,22 @@ """ #print(dir(submission)) if(submission.link_flair_text == "New Entry"): + print(submission.id) text = submission.selftext text = text.replace("\\", "") - text = text.replace("\"id\": 0,", "\"id\": 0,\n\t\t\"submitted_by\": \""+submission.author.name+"\",") + try: + text = text.replace("\"id\": 0,", "\"id\": 0,\n\t\t\"submitted_by\": \""+submission.author.name+"\",") + except AttributeError: + text = text.replace("\"id\": 0,", "\"id\": 0,\n\t\t\"submitted_by\": \""+"unknown"+"\",") + lines = text.split("\n") - text = "\n".join(lines) - for i, line in enumerate(lines): if("\"id\": 0" in line): - lines[i] = line.replace("\"id\": 0", "\"id\": "+str(latestID)) + lines[i] = line.replace("\"id\": 0", "\"id\": "+"\""+str(submission.id)+"\"") latestID = latestID + 1 - + text = "\n".join(lines) try: outfile.write(json.dumps(json.loads(text))+",\n") except json.JSONDecodeError: diff --git a/web/_css/style.css b/web/_css/style.css index 2b5ee371..d970c265 100644 --- a/web/_css/style.css +++ b/web/_css/style.css @@ -813,6 +813,15 @@ #entriesListContainer > nav > button:hover > img { height: 28px; width: 28px; } +#entriesListContainer > nav > button:hover > img.Discord { + text-decoration: none; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #7289DA, #7289DA); + border-radius: 12px; + padding: 3px; + margin: -3px; + height: 28px; + width: 28px; +} #entriesListBackground { position: absolute; diff --git a/web/_img/Discord.svg b/web/_img/Discord.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7705ca4f --- /dev/null +++ b/web/_img/Discord.svg @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/_img/place-indexed-4.png b/web/_img/place-indexed-4.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c0a431f7 Binary files /dev/null and b/web/_img/place-indexed-4.png differ diff --git a/web/_img/place-indexed-seemingly-good.png b/web/_img/place-indexed-seemingly-good.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f70aa017 Binary files /dev/null and b/web/_img/place-indexed-seemingly-good.png differ diff --git a/web/_img/place-indexed.png b/web/_img/place-indexed.png index c0a431f7..bbeddaea 100644 Binary files a/web/_img/place-indexed.png and b/web/_img/place-indexed.png differ diff --git a/web/_js/atlas.js b/web/_js/atlas.js index 9bbe65f6..8fe54953 100644 --- a/web/_js/atlas.js +++ b/web/_js/atlas.js @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ var atlas = [ {"id":2,"name":"Narrator Nexus","description":"The icon of Narrator Nexus, the group of users who coordinated the storyline in Reddit's 2019 April Fools Event, Sequence.","website":"","subreddit":"/r/NarraNexus/","center":[763.5,673.5],"path":[[755.5,667.5],[755.5,680.5],[771.5,680.5],[771.5,674.5],[772.5,673.5],[772.5,670.5],[767.5,664.5],[762.5,664.5],[759.5,669.5],[755.5,667.5]]}, {"id":3,"name":"April Knights","description":"The Logo of the April Knights, a subreddit formed for Reddit's 2015 April Fools event 'The Button'.","website":"","subreddit":"/r/AprilKnights/","center":[788.5,677.5],"path":[[789.5,664.5],[789.5,679.5],[789.5,680.5],[755.5,680.5],[755.5,684.5],[803.5,684.5],[801.5,679.5],[803.5,676.5],[803.5,664.5],[789.5,664.5]]}, {"id":4,"name":"Triforce","description":"The iconic symbol of the Legend of Zelda franchise.","website":"","subreddit":"/r/Zelda","center":[788.5,640.5],"path":[[788.5,598.5],[756.5,661.5],[819.5,661.5],[819.5,660.5],[788.5,598.5]]}, -{"id":5,"name":"The Sword of Protection","description":"A magic sword from the 2018 Netflix series She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. The text underneath the sword spells out \"She-Ra\".","website":"https://www.netflix.com/title/80179762","subreddit":"/r/PrincessesOfPower","center":[1544.5,420.5],"path":[[1532.5,414.5],[1532.5,426.5],[1555.5,426.5],[1555.5,414.5]]}, +{"id":5,"name":"She-Ra Corner","description":"A miniature pixel art of the Sword of Protection, the signature weapon of Adora aka She-Ra, protagonist of the 2018 Netflix series She-Ra and the Princesses of Power.\n\nThe text underneath the sword spells out \"She-Ra\".","website":"https://www.netflix.com/title/80179762","subreddit":"/r/PrincessesOfPower","center":[1347.5,416.5],"path":[[1334.5,409.5],[1360.5,409.5],[1360.5,422.5],[1334.5,422.5]]}, {"id":6,"name":"2b2t logo","description":"The logo of 2b2t.org, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. (r/2b2t)","website":"","subreddit":"r/2b2tplace","center":[936.5,451.5],"path":[[912.5,421.5],[912.5,481.5],[960.5,481.5],[960.5,421.5]]}, {"id":7,"name":"Fancade","description":"The fancade logo, a mobile game with a built in game engine.","website":"www.fancade.com","subreddit":"r/fancade","center":[90.5,696.5],"path":[[72.5,690.5],[108.5,690.5],[108.5,701.5],[79.5,702.5],[75.5,702.5],[72.5,703.5],[73.5,690.5]]}, {"id":8,"name":"NotITG","description":"Stepmania fork for modcharts","website":"https://noti.tg/","subreddit":"","center":[1198.5,58.5],"path":[[1179.5,60.5],[1183.5,56.5],[1180.5,53.5],[1183.5,50.5],[1184.5,49.5],[1213.5,49.5],[1213.5,63.5],[1215.5,63.5],[1215.5,68.5],[1212.5,68.5],[1212.5,67.5],[1195.5,67.5],[1195.5,64.5],[1183.5,64.5]]}, @@ -72,12 +72,11 @@ var atlas = [ {"id":21,"name":"Jerma985","description":"Jerma is long time streamer and a retired YouTuber. Most of the time he's streaming games from various eras, but he's most famous for these special, semi-scripted streams, like playing archeologist on real excavation site, holiday streams or creating Jerma Dollhouse.","website":"https://jerma-lore.fandom.com/wiki/Jerma985","subreddit":"","center":[114.5,977.5],"path":[[92.5,955.5],[135.5,955.5],[135.5,999.5],[92.5,999.5]]}, {"id":22,"name":"United Kingdom","description":"The Union Jack, featuring pixel art of (right to left) the Palace of Westminster and Big Ben (often defaced with a phallus), a teapot and mug, Saint Piran's Flag (Cornwall), The Cross of Saint Patrick (Ireland), the Welsh Flag, the Scottish Saltire, and the logo of the National Health Service","website":"","subreddit":"r/ukplace","center":[635.5,516.5],"path":[[569.5,476.5],[571.5,557.5],[701.5,557.5],[701.5,476.5],[701.5,476.5],[701.5,476.5],[701.5,476.5],[700.5,476.5]]}, {"id":23,"name":"BFDI Bubble and Leafy","description":"Leafy and Bubble from \"Battle For Dream Island\" standing on Yoyleland.","website":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQa2-DY7Y_Q&list=PL24C8378F296DB656&ab_channel=jacknjellify","subreddit":"r/BattleForDreamIsland","center":[1575.5,54.5],"path":[[1561.5,42.5],[1562.5,67.5],[1588.5,67.5],[1588.5,42.5]]}, -{"id":24,"name":"OSU","description":"Place tiles for the rhythm game Osu! ","website":"https://www.reddit.com/r/osuplace/","subreddit":"r/osuplace","center":[727.5,726.5],"path":[[695.5,691.5],[710.5,682.5],[730.5,679.5],[751.5,685.5],[765.5,696.5],[773.5,716.5],[775.5,733.5],[768.5,752.5],[758.5,764.5],[746.5,769.5],[728.5,774.5],[707.5,769.5],[693.5,760.5],[683.5,746.5],[678.5,732.5],[681.5,711.5],[692.5,694.5]]}, +{"id":24,"name":"osu!","description":"Place tiles for the rhythm game osu! ","website":"https://www.reddit.com/r/osuplace/","subreddit":"r/osuplace","center":[727.5,726.5],"path":[[695.5,691.5],[710.5,682.5],[730.5,679.5],[751.5,685.5],[765.5,696.5],[773.5,716.5],[775.5,733.5],[768.5,752.5],[758.5,764.5],[746.5,769.5],[728.5,774.5],[707.5,769.5],[693.5,760.5],[683.5,746.5],[678.5,732.5],[681.5,711.5],[692.5,694.5]]}, {"id":25,"name":"Northeastern University","description":"Northeastern University Husky and Initials. Coordinated using discord : https://www.reddit.com/r/NEU/comments/tt7dhj/rplace_northeastern_discord/","website":"https://www.reddit.com/r/NEU/","subreddit":"r/NEU","center":[221.5,707.5],"path":[[185.5,699.5],[258.5,699.5],[258.5,714.5],[183.5,714.5],[184.5,698.5]]}, {"id":26,"name":"GNU/Linux","description":"Icon for various nix distributions and a large Tux Penguin ","website":"https://www.reddit.com/r/placetux/","subreddit":"r/placetux","center":[46.5,722.5],"path":[[20.5,679.5],[71.5,679.5],[71.5,764.5],[20.5,765.5],[21.5,680.5]]}, {"id":27,"name":"Club Penguin","description":"A blue penguin from the MMO videogame Club Penguin, which officially closed in March 2017.","website":"","subreddit":"/r/clubpenguin","center":[1884.5,159.5],"path":[[1887.5,141.5],[1881.5,141.5],[1880.5,142.5],[1879.5,142.5],[1879.5,144.5],[1878.5,145.5],[1877.5,145.5],[1877.5,151.5],[1876.5,151.5],[1876.5,152.5],[1876.5,152.5],[1875.5,153.5],[1875.5,154.5],[1874.5,155.5],[1874.5,156.5],[1873.5,157.5],[1872.5,158.5],[1872.5,159.5],[1871.5,160.5],[1871.5,161.5],[1871.5,162.5],[1871.5,165.5],[1871.5,166.5],[1872.5,167.5],[1873.5,166.5],[1874.5,165.5],[1875.5,164.5],[1875.5,165.5],[1875.5,167.5],[1876.5,168.5],[1877.5,169.5],[1875.5,169.5],[1875.5,170.5],[1875.5,171.5],[1874.5,171.5],[1874.5,174.5],[1879.5,174.5],[1880.5,173.5],[1881.5,172.5],[1882.5,173.5],[1883.5,174.5],[1884.5,173.5],[1885.5,172.5],[1886.5,172.5],[1886.5,173.5],[1887.5,173.5],[1887.5,174.5],[1893.5,174.5],[1893.5,173.5],[1892.5,172.5],[1892.5,171.5],[1891.5,170.5],[1891.5,169.5],[1890.5,169.5],[1891.5,168.5],[1892.5,168.5],[1892.5,164.5],[1893.5,165.5],[1893.5,166.5],[1894.5,166.5],[1894.5,167.5],[1896.5,167.5],[1896.5,160.5],[1895.5,159.5],[1895.5,156.5],[1894.5,155.5],[1893.5,154.5],[1893.5,153.5],[1892.5,152.5],[1891.5,151.5],[1891.5,149.5],[1890.5,148.5],[1890.5,145.5],[1889.5,144.5],[1889.5,143.5],[1888.5,142.5]]}, {"id":28,"name":"Among Us crewmate","description":"Among Us is a game released in 2018 that gained wide recognition during 2020. \"Large\" crewmates on the canvas often are edited with obscene details, while the small variants transparently populate other drawings.","website":"https://store.steampowered.com/app/945360/Among_Us/","subreddit":"","center":[1366.5,409.5],"path":[[1339.5,383.5],[1339.5,368.5],[1341.5,364.5],[1348.5,358.5],[1355.5,353.5],[1362.5,351.5],[1375.5,350.5],[1384.5,351.5],[1392.5,355.5],[1397.5,362.5],[1400.5,367.5],[1402.5,373.5],[1400.5,456.5],[1389.5,467.5],[1385.5,468.5],[1379.5,460.5],[1366.5,460.5],[1359.5,470.5],[1355.5,471.5],[1352.5,471.5],[1348.5,470.5],[1340.5,459.5],[1339.5,439.5],[1338.5,427.5],[1330.5,427.5],[1322.5,420.5],[1322.5,395.5],[1322.5,389.5],[1329.5,384.5]]}, -{"id":29,"name":"American Flag","description":"The american flag","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[390.5,488.5],"path":[[299.5,448.5],[481.5,449.5],[481.5,527.5],[299.5,528.5],[299.5,487.5]]}, {"id":30,"name":"Flag of East Turkestan","description":"The historical flag of the Turkic Islamic Republic of East Turkestan, currently used by Uyghur activists","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[978.5,454.5],"path":[[965.5,442.5],[991.5,442.5],[991.5,464.5],[991.5,465.5],[965.5,465.5]]}, {"id":31,"name":"Flag of Turkey","description":"Flag of Turkey with the silhouette of Istanbul","website":"","subreddit":"r/turkey","center":[390.5,396.5],"path":[[300.5,344.5],[479.5,344.5],[479.5,448.5],[300.5,448.5],[300.5,344.5]]}, {"id":32,"name":"Atatürk's Portrait","description":"Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, founder of Turkey","website":"","subreddit":"r/turkey","center":[1052.5,60.5],"path":[[1001.5,1.5],[1103.5,1.5],[1103.5,119.5],[1001.5,119.5]]}, @@ -206,37 +205,1087 @@ var atlas = [ {"id":155,"name":"o7","description":"An emoticon depicting a person saluting.","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[7.5,46.5],"path":[[12.5,35.5],[12.5,53.5],[0.5,53.5],[0.5,46.5],[12.5,35.5]]}, {"id":156,"name":"SS13 clown","description":"The clown, a playable character in the game Space Station 13.","website":"spacestation13.com","subreddit":"r/SS13","center":[70.5,103.5],"path":[[61.5,91.5],[79.5,91.5],[79.5,116.5],[68.5,116.5],[68.5,111.5],[61.5,111.5]]}, {"id":157,"name":"Dota 2","description":"The logo for Dota 2, a MOBA developed by Valve.","website":"dota2.com","subreddit":"r/DotA2","center":[14.5,160.5],"path":[[0.5,143.5],[27.5,143.5],[27.5,177.5],[0.5,177.5]]}, -{"id":159,"name":"Flag of Egypt","description":"","website":"","subreddit":"r/Egypt","center":[66.5,156.5],"path":[[28.5,144.5],[28.5,169.5],[108.5,169.5],[108.5,148.5],[74.5,148.5],[74.5,138.5],[52.5,138.5],[47.5,144.5],[28.5,144.5]]}, -{"id":160,"name":"Pyramids of Giza","description":"","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[66.5,157.5],"path":[[52.5,160.5],[80.5,160.5],[74.5,154.5],[72.5,155.5],[68.5,152.5],[66.5,154.5],[62.5,150.5]]}, -{"id":161,"name":"Homestuck","description":"A webcomic by Andrew Hussie that ran from 2009 to 2016.","website":"homestuck.com","subreddit":"r/homestuck","center":[248.5,145.5],"path":[[221.5,126.5],[266.5,126.5],[275.5,135.5],[275.5,164.5],[221.5,164.5]]}, -{"id":162,"name":"Hiveswap","description":"An adventure game set in the same multiverse as Homestuck.","website":"hiveswap.com","subreddit":"r/hiveswap","center":[262.5,168.5],"path":[[247.5,165.5],[247.5,171.5],[276.5,171.5],[276.5,165.5]]}, -{"id":163,"name":"Flag of Taiwan","description":"","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[286.5,165.5],"path":[[276.5,158.5],[295.5,158.5],[295.5,172.5],[276.5,172.5]]}, -{"id":164,"name":"Flag of South Korea","description":"","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[306.5,165.5],"path":[[295.5,158.5],[316.5,158.5],[316.5,172.5],[295.5,172.5]]}, -{"id":165,"name":"Flag of Japan","description":"","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[327.5,165.5],"path":[[316.5,158.5],[337.5,158.5],[337.5,172.5],[316.5,172.5]]}, -{"id":166,"name":"John Egbert","description":"A major character from Homestuck.","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[251.5,112.5],"path":[[243.5,102.5],[258.5,102.5],[258.5,121.5],[243.5,121.5]]}, -{"id":167,"name":"Nepeta Leijon","description":"A character from Homestuck.","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[180.5,153.5],"path":[[171.5,141.5],[188.5,141.5],[188.5,165.5],[171.5,165.5]]}, -{"id":168,"name":"Faroe Islands","description":"","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[437.5,120.5],"path":[[412.5,103.5],[461.5,103.5],[461.5,136.5],[412.5,136.5]]}, -{"id":169,"name":"Flag of Norway","description":"","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[352.5,72.5],"path":[[493.5,36.5],[215.5,36.5],[215.5,95.5],[231.5,95.5],[231.5,100.5],[259.5,100.5],[259.5,124.5],[268.5,125.5],[334.5,124.5],[334.5,78.5],[400.5,78.5],[400.5,124.5],[412.5,124.5],[412.5,103.5],[461.5,103.5],[461.5,119.5],[475.5,119.5],[475.5,103.5],[495.5,102.5],[494.5,79.5]]}, -{"id":170,"name":"The Scream","description":"A painting by Norwegian artist Edvard Munch.","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[274.5,66.5],"path":[[247.5,40.5],[300.5,40.5],[300.5,91.5],[247.5,91.5]]}, -{"id":171,"name":"Flag of Ukraine","description":"","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[205.5,213.5],"path":[[0.5,170.5],[337.5,171.5],[337.5,193.5],[433.5,193.5],[433.5,252.5],[237.5,251.5],[237.5,249.5],[-1.5,251.5]]}, -{"id":172,"name":"Gnome Child","description":"An NPC from the MMORPG Runescape.","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[152.5,63.5],"path":[[146.5,34.5],[137.5,57.5],[146.5,71.5],[135.5,83.5],[138.5,86.5],[144.5,82.5],[168.5,84.5],[168.5,77.5],[161.5,71.5],[164.5,65.5],[164.5,54.5],[155.5,43.5],[151.5,43.5],[150.5,34.5]]}, -{"id":173,"name":"Big Floppa","description":"The one and only.","website":"","subreddit":"r/bigfloppa","center":[1937.5,465.5],"path":[[1954.5,491.5],[1918.5,490.5],[1925.5,465.5],[1924.5,448.5],[1923.5,436.5],[1928.5,440.5],[1934.5,436.5],[1939.5,435.5],[1947.5,440.5],[1954.5,434.5],[1954.5,442.5],[1950.5,450.5],[1951.5,465.5]]}, -{"id":174,"name":"Hytale","description": "Hytale is an upcoming sandbox game by Hypixel Studios. Production began in 2015 by developers from the Minecraft multiplayer server Hypixel with funding and assistance from Riot Games, who later acquired the studio in 2020. It is planned to be released for PC, consoles, and mobile devices by 2023.","website": "https://hytale.com/","subreddit": "/r/hytaleinfo","center": [342.5,630.5],"path": [[323.5,614.5],[361.5,614.5],[361.5,645.5],[323.5,645.5],[323.5,614.5]]}, -{"id":175,"name":"Truttle1","description":"An animated Youtube channel dedicated to showcasing esoteric programming languages, old game engines, and other miscellaneous cartoons.","website":"http://truttle1.xyz/","subreddit":"r/Truttle1","center":[1857.5,497.5],"path":[[1853.5,494.5],[1853.5,494.5],[1853.5,494.5],[1851.5,496.5],[1851.5,497.5],[1852.5,498.5],[1854.5,498.5],[1854.5,498.5],[1856.5,500.5],[1858.5,498.5],[1860.5,500.5],[1860.5,500.5],[1862.5,498.5],[1862.5,497.5],[1858.5,493.5],[1857.5,493.5],[1855.5,495.5],[1854.5,495.5],[1854.5,495.5],[1854.5,495.5],[1854.5,495.5],[1853.5,494.5]]}, -{"id":176,"name": "Indomie Logo", "description": "Logo of an instant noodle brand from Indonesia.", "website": "https://www.indomie.com/", "subreddit": "r/indonesia", "center": [900.5, 1714.5 ], "path": [[873.5, 1703.5 ], [929.5, 1703.5 ], [929.5, 1724.5 ], [888.5, 1724.5 ], [888.5, 1728.5 ], [873.5, 1728.5 ], [873.5, 1703.5 ] ] }, -{"id":177,"name": "Viossa", "description": "Flag of the conpidgin Viossa.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/viossa", "center": [ 775.5, 296.5 ], "path": [ [ 769.5, 290.5 ], [ 780.5, 290.5 ], [ 780.5, 301.5 ], [ 769.5, 301.5 ] ] }, -{"id":178,"name": "Lojban", "description": "Flag of Lojban", "website": "https://lojban.org", "subreddit": "/r/lojban", "center": [ 760.5, 328.5 ], "path": [ [ 763.5, 326.5 ], [ 757.5, 326.5 ], [ 757.5, 330.5 ], [ 763.5, 330.5 ] ] }, -{"id":179,"name": "forsenE", "description": "The face of Twitch. An emote by the popular streamer of the decade forsen (aka. Sebastian Forsen Fors).", "website": "https://twitch.tv/forsen", "subreddit": "r/forsen", "center": [ 727.5, 925.5 ], "path": [ [ 706.5, 906.5 ], [ 748.5, 906.5 ], [ 748.5, 943.5 ], [ 706.5, 943.5 ], [ 706.5, 906.5 ] ] }, -{"id":180,"name":"Interlingue", "description": "Flag of Interlingue, an IAL to communicate between Western European languages.", "website": "https://occidental-lang.com", "subreddit": "/r/interlingue", "center": [ 768.5, 328.5 ], "path": [ [ 765.5, 326.5 ], [ 770.5, 326.5 ], [ 770.5, 329.5 ], [ 765.5, 329.5 ] ] }, -{"id":181,"name":"Viossa", "description": "Flag of the conpidgin Viossa.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/viossa", "center": [ 775.5, 296.5 ], "path": [ [ 769.5, 290.5 ], [ 780.5, 290.5 ], [ 780.5, 301.5 ], [ 769.5, 301.5 ] ] }, -{"id":182,"name":"Lojban", "description": "Flag of Lojban", "website": "https://lojban.org", "subreddit": "/r/lojban", "center": [ 760.5, 328.5 ], "path": [ [ 763.5, 326.5 ], [ 757.5, 326.5 ], [ 757.5, 330.5 ], [ 763.5, 330.5 ] ] }, -{"id":183,"name":"DMU","description": "De Montfort University","website": "","subreddit": "","center": [919.5,1425.5],"path": [[909.5,1420.5],[929.5,1420.5],[929.5,1430.5],[909.5,1430.5],[909.5,1420.5]]}, -{"id":184,"name":"The University of Texas at Austin","description":"The hand-sign, mascot, and the main tower of the University of Texas at Austin. Hook 'Em!","website":"https://utexas.edu","subreddit":"/r/UTAustin","center":[583.5,961.5],"path":[[594.5,974.5],[593.5,948.5],[573.5,948.5],[573.5,973.5],[594.5,974.5]]}, -{"id":185,"name":"The Vineshroom", "description": "The mascot of the Vinesauce Twitch channel.", "website": "https://twitch.tv/Vinesauce", "subreddit": "/r/Vinesauce", "center": [76.5, 675.5], "path": [ [73.5, 676.5], [73.5, 683.5], [74.5, 684.5], [78.5, 684.5], [79.5, 683.5], [79.5, 676.5], [81.5, 676.5], [82.5, 675.5], [82.5, 672.5], [81.5, 671.5], [81.5, 670.5], [80.5, 669.5], [79.5, 668.5], [73.5, 668.5], [72.5, 669.5], [71.5, 670.5], [71.5, 671.5], [70.5, 672.5], [70.5, 676.5], [73.5, 676.5]]}, -{"id":186,"submitted_by": "L33Tech", "name":"SMP Online","description":"The SMP Online Minecraft server community!","website":"https://callmecarson.live","subreddit":"/r/CallMeCarson","center":[516.5,1686.5],"path":[[499.5,1673.5],[499.5,1673.5],[537.5,1673.5],[536.5,1685.5],[530.5,1685.5],[530.5,1699.5],[500.5,1700.5],[500.5,1688.5],[499.5,1688.5],[499.5,1680.5]]}, -{"id":187,"submitted_by": "L33Tech", "name":"Place Start","description":"A start menu for r/place, syled after Windows XP","website":"","subreddit":"/r/PlaceStart","center":[589.5,1985.5],"path":[[0.5,1970.5],[1200.5,1972.5],[1200.5,1999.5],[0.5,2000.5],[0.5,1970.5]]}, -{"id":188,"submitted_by": "L33Tech", "name":"r/TheBlueCorner","description":"Exactly what it sounds like, but filled with amogus.","website":"","subreddit":"/r/TheBlueCorner","center":[1959.5,1939.5],"path":[[1915.5,1868.5],[2002.5,1867.5],[2004.5,2007.5],[1916.5,2013.5],[1916.5,1991.5],[1916.5,1922.5],[1916.5,1868.5]]}, -// /r/grandorder, /r/necoarc and related type-moon projects +{"id":158,"name":"Flag of Egypt","description":"","website":"","subreddit":"r/Egypt","center":[66.5,156.5],"path":[[28.5,144.5],[28.5,169.5],[108.5,169.5],[108.5,148.5],[74.5,148.5],[74.5,138.5],[52.5,138.5],[47.5,144.5],[28.5,144.5]]}, +{"id":159,"name":"Pyramids of Giza","description":"","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[66.5,157.5],"path":[[52.5,160.5],[80.5,160.5],[74.5,154.5],[72.5,155.5],[68.5,152.5],[66.5,154.5],[62.5,150.5]]}, +{"id":160,"name":"Homestuck","description":"A webcomic by Andrew Hussie that ran from 2009 to 2016.","website":"homestuck.com","subreddit":"r/homestuck","center":[248.5,145.5],"path":[[221.5,126.5],[266.5,126.5],[275.5,135.5],[275.5,164.5],[221.5,164.5]]}, +{"id":161,"name":"Hiveswap","description":"An adventure game set in the same multiverse as Homestuck.","website":"hiveswap.com","subreddit":"r/hiveswap","center":[262.5,168.5],"path":[[247.5,165.5],[247.5,171.5],[276.5,171.5],[276.5,165.5]]}, +{"id":162,"name":"Flag of Taiwan","description":"","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[286.5,165.5],"path":[[276.5,158.5],[295.5,158.5],[295.5,172.5],[276.5,172.5]]}, +{"id":163,"name":"Flag of South Korea","description":"","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[306.5,165.5],"path":[[295.5,158.5],[316.5,158.5],[316.5,172.5],[295.5,172.5]]}, +{"id":164,"name":"Flag of Japan","description":"","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[327.5,165.5],"path":[[316.5,158.5],[337.5,158.5],[337.5,172.5],[316.5,172.5]]}, +{"id":165,"name":"John Egbert","description":"A major character from Homestuck.","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[251.5,112.5],"path":[[243.5,102.5],[258.5,102.5],[258.5,121.5],[243.5,121.5]]}, +{"id":166,"name":"Nepeta Leijon","description":"A character from Homestuck.","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[180.5,153.5],"path":[[171.5,141.5],[188.5,141.5],[188.5,165.5],[171.5,165.5]]}, +{"id":167,"name":"Faroe Islands","description":"","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[437.5,120.5],"path":[[412.5,103.5],[461.5,103.5],[461.5,136.5],[412.5,136.5]]}, +{"id":168,"name":"Flag of Norway","description":"","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[352.5,72.5],"path":[[493.5,36.5],[215.5,36.5],[215.5,95.5],[231.5,95.5],[231.5,100.5],[259.5,100.5],[259.5,124.5],[268.5,125.5],[334.5,124.5],[334.5,78.5],[400.5,78.5],[400.5,124.5],[412.5,124.5],[412.5,103.5],[461.5,103.5],[461.5,119.5],[475.5,119.5],[475.5,103.5],[495.5,102.5],[494.5,79.5]]}, +{"id":169,"name":"The Scream","description":"A painting by Norwegian artist Edvard Munch.","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[274.5,66.5],"path":[[247.5,40.5],[300.5,40.5],[300.5,91.5],[247.5,91.5]]}, +{"id":170,"name":"Flag of Ukraine","description":"","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[205.5,213.5],"path":[[0.5,170.5],[337.5,171.5],[337.5,193.5],[433.5,193.5],[433.5,252.5],[237.5,251.5],[237.5,249.5],[-1.5,251.5]]}, +{"id":171,"name":"Gnome Child","description":"An NPC from the MMORPG Runescape.","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[152.5,63.5],"path":[[146.5,34.5],[137.5,57.5],[146.5,71.5],[135.5,83.5],[138.5,86.5],[144.5,82.5],[168.5,84.5],[168.5,77.5],[161.5,71.5],[164.5,65.5],[164.5,54.5],[155.5,43.5],[151.5,43.5],[150.5,34.5]]}, +{"id":172,"name":"Big Floppa","description":"The one and only.","website":"","subreddit":"r/bigfloppa","center":[1937.5,465.5],"path":[[1954.5,491.5],[1918.5,490.5],[1925.5,465.5],[1924.5,448.5],[1923.5,436.5],[1928.5,440.5],[1934.5,436.5],[1939.5,435.5],[1947.5,440.5],[1954.5,434.5],[1954.5,442.5],[1950.5,450.5],[1951.5,465.5]]}, +{"id":174,"name": "Hytale","description": "Hytale is an upcoming sandbox game by Hypixel Studios. Production began in 2015 by developers from the Minecraft multiplayer server Hypixel with funding and assistance from Riot Games, who later acquired the studio in 2020.","website": "https://hytale.com/","subreddit": "/r/hytaleinfo","center": [342.5,630.5],"path": [[323.5,614.5],[361.5,614.5],[361.5,645.5],[323.5,645.5],[323.5,614.5]]}, +{"id":174,"name":"Truttle1","description":"An animated Youtube channel dedicated to showcasing esoteric programming languages, old game engines, and other miscellaneous cartoons.","website":"http://truttle1.xyz/","subreddit":"r/Truttle1","center":[1857.5,497.5],"path":[[1853.5,494.5],[1853.5,494.5],[1853.5,494.5],[1851.5,496.5],[1851.5,497.5],[1852.5,498.5],[1854.5,498.5],[1854.5,498.5],[1856.5,500.5],[1858.5,498.5],[1860.5,500.5],[1860.5,500.5],[1862.5,498.5],[1862.5,497.5],[1858.5,493.5],[1857.5,493.5],[1855.5,495.5],[1854.5,495.5],[1854.5,495.5],[1854.5,495.5],[1854.5,495.5],[1853.5,494.5]]}, +{"id":175,"name": "Indomie Logo", "description": "Logo of an instant noodle brand from Indonesia.", "website": "https://www.indomie.com/", "subreddit": "r/indonesia", "center": [900.5, 1714.5 ], "path": [[873.5, 1703.5 ], [929.5, 1703.5 ], [929.5, 1724.5 ], [888.5, 1724.5 ], [888.5, 1728.5 ], [873.5, 1728.5 ], [873.5, 1703.5 ] ] }, +{"id":176,"name": "Viossa", "description": "Flag of the conpidgin Viossa.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/viossa", "center": [ 775.5, 296.5 ], "path": [ [ 769.5, 290.5 ], [ 780.5, 290.5 ], [ 780.5, 301.5 ], [ 769.5, 301.5 ] ] }, +{"id":177,"name": "Lojban", "description": "Flag of Lojban", "website": "https://lojban.org", "subreddit": "/r/lojban", "center": [ 760.5, 328.5 ], "path": [ [ 763.5, 326.5 ], [ 757.5, 326.5 ], [ 757.5, 330.5 ], [ 763.5, 330.5 ] ] }, +{"id":178,"name": "TUM Logo","description": "Logo of the Technical University of Munich","website": "https://tum.de","subreddit": "/r/tumunich","center": [1250.5,1184.5],"path": [[1239.5,1178.5],[1260.5,1178.5],[1260.5,1189.5],[1239.5,1189.5],[1239.5,1178.5]]}, +{"id":179,"name":"SiIvaGunner","description":"SiIvaGunner is a collaborative YouTube channel uploading remixes, jokes and memes masquerading as video game music uploads.\nOnly the highest quality video game rips around!","website":"https://www.youtube.com/c/SiIvaGunner","subreddit":"/r/giivasunner","center":[77.5,962.5],"path":[[62.5,942.5],[62.5,982.5],[92.5,982.5],[92.5,942.5]]}, +{"id":180, "name": "TeosGame", "description": "Mural made by the TeosGame community.", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/teosgame", "subreddit": "/r/TeosGame", "center": [1121.5,998.5], "path": [[1083.5,962.5], [1083.5,1038.5], [1116.5,1038.5], [1116.5,1003.5], [1118.5,1001.5], [1127.5,1001.5], [1129.5,1003.5], [1129.5,1038.5], [1160.5,1038.5], [1160.5,962.5]]}, +{"id":181,"name": "Rhythm Doctor - Otto", "description": "The auto-play robot Otto, from the rhythm game Rhythm Doctor. RDL is the acronym for the community discord, Rhythm Doctor Lounge", "website": "https://rhythmdr.com/", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 77.5, 710.5 ], "path": [ [ 72.5, 704.5 ], [ 82.5, 704.5 ], [ 82.5, 715.5 ], [ 72.5, 715.5 ] ] }, +{"id":182,"name":"Hello Internet","description":"A podcast by CGP Grey and Dr. Brady Haran.","website":"https://www.hellointernet.fm/","subreddit":"/r/HelloInternet/","center":[69.5,805.5],"path":[[48.5,777.5],[48.5,787.5],[58.5,787.5],[58.5,798.5],[48.5,798.5],[48.5,830.5],[94.5,830.5],[94.5,820.5],[89.5,820.5],[89.5,801.5],[80.5,801.5],[80.5,792.5],[89.5,792.5],[89.5,777.5]]}, +{"id":183,"name":"Coldplay","description":"The \"Viva\" sign from the album Viva la Vida. 4 album covers of A Rush Of Blood To The Head, X&Y, Mylo Xyloto and Parachutes, and the A Head Full Of Dreams colour spectrum.","website":"","subreddit":"/r/coldplay","center":[1722.5,43.5],"path":[[1695.5,35.5],[1745.5,35.5],[1745.5,45.5],[1744.5,45.5],[1744.5,52.5],[1717.5,52.5],[1717.5,47.5],[1695.5,47.5],[1695.5,35.5]]}, +{"id":184, "name": "Hololive Logo", "description": "Hololive is a VTuber agency from Japan. The agency has a Japanese, English, and Indonesian branch.", "website": "https://www.hololive.tv/", "subreddit": "r/hololive", "center": [ 239.5, 745.5 ], "path": [ [ 201.5, 722.5 ], [ 201.5, 771.5 ], [ 239.5, 752.5 ], [ 301.5, 752.5 ], [ 301.5, 737.5 ], [ 240.5, 738.5 ], [ 204.5, 720.5 ] ] }, +{"id":185, "name": "Nijisanji Logo", "description": "Nijisanji is a VTuber agency from Japan with over 200 streamers in the agency.", "website": "https://www.nijisanji.jp/", "subreddit": "r/Nijisanji", "center": [ 183.5, 736.5 ], "path": [ [ 184.5, 720.5 ], [ 192.5, 723.5 ], [ 197.5, 729.5 ], [ 198.5, 735.5 ], [ 195.5, 736.5 ], [ 194.5, 744.5 ], [ 189.5, 749.5 ], [ 184.5, 751.5 ], [ 177.5, 750.5 ], [ 174.5, 748.5 ], [ 171.5, 749.5 ], [ 170.5, 751.5 ], [ 168.5, 751.5 ], [ 168.5, 749.5 ], [ 169.5, 747.5 ], [ 170.5, 746.5 ], [ 170.5, 744.5 ], [ 169.5, 742.5 ], [ 168.5, 739.5 ], [ 168.5, 736.5 ], [ 169.5, 733.5 ], [ 171.5, 730.5 ], [ 173.5, 727.5 ], [ 180.5, 724.5 ], [ 182.5, 724.5 ], [ 183.5, 720.5 ] ] }, +{"id":186, "name": "Gawr Gura", "description": "Gawr Gura is a VTuber from Hololive English. Her twitter is https://twitter.com/gawrgura", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g", "subreddit": "r/GawrGura", "center": [ 247.5, 769.5 ], "path": [ [ 228.5, 769.5 ], [ 244.5, 754.5 ], [ 254.5, 754.5 ], [ 267.5, 771.5 ], [ 261.5, 770.5 ], [ 261.5, 774.5 ], [ 266.5, 775.5 ], [ 266.5, 780.5 ], [ 227.5, 780.5 ], [ 227.5, 775.5 ], [ 234.5, 774.5 ], [ 234.5, 769.5 ] ] }, +{"id":187, "name": "Hololive English (2nd Gen.)", "description": "Hololive Council (EN 2nd Gen.) chibi artwork. From left to right: Hakos Baelz, Nanashi Mumei, Ceres Fauna, Ouro Kronii, Tsukumo Sana.", "website": "https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/talents?gp=english", "subreddit": "/r/hololive", "center": [ 264.5, 731.5 ], "path": [ [ 236.5, 725.5 ], [ 292.5, 725.5 ], [ 298.5, 736.5 ], [ 295.5, 737.5 ], [ 238.5, 737.5 ], [ 231.5, 733.5 ] ] }, +{"id":188, "name": "VShojo Logo", "description": "VShojo is a US-based VTuber organization based in San Francisco.\n\nUnlike Japan-based VTuber organizations, VShojo primarily uses Twitch for livestreaming, with YouTube reserved primarily for highlight clips and edited content.", "website": "https://www.vshojo.com/", "subreddit": "/r/VShojo", "center": [ 173.5, 757.5 ], "path": [ [ 170.5, 750.5 ], [ 165.5, 755.5 ], [ 165.5, 759.5 ], [ 167.5, 764.5 ], [ 170.5, 765.5 ], [ 177.5, 764.5 ], [ 180.5, 764.5 ], [ 182.5, 759.5 ], [ 182.5, 756.5 ], [ 181.5, 753.5 ], [ 175.5, 749.5 ] ] }, +{"id":189, "name": "Shuba Duck", "description": "Shuba Duck / Dancing Duck Oozora Subaru, also known as Subaru Duck, refers to an animation of a duck in a backward baseball cap dancing alongside virtual Hololive influencer Oozora Subaru. The duck is a representation of Subaru, who is often likened to a duck for her raspy ASMR voice, among other reasons. The duck took on the nickname \"Shuba Duck\" or \"Shubaduck\" based on Subaru's habit of regularly saying \"shuba\" when excited.", "website": "https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/shuba-duck-dancing-duck-oozora-subaru", "subreddit": "/r/Hololive", "center": [ 242.5, 799.5 ], "path": [ [ 238.5, 782.5 ], [ 235.5, 787.5 ], [ 235.5, 790.5 ], [ 233.5, 791.5 ], [ 238.5, 793.5 ], [ 237.5, 796.5 ], [ 232.5, 801.5 ], [ 232.5, 805.5 ], [ 238.5, 809.5 ], [ 235.5, 813.5 ], [ 246.5, 813.5 ], [ 246.5, 810.5 ], [ 252.5, 806.5 ], [ 253.5, 802.5 ], [ 250.5, 798.5 ], [ 248.5, 797.5 ], [ 246.5, 799.5 ], [ 243.5, 797.5 ], [ 243.5, 792.5 ], [ 247.5, 790.5 ], [ 247.5, 789.5 ], [ 245.5, 787.5 ], [ 244.5, 782.5 ] ] }, +{"id":190, "name": "Udin", "description": "Udin is the mascot of Kureiji Ollie, a VTuber from Hololive Indonesia", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYz_5n-uDuChHtLo7My1HnQ", "subreddit": "/r/Hololive", "center": [ 290.5, 763.5 ], "path": [ [ 279.5, 753.5 ], [ 279.5, 773.5 ], [ 300.5, 773.5 ], [ 300.5, 753.5 ] ] }, +{"id":191, "name": "PEKO!!!", "description": "\"Peko\" is the catchphrase used by Usada Pekora, a VTuber from Hololive 3rd Gen. Japan branch", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1DCedRgGHBdm81E1llLhOQ", "subreddit": "/r/Hololive", "center": [ 228.5, 793.5 ], "path": [ [ 225.5, 781.5 ], [ 225.5, 804.5 ], [ 231.5, 804.5 ], [ 231.5, 781.5 ] ] }, +{"id":192, "name": "Mini YAGOO", "description": "Motoaki Tanigo is the CEO of COVER Corporation, the company behind Hololive Production. His nickname is \"Yagoo\", which originated from a misreading of his name \"Tanigo\" as \"Yagoo\" by Oozora Subaru, one of Hololive's talents.\n\n Mini Yagoo is a figure that has been a running gag as his profile pictures mostly used his portrait without his body, so limbs were drawn for him during one stream", "website": "https://twitter.com/tanigox", "subreddit": "/r/Hololive", "center": [ 240.5, 821.5 ], "path": [ [ 234.5, 813.5 ], [ 230.5, 813.5 ], [ 230.5, 828.5 ], [ 249.5, 828.5 ], [ 249.5, 813.5 ] ] }, +{"id":193, "name": "Haaton", "description": "Akai Haato is a VTuber from Hololive's 1st Generation from Japan. She also has a nickname \"Haachama\". Her fanbase is officially called \"Haaton\" (はあとん), which is a combination of \"Haato\" and \"ton\" 豚 (pig). They are represented by a yellow plush pig that also works as her mascot. ", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CfXB_kRs3C-zaeTG3oGyg", "subreddit": "/r/Hololive", "center": [ 1362.5, 898.5 ], "path": [ [ 1354.5, 894.5 ], [ 1370.5, 894.5 ], [ 1370.5, 901.5 ], [ 1354.5, 901.5 ] ] }, +{"id":194, "name": "r/place Vtubers","description": "An area carved up by a coalition of different vtuber communities which includes r/Hololive, r/Nijisanji, r/Vshojo. ","website": "","subreddit": "/r/VirtualYoutubers","center": [235.5,757.5],"path": [[174.5,724.5],[185.5,723.5],[183.5,716.5],[258.5,715.5],[261.5,726.5],[292.5,725.5],[298.5,737.5],[302.5,737.5],[301.5,754.5],[298.5,754.5],[300.5,766.5],[296.5,773.5],[288.5,773.5],[280.5,767.5],[267.5,773.5],[267.5,780.5],[259.5,781.5],[261.5,794.5],[256.5,794.5],[257.5,810.5],[257.5,829.5],[229.5,829.5],[229.5,806.5],[225.5,804.5],[225.5,789.5],[217.5,783.5],[206.5,782.5],[201.5,774.5],[196.5,774.5],[190.5,769.5],[183.5,765.5],[170.5,766.5],[165.5,757.5],[170.5,749.5],[167.5,738.5]]}, +{"id":195, "name": "Kobo Kanaeru x Wave collab", "description": "Kobo Kanaeru is a VTuber from Hololive Indonesia. The art was made in collaboration with r/place_the_wave", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjLEmnpCNeisMxy134KPwWw", "subreddit": "/r/Hololive", "center": [ 1916.5, 714.5 ], "path": [ [ 1892.5, 697.5 ], [ 1939.5, 697.5 ], [ 1939.5, 731.5 ], [ 1892.5, 731.5 ] ] }, +{"id":196,"name":"Oaklands","description":"A pixel art version of the game Oaklands on Roblox, made by Typical Developers.","website":"https://twitter.com/TypicalDevelops","subreddit":"r/Oaklands/","center":[19.5,1118.5],"path":[[0.5,1114.5],[40.5,1115.5],[40.5,1121.5],[0.5,1121.5]]}, +{"id":197, "submitted_by": "Matojeje", "name": "Pokémon Workshop", "description": "A Discord community for artists who create drawings, songs or stories related to the Pokémon franchise. The Discord server with hundreds of friendly artists holds art weekly contests.", "website": "https://discord.gg/PkmnWorkshop", "subreddit":"", "center":[1495.5,1196.5], "path": [[1484.5,1192.5],[1505.5,1192.5],[1505.5,1200.5],[1484.5,1200.5]]}, +{"id":198, "submitted_by": "Matojeje", "name": "Pokémon Workshop", "description": "A Discord community for artists who create drawings, songs or stories related to the Pokémon franchise. The Discord server with hundreds of friendly artists holds art weekly contests.", "website": "https://discord.gg/PkmnWorkshop", "subreddit":"", "center":[1090.5,493.5], "path": [[1078.5,489.5],[1078.5,497.5],[1101.5,497.5],[1101.5,489.5]]}, +{"id":199, "name": "McMaster University Crest", "description": "The school crest of McMaster University, located in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.","website": "https://www.mcmaster.ca/","subreddit": "/r/McMaster","center": [ 1255.5, 45.5 ], "path": [ [ 1261.5, 36.5 ], [ 1263.5, 36.5 ], [ 1263.5, 51.5 ], [ 1255.5, 58.5 ], [ 1247.5, 51.5 ], [ 1247.5, 36.5 ] ] }, +{"id":200,"name":"ImmutableX","description":"ImmutableX is a Layer 2 scaling solution for NFTs built on Ethereum.","website":"https://www.immutable.com/","subreddit":"","center":[873.5,876.5],"path":[[841.5,856.5],[905.5,856.5],[905.5,896.5],[841.5,896.5]]}, +{"id":201,"name":"Loopring","description":"Loopring is a zero-knowledge exchange and payment protocol built on Ethereum.","website":"https://loopring.org/","subreddit":"","center":[807.5,876.5],"path":[[775.5,856.5],[775.5,896.5],[839.5,896.5],[840.5,857.5],[775.5,856.5]]}, +{"id":202,"name":"Flag of Morocco","description":"The flag of Morocco, consisting of a green pentagram over a red background","website":"","subreddit":"/r/morocco","center":[1661.5,815.5],"path":[[1624.5,798.5],[1624.5,831.5],[1698.5,832.5],[1698.5,799.5],[1624.5,798.5]]}, +{"id":203,"name":"Genshin Impact","description":"Genshin Impact is an action role-playing game developed by Chinese developer miHoYo, and first published in 2020. The game features an anime-style open-world environment and an action-based battle system using elemental magic and character-switching.","website":"https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/","subreddit":"/r/Genshin_Impact","center":[1750.5,1786.5],"path":[[1736.5,1773.5],[1736.5,1761.5],[1772.5,1761.5],[1772.5,1809.5],[1723.5,1809.5],[1723.5,1803.5],[1727.5,1803.5],[1727.5,1802.5],[1728.5,1802.5],[1728.5,1801.5],[1729.5,1801.5],[1729.5,1800.5],[1730.5,1800.5],[1730.5,1798.5],[1731.5,1798.5],[1731.5,1792.5],[1730.5,1792.5],[1730.5,1791.5],[1729.5,1791.5],[1729.5,1790.5],[1728.5,1790.5],[1728.5,1789.5],[1727.5,1789.5],[1727.5,1788.5],[1723.5,1788.5],[1723.5,1773.5],[1736.5,1773.5]]}, +{"id":204,"name": "The Sun","description": "The Sun is the name of the lightbulb held by Niko in the game OneShot.","website": "https://www.oneshot-game.com","subreddit": "/r/OneShot","center": [1681.5,555.5],"path": [[1668.5,564.5],[1671.5,561.5],[1669.5,558.5],[1669.5,552.5],[1672.5,547.5],[1678.5,543.5],[1684.5,543.5],[1690.5,547.5],[1693.5,552.5],[1693.5,558.5],[1690.5,563.5],[1684.5,567.5],[1678.5,567.5],[1674.5,565.5],[1672.5,568.5],[1670.5,567.5]]}, +{"id":205,"name": "Divergence Meter", "description":"A recreation of the Divergence Meter from the popular anime & visual novel Steins;Gate. The meter reads the \"Steins Gate\" Wordline of 1.048596.","website":"","subreddit":"/r/steinsgate/","center":[1204.5,29.5],"path":[[1182.5,34.5],[1226.5,34.5],[1226.5,23.5],[1182.5,23.5],[1182.5,34.5]]}, +{"id":206,"name": "forsenE", "description": "The face of Twitch. An emote by the popular streamer of the decade forsen (aka. Sebastian Forsen Fors).", "website": "https://twitch.tv/forsen", "subreddit": "r/forsen", "center": [ 727.5, 925.5 ], "path": [ [ 706.5, 906.5 ], [ 748.5, 906.5 ], [ 748.5, 943.5 ], [ 706.5, 943.5 ], [ 706.5, 906.5 ] ] }, +{"id":207,"name":"Interlingue", "description": "Flag of Interlingue, an IAL to communicate between Western European languages.", "website": "https://occidental-lang.com", "subreddit": "/r/interlingue", "center": [ 768.5, 328.5 ], "path": [ [ 765.5, 326.5 ], [ 770.5, 326.5 ], [ 770.5, 329.5 ], [ 765.5, 329.5 ] ] }, +{"id":208,"name":"Viossa", "description": "Flag of the conpidgin Viossa.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/viossa", "center": [ 775.5, 296.5 ], "path": [ [ 769.5, 290.5 ], [ 780.5, 290.5 ], [ 780.5, 301.5 ], [ 769.5, 301.5 ] ] }, +{"id":209,"name":"Lojban", "description": "Flag of Lojban", "website": "https://lojban.org", "subreddit": "/r/lojban", "center": [ 760.5, 328.5 ], "path": [ [ 763.5, 326.5 ], [ 757.5, 326.5 ], [ 757.5, 330.5 ], [ 763.5, 330.5 ] ] }, +{"id":210,"name":"DMU","description": "De Montfort University","website": "","subreddit": "","center": [919.5,1425.5],"path": [[909.5,1420.5],[929.5,1420.5],[929.5,1430.5],[909.5,1430.5],[909.5,1420.5]]}, +{"id":211,"name":"The University of Texas at Austin","description":"The hand-sign, mascot, and the main tower of the University of Texas at Austin. Hook 'Em!","website":"https://utexas.edu","subreddit":"/r/UTAustin","center":[583.5,961.5],"path":[[594.5,974.5],[593.5,948.5],[573.5,948.5],[573.5,973.5],[594.5,974.5]]}, +{"id":212,"name":"The Vineshroom", "description": "The mascot of the Vinesauce Twitch channel.", "website": "https://twitch.tv/Vinesauce", "subreddit": "/r/Vinesauce", "center": [76.5, 675.5], "path": [ [73.5, 676.5], [73.5, 683.5], [74.5, 684.5], [78.5, 684.5], [79.5, 683.5], [79.5, 676.5], [81.5, 676.5], [82.5, 675.5], [82.5, 672.5], [81.5, 671.5], [81.5, 670.5], [80.5, 669.5], [79.5, 668.5], [73.5, 668.5], [72.5, 669.5], [71.5, 670.5], [71.5, 671.5], [70.5, 672.5], [70.5, 676.5], [73.5, 676.5]]}, +{"id":213,"submitted_by": "L33Tech", "name":"SMP Online","description":"The SMP Online Minecraft server community!","website":"https://callmecarson.live","subreddit":"/r/CallMeCarson","center":[516.5,1686.5],"path":[[499.5,1673.5],[499.5,1673.5],[537.5,1673.5],[536.5,1685.5],[530.5,1685.5],[530.5,1699.5],[500.5,1700.5],[500.5,1688.5],[499.5,1688.5],[499.5,1680.5]]}, +{"id":214,"name":"Loky Ronin","description":"a piece of art drawn by Videoyun Community ","website":"https://twitch.tv/videoyun","subreddit":"/r/videoyun","center":[772.5,1421.5],"path":[[735.5,1403.5],[735.5,1439.5],[809.5,1439.5],[809.5,1403.5]]}, +{"id":215,"submitted_by": "L33Tech", "name":"Place Start","description":"A start menu for r/place, syled after Windows XP","website":"","subreddit":"/r/PlaceStart","center":[589.5,1985.5],"path":[[0.5,1970.5],[1200.5,1972.5],[1200.5,1999.5],[0.5,2000.5],[0.5,1970.5]]}, +{"id":216,"submitted_by": "L33Tech", "name":"r/TheBlueCorner","description":"Exactly what it sounds like, but filled with amogus.","website":"","subreddit":"/r/TheBlueCorner","center":[1959.5,1939.5],"path":[[1915.5,1868.5],[2002.5,1867.5],[2004.5,2007.5],[1916.5,2013.5],[1916.5,1991.5],[1916.5,1922.5],[1916.5,1868.5]]}, +{"id":217,"name":"The Rust programming language","description":"This little square belongs to the community of the Rust programming language","website":"https://rust-lang.org","subreddit":"r/rust","center":[735.5,622.5],"path":[[722.5,608.5],[722.5,635.5],[748.5,635.5],[748.5,608.5]]}, +{"id":218,"name":"Realm of the Mad God","description":"Realm of The Mad God is a permadeath MMORPG developed by Deca Games. The image shows all eighteen of the playable classes in the game, a White Bag (Rarest loot container), the head of Oryx the Mad God (An endgame boss), Craig the Intern (A friendly NPC), and Archbishop Leucoryx (Another endgame boss) pictured as part of the German Flag holding.","website":"","subreddit":"/r/Rotmg","center":[508.5,877.5],"path":[[470.5,866.5],[470.5,889.5],[561.5,889.5],[561.5,886.5],[536.5,886.5],[536.5,871.5],[548.5,871.5],[548.5,861.5],[547.5,861.5],[547.5,857.5],[546.5,857.5],[546.5,858.5],[543.5,858.5],[543.5,857.5],[541.5,857.5],[541.5,858.5],[538.5,858.5],[538.5,857.5],[538.5,858.5],[537.5,858.5],[537.5,865.5],[536.5,865.5],[536.5,866.5],[470.5,866.5]]}, +{"id":219,"name":"Forgotten King and Shattered Queen","description":"Endgame Bosses from the video game Realm of the Mad God. The Forgotten King on the left shown holding a tri-force to symbolize the alliance between r/Zelda and r/RoTMG, while the Shattered Queen is shown on the right. In the bottom right corner is the iconic level 20 grave representing the permadeath nature of the game.","website":"","subreddit":"r/Rotmg","center":[1346.5,1888.5],"path":[[1326.5,1876.5],[1326.5,1900.5],[1366.5,1900.5],[1366.5,1876.5],[1326.5,1876.5]]}, +{"id":220,"name":"The Shotbow Network ","description":"The Original Minecraft Server Network! Home to old classics like MineZ, Annihilation and Smash!","website":"https://shotbow.net/","subreddit":"/r/Shotbow","center":[1009.5,478.5],"path":[[999.5,495.5],[1008.5,495.5],[1008.5,492.5],[1010.5,492.5],[1010.5,488.5],[1012.5,487.5],[1014.5,486.5],[1020.5,486.5],[1020.5,465.5],[999.5,465.5]]}, +{"id":221,"name":"MineZ","description":"Shotbow's original Minecraft gamemode! Based on the popular DayZ mod.","website":"https://shotbow.net/","subreddit":"/r/MineZ","center":[1012.5,460.5],"path":[[1004.5,465.5],[1020.5,465.5],[1020.5,455.5],[1004.5,455.5]]}, +{"id":222,"name":"Blasphemous","description":"Blasphemous is a Spanish indie metroidvania created by TheGameKitchen and released in 2019.","website":"https://store.steampowered.com/app/774361/Blasphemous/","subreddit":"https://www.reddit.com/r/Blasphemous/","center":[1192.5,335.5],"path":[[1191.5,320.5],[1184.5,320.5],[1184.5,323.5],[1183.5,323.5],[1183.5,324.5],[1182.5,324.5],[1182.5,345.5],[1204.5,345.5],[1204.5,333.5],[1199.5,333.5],[1199.5,331.5],[1200.5,330.5],[1199.5,329.5],[1196.5,329.5],[1194.5,327.5],[1195.5,326.5],[1195.5,325.5],[1191.5,321.5],[1191.5,320.5]]}, +{"id":223,"name":"Kaf","description": "Kaf is a Japanese female Virtual Singer on YouTube. She is a performer signed to Kamitsubaki Studio.","website": "https://discord.gg/NwCy89U","subreddit": "/r/Kamitsubaki_Fans","center": [1434.5,1114.5],"path": [[1452.5,1103.5],[1423.5,1103.5],[1423.5,1095.5],[1421.5,1095.5],[1421.5,1098.5],[1420.5,1098.5],[1420.5,1099.5],[1419.5,1099.5],[1419.5,1101.5],[1421.5,1101.5],[1421.5,1102.5],[1416.5,1102.5],[1416.5,1107.5],[1417.5,1107.5],[1417.5,1108.5],[1418.5,1108.5],[1418.5,1115.5],[1419.5,1115.5],[1419.5,1119.5],[1418.5,1119.5],[1418.5,1120.5],[1412.5,1120.5],[1412.5,1123.5],[1413.5,1123.5],[1413.5,1125.5],[1414.5,1125.5],[1414.5,1126.5],[1451.5,1126.5],[1451.5,1121.5],[1452.5,1121.5]]}, +{"id":224,"name":"Big Ten East", "description": "The eastern claim of the Big Ten. Pioneered by Indiana, this claim also includes Northwestern, Michigan State, Minnesota, and PAC-12 member Stanford.", "website": "","subreddit": "/r/TheB1G", "center": [1529.5, 764.5], "path": [[1508.5,780.5],[1552.5,780.5],[1552.5,768.5],[1550.5,768.5],[1550.5,747.5],[1508.5,747.5],[1508.5,780.5]]}, +{"id":225,"name":"Shelly (Small)", "description": "Shelly is the player character in the indie platformer Will You Snail?", "website": "https://store.steampowered.com/app/1115050/Will_You_Snail/", "subreddit": "/r/WillYouSnail", "center": [ 853.5, 973.5 ], "path": [ [ 849.5, 971.5 ], [ 849.5, 971.5 ], [ 850.5, 971.5 ], [ 851.5, 971.5 ], [ 851.5, 970.5 ], [ 857.5, 970.5 ], [ 857.5, 976.5 ], [ 849.5, 976.5 ], [ 849.5, 973.5 ] ] }, +{"id":226,"name":"Hu Tao Poland from r/polandball","description":"Poland from r/polandball dressed up as Hu Tao from Genshin Impact, our allies!","website":"","subreddit":"r/polandball","center":[1598.5,1781.5],"path":[[1577.5,1762.5],[1576.5,1761.5],[1625.5,1761.5],[1625.5,1781.5],[1620.5,1784.5],[1620.5,1786.5],[1619.5,1788.5],[1615.5,1798.5],[1615.5,1801.5],[1612.5,1803.5],[1610.5,1801.5],[1607.5,1798.5],[1604.5,1797.5],[1603.5,1799.5],[1603.5,1800.5],[1604.5,1801.5],[1605.5,1802.5],[1604.5,1803.5],[1597.5,1803.5],[1595.5,1804.5],[1591.5,1804.5],[1594.5,1801.5],[1596.5,1798.5],[1593.5,1795.5],[1588.5,1798.5],[1587.5,1799.5],[1586.5,1802.5],[1588.5,1806.5],[1591.5,1806.5],[1587.5,1806.5],[1586.5,1810.5],[1576.5,1810.5],[1577.5,1761.5],[1577.5,1761.5]]}, +{"id":227,"name":"Tiny! Hu Tao Poland - Polandball","description":"The tiny version of Poland from r/polandball dressed up as Hu Tao, with Boo Tao as well!","website":"","subreddit":"r/polandball","center":[1152.5,78.5],"path":[[1133.5,84.5],[1133.5,84.5],[1136.5,86.5],[1133.5,78.5],[1131.5,72.5],[1138.5,66.5],[1144.5,65.5],[1148.5,69.5],[1151.5,73.5],[1159.5,67.5],[1165.5,68.5],[1170.5,73.5],[1171.5,79.5],[1170.5,82.5],[1173.5,81.5],[1173.5,86.5],[1171.5,87.5],[1166.5,88.5],[1162.5,88.5],[1158.5,87.5],[1136.5,87.5],[1135.5,86.5]]}, +{"id":228,"name":"Femboy Bean", "description": "Original artwork by Fleurfurr, and Bean's sona, reimagined in pixel form by furry_irl.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/furry_irl", "center": [ 1044.5, 1798.5 ], "path": [ [ 1030.5, 1780.5 ], [ 1056.5, 1780.5 ], [ 1056.5, 1817.5 ], [ 1054.5, 1817.5 ], [ 1054.5, 1818.5 ], [ 1053.5, 1818.5 ], [ 1053.5, 1819.5 ], [ 1052.5, 1819.5 ], [ 1052.5, 1820.5 ], [ 1051.5, 1820.5 ], [ 1051.5, 1821.5 ], [ 1048.5, 1821.5 ], [ 1048.5, 1822.5 ], [ 1045.5, 1822.5 ], [ 1045.5, 1820.5 ], [ 1044.5, 1820.5 ], [ 1044.5, 1816.5 ], [ 1043.5, 1816.5 ], [ 1043.5, 1815.5 ], [ 1042.5, 1815.5 ], [ 1042.5, 1814.5 ], [ 1041.5, 1814.5 ], [ 1041.5, 1813.5 ], [ 1041.5, 1812.5 ], [ 1033.5, 1812.5 ], [ 1033.5, 1813.5 ], [ 1032.5, 1813.5 ], [ 1032.5, 1814.5 ], [ 1031.5, 1814.5 ], [ 1030.5, 1814.5 ], [ 1030.5, 1815.5 ], [ 1030.5, 1780.5 ] ] }, +{"id":229,"name":"Scott (Nelward)", "description": "Scott, the symbol for Atlanta-based independent music artist Nelward.", "website": "https://www.nelward.com", "subreddit": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Nelward","center": [7.5,69.5],"path": [[1.5,65.5],[12.5,65.5],[12.5,72.5],[1.5,72.5]]}, +{"id":230,"name":"Taiwan's First Claim", "description": "r/Taiwan's first claims on r/Place, starting from the big Taiwan flag and evolving into the mini-flags, Taipei 101, and Boba tea. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Taiwan", "center": [938.5, 546.5], "path": [ [978.5, 567.5], [910.5, 567.5], [910.5, 515.5], [958.5, 515.5], [959.5, 519.5], [934.5, 519.5], [934.5, 542.5], [978.5, 542.5], [978.5, 567.5] ]}, +{"id":231,"name":"Taiwan Independence Flag", "description": "The flag of the World Taiwanese Congress, the most common flag representing the Taiwanese Independence movement. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Taiwan", "center": [ 1227.5, 147.5 ], "path": [ [ 1206.5, 134.5 ], [ 1248.5, 134.5 ], [ 1248.5, 160.5 ], [ 1206.5, 160.5 ], [ 1206.5, 134.5 ] ]}, +{"id":232,"name":"Taipei 101 attempt","description": "r/Taiwan tried to make a 101 pixel high Taipei 101 at this location, in coordination with many other allies. ","website": "","subreddit": "/r/Taiwan","center": [ 1200.5, 1266.5],"path": [[ 1178.5, 1275.5],[ 1219.5, 1275.5],[ 1219.5, 1265.5],[ 1217.5, 1265.5],[ 1217.5, 1264.5],[ 1216.5, 1264.5],[ 1216.5, 1262.5],[ 1214.5, 1262.5],[ 1214.5, 1261.5],[ 1213.5, 1261.5],[ 1213.5, 1260.5],[ 1212.5, 1260.5],[ 1212.5, 1259.5],[ 1211.5, 1259.5],[ 1211.5, 1258.5],[ 1210.5, 1258.5],[ 1210.5, 1257.5],[ 1209.5, 1257.5],[ 1209.5, 1256.5],[ 1207.5, 1256.5],[ 1207.5, 1254.5],[ 1206.5, 1254.5],[ 1206.5, 1251.5],[ 1205.5, 1251.5],[ 1205.5, 1247.5],[ 1204.5, 1247.5],[ 1204.5, 1241.5],[ 1202.5, 1241.5],[ 1202.5, 1250.5],[ 1199.5, 1250.5],[ 1199.5, 1257.5],[ 1199.5, 1257.5],[ 1199.5, 1258.5],[ 1198.5, 1258.5],[ 1198.5, 1263.5],[ 1179.5, 1263.5],[ 1178.5, 1263.5],[ 1178.5, 1275.5]]}, +{"id":233,"name":"Super Smash Bros Melee", "description": "Super smash bros melee, a fighting game community dedicated to their game, which they have not abandoned after 20 years and 3 sequels. They also never abandoned their main slippi.gg logo, which stood for effectively the whole duration of r/place. They also collaborated with place trees to construct Dream Land, one of the 6 legal stages in competitive Melee, featuring Whispy woods, and added Fox and Falco Stock icons. ", "website": "https://slippi.gg", "subreddit": "/r/ssbm", "center": [789.5,943.5],"path": [[776.5,927.5],[775.5,961.5],[781.5,962.5],[781.5,978.5],[800.5,982.5],[817.5,979.5],[818.5,962.5],[824.5,962.5],[823.5,926.5],[800.5,915.5],[777.5,926.5],[771.5,907.5],[750.5,905.5],[749.5,927.5],[748.5,945.5],[776.5,947.5]]}, +{"id":234,"name":"VRChat","description":"Logo of the VRChat online virtual reality social platform.","website":"https://vrchat.com","subreddit":"r/vrchat","center":[962.5,97.5],"path":[[930.5,88.5],[994.5,88.5],[994.5,104.5],[990.5,104.5],[991.5,112.5],[983.5,105.5],[930.5,105.5]]}, +{"id":235,"name":"UW Madison Motion W", "description": "The \"Motion W\", University of Wisconsin-Madison's athletics logo.", "website": "https://wisc.edu", "subreddit": "/r/UWMadison", "center": [ 112.5, 593.5 ], "path": [ [ 100.5, 580.5 ], [ 124.5, 580.5 ], [ 124.5, 606.5 ], [ 100.5, 606.5 ] ] }, +{"id":236,"name":"Bucky Badger", "description": "University of Wisconsin-Madison's mascot Bucky U Badger, in the middle of being consumed.", "website": "https://wisc.edu", "subreddit": "/r/UWMadison", "center": [ 280.5, 1565.5 ], "path": [ [ 250.5, 1552.5 ], [ 300.5, 1552.5 ], [ 300.5, 1585.5 ], [ 280.5, 1585.5 ], [ 280.5, 1569.5 ], [ 250.5, 1567.5 ], [ 250.5, 1552.5 ] ] }, +{"id":237,"name":"Roscoe", "description": "Dog (and emote) of French Twitch streamer Shisheyu_Mayamoto. It's an Eurasier.", "website": "https://www.twitch.tv/shisheyu_mayamoto", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 1928.5, 1677.5 ], "path": [ [ 1907.5, 1659.5 ], [ 1907.5, 1694.5 ], [ 1949.5, 1694.5 ], [ 1949.5, 1659.5 ], [ 1907.5, 1659.5 ] ] }, +{"id":238,"name":"Shisheyu_Mayamoto's Logo", "description": "Shisheyu Mayamoto's Twitch channel's logo", "website": "https://www.twitch.tv/shisheyu_mayamoto", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 1915.5, 1568.5 ], "path": [ [ 1909.5, 1562.5 ], [ 1909.5, 1573.5 ], [ 1921.5, 1573.5 ], [ 1921.5, 1562.5 ], [ 1909.5, 1562.5 ] ] }, +{"id":239,"name":"Esperanto","description": "A proposed international language designed to be as simple as possible to understand","website": "https://esperanto.net/en/","subreddit": "/r/esperanto","center": [1466.5,494.5],"path": [[1433.5,487.5],[1499.5,487.5],[1499.5,501.5],[1433.5,501.5]]}, +{"id":240,"name":"VRChat Modding Group","description":"Logo of the VRChat Modding Group, a community dedicated to creating and maintaining mods for the VR social platform VRChat","website":"https://discord.gg/vrcmg","subreddit":"","center":[1294.5,1985.5],"path":[[1284.5,1976.5],[1305.5,1976.5],[1305.5,1992.5],[1304.5,1992.5],[1304.5,1993.5],[1302.5,1993.5],[1302.5,1995.5],[1300.5,1995.5],[1298.5,1993.5],[1292.5,1993.5],[1292.5,1995.5],[1285.5,1995.5],[1285.5,1993.5],[1284.5,1993.5]]}, +{"id":241,"name": "Disco Elisium", "description": "Main characters of the game.", "website": "https://discoelysium.com/", "subreddit": "https://www.reddit.com/r/DiscoElysium/", "center": [ 1383.5, 1900.5 ], "path": [ [ 1362.5, 1884.5 ], [ 1403.5, 1884.5 ], [ 1403.5, 1917.5 ], [ 1364.5, 1917.5 ] ] }, +{"id":242,"submitted_by":"StrikerX3","name":"Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX Badge","description":"A depiction of the rescue team badge in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX. The background has the pattern of the Harmony Scarf from Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, and the picture also contains a Seed and an Orb, two usable items in the game.","website":"","subreddit":"/r/MysteryDungeon","center":[722.5,791.5],"path":[[709.5,778.5],[709.5,803.5],[734.5,803.5],[734.5,778.5]]}, +{"id":243,"submitted_by":"StrikerX3","name":"Time Gear","description":"A depiction of a Time Gear from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky, a major plot item in the games.","website":"","subreddit":"/r/MysteryDungeon","center":[1090.5,477.5],"path":[[1078.5,465.5],[1078.5,488.5],[1101.5,488.5],[1101.5,465.5]]}, +{"id":244,"submitted_by":"StrikerX3","name":"Sleeping Shiny Celebi","description":"A sleeping shiny Celebi. The sprite was based on in-game art from the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games for the Nintendo DS.","website":"","subreddit":"/r/MysteryDungeon","center":[1325.5,61.5],"path":[[1323.5,50.5],[1321.5,54.5],[1321.5,61.5],[1318.5,61.5],[1318.5,63.5],[1320.5,66.5],[1320.5,68.5],[1326.5,69.5],[1328.5,68.5],[1328.5,65.5],[1331.5,63.5],[1331.5,55.5],[1330.5,54.5],[1327.5,55.5],[1325.5,54.5],[1325.5,53.5]]}, +{"id":245,"submitted_by":"StrikerX3","name":"Victini and the V-Wheel","description":"A depiction of Victini and his V-Wheel from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity.","website":"","subreddit":"/r/MysteryDungeon","center":[1752.5,1485.5],"path":[[1734.5,1473.5],[1734.5,1496.5],[1770.5,1496.5],[1770.5,1473.5]]}, +{"id":246,"name": "Green Greens", "description": "A collaboration between /r/PlaceTrees and the Super Smash Bros. Melee community. Based on the Smash 64 stage Dream Land, with Pikachu, Fox, Falco, and Kirby fighting.", "website": "https://supersmashbros.fandom.com/wiki/Dream_Land_(Super_Smash_Bros.)", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 762.5, 918.5 ], "path": [[753.5,931.5],[771.5,931.5],[774.5,928.5],[774.5,908.5],[772.5,906.5],[753.5,906.5],[750.5,910.5],[750.5,928.5]]}, +{"id":247,"name": "Veloren", "description": "Veloren is an open source multiplayer voxel RPG written in Rust.", "website": "https://veloren.net/", "subreddit": "/r/veloren", "center": [ 741.5, 642.5 ], "path": [ [ 736.5, 637.5 ], [ 745.5, 637.5 ], [ 745.5, 646.5 ], [ 736.5, 646.5 ], [ 736.5, 646.5 ] ] }, +{"id": 249, "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Protea", "description": "Proteas are a species of plant mostly found in South Africa. The King Protea is the national flower of South Africa", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/southafrica", "center": [771.5, 1054.5], "path": [[765.5, 1053.5], [764.5, 1051.5], [765.5, 1050.5], [767.5, 1050.5], [768.5, 1050.5], [767.5, 1049.5], [767.5, 1048.5], [768.5, 1048.5], [769.5, 1049.5], [770.5, 1048.5], [770.5, 1047.5], [771.5, 1046.5], [772.5, 1048.5], [773.5, 1048.5], [773.5, 1049.5], [774.5, 1048.5], [775.5, 1048.5], [775.5, 1047.5], [775.5, 1049.5], [774.5, 1050.5], [775.5, 1051.5], [776.5, 1050.5], [777.5, 1049.5], [778.5, 1048.5], [778.5, 1049.5], [778.5, 1051.5], [778.5, 1051.5], [777.5, 1052.5], [777.5, 1053.5], [777.5, 1054.5], [777.5, 1056.5], [776.5, 1057.5], [775.5, 1058.5], [775.5, 1060.5], [774.5, 1061.5], [773.5, 1060.5], [772.5, 1059.5], [771.5, 1061.5], [773.5, 1063.5], [772.5, 1064.5], [770.5, 1064.5], [770.5, 1063.5], [771.5, 1060.5], [769.5, 1060.5], [769.5, 1060.5], [768.5, 1061.5], [767.5, 1060.5], [767.5, 1058.5], [767.5, 1057.5], [766.5, 1057.5], [766.5, 1056.5], [766.5, 1055.5], [765.5, 1055.5]]}, +{"id": 250, "submitted_by": "Glitchious404", "name": "Small Alula", "description": "A smaller version of the character Alula from Oneshot. Original sprite by Glitchious404.", "website": "www.oneshot-game.com", "subreddit": "/r/oneshot", "center": [1086.5, 1695.5], "path": [[1084.5, 1705.5], [1083.5, 1705.5], [1083.5, 1704.5], [1082.5, 1704.5], [1079.5, 1704.5], [1079.5, 1703.5], [1079.5, 1702.5], [1079.5, 1701.5], [1079.5, 1698.5], [1078.5, 1698.5], [1078.5, 1697.5], [1078.5, 1693.5], [1077.5, 1697.5], [1077.5, 1696.5], [1079.5, 1693.5], [1079.5, 1691.5], [1080.5, 1691.5], [1080.5, 1690.5], [1081.5, 1690.5], [1081.5, 1689.5], [1081.5, 1688.5], [1081.5, 1686.5], [1081.5, 1683.5], [1083.5, 1683.5], [1083.5, 1684.5], [1084.5, 1684.5], [1084.5, 1685.5], [1085.5, 1685.5], [1085.5, 1686.5], [1085.5, 1687.5], [1086.5, 1688.5], [1086.5, 1687.5], [1087.5, 1688.5], [1088.5, 1688.5], [1088.5, 1687.5], [1088.5, 1686.5], [1089.5, 1686.5], [1089.5, 1685.5], [1090.5, 1685.5], [1090.5, 1684.5], [1091.5, 1684.5], [1092.5, 1684.5], [1092.5, 1689.5], [1091.5, 1690.5], [1092.5, 1690.5], [1092.5, 1692.5], [1093.5, 1692.5], [1093.5, 1697.5], [1092.5, 1697.5], [1092.5, 1700.5], [1093.5, 1700.5], [1093.5, 1701.5], [1093.5, 1702.5], [1093.5, 1704.5], [1090.5, 1704.5], [1090.5, 1705.5], [1087.5, 1705.5]]}, +{"id": 251, "submitted_by": "Evo_Kaer", "name": "No Man's Sky Atlas", "description": "The Atlas is an iconic symbol of the game No Man's Sky", "website": "https://nomanssky.fandom.com/de/wiki/No_Man%27s_Sky", "subreddit": "/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/", "center": [1631.5, 1631.5], "path": [[1615.5, 1610.5], [1615.5, 1636.5], [1631.5, 1657.5], [1635.5, 1657.5], [1653.5, 1628.5], [1635.5, 1610.5]]}, +{"id": 252, "submitted_by": "MrEduxator", "name": "holostars", "description": "An icon that represents holostars, which is a male branch of hololive. ", "website": "https://holostars.hololivepro.com/en/", "subreddit": "r/holostars", "center": [312.5, 767.5], "path": [[302.5, 758.5], [321.5, 758.5], [321.5, 777.5], [303.5, 777.5]]}, +{"id": 253, "submitted_by": "Lambocoon", "name": "r/baduk", "description": "the subreddit for the ancient board game Go/Baduk/Weiqi", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/baduk", "center": [1522.5, 1284.5], "path": [[1494.5, 1279.5], [1550.5, 1279.5], [1550.5, 1289.5], [1494.5, 1289.5]]}, +{"id": 254, "submitted_by": "ExpressEducator15", "name": "Indian Art on Place No.1", "description": "Indian Flag with artwork Design 1 nco-ordinated on discordnr/indianplacennShort descriptionnTop right side Isro Flag nfrom left to right on the flagn1> PSLV Launch of ISROn2> Gopuram of Menakshi Temlen3> Ashoka Chakra (flag component)n4> Taj Mahaln5> A Royal Indian Elephant", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/indianplace", "center": [372.5, 314.5], "path": [[237.5, 307.5], [240.5, 307.5], [241.5, 299.5], [250.5, 299.5], [250.5, 253.5], [293.5, 253.5], [293.5, 297.5], [536.5, 298.5], [536.5, 342.5], [237.5, 343.5], [237.5, 307.5]]}, +{"id": 258, "submitted_by": "Tylersfoot", "name": "Green Lattice", "description": "Green Lattice was a peaceful faction, determined to fill the canvas with a beautiful orderly light and dark green lattice, that would serve as a safe home for art to live", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/greenlattice", "center": [1547.5, 1542.5], "path": [[1499.5, 1499.5], [1569.5, 1499.5], [1570.5, 1518.5], [1620.5, 1520.5], [1620.5, 1539.5], [1595.5, 1539.5], [1594.5, 1580.5], [1535.5, 1579.5], [1534.5, 1585.5], [1499.5, 1586.5], [1498.5, 1499.5]]}, +{"id": 259, "submitted_by": "zpjester", "name": "Scott Munley", "description": "Scott Manley's head nightmarishly projected onto the Mun. Fly ns\u0341\u031f\u032ca\u0317\u032a\u0353\u032cf\u0315\u031f\u0353\u032ee\u0334\u0319\u0347\u031e.", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxzC4EngIsMrPmbm6Nxvb-A", "subreddit": "r/SpaceXPlace", "center": [946.5, 1521.5], "path": [[938.5, 1519.5], [940.5, 1516.5], [943.5, 1513.5], [948.5, 1513.5], [952.5, 1515.5], [953.5, 1518.5], [953.5, 1523.5], [951.5, 1527.5], [949.5, 1528.5], [944.5, 1529.5], [940.5, 1526.5], [938.5, 1523.5]]}, +{"id": 261, "submitted_by": "shekevje", "name": "University of Washiington", "description": "The logo of the University of Washington in Seattle, featuring some of the school's characteristic cherry blossoms. The school's mascot is a husky.", "website": "http://uw.edu/", "subreddit": "/r/udub", "center": [897.5, 527.5], "path": [[889.5, 520.5], [889.5, 534.5], [905.5, 534.5], [905.5, 520.5], [889.5, 520.5], [889.5, 520.5]]}, +{"id": 262, "submitted_by": "Scotty98745", "name": "Green Bay Packers", "description": "The Green Bay Packers are a historic American football team based in Green Bay, Wisconsin that competes in the National Football League (NFL).nnIt is the third-oldest franchise in the NFL, dating back to 1919, and is the only non-profit, community-owned major league professional sports team based in the United States.nnThe Packers have won 13 league championships, the most in NFL history, with nine pre-Super Bowl NFL titles and four Super Bowl victories.nnGO PACK GO!", "website": "https://www.packers.com/", "subreddit": "r/GreenBayPackers", "center": [418.5, 922.5], "path": [[407.5, 913.5], [428.5, 913.5], [428.5, 931.5], [407.5, 931.5], [407.5, 913.5]]}, +{"id": 263, "submitted_by": "jonathan6405", "name": "Roskilde Cathedral", "description": "A cathedral from the Danish city of Roskilde", "website": "https://roskildedomkirke.dk/english/", "subreddit": "", "center": [290.5, 144.5], "path": [[277.5, 139.5], [277.5, 157.5], [302.5, 157.5], [302.5, 139.5], [301.5, 139.5], [301.5, 138.5], [300.5, 138.5], [300.5, 131.5], [299.5, 131.5], [299.5, 130.5], [298.5, 130.5], [298.5, 128.5], [297.5, 128.5], [297.5, 119.5], [296.5, 119.5], [296.5, 128.5], [295.5, 128.5], [295.5, 129.5], [295.5, 130.5], [294.5, 130.5], [294.5, 131.5], [293.5, 131.5], [293.5, 132.5], [293.5, 135.5], [287.5, 135.5], [286.5, 135.5], [286.5, 131.5], [285.5, 131.5], [285.5, 130.5], [284.5, 130.5], [284.5, 128.5], [283.5, 128.5], [283.5, 119.5], [282.5, 119.5], [282.5, 128.5], [281.5, 129.5], [281.5, 129.5], [281.5, 130.5], [280.5, 130.5], [280.5, 131.5], [279.5, 131.5], [279.5, 137.5], [279.5, 138.5], [278.5, 138.5], [278.5, 139.5], [277.5, 139.5]]}, +{"id": 264, "submitted_by": "carpinx", "name": "Boca Juniors and River Plate", "description": "The colors of the most popular football teams in Argentina, in the base of the Obelisco de Buenos Aires.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Argentina", "center": [1126.5, 656.5], "path": [[1117.5, 653.5], [1117.5, 660.5], [1135.5, 660.5], [1135.5, 652.5], [1117.5, 653.5]]}, +{"id": 265, "submitted_by": "The_Rising_Emerald", "name": "Scott The Woz", "description": "A rectangle in homage to the American youtuber Scott The Woz, border included.", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/user/scottthewoz", "subreddit": "/r/scottthewoz", "center": [1577.5, 231.5], "path": [[1551.5, 212.5], [1551.5, 249.5], [1603.5, 249.5], [1603.5, 228.5], [1602.5, 228.5], [1602.5, 212.5]]}, +{"id": 266, "submitted_by": "Turwaith", "name": "Switzerland and Liechtenstein", "description": "Swiss and Liechtenstein Flag, accompanied by some classics. The mountain Matterhorn, an Edelweiss flower, a chocolate bar which Switzerland is very famous for, a cow and an SBB train.", "website": "https://discord.gg/JS9eFKty", "subreddit": "", "center": [550.5, 697.5], "path": [[514.5, 682.5], [514.5, 716.5], [571.5, 716.5], [571.5, 698.5], [599.5, 698.5], [599.5, 682.5]]}, +{"id": 267, "submitted_by": "madebymvx", "name": "Yandhi", "description": "Unreleased Kanye West album because Jesus Christ did the laundry.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/westsubever", "center": [31.5, 814.5], "path": [[14.5, 799.5], [47.5, 799.5], [47.5, 829.5], [14.5, 829.5], [14.5, 799.5]]}, +{"id": 268, "submitted_by": "HarbaughsKhakis", "name": "University of Michigan", "description": "Tile for the Michigan Wolverines, commemorating their 2021 football victory over Ohio State University", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/michiganwolverines", "center": [413.5, 275.5], "path": [[392.5, 252.5], [392.5, 298.5], [433.5, 298.5], [433.5, 252.5], [392.5, 252.5]]}, +{"id": 269, "submitted_by": "A_Fine_Potato", "name": "Average Greek vs. Turk Debate", "description": "The thumbnail of the video with the same name, Which has stayed a popular meme in Greece and Turkey", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfFx5UvzSxc", "subreddit": "", "center": [1265.5, 737.5], "path": [[1200.5, 700.5], [1200.5, 773.5], [1329.5, 773.5], [1329.5, 700.5]]}, +{"id": 270, "submitted_by": "xAqult", "name": "Terraria Calamity Mod Logo (1.5 Update)", "description": "The Terraria Calamity Mod Logo, for the largest ever Terraria Mod.", "website": "[https://discord.gg/calamity](https://discord.gg/calamity)", "subreddit": "[https://www.reddit.com/r/CalamityMod/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CalamityMod/)", "center": [867.5, 1467.5], "path": [[853.5, 1453.5], [880.5, 1453.5], [880.5, 1480.5], [853.5, 1480.5], [853.5, 1453.5]]}, +{"id": 271, "submitted_by": "drc7777777", "name": "Gondola", "description": "A mutation of the Spurdo Sp\u00e4rde meme. He peacefully observes.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [742.5, 1708.5], "path": [[736.5, 1692.5], [743.5, 1694.5], [750.5, 1699.5], [755.5, 1705.5], [756.5, 1708.5], [757.5, 1713.5], [754.5, 1723.5], [749.5, 1729.5], [745.5, 1732.5], [737.5, 1733.5], [737.5, 1736.5], [742.5, 1735.5], [750.5, 1731.5], [758.5, 1724.5], [760.5, 1715.5], [760.5, 1707.5], [758.5, 1701.5], [753.5, 1695.5], [744.5, 1691.5], [740.5, 1691.5], [739.5, 1685.5], [732.5, 1685.5], [730.5, 1692.5], [725.5, 1695.5], [719.5, 1701.5], [716.5, 1704.5], [716.5, 1710.5], [716.5, 1721.5], [719.5, 1727.5], [729.5, 1734.5], [736.5, 1735.5], [736.5, 1733.5], [731.5, 1733.5], [723.5, 1728.5], [718.5, 1721.5], [716.5, 1715.5], [717.5, 1707.5], [721.5, 1700.5], [728.5, 1695.5], [737.5, 1693.5]]}, +{"id": 272, "submitted_by": "N0ZTRA", "name": "lgwMlem", "description": "A Twitch emote from streamer DumbDog. Mlem.", "website": "https://www.twitch.tv/dumbdog", "subreddit": "", "center": [1856.5, 1403.5], "path": [[1838.5, 1383.5], [1838.5, 1423.5], [1873.5, 1423.5], [1873.5, 1383.5], [1838.5, 1383.5]]}, +{"id": 273, "submitted_by": "Tylersfoot", "name": "Green Lattice", "description": "Green Lattice was a peaceful faction, determined to fill the canvas with a beautiful orderly light and dark green lattice, that would serve as a safe home for art to live", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/greenlattice", "center": [1077.5, 438.5], "path": [[965.5, 365.5], [965.5, 365.5], [966.5, 495.5], [1004.5, 495.5], [1004.5, 502.5], [1004.5, 509.5], [1074.5, 510.5], [1077.5, 503.5], [1080.5, 503.5], [1082.5, 498.5], [1086.5, 498.5], [1090.5, 502.5], [1099.5, 504.5], [1105.5, 510.5], [1172.5, 509.5], [1197.5, 508.5], [1197.5, 446.5], [1195.5, 433.5], [1191.5, 432.5], [1191.5, 402.5], [1155.5, 407.5], [1154.5, 385.5], [1159.5, 371.5], [1150.5, 366.5], [1142.5, 372.5], [1139.5, 361.5], [1132.5, 362.5], [1126.5, 358.5], [1119.5, 360.5], [1116.5, 358.5], [1113.5, 353.5], [1104.5, 354.5], [1099.5, 359.5], [1098.5, 364.5], [1100.5, 368.5], [1095.5, 370.5], [1090.5, 365.5], [1083.5, 366.5], [1080.5, 367.5], [1034.5, 366.5], [965.5, 364.5]]}, +{"id": 274, "submitted_by": "zpjester", "name": "Starship / Super Heavy stack", "description": "SpaceX's upcoming (as of 4/2022) Starship / Super Heavy launch vehicle, under development for crewed missions to the Moon and Mars (also pictured)", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/SpaceXPlace", "center": [817.5, 634.5], "path": [[811.5, 684.5], [816.5, 678.5], [816.5, 662.5], [820.5, 662.5], [819.5, 659.5], [816.5, 651.5], [792.5, 605.5], [834.5, 605.5], [834.5, 609.5], [826.5, 620.5], [826.5, 637.5], [827.5, 684.5]]}, +{"id": 276, "submitted_by": "Key-Department-7826", "name": "Brad", "description": "The main character for the game Lisa: the Painful", "website": "[https://store.steampowered.com/app/335670/LISA_The_Painful/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/335670/LISA_The_Painful/)", "subreddit": "[https://www.reddit.com/r/lisathepainfulrpg/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lisathepainfulrpg/)", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": 277, "submitted_by": "madebymvx", "name": "Nah Nah Nah", "description": "Cover of one of Kanye West's greatest songs.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/westsubever", "center": [31.5, 782.5], "path": [[14.5, 766.5], [47.5, 766.5], [47.5, 798.5], [14.5, 798.5], [14.5, 766.5]]}, +{"id": 279, "submitted_by": "N0ZTRA", "name": "lgwWoof", "description": "Twitch emote from streamer DumbDog. A barking dog, woof.", "website": "https://www.twitch.tv/dumbdog", "subreddit": "", "center": [1821.5, 1403.5], "path": [[1803.5, 1383.5], [1803.5, 1418.5], [1805.5, 1416.5], [1806.5, 1416.5], [1808.5, 1418.5], [1808.5, 1421.5], [1806.5, 1423.5], [1838.5, 1423.5], [1838.5, 1383.5], [1803.5, 1383.5]]}, +{"id": 280, "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Madagascan flag", "description": "The flag of Madagascar, an island nation famous for its endemic Lemurs.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [777.5, 1071.5], "path": [[774.5, 1069.5], [774.5, 1072.5], [780.5, 1072.5], [780.5, 1069.5]]}, +{"id": 282, "submitted_by": "HarbaughsKhakis", "name": "Benchy", "description": "A fun diagnostic 3D print", "website": "3dbenchy.com", "subreddit": "/r/3dprinting", "center": [281.5, 537.5], "path": [[274.5, 517.5], [274.5, 523.5], [272.5, 523.5], [272.5, 528.5], [273.5, 528.5], [273.5, 538.5], [267.5, 538.5], [267.5, 542.5], [264.5, 542.5], [264.5, 541.5], [261.5, 538.5], [258.5, 541.5], [258.5, 545.5], [262.5, 549.5], [293.5, 549.5], [299.5, 542.5], [299.5, 540.5], [300.5, 540.5], [300.5, 533.5], [292.5, 533.5], [291.5, 535.5], [289.5, 535.5], [289.5, 526.5], [290.5, 526.5], [290.5, 521.5], [281.5, 521.5], [281.5, 522.5], [279.5, 522.5], [279.5, 517.5], [274.5, 517.5]]}, +{"id": 283, "submitted_by": "carpinx", "name": "NAVI", "description": "The logo of the Dota 2 team Natus Vincere.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/DotA2", "center": [47.5, 180.5], "path": [[35.5, 175.5], [64.5, 175.5], [59.5, 185.5], [30.5, 185.5]]}, +{"id": 285, "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Zimbabwean flag", "description": "The flag of Zimbabwe, a Southern African nation. This is one of two Zimbabwean flags on r/place, the other being to the north in what remains of the Green Latice.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [769.5, 1070.5], "path": [[766.5, 1068.5], [772.5, 1068.5], [772.5, 1072.5], [766.5, 1072.5]]}, +{"id": 286, "submitted_by": "zpjester", "name": "NASA / SpaceX / Rocket Lab Logos", "description": "Logos of 3 leading space agencies, along with Earth.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/SpaceXPlace", "center": [804.5, 588.5], "path": [[755.5, 581.5], [851.5, 581.5], [850.5, 596.5], [756.5, 595.5]]}, +{"id": 288, "submitted_by": "Virtual_Cheek_7633", "name": "ToriGate", "description": "Gensokyo radio's iconnthey stream Touhou music", "website": "https://gensokyoradio.net/", "subreddit": "r/touhou", "center": [1654.5, 1517.5], "path": [[1649.5, 1513.5], [1650.5, 1513.5], [1650.5, 1512.5], [1658.5, 1512.5], [1658.5, 1513.5], [1659.5, 1513.5], [1659.5, 1521.5], [1658.5, 1521.5], [1658.5, 1522.5], [1650.5, 1522.5], [1650.5, 1521.5], [1649.5, 1521.5]]}, +{"id": 289, "submitted_by": "piggymon10", "name": "based mega charizard", "description": "Mega charizard x from Pok\u00e9mon is breathing fire on fr\ud83e\udd2ence, more specfically the Arc De Triumph(paris). Mega charizard is doing this because he is based", "website": "[www.pokemon.com](https://www.pokemon.com)", "subreddit": "/r/pokemon", "center": [86.5, 1914.5], "path": [[59.5, 1914.5], [59.5, 1914.5], [55.5, 1918.5], [54.5, 1920.5], [53.5, 1925.5], [53.5, 1932.5], [56.5, 1937.5], [55.5, 1940.5], [52.5, 1940.5], [51.5, 1941.5], [51.5, 1947.5], [53.5, 1947.5], [55.5, 1949.5], [57.5, 1951.5], [64.5, 1951.5], [69.5, 1951.5], [72.5, 1949.5], [73.5, 1948.5], [76.5, 1950.5], [83.5, 1950.5], [86.5, 1950.5], [87.5, 1950.5], [91.5, 1950.5], [90.5, 1948.5], [93.5, 1943.5], [92.5, 1941.5], [90.5, 1937.5], [89.5, 1932.5], [91.5, 1936.5], [93.5, 1936.5], [97.5, 1933.5], [97.5, 1930.5], [96.5, 1927.5], [91.5, 1927.5], [99.5, 1932.5], [101.5, 1931.5], [103.5, 1929.5], [103.5, 1925.5], [100.5, 1918.5], [99.5, 1919.5], [99.5, 1916.5], [96.5, 1911.5], [90.5, 1911.5], [87.5, 1911.5], [88.5, 1915.5], [90.5, 1916.5], [90.5, 1919.5], [85.5, 1921.5], [84.5, 1915.5], [89.5, 1908.5], [89.5, 1907.5], [95.5, 1902.5], [101.5, 1890.5], [143.5, 1848.5], [143.5, 1843.5], [109.5, 1867.5], [83.5, 1901.5], [80.5, 1902.5], [76.5, 1902.5], [75.5, 1903.5], [74.5, 1906.5], [70.5, 1912.5], [71.5, 1914.5], [73.5, 1915.5], [75.5, 1913.5], [76.5, 1913.5], [76.5, 1924.5], [74.5, 1926.5], [72.5, 1923.5], [70.5, 1923.5], [69.5, 1922.5], [66.5, 1923.5], [63.5, 1922.5], [62.5, 1914.5], [59.5, 1915.5]]}, +{"id": 290, "submitted_by": "LetteredSymbol", "name": "Sertle Chicken", "description": "the one chicken that survived. Originally, there were also ones on Quebec's flag.", "website": "twitch.tv/sertle", "subreddit": "", "center": [1095.5, 965.5], "path": [[1097.5, 966.5], [1097.5, 963.5], [1094.5, 963.5], [1093.5, 967.5], [1096.5, 967.5], [1096.5, 965.5], [1097.5, 964.5], [1097.5, 965.5], [1097.5, 965.5], [1095.5, 965.5], [1096.5, 965.5], [1096.5, 965.5], [1098.5, 965.5], [1092.5, 966.5], [1092.5, 965.5], [1092.5, 967.5], [1094.5, 966.5], [1092.5, 966.5], [1093.5, 966.5], [1091.5, 966.5], [1094.5, 965.5], [1094.5, 965.5], [1094.5, 965.5], [1095.5, 965.5], [1095.5, 964.5], [1097.5, 964.5], [1097.5, 963.5], [1095.5, 964.5], [1095.5, 964.5], [1096.5, 966.5], [1096.5, 965.5], [1096.5, 966.5], [1093.5, 964.5]]}, +{"id": 291, "submitted_by": "Tonda98", "name": "Girl's Last Tour", "description": "Manga/Anime: Characters Yuuri, Nuko and Chito on their Kettenkrad", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/GirlsLastTour", "center": [1343.5, 1162.5], "path": [[1334.5, 1170.5], [1353.5, 1170.5], [1352.5, 1169.5], [1353.5, 1169.5], [1353.5, 1168.5], [1354.5, 1168.5], [1354.5, 1167.5], [1354.5, 1166.5], [1353.5, 1166.5], [1353.5, 1165.5], [1353.5, 1164.5], [1353.5, 1163.5], [1352.5, 1163.5], [1352.5, 1162.5], [1351.5, 1162.5], [1351.5, 1161.5], [1352.5, 1161.5], [1352.5, 1160.5], [1353.5, 1160.5], [1353.5, 1159.5], [1353.5, 1156.5], [1353.5, 1157.5], [1353.5, 1158.5], [1353.5, 1159.5], [1353.5, 1156.5], [1353.5, 1155.5], [1352.5, 1155.5], [1352.5, 1154.5], [1351.5, 1154.5], [1350.5, 1154.5], [1350.5, 1153.5], [1349.5, 1153.5], [1348.5, 1153.5], [1347.5, 1153.5], [1346.5, 1153.5], [1345.5, 1153.5], [1344.5, 1153.5], [1344.5, 1154.5], [1343.5, 1153.5], [1342.5, 1153.5], [1340.5, 1153.5], [1339.5, 1153.5], [1338.5, 1153.5], [1337.5, 1153.5], [1336.5, 1153.5], [1335.5, 1153.5], [1335.5, 1154.5], [1334.5, 1154.5], [1334.5, 1155.5], [1334.5, 1156.5], [1333.5, 1156.5], [1333.5, 1157.5], [1332.5, 1157.5], [1332.5, 1158.5], [1332.5, 1159.5], [1332.5, 1159.5], [1332.5, 1160.5], [1332.5, 1161.5], [1333.5, 1161.5], [1333.5, 1162.5], [1333.5, 1163.5], [1333.5, 1164.5], [1332.5, 1164.5], [1332.5, 1165.5], [1332.5, 1166.5], [1333.5, 1166.5], [1332.5, 1167.5], [1332.5, 1168.5], [1332.5, 1169.5], [1333.5, 1169.5], [1333.5, 1170.5]]}, +{"id": 292, "submitted_by": "carpinx", "name": "Juggernaut", "description": "A Dota 2 hero.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/DotA2", "center": [14.5, 190.5], "path": [[1.5, 178.5], [27.5, 178.5], [27.5, 202.5], [1.5, 201.5]]}, +{"id": 293, "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Ghanaian flag", "description": "The flag of Ghana, a West African nation with a population of 31 million.nPreviously on the Nigerian flag to the south, it was moved here after being removed due to their inability to find a space for a larger flag.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [762.5, 1070.5], "path": [[759.5, 1068.5], [759.5, 1072.5], [764.5, 1072.5], [764.5, 1068.5]]}, +{"id": 294, "submitted_by": "Flamberge3000", "name": "Doki Doki Literature Club!", "description": "Doki Doki Literature Club! is a 2017 freeware visual novel developed by American independent game studio Team Salvato for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux. You play as a highschool student who must woo the girls of the literature club... through poetry!", "website": "https://ddlc.moe/", "subreddit": "/r/DDLC", "center": [1575.5, 1192.5], "path": [[1550.5, 1184.5], [1550.5, 1200.5], [1600.5, 1200.5], [1600.5, 1184.5]]}, +{"id": 295, "submitted_by": "zpjester", "name": "r/spaceXPlace and affiliates mural", "description": "SpaceX and related interests. Features Starship S20, Starman / Roadster, the Hubble Space Telescope, Starhopper, and the logos for Tesla and LabPadre. Also features shoutouts to RGV Aerial Photography, Tim Dodd (The Everyday Astronaut), NasaSpaceflightLive, and Kerbal Space Program", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/SpaceXPlace", "center": [906.5, 1576.5], "path": [[941.5, 1638.5], [941.5, 1631.5], [900.5, 1631.5], [905.5, 1620.5], [930.5, 1620.5], [930.5, 1610.5], [916.5, 1610.5], [916.5, 1606.5], [933.5, 1599.5], [934.5, 1592.5], [943.5, 1591.5], [949.5, 1585.5], [949.5, 1556.5], [954.5, 1551.5], [955.5, 1543.5], [952.5, 1535.5], [936.5, 1528.5], [935.5, 1524.5], [931.5, 1524.5], [930.5, 1528.5], [926.5, 1529.5], [919.5, 1522.5], [915.5, 1519.5], [901.5, 1519.5], [902.5, 1524.5], [894.5, 1522.5], [882.5, 1539.5], [881.5, 1546.5], [887.5, 1547.5], [887.5, 1580.5], [845.5, 1580.5], [846.5, 1612.5], [890.5, 1611.5], [894.5, 1637.5]]}, +{"id": 296, "submitted_by": "theguywith1025milk", "name": "Philippine Flag", "description": "The Philippine Flag, including Leni Robredo (who is currently running for president) and Kiko Pangilinan (who is currently running for vice president).", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Philippines", "center": [332.5, 673.5], "path": [[301.5, 645.5], [301.5, 645.5], [362.5, 645.5], [363.5, 645.5], [363.5, 702.5], [301.5, 701.5]]}, +{"id": 297, "submitted_by": "MarUlberg", "name": "Kirby", "description": "YouTube streamer Ludwig used his chat to overtake the Kirby built by russian streamer bratishkinoff.nThe art was overall loved by all communities (including bratishkinoff) and saw minimal sabotage throughout the remaining time.", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/c/Ludwigahgren", "subreddit": "r/LudwigAhgren/", "center": [1845.5, 581.5], "path": [[1800.5, 539.5], [1890.5, 539.5], [1890.5, 623.5], [1800.5, 623.5]]}, +{"id": 299, "submitted_by": "SadChiruno", "name": ":Marisad:", "description": "Marisa Kirisame is a character from Touhou Project. And in the fan made anime \u201cMemories of Phantasm\u201d she is seen crying during one scene. Her funny expression quickly became a popular meme inside the Touhou fandom, who dubbed her \u201cMarisad\u201d (Marisa+Sad). Additionally the emote of Marisa crying spreaded across many Touhou related discord servers, further adding to its popularity. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/marisad", "center": [1797.5, 881.5], "path": [[1785.5, 870.5], [1786.5, 870.5], [1809.5, 870.5], [1809.5, 893.5], [1791.5, 893.5], [1785.5, 887.5]]}, +{"id": 300, "submitted_by": "ObliviousFail", "name": "New Zealand", "description": "R/NewZealand's place featuring the Laser Kiwi, Kakapo, Tino Rangatiratanga, Kiwi fruit, ANZAC Poppies, and a map of New Zealand", "website": "", "subreddit": "reddit.com/r/newzealand/", "center": [1546.5, 726.5], "path": [[1515.5, 689.5], [1515.5, 711.5], [1539.5, 711.5], [1539.5, 727.5], [1515.5, 727.5], [1515.5, 746.5], [1550.5, 747.5], [1551.5, 767.5], [1577.5, 767.5], [1576.5, 730.5], [1554.5, 729.5], [1554.5, 714.5], [1558.5, 711.5], [1562.5, 711.5], [1561.5, 689.5], [1515.5, 689.5]]}, +{"id": 301, "submitted_by": "MrEduxator", "name": "Sakamata Chloe's Mask", "description": "A mask worn by Sakamata Chloe, a member of holoX, or hololive 6th Gen. ", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIBY1ollUsauvVi4hW4cumw", "subreddit": "r/hololive", "center": [1393.5, 1067.5], "path": [[1387.5, 1064.5], [1388.5, 1063.5], [1398.5, 1063.5], [1399.5, 1064.5], [1399.5, 1067.5], [1398.5, 1068.5], [1397.5, 1069.5], [1397.5, 1070.5], [1397.5, 1071.5], [1391.5, 1071.5], [1391.5, 1070.5], [1389.5, 1070.5], [1388.5, 1070.5], [1388.5, 1069.5], [1387.5, 1069.5], [1387.5, 1068.5], [1386.5, 1068.5], [1386.5, 1064.5], [1387.5, 1064.5], [1388.5, 1064.5]]}, +{"id": 302, "submitted_by": "carpinx", "name": "Argentinian flag", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Argentina", "center": [1653.5, 1868.5], "path": [[1533.5, 1819.5], [1773.5, 1819.5], [1774.5, 1918.5], [1532.5, 1916.5], [1533.5, 1819.5]]}, +{"id": 304, "submitted_by": "OEAAS", "name": "Kaaba", "description": "The kaaba.", "website": "[https://discord.gg/Tappelino](https://discord.gg/Tappelino)", "subreddit": "r/KanelbollensHjemland", "center": [789.5, 129.5], "path": [[779.5, 120.5], [779.5, 138.5], [799.5, 138.5], [799.5, 120.5]]}, +{"id": 305, "submitted_by": "_ScrapLord_", "name": "Zero", "description": "Art of the protagonist of indie action game Katana:ZERO", "website": "https://katanazero.com/", "subreddit": "/r/KatanaZero", "center": [1150.5, 1874.5], "path": [[1136.5, 1857.5], [1164.5, 1857.5], [1164.5, 1871.5], [1166.5, 1871.5], [1166.5, 1885.5], [1166.5, 1883.5], [1165.5, 1883.5], [1165.5, 1883.5], [1163.5, 1881.5], [1159.5, 1885.5], [1159.5, 1890.5], [1159.5, 1893.5], [1136.5, 1893.5], [1136.5, 1857.5]]}, +{"id": 306, "submitted_by": "Smirkydevil52", "name": "The Stormlight Archvive/Malazan", "description": "The Stormlight Archive and Malazan are both fantasy book series. The two communities worked together, becoming what is now the Science Fiction-Fantasy Alliance. Features characters from both series. n", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Stormlight_Archive, r/Malazan, r/SFFA", "center": [1849.5, 910.5], "path": [[1830.5, 870.5], [1868.5, 870.5], [1868.5, 949.5], [1830.5, 949.5], [1830.5, 913.5]]}, +{"id": 308, "submitted_by": "Virtual_Cheek_7633", "name": "Komeiji Koishi", "description": "She is a satori A mind reading yokai from Touhou Project she also loves her hat", "website": "nhentai.net/g/323464", "subreddit": "r/touhou", "center": [1638.5, 1501.5], "path": [[1621.5, 1484.5], [1621.5, 1517.5], [1654.5, 1517.5], [1654.5, 1484.5]]}, +{"id": 309, "submitted_by": "Historical_Bus_1135", "name": "Technoblade", "description": "A Minecraft youtuber and is part of the dsmp", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Technoblade", "center": [222.5, 1080.5], "path": [[189.5, 1039.5], [189.5, 1121.5], [255.5, 1121.5], [254.5, 1040.5]]}, +{"id": 310, "submitted_by": "carpinx", "name": "Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo", "description": "A picture of Messi and Ronaldo in representation of the brotherhood between Portuguese and Argentinian communities.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1531.5, 1868.5], "path": [[1532.5, 1831.5], [1536.5, 1831.5], [1534.5, 1824.5], [1537.5, 1821.5], [1543.5, 1823.5], [1542.5, 1831.5], [1548.5, 1835.5], [1555.5, 1845.5], [1559.5, 1857.5], [1558.5, 1869.5], [1554.5, 1871.5], [1551.5, 1868.5], [1552.5, 1860.5], [1551.5, 1854.5], [1549.5, 1857.5], [1550.5, 1874.5], [1550.5, 1884.5], [1548.5, 1891.5], [1547.5, 1904.5], [1546.5, 1909.5], [1541.5, 1911.5], [1533.5, 1910.5], [1520.5, 1912.5], [1514.5, 1912.5], [1512.5, 1901.5], [1510.5, 1884.5], [1511.5, 1871.5], [1511.5, 1868.5], [1505.5, 1863.5], [1503.5, 1856.5], [1504.5, 1850.5], [1510.5, 1839.5], [1515.5, 1836.5], [1520.5, 1830.5], [1522.5, 1827.5], [1528.5, 1825.5], [1531.5, 1830.5]]}, +{"id": 311, "submitted_by": "mariogeorge59", "name": "Flag Of Lebanon", "description": "This is the current flag of Lebanon", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/lebanon", "center": [15.5, 446.5], "path": [[0.5, 429.5], [35.5, 429.5], [35.5, 463.5], [0.5, 463.5], [-10.5, 447.5], [0.5, 429.5], [0.5, 429.5]]}, +{"id": 312, "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Namibian flag", "description": "The flag of Namibia, a largely desert nation to South Africa's North.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [754.5, 1070.5], "path": [[751.5, 1068.5], [751.5, 1072.5], [757.5, 1072.5], [757.5, 1068.5]]}, +{"id": 315, "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Botswanan Flag", "description": "The flag of the Southern African nation, Botswana. Bordered by Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [747.5, 1070.5], "path": [[744.5, 1068.5], [744.5, 1072.5], [749.5, 1072.5], [749.5, 1068.5]]}, +{"id": 317, "submitted_by": "ohshitwrongaccount", "name": "Avali", "description": "A fictional species of feathered raptors created by RyuujinZERO and popularized by a mod for the game Starbound. The art is a sprite from the mod.", "website": "https://community.playstarbound.com/resources/avali-triage.2852/triage.2852/", "subreddit": "/r/avali/", "center": [1462.5, 1281.5], "path": [[1477.5, 1260.5], [1477.5, 1302.5], [1446.5, 1302.5], [1446.5, 1260.5]]}, +{"id": 318, "submitted_by": "carpinx", "name": "World Cup", "description": "A representation of the World Cup, between the Argentinian and Brazilian flags.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1033.5, 613.5], "path": [[1023.5, 634.5], [1029.5, 639.5], [1039.5, 638.5], [1043.5, 633.5], [1040.5, 628.5], [1039.5, 619.5], [1040.5, 612.5], [1043.5, 606.5], [1041.5, 597.5], [1036.5, 590.5], [1030.5, 589.5], [1024.5, 593.5], [1022.5, 600.5], [1022.5, 607.5], [1024.5, 610.5], [1025.5, 614.5], [1028.5, 617.5], [1028.5, 624.5], [1025.5, 628.5], [1024.5, 634.5]]}, +{"id": 319, "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Lesotho flag", "description": "A small flag of Lesotho, a land-locked enclave nation of South Africa.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [739.5, 1070.5], "path": [[736.5, 1068.5], [736.5, 1072.5], [742.5, 1072.5], [742.5, 1068.5]]}, +{"id": 320, "submitted_by": "HyBerTop_1", "name": "osu!hungary", "description": "An insanely small, but an insanely dedicated osu! discord group.", "website": "https://discordapp.com/invite/rFYD6Pq", "subreddit": "", "center": [719.5, 1660.5], "path": [[713.5, 1657.5], [719.5, 1654.5], [726.5, 1658.5], [726.5, 1664.5], [713.5, 1664.5]]}, +{"id": 321, "submitted_by": "flippin_egg", "name": "Serball", "description": "A parody of the character 'Serval' from the anime 'Kemono Friends'. She is a playable character in the Roblox game 'Become Fumo'", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [612.5, 1576.5], "path": [[607.5, 1569.5], [603.5, 1574.5], [604.5, 1581.5], [608.5, 1583.5], [617.5, 1583.5], [620.5, 1580.5], [620.5, 1578.5], [620.5, 1574.5], [620.5, 1572.5], [617.5, 1571.5], [611.5, 1569.5]]}, +{"id": 322, "submitted_by": "Gourmet_Salad", "name": "Saudi Arabia", "description": "featuring the saudi emblem and some Arabic coffee", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/saudiarabia", "center": [1618.5, 1059.5], "path": [[1591.5, 1044.5], [1645.5, 1044.5], [1645.5, 1074.5], [1591.5, 1074.5], [1591.5, 1044.5]]}, +{"id": 323, "submitted_by": "MrEduxator", "name": "hat mouse", "description": "\u201cHi. Me sell hats. Okay, poke? Come to old old old haus, poke. Bring coines. -hat mouse\u201d", "website": "https://www.stardewvalley.net/", "subreddit": "r/StardewValley", "center": [1738.5, 1025.5], "path": [[1708.5, 1008.5], [1767.5, 1008.5], [1767.5, 1043.5], [1709.5, 1042.5]]}, +{"id": 324, "submitted_by": "Enoshade", "name": "Rembrandt, The Night Watch, 1642", "description": "An iconic 363 by 437 cm oil painting by the Dutch painter Remrandt Van Rijn, commissioned by a militia company.", "website": "[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Night_Watch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Night_Watch)", "subreddit": "", "center": [627.5, 1899.5], "path": [[541.5, 1852.5], [712.5, 1852.5], [712.5, 1945.5], [541.5, 1945.5]]}, +{"id": 325, "submitted_by": "zpjester", "name": "Starman / Tesla Roadster", "description": "Elon Musk's Tesla Roaster and its sole passenger, Starman (not to scale). Currently orbiting the sun near the orbits of Earth and Mars.", "website": "https://spacein3d.com/where-is-starman-live-tracker/", "subreddit": "r/spacexplace", "center": [918.5, 1580.5], "path": [[908.5, 1608.5], [911.5, 1609.5], [932.5, 1599.5], [933.5, 1589.5], [930.5, 1587.5], [931.5, 1572.5], [929.5, 1560.5], [921.5, 1554.5], [912.5, 1554.5], [903.5, 1561.5], [904.5, 1584.5], [910.5, 1594.5], [910.5, 1604.5], [908.5, 1605.5], [905.5, 1605.5]]}, +{"id": 327, "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Swazi flag", "description": "A flag for the small nation of eSwatini, an enclave of South Africa.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": 328, "submitted_by": "carpinx", "name": "Capybara and Hornero", "description": "The Capybara (in Argentina called Carpincho) is a symbolic animal in the region. The Hornero is the National bird of Argentina. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Argentina", "center": [940.5, 670.5], "path": [[919.5, 677.5], [937.5, 678.5], [956.5, 678.5], [960.5, 677.5], [963.5, 661.5], [954.5, 662.5], [936.5, 662.5], [930.5, 663.5], [923.5, 664.5], [917.5, 668.5], [916.5, 672.5], [919.5, 678.5]]}, +{"id": 330, "submitted_by": "zpjester", "name": "Hubble Space Telescope", "description": "NASA's HST, launched in 1990 aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery.", "website": "https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/hubble/main/index.html", "subreddit": "r/spaceXPlace", "center": [935.5, 1540.5], "path": [[919.5, 1535.5], [918.5, 1534.5], [913.5, 1528.5], [913.5, 1526.5], [916.5, 1522.5], [919.5, 1522.5], [924.5, 1527.5], [925.5, 1529.5], [933.5, 1533.5], [931.5, 1528.5], [931.5, 1526.5], [934.5, 1525.5], [935.5, 1526.5], [935.5, 1533.5], [938.5, 1530.5], [953.5, 1537.5], [950.5, 1540.5], [954.5, 1543.5], [955.5, 1548.5], [952.5, 1552.5], [949.5, 1554.5], [946.5, 1554.5], [941.5, 1551.5], [936.5, 1555.5], [921.5, 1548.5], [926.5, 1543.5], [921.5, 1539.5], [920.5, 1534.5]]}, +{"id": 331, "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Mauritian Flag", "description": "A small Mauritian flag. Mauritius is an Indian Ocean island nation.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": 332, "submitted_by": "BeautifulStandard849", "name": "Stranger things", "description": "After loosing our full size logo we made a smaller logo here with the release date of season 4 of stranger things and a small cute eggo coz they are the best", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/StrangerThings", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": 333, "submitted_by": "Virtual_Cheek_7633", "name": "Sakuya Izayoi", "description": "The perfect and elegant maid from Touhou project", "website": "https://youtu.be/S9ZT0HXjTBs", "subreddit": "r/touhou", "center": [1671.5, 1468.5], "path": [[1654.5, 1451.5], [1654.5, 1484.5], [1687.5, 1484.5], [1687.5, 1451.5]]}, +{"id": 334, "submitted_by": "theguywith1025milk", "name": "BFDI!", "description": "The BFDI section made by Battle For r/place, with the characters Firey, Donut, Four, X, Cloudy, and the announcers. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/BattleForDreamIsland", "center": [494.5, 1077.5], "path": [[477.5, 1062.5], [477.5, 1062.5], [511.5, 1063.5], [510.5, 1092.5], [477.5, 1091.5], [477.5, 1089.5], [477.5, 1089.5], [477.5, 1089.5], [477.5, 1081.5], [477.5, 1081.5], [477.5, 1081.5], [477.5, 1081.5], [477.5, 1081.5], [477.5, 1084.5], [477.5, 1084.5], [477.5, 1084.5], [477.5, 1085.5], [477.5, 1085.5], [477.5, 1085.5], [477.5, 1085.5], [477.5, 1085.5], [477.5, 1085.5], [477.5, 1077.5], [477.5, 1074.5], [477.5, 1074.5], [478.5, 1072.5], [477.5, 1072.5], [477.5, 1072.5], [477.5, 1072.5]]}, +{"id": 336, "submitted_by": "TrashDanQuack", "name": "Ducks", "description": "Pixel ducks holding hands", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/place_ducks", "center": [343.5, 911.5], "path": [[295.5, 916.5], [295.5, 916.5], [402.5, 915.5], [399.5, 908.5], [293.5, 905.5], [293.5, 907.5]]}, +{"id": 337, "submitted_by": "carpinx", "name": "Argentinian flag", "description": "Argentinian flag with Tango dancers, Fernet con Coca, Mate, Obelisco, Mafalda and San Mart\u00edn crossing the Andes.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Argentina", "center": [1097.5, 642.5], "path": [[905.5, 619.5], [1290.5, 620.5], [1290.5, 665.5], [905.5, 665.5], [905.5, 620.5]]}, +{"id": 338, "submitted_by": "meme--god", "name": "J\u00e4germeister", "description": "German alcoholic Drink", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [181.5, 1151.5], "path": [[178.5, 1122.5], [178.5, 1135.5], [176.5, 1137.5], [175.5, 1138.5], [174.5, 1139.5], [173.5, 1140.5], [172.5, 1141.5], [172.5, 1171.5], [190.5, 1171.5], [190.5, 1142.5], [189.5, 1141.5], [188.5, 1139.5], [187.5, 1138.5], [186.5, 1137.5], [184.5, 1135.5], [184.5, 1122.5]]}, +{"id": 339, "submitted_by": "Bazo_05", "name": "Radiance", "description": "Radiance, the final boss of Hollow Knight and our final project. A project by the Hollow Knight and Elden Ring Community", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/hkplace", "center": [294.5, 1392.5], "path": [[246.5, 1339.5], [341.5, 1339.5], [341.5, 1444.5], [246.5, 1444.5]]}, +{"id": 340, "submitted_by": "MrEduxator", "name": "Etika Memorial", "description": "A Memorial dedicated to iconic YouTube streamer Desmond Daniel Amofah, or more commonly known as Etika. JoyCon Boyz for life! The following website will lead you to a library of his content.", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/c/LibraryofEtika", "subreddit": "", "center": [1625.5, 164.5], "path": [[1578.5, 165.5], [1616.5, 165.5], [1616.5, 148.5], [1617.5, 147.5], [1659.5, 147.5], [1659.5, 176.5], [1588.5, 174.5], [1578.5, 174.5], [1569.5, 177.5], [1568.5, 165.5]]}, +{"id": 342, "submitted_by": "ziemnakiscool", "name": "The Azerbaijan flag", "description": "The azerbaijan flag formed here. It was originally a little bit more left, but its moon and star have been moved to the middle.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/placeazerbaijan", "center": [948.5, 182.5], "path": [[1071.5, 198.5], [1071.5, 197.5], [1071.5, 198.5], [1072.5, 198.5], [1071.5, 166.5], [825.5, 166.5], [821.5, 166.5], [822.5, 168.5], [823.5, 170.5], [821.5, 171.5], [822.5, 173.5], [821.5, 174.5], [825.5, 176.5], [821.5, 176.5], [825.5, 179.5], [824.5, 181.5], [823.5, 181.5], [821.5, 179.5], [822.5, 181.5], [824.5, 183.5], [823.5, 184.5], [824.5, 185.5], [825.5, 186.5], [823.5, 187.5], [822.5, 187.5], [826.5, 189.5], [826.5, 196.5], [825.5, 198.5], [825.5, 191.5], [825.5, 191.5], [826.5, 189.5], [825.5, 197.5]]}, +{"id": 343, "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Nigerian Flag", "description": "The Nigerian Flag. Created by r/Nigeria, and with a blue butterfly as a collaboration with r/lifeisstrange.nPrior to the creation of this flag, r/Nigeria had multiple small flag-hearts but no definitive flag. This location was chosen after The Void damaged a previous flag location towards the south.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/nigeria", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": 344, "submitted_by": "zpjester", "name": "Mars", "description": "Larger version of Mars", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/spaceXPlace", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": 345, "submitted_by": "carpinx", "name": "Obelisco de Buenos Aires", "description": "The Obelisco de Buenos Aires (Obelisk of Buenos Aires) is a national historic monument and icon of Buenos Aires.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Argentina", "center": [1126.5, 641.5], "path": [[1124.5, 655.5], [1129.5, 655.5], [1127.5, 624.5], [1124.5, 624.5], [1124.5, 655.5]]}, +{"id": 346, "submitted_by": "Virtual_Cheek_7633", "name": "Flandre Scarlet", "description": "A character from Touhou 6 Embodiment of Scarlet Devil", "website": "https://youtu.be/iSNfKxfhMnc", "subreddit": "r/touhou", "center": [1638.5, 1468.5], "path": [[1621.5, 1451.5], [1654.5, 1451.5], [1654.5, 1484.5], [1621.5, 1484.5]]}, +{"id": 347, "submitted_by": "carpinx", "name": "San Mart\u00edn crossing the Andes", "description": "The Crossing of the Andes (Spanish: Cruce de los Andes) was one of the most important feats in the Argentine and Chilean wars of independence, in which a combined army of Argentine soldiers and Chilean exiles invaded Chile leading to Chile's liberation from Spanish rule. The crossing of the Andes was a major step in the strategy devised by Jos\u00e9 de San Mart\u00edn to defeat the royalist forces at their stronghold of Lima, Viceroyalty of Per\u00fa, and secure the Spanish American independence movements.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Argentina", "center": [1250.5, 652.5], "path": [[1200.5, 664.5], [1199.5, 658.5], [1196.5, 656.5], [1199.5, 650.5], [1207.5, 645.5], [1213.5, 648.5], [1212.5, 654.5], [1216.5, 657.5], [1225.5, 648.5], [1225.5, 646.5], [1229.5, 645.5], [1230.5, 653.5], [1232.5, 650.5], [1233.5, 644.5], [1238.5, 644.5], [1238.5, 651.5], [1242.5, 646.5], [1242.5, 642.5], [1247.5, 642.5], [1246.5, 647.5], [1252.5, 640.5], [1252.5, 635.5], [1258.5, 636.5], [1257.5, 641.5], [1265.5, 634.5], [1266.5, 630.5], [1271.5, 632.5], [1269.5, 636.5], [1274.5, 641.5], [1280.5, 636.5], [1280.5, 632.5], [1286.5, 632.5], [1283.5, 636.5], [1288.5, 641.5], [1290.5, 663.5], [1202.5, 664.5]]}, +{"id": 348, "submitted_by": "zpjester", "name": "Starship S20", "description": "SpaceX's Starship S20, created by members of various SpaceX subs.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/spacexplace", "center": [895.5, 1568.5], "path": [[881.5, 1539.5], [894.5, 1521.5], [897.5, 1521.5], [909.5, 1540.5], [909.5, 1546.5], [904.5, 1546.5], [904.5, 1585.5], [910.5, 1594.5], [910.5, 1606.5], [881.5, 1606.5], [881.5, 1593.5], [887.5, 1583.5], [887.5, 1548.5], [881.5, 1547.5]]}, +{"id": 349, "submitted_by": "SoakingBearInTheMoss", "name": "Daimyo", "description": "Beloved dog of fabled paladin and game designer Artix von Krieger. Created by fans of Artix Entertainment games such as; /r/AQW, /r/AQ3D, /r/AdventureQuest and /r/DragonFable", "website": "https://twitter.com/Daimyo_AE", "subreddit": "/r/AQW", "center": [734.5, 1662.5], "path": [[727.5, 1656.5], [729.5, 1658.5], [730.5, 1658.5], [731.5, 1657.5], [732.5, 1656.5], [733.5, 1656.5], [733.5, 1658.5], [734.5, 1658.5], [735.5, 1657.5], [736.5, 1657.5], [737.5, 1656.5], [740.5, 1656.5], [742.5, 1658.5], [742.5, 1661.5], [741.5, 1661.5], [739.5, 1663.5], [739.5, 1666.5], [738.5, 1668.5], [737.5, 1667.5], [736.5, 1667.5], [735.5, 1668.5], [734.5, 1667.5], [733.5, 1667.5], [732.5, 1668.5], [731.5, 1667.5], [730.5, 1668.5], [729.5, 1667.5], [729.5, 1666.5], [728.5, 1665.5], [727.5, 1665.5], [727.5, 1656.5]]}, +{"id": 350, "submitted_by": "Y_Martinaise", "name": "/r/SouthAfrica", "description": "Mural of the South African national flag displayed horizontally, featuring a mural of Nelson Mandela, the country's first democratically-elected president following the end of apartheid, and a springbok, a species of antelope which is the national animal of South Africa", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/SouthAfrica", "center": [751.5, 1011.5], "path": [[720.5, 955.5], [720.5, 1066.5], [781.5, 1067.5], [781.5, 955.5], [781.5, 954.5], [781.5, 954.5]]}, +{"id": 351, "submitted_by": "Bazo_05", "name": "Hornet", "description": "Made by the Hollow Knight Community", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/hkplace", "center": [262.5, 382.5], "path": [[225.5, 343.5], [225.5, 420.5], [299.5, 420.5], [299.5, 344.5], [299.5, 343.5]]}, +{"id": 352, "submitted_by": "palapapa0201", "name": "Nitori", "description": "Nitori from Touhou Project", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/touhou", "center": [485.5, 535.5], "path": [[469.5, 528.5], [501.5, 529.5], [501.5, 541.5], [469.5, 541.5], [469.5, 528.5]]}, +{"id": 354, "submitted_by": "Youtube_Games123", "name": "The Nordic Union", "description": "A collection of flags, although most are not actually Nordic, they're just in the North.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/place_nordicunion", "center": [501.5, 128.5], "path": [[537.5, 294.5], [437.5, 294.5], [437.5, 167.5], [344.5, 167.5], [344.5, 158.5], [275.5, 158.5], [275.5, 134.5], [266.5, 126.5], [235.5, 126.5], [235.5, 100.5], [231.5, 100.5], [207.5, 100.5], [207.5, 94.5], [215.5, 94.5], [215.5, 35.5], [657.5, 35.5], [657.5, 70.5], [840.5, 70.5], [840.5, 67.5], [885.5, 67.5], [885.5, 69.5], [892.5, 69.5], [892.5, 88.5], [798.5, 88.5], [798.5, 119.5], [778.5, 119.5], [778.5, 137.5], [633.5, 136.5], [633.5, 201.5], [633.5, 201.5], [593.5, 201.5], [593.5, 283.5], [537.5, 283.5], [537.5, 294.5]]}, +{"id": 355, "submitted_by": "Nincadalop", "name": "Update TF2", "description": "A collaborative effort by the two communities of two games that share initials, game engine, and bot crisis. TF2 stands for Team Fortress 2 and Titanfall 2, two games which desperately need a security update. Subreddits: r/tf2 and r/titanfalln", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [815.5, 53.5], "path": [[790.5, 35.5], [840.5, 35.5], [840.5, 70.5], [790.5, 70.5]]}, +{"id": 356, "submitted_by": "ziemnakiscool", "name": "pxls.space", "description": "This community is named pxls.space and got helped mostly by osu!. They moved from a italian flag to this location to prevent being crushed.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [807.5, 723.5], "path": [[776.5, 733.5], [777.5, 719.5], [784.5, 718.5], [785.5, 717.5], [778.5, 716.5], [778.5, 714.5], [783.5, 713.5], [787.5, 708.5], [790.5, 708.5], [792.5, 712.5], [790.5, 718.5], [794.5, 719.5], [793.5, 714.5], [798.5, 713.5], [804.5, 714.5], [802.5, 718.5], [804.5, 718.5], [805.5, 712.5], [802.5, 708.5], [806.5, 709.5], [808.5, 711.5], [809.5, 717.5], [811.5, 718.5], [810.5, 714.5], [813.5, 713.5], [816.5, 714.5], [817.5, 718.5], [820.5, 719.5], [818.5, 715.5], [821.5, 712.5], [822.5, 710.5], [825.5, 713.5], [825.5, 717.5], [823.5, 719.5], [825.5, 711.5], [826.5, 708.5], [828.5, 708.5], [828.5, 715.5], [828.5, 719.5], [829.5, 710.5], [832.5, 707.5], [835.5, 711.5], [834.5, 717.5], [835.5, 718.5], [836.5, 729.5], [836.5, 734.5], [777.5, 735.5]]}, +{"id": 357, "submitted_by": "Techtype_Apple", "name": "The Retro Apple Logo", "description": "This was made by the Retro Apple Community in alliance with r/GreenLattice. More specifically we're from the Action Retro Discord Server. Link is below.", "website": "[https://discord.com/invite/q4uJ5eC](https://discord.com/invite/q4uJ5eC)", "subreddit": "none", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": 358, "submitted_by": "Narnall", "name": "Katawa Shoujo ", "description": "This art features Hanako Ikezawa from the visual novel Katawa Shoujo", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/katawashoujo", "center": [1575.5, 1178.5], "path": [[1550.5, 1172.5], [1550.5, 1172.5], [1600.5, 1172.5], [1600.5, 1184.5], [1550.5, 1184.5]]}, +{"id": 359, "submitted_by": "carpinx", "name": "Mafalda", "description": "Mafalda is an Argentinian comic strip written and drawn by cartoonist Quino.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Argentina", "center": [1179.5, 648.5], "path": [[1174.5, 664.5], [1174.5, 658.5], [1170.5, 657.5], [1168.5, 653.5], [1170.5, 650.5], [1173.5, 650.5], [1168.5, 648.5], [1167.5, 644.5], [1169.5, 638.5], [1172.5, 636.5], [1172.5, 632.5], [1186.5, 632.5], [1186.5, 637.5], [1188.5, 638.5], [1191.5, 643.5], [1191.5, 648.5], [1186.5, 650.5], [1190.5, 651.5], [1191.5, 656.5], [1188.5, 658.5], [1187.5, 660.5], [1187.5, 663.5], [1186.5, 665.5], [1174.5, 664.5]]}, +{"id": 360, "submitted_by": "fruselight", "name": "Honkai Impact 3rd", "description": "Honkai Impact 3rd is a Free-to-play 3D action Hack'n Slash game inspired by Evangelion, developed and published by miHoYo/HoYoverse in 2016.", "website": "https://honkaiimpact3.hoyoverse.com", "subreddit": "/r/houkai3rd", "center": [1695.5, 1786.5], "path": [[1674.5, 1809.5], [1674.5, 1762.5], [1709.5, 1762.5], [1709.5, 1773.5], [1720.5, 1774.5], [1721.5, 1787.5], [1715.5, 1789.5], [1716.5, 1790.5], [1717.5, 1790.5], [1713.5, 1792.5], [1713.5, 1793.5], [1714.5, 1793.5], [1715.5, 1793.5], [1713.5, 1795.5], [1714.5, 1797.5], [1722.5, 1810.5], [1722.5, 1802.5], [1721.5, 1808.5], [1722.5, 1810.5]]}, +{"id": 361, "submitted_by": "Flamberge3000", "name": "Overly Sarcastic Productions", "description": "An edutainment YouTube channel based around discussing literature, mythology, and history with sarcasm and attitude. They've seen better days. ", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/c/OverlySarcasticProductionsChannel/featured", "subreddit": "/r/osp", "center": [1704.5, 1635.5], "path": [[1706.5, 1626.5], [1706.5, 1624.5], [1704.5, 1622.5], [1700.5, 1622.5], [1697.5, 1624.5], [1693.5, 1626.5], [1692.5, 1627.5], [1691.5, 1632.5], [1695.5, 1638.5], [1699.5, 1636.5], [1699.5, 1642.5], [1702.5, 1643.5], [1702.5, 1648.5], [1714.5, 1648.5], [1714.5, 1626.5]]}, +{"id": 362, "submitted_by": "DarknDeepNut", "name": "Dofus From r/france", "description": "Dofus is a famous game in france wich marked most our childhood, it was created in 2004 by french studio Ankama.", "website": "[https://www.dofus.com/](https://www.dofus.com/)", "subreddit": "r/france/", "center": [73.5, 1766.5], "path": [[58.5, 1749.5], [59.5, 1780.5], [94.5, 1781.5], [78.5, 1749.5]]}, +{"id": 363, "submitted_by": "Spenske-", "name": "TGForever Discord Advertisement", "description": "An advertisement for the TGForever Discord Server, a Minecraft and Terraria community with dedicated servers for each.", "website": "https://discord.gg/tgf", "subreddit": "/r/TGF", "center": [1602.5, 985.5], "path": [[1592.5, 969.5], [1612.5, 969.5], [1612.5, 1000.5], [1591.5, 1000.5], [1591.5, 969.5]]}, +{"id": 364, "submitted_by": "Canigetfries", "name": "DDRaceNetwork", "description": "Art of a free game on Steam.", "website": "[https://ddnet.tw](https://ddnet.tw)", "subreddit": "r/ddnet", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": 365, "submitted_by": "ScarfKat", "name": "Teddy and Ben", "description": "Characters from a web series by Wavetro. It was cut short after it's first episode by the creator leaving his YouTube career to pursue new interests.", "website": "https://wavetro.net/", "subreddit": "", "center": [1056.5, 407.5], "path": [[1050.5, 401.5], [1062.5, 401.5], [1062.5, 413.5], [1050.5, 413.5]]}, +{"id": 366, "submitted_by": "zL2noob-", "name": "The Longing", "description": "Shade, the main character from The Longing, is hiding behind Cookie Clicker, a game that the devs of The Longing were inspired by.nnTHE LONGING is an unusual mix of an adventure and an idle-game. The player controls a Shade, who is told to keep watch of a sleeping King for 400 days until he awakens. The catch: These 400 days start to count down in real-time.", "website": "http://www.399d-23h-59m-59s.com/", "subreddit": "/r/TheLonging", "center": [1563.5, 185.5], "path": [[1559.5, 179.5], [1569.5, 179.5], [1568.5, 181.5], [1568.5, 182.5], [1566.5, 183.5], [1567.5, 185.5], [1566.5, 185.5], [1566.5, 189.5], [1567.5, 189.5], [1567.5, 192.5], [1559.5, 192.5]]}, +{"id": 367, "submitted_by": "GeoJayman", "name": "Rainbow Dash", "description": "Depicts the Element of Loyalty saluting the future and the world. Caption demonstrates that the fandom will continue despite the ending of Friendship is Magic in 2019.", "website": "mlp.fandom.com/wiki/Rainbow_Dash", "subreddit": "/r/mylittlepony", "center": [927.5, 1858.5], "path": [[925.5, 1830.5], [892.5, 1830.5], [892.5, 1885.5], [961.5, 1886.5], [961.5, 1830.5], [925.5, 1830.5]]}, +{"id": 368, "submitted_by": "Virtual_Cheek_7633", "name": "Nitori and Badapple", "description": "A kappa from Touhou she was raided by peru multiple times we were forced to concede land at the end", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/touhou", "center": [497.5, 527.5], "path": [[468.5, 528.5], [468.5, 541.5], [511.5, 541.5], [511.5, 528.5], [527.5, 528.5], [527.5, 513.5], [480.5, 513.5], [480.5, 527.5]]}, +{"id": 369, "submitted_by": "Pandaxtor", "name": "Path of Exile", "description": "Diablo like game but you spend 10% of the time theory crafting and testing the build. The other 90% is falling back on a meta build.", "website": "https://www.pathofexile.com/", "subreddit": "https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/", "center": [1405.5, 467.5], "path": [[1433.5, 473.5], [1433.5, 446.5], [1364.5, 447.5], [1365.5, 457.5], [1369.5, 457.5], [1369.5, 456.5], [1372.5, 456.5], [1372.5, 457.5], [1375.5, 457.5], [1375.5, 455.5], [1378.5, 457.5], [1377.5, 461.5], [1380.5, 463.5], [1381.5, 466.5], [1378.5, 467.5], [1374.5, 468.5], [1372.5, 470.5], [1372.5, 471.5], [1375.5, 472.5], [1375.5, 473.5], [1384.5, 473.5], [1384.5, 491.5], [1433.5, 491.5], [1433.5, 473.5], [1417.5, 464.5], [1393.5, 459.5], [1400.5, 466.5]]}, +{"id": 370, "submitted_by": "lemonaid4", "name": "Suncracker0", "description": "the simplified logo of a small twitch streamer named Suncracker0", "website": "https://www.twitch.tv/suncracker0", "subreddit": "/r/Suncracker/", "center": [736.5, 950.5], "path": [[734.5, 946.5], [734.5, 954.5], [738.5, 954.5], [738.5, 946.5], [738.5, 946.5]]}, +{"id": 371, "submitted_by": "SkytAsul", "name": "INSA", "description": "A French engineering school.", "website": "https://www.groupe-insa.fr/", "subreddit": "", "center": [12.5, 1073.5], "path": [[0.5, 1068.5], [24.5, 1068.5], [24.5, 1078.5], [1.5, 1078.5], [0.5, 1068.5]]}, +{"id": 372, "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Blue Butterfly", "description": "The Blue Butterfly, an insect commonly depicted in the episodic adventure game, Life is Strange. Appearing on the Nigerian flag as a collaboration between r/lifeisstrange and r/Nigeria", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/lifeisstrange", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": 373, "submitted_by": "NerdKnight66", "name": "Kirby", "description": "An image of Kirby. After ludwig raided it, one of the only few wholesome raids on the subreddit, the detail and community around it drastically increased", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1845.5, 582.5], "path": [[1800.5, 540.5], [1890.5, 540.5], [1890.5, 623.5], [1800.5, 623.5]]}, +{"id": 374, "submitted_by": "ziemnakiscool", "name": "Kurzgesagt Painting", "description": "The r/kurzgesagt community made this picture.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/kurzgesagt", "center": [749.5, 52.5], "path": [[788.5, 70.5], [790.5, 68.5], [790.5, 36.5], [788.5, 35.5], [707.5, 35.5], [708.5, 69.5], [707.5, 70.5], [707.5, 36.5], [707.5, 70.5]]}, +{"id": 375, "submitted_by": "MagicBraden1", "name": "r/Cubers", "description": "r/cubers is a place for speedcubers (people who speedsolve different twisty-puzzles, such as the Rubik's cube) discuss different cubes, solving styles, records, and more.", "website": "[https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/)", "subreddit": "r/cubers", "center": [1388.5, 497.5], "path": [[1350.5, 485.5], [1364.5, 485.5], [1363.5, 486.5], [1364.5, 487.5], [1365.5, 487.5], [1365.5, 488.5], [1366.5, 488.5], [1366.5, 489.5], [1366.5, 489.5], [1367.5, 490.5], [1368.5, 490.5], [1368.5, 491.5], [1425.5, 491.5], [1425.5, 509.5], [1412.5, 509.5], [1412.5, 503.5], [1355.5, 503.5], [1355.5, 502.5], [1354.5, 502.5], [1354.5, 501.5], [1353.5, 501.5], [1353.5, 500.5], [1352.5, 500.5], [1352.5, 499.5], [1351.5, 499.5], [1351.5, 498.5], [1350.5, 498.5], [1350.5, 485.5]]}, +{"id": 376, "submitted_by": "GeoJayman", "name": "Derpy Hooves", "description": "Depicts the fandom's favorite background character", "website": "mlp.fandom.com/wiki/Derpy_Hooves", "subreddit": "/r/mylittlepony", "center": [1975.5, 378.5], "path": [[2000.5, 356.5], [1950.5, 356.5], [1950.5, 400.5], [2000.5, 400.5], [2000.5, 356.5]]}, +{"id": 377, "submitted_by": "sk1pzy", "name": "Bow from Inanimate Insanity", "description": "Bow from Inanimate Insanity holding up the earth (r/BuildTheEarth)", "website": "https://www.inanimateinsanity.com/", "subreddit": "/r/inanimateinsanity/", "center": [68.5, 638.5], "path": [[60.5, 632.5], [60.5, 642.5], [76.5, 642.5], [76.5, 632.5], [74.5, 632.5], [74.5, 633.5], [73.5, 633.5], [73.5, 634.5], [72.5, 634.5], [72.5, 635.5], [69.5, 635.5], [69.5, 633.5], [70.5, 633.5], [70.5, 632.5], [69.5, 632.5], [69.5, 635.5], [67.5, 635.5], [67.5, 632.5], [66.5, 632.5], [66.5, 633.5], [67.5, 633.5], [67.5, 635.5], [64.5, 635.5], [63.5, 635.5], [63.5, 634.5], [63.5, 633.5], [62.5, 633.5], [61.5, 633.5], [61.5, 632.5]]}, +{"id": 378, "submitted_by": "Virtual_Cheek_7633", "name": "Kirisame Marisa", "description": "logo from Touhou 6 Embodiment of Scarlet Devil", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/touhou", "center": [1122.5, 1985.5], "path": [[1109.5, 1973.5], [1109.5, 1997.5], [1135.5, 1996.5], [1135.5, 1973.5]]}, +{"id": 379, "submitted_by": "Boring_Disaster_21", "name": "Luna Crown", "description": "Crown representing Himemori Luna, a Vtuber from Hololive Japan 4th Generation.", "website": "https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/talents/himemori-luna/", "subreddit": "r/hololive", "center": [1360.5, 1119.5], "path": [[1360.5, 1111.5], [1360.5, 1124.5], [1355.5, 1124.5], [1353.5, 1119.5], [1358.5, 1111.5], [1366.5, 1117.5], [1365.5, 1124.5], [1360.5, 1124.5]]}, +{"id": 380, "submitted_by": "LetteredSymbol", "name": "VRChat logo", "description": "the logo for the Virtual Reality game VRChat", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/VRChat", "center": [962.5, 96.5], "path": [[994.5, 101.5], [994.5, 102.5], [994.5, 103.5], [931.5, 104.5], [931.5, 89.5], [995.5, 89.5], [994.5, 104.5], [931.5, 104.5], [989.5, 104.5], [986.5, 103.5], [983.5, 104.5], [990.5, 111.5], [990.5, 99.5]]}, +{"id": 381, "submitted_by": "Narnall", "name": "Starscape", "description": "A small artwork relating to the roblox game starscape", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1663.5, 837.5], "path": [[1693.5, 832.5], [1632.5, 833.5], [1631.5, 842.5], [1693.5, 842.5]]}, +{"id": 382, "submitted_by": "MrEduxator", "name": "Delutaya's Delta", "description": "A small green Delta symbol to represent Delutaya, a JP V-tuber. ", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7YXqPO3eUnxbJ6rN0z2z1Q", "subreddit": "", "center": [269.5, 766.5], "path": [[264.5, 767.5], [264.5, 766.5], [265.5, 766.5], [265.5, 765.5], [266.5, 765.5], [266.5, 764.5], [267.5, 764.5], [267.5, 763.5], [268.5, 763.5], [268.5, 762.5], [269.5, 762.5], [270.5, 762.5], [270.5, 763.5], [271.5, 763.5], [271.5, 764.5], [272.5, 764.5], [272.5, 765.5], [273.5, 765.5], [273.5, 766.5], [274.5, 766.5], [274.5, 767.5], [274.5, 768.5], [264.5, 768.5], [264.5, 767.5]]}, +{"id": 383, "submitted_by": "Koton_Bads", "name": "r/unixporn", "description": "r/unixporn - the home for *NIX customization! Submit screenshots of all your *NIX desktops, themes, and nifty configurations, or submit anything else that will make ricers happy. Maybe a server running on an Amiga, or a thinkpad signed by Bjarne Stroustrup? Show the world how sexy your computer can be!", "website": "https://unixporn.github.io/", "subreddit": "r/unixporn", "center": [10.5, 761.5], "path": [[0.5, 765.5], [20.5, 765.5], [20.5, 756.5], [0.5, 756.5], [0.5, 765.5]]}, +{"id": 384, "submitted_by": "-ChronicClub", "name": "Classic Guy, Spelunky Series", "description": "The protagonist of Spelunky Classic, and returns as the final unlockable character in Spelunky 2, both games being tough, 2D roguelike platformers.", "website": "[https://www.mossmouth.com/spelunky2/](https://www.mossmouth.com/spelunky2/)", "subreddit": "/r/Spelunky", "center": [871.5, 513.5], "path": [[867.5, 518.5], [877.5, 518.5], [876.5, 516.5], [874.5, 516.5], [874.5, 514.5], [877.5, 510.5], [875.5, 510.5], [874.5, 507.5], [869.5, 507.5], [867.5, 510.5], [867.5, 517.5]]}, +{"id": 385, "submitted_by": "GeoJayman", "name": "My Little Pony", "description": "Combines the main characters of Generations 4 and 5 of the My Little Pony series. Also includes the combined Unicorn, Pegasus, and Earth Pony gems from A New Generation (2021).", "website": "mlp.wikia.com", "subreddit": "/r/mylittlepony", "center": [1651.5, 247.5], "path": [[1656.5, 211.5], [1645.5, 211.5], [1633.5, 212.5], [1627.5, 217.5], [1616.5, 229.5], [1613.5, 240.5], [1614.5, 258.5], [1619.5, 278.5], [1637.5, 279.5], [1640.5, 281.5], [1652.5, 281.5], [1669.5, 281.5], [1671.5, 279.5], [1684.5, 279.5], [1686.5, 261.5], [1689.5, 257.5], [1688.5, 228.5], [1677.5, 221.5], [1676.5, 213.5], [1662.5, 211.5], [1652.5, 211.5]]}, +{"id": 386, "submitted_by": "migueloni_", "name": "France flag", "description": "Using layers, France united with other communities to fight against haters and build this artwork of France icons.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/placefrance", "center": [125.5, 1718.5], "path": [[3.5, 1469.5], [246.5, 1469.5], [246.5, 1967.5], [3.5, 1966.5]]}, +{"id": 387, "submitted_by": "danieru_desu", "name": "The Philippine Flag", "description": "The Philippine Flag with the r/Philippines mascot and the Philippine archipelago silhouette", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Philippines", "center": [332.5, 666.5], "path": [[302.5, 646.5], [302.5, 685.5], [362.5, 685.5], [362.5, 646.5]]}, +{"id": 388, "submitted_by": "j123s", "name": "oc.tc (Overcast Community)", "description": "Overcast Community, formerly Overcast Network, is a Minecraft server that focuses on large team-based minigames like Capture the Wool.", "website": "https://oc.tc", "subreddit": "", "center": [1990.5, 1517.5], "path": [[1982.5, 1511.5], [1990.5, 1509.5], [1998.5, 1511.5], [1997.5, 1522.5], [1990.5, 1527.5], [1983.5, 1522.5]]}, +{"id": 389, "submitted_by": "Gh0st_Division", "name": "De nachtwacht", "description": "A famous painting by Dutch painter Rembrandt van Rijn", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [626.5, 1899.5], "path": [[540.5, 1947.5], [540.5, 1851.5], [713.5, 1851.5], [713.5, 1946.5]]}, +{"id": 390, "submitted_by": "MagicBraden1", "name": "MLP ManeChat Mural", "description": "A My Little Pony tribute done by the ManeChat Discord server, featuring the main ponies from the G4 and G5 series. They are, in order starting from the top, Sunny Starscout, Zipp Storm, Pipp Petals, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Izzy Moonbow, and Hitch Trailblazer.", "website": "[https://discord.gg/manechat](https://discord.gg/manechat)", "subreddit": "", "center": [1651.5, 248.5], "path": [[1637.5, 213.5], [1643.5, 215.5], [1655.5, 212.5], [1660.5, 214.5], [1662.5, 216.5], [1665.5, 216.5], [1667.5, 214.5], [1670.5, 214.5], [1673.5, 215.5], [1670.5, 213.5], [1673.5, 217.5], [1676.5, 218.5], [1674.5, 222.5], [1675.5, 222.5], [1674.5, 224.5], [1676.5, 228.5], [1681.5, 228.5], [1683.5, 229.5], [1686.5, 230.5], [1686.5, 232.5], [1685.5, 235.5], [1687.5, 240.5], [1683.5, 245.5], [1684.5, 246.5], [1686.5, 248.5], [1686.5, 250.5], [1686.5, 253.5], [1686.5, 255.5], [1683.5, 260.5], [1682.5, 264.5], [1682.5, 266.5], [1682.5, 271.5], [1681.5, 277.5], [1680.5, 278.5], [1677.5, 276.5], [1671.5, 276.5], [1669.5, 274.5], [1668.5, 276.5], [1669.5, 278.5], [1665.5, 279.5], [1663.5, 279.5], [1659.5, 280.5], [1657.5, 279.5], [1656.5, 278.5], [1654.5, 276.5], [1653.5, 279.5], [1651.5, 279.5], [1648.5, 280.5], [1643.5, 280.5], [1639.5, 278.5], [1640.5, 276.5], [1636.5, 273.5], [1635.5, 276.5], [1634.5, 278.5], [1632.5, 277.5], [1630.5, 275.5], [1626.5, 276.5], [1624.5, 277.5], [1622.5, 278.5], [1619.5, 278.5], [1620.5, 275.5], [1621.5, 274.5], [1618.5, 268.5], [1623.5, 262.5], [1621.5, 263.5], [1619.5, 266.5], [1622.5, 261.5], [1620.5, 260.5], [1618.5, 258.5], [1616.5, 254.5], [1617.5, 243.5], [1617.5, 240.5], [1615.5, 240.5], [1617.5, 238.5], [1617.5, 234.5], [1625.5, 225.5], [1622.5, 224.5], [1622.5, 226.5], [1622.5, 228.5], [1625.5, 226.5], [1627.5, 228.5], [1629.5, 229.5], [1630.5, 226.5], [1629.5, 220.5], [1631.5, 217.5], [1631.5, 216.5], [1634.5, 214.5], [1635.5, 214.5], [1637.5, 214.5], [1647.5, 215.5], [1651.5, 213.5], [1650.5, 212.5], [1652.5, 212.5]]}, +{"id": 391, "submitted_by": "MrEduxator", "name": "Uruha Rushia's Butterfly", "description": "A short and sweet tribute to Uruha Rushia, a hololive member who was a part of holoive until Feburary 24th, 2022. The butterfly was used to represent her, as she had a strong association with them. ", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl_gCybOJRIgOXw6Qb4qJzQ", "subreddit": "r/hololive", "center": [253.5, 790.5], "path": [[250.5, 785.5], [259.5, 785.5], [259.5, 791.5], [256.5, 793.5], [255.5, 794.5], [254.5, 795.5], [253.5, 795.5], [253.5, 796.5], [252.5, 796.5], [251.5, 795.5], [250.5, 794.5], [249.5, 794.5], [248.5, 793.5], [247.5, 793.5], [247.5, 789.5], [248.5, 789.5], [248.5, 787.5], [249.5, 786.5]]}, +{"id": 392, "submitted_by": "Narnall", "name": "Space Station 13 ", "description": "Space station 13 clown", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/ss13", "center": [1699.5, 591.5], "path": [[1678.5, 570.5], [1727.5, 569.5], [1726.5, 590.5], [1722.5, 596.5], [1715.5, 592.5], [1710.5, 593.5], [1707.5, 598.5], [1707.5, 600.5], [1710.5, 605.5], [1711.5, 606.5], [1705.5, 611.5], [1706.5, 618.5], [1678.5, 618.5]]}, +{"id": 393, "submitted_by": "Y_Martinaise", "name": "Russian anti-war flag", "description": "Variant of the Russian national flag (without the red stripe) currently being used by Russians protesting the invasion of Ukraine", "website": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-blue-white_flag", "subreddit": "", "center": [726.5, 266.5], "path": [[695.5, 263.5], [753.5, 262.5], [753.5, 269.5], [695.5, 268.5]]}, +{"id": 394, "submitted_by": "OTechium", "name": "Hollow Knight: Silksong", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/HollowKnight", "center": [262.5, 382.5], "path": [[226.5, 344.5], [225.5, 419.5], [298.5, 419.5], [298.5, 344.5], [226.5, 344.5]]}, +{"id": 397, "submitted_by": "hakyeons-army", "name": "Mini LOONA Logo", "description": "A small logo of K-Pop girl group LOONA", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/loona", "center": [515.5, 535.5], "path": [[511.5, 529.5], [511.5, 540.5], [519.5, 540.5], [519.5, 529.5]]}, +{"id": 398, "submitted_by": "migueloni_", "name": "Flag of Costa Rica w/ symbolic animals and items", "description": "National flag that includes 7 hearts (one per province), whitetail deer (national symbol), Arenal volcano eruption (1968), Red-eyed frog, Lizano sauce, Pura Vida popular greeting and slogan, sloth (national symbol), hummingbird and country purple girl (national symbol)", "website": "[https://www.visitcostarica.com/en](https://www.visitcostarica.com/en)", "subreddit": "r/Ticos and r/costarica", "center": [1432.5, 436.5], "path": [[1246.5, 426.5], [1621.5, 427.5], [1621.5, 446.5], [1246.5, 446.5], [1246.5, 426.5]]}, +{"id": 399, "submitted_by": "Flamberge3000", "name": "Philippines Reddit Mascot", "description": "The mascot of r/Philippines. Its color here is based on those of the Philippine flag.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Philippines", "center": [1354.5, 623.5], "path": [[1334.5, 600.5], [1334.5, 647.5], [1374.5, 647.5], [1374.5, 599.5]]}, +{"id": 400, "submitted_by": "RealJordanTRS", "name": "Chicago Bears logo", "description": "The logo for the American Football team known as the Chicago Bears, whom are one of the oldest teams currently in the NFL (National Football League)", "website": "[https://www.chicagobears.com/](https://www.chicagobears.com/)", "subreddit": "", "center": [793.5, 565.5], "path": [[773.5, 548.5], [813.5, 548.5], [813.5, 581.5], [773.5, 581.5]]}, +{"id": 401, "submitted_by": "NinjamanAway", "name": "Australia", "description": "The Australian community (/r/Australia & /r/Straya)nVB - local beernVegemite Jar - local spreadnAustralian Aboriginal FlagnBunnings Warehouse Logo - Australian hardware storenAustralian flag with Sydney Opera House, and an ANZAC poppynKangaroo with Koala ridingnNed Kelly's armournFreddo frog - popular local chocolatenBubble o' Bill Ice Cream - Local ice creamnCockatoo", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/straya, /r/australia", "center": [692.5, 661.5], "path": [[721.5, 608.5], [702.5, 608.5], [702.5, 632.5], [669.5, 632.5], [669.5, 698.5], [671.5, 698.5], [671.5, 745.5], [680.5, 745.5], [679.5, 744.5], [678.5, 744.5], [678.5, 740.5], [677.5, 740.5], [677.5, 734.5], [676.5, 734.5], [676.5, 720.5], [677.5, 720.5], [677.5, 715.5], [678.5, 715.5], [678.5, 710.5], [679.5, 710.5], [680.5, 709.5], [680.5, 705.5], [681.5, 705.5], [681.5, 704.5], [682.5, 704.5], [682.5, 702.5], [683.5, 702.5], [683.5, 700.5], [702.5, 685.5], [704.5, 686.5], [712.5, 681.5], [712.5, 649.5], [720.5, 649.5], [722.5, 647.5], [722.5, 633.5], [721.5, 633.5], [721.5, 608.5]]}, +{"id": 405, "submitted_by": "silverwolv", "name": "WolvHaven Minecraft Server", "description": "WolvHaven is a creative minecraft server that started out as a city-roleplay and survival server established in 2011. It is mainly known for its railway Metro Systems constructed using the TrainCarts bukkit plugin. The server has since transistioned into more of a creative city-building server for architecture, urban, and transit enthusiasts, centered around a showcase city. Depicted here is the server's official flag.", "website": "https://wolvhaven.net", "subreddit": "r/wolvhaven", "center": [1350.5, 463.5], "path": [[1346.5, 461.5], [1354.5, 461.5], [1354.5, 465.5], [1346.5, 465.5]]}, +{"id": 406, "submitted_by": "GoJoeyGo123", "name": "BL\u00c5HAJ", "description": "BL\u00c5HAJ is a popular soft toy sold by ikea", "website": "[https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/blahaj-soft-toy-shark-90373590/](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/blahaj-soft-toy-shark-90373590/)", "subreddit": "r/BLAHAJ/", "center": [250.5, 669.5], "path": [[242.5, 668.5], [242.5, 667.5], [247.5, 667.5], [247.5, 666.5], [248.5, 666.5], [248.5, 665.5], [249.5, 665.5], [249.5, 664.5], [250.5, 664.5], [251.5, 664.5], [251.5, 667.5], [253.5, 667.5], [253.5, 666.5], [254.5, 666.5], [254.5, 665.5], [255.5, 665.5], [255.5, 664.5], [258.5, 664.5], [258.5, 665.5], [258.5, 666.5], [257.5, 666.5], [257.5, 667.5], [257.5, 668.5], [256.5, 668.5], [256.5, 669.5], [257.5, 669.5], [257.5, 670.5], [258.5, 670.5], [258.5, 671.5], [258.5, 672.5], [255.5, 672.5], [255.5, 671.5], [254.5, 671.5], [254.5, 670.5], [253.5, 671.5], [252.5, 671.5], [252.5, 672.5], [251.5, 672.5], [250.5, 672.5], [250.5, 673.5], [250.5, 674.5], [249.5, 674.5], [248.5, 674.5], [248.5, 673.5], [247.5, 673.5], [247.5, 672.5], [243.5, 672.5], [242.5, 672.5], [242.5, 671.5], [241.5, 671.5], [241.5, 669.5], [241.5, 668.5], [241.5, 668.5], [241.5, 668.5]]}, +{"id": 407, "submitted_by": "flippin_egg", "name": "Olive", "description": "The protagonist of the Purrfect Apawcalypse series ", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [492.5, 483.5], "path": [[486.5, 478.5], [486.5, 478.5], [486.5, 488.5], [486.5, 488.5], [497.5, 488.5], [497.5, 478.5]]}, +{"id": 408, "submitted_by": "MrEduxator", "name": "FOOB", "description": "A meme-d and edited version of Shirakami Fubuki's Live2D model without a nose making a happy face, usually referred to as FOOB.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/okbuddyhololive", "center": [1348.5, 884.5], "path": [[1333.5, 901.5], [1332.5, 870.5], [1365.5, 870.5], [1365.5, 893.5], [1355.5, 893.5], [1353.5, 901.5], [1333.5, 901.5]]}, +{"id": 410, "submitted_by": "SenatusSPQR", "name": "Nano currency symbol", "description": "The currency symbol of Nano, a green, instant & feeless cryptocurrency", "website": "www.nano.org", "subreddit": "r/nanocurrency", "center": [841.5, 649.5], "path": [[826.5, 634.5], [856.5, 634.5], [856.5, 663.5], [826.5, 663.5]]}, +{"id": 411, "submitted_by": "hakyeons-army", "name": "Pink Fantasy", "description": "Logo of K-Pop group Pink Fantasy. Left is a logo consisting of two keys crossing over each other, and to the right is a bunny representing member Daewang.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1689.5, 894.5], "path": [[1684.5, 896.5], [1681.5, 897.5], [1681.5, 891.5], [1696.5, 891.5], [1696.5, 897.5]]}, +{"id": 412, "submitted_by": "betterert", "name": "Juke's Towers of Hell", "description": "Juke's Towers of Hell is a platforming game on the ROBLOX platform where players are tasked with climbing very tall and difficult towers. It is notorious for its high difficulty. The three large towers (from left to right) are the Tower of Hecc (sic), the Tower of Screen Punching, and the Tower of Impossible Expectations. These are the first three towers ever added to the game, respectively. The small structures in the middle are other beloved towers in the community.", "website": "https://jtoh.fandom.com/wiki/Juke%27s_Towers_of_Hell_Wiki", "subreddit": "/r/JToH2", "center": [1520.5, 1628.5], "path": [[1507.5, 1605.5], [1532.5, 1605.5], [1532.5, 1651.5], [1507.5, 1651.5]]}, +{"id": 415, "submitted_by": "Killer_The_Cat", "name": "M\u00e9tis Flag", "description": "The flag of the M\u00e9tis people of Canada", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [218.5, 467.5], "path": [[226.5, 462.5], [210.5, 462.5], [210.5, 472.5], [226.5, 472.5]]}, +{"id": 416, "submitted_by": "vizce", "name": "IQ & J\u00e4ger", "description": "Two of the four German playable characters from the game Rainbow Six Siege. Cooperation with /r/Rainbow6/ n", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/placeDE/", "center": [255.5, 1160.5], "path": [[236.5, 1148.5], [274.5, 1148.5], [274.5, 1171.5], [235.5, 1171.5], [236.5, 1148.5]]}, +{"id": 417, "submitted_by": "GaymerQWQ", "name": "Genshin Impact (Chinese Characters)", "description": "Genshin Impact's Chinese Logo. Venti, a playable character in the game, is featured above.", "website": "[https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/)", "subreddit": "/r/GenshinImpact", "center": [1145.5, 51.5], "path": [[1104.5, 74.5], [1110.5, 74.5], [1110.5, 71.5], [1112.5, 68.5], [1116.5, 70.5], [1118.5, 71.5], [1120.5, 67.5], [1122.5, 67.5], [1125.5, 65.5], [1127.5, 66.5], [1127.5, 70.5], [1130.5, 73.5], [1133.5, 70.5], [1145.5, 65.5], [1150.5, 71.5], [1151.5, 72.5], [1159.5, 67.5], [1164.5, 67.5], [1172.5, 75.5], [1175.5, 70.5], [1177.5, 65.5], [1181.5, 63.5], [1178.5, 60.5], [1183.5, 57.5], [1181.5, 54.5], [1179.5, 52.5], [1182.5, 50.5], [1181.5, 35.5], [1175.5, 35.5], [1174.5, 31.5], [1174.5, 26.5], [1170.5, 26.5], [1169.5, 24.5], [1171.5, 21.5], [1170.5, 20.5], [1166.5, 22.5], [1164.5, 20.5], [1163.5, 16.5], [1162.5, 14.5], [1161.5, 18.5], [1158.5, 21.5], [1156.5, 23.5], [1154.5, 20.5], [1156.5, 25.5], [1154.5, 28.5], [1156.5, 31.5], [1158.5, 35.5], [1149.5, 35.5], [1147.5, 38.5], [1132.5, 39.5], [1130.5, 41.5], [1118.5, 40.5], [1115.5, 36.5], [1104.5, 35.5]]}, +{"id": 418, "submitted_by": "Beegrene", "name": "Daft Punk", "description": "The robotic hands of Daft Punk, a French house music duo active from 1993 to 2021.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/DaftPunk", "center": [220.5, 945.5], "path": [[195.5, 926.5], [195.5, 964.5], [244.5, 964.5], [244.5, 926.5], [195.5, 926.5]]}, +{"id": 419, "submitted_by": "MineRabbit33", "name": "EPITA", "description": "EPITA (\u00c9cole Pour l'Informatique et les Techniques Avanc\u00e9es) is a French computer engineering school", "website": "https://www.epita.fr/", "subreddit": "/r/epita", "center": [1210.5, 321.5], "path": [[1209.5, 308.5], [1192.5, 320.5], [1196.5, 324.5], [1195.5, 327.5], [1201.5, 330.5], [1200.5, 332.5], [1205.5, 331.5], [1211.5, 336.5], [1212.5, 329.5], [1228.5, 328.5], [1226.5, 325.5], [1228.5, 323.5], [1223.5, 319.5], [1219.5, 309.5], [1214.5, 312.5]]}, +{"id": 420, "submitted_by": "Vampire_Artyom", "name": "Stardew Valley Art #1", "description": "Created by the Stardew Valley Community, depicting some recognizable art from the game: Brown Chicken, Blue Chicken, a Stardrop and a Green Junimo, alongside a heavily pixelated part of the world's landscape ", "website": "https://www.stardewvalley.net", "subreddit": "/r/StardewValley", "center": [102.5, 365.5], "path": [[71.5, 345.5], [132.5, 345.5], [132.5, 386.5], [77.5, 386.5], [77.5, 385.5], [76.5, 385.5], [76.5, 383.5], [75.5, 383.5], [74.5, 382.5], [71.5, 382.5]]}, +{"id": 421, "submitted_by": "AsrielDashie", "name": "Taiwan/R.O.C Flag", "description": "National flag of Republic of China a.k.a Taiwan.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/taiwan", "center": [959.5, 555.5], "path": [[941.5, 543.5], [941.5, 566.5], [977.5, 566.5], [977.5, 543.5]]}, +{"id": 422, "submitted_by": "Killer_The_Cat", "name": "Flag of Nunavut", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/nunavut", "center": [201.5, 457.5], "path": [[193.5, 462.5], [209.5, 462.5], [209.5, 452.5], [193.5, 452.5]]}, +{"id": 423, "submitted_by": "Asteralium", "name": "Animal Jam Ladybug", "description": "A ladybug from the logo of Animal Jam, a virtual world that opened in 2010.", "website": "https://discord.com/invite/animaljamcommunity", "subreddit": "/r/AnimalJam", "center": [1761.5, 1090.5], "path": [[1755.5, 1083.5], [1767.5, 1083.5], [1767.5, 1097.5], [1755.5, 1097.5]]}, +{"id": 424, "submitted_by": "Drakzia", "name": "ENS Rennes Logo", "description": "The logo of the French school \u00c9cole normale sup\u00e9rieure de Rennes (ENS Rennes).", "website": "http://www.ens-rennes.fr/", "subreddit": "", "center": [288.5, 1590.5], "path": [[282.5, 1586.5], [282.5, 1594.5], [293.5, 1594.5], [293.5, 1586.5]]}, +{"id": 425, "submitted_by": "Glum218", "name": "M 152.0 (810) motor coach", "description": "Small railway passenger vehicle manufactured in Czechoslovakia 1975-82. In total, 885 of them were made (including the export version for Hungary) and some are still in use, mostly on rural railways in Czechia, Slovakia, and Hungary.", "website": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%8CSD_Class_M_152.0", "subreddit": "/r/czech", "center": [1286.5, 237.5], "path": [[1269.5, 248.5], [1269.5, 224.5], [1293.5, 223.5], [1304.5, 227.5], [1301.5, 245.5], [1294.5, 252.5]]}, +{"id": 426, "submitted_by": "the_pain_train_town", "name": "Brick Hill Logo and Chicken Hat", "description": "Two small icons of the Brick Hill Logo and the Chicken Hat item.", "website": "https://www.brick-hill.com/", "subreddit": "/r/BrickHill", "center": [1925.5, 86.5], "path": [[1921.5, 74.5], [1921.5, 74.5], [1921.5, 74.5], [1921.5, 98.5], [1928.5, 98.5], [1928.5, 74.5], [1921.5, 74.5]]}, +{"id": 427, "submitted_by": "GoJoeyGo123", "name": "Rickroll QR code", "description": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up", "website": "[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)", "subreddit": "", "center": [1886.5, 933.5], "path": [[1870.5, 917.5], [1902.5, 917.5], [1902.5, 949.5], [1870.5, 949.5]]}, +{"id": 428, "submitted_by": "TehEpicDuckeh", "name": "Stimlo", "description": "The short-lived logo of the musician Stimlo. They create music in varying styles and genres, but all are EDM.", "website": "https://open.spotify.com/artist/4hF7yJOF52q2pczg70fdl2", "subreddit": "r/stimlo", "center": [875.5, 1850.5], "path": [[872.5, 1847.5], [872.5, 1852.5], [877.5, 1852.5], [877.5, 1847.5]]}, +{"id": 429, "submitted_by": "TL_H", "name": "Ninji", "description": "Ninji is an enemy from the Super Mario Bros. series, appearing in Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA), Super Mario World, Super Mario Run, Super Mario Maker 2, and more games. Super Mario Maker 2's v2.0.0 update added a Ninji Speedruns mode, where players complete to beat levels designed by Nintendo in the fastest time possible. In that mode, you can race against other players' times, with their ghosts appearing as Ninjis.", "website": "https://discord.gg/5ECWF94", "subreddit": "/r/MarioMaker2", "center": [1767.5, 145.5], "path": [[1762.5, 139.5], [1762.5, 151.5], [1772.5, 151.5], [1772.5, 139.5]]}, +{"id": 430, "submitted_by": "Killer_The_Cat", "name": "Flag of Colorado", "description": "The flag of the US State of Colorado.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/colorado", "center": [10.5, 738.5], "path": [[19.5, 731.5], [0.5, 731.5], [0.5, 744.5], [19.5, 744.5]]}, +{"id": 431, "submitted_by": "LandLovingFish", "name": "MCC (2)", "description": "An expansion of what was made on the first quarter of the map. Depicted are more logos of MCC, as well as MCC organizer Noxite.", "website": "[https://noxcrew.com/mcc](https://noxcrew.com/mcc)", "subreddit": "r/minecraftchampionship", "center": [1789.5, 116.5], "path": [[1785.5, 99.5], [1785.5, 100.5], [1785.5, 100.5], [1774.5, 100.5], [1774.5, 110.5], [1770.5, 110.5], [1770.5, 129.5], [1780.5, 129.5], [1780.5, 138.5], [1788.5, 138.5], [1788.5, 129.5], [1808.5, 129.5], [1808.5, 111.5], [1804.5, 111.5], [1804.5, 103.5], [1803.5, 102.5], [1799.5, 100.5], [1794.5, 100.5], [1794.5, 99.5], [1785.5, 99.5]]}, +{"id": 432, "submitted_by": "MrEduxator", "name": "Risu Nut", "description": "HoloID's Ayunda Risu as a nut! How nutty! She's also the creator of Nonstop Nut November, a fun spin on the average No Nut November.", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOyYb1c43VlX9rc_lT6NKQw", "subreddit": "r/hololive", "center": [1342.5, 1070.5], "path": [[1336.5, 1082.5], [1349.5, 1082.5], [1349.5, 1081.5], [1350.5, 1081.5], [1350.5, 1079.5], [1351.5, 1079.5], [1351.5, 1076.5], [1352.5, 1076.5], [1352.5, 1070.5], [1352.5, 1069.5], [1353.5, 1069.5], [1354.5, 1069.5], [1354.5, 1068.5], [1355.5, 1067.5], [1354.5, 1066.5], [1353.5, 1065.5], [1353.5, 1061.5], [1351.5, 1061.5], [1351.5, 1060.5], [1349.5, 1060.5], [1349.5, 1059.5], [1347.5, 1059.5], [1347.5, 1058.5], [1345.5, 1058.5], [1345.5, 1057.5], [1338.5, 1057.5], [1338.5, 1058.5], [1336.5, 1058.5], [1336.5, 1059.5], [1336.5, 1059.5], [1334.5, 1059.5], [1334.5, 1060.5], [1333.5, 1060.5], [1333.5, 1061.5], [1332.5, 1061.5], [1332.5, 1079.5], [1333.5, 1079.5], [1333.5, 1079.5], [1333.5, 1081.5], [1335.5, 1081.5], [1335.5, 1082.5], [1341.5, 1082.5]]}, +{"id": 433, "submitted_by": "Killer_The_Cat", "name": "Flag of Denver", "description": "The flag of Denver, Colorado, United States.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/denver", "center": [10.5, 750.5], "path": [[19.5, 745.5], [0.5, 745.5], [0.5, 755.5], [19.5, 755.5]]}, +{"id": 434, "submitted_by": "micarot", "name": "Aromat", "description": "A swiss spice, famous in swizerland only", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1180.5, 885.5], "path": [[1177.5, 879.5], [1183.5, 879.5], [1183.5, 890.5], [1177.5, 890.5]]}, +{"id": 435, "submitted_by": "keroshijoshi", "name": "Former Hero's Logo", "description": "Indie electronic musician Former Hero's bridge logo. Former Hero is known for his fast-paced, pulsating melodic tracks and is well-loved in the SoundCloud dance scene, garnering the attention of San Holo and his independent label bitbird.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/bitbird", "center": [883.5, 1795.5], "path": [[872.5, 1790.5], [872.5, 1799.5], [893.5, 1799.5], [893.5, 1790.5], [872.5, 1790.5]]}, +{"id": 436, "submitted_by": "micarot", "name": "RTS", "description": "The french speaking radio and TV for Switzerland", "website": "https://www.rts.ch", "subreddit": "", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": 437, "submitted_by": "CyborgRyno603", "name": "The iFunny watermark", "description": "Uh oh, you forgot to crop your stolen meme, now you deal with the consequences. Brought to you by r/Place_iFunny.", "website": "[https://www.ifunny.co](https://www.ifunny.co)", "subreddit": "r/iFunny", "center": [338.5, 1893.5], "path": [[311.5, 1888.5], [365.5, 1888.5], [365.5, 1897.5], [311.5, 1897.5], [311.5, 1888.5]]}, +{"id": 438, "submitted_by": "GoJoeyGo123", "name": "Anarchy Chess", "description": "Anarchy chess is a chess meme subreddit ", "website": "", "subreddit": "[https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/)", "center": [123.5, 661.5], "path": [[80.5, 607.5], [151.5, 607.5], [151.5, 609.5], [174.5, 609.5], [174.5, 712.5], [125.5, 712.5], [125.5, 715.5], [71.5, 715.5], [71.5, 679.5], [70.5, 679.5], [70.5, 642.5], [76.5, 642.5], [76.5, 632.5], [74.5, 632.5], [74.5, 633.5], [73.5, 633.5], [73.5, 634.5], [72.5, 634.5], [72.5, 635.5], [70.5, 635.5], [70.5, 631.5], [72.5, 631.5], [73.5, 630.5], [74.5, 630.5], [75.5, 629.5], [76.5, 628.5], [77.5, 627.5], [78.5, 626.5], [79.5, 625.5], [80.5, 624.5], [80.5, 623.5], [81.5, 622.5], [81.5, 620.5], [82.5, 619.5], [82.5, 612.5], [81.5, 611.5], [81.5, 609.5], [80.5, 608.5], [80.5, 607.5]]}, +{"id": 440, "submitted_by": "MrEduxator", "name": "Snuffy", "description": "An emote of Twitch VTuber Snuffy. Lead by her community, and Snuffy herself.", "website": "https://www.twitch.tv/snuffy", "subreddit": "", "center": [694.5, 1074.5], "path": [[667.5, 1050.5], [719.5, 1050.5], [720.5, 1098.5], [668.5, 1098.5]]}, +{"id": 441, "submitted_by": "ibm2431", "name": "DDLC Micro Yuri", "description": "A miniature representation of Yuri, a character from Doki Doki Literature Club. DDLC is a psychological horror visual novel about writing your way into a girl's heart. Yuri's hobbies include aromatherapy, reading horror novels, and knife collecting. Will you take a stab at her route and make the cut?", "website": "https://ddlc.moe/", "subreddit": "/r/ddlc", "center": [1862.5, 1443.5], "path": [[1859.5, 1439.5], [1864.5, 1439.5], [1864.5, 1447.5], [1859.5, 1447.5]]}, +{"id": 442, "submitted_by": "BigPortal", "name": "Sonic Advance", "description": "Two sprites of Sonic the Hedgehog and Tails the Fox from the Sonic Advance trilogy for Game Boy Advance.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/SonicTheHedgehog", "center": [1599.5, 373.5], "path": [[1626.5, 391.5], [1626.5, 374.5], [1625.5, 374.5], [1625.5, 373.5], [1624.5, 373.5], [1624.5, 372.5], [1624.5, 371.5], [1625.5, 371.5], [1625.5, 365.5], [1624.5, 365.5], [1623.5, 365.5], [1623.5, 364.5], [1622.5, 364.5], [1620.5, 364.5], [1620.5, 361.5], [1620.5, 359.5], [1615.5, 359.5], [1615.5, 358.5], [1614.5, 358.5], [1614.5, 357.5], [1613.5, 357.5], [1612.5, 357.5], [1612.5, 355.5], [1611.5, 355.5], [1611.5, 354.5], [1574.5, 354.5], [1574.5, 391.5], [1626.5, 391.5]]}, +{"id": 443, "submitted_by": "eevee1714", "name": "Belkan Flag", "description": "The flag of Belka from the video game Ace Combat, infamous for dropping 7 nukes on itself to prevent the advance of allied forces", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/acecombat", "center": [1699.5, 319.5], "path": [[1706.5, 329.5], [1697.5, 329.5], [1697.5, 328.5], [1692.5, 328.5], [1692.5, 309.5], [1705.5, 309.5], [1705.5, 329.5]]}, +{"id": 444, "submitted_by": "Beegrene", "name": "Metroid", "description": "One of the titular alien parasites from the Metroid video game series", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Metroid", "center": [1357.5, 60.5], "path": [[1352.5, 68.5], [1362.5, 68.5], [1365.5, 62.5], [1365.5, 57.5], [1360.5, 52.5], [1353.5, 52.5], [1348.5, 58.5], [1349.5, 63.5], [1352.5, 68.5]]}, +{"id": 445, "submitted_by": "Chef_Senpai", "name": "Lord Of The Void", "description": "Ruler of the dark", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1076.5, 1273.5], "path": [[1069.5, 1169.5], [1123.5, 1171.5], [1118.5, 1280.5], [1130.5, 1281.5], [1130.5, 1339.5], [1085.5, 1338.5], [1059.5, 1376.5], [1079.5, 1418.5], [1038.5, 1379.5], [1022.5, 1299.5], [1042.5, 1196.5], [1070.5, 1169.5]]}, +{"id": 446, "submitted_by": "Narnall", "name": "Chestnut Puck (Berserk)", "description": "This is Puck from Berserk in his iconic and emotional chestnut form.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/berserklejerk", "center": [730.5, 283.5], "path": [[715.5, 296.5], [715.5, 269.5], [745.5, 269.5], [745.5, 296.5]]}, +{"id": 448, "submitted_by": "CornMayor", "name": "Cuca from XTale (Undertale AU)", "description": "Cuca is a butterfly. Became a local character on Discord Server. XTale is a YT animation series by Jael Pe\u00f1aloza", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/c/JakeiHazen", "subreddit": "/r/XTale", "center": [1850.5, 1706.5], "path": [[1851.5, 1699.5], [1855.5, 1708.5], [1852.5, 1709.5], [1850.5, 1711.5], [1844.5, 1706.5], [1844.5, 1704.5], [1849.5, 1706.5], [1849.5, 1703.5], [1850.5, 1703.5], [1850.5, 1700.5]]}, +{"id": 449, "submitted_by": "MrEduxator", "name": "Ankimo & Tokino Sora", "description": "Tokino Sora (Right side) and her mascot, Ankimo. (Left side)", "website": "https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/", "subreddit": "r/hololive", "center": [1342.5, 1120.5], "path": [[1333.5, 1115.5], [1350.5, 1115.5], [1351.5, 1115.5], [1351.5, 1117.5], [1352.5, 1117.5], [1352.5, 1119.5], [1353.5, 1119.5], [1353.5, 1124.5], [1353.5, 1125.5], [1332.5, 1125.5], [1332.5, 1115.5]]}, +{"id": 450, "submitted_by": "bermuda__", "name": "Newgrounds", "description": "A site for online animations and games", "website": "https://www.newgrounds.com", "subreddit": "/r/newgrounds", "center": [903.5, 1921.5], "path": [[878.5, 1947.5], [878.5, 1895.5], [929.5, 1896.5], [929.5, 1947.5]]}, +{"id": 451, "submitted_by": "MiguJib", "name": "Moist Esports", "description": "Moist Esports is an e-sports team founded by MoistCr1TiKaL ", "website": "[https://www.twitch.tv/moistcr1tikal](https://www.twitch.tv/moistcr1tikal)", "subreddit": "", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": 452, "submitted_by": "MrDaveCole98", "name": "Guinness Rei", "description": "Pixel art of Rei Ayanami, a character from the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, holding a mug of Guinness beer in honor of the subreddit's alliance with Ireland.", "website": "https://www.evangelion.co.jp/index.html", "subreddit": "/r/evangelion/", "center": [1261.5, 143.5], "path": [[1250.5, 157.5], [1272.5, 157.5], [1272.5, 128.5], [1250.5, 128.5], [1250.5, 157.5]]}, +{"id": 453, "submitted_by": "CanicheFumando", "name": "Flag of Uruguay", "description": "Uruguayan flag with some typical stuff of the country ", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Uruguay", "center": [1083.5, 675.5], "path": [[966.5, 665.5], [966.5, 684.5], [1172.5, 684.5], [1200.5, 684.5], [1200.5, 665.5], [966.5, 665.5]]}, +{"id": 455, "submitted_by": "overacted", "name": "Elbphilharmonie Hamburg", "description": "Concert hall in Hamburg, Germany", "website": "https://www.elbphilharmonie.de/en/", "subreddit": "r/placeDE", "center": [518.5, 1156.5], "path": [[503.5, 1139.5], [503.5, 1171.5], [536.5, 1171.5], [536.5, 1150.5], [529.5, 1145.5], [519.5, 1141.5], [510.5, 1137.5], [503.5, 1139.5], [503.5, 1139.5], [503.5, 1171.5]]}, +{"id": 456, "submitted_by": "I_Love_U_and_1892", "name": "Philippine Banner", "description": "Banner made by Filipinos from r/Philippines. Features the Philippine flag as the background, with the r/Philippines icon at center, and the Philippine Islands on the right.nnBelow it is a complimentary banner supporting Presidential Candidate Leni Robredo (#10 on the ballot) and Vice Presidential Candidate Kiko Pangilinan (#7 on the ballot). Above Kiko's name is a pink rose, further symbolizing the artwork creators' support for the duo.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Philippines", "center": [332.5, 674.5], "path": [[301.5, 645.5], [301.5, 702.5], [363.5, 702.5], [363.5, 645.5], [328.5, 645.5]]}, +{"id": 457, "submitted_by": "SA_AVOCADO", "name": "Zyzz Tribute", "description": "A tribute to the late Aziz (Zyzz) Shavershian, a Russian-born Australian bodybuilder, who gained a cult following after posting on YouTube", "website": "", "subreddit": "R/Zyzz", "center": [1381.5, 1689.5], "path": [[1332.5, 1612.5], [1332.5, 1682.5], [1332.5, 1753.5], [1439.5, 1754.5], [1439.5, 1658.5], [1417.5, 1658.5], [1413.5, 1654.5], [1413.5, 1638.5], [1394.5, 1637.5], [1394.5, 1612.5]]}, +{"id": 458, "submitted_by": "Narnall", "name": "Madotsuki (YUME NIKKI)", "description": "This is Madotsuki from the RPG Maker game Yume Nikki", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1221.5, 121.5], "path": [[1214.5, 116.5], [1215.5, 111.5], [1222.5, 108.5], [1226.5, 111.5], [1227.5, 116.5], [1228.5, 124.5], [1224.5, 120.5], [1227.5, 128.5], [1227.5, 129.5], [1225.5, 128.5], [1226.5, 131.5], [1226.5, 132.5], [1225.5, 133.5], [1223.5, 133.5], [1222.5, 132.5], [1222.5, 131.5], [1219.5, 130.5], [1219.5, 133.5], [1216.5, 133.5], [1215.5, 132.5], [1213.5, 127.5], [1215.5, 127.5], [1217.5, 122.5], [1217.5, 120.5], [1214.5, 124.5], [1213.5, 123.5], [1215.5, 119.5]]}, +{"id": 460, "submitted_by": "GoJoeyGo123", "name": "Homage to Daft punk", "description": "daft punk was a french electronic duo that formed in 1993 and split in 2021", "website": "[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daft_Punk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daft_Punk)", "subreddit": "[https://www.reddit.com/r/DaftPunk/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaftPunk/)", "center": [220.5, 945.5], "path": [[195.5, 926.5], [244.5, 926.5], [244.5, 964.5], [195.5, 964.5]]}, +{"id": 461, "submitted_by": "UrbanTea362", "name": "Inscryption", "description": "From the creator of Pony Island and The Hex comes the latest mind melting, self-destructing love letter to video games. Inscryption is a narrative focused, card-based odyssey that blends the deckbuilding roguelike, escape-room style puzzles, and psychological horror into a blood-laced smoothie. Darker still are the secrets inscrybed upon the cards", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/inscryption", "center": [127.5, 298.5], "path": [[106.5, 267.5], [160.5, 267.5], [160.5, 275.5], [144.5, 274.5], [146.5, 277.5], [146.5, 288.5], [148.5, 288.5], [148.5, 300.5], [141.5, 306.5], [141.5, 318.5], [143.5, 318.5], [144.5, 319.5], [144.5, 320.5], [152.5, 320.5], [152.5, 328.5], [104.5, 328.5], [101.5, 327.5], [101.5, 319.5], [99.5, 319.5], [98.5, 318.5], [96.5, 318.5], [96.5, 316.5], [95.5, 316.5], [95.5, 314.5], [94.5, 314.5], [94.5, 312.5], [95.5, 312.5], [95.5, 311.5], [98.5, 311.5], [98.5, 310.5], [99.5, 309.5], [100.5, 308.5], [101.5, 308.5], [105.5, 304.5], [110.5, 304.5], [111.5, 305.5], [110.5, 304.5], [111.5, 305.5], [112.5, 304.5], [114.5, 302.5], [114.5, 300.5], [113.5, 299.5], [112.5, 298.5], [112.5, 292.5], [111.5, 292.5], [111.5, 286.5], [110.5, 286.5], [110.5, 275.5], [106.5, 275.5]]}, +{"id": 463, "submitted_by": "Yolo1212123", "name": "AKL", "description": "Alternative Keyboard Layouts", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [642.5, 1344.5], "path": [[639.5, 1343.5], [645.5, 1343.5], [644.5, 1346.5], [639.5, 1346.5], [639.5, 1343.5]]}, +{"id": 248, "submitted_by": "Smokydoh", "name": "Aireu's hand", "description": "A photo of osu! top player, Aireu, after setting a play on 'Guess Who Is Back', awarding him 727pp.", "website": "[https://twitter.com/Aireuu_](https://twitter.com/Aireuu_)", "subreddit": "r/osugame", "center": [ 626.5, 1487.5 ], "path": [ [ 592.5, 1453.5 ], [ 660.5, 1453.5 ], [ 660.5, 1522.5 ], [ 645.5, 1522.5 ], [ 645.5, 1520.5 ], [ 636.5, 1520.5 ], [ 636.5, 1522.5 ], [ 592.5, 1522.5 ], [ 592.5, 1453.5 ] ] }, +{"id": 255, "submitted_by": "Constant_Disillusion", "name": "Red vs. Blue Poster", "description": "Red vs. Blue or RvB is a Halo-based machinima and animated web series created by Rooster Teeth. The 19 on the helmet signifies the 19th anniversary of the series on April 1, 2022, and the heart on the border with RWBY shows the friendship between the communities as Rooster Teeth creations.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/RedvsBlue", "center": [ 461.5, 698.5 ], "path": [ [ 449.5, 713.5 ], [ 472.5, 713.5 ], [ 472.5, 682.5 ], [ 449.5, 682.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 256, "submitted_by": "Git_Good", "name": "Half-life 3 Lambda", "description": "Half-life is a first-person shooter series developed by Valve. Half-Life 2: Episode two was released alongside Team Fortress 2 as part of the Orange Box Collection, and also runs on the Source engine.nnFans of the series have been waiting for a third instalment to the main series since 2007, and jokes about the wait time and nonexistent release date of 'Half-Life 3' has become one of the most iconic memes within the gaming community.", "website": "www.half-life.com", "subreddit": "/r/HalfLife/", "center": [ 1566.5, 1926.5 ], "path": [ [ 1559.5, 1919.5 ], [ 1573.5, 1919.5 ], [ 1573.5, 1933.5 ], [ 1562.5, 1933.5 ], [ 1562.5, 1932.5 ], [ 1562.5, 1931.5 ], [ 1559.5, 1931.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 257, "submitted_by": "iTzHard", "name": "Saudi Arabia ", "description": "The Saudi flag drawn by the r/SaudiArabia Discord displaying the traditional palm trees and swords, a mabkhara, a dallah, and a peepo wearing a thobe.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/SaudiArabia", "center": [ 1618.5, 1059.5 ], "path": [ [ 1645.5, 1044.5 ], [ 1645.5, 1074.5 ], [ 1591.5, 1074.5 ], [ 1591.5, 1044.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 260, "submitted_by": "lEternalDarkness", "name": "Okami", "description": "Features Amaterasu, the lupine protagonist of the video game 'Okami' (2006). Placement organized mainly by the Okami speedrunning community, and contributed to by all loving fans. ", "website": "https://okami.speedruns.wiki/Main_Page", "subreddit": "/r/okami", "center": [ 999.5, 398.5 ], "path": [ [ 989.5, 389.5 ], [ 989.5, 389.5 ], [ 989.5, 407.5 ], [ 1007.5, 407.5 ], [ 1010.5, 405.5 ], [ 1010.5, 389.5 ], [ 1010.5, 389.5 ], [ 1010.5, 389.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 275, "submitted_by": "Viktor_Denmark", "name": "The Danish flag", "description": "The Danish flag containing a swan which is the national bird of Denmark, a Lego brick and the famous Lego astronaut, since Lego is a danish company, the 3 shadowy figures are Egon Olsen, Benny Frandsen and Kjeld Jensen they make op the group called 'Olsen-banden' which is a series of Danish crime comedies", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Denmark", "center": [ 588.5, 315.5 ], "path": [ [ 638.5, 342.5 ], [ 638.5, 286.5 ], [ 556.5, 286.5 ], [ 556.5, 290.5 ], [ 542.5, 290.5 ], [ 542.5, 298.5 ], [ 541.5, 298.5 ], [ 541.5, 299.5 ], [ 537.5, 298.5 ], [ 536.5, 343.5 ], [ 638.5, 342.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 278, "submitted_by": "Rocketman237", "name": "Koosh", "description": "Chibi representation of the Touhou Character 'Koishi Komeiji' from Touhou Project", "website": "https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Koishi_Komeiji", "subreddit": "r/touhou", "center": [ 1453.5, 357.5 ], "path": [ [ 1438.5, 348.5 ], [ 1467.5, 348.5 ], [ 1467.5, 366.5 ], [ 1439.5, 366.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 281, "submitted_by": "Smirkydevil52", "name": "Cosmere R.A.F.O.", "description": "The Cosmere is the greater universe in which The Stormlight Archive - and many of Brandon Sanderson's other adult fiction books - take place. RAFO is a term Brandon Sanderson uses at signings as a non-answer for prying fans. It means 'Read and Find Out.' When Brandon uses this, it is neutral, and neither means one is right or one is wrong. Many things are RAFO'd because they would spoil future books.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Cosmere", "center": [ 881.5, 949.5 ], "path": [ [ 861.5, 924.5 ], [ 901.5, 924.5 ], [ 901.5, 974.5 ], [ 861.5, 974.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 284, "submitted_by": "jessneedsgeesuslol", "name": "Gir from Invader Zim ", "description": "Gir from the show 'Invader Zim'", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/invaderzim", "center": [ 1340.5, 1330.5 ], "path": [ [ 1332.5, 1344.5 ], [ 1331.5, 1344.5 ], [ 1347.5, 1317.5 ], [ 1332.5, 1317.5 ], [ 1332.5, 1344.5 ], [ 1347.5, 1344.5 ], [ 1348.5, 1318.5 ], [ 1347.5, 1318.5 ], [ 1348.5, 1318.5 ], [ 1347.5, 1318.5 ], [ 1348.5, 1318.5 ], [ 1347.5, 1318.5 ], [ 1347.5, 1318.5 ], [ 1348.5, 1317.5 ], [ 1348.5, 1318.5 ], [ 1349.5, 1318.5 ], [ 1347.5, 1317.5 ], [ 1331.5, 1344.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 287, "submitted_by": "nostalgicsobbing", "name": "Arctic Monkeys discography and references", "description": "This space contains six (6) studio albums and (1) solo EP by the British rock band Arctic monkeys. These albums are named Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino, Suck It And See (although in this screenshot it is still unfinished), Humbug, Whatever People Say I Am; That's What I'm Not, Favourite Worst Nightmare, AM, and the solo EP by the band's lead singer Alex Turner: Submarine. There is also a reference to the Monkeys' fandom favorite meme: 'bric[c]' and a song of theirs called 505 from the Favourite Worst Nightmare album.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/arcticmonkeys", "center": [ 1338.5, 363.5 ], "path": [ [ 1315.5, 345.5 ], [ 1316.5, 381.5 ], [ 1361.5, 382.5 ], [ 1360.5, 344.5 ], [ 1315.5, 344.5 ], [ 1361.5, 344.5 ], [ 1360.5, 344.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 298, "submitted_by": "SimpleAmbassador", "name": "Futurama", "description": "The Futurama section, created by r/futurama users (with some help from other communities). It depicts various characters from the show, as well as the Planet Express, the main ship from the show, seen flying against a starry background. Underneath that is the subreddit's handle, as well as the main characters from 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' (representing r/alwayssunny, with whom r/futurama was allied with). Towards the very end of this section's life, a mini version of the Comet Tiamat from 'Your Name.' (representing r/kiminonawa) was also added to the canvas above the Planet Express.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/futurama, r/alwayssunny", "center": [ 1252.5, 1975.5 ], "path": [ [ 1201.5, 1954.5 ], [ 1299.5, 1954.5 ], [ 1300.5, 1970.5 ], [ 1286.5, 1972.5 ], [ 1288.5, 2000.5 ], [ 1219.5, 1999.5 ], [ 1219.5, 1971.5 ], [ 1201.5, 1971.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 303, "submitted_by": "PrincesStarfire1234", "name": "Five Nights at Freddy's banner", "description": "Banner for the popular indie horror franchise Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF). To the left sits the iconic Purple Guy, and to the right is a version of Michael Afton from a fancomic called Children Rekindled. The banner was originally going to be bigger and would sit underneath My Little Pony but was made limited due to complications with the early Ukraine flag, several bot raids and streamer raids, multiple fights with the Denmark flag, and trolls attempting to change the words 'Nights' and 'Freddy's' into offensive words. It had been wiped out and messed with atleast 3 times, but was eventually restored thanks to allies from MLP, Deltarune, Asexual Flag gang, the Swifties, and Berserk.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/fivenightsatfreddys", "center": [ 641.5, 281.5 ], "path": [ [ 595.5, 277.5 ], [ 595.5, 285.5 ], [ 688.5, 284.5 ], [ 688.5, 281.5 ], [ 689.5, 281.5 ], [ 689.5, 277.5 ], [ 595.5, 277.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 307, "submitted_by": "ryanlllwolf", "name": "Ryan the Bun (ITBERYAN)", "description": "A small icon representing 'Ryan the Bun' a content creator known for being a bunny with a bowtie, closely linked with the VRChat community.", "website": "https://twitter.com/ITBERYAN2", "subreddit": "/r/VRChat", "center": [ 983.5, 110.5 ], "path": [ [ 979.5, 106.5 ], [ 979.5, 113.5 ], [ 987.5, 113.5 ], [ 987.5, 106.5 ], [ 979.5, 106.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 313, "submitted_by": "Dibblepistols", "name": "Foxhole Map", "description": "The first of three artworks made by a group of gamers who play the cooperative sandbox massively-multiplayer action-strategy video game 'Foxhole'. The piece depicts a map from the game colored in green and blue to represent the 'Colonial' and 'Warden' (logos at the bottom of the map) battle for control over the fictional land of Caoiva.", "website": "[https://www.foxholegame.com](https://www.foxholegame.com)", "subreddit": " r/foxholegame", "center": [ 727.5, 573.5 ], "path": [ [ 701.5, 533.5 ], [ 755.5, 547.5 ], [ 755.5, 601.5 ], [ 755.5, 602.5 ], [ 754.5, 603.5 ], [ 753.5, 603.5 ], [ 753.5, 606.5 ], [ 753.5, 607.5 ], [ 701.5, 607.5 ], [ 701.5, 557.5 ], [ 701.5, 556.5 ], [ 704.5, 556.5 ], [ 705.5, 556.5 ], [ 705.5, 550.5 ], [ 701.5, 550.5 ], [ 701.5, 533.5 ], [ 753.5, 533.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 314, "submitted_by": "Future_Breakfast_647", "name": "Will Wood - Love Me, Normally + Mr boy", "description": "A pixel rendition of the cover art for Will Woods single 'Love Me, Normally' + Will's pet rat Mr nBoy. This was constructed with the help of r/ena and the green lattice after our previous location on the left wall (above the wave) was destroyed.", "website": "[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZf7EoV76Po&ab_channel=WillWood-OFFICIAL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZf7EoV76Po&ab_channel=WillWood-OFFICIAL)", "subreddit": "r/willwood", "center": [ 1084.5, 400.5 ], "path": [ [ 1099.5, 407.5 ], [ 1063.5, 407.5 ], [ 1063.5, 400.5 ], [ 1077.5, 400.5 ], [ 1077.5, 390.5 ], [ 1099.5, 390.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 316, "submitted_by": "Eclipsed_Luna", "name": "Say Gay Florida", "description": "A depiction of the state of Florida with the words 'SAY GAY' on it. A collaboration by r/placepride and r/transplace, it's created to combat the 'Don't Say Gay' bill in Florida.", "website": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disney_and_Florida%27s_%22Don%27t_Say_Gay%22_bill", "subreddit": "r/placepride", "center": [ 555.5, 492.5 ], "path": [ [ 553.5, 493.5 ], [ 553.5, 492.5 ], [ 553.5, 491.5 ], [ 552.5, 491.5 ], [ 552.5, 489.5 ], [ 548.5, 489.5 ], [ 548.5, 490.5 ], [ 547.5, 490.5 ], [ 547.5, 489.5 ], [ 546.5, 489.5 ], [ 546.5, 488.5 ], [ 545.5, 488.5 ], [ 545.5, 487.5 ], [ 541.5, 487.5 ], [ 541.5, 486.5 ], [ 540.5, 486.5 ], [ 540.5, 483.5 ], [ 551.5, 483.5 ], [ 551.5, 484.5 ], [ 557.5, 484.5 ], [ 557.5, 483.5 ], [ 558.5, 483.5 ], [ 558.5, 484.5 ], [ 559.5, 484.5 ], [ 559.5, 488.5 ], [ 560.5, 488.5 ], [ 560.5, 490.5 ], [ 562.5, 490.5 ], [ 562.5, 491.5 ], [ 564.5, 491.5 ], [ 564.5, 490.5 ], [ 564.5, 491.5 ], [ 565.5, 491.5 ], [ 565.5, 492.5 ], [ 564.5, 492.5 ], [ 564.5, 494.5 ], [ 563.5, 494.5 ], [ 563.5, 496.5 ], [ 564.5, 496.5 ], [ 564.5, 501.5 ], [ 563.5, 501.5 ], [ 563.5, 503.5 ], [ 562.5, 503.5 ], [ 562.5, 504.5 ], [ 558.5, 504.5 ], [ 558.5, 503.5 ], [ 557.5, 503.5 ], [ 557.5, 501.5 ], [ 556.5, 501.5 ], [ 556.5, 500.5 ], [ 555.5, 500.5 ], [ 555.5, 498.5 ], [ 554.5, 498.5 ], [ 554.5, 495.5 ], [ 553.5, 495.5 ], [ 553.5, 491.5 ], [ 552.5, 491.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 326, "submitted_by": "Possible-Cress-5453", "name": "Kaaba", "description": "Kaaba is a building at the center of Islam's most important mosque, the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Made by norwegian community 'Kanelbollens hjemland'.", "website": "[https://discord.gg/Gc8Y2xs7W7](https://discord.gg/Gc8Y2xs7W7)", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 789.5, 129.5 ], "path": [ [ 779.5, 120.5 ], [ 779.5, 120.5 ], [ 779.5, 120.5 ], [ 799.5, 120.5 ], [ 799.5, 138.5 ], [ 779.5, 138.5 ], [ 779.5, 120.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 329, "submitted_by": "ImportantYear8822", "name": "Starship Super Heavy Full stack ", "description": "Starship full stack is the tallest rocket ever to be build since The N-1 Rocket by the soviet union. It comprises of two stages, The first stage is called 'Superheavy'. The Superheavy is the world's largest booster and the most engines equipped (Currently 29 engines but it will be upgraded to 33 engines). The starship second stage is the largest second stage in the world. It has 6 engines and has Heat shield so it can survive while re-entering into the atmosphere ", "website": "https://spacex.com", "subreddit": "r/spacex", "center": [ 816.5, 639.5 ], "path": [ [ 793.5, 605.5 ], [ 834.5, 605.5 ], [ 828.5, 684.5 ], [ 811.5, 684.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 335, "submitted_by": "jessneedsgeesuslol", "name": "MCR Demolition Lovers", "description": "From the 'Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge' album cover by My Chemical Romance ", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/MyChemicalRomance", "center": [ 1738.5, 1341.5 ], "path": [ [ 1727.5, 1334.5 ], [ 1724.5, 1332.5 ], [ 1726.5, 1331.5 ], [ 1724.5, 1357.5 ], [ 1754.5, 1331.5 ], [ 1753.5, 1333.5 ], [ 1730.5, 1329.5 ], [ 1725.5, 1328.5 ], [ 1721.5, 1331.5 ], [ 1721.5, 1354.5 ], [ 1748.5, 1357.5 ], [ 1750.5, 1353.5 ], [ 1754.5, 1342.5 ], [ 1754.5, 1336.5 ], [ 1755.5, 1330.5 ], [ 1747.5, 1329.5 ], [ 1751.5, 1352.5 ], [ 1754.5, 1356.5 ], [ 1755.5, 1350.5 ], [ 1754.5, 1342.5 ], [ 1756.5, 1331.5 ], [ 1759.5, 1330.5 ], [ 1753.5, 1328.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 341, "submitted_by": "Thalros", "name": "EsfandTV's sfandL", "description": "Popular Twitch streamer Esfand 'the #1 ret. paladin' TV's artwork of his emote 'esfandL'.", "website": "https://www.twitch.tv/esfandtv", "subreddit": "/r/EsfandTV", "center": [ 645.5, 1019.5 ], "path": [ [ 625.5, 1000.5 ], [ 665.5, 1000.5 ], [ 665.5, 1037.5 ], [ 625.5, 1037.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 395, "submitted_by": "ThatMJGuy", "name": "Imagine Dragons Evolve Logo", "description": "A logo that represents Imagine Dragons' 3rd studio album 'Evolve'. It includes the signature E's that are associated with the Evolve name, as well as a backdrop of colors that represents their song 'Believer' from the same album.", "website": "https://www.imaginedragonsmusic.com", "subreddit": "/r/imaginedragons", "center": [ 44.5, 445.5 ], "path": [ [ 37.5, 440.5 ], [ 51.5, 440.5 ], [ 51.5, 450.5 ], [ 37.5, 450.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 396, "submitted_by": "Gh0st_Division", "name": "Rimuru Tempest", "description": "The protagonist from popular anime 'Tensei Shitara Suraimu Datta Ken'", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/TenseiSlime", "center": [ 1863.5, 1303.5 ], "path": [ [ 1843.5, 1328.5 ], [ 1843.5, 1277.5 ], [ 1882.5, 1277.5 ], [ 1882.5, 1328.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 402, "submitted_by": "FilmsxKalypsx0", "name": "SCP:F Logo", "description": "The fictional organization where their main goal is to contain anomalies.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/PlaceSCP", "center": [ 628.5, 402.5 ], "path": [ [ 633.5, 393.5 ], [ 634.5, 392.5 ], [ 622.5, 392.5 ], [ 622.5, 411.5 ], [ 634.5, 411.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 403, "submitted_by": "FilmsxKalypsx0", "name": "GOC Logo", "description": "The GOC is another protagonist in the SCP Universe, they are the opposite of the Foundation, they destroy all anomalies. They are nicknamed the bookburners.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/PlaceSCP", "center": [ 628.5, 421.5 ], "path": [ [ 634.5, 413.5 ], [ 622.5, 413.5 ], [ 622.5, 429.5 ], [ 634.5, 429.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 404, "submitted_by": "Slight-Department866", "name": "Z event flag", "description": "the Z event is a french charity event organised by the french streamer Zerator and it raised over 10m€ in the 2021 edition for 'Action against Hunger' with the help of 50 streamers.", "website": "https://zevent.fr/", "subreddit": "https://www.reddit.com/r/ZEvent/", "center": [ 1221.5, 1454.5 ], "path": [ [ 1166.5, 1419.5 ], [ 1166.5, 1489.5 ], [ 1276.5, 1489.5 ], [ 1276.5, 1418.5 ], [ 1166.5, 1419.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 409, "submitted_by": "USSMunkfish", "name": "Stargate", "description": "A military science fiction movie and television franchise involving travel to other planets through a ring-shaped 'Stargate.'", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/stargate", "center": [ 530.5, 1116.5 ], "path": [ [ 512.5, 1101.5 ], [ 509.5, 1108.5 ], [ 510.5, 1130.5 ], [ 550.5, 1130.5 ], [ 551.5, 1118.5 ], [ 551.5, 1108.5 ], [ 547.5, 1101.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 413, "submitted_by": "ElsaFrozen2013", "name": "NASCAR - Dale Earnhardt, Sr. Tribute", "description": "Dale Earnhardt, Sr. aka 'The Intimidator,'' most known for piloting the #3 Chevrolet in the NASCAR Cup Series, is a legendary seven-time champion of the series. This artwork was created by the r/NASCAR subreddit to honor him.", "website": "[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dale_Earnhardt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dale_Earnhardt)", "subreddit": "/r/NASCAR", "center": [ 780.5, 1536.5 ], "path": [ [ 754.5, 1511.5 ], [ 797.5, 1511.5 ], [ 797.5, 1542.5 ], [ 811.5, 1542.5 ], [ 811.5, 1555.5 ], [ 805.5, 1561.5 ], [ 777.5, 1561.5 ], [ 777.5, 1560.5 ], [ 769.5, 1560.5 ], [ 769.5, 1544.5 ], [ 753.5, 1544.5 ], [ 753.5, 1511.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 439, "submitted_by": "Narnall", "name": "Eren 'Ten years, at least!' Jeager", "description": "I don't want that!", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/titanfolk", "center": [ 152.5, 113.5 ], "path": [ [ 142.5, 139.5 ], [ 137.5, 139.5 ], [ 132.5, 134.5 ], [ 131.5, 114.5 ], [ 136.5, 100.5 ], [ 139.5, 93.5 ], [ 145.5, 86.5 ], [ 160.5, 89.5 ], [ 174.5, 99.5 ], [ 175.5, 109.5 ], [ 172.5, 117.5 ], [ 174.5, 119.5 ], [ 174.5, 119.5 ], [ 174.5, 122.5 ], [ 170.5, 127.5 ], [ 166.5, 130.5 ], [ 154.5, 136.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 447, "submitted_by": "MortySmiiiith", "name": "Manneken Pis", "description": "'The little boy that pees' is one of the most known belgian statue, it's located in Bruxelles.", "website": "[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manneken-Pis](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manneken-Pis)", "subreddit": "/r/belgium", "center": [ 1307.5, 956.5 ], "path": [ [ 1307.5, 902.5 ], [ 1313.5, 904.5 ], [ 1318.5, 907.5 ], [ 1319.5, 923.5 ], [ 1327.5, 929.5 ], [ 1330.5, 934.5 ], [ 1328.5, 940.5 ], [ 1318.5, 947.5 ], [ 1316.5, 954.5 ], [ 1316.5, 963.5 ], [ 1309.5, 972.5 ], [ 1313.5, 977.5 ], [ 1317.5, 982.5 ], [ 1319.5, 990.5 ], [ 1319.5, 995.5 ], [ 1323.5, 993.5 ], [ 1321.5, 990.5 ], [ 1328.5, 990.5 ], [ 1329.5, 994.5 ], [ 1330.5, 997.5 ], [ 1330.5, 1000.5 ], [ 1292.5, 1000.5 ], [ 1290.5, 996.5 ], [ 1293.5, 994.5 ], [ 1292.5, 991.5 ], [ 1288.5, 988.5 ], [ 1288.5, 973.5 ], [ 1290.5, 963.5 ], [ 1286.5, 959.5 ], [ 1286.5, 955.5 ], [ 1292.5, 952.5 ], [ 1294.5, 945.5 ], [ 1300.5, 937.5 ], [ 1305.5, 930.5 ], [ 1301.5, 926.5 ], [ 1299.5, 926.5 ], [ 1296.5, 913.5 ], [ 1297.5, 907.5 ], [ 1302.5, 904.5 ]]}, +{ "id": 454, "submitted_by": "HurrikateOsu", "name": "NikoPog", "description": "Niko, the cat-person, from the video game 'Oneshot' looking in a state of awe.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/oneshot", "center": [ 1092.5, 1652.5 ], "path": [ [ 1080.5, 1633.5 ], [ 1081.5, 1633.5 ], [ 1081.5, 1634.5 ], [ 1082.5, 1634.5 ], [ 1083.5, 1634.5 ], [ 1083.5, 1635.5 ], [ 1084.5, 1635.5 ], [ 1084.5, 1636.5 ], [ 1085.5, 1636.5 ], [ 1085.5, 1637.5 ], [ 1086.5, 1637.5 ], [ 1087.5, 1637.5 ], [ 1089.5, 1637.5 ], [ 1089.5, 1637.5 ], [ 1090.5, 1637.5 ], [ 1091.5, 1637.5 ], [ 1092.5, 1637.5 ], [ 1092.5, 1638.5 ], [ 1095.5, 1638.5 ], [ 1096.5, 1638.5 ], [ 1097.5, 1639.5 ], [ 1100.5, 1639.5 ], [ 1100.5, 1640.5 ], [ 1102.5, 1640.5 ], [ 1102.5, 1640.5 ], [ 1102.5, 1639.5 ], [ 1103.5, 1639.5 ], [ 1105.5, 1639.5 ], [ 1105.5, 1638.5 ], [ 1112.5, 1638.5 ], [ 1112.5, 1645.5 ], [ 1111.5, 1645.5 ], [ 1111.5, 1648.5 ], [ 1110.5, 1649.5 ], [ 1110.5, 1650.5 ], [ 1120.5, 1658.5 ], [ 1120.5, 1662.5 ], [ 1119.5, 1663.5 ], [ 1117.5, 1663.5 ], [ 1117.5, 1664.5 ], [ 1112.5, 1664.5 ], [ 1112.5, 1663.5 ], [ 1111.5, 1663.5 ], [ 1108.5, 1663.5 ], [ 1108.5, 1662.5 ], [ 1107.5, 1662.5 ], [ 1105.5, 1662.5 ], [ 1105.5, 1663.5 ], [ 1105.5, 1664.5 ], [ 1106.5, 1664.5 ], [ 1106.5, 1667.5 ], [ 1105.5, 1666.5 ], [ 1103.5, 1662.5 ], [ 1102.5, 1662.5 ], [ 1102.5, 1664.5 ], [ 1099.5, 1664.5 ], [ 1099.5, 1666.5 ], [ 1094.5, 1666.5 ], [ 1094.5, 1667.5 ], [ 1092.5, 1667.5 ], [ 1092.5, 1668.5 ], [ 1091.5, 1668.5 ], [ 1091.5, 1669.5 ], [ 1091.5, 1668.5 ], [ 1090.5, 1668.5 ], [ 1088.5, 1668.5 ], [ 1088.5, 1669.5 ], [ 1087.5, 1669.5 ], [ 1087.5, 1670.5 ], [ 1086.5, 1669.5 ], [ 1085.5, 1669.5 ], [ 1085.5, 1670.5 ], [ 1084.5, 1669.5 ], [ 1083.5, 1669.5 ], [ 1083.5, 1670.5 ], [ 1082.5, 1670.5 ], [ 1079.5, 1667.5 ], [ 1079.5, 1664.5 ], [ 1080.5, 1663.5 ], [ 1080.5, 1661.5 ], [ 1079.5, 1661.5 ], [ 1078.5, 1661.5 ], [ 1078.5, 1662.5 ], [ 1077.5, 1662.5 ], [ 1077.5, 1664.5 ], [ 1076.5, 1664.5 ], [ 1076.5, 1665.5 ], [ 1075.5, 1666.5 ], [ 1075.5, 1664.5 ], [ 1075.5, 1664.5 ], [ 1076.5, 1664.5 ], [ 1076.5, 1661.5 ], [ 1076.5, 1660.5 ], [ 1074.5, 1660.5 ], [ 1073.5, 1660.5 ], [ 1073.5, 1661.5 ], [ 1072.5, 1661.5 ], [ 1072.5, 1662.5 ], [ 1071.5, 1662.5 ], [ 1072.5, 1660.5 ], [ 1073.5, 1659.5 ], [ 1074.5, 1658.5 ], [ 1074.5, 1657.5 ], [ 1072.5, 1657.5 ], [ 1072.5, 1656.5 ], [ 1070.5, 1656.5 ], [ 1070.5, 1655.5 ], [ 1068.5, 1655.5 ], [ 1068.5, 1654.5 ], [ 1067.5, 1654.5 ], [ 1067.5, 1653.5 ], [ 1065.5, 1653.5 ], [ 1065.5, 1652.5 ], [ 1064.5, 1652.5 ], [ 1064.5, 1651.5 ], [ 1063.5, 1651.5 ], [ 1063.5, 1650.5 ], [ 1062.5, 1650.5 ], [ 1062.5, 1649.5 ], [ 1063.5, 1649.5 ], [ 1063.5, 1647.5 ], [ 1064.5, 1647.5 ], [ 1065.5, 1647.5 ], [ 1066.5, 1647.5 ], [ 1066.5, 1646.5 ], [ 1069.5, 1646.5 ], [ 1069.5, 1645.5 ], [ 1073.5, 1645.5 ], [ 1073.5, 1644.5 ], [ 1077.5, 1644.5 ], [ 1077.5, 1637.5 ], [ 1078.5, 1635.5 ], [ 1079.5, 1634.5 ], [ 1080.5, 1633.5 ], [ 1086.5, 1637.5 ], [ 1092.5, 1637.5 ], [ 1092.5, 1638.5 ], [ 1097.5, 1638.5 ] ] }, +{ "id": 459, "submitted_by": "BigPortal", "name": "Wavetro", "description": "Two characters from ex-YouTuber Wavetro's final series, 'the untitled Teddy and Ben show'. The fish Teddy is in the background and the stickman Ben is in the front. ", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyFcxmkcQernyo0PmddhtGA", "subreddit": "r/wavetro", "center": [ 1056.5, 407.5 ], "path": [ [ 1062.5, 413.5 ], [ 1062.5, 402.5 ], [ 1061.5, 401.5 ], [ 1050.5, 401.5 ], [ 1050.5, 413.5 ], [ 1062.5, 413.5 ] ]}, +{ "id": 462, "submitted_by": "Beegrene", "name": "Octavia", "description": "Octavia is a minor character from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. She is often seen playing various stringed instruments. The '2SET' in her mane refers to TwoSet Violin, a comedy duo.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/mylittlepony", "center": [ 1343.5, 1985.5 ], "path": [ [ 1316.5, 1973.5 ], [ 1370.5, 1973.5 ], [ 1370.5, 1997.5 ], [ 1316.5, 1997.5 ], [ 1316.5, 1973.5 ] ] }, +{"id": "twpfdq", "submitted_by": "sad_lagoon", "name": "Fuck NFTs", "description": "enough said", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/fuckNFTs", "center": [1641.5, 1670.5], "path": [[1625.5, 1659.5], [1657.5, 1659.5], [1657.5, 1681.5], [1625.5, 1681.5], [1625.5, 1659.5]]}, +{"id": "twpfd9", "submitted_by": "gamrin", "name": "Rijksoverheidslogo", "description": "The logo of the Dutch Government. All communication with civilians features this crest.", "website": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_the_Netherlands#Cabinet", "subreddit": "/r/PlaceNL", "center": [747.5, 12.5], "path": [[736.5, 0.5], [757.5, 0.5], [757.5, 23.5], [736.5, 23.5]]}, +{"id": "twpfaj", "submitted_by": "radostin04", "name": "r/furry snoo", "description": "The snoo of r/furry, reddit's largest furry subreddit. Despite symbolying r/furry, it was actually built by r/furry_irl, due to their more coordinated team. A similar logo was also present in the original r/place.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/furry", "center": [1762.5, 916.5], "path": [[1750.5, 901.5], [1773.5, 901.5], [1774.5, 902.5], [1775.5, 911.5], [1773.5, 912.5], [1774.5, 916.5], [1777.5, 920.5], [1777.5, 926.5], [1775.5, 927.5], [1775.5, 937.5], [1774.5, 937.5], [1772.5, 935.5], [1771.5, 935.5], [1771.5, 929.5], [1768.5, 929.5], [1766.5, 927.5], [1759.5, 927.5], [1756.5, 930.5], [1749.5, 930.5], [1749.5, 901.5]]}, +{"id": "twpf4h", "submitted_by": "jetfantastic", "name": "Project+", "description": "The shortened logo of Project+, an overhaul mod for Super Smash Bros. Brawl that adds characters, stages, and revamps both characters and general gameplay. Project+ is a continuation of the brawl mod Project M, which originally disbanded in 2015.", "website": "https://projectplusgame.com", "subreddit": "/r/ssbpm", "center": [810.5, 1981.5], "path": [[803.5, 1975.5], [803.5, 1976.5], [802.5, 1977.5], [802.5, 1979.5], [801.5, 1980.5], [801.5, 1982.5], [800.5, 1983.5], [800.5, 1985.5], [799.5, 1986.5], [799.5, 1988.5], [800.5, 1988.5], [802.5, 1988.5], [803.5, 1987.5], [803.5, 1986.5], [804.5, 1985.5], [804.5, 1983.5], [804.5, 1983.5], [805.5, 1983.5], [806.5, 1983.5], [807.5, 1983.5], [808.5, 1983.5], [809.5, 1983.5], [810.5, 1982.5], [814.5, 1982.5], [814.5, 1983.5], [813.5, 1984.5], [812.5, 1984.5], [812.5, 1987.5], [813.5, 1987.5], [814.5, 1985.5], [817.5, 1985.5], [817.5, 1984.5], [818.5, 1983.5], [818.5, 1982.5], [821.5, 1982.5], [823.5, 1979.5], [819.5, 1979.5], [819.5, 1976.5], [820.5, 1975.5], [820.5, 1974.5], [816.5, 1974.5], [816.5, 1975.5], [815.5, 1976.5], [815.5, 1978.5], [814.5, 1979.5], [811.5, 1979.5], [811.5, 1978.5], [810.5, 1977.5], [810.5, 1976.5], [806.5, 1976.5], [805.5, 1975.5], [804.5, 1975.5]]}, +{"id": "twpexh", "submitted_by": "thresholdlimit", "name": "Hero", "description": "A main character in the indie game Omori. Initially added to the canvas as the Dreamspace version, which was overtaken in the Lean pathway added by XQC.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1016.5, 835.5], "path": [[1009.5, 824.5], [1010.5, 823.5], [1011.5, 823.5], [1012.5, 822.5], [1019.5, 822.5], [1020.5, 823.5], [1021.5, 823.5], [1022.5, 824.5], [1026.5, 824.5], [1026.5, 825.5], [1025.5, 826.5], [1025.5, 828.5], [1024.5, 829.5], [1024.5, 830.5], [1025.5, 831.5], [1025.5, 831.5], [1025.5, 833.5], [1023.5, 835.5], [1022.5, 835.5], [1019.5, 838.5], [1025.5, 844.5], [1025.5, 846.5], [1023.5, 846.5], [1021.5, 844.5], [1020.5, 844.5], [1020.5, 850.5], [1019.5, 851.5], [1018.5, 851.5], [1017.5, 850.5], [1017.5, 848.5], [1014.5, 848.5], [1014.5, 850.5], [1013.5, 851.5], [1012.5, 851.5], [1011.5, 850.5], [1011.5, 846.5], [1009.5, 846.5], [1008.5, 845.5], [1008.5, 843.5], [1009.5, 842.5], [1009.5, 841.5], [1012.5, 838.5], [1009.5, 835.5], [1008.5, 835.5], [1006.5, 833.5], [1006.5, 831.5], [1007.5, 830.5], [1007.5, 827.5], [1008.5, 826.5], [1008.5, 825.5]]}, +{"id": "twpeu7", "submitted_by": "memer864", "name": "The flag train ", "description": "A train with all the flags of dutch province\u2019s", "website": "", "subreddit": "R/PlaceNL", "center": [1240.5, 7.5], "path": [[1370.5, 13.5], [1368.5, 1.5], [1108.5, 2.5], [1107.5, 13.5]]}, +{"id": "twpesa", "submitted_by": "feebl", "name": "Piet Mondriaan", "description": "Pieter Cornelis Mondriaan (7 March 1872 \u2013 1 February 1944), was a Dutch painter and art theoretician who is regarded as one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. He is known for being one of the pioneers of 20th-century abstract art, as he changed his artistic direction from figurative painting to an increasingly abstract style, until he reached a point where his artistic vocabulary was reduced to simple geometric elements.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/PlaceNL", "center": [1434.5, 17.5], "path": [[1420.5, 3.5], [1448.5, 3.5], [1448.5, 30.5], [1420.5, 30.5]]}, +{"id": "twpeq4", "submitted_by": "Tonda98", "name": "Coat of Arms / German Federated States pt. 1", "description": "(fltr)Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Saarland, Thuringia, Schleswig-Holstein, North Rhine-Westphalia, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Baden-W\u00fcrttemberg, Hamburg, Lower Saxony", "website": "[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/States_of_Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/States_of_Germany)", "subreddit": "", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twpeo1", "submitted_by": "GiveMeSomeBEANS", "name": "Frikandel broodje", "description": "a typical dutch snackn2de gratis bij Albert Heijn!", "website": "[https://www.ah.nl/producten/product/wi230720/ah-frikandelbroodje](https://www.ah.nl/producten/product/wi230720/ah-frikandelbroodje)", "subreddit": "", "center": [1690.5, 21.5], "path": [[1662.5, 9.5], [1662.5, 33.5], [1718.5, 33.5], [1718.5, 9.5]]}, +{"id": "twpelt", "submitted_by": "sad_lagoon", "name": "Fuck NFTs", "description": "enough said", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/fuckNFTs", "center": [420.5, 1345.5], "path": [[400.5, 1339.5], [441.5, 1339.5], [441.5, 1350.5], [399.5, 1350.5], [399.5, 1339.5]]}, +{"id": "twpelq", "submitted_by": "SinisterMJ", "name": "The little Prince", "description": "A book by Antoine de Saint-Exup\u00e9ry", "website": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Little_Prince", "subreddit": "", "center": [155.5, 362.5], "path": [[144.5, 343.5], [141.5, 346.5], [142.5, 354.5], [139.5, 358.5], [136.5, 365.5], [136.5, 374.5], [139.5, 378.5], [145.5, 385.5], [146.5, 385.5], [146.5, 383.5], [145.5, 383.5], [145.5, 380.5], [147.5, 380.5], [147.5, 376.5], [148.5, 376.5], [148.5, 374.5], [149.5, 374.5], [149.5, 366.5], [150.5, 366.5], [150.5, 357.5], [157.5, 357.5], [157.5, 362.5], [151.5, 374.5], [152.5, 374.5], [152.5, 376.5], [153.5, 376.5], [153.5, 380.5], [155.5, 380.5], [155.5, 382.5], [154.5, 382.5], [154.5, 383.5], [153.5, 383.5], [153.5, 386.5], [160.5, 386.5], [163.5, 385.5], [170.5, 377.5], [172.5, 373.5], [172.5, 366.5], [171.5, 361.5], [168.5, 357.5], [166.5, 356.5], [170.5, 353.5], [170.5, 349.5], [168.5, 349.5], [166.5, 353.5], [163.5, 353.5], [163.5, 352.5], [164.5, 351.5], [163.5, 349.5], [161.5, 351.5], [158.5, 348.5], [158.5, 346.5], [159.5, 343.5], [161.5, 345.5], [164.5, 345.5], [165.5, 343.5], [162.5, 341.5], [163.5, 340.5], [164.5, 340.5], [164.5, 339.5], [165.5, 339.5], [167.5, 342.5], [170.5, 340.5], [170.5, 338.5], [166.5, 336.5], [163.5, 336.5], [160.5, 338.5], [157.5, 338.5], [158.5, 337.5], [158.5, 333.5], [157.5, 332.5], [155.5, 332.5], [154.5, 331.5], [153.5, 331.5], [151.5, 333.5], [151.5, 335.5], [152.5, 337.5], [153.5, 339.5], [152.5, 339.5], [152.5, 340.5], [151.5, 341.5], [151.5, 349.5], [150.5, 349.5], [150.5, 351.5], [148.5, 351.5], [148.5, 345.5], [146.5, 343.5]]}, +{"id": "twpejp", "submitted_by": "Tim_Coolwine", "name": "In Honor of Mako", "description": "A piece of art from the popular show Avatar the Last Aibender wich shows the character Iroh. The voice actor Mako is remebered in this picture.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/avatarplace", "center": [1415.5, 1555.5], "path": [[1498.5, 1611.5], [1332.5, 1611.5], [1332.5, 1498.5], [1498.5, 1498.5]]}, +{"id": "twpee3", "submitted_by": "themistik", "name": "Ancienne France", "description": "First french flag and art made by the french reddit community", "website": "https://www.reddit.com/r/placefrance/", "subreddit": "r/placefrance/", "center": [151.5, 414.5], "path": [[132.5, 387.5], [126.5, 387.5], [126.5, 495.5], [174.5, 496.5], [174.5, 389.5], [174.5, 330.5], [134.5, 329.5], [126.5, 329.5], [125.5, 346.5], [133.5, 344.5]]}, +{"id": "twpee2", "submitted_by": "EmberBaban", "name": "The Tortoise Trainer", "description": "The Tortoise Trainer is a painting by Osman Hamdi Bey, with a first version created in 1906 and a second in 1907. Hamdi's painting of an anachronistic historical character attempting to train tortoises is usually interpreted as a satire on the slow and ineffective attempts at reforming the Ottoman Empire.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1133.5, 187.5], "path": [[1071.5, 248.5], [1072.5, 121.5], [1162.5, 121.5], [1163.5, 132.5], [1195.5, 129.5], [1195.5, 251.5]]}, +{"id": "twpeak", "submitted_by": "th3_fish_", "name": "watchdominion.org", "description": "Link to a documentary about the animal exploitation industry. Created by animal rights activists.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/vegan_place", "center": [1969.5, 902.5], "path": [[1939.5, 887.5], [1939.5, 916.5], [1999.5, 916.5], [1999.5, 887.5]]}, +{"id": "twpdws", "submitted_by": "Leinon", "name": "Wowaka", "description": "A symbol for Wowaka. Wowaka was a Japanese musician best known for his Vocaloid music and his vocalist role in the band hitorie.", "website": "https://www.hitorie.jp/", "subreddit": "/r/hatsune", "center": [1829.5, 732.5], "path": [[1829.5, 728.5], [1828.5, 727.5], [1827.5, 726.5], [1825.5, 726.5], [1823.5, 728.5], [1822.5, 729.5], [1821.5, 730.5], [1821.5, 732.5], [1822.5, 733.5], [1822.5, 734.5], [1823.5, 735.5], [1824.5, 736.5], [1825.5, 737.5], [1826.5, 738.5], [1827.5, 739.5], [1828.5, 740.5], [1829.5, 741.5], [1830.5, 740.5], [1831.5, 739.5], [1832.5, 738.5], [1833.5, 737.5], [1834.5, 736.5], [1835.5, 735.5], [1836.5, 734.5], [1837.5, 733.5], [1837.5, 730.5], [1836.5, 729.5], [1835.5, 728.5], [1834.5, 727.5], [1831.5, 726.5]]}, +{"id": "twpd2r", "submitted_by": "thresholdlimit", "name": "omori", "description": "The first region of OMORI, an Earthbound-inspired indie game, added in the first day. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/omori", "center": [1015.5, 827.5], "path": [[1123.5, 853.5], [909.5, 853.5], [909.5, 800.5], [1123.5, 802.5]]}, +{"id": "twpd15", "submitted_by": "Hygrowhomie", "name": "Ficsit.app", "description": "FICSIT.app is the logo of the mod manager for the game Satisfactory. FICSIT itself is the employer in Satisfactory for which the pioneer works.", "website": "https://ficsit.app", "subreddit": "/r/satisfactory", "center": [1498.5, 44.5], "path": [[1467.5, 35.5], [1528.5, 35.5], [1528.5, 52.5], [1467.5, 52.5], [1467.5, 35.5]]}, +{"id": "twpcyp", "submitted_by": "cosiestraptor", "name": "The Badger Head", "description": "The logo for the Minecraft server Badgercraft, it was adopted and protected by r/shibbysays as by chance her cat is called Badger", "website": "https://www.instagram.com/badgercraftserver/?hl=en-gb", "subreddit": "", "center": [1266.5, 450.5], "path": [[1259.5, 445.5], [1259.5, 454.5], [1272.5, 454.5], [1272.5, 445.5]]}, +{"id": "twpcxq", "submitted_by": "Ok_Acanthisitta_4102", "name": "Watch Dominion", "description": "Watch the life changing movie dominion", "website": "https://watchdominion.org/", "subreddit": "", "center": [1830.5, 1583.5], "path": [[1786.5, 1553.5], [1786.5, 1612.5], [1873.5, 1612.5], [1875.5, 1556.5], [1787.5, 1553.5]]}, +{"id": "twpctl", "submitted_by": "SinisterMJ", "name": "LMU", "description": "Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\u00e4t - University in Munich", "website": "https://www.lmu.de/de/index.html", "subreddit": "/r/LMUMunich/", "center": [1251.5, 1194.5], "path": [[1242.5, 1191.5], [1242.5, 1197.5], [1260.5, 1197.5], [1260.5, 1191.5]]}, +{"id": "twpck8", "submitted_by": "Plshelpmeokay", "name": "Rijksmuseum", "description": "Rijksmuseum Amsterdam is home to Dutch masters paintings such as The Nachtwacht and many more", "website": "[https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en](https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en)", "subreddit": "", "center": [1765.5, 24.5], "path": [[1807.5, 33.5], [1807.5, 33.5], [1807.5, 33.5], [1723.5, 34.5], [1723.5, 18.5], [1729.5, 12.5], [1734.5, 19.5], [1750.5, 19.5], [1750.5, 12.5], [1751.5, 9.5], [1752.5, 6.5], [1755.5, 5.5], [1756.5, 8.5], [1757.5, 11.5], [1758.5, 15.5], [1772.5, 15.5], [1772.5, 12.5], [1773.5, 9.5], [1774.5, 6.5], [1775.5, 5.5], [1777.5, 5.5], [1778.5, 7.5], [1778.5, 8.5], [1779.5, 9.5], [1779.5, 11.5], [1780.5, 12.5], [1780.5, 19.5], [1796.5, 19.5], [1796.5, 18.5], [1797.5, 16.5], [1798.5, 15.5], [1799.5, 14.5], [1800.5, 13.5], [1801.5, 12.5], [1802.5, 12.5], [1803.5, 13.5], [1804.5, 14.5], [1805.5, 15.5], [1806.5, 16.5], [1807.5, 18.5], [1807.5, 34.5]]}, +{"id": "twpce2", "submitted_by": "gamrin", "name": "Jip en Janneke", "description": "Jip and Janneke (Dutch: Jip en Janneke) is a series of children's books in the Netherlands, written by Annie M. G. Schmidt and illustrated by Fiep Westendorp. The series is known for its simplicity and wit.", "website": "https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jip_en_Janneke", "subreddit": "/r/PlaceNL", "center": [659.5, 16.5], "path": [[666.5, 3.5], [668.5, 3.5], [668.5, 4.5], [670.5, 4.5], [670.5, 6.5], [671.5, 6.5], [671.5, 9.5], [670.5, 9.5], [670.5, 11.5], [669.5, 11.5], [668.5, 11.5], [668.5, 12.5], [667.5, 12.5], [667.5, 14.5], [668.5, 14.5], [668.5, 16.5], [669.5, 16.5], [669.5, 21.5], [668.5, 21.5], [668.5, 31.5], [662.5, 31.5], [663.5, 30.5], [663.5, 23.5], [662.5, 22.5], [662.5, 19.5], [663.5, 18.5], [663.5, 17.5], [659.5, 17.5], [659.5, 18.5], [658.5, 18.5], [658.5, 17.5], [655.5, 17.5], [655.5, 20.5], [656.5, 20.5], [656.5, 21.5], [655.5, 21.5], [655.5, 22.5], [654.5, 22.5], [654.5, 31.5], [655.5, 31.5], [650.5, 31.5], [650.5, 22.5], [648.5, 22.5], [648.5, 19.5], [646.5, 19.5], [647.5, 18.5], [647.5, 17.5], [646.5, 16.5], [647.5, 16.5], [648.5, 17.5], [650.5, 16.5], [649.5, 14.5], [650.5, 13.5], [649.5, 12.5], [648.5, 11.5], [647.5, 12.5], [646.5, 12.5], [646.5, 11.5], [647.5, 10.5], [647.5, 6.5], [648.5, 5.5], [649.5, 5.5], [650.5, 4.5], [652.5, 4.5], [653.5, 5.5], [654.5, 5.5], [656.5, 7.5], [655.5, 8.5], [655.5, 10.5], [654.5, 11.5], [654.5, 15.5], [657.5, 17.5], [661.5, 17.5], [661.5, 15.5], [658.5, 13.5], [659.5, 12.5], [659.5, 10.5], [658.5, 9.5], [659.5, 8.5], [660.5, 9.5], [659.5, 10.5], [659.5, 13.5], [660.5, 13.5], [661.5, 14.5], [663.5, 14.5], [664.5, 12.5], [664.5, 11.5], [663.5, 11.5], [663.5, 9.5], [662.5, 9.5], [662.5, 8.5], [663.5, 8.5], [663.5, 6.5], [662.5, 6.5]]}, +{"id": "twpccx", "submitted_by": "Teldramet", "name": "Cara pils", "description": "Cara pils is Belgium's cheapest beer. It's best drunk at room temperature in a public space, lke a playground or the parking of your local Delhaize.n", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/BELGICA", "center": [256.5, 647.5], "path": [[248.5, 629.5], [248.5, 663.5], [261.5, 664.5], [261.5, 649.5], [273.5, 648.5], [273.5, 643.5], [264.5, 644.5], [264.5, 638.5], [259.5, 638.5], [258.5, 632.5], [255.5, 628.5], [255.5, 628.5]]}, +{"id": "twpcbx", "submitted_by": "One_Fortune_1446", "name": "Spirit Phone", "description": "The cover of the Album Spirit Phone by Neil Cicierega ", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/lemondemon", "center": [316.5, 1948.5], "path": [[292.5, 1926.5], [292.5, 1970.5], [339.5, 1970.5], [339.5, 1926.5], [339.5, 1926.5], [339.5, 1926.5], [339.5, 1926.5], [339.5, 1926.5], [292.5, 1926.5]]}, +{"id": "twpc9q", "submitted_by": "TheWaslijn", "name": "NOS", "description": "NOS is a Dutch broadcasting foundation that began on May 29th, 1969.", "website": "[https://nos.nl/](https://nos.nl/)", "subreddit": "", "center": [586.5, 1961.5], "path": [[571.5, 1954.5], [601.5, 1955.5], [600.5, 1968.5], [571.5, 1968.5]]}, +{"id": "twpc34", "submitted_by": "Master_LitFam", "name": "Rvials of Aether - Orcane Head", "description": "Rivals of Aether is an indie fighting game set in a world where civilizations wage war by summoning the power of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth.nnThis is the head of Orcane, a playful whale-dog trickster who can transform into water and confuse enemies with a spray of bubbles.", "website": "[https://rivalsofaether.com](https://rivalsofaether.com)", "subreddit": "r/RivalsOfAether", "center": [921.5, 1956.5], "path": [[920.5, 1947.5], [919.5, 1948.5], [918.5, 1949.5], [918.5, 1950.5], [917.5, 1951.5], [914.5, 1954.5], [914.5, 1955.5], [913.5, 1956.5], [913.5, 1958.5], [917.5, 1962.5], [918.5, 1962.5], [919.5, 1963.5], [923.5, 1963.5], [924.5, 1962.5], [925.5, 1962.5], [928.5, 1959.5], [929.5, 1958.5], [929.5, 1956.5], [928.5, 1955.5], [928.5, 1954.5], [927.5, 1953.5], [926.5, 1952.5], [924.5, 1950.5], [924.5, 1949.5], [923.5, 1948.5], [922.5, 1947.5], [921.5, 1947.5]]}, +{"id": "twpbuo", "submitted_by": "Own-Intern6889", "name": "Portgual 2", "description": "Reference to the glorious era of the Portuguese Discoveries with the fictional creature ADAMASTORnnnn", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Portugal", "center": [1126.5, 342.5], "path": [[1052.5, 367.5], [1179.5, 368.5], [1181.5, 313.5], [1102.5, 312.5], [1085.5, 329.5], [1047.5, 367.5]]}, +{"id": "twpboo", "submitted_by": "TeslaPenguin1", "name": "Razorback (The Expanse)", "description": "The Razorback, a spaceship from the book series and TV show The Expanse. Above it is one of the Ring Gates, a wormhole created by a highly advanced alien species.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/TheExpanse", "center": [416.5, 1575.5], "path": [[426.5, 1600.5], [426.5, 1555.5], [427.5, 1554.5], [427.5, 1552.5], [425.5, 1551.5], [422.5, 1550.5], [416.5, 1549.5], [410.5, 1549.5], [404.5, 1552.5], [405.5, 1555.5], [406.5, 1570.5], [406.5, 1580.5], [404.5, 1583.5], [404.5, 1591.5], [406.5, 1593.5], [405.5, 1600.5], [426.5, 1600.5]]}, +{"id": "twpbmq", "submitted_by": "sad_lagoon", "name": "Asexuality Spectrum Pride", "description": "Asexuality, Aromantic, and Aromantic Asexuality pride flags, complete with dragons!", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/asexuality", "center": [523.5, 664.5], "path": [[449.5, 647.5], [449.5, 681.5], [597.5, 681.5], [597.5, 647.5], [449.5, 647.5]]}, +{"id": "twpbe0", "submitted_by": "Bane_SRB", "name": "Serbia", "description": "Image of the flag of Serbia, with the face of Nikola Tesla.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Serbia", "center": [200.5, 364.5], "path": [[176.5, 344.5], [224.5, 344.5], [224.5, 384.5], [176.5, 384.5], [176.5, 344.5]]}, +{"id": "twpbdl", "submitted_by": "Rj_Rajat", "name": "India (Artworks area - 2)", "description": "Indian Flag with art design includes India's National Animal - Tiger, India Gate, India's National Flower, Namaste (our greeting gesture), Himalayas and Tibet's Flag ", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/IndiaPlace", "center": [171.5, 1199.5], "path": [[0.5, 1225.5], [342.5, 1225.5], [342.5, 1172.5], [0.5, 1172.5]]}, +{"id": "twpbdi", "submitted_by": "tc_vfx", "name": "The MCDM Logo", "description": "The Logo of TTRPG Company MCDM", "website": "https://www.mcdmproductions.com/", "subreddit": "r/mattcoleville", "center": [418.5, 948.5], "path": [[407.5, 935.5], [428.5, 935.5], [428.5, 960.5], [407.5, 960.5], [407.5, 949.5]]}, +{"id": "twpb52", "submitted_by": "Great_Lettucehead", "name": "Keebkatten", "description": "This is the mascot for weebklubben at NTI Stockholm High school. (P.S. it is not supposed to have a dick)n", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/weebklubben", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twpar5", "submitted_by": "Chiel25nl", "name": "boot", "description": "In the placeNL it was called bootje or boot", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/placenl", "center": [632.5, 1792.5], "path": [[550.5, 1849.5], [714.5, 1849.5], [713.5, 1734.5], [551.5, 1734.5], [550.5, 1849.5]]}, +{"id": "twpao7", "submitted_by": "SinisterMJ", "name": "Haribo Goldbear", "description": "German Candy", "website": "https://www.haribo.com/en/products/goldbears", "subreddit": "", "center": [716.5, 1156.5], "path": [[702.5, 1172.5], [703.5, 1167.5], [705.5, 1161.5], [702.5, 1160.5], [702.5, 1157.5], [703.5, 1153.5], [702.5, 1149.5], [699.5, 1145.5], [700.5, 1141.5], [703.5, 1138.5], [705.5, 1140.5], [708.5, 1137.5], [713.5, 1139.5], [716.5, 1142.5], [716.5, 1144.5], [722.5, 1149.5], [726.5, 1147.5], [731.5, 1148.5], [731.5, 1151.5], [735.5, 1153.5], [738.5, 1154.5], [738.5, 1157.5], [734.5, 1160.5], [731.5, 1160.5], [727.5, 1167.5], [725.5, 1167.5], [725.5, 1172.5]]}, +{"id": "twpanj", "submitted_by": "remakker", "name": "The Starry Night and Vincent van Gogh", "description": "The Starry Night is an oil-on-canvas painting by Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh, made by r/placenl", "website": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Starry_Night", "subreddit": "", "center": [1482.5, 18.5], "path": [[1450.5, 2.5], [1450.5, 33.5], [1501.5, 33.5], [1501.5, 34.5], [1515.5, 34.5], [1515.5, 21.5], [1514.5, 20.5], [1513.5, 19.5], [1512.5, 17.5], [1511.5, 16.5], [1511.5, 15.5], [1512.5, 14.5], [1512.5, 8.5], [1511.5, 7.5], [1510.5, 6.5], [1509.5, 5.5], [1506.5, 5.5], [1506.5, 2.5], [1468.5, 2.5]]}, +{"id": "twpan9", "submitted_by": "Teldramet", "name": "waffle", "description": "It's a waffle.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twpam4", "submitted_by": "sayakamiki649", "name": "Madoka Kaname and Homura Akemi ", "description": "Protagonists from the Madoka Magica series. The hearts at the right side represents the rest of the main cast (Madoka=Pink, Homura=Purple, Sayaka Miki Blue, Kyouko Sakura=Red, Mami Tomoe=Yellow)", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/madokamagica", "center": [652.5, 402.5], "path": [[635.5, 393.5], [634.5, 411.5], [669.5, 410.5], [670.5, 393.5]]}, +{"id": "twpa86", "submitted_by": "Teldramet", "name": "Atomium", "description": "the Atomium is a monument in Belgium built for the 58 world fair. It represents the lattice of an iron atom", "website": "[https://atomium.be/home/Index](https://atomium.be/home/Index)", "subreddit": "", "center": [289.5, 818.5], "path": [[280.5, 829.5], [280.5, 826.5], [280.5, 824.5], [278.5, 822.5], [278.5, 820.5], [280.5, 818.5], [281.5, 818.5], [281.5, 815.5], [280.5, 815.5], [278.5, 813.5], [278.5, 811.5], [280.5, 809.5], [282.5, 809.5], [283.5, 810.5], [284.5, 810.5], [284.5, 809.5], [289.5, 805.5], [289.5, 798.5], [293.5, 798.5], [293.5, 802.5], [289.5, 802.5], [289.5, 805.5], [290.5, 805.5], [292.5, 808.5], [293.5, 808.5], [295.5, 810.5], [296.5, 809.5], [298.5, 809.5], [300.5, 811.5], [300.5, 813.5], [297.5, 815.5], [297.5, 818.5], [298.5, 818.5], [300.5, 820.5], [300.5, 822.5], [297.5, 824.5], [297.5, 825.5], [298.5, 826.5], [298.5, 829.5]]}, +{"id": "twpa7h", "submitted_by": "Joeywp", "name": "Craftventure", "description": "A virtual Minecraft Themepark opening first in April 2012", "website": "[https://discord.craftventure.net](https://discord.craftventure.net)", "subreddit": "", "center": [1610.5, 200.5], "path": [[1606.5, 197.5], [1613.5, 197.5], [1613.5, 203.5], [1606.5, 203.5], [1606.5, 197.5]]}, +{"id": "twpa0p", "submitted_by": "I-Like-Hydrangeas", "name": "Robin from Iconoclasts", "description": "The protagonist from the indie game Iconoclasts by Joakim Sandberg", "website": "http://www.playiconoclasts.com/", "subreddit": "r/Iconoclasts", "center": [1119.5, 544.5], "path": [[1128.5, 546.5], [1128.5, 545.5], [1129.5, 544.5], [1129.5, 541.5], [1126.5, 538.5], [1112.5, 538.5], [1112.5, 541.5], [1110.5, 544.5], [1106.5, 544.5], [1108.5, 547.5], [1106.5, 549.5], [1111.5, 548.5], [1112.5, 548.5], [1113.5, 550.5], [1116.5, 550.5], [1119.5, 551.5], [1119.5, 552.5], [1120.5, 551.5], [1123.5, 551.5], [1123.5, 552.5], [1124.5, 552.5], [1127.5, 550.5], [1127.5, 548.5], [1127.5, 547.5]]}, +{"id": "twp9y7", "submitted_by": "tint93", "name": "Jip and Janneke", "description": "Jip and Janneke (Dutch: Jip en Janneke) is a series of children's books in the Netherlands, written by Annie M. G. Schmidt and illustrated by Fiep Westendorp.", "website": "[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jip_and_Janneke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jip_and_Janneke)", "subreddit": "/r/placeNL", "center": [659.5, 18.5], "path": [[644.5, 1.5], [645.5, 34.5], [675.5, 34.5], [674.5, 1.5], [664.5, 2.5], [664.5, 2.5], [667.5, 1.5], [667.5, 1.5], [674.5, 1.5], [647.5, 1.5]]}, +{"id": "twp9y6", "submitted_by": "gamrin", "name": "De Zeven Provincie\u00ebn", "description": "De Zeven Provinci\u00ebn was een linieschip van de Admiraliteit van de Maze met 80 stukken geschut.", "website": "https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeven_Provinci%C3%ABn_(1665-1694)", "subreddit": "/r/PlaceNL", "center": [632.5, 1792.5], "path": [[549.5, 1732.5], [715.5, 1732.5], [715.5, 1851.5], [549.5, 1851.5]]}, +{"id": "twp9xq", "submitted_by": "N0ZTRA", "name": "Canada", "description": "Flag of Canada. Original outpost of the Canadian flag, constantly embattled by warring factions and leaf trolls. At one point entirely molted into the temporary nation of Banana. Heat map constant.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/placecanada/", "center": [210.5, 508.5], "path": [[175.5, 493.5], [175.5, 528.5], [244.5, 528.5], [244.5, 493.5], [228.5, 493.5], [228.5, 484.5], [191.5, 484.5], [191.5, 493.5], [175.5, 493.5]]}, +{"id": "twp9sf", "submitted_by": "SinisterMJ", "name": "One Piece - Farewell", "description": "The crew says goodbye to Arabasta's princess Vivi", "website": "https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Nefertari_Vivi?so=search#Arabasta_Arc", "subreddit": "/r/onepiece", "center": [122.5, 1408.5], "path": [[242.5, 1348.5], [243.5, 1447.5], [247.5, 1447.5], [246.5, 1468.5], [2.5, 1469.5], [2.5, 1348.5]]}, +{"id": "twp9ms", "submitted_by": "TeslaPenguin1", "name": "Kerbal Space Program", "description": "A character from the space simulator game Kerbal Space Program. Below it is the KSP logo and a graphic depicting the game's solar system.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Kerbal_Place", "center": [1503.5, 410.5], "path": [[1493.5, 427.5], [1512.5, 427.5], [1512.5, 397.5], [1511.5, 394.5], [1509.5, 392.5], [1507.5, 391.5], [1500.5, 391.5], [1498.5, 392.5], [1497.5, 394.5], [1495.5, 394.5], [1495.5, 415.5], [1493.5, 418.5], [1493.5, 427.5]]}, +{"id": "twp9ek", "submitted_by": "Sp3ctraZ", "name": "Terraria Art (Moments before Destruction)", "description": "A small depiction of Terraria Art which included the Player and the r/Terraria logo.", "website": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Terraria/", "subreddit": "", "center": [398.5, 1903.5], "path": [[418.5, 1889.5], [418.5, 1917.5], [379.5, 1916.5], [378.5, 1889.5]]}, +{"id": "twp96z", "submitted_by": "Teldramet", "name": "Duvel", "description": "Duvel is a strong Belgian beer, seen here being poured down the gullet of the german adler.", "website": "[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duvel_Moortgat_Brewery#Duvel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duvel_Moortgat_Brewery#Duvel)", "subreddit": "", "center": [268.5, 822.5], "path": [[264.5, 811.5], [263.5, 812.5], [263.5, 814.5], [262.5, 815.5], [261.5, 816.5], [261.5, 818.5], [259.5, 818.5], [259.5, 819.5], [258.5, 820.5], [258.5, 821.5], [259.5, 821.5], [259.5, 823.5], [260.5, 824.5], [260.5, 825.5], [261.5, 825.5], [261.5, 826.5], [258.5, 829.5], [261.5, 829.5], [262.5, 827.5], [265.5, 827.5], [266.5, 828.5], [269.5, 825.5], [269.5, 823.5], [270.5, 823.5], [272.5, 821.5], [273.5, 822.5], [273.5, 823.5], [274.5, 823.5], [273.5, 825.5], [274.5, 828.5], [272.5, 830.5], [273.5, 832.5], [279.5, 837.5], [280.5, 836.5], [276.5, 830.5], [276.5, 825.5], [275.5, 824.5], [275.5, 820.5], [270.5, 815.5], [268.5, 815.5], [268.5, 814.5], [267.5, 813.5], [265.5, 811.5]]}, +{"id": "twp8vh", "submitted_by": "Rj_Rajat", "name": "India (Artworks area - 1)", "description": "Indian Flag with art design includes ISRO - Indian Space Research Organization, a rocket launch, India's National Bird - Peacock, Meenakshi Temple, Taj Mahal and an Indian Elephant", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/IndiaPlace", "center": [372.5, 315.5], "path": [[250.5, 298.5], [237.5, 298.5], [237.5, 343.5], [536.5, 343.5], [536.5, 298.5], [293.5, 298.5], [293.5, 252.5], [250.5, 252.5]]}, +{"id": "twp8mq", "submitted_by": "sad_lagoon", "name": "Subnautica", "description": "An exploration and survival video game.", "website": "[https://unknownworlds.com/subnautica/](https://unknownworlds.com/subnautica/)", "subreddit": "/r/subnautica", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twp8lz", "submitted_by": "Ryan_diaz1", "name": "TGV POS High speed train", "description": "Piece showing the front of a French TGV POS high speed train, depicted as having good cell service unlike it's neighbor", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [453.5, 854.5], "path": [[434.5, 865.5], [434.5, 843.5], [471.5, 843.5], [471.5, 855.5], [477.5, 865.5], [477.5, 865.5]]}, +{"id": "twp81l", "submitted_by": "SinisterMJ", "name": "Gol D.Roger", "description": "Gol D. Roger laughed when he saw the treasure left behind by Joy Boy", "website": "https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Gol_D._Roger", "subreddit": "/r/onepiece", "center": [1662.5, 1271.5], "path": [[1600.5, 1200.5], [1724.5, 1200.5], [1722.5, 1357.5], [1686.5, 1357.5], [1685.5, 1326.5], [1663.5, 1321.5], [1625.5, 1335.5], [1607.5, 1359.5], [1600.5, 1359.5], [1600.5, 1200.5]]}, +{"id": "twp7x2", "submitted_by": "jahdhjksasthmor", "name": "The Batter", "description": "The Batter is the protagonist from the 2008 video game OFF, by Mortis Ghost.", "website": "https://www.zchr.org/off.html", "subreddit": "/r/offthegame", "center": [1912.5, 776.5], "path": [[1905.5, 761.5], [1905.5, 791.5], [1919.5, 792.5], [1919.5, 761.5]]}, +{"id": "twp7tf", "submitted_by": "Teldramet", "name": "Fuck AFD", "description": "Alternative F\u00fcr Deutschland is an extremist right wing party in Germany. They deserve to be ridiculed.", "website": "[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_for_Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_for_Germany)", "subreddit": "", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twp7pm", "submitted_by": "Kaneki_KonnoY", "name": "Tarik", "description": "Ex-CSGO pro (now Twitch star) who's a W Friend that plays valorant ", "website": "http://SaveTheTarik.com", "subreddit": "/r/tarik", "center": [1751.5, 1656.5], "path": [[1719.5, 1612.5], [1782.5, 1612.5], [1782.5, 1699.5], [1719.5, 1699.5]]}, +{"id": "twp7es", "submitted_by": "MilkyTough", "name": "Warrior Cat Clan Symbols", "description": "The clan symbols of RiverClan [blue], WindClan [green], and ShadowClan [red]. These clans belond to a somewhat famous book series called Warrior Cats made by Erin Hunter. The logos were made by the WCUE community, which is an experience on Roblox where you play as one of these cats and role-play as a clan, rogue or loner.nnThunderClan was here [yellow] and was built back on the left minutes after the creator of the art on the left of the symbols said we could rebuild.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/wcueroblox/", "center": [1463.5, 1485.5], "path": [[1490.5, 1497.5], [1490.5, 1472.5], [1436.5, 1472.5], [1436.5, 1498.5]]}, +{"id": "twp78r", "submitted_by": "22cheez", "name": "Path of Exile", "description": "A dark fantasy online action role-playing game by Grinding Gear Games. The Mirror of Kalandra (center), Nervyr's logo (bottom left), a map (right), and NeverSink's FilterBlade styling for an exalted and chaos orb (bottom).", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/pathofexile", "center": [1403.5, 467.5], "path": [[1364.5, 446.5], [1364.5, 446.5], [1424.5, 446.5], [1424.5, 446.5], [1424.5, 459.5], [1424.5, 459.5], [1429.5, 459.5], [1429.5, 459.5], [1432.5, 462.5], [1432.5, 462.5], [1432.5, 490.5], [1432.5, 490.5], [1384.5, 490.5], [1384.5, 490.5], [1384.5, 473.5], [1384.5, 473.5], [1380.5, 473.5], [1380.5, 473.5], [1380.5, 456.5], [1380.5, 456.5], [1364.5, 456.5], [1364.5, 446.5]]}, +{"id": "twp6v0", "submitted_by": "Uniquenessisuseless", "name": "Saab JAS 39 Gripen", "description": "Iconic swedish warplane", "website": "[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saab_JAS_39_Gripen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saab_JAS_39_Gripen)", "subreddit": "", "center": [623.5, 56.5], "path": [[611.5, 55.5], [606.5, 62.5], [602.5, 61.5], [603.5, 65.5], [614.5, 70.5], [614.5, 68.5], [618.5, 67.5], [618.5, 69.5], [621.5, 69.5], [621.5, 66.5], [624.5, 65.5], [626.5, 67.5], [630.5, 66.5], [643.5, 66.5], [645.5, 68.5], [652.5, 70.5], [655.5, 69.5], [653.5, 66.5], [643.5, 59.5], [640.5, 57.5], [639.5, 51.5], [637.5, 52.5], [636.5, 53.5], [636.5, 55.5], [635.5, 55.5], [635.5, 51.5], [635.5, 48.5], [633.5, 48.5], [633.5, 45.5], [636.5, 45.5], [635.5, 43.5], [621.5, 36.5], [621.5, 38.5], [626.5, 42.5], [618.5, 50.5], [609.5, 43.5], [607.5, 44.5], [608.5, 47.5], [587.5, 35.5], [585.5, 36.5], [608.5, 51.5], [612.5, 56.5]]}, +{"id": "twp6cg", "submitted_by": "Teldramet", "name": "Statue of Ambiorix", "description": "Ambiorix was a leader of the Eburones, a Gallic tribe that lived in what low is Belgium.", "website": "[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambiorix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambiorix)", "subreddit": "", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twp61m", "submitted_by": "Sp3ctraZ", "name": "Vargfren (Vargskelethor/Vinesauce Joel)", "description": "A popular character in the streams of Streamer/YouTuber Vargskelethor, otherwise known as Vinesauce Joel.", "website": "fecalfunny.com", "subreddit": "", "center": [95.5, 679.5], "path": [[110.5, 687.5], [110.5, 682.5], [109.5, 680.5], [104.5, 675.5], [102.5, 676.5], [102.5, 674.5], [101.5, 673.5], [97.5, 673.5], [95.5, 672.5], [95.5, 673.5], [96.5, 674.5], [94.5, 676.5], [92.5, 674.5], [91.5, 671.5], [92.5, 669.5], [85.5, 669.5], [86.5, 674.5], [84.5, 675.5], [84.5, 677.5], [84.5, 679.5], [80.5, 682.5], [80.5, 684.5], [82.5, 686.5], [84.5, 686.5], [86.5, 684.5], [88.5, 683.5], [89.5, 683.5], [90.5, 684.5], [92.5, 682.5], [92.5, 680.5], [95.5, 677.5], [96.5, 678.5], [97.5, 679.5], [99.5, 682.5], [106.5, 687.5], [110.5, 687.5]]}, +{"id": "twp61h", "submitted_by": "turbineslut", "name": "Dutch canalhouses", "description": "Typical Dutch architecture along canals in cities like Amsterdam, Utrecht and Leiden.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/TheNetherlands", "center": [1287.5, 24.5], "path": [[1236.5, 22.5], [1236.5, 35.5], [1338.5, 35.5], [1338.5, 22.5], [1328.5, 13.5], [1279.5, 11.5], [1253.5, 13.5], [1238.5, 19.5]]}, +{"id": "twp603", "submitted_by": "mosredna101", "name": "MNOT", "description": "nWeekly podcast full of humor and tech in which nerds Floris, Jurian and Randal discuss fascinating topics with a guest nerd, while enjoying a Nerd beer.", "website": "https://www.metnerdsomtafel.nl/", "subreddit": "/r/MetNerdsomTafel/", "center": [848.5, 1960.5], "path": [[841.5, 1968.5], [841.5, 1951.5], [854.5, 1951.5], [854.5, 1968.5]]}, +{"id": "twp5xn", "submitted_by": "Petoexe", "name": "Ale \u010dau (read ah-leh chau)", "description": "The slogan of a slovak youtuber/streamer known as Duklock", "website": "https://youtube.com/c/Duklock", "subreddit": "/r/Duklock", "center": [1356.5, 150.5], "path": [[1348.5, 140.5], [1363.5, 140.5], [1363.5, 161.5], [1349.5, 160.5]]}, +{"id": "twp5vg", "submitted_by": "lewinsideofficial", "name": "Das Sandm\u00e4nnchen", "description": "Das Sandm\u00e4nnchen is a German children's bedtime television programme using stop motion animation. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [488.5, 849.5], "path": [[482.5, 865.5], [477.5, 862.5], [481.5, 856.5], [473.5, 851.5], [472.5, 846.5], [482.5, 834.5], [490.5, 830.5], [494.5, 830.5], [490.5, 832.5], [492.5, 835.5], [495.5, 836.5], [500.5, 840.5], [502.5, 846.5], [499.5, 850.5], [491.5, 856.5], [498.5, 856.5], [502.5, 850.5], [507.5, 853.5], [504.5, 858.5], [499.5, 862.5], [496.5, 863.5], [495.5, 865.5]]}, +{"id": "twp5i8", "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Springbok", "description": "The national animal of South Africa, seen here perched on the head of Nelson Mandela. Once extremely common, its population has been reduced by hunting and poaching.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/southafrica", "center": [739.5, 994.5], "path": [[737.5, 1007.5], [736.5, 1006.5], [736.5, 1005.5], [735.5, 1003.5], [734.5, 1003.5], [734.5, 1001.5], [731.5, 1001.5], [730.5, 1000.5], [729.5, 999.5], [728.5, 998.5], [729.5, 997.5], [731.5, 997.5], [733.5, 998.5], [734.5, 1000.5], [735.5, 998.5], [734.5, 997.5], [734.5, 996.5], [734.5, 996.5], [733.5, 995.5], [731.5, 995.5], [730.5, 994.5], [729.5, 994.5], [729.5, 993.5], [730.5, 992.5], [731.5, 992.5], [732.5, 991.5], [731.5, 990.5], [730.5, 989.5], [729.5, 988.5], [729.5, 987.5], [728.5, 986.5], [728.5, 985.5], [729.5, 984.5], [730.5, 983.5], [731.5, 983.5], [732.5, 983.5], [731.5, 985.5], [731.5, 984.5], [731.5, 984.5], [731.5, 985.5], [731.5, 986.5], [732.5, 986.5], [733.5, 987.5], [734.5, 987.5], [735.5, 988.5], [735.5, 989.5], [736.5, 989.5], [736.5, 989.5], [737.5, 989.5], [738.5, 988.5], [738.5, 987.5], [737.5, 987.5], [737.5, 985.5], [736.5, 985.5], [736.5, 984.5], [736.5, 983.5], [735.5, 983.5], [738.5, 983.5], [739.5, 984.5], [738.5, 984.5], [740.5, 985.5], [739.5, 985.5], [740.5, 986.5], [741.5, 987.5], [742.5, 988.5], [744.5, 988.5], [745.5, 988.5], [745.5, 989.5], [747.5, 989.5], [748.5, 989.5], [747.5, 990.5], [749.5, 990.5], [750.5, 991.5], [750.5, 994.5], [749.5, 994.5], [749.5, 995.5], [748.5, 995.5], [748.5, 995.5], [747.5, 995.5], [747.5, 996.5], [746.5, 996.5], [746.5, 997.5], [747.5, 999.5], [747.5, 1000.5], [747.5, 1001.5], [748.5, 1001.5], [748.5, 1002.5], [747.5, 1002.5], [746.5, 1001.5], [746.5, 1000.5], [745.5, 1001.5], [745.5, 1002.5], [744.5, 1001.5], [743.5, 1002.5], [742.5, 1002.5], [743.5, 1003.5], [744.5, 1003.5], [741.5, 1003.5], [740.5, 1003.5], [740.5, 1004.5], [738.5, 1004.5], [738.5, 1005.5], [738.5, 1006.5], [737.5, 1006.5], [737.5, 1004.5]]}, +{"id": "twp5ad", "submitted_by": "Pitiful-Research9572", "name": "Billy", "description": "OH YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT KARLSON IS? KARLSON IS JUST A LITTLE GAME I'M WORKING ON AND ITS CURRENTLY THE NUMBER 12TH MOST WISHLISTED GAME ON STEAM. SMASH WISHLIST NOW GAMERS SO WE CAN GET THE NUMBER ONE SPOT BABY!!!!!", "website": "[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1228610/KARLSON/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1228610/KARLSON/)", "subreddit": "/r/DaniDev", "center": [836.5, 1755.5], "path": [[830.5, 1748.5], [830.5, 1761.5], [841.5, 1761.5], [841.5, 1748.5], [830.5, 1748.5]]}, +{"id": "twp52y", "submitted_by": "raleigh_72", "name": "Worth the Candle", "description": "Worth the Candle is serial web novel by author Alexander Wales. Its protagonist is a teenager struggling with the death of his best friend, who finds himself trapped in another world - one which seems to be an amalgamation of every Dungeons and Dragons campaign they ever played together.", "website": "https://royalroad.com/fiction/25137/worth-the-candle", "subreddit": "/r/alexanderwales", "center": [229.5, 113.5], "path": [[223.5, 101.5], [235.5, 101.5], [235.5, 124.5], [223.5, 124.5]]}, +{"id": "twp4zu", "submitted_by": "GTFOFLAGCUNTS", "name": "GeoGuessr Pin", "description": "A red pin representing GeoGuessr and its community.", "website": "[https://www.geoguessr.com/](https://www.geoguessr.com/)", "subreddit": "r/GeoGuessr", "center": [117.5, 475.5], "path": [[125.5, 466.5], [109.5, 466.5], [109.5, 484.5], [125.5, 484.5]]}, +{"id": "twp4zs", "submitted_by": "sayakamiki649", "name": "Snaa", "description": "A derpy-looking plush of Sana Futaba from Magia Record, that has become popular in the community, getting fanart and being a common reaction image.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/magiarecord", "center": [1270.5, 874.5], "path": [[1266.5, 869.5], [1266.5, 878.5], [1275.5, 878.5], [1275.5, 870.5]]}, +{"id": "twp4fs", "submitted_by": "gundolfson", "name": "Eintracht Spandau", "description": "Fanart of German Esports Team Crest", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/EintrachtSpandau", "center": [526.5, 1985.5], "path": [[513.5, 1973.5], [513.5, 1996.5], [539.5, 1996.5], [539.5, 1973.5]]}, +{"id": "twp47n", "submitted_by": "Sp3ctraZ", "name": "ASTRONEER", "description": "The Logo of Space Exploration & Base/Factory Building game ASTRONEER, developed by System Era Softworks.", "website": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroneer", "subreddit": "", "center": [1124.5, 495.5], "path": [[1118.5, 497.5], [1118.5, 500.5], [1119.5, 501.5], [1129.5, 501.5], [1130.5, 500.5], [1130.5, 497.5], [1129.5, 494.5], [1128.5, 491.5], [1127.5, 489.5], [1126.5, 488.5], [1125.5, 487.5], [1123.5, 487.5], [1122.5, 488.5], [1121.5, 489.5], [1120.5, 491.5], [1119.5, 494.5], [1118.5, 497.5]]}, +{"id": "twp3sj", "submitted_by": "Darknamed", "name": "Index", "description": "The mascot of the manga reading website Mangadex", "website": "https://mangadex.org", "subreddit": "r/mangadex", "center": [731.5, 1936.5], "path": [[716.5, 1924.5], [747.5, 1924.5], [747.5, 1948.5], [715.5, 1948.5], [715.5, 1924.5]]}, +{"id": "twp3pf", "submitted_by": "UnstoppablePhoenix", "name": "Tokino Sora", "description": "Tokino Sora is a member of Hololive's 0th Generation of Japanese VTubers, and was the first VTuber to debut within the company. ", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp6993wxpyDPHUpavwDFqgg", "subreddit": "/r/hololive", "center": [1347.5, 1121.5], "path": [[1342.5, 1125.5], [1342.5, 1121.5], [1345.5, 1116.5], [1350.5, 1116.5], [1352.5, 1120.5], [1352.5, 1125.5], [1342.5, 1125.5]]}, +{"id": "twp3jj", "submitted_by": "Lucian41", "name": "Rat King (Pixel Dungeon)", "description": "The Rat King NPC from the game Pixel Dungeon", "website": "https://pixeldungeon.fandom.com/wiki/Rat_king", "subreddit": "/r/pixeldungeon", "center": [1739.5, 238.5], "path": [[1732.5, 229.5], [1746.5, 229.5], [1746.5, 247.5], [1732.5, 247.5], [1732.5, 230.5], [1736.5, 237.5]]}, +{"id": "twp3ek", "submitted_by": "GoJoeyGo123", "name": "Spirit phone album cover", "description": "The album cover for the popular artist Neil Cicierega (lemondemon)", "website": "[http://www.lemondemon.com/spiritphone/](http://www.lemondemon.com/spiritphone/)", "subreddit": "r/lemondemon", "center": [316.5, 1948.5], "path": [[292.5, 1926.5], [339.5, 1925.5], [339.5, 1970.5], [292.5, 1970.5]]}, +{"id": "twp3at", "submitted_by": "yamsoup7", "name": "Human United Logo", "description": "A small logo of the gaming community Human United.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1747.5, 385.5], "path": [[1743.5, 384.5], [1743.5, 387.5], [1750.5, 387.5], [1750.5, 383.5], [1743.5, 383.5]]}, +{"id": "twp374", "submitted_by": "polychromatick", "name": "Greendale Flag (Community)", "description": "The flag of a fictional community college, Greendale, from the show Community. #SixSeasonsAndAMovie", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/community", "center": [1866.5, 1492.5], "path": [[1856.5, 1485.5], [1875.5, 1485.5], [1875.5, 1499.5], [1856.5, 1499.5], [1856.5, 1485.5]]}, +{"id": "twp354", "submitted_by": "N0ZTRA", "name": "Northerlion", "description": "Canadian Twitch Streamer, Youtuber and indie Game enthusiast. Host of the venerable Northernlion Live Super Show", "website": "https://www.twitch.tv/northernlion", "subreddit": "/r/northernlion/", "center": [64.5, 354.5], "path": [[61.5, 336.5], [61.5, 360.5], [60.5, 360.5], [59.5, 361.5], [51.5, 361.5], [51.5, 368.5], [71.5, 368.5], [71.5, 338.5], [69.5, 336.5], [61.5, 336.5]]}, +{"id": "twp337", "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Sonichu", "description": "Sonichu is the protagonist of Christine Weston Chandler's comic series of the same name.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/chrischansonichu", "center": [1914.5, 525.5], "path": [[1912.5, 538.5], [1925.5, 538.5], [1924.5, 538.5], [1924.5, 536.5], [1922.5, 535.5], [1921.5, 534.5], [1919.5, 534.5], [1922.5, 532.5], [1922.5, 528.5], [1921.5, 527.5], [1922.5, 526.5], [1922.5, 524.5], [1923.5, 524.5], [1923.5, 523.5], [1922.5, 511.5], [1920.5, 512.5], [1920.5, 513.5], [1918.5, 514.5], [1918.5, 513.5], [1908.5, 513.5], [1907.5, 515.5], [1907.5, 516.5], [1908.5, 517.5], [1909.5, 517.5], [1908.5, 518.5], [1907.5, 519.5], [1907.5, 522.5], [1905.5, 523.5], [1903.5, 523.5], [1903.5, 531.5], [1905.5, 531.5], [1905.5, 530.5], [1906.5, 529.5], [1907.5, 528.5], [1907.5, 530.5], [1908.5, 531.5], [1908.5, 533.5], [1909.5, 534.5], [1912.5, 534.5]]}, +{"id": "twp323", "submitted_by": "iamcursedwithimages", "name": "Base Bravo", "description": "Visayas base, constant battleground against streamers, Spanish Streamers and a Ukrainian Streamer", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/philippines", "center": [1412.5, 635.5], "path": [[1334.5, 600.5], [1334.5, 671.5], [1489.5, 671.5], [1490.5, 599.5]]}, +{"id": "twp2zn", "submitted_by": "lewinsideofficial", "name": "Germany\u2019s federal coat of arms.", "description": "The federal coat of arms is the national coat of arms of the Federal Republic of Germany. The beer it drinks is a collaborative artwork between Belgium and Germany, representing the beer culture in both countries.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [275.5, 855.5], "path": [[296.5, 830.5], [296.5, 830.5], [254.5, 830.5], [254.5, 874.5], [264.5, 880.5], [275.5, 883.5], [286.5, 880.5], [296.5, 874.5]]}, +{"id": "twp2xb", "submitted_by": "NagisaStreams", "name": "Wynncraft", "description": "A full resolution icon of Wynncraft, a minecraft MMORPG. Created by the Wynncraft Community.", "website": "[Wynncraft.com](https://Wynncraft.com)", "subreddit": "r/Wynncraft", "center": [1394.5, 355.5], "path": [[1386.5, 344.5], [1393.5, 344.5], [1393.5, 344.5], [1396.5, 344.5], [1401.5, 344.5], [1401.5, 346.5], [1401.5, 347.5], [1402.5, 347.5], [1402.5, 367.5], [1395.5, 367.5], [1395.5, 365.5], [1386.5, 365.5], [1386.5, 344.5]]}, +{"id": "twp2sw", "submitted_by": "Lattikhya", "name": "May from Guilty Gear", "description": "A spunky girl who doesn't sweat the small stuff. She believes in acting before thinking too deeply. Her friends often get dragged along with her impulsive behavior. Despite this, May's positive attitude is contagious to those around her, even if they sometimes find themselves a tad exhausted.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/guiltygear", "center": [488.5, 1947.5], "path": [[476.5, 1925.5], [476.5, 1969.5], [499.5, 1969.5], [499.5, 1925.5], [476.5, 1925.5]]}, +{"id": "twp2mc", "submitted_by": "Teldramet", "name": "The Chain of Acheron", "description": "D&D stream on a band of mercenaries from hell. See also MCDM.", "website": "[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRhnx4lI6TA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRhnx4lI6TA)", "subreddit": "[https://www.reddit.com/r/mattcolville/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mattcolville/)", "center": [418.5, 1084.5], "path": [[407.5, 1072.5], [428.5, 1072.5], [428.5, 1096.5], [407.5, 1096.5]]}, +{"id": "twp2iu", "submitted_by": "iceman78772", "name": "Hifumi & Peroro", "description": "A supporting character from the mobile game Blue Archive with her beloved Peroro in tow, whom she has an obsession of collecting merchandise for.", "website": "https://bluearchive.nexon.com/home", "subreddit": "/r/BlueArchive", "center": [164.5, 988.5], "path": [[136.5, 963.5], [189.5, 963.5], [189.5, 995.5], [188.5, 995.5], [188.5, 999.5], [189.5, 999.5], [189.5, 1014.5], [136.5, 1014.5], [136.5, 999.5], [141.5, 999.5], [142.5, 999.5], [142.5, 997.5], [142.5, 994.5], [144.5, 994.5], [144.5, 981.5], [143.5, 981.5], [142.5, 981.5], [142.5, 979.5], [136.5, 979.5]]}, +{"id": "twp2iq", "submitted_by": "Ni3vS", "name": "Ace of Spades", "description": "An exotic hand cannon that was once wielded by hunter vanguard, Cayde-6.", "website": "https://destiny.fandom.com/wiki/Ace_of_Spades_(Destiny_2)", "subreddit": "r/DestinyTheGame", "center": [489.5, 1009.5], "path": [[471.5, 1003.5], [472.5, 1003.5], [472.5, 1004.5], [473.5, 1004.5], [473.5, 1008.5], [473.5, 1009.5], [472.5, 1009.5], [472.5, 1011.5], [471.5, 1011.5], [471.5, 1014.5], [470.5, 1014.5], [470.5, 1019.5], [469.5, 1019.5], [469.5, 1020.5], [470.5, 1021.5], [470.5, 1022.5], [471.5, 1023.5], [476.5, 1023.5], [476.5, 1020.5], [475.5, 1020.5], [475.5, 1017.5], [476.5, 1017.5], [476.5, 1014.5], [479.5, 1014.5], [479.5, 1015.5], [482.5, 1015.5], [482.5, 1014.5], [484.5, 1014.5], [484.5, 1013.5], [493.5, 1013.5], [493.5, 1012.5], [494.5, 1012.5], [494.5, 1011.5], [514.5, 1011.5], [514.5, 1007.5], [513.5, 1007.5], [513.5, 1006.5], [512.5, 1006.5], [512.5, 1004.5], [513.5, 1004.5], [513.5, 1003.5], [489.5, 1003.5], [489.5, 1002.5], [479.5, 1002.5], [478.5, 1002.5], [478.5, 1001.5], [478.5, 1003.5], [478.5, 1004.5], [477.5, 1004.5], [475.5, 1004.5], [475.5, 1005.5], [473.5, 1005.5]]}, +{"id": "twp2gu", "submitted_by": "Solid_Illustrator485", "name": "zero.minr.org", "description": "Logo of the Minecraft Server zero.minr.org. Partially destroyed by the void near the finale of r/place.", "website": "https://minr.org/", "subreddit": "", "center": [1091.5, 1240.5], "path": [[1084.5, 1234.5], [1099.5, 1232.5], [1100.5, 1245.5], [1083.5, 1248.5]]}, +{"id": "twp20a", "submitted_by": "Chinese__T", "name": "Majesty Symbol", "description": "The logo of the progressive metal band Dream Theater. This art was destroyed in the last minutes of r/place by russian streamer bratishkinoff.", "website": "https://dreamtheater.net/", "subreddit": "r/dreamtheater", "center": [914.5, 1662.5], "path": [[902.5, 1651.5], [926.5, 1651.5], [926.5, 1672.5], [902.5, 1672.5]]}, +{"id": "twp1z8", "submitted_by": "Sp3ctraZ", "name": "ICM Train & Tulips", "description": "A standard ICM (Intercity Material).", "website": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NS_Intercity_Materieel", "subreddit": "", "center": [516.5, 7.5], "path": [[442.5, 0.5], [438.5, 3.5], [438.5, 11.5], [439.5, 12.5], [442.5, 13.5], [593.5, 13.5], [593.5, 0.5], [442.5, 0.5]]}, +{"id": "twp1qc", "submitted_by": "arkinsis", "name": "Starbound Logo", "description": "The logo of the Terrene Protectorate from the video game Starbound, which is also the game's main logo.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/starbound", "center": [1123.5, 390.5], "path": [[1116.5, 392.5], [1116.5, 389.5], [1119.5, 389.5], [1119.5, 385.5], [1128.5, 386.5], [1128.5, 389.5], [1129.5, 389.5], [1129.5, 393.5], [1116.5, 393.5]]}, +{"id": "twp1n7", "submitted_by": "Asmuni", "name": "Logo BTS", "description": "Logo of group BTS plus an Army Bomb lightstick.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Bangtan", "center": [250.5, 686.5], "path": [[241.5, 698.5], [259.5, 698.5], [259.5, 672.5], [250.5, 676.5], [241.5, 672.5]]}, +{"id": "twp17x", "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck's)", "description": "This piece represents a joke and popular meme from Season 11 episode 5 of The Simpsons. Mostly organized by the /b/ board on 4chan.", "website": "4chan.org/b/", "subreddit": "/r/sneedposting", "center": [1749.5, 885.5], "path": [[1717.5, 870.5], [1719.5, 902.5], [1748.5, 902.5], [1749.5, 901.5], [1771.5, 900.5], [1772.5, 899.5], [1772.5, 894.5], [1772.5, 892.5], [1772.5, 891.5], [1773.5, 890.5], [1775.5, 889.5], [1778.5, 889.5], [1779.5, 890.5], [1780.5, 891.5], [1781.5, 890.5], [1782.5, 889.5], [1783.5, 888.5], [1784.5, 888.5], [1784.5, 885.5], [1784.5, 873.5], [1784.5, 869.5], [1718.5, 870.5]]}, +{"id": "twp0ss", "submitted_by": "Petoexe", "name": "Hitcircle", "description": "One of the circles you click in osu!", "website": "https://osu.ppy.sh", "subreddit": "/r/osuplace", "center": [737.5, 1713.5], "path": [[742.5, 1694.5], [731.5, 1693.5], [728.5, 1697.5], [723.5, 1699.5], [718.5, 1704.5], [717.5, 1711.5], [718.5, 1719.5], [722.5, 1726.5], [730.5, 1731.5], [746.5, 1731.5], [755.5, 1723.5], [757.5, 1714.5], [756.5, 1706.5], [751.5, 1699.5], [744.5, 1695.5], [746.5, 1695.5]]}, +{"id": "twp0k2", "submitted_by": "Chinese__T", "name": "Octavarium Newton's Cradle", "description": "Album art from the progressive metal band Dream Theater's 2005 album, Octavarium. This art was unfinished before it was consumed by bratishkinoff's My Little Pony artwork raid.", "website": "https://dreamtheater.net/", "subreddit": "r/dreamtheater", "center": [896.5, 1669.5], "path": [[890.5, 1662.5], [902.5, 1662.5], [902.5, 1675.5], [890.5, 1675.5]]}, +{"id": "twozx7", "submitted_by": "_MicrosoftExcel_", "name": "Flairwars Logo", "description": "Flairwars is an online reddit-based game where users are split into 6 teams, and then compete by raiding and defending one another.", "website": "https://www.flairwars.com/", "subreddit": "/r/flairwars", "center": [502.5, 1819.5], "path": [[492.5, 1814.5], [509.5, 1814.5], [509.5, 1817.5], [511.5, 1817.5], [511.5, 1815.5], [512.5, 1815.5], [512.5, 1814.5], [515.5, 1814.5], [515.5, 1816.5], [514.5, 1816.5], [514.5, 1818.5], [513.5, 1818.5], [513.5, 1820.5], [512.5, 1820.5], [512.5, 1822.5], [511.5, 1822.5], [511.5, 1823.5], [510.5, 1823.5], [510.5, 1825.5], [509.5, 1825.5], [509.5, 1826.5], [506.5, 1826.5], [506.5, 1823.5], [504.5, 1823.5], [504.5, 1825.5], [503.5, 1825.5], [503.5, 1826.5], [500.5, 1826.5], [500.5, 1821.5], [494.5, 1821.5], [494.5, 1823.5], [493.5, 1823.5], [493.5, 1826.5], [490.5, 1826.5], [490.5, 1822.5], [491.5, 1822.5], [491.5, 1817.5], [492.5, 1817.5], [492.5, 1814.5]]}, +{"id": "twozvc", "submitted_by": "Sp3ctraZ", "name": "The Nachtwacht (1642)", "description": "One of Rembrandt's greatest works, it depicts the Militia Company of District II under the Command of Captain Frans Banninck Cocq.", "website": "[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Night_Watch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Night_Watch)", "subreddit": "", "center": [627.5, 1899.5], "path": [[541.5, 1945.5], [712.5, 1945.5], [712.5, 1852.5], [541.5, 1852.5]]}, +{"id": "twoztm", "submitted_by": "MarUlberg", "name": "Leaves From The Vine", "description": "YouTube streamer Ludwig opened dialog with the French streamers in an attempt to acquire some real estate. The French agreed to let him have the spot they were trying to take from the Spanish and helped him black it out.nLudwig then used his chat to build a very nice art of One Piece's Nami in a Bikini, but the people quickly decided to remove the bikini and make her lactate. After a penis was drawn in between her boobs Ludwig decided to again black out the square and rebuild this scene from Tales Of Ba Sing Se episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender. The art continued to evolve after Ludwig moved on with support from the r/ATLA community and saw minimal sabotage throughout the remaining time.", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/c/Ludwigahgren", "subreddit": "r/ATLA/", "center": [1415.5, 1555.5], "path": [[1332.5, 1498.5], [1498.5, 1498.5], [1498.5, 1611.5], [1332.5, 1611.5]]}, +{"id": "twozo9", "submitted_by": "Firewolf_XP", "name": "Jaegermeister", "description": "A popular German alcoholic drink. It was developed in 1934 and contains 56 herbs in spices.", "website": "[https://www.jagermeister.com/en-US](https://www.jagermeister.com/en-US)", "subreddit": "", "center": [181.5, 1151.5], "path": [[173.5, 1138.5], [172.5, 1138.5], [172.5, 1139.5], [172.5, 1140.5], [171.5, 1141.5], [171.5, 1173.5], [191.5, 1173.5], [191.5, 1139.5], [190.5, 1139.5], [190.5, 1138.5], [189.5, 1138.5], [189.5, 1137.5], [188.5, 1137.5], [188.5, 1136.5], [187.5, 1136.5], [187.5, 1135.5], [186.5, 1135.5], [186.5, 1134.5], [185.5, 1134.5], [185.5, 1121.5], [177.5, 1121.5], [177.5, 1134.5], [175.5, 1136.5], [173.5, 1138.5]]}, +{"id": "twozni", "submitted_by": "GoJoeyGo123", "name": "Sydney Harbour Bridge", "description": "Sydney Harbour Bridge is a 1149m long bridge open in 1932.", "website": "[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sydney_Harbour_Bridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sydney_Harbour_Bridge)", "subreddit": "r/aus_place/", "center": [686.5, 666.5], "path": [[673.5, 665.5], [673.5, 664.5], [674.5, 664.5], [674.5, 663.5], [675.5, 663.5], [676.5, 663.5], [676.5, 664.5], [678.5, 664.5], [678.5, 663.5], [680.5, 663.5], [680.5, 662.5], [682.5, 662.5], [682.5, 661.5], [690.5, 661.5], [690.5, 662.5], [692.5, 662.5], [692.5, 663.5], [694.5, 663.5], [694.5, 664.5], [696.5, 664.5], [696.5, 663.5], [697.5, 663.5], [698.5, 663.5], [698.5, 664.5], [699.5, 664.5], [699.5, 669.5], [673.5, 669.5]]}, +{"id": "twozbw", "submitted_by": "BeanOfKnowledge", "name": "White Rose", "description": "Die wei\u00dfe Rose (The White Rose) is meant to memorise the Deaths of a group of young Germans, who were executed by the Third Reich for peaceful Protests.", "website": "[https://discord.gg/placede](https://discord.gg/placede)", "subreddit": "r/place_de", "center": [1893.5, 847.5], "path": [[1896.5, 863.5], [1898.5, 860.5], [1899.5, 858.5], [1900.5, 852.5], [1898.5, 851.5], [1907.5, 846.5], [1906.5, 840.5], [1904.5, 834.5], [1898.5, 832.5], [1892.5, 833.5], [1886.5, 832.5], [1881.5, 837.5], [1880.5, 841.5], [1877.5, 846.5], [1881.5, 848.5], [1885.5, 851.5], [1890.5, 853.5], [1892.5, 852.5], [1891.5, 854.5], [1888.5, 857.5], [1888.5, 859.5], [1888.5, 860.5], [1886.5, 863.5], [1884.5, 866.5], [1884.5, 867.5], [1884.5, 869.5], [1891.5, 868.5]]}, +{"id": "twoyzp", "submitted_by": "ExpressEducator15", "name": "Indian Artwork on Place No.3", "description": "Indian Artwork Design 3nCoordinated on Discord servernr/rammandirnnDiscription n1> Hanuman Lifting Sanjeevani parvatn2> Ram mandir imagen3> Ram mandir in Devnagri Script n4> logo of UPI gatewayn5> Hindu Religious SwastikanNOT THE NAZI HAKENKRUZ HE STOLE THIS FROM US.n6>Rupee Symboln n", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Indiaplace", "center": [1334.5, 328.5], "path": [[1402.5, 344.5], [1206.5, 344.5], [1205.5, 332.5], [1211.5, 337.5], [1212.5, 337.5], [1212.5, 330.5], [1215.5, 330.5], [1214.5, 329.5], [1230.5, 329.5], [1227.5, 326.5], [1227.5, 325.5], [1229.5, 323.5], [1222.5, 314.5], [1489.5, 313.5], [1488.5, 314.5], [1488.5, 317.5], [1491.5, 321.5], [1497.5, 321.5], [1500.5, 324.5], [1500.5, 326.5], [1402.5, 326.5], [1402.5, 344.5]]}, +{"id": "twoylb", "submitted_by": "jetfantastic", "name": "Smash Bros Logo", "description": "The primary logo for the Super Smash Bros. Franchise", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Smashbros", "center": [787.5, 1986.5], "path": [[775.5, 1974.5], [775.5, 1997.5], [798.5, 1997.5], [798.5, 1974.5], [775.5, 1974.5]]}, +{"id": "twoyke", "submitted_by": "Maxiscoolerthanyou", "name": "Mizzlebip", "description": "Mizzlebip from the game Psycholonials by Andrew Hussie made by the Mizzlebip Nation discord and help from Just Bringer BACK! and L'Manburg", "website": "https://www.psycholonials.com/", "subreddit": "/r/Psycholonials/", "center": [152.5, 155.5], "path": [[148.5, 147.5], [154.5, 147.5], [154.5, 148.5], [155.5, 148.5], [155.5, 149.5], [156.5, 149.5], [157.5, 150.5], [157.5, 151.5], [157.5, 152.5], [156.5, 152.5], [156.5, 154.5], [155.5, 154.5], [155.5, 164.5], [148.5, 164.5]]}, +{"id": "twoyjb", "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Cincinnati Bearcats", "description": "The Cincinnati Bearcats are the football team of the University of Cincinnati. This logo was originally located on the southern border of r/place until being attacked by The Void.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/uCinci", "center": [317.5, 1622.5], "path": [[311.5, 1610.5], [323.5, 1610.5], [323.5, 1634.5], [315.5, 1634.5], [313.5, 1633.5], [312.5, 1634.5], [312.5, 1632.5], [312.5, 1631.5], [311.5, 1631.5]]}, +{"id": "twoyf1", "submitted_by": "Asmuni", "name": "Whale", "description": "Purple whale representing the group BTS.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/bangtan", "center": [1913.5, 1200.5], "path": [[1885.5, 1175.5], [1884.5, 1171.5], [1885.5, 1227.5], [1941.5, 1225.5], [1941.5, 1172.5]]}, +{"id": "twoy9m", "submitted_by": "TimvandenOever", "name": "Compositie met groot rood vlak, geel, zwart, grijs en blauw by Piet Mondrian", "description": "A painting by Piet Mondrian known for his world-famous 'de stijl' art movement. This abstract painting can be viewed in real life in Kunstmuseum Den Haag", "website": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piet_Mondrian", "subreddit": "r/placenl", "center": [1434.5, 17.5], "path": [[1421.5, 4.5], [1447.5, 4.5], [1447.5, 29.5], [1421.5, 29.5]]}, +{"id": "twoy1k", "submitted_by": "N0ZTRA", "name": "Bedge", "description": "Twitch third party emote of Pepe getting a good nights rest. 2022 shading included.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1366.5, 1023.5], "path": [[1353.5, 999.5], [1352.5, 1000.5], [1352.5, 1001.5], [1351.5, 1001.5], [1349.5, 1003.5], [1349.5, 1004.5], [1348.5, 1005.5], [1347.5, 1006.5], [1347.5, 1007.5], [1346.5, 1007.5], [1346.5, 1009.5], [1344.5, 1011.5], [1344.5, 1020.5], [1345.5, 1020.5], [1345.5, 1029.5], [1343.5, 1029.5], [1343.5, 1030.5], [1342.5, 1031.5], [1342.5, 1032.5], [1344.5, 1035.5], [1344.5, 1036.5], [1345.5, 1037.5], [1346.5, 1038.5], [1346.5, 1041.5], [1345.5, 1043.5], [1390.5, 1043.5], [1390.5, 1027.5], [1389.5, 1027.5], [1389.5, 1025.5], [1388.5, 1025.5], [1388.5, 1021.5], [1384.5, 1021.5], [1384.5, 1018.5], [1385.5, 1018.5], [1385.5, 1008.5], [1382.5, 1005.5], [1381.5, 1005.5], [1380.5, 1004.5], [1379.5, 1003.5], [1379.5, 1002.5], [1377.5, 1000.5], [1376.5, 999.5]]}, +{"id": "twoxzv", "submitted_by": "Deponianer", "name": "Elbphilharmonie Hamburg", "description": "Elbphilharmonie (Elbe Philharmonic Hall) is a concert hall in the german city of Hamburg.", "website": "[https://www.elbphilharmonie.de/de/](https://www.elbphilharmonie.de/de/)", "subreddit": "", "center": [518.5, 1157.5], "path": [[502.5, 1171.5], [502.5, 1140.5], [504.5, 1138.5], [506.5, 1140.5], [507.5, 1140.5], [508.5, 1139.5], [508.5, 1138.5], [510.5, 1136.5], [511.5, 1137.5], [512.5, 1138.5], [512.5, 1139.5], [515.5, 1142.5], [517.5, 1142.5], [517.5, 1141.5], [519.5, 1139.5], [520.5, 1140.5], [520.5, 1141.5], [521.5, 1142.5], [521.5, 1143.5], [522.5, 1144.5], [522.5, 1145.5], [523.5, 1146.5], [523.5, 1147.5], [524.5, 1148.5], [527.5, 1148.5], [527.5, 1147.5], [529.5, 1145.5], [530.5, 1146.5], [531.5, 1147.5], [531.5, 1148.5], [532.5, 1149.5], [533.5, 1150.5], [534.5, 1150.5], [535.5, 1149.5], [536.5, 1150.5], [537.5, 1151.5], [537.5, 1171.5], [502.5, 1171.5]]}, +{"id": "twoxlf", "submitted_by": "richguy777", "name": "John Dillermand", "description": "John Dillermand is a Danish stop motion animated children's television series about a man and his very long penis. Part of the independent Denmark project with permission from r/place_nordicunion", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Denmark", "center": [438.5, 222.5], "path": [[552.5, 252.5], [554.5, 252.5], [554.5, 253.5], [555.5, 253.5], [555.5, 254.5], [556.5, 254.5], [556.5, 255.5], [557.5, 255.5], [557.5, 256.5], [558.5, 256.5], [558.5, 261.5], [557.5, 261.5], [557.5, 262.5], [556.5, 262.5], [556.5, 263.5], [556.5, 264.5], [560.5, 264.5], [560.5, 256.5], [561.5, 256.5], [561.5, 254.5], [563.5, 254.5], [563.5, 256.5], [564.5, 256.5], [564.5, 266.5], [562.5, 266.5], [562.5, 267.5], [560.5, 267.5], [560.5, 268.5], [559.5, 268.5], [559.5, 276.5], [560.5, 276.5], [560.5, 282.5], [562.5, 282.5], [562.5, 283.5], [563.5, 283.5], [563.5, 285.5], [555.5, 285.5], [555.5, 289.5], [541.5, 289.5], [541.5, 297.5], [539.5, 297.5], [539.5, 298.5], [433.5, 298.5], [433.5, 171.5], [340.5, 171.5], [340.5, 135.5], [277.5, 135.5], [271.5, 130.5], [271.5, 106.5], [275.5, 106.5], [275.5, 129.5], [277.5, 131.5], [342.5, 131.5], [344.5, 133.5], [344.5, 167.5], [435.5, 167.5], [437.5, 169.5], [437.5, 294.5], [537.5, 294.5], [537.5, 286.5], [538.5, 285.5], [543.5, 285.5], [543.5, 283.5], [544.5, 282.5], [546.5, 282.5], [546.5, 276.5], [547.5, 275.5], [547.5, 269.5], [545.5, 267.5], [544.5, 267.5], [542.5, 265.5], [542.5, 256.5], [543.5, 255.5], [543.5, 254.5], [545.5, 254.5], [545.5, 256.5], [546.5, 256.5], [546.5, 263.5], [547.5, 264.5], [549.5, 264.5], [549.5, 262.5], [548.5, 262.5], [548.5, 257.5], [549.5, 257.5], [549.5, 256.5], [549.5, 255.5], [550.5, 255.5], [550.5, 254.5], [551.5, 254.5], [551.5, 253.5], [552.5, 253.5], [552.5, 252.5], [554.5, 252.5]]}, +{"id": "twoxit", "submitted_by": "Petoexe", "name": "WYSI (When you see it)", "description": "The hand of a famous osu! player Aireu when he saw the number 727", "website": "https://osu.ppy.sh", "subreddit": "/r/osuplace", "center": [627.5, 1487.5], "path": [[593.5, 1453.5], [591.5, 1522.5], [661.5, 1521.5], [662.5, 1453.5]]}, +{"id": "twoxdt", "submitted_by": "evo3232", "name": "Inscryption", "description": "Inscryption is a rouge like card building game developed by Daniel Mullins Game. The art depicts two iconic characters from the game, The Lonely Wizard and Stoat (From left to right).", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/inscryption/", "center": [126.5, 303.5], "path": [[103.5, 328.5], [151.5, 328.5], [151.5, 327.5], [152.5, 327.5], [152.5, 320.5], [143.5, 320.5], [143.5, 319.5], [142.5, 319.5], [142.5, 316.5], [141.5, 316.5], [142.5, 308.5], [148.5, 300.5], [148.5, 287.5], [147.5, 287.5], [147.5, 278.5], [144.5, 274.5], [138.5, 274.5], [131.5, 279.5], [127.5, 278.5], [117.5, 273.5], [112.5, 274.5], [110.5, 280.5], [110.5, 285.5], [111.5, 285.5], [111.5, 298.5], [115.5, 303.5], [112.5, 308.5], [111.5, 308.5], [108.5, 304.5], [104.5, 305.5], [98.5, 311.5], [96.5, 311.5], [95.5, 312.5], [94.5, 313.5], [94.5, 315.5], [95.5, 316.5], [97.5, 319.5], [98.5, 318.5], [99.5, 319.5], [100.5, 318.5], [101.5, 320.5], [101.5, 326.5], [102.5, 327.5], [103.5, 327.5]]}, +{"id": "twox7i", "submitted_by": "Faytoto", "name": "Notre-Dame de Paris", "description": "Emblematic Cathedrale in Paris, great historic symbol. Notre Dame burnt in 2019, this pixelart shows it in her best days", "website": "[https://www.notredamedeparis.fr/](https://www.notredamedeparis.fr/)", "subreddit": "r/france", "center": [1161.5, 1213.5], "path": [[1118.5, 1282.5], [1119.5, 1249.5], [1120.5, 1249.5], [1121.5, 1204.5], [1122.5, 1199.5], [1122.5, 1192.5], [1122.5, 1175.5], [1124.5, 1154.5], [1123.5, 1154.5], [1123.5, 1152.5], [1124.5, 1150.5], [1125.5, 1149.5], [1126.5, 1147.5], [1125.5, 1146.5], [1125.5, 1143.5], [1125.5, 1142.5], [1128.5, 1142.5], [1128.5, 1139.5], [1129.5, 1137.5], [1130.5, 1137.5], [1131.5, 1139.5], [1131.5, 1142.5], [1150.5, 1142.5], [1151.5, 1143.5], [1152.5, 1148.5], [1153.5, 1153.5], [1152.5, 1157.5], [1153.5, 1153.5], [1167.5, 1153.5], [1167.5, 1151.5], [1168.5, 1151.5], [1168.5, 1147.5], [1169.5, 1147.5], [1169.5, 1142.5], [1170.5, 1141.5], [1182.5, 1141.5], [1182.5, 1139.5], [1181.5, 1139.5], [1181.5, 1138.5], [1182.5, 1137.5], [1183.5, 1137.5], [1184.5, 1138.5], [1184.5, 1140.5], [1188.5, 1140.5], [1188.5, 1135.5], [1195.5, 1136.5], [1195.5, 1141.5], [1196.5, 1141.5], [1197.5, 1142.5], [1197.5, 1145.5], [1196.5, 1145.5], [1196.5, 1148.5], [1197.5, 1147.5], [1197.5, 1148.5], [1197.5, 1150.5], [1198.5, 1149.5], [1198.5, 1151.5], [1199.5, 1151.5], [1199.5, 1154.5], [1199.5, 1154.5], [1199.5, 1154.5], [1198.5, 1154.5], [1198.5, 1174.5], [1200.5, 1174.5], [1200.5, 1184.5], [1199.5, 1184.5], [1199.5, 1191.5], [1200.5, 1191.5], [1200.5, 1194.5], [1199.5, 1194.5], [1199.5, 1198.5], [1200.5, 1198.5], [1200.5, 1203.5], [1201.5, 1203.5], [1201.5, 1249.5], [1201.5, 1249.5], [1202.5, 1279.5], [1118.5, 1282.5], [1118.5, 1281.5]]}, +{"id": "twox10", "submitted_by": "Spinomantus", "name": "South African Flag", "description": "The flag of South Africa including many of cultural symbols of the country", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [751.5, 1015.5], "path": [[720.5, 963.5], [721.5, 962.5], [721.5, 1067.5], [780.5, 1067.5], [780.5, 963.5], [780.5, 962.5], [722.5, 962.5]]}, +{"id": "twox0x", "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Flag of Barbados", "description": "The flag of Barbados, in close proximity to the flag of Guyana. Barbados is a small island nation in the Caribbean.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/barbados ", "center": [959.5, 1382.5], "path": [[952.5, 1377.5], [966.5, 1377.5], [966.5, 1387.5], [952.5, 1387.5]]}, +{"id": "twowxm", "submitted_by": "FamousPlan101", "name": "r/citieswar", "description": "A browser game on google maps. www.citieswar.com/tutorial for tutorial.", "website": "https://www.citieswar.com", "subreddit": "r/citieswar", "center": [426.5, 1639.5], "path": [[409.5, 1642.5], [410.5, 1640.5], [406.5, 1640.5], [401.5, 1642.5], [452.5, 1642.5], [451.5, 1635.5], [403.5, 1635.5], [397.5, 1639.5]]}, +{"id": "twowpf", "submitted_by": "celesteaI", "name": "Poly Bridge 2", "description": "Sequel to the simulation-puzzle game, Poly Bridge, developed and published by Dry Cactus.", "website": "https://www.polybridge2.com/", "subreddit": "/r/polybridge", "center": [832.5, 1777.5], "path": [[823.5, 1769.5], [836.5, 1769.5], [841.5, 1774.5], [841.5, 1784.5], [823.5, 1784.5]]}, +{"id": "twowfm", "submitted_by": "Ni3vS", "name": "Ghosts", "description": "Small, sapient machines created by the Traveler shortly after the Collapse.", "website": "https://www.destinypedia.com/Ghost", "subreddit": "r/DestinyTheGame", "center": [465.5, 977.5], "path": [[449.5, 962.5], [449.5, 992.5], [480.5, 992.5], [480.5, 962.5]]}, +{"id": "twow70", "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Guyanese flag", "description": "The flag of Guyana, a northern South American nation.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/guyana", "center": [959.5, 1370.5], "path": [[952.5, 1376.5], [952.5, 1365.5], [966.5, 1365.5], [966.5, 1375.5], [952.5, 1375.5]]}, +{"id": "twovyb", "submitted_by": "Firewolf_XP", "name": "The Elbphilharmonie", "description": "The Elbphilharmonie is a concert hall in Hamburg, Germany. It is one of the largest in the World and a popular Tourist attraction.", "website": "[https://www.elbphilharmonie.de/en/](https://www.elbphilharmonie.de/en/)", "subreddit": "", "center": [518.5, 1157.5], "path": [[503.5, 1139.5], [502.5, 1139.5], [502.5, 1172.5], [537.5, 1172.5], [537.5, 1150.5], [536.5, 1150.5], [536.5, 1149.5], [535.5, 1149.5], [534.5, 1149.5], [534.5, 1150.5], [533.5, 1150.5], [533.5, 1149.5], [532.5, 1149.5], [532.5, 1148.5], [531.5, 1148.5], [531.5, 1147.5], [531.5, 1146.5], [530.5, 1146.5], [530.5, 1145.5], [529.5, 1145.5], [528.5, 1145.5], [528.5, 1146.5], [527.5, 1146.5], [527.5, 1147.5], [527.5, 1148.5], [524.5, 1148.5], [524.5, 1147.5], [523.5, 1147.5], [523.5, 1145.5], [522.5, 1145.5], [522.5, 1143.5], [521.5, 1143.5], [521.5, 1141.5], [520.5, 1141.5], [520.5, 1139.5], [518.5, 1139.5], [518.5, 1140.5], [517.5, 1140.5], [517.5, 1142.5], [515.5, 1142.5], [515.5, 1141.5], [514.5, 1141.5], [514.5, 1140.5], [513.5, 1140.5], [513.5, 1139.5], [512.5, 1139.5], [512.5, 1136.5], [508.5, 1136.5], [508.5, 1139.5], [507.5, 1139.5], [507.5, 1140.5], [506.5, 1140.5], [506.5, 1139.5], [505.5, 1139.5], [505.5, 1138.5], [504.5, 1138.5], [503.5, 1138.5], [503.5, 1139.5]]}, +{"id": "twovtm", "submitted_by": "Iamtrollmaster", "name": "Lost Ark", "description": "Lost Ark is an MMORPG developed by Smilegate RPG and published by Amazon Games. First released in KR in November 2018. Now available in NA and EU.", "website": "https://www.playlostark.com/", "subreddit": "/r/lostarkgame", "center": [1175.5, 1909.5], "path": [[1167.5, 1889.5], [1173.5, 1889.5], [1175.5, 1891.5], [1177.5, 1889.5], [1185.5, 1889.5], [1184.5, 1896.5], [1184.5, 1901.5], [1187.5, 1906.5], [1200.5, 1907.5], [1200.5, 1924.5], [1156.5, 1924.5], [1156.5, 1893.5], [1159.5, 1893.5], [1159.5, 1889.5], [1167.5, 1889.5]]}, +{"id": "twovs8", "submitted_by": "EmberBaban", "name": "Potrait of Bar\u0131\u015f Man\u00e7o", "description": "Bar\u0131\u015f Man\u00e7o was a popular singer/songwriter in Turkey.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [797.5, 1885.5], "path": [[765.5, 1933.5], [805.5, 1936.5], [808.5, 1933.5], [816.5, 1933.5], [814.5, 1915.5], [839.5, 1914.5], [832.5, 1889.5], [831.5, 1867.5], [827.5, 1852.5], [823.5, 1844.5], [812.5, 1835.5], [797.5, 1834.5], [786.5, 1834.5], [774.5, 1842.5], [766.5, 1851.5], [762.5, 1873.5], [761.5, 1889.5], [768.5, 1903.5], [762.5, 1916.5]]}, +{"id": "twovld", "submitted_by": "zippee100", "name": "Dancing H mural ", "description": "ARG's dancing H gif with a H tessellation background. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/TheLetterH", "center": [1587.5, 1377.5], "path": [[1576.5, 1369.5], [1578.5, 1368.5], [1585.5, 1368.5], [1586.5, 1369.5], [1593.5, 1369.5], [1594.5, 1371.5], [1596.5, 1373.5], [1601.5, 1373.5], [1600.5, 1375.5], [1599.5, 1385.5], [1597.5, 1385.5], [1595.5, 1386.5], [1591.5, 1386.5], [1588.5, 1385.5], [1587.5, 1386.5], [1581.5, 1386.5], [1580.5, 1385.5], [1577.5, 1385.5]]}, +{"id": "twovjs", "submitted_by": "GoJoeyGo123", "name": "Australian Flag", "description": "Flag of Australia", "website": "[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia)", "subreddit": "r/australia/", "center": [691.5, 657.5], "path": [[711.5, 650.5], [711.5, 668.5], [711.5, 667.5], [710.5, 667.5], [710.5, 666.5], [711.5, 666.5], [711.5, 665.5], [711.5, 664.5], [710.5, 664.5], [710.5, 663.5], [711.5, 663.5], [711.5, 660.5], [710.5, 660.5], [710.5, 659.5], [708.5, 659.5], [707.5, 659.5], [707.5, 660.5], [706.5, 660.5], [706.5, 663.5], [707.5, 663.5], [707.5, 664.5], [708.5, 664.5], [708.5, 665.5], [707.5, 665.5], [707.5, 666.5], [707.5, 667.5], [708.5, 667.5], [708.5, 668.5], [707.5, 668.5], [706.5, 668.5], [706.5, 665.5], [707.5, 665.5], [707.5, 664.5], [707.5, 663.5], [706.5, 663.5], [705.5, 662.5], [704.5, 662.5], [704.5, 663.5], [703.5, 663.5], [703.5, 664.5], [703.5, 665.5], [703.5, 666.5], [704.5, 666.5], [704.5, 668.5], [699.5, 668.5], [699.5, 664.5], [698.5, 664.5], [698.5, 663.5], [697.5, 663.5], [696.5, 663.5], [696.5, 664.5], [694.5, 664.5], [694.5, 663.5], [692.5, 663.5], [692.5, 662.5], [691.5, 662.5], [690.5, 662.5], [690.5, 661.5], [682.5, 661.5], [682.5, 662.5], [681.5, 662.5], [680.5, 662.5], [680.5, 663.5], [679.5, 663.5], [678.5, 663.5], [678.5, 664.5], [676.5, 664.5], [676.5, 663.5], [675.5, 663.5], [674.5, 663.5], [674.5, 664.5], [673.5, 664.5], [673.5, 665.5], [673.5, 664.5], [671.5, 664.5], [671.5, 650.5]]}, +{"id": "twovg9", "submitted_by": "Less_Cardiologist952", "name": "RU3", "description": "RU3 is a roleplay community in roblox focused on conquest RP", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/RiskUniversalis", "center": [459.5, 878.5], "path": [[449.5, 866.5], [469.5, 866.5], [469.5, 889.5], [449.5, 889.5]]}, +{"id": "twov9h", "submitted_by": "Unique_Maybe_4545", "name": "pi = 3", "description": "A meme which makes fun of approximations frequently used by engineers via hyperbole", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [773.5, 306.5], "path": [[765.5, 302.5], [781.5, 302.5], [781.5, 309.5], [765.5, 309.5]]}, +{"id": "twov44", "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Yellow Submarine", "description": "A small Yellow Submarine, in reference to the song by The Beatles, and to the 1968 film.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [131.5, 196.5], "path": [[122.5, 194.5], [122.5, 200.5], [124.5, 200.5], [125.5, 199.5], [126.5, 200.5], [127.5, 200.5], [129.5, 201.5], [136.5, 201.5], [137.5, 200.5], [138.5, 200.5], [139.5, 199.5], [140.5, 199.5], [141.5, 198.5], [141.5, 197.5], [140.5, 196.5], [138.5, 196.5], [137.5, 195.5], [136.5, 195.5], [135.5, 195.5], [134.5, 194.5], [134.5, 193.5], [133.5, 192.5], [133.5, 191.5], [134.5, 190.5], [134.5, 189.5], [131.5, 188.5], [130.5, 189.5], [129.5, 189.5], [128.5, 190.5], [129.5, 192.5], [129.5, 193.5], [129.5, 191.5], [129.5, 193.5], [129.5, 191.5], [129.5, 191.5], [129.5, 191.5], [129.5, 191.5], [129.5, 193.5], [128.5, 194.5], [128.5, 195.5], [126.5, 195.5], [125.5, 195.5], [125.5, 194.5], [123.5, 194.5], [122.5, 193.5], [122.5, 193.5], [122.5, 193.5], [122.5, 193.5], [123.5, 193.5], [123.5, 194.5]]}, +{"id": "twouw6", "submitted_by": "Joki7991", "name": "DB Class 423 EMU", "description": "The Class 423 EMU is the backbone of most german S-Bahn commuterrail services. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [46.5, 1148.5], "path": [[16.5, 1129.5], [64.5, 1128.5], [70.5, 1130.5], [75.5, 1134.5], [78.5, 1138.5], [79.5, 1142.5], [80.5, 1146.5], [81.5, 1155.5], [80.5, 1156.5], [80.5, 1157.5], [79.5, 1158.5], [78.5, 1159.5], [75.5, 1160.5], [72.5, 1161.5], [88.5, 1161.5], [88.5, 1167.5], [17.5, 1167.5], [17.5, 1164.5], [16.5, 1164.5], [15.5, 1162.5], [14.5, 1162.5], [14.5, 1159.5], [13.5, 1159.5], [13.5, 1154.5], [12.5, 1154.5], [12.5, 1136.5], [14.5, 1135.5], [14.5, 1128.5], [15.5, 1128.5], [21.5, 1128.5]]}, +{"id": "twouv1", "submitted_by": "ExpressEducator15", "name": "Indian Art on Place No.2", "description": "Indian Flag with artwork Design 2 nco-ordinated on discordnr/indianplacennShort descriptionn1> Royal Bengal Tiger -National Animal of Indian2> India Gate - Memorial to Fallen Indian Soldiersn3> Ashoka Chakra (flag component)n4> Lotus Flower artn5> Namaste- The Indian way of Greetingn6> Mighty Himalayas tallest mountains in the worldn7> Free Tibet - Under Occupation by Chinan", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/indianplace", "center": [171.5, 1199.5], "path": [[0.5, 1172.5], [342.5, 1172.5], [342.5, 1225.5], [0.5, 1225.5], [0.5, 1172.5]]}, +{"id": "twouox", "submitted_by": "Chinese__T", "name": "Virus Bacteriophage", "description": "Album art from the progressive metal band Haken's 2020 release, Virus.", "website": "https://hakenmusic.com/", "subreddit": "r/haken", "center": [896.5, 1656.5], "path": [[890.5, 1650.5], [902.5, 1650.5], [902.5, 1662.5], [890.5, 1662.5]]}, +{"id": "twounw", "submitted_by": "arkinsis", "name": "Autism Pride Flag", "description": "The Autistic Pride flag, made with the infinity symbol commonly used as a Neurodivergent pride symbol.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/autisticpride", "center": [293.5, 1868.5], "path": [[282.5, 1861.5], [282.5, 1875.5], [304.5, 1875.5], [304.5, 1861.5]]}, +{"id": "twoud6", "submitted_by": "Alternanthera", "name": "Arizona Flag", "description": "The flag of Arizona, USA.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/arizona", "center": [529.5, 1873.5], "path": [[522.5, 1868.5], [536.5, 1868.5], [536.5, 1878.5], [522.5, 1878.5]]}, +{"id": "twou88", "submitted_by": "Chinese__T", "name": "Vector Rorschach", "description": "Album art from the progressive metal band Haken's 2018 release, Vector.", "website": "https://hakenmusic.com/", "subreddit": "r/haken", "center": [884.5, 1656.5], "path": [[878.5, 1650.5], [890.5, 1650.5], [890.5, 1662.5], [878.5, 1662.5]]}, +{"id": "twotv9", "submitted_by": "GoJoeyGo123", "name": "Union Jack", "description": "Flag of the united kingdom ", "website": "[https://www.royal.uk/union-jack](https://www.royal.uk/union-jack)", "subreddit": "", "center": [679.5, 655.5], "path": [[671.5, 650.5], [686.5, 650.5], [686.5, 660.5], [671.5, 660.5], [671.5, 650.5]]}, +{"id": "twotv6", "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Maldivian heart", "description": "A small heart for the flag of the island nation of The Maldives.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/maldives", "center": [294.5, 199.5], "path": [[292.5, 197.5], [294.5, 198.5], [295.5, 197.5], [296.5, 197.5], [297.5, 198.5], [297.5, 199.5], [296.5, 200.5], [295.5, 201.5], [294.5, 202.5], [293.5, 201.5], [292.5, 200.5], [291.5, 199.5], [291.5, 198.5]]}, +{"id": "twotej", "submitted_by": "Eclipsed_Luna", "name": "Failed placepride/chile Heart", "description": "A heart between r/chile and r/placepride at this coordinate was planned multiple times on the r/placepride discord, but it always got cleared right after placing it down.", "website": "https://imgur.com/a/cgsVLML", "subreddit": "r/placepride", "center": [421.5, 522.5], "path": [[420.5, 526.5], [422.5, 526.5], [422.5, 525.5], [423.5, 525.5], [423.5, 524.5], [424.5, 524.5], [424.5, 523.5], [425.5, 523.5], [425.5, 522.5], [426.5, 522.5], [426.5, 520.5], [425.5, 520.5], [425.5, 519.5], [424.5, 519.5], [424.5, 518.5], [423.5, 518.5], [423.5, 519.5], [419.5, 519.5], [419.5, 518.5], [418.5, 518.5], [418.5, 519.5], [417.5, 519.5], [417.5, 520.5], [416.5, 520.5], [416.5, 522.5], [417.5, 522.5], [417.5, 523.5], [418.5, 523.5], [418.5, 524.5], [419.5, 524.5], [419.5, 525.5], [420.5, 525.5], [420.5, 526.5]]}, +{"id": "twot9z", "submitted_by": "RedditIsFun123123", "name": "Moist Esport Logo", "description": "A reference to Moist Esport logo created IRL and made on r/place by MoistCritical or Charlie", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1986.5, 98.5], "path": [[1973.5, 82.5], [1973.5, 113.5], [1999.5, 113.5], [1999.5, 82.5], [1973.5, 82.5]]}, +{"id": "twot7j", "submitted_by": "squall_boy25", "name": "Epic Seven", "description": "Epic Seven game by Smilegate", "website": "https://epic7.smilegatemegaport.com/", "subreddit": "/r/epicseven", "center": [1841.5, 1243.5], "path": [[1826.5, 1228.5], [1856.5, 1228.5], [1856.5, 1258.5], [1825.5, 1258.5], [1825.5, 1249.5], [1825.5, 1229.5]]}, +{"id": "twot7a", "submitted_by": "Chinese__T", "name": "r/haken logo", "description": "The logo for the progressive metal band Haken, along with art from their 2016 album Affinity.", "website": "https://hakenmusic.com/", "subreddit": "r/haken", "center": [900.5, 1644.5], "path": [[881.5, 1638.5], [918.5, 1638.5], [918.5, 1650.5], [881.5, 1650.5]]}, +{"id": "twot75", "submitted_by": "PLA_Throwaway", "name": "A Fricklet (Road To Gramby's)", "description": "The comedically designed main character from the Roblox game Road To Gramby's. nhttps://www.roblox.com/games/5796917097/Road-to-Grambys", "website": "[https://www.roblox.com/games/5796917097/Road-to-Grambys](https://www.roblox.com/games/5796917097/Road-to-Grambys)", "subreddit": "", "center": [1945.5, 328.5], "path": [[1936.5, 323.5], [1936.5, 333.5], [1953.5, 333.5], [1953.5, 323.5]]}, +{"id": "twot0t", "submitted_by": "GoJoeyGo123", "name": "Vegemite", "description": "Popular Australian breakfast spread", "website": "[https://vegemite.com.au/](https://vegemite.com.au/)", "subreddit": "", "center": [676.5, 640.5], "path": [[671.5, 633.5], [680.5, 633.5], [680.5, 647.5], [671.5, 647.5], [671.5, 633.5], [671.5, 633.5]]}, +{"id": "twosvo", "submitted_by": "BigPortal", "name": "Mazda Miata", "description": "A mural by fans of the sports car, the Mazda Miata/MX5.", "website": "https://www.mazdausa.com/vehicles/mx-5-miata", "subreddit": "/r/miata", "center": [1120.5, 1960.5], "path": [[1138.5, 1971.5], [1138.5, 1948.5], [1102.5, 1948.5], [1102.5, 1972.5], [1138.5, 1972.5]]}, +{"id": "twosrh", "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Breton flag", "description": "The Bretons are a Celtic ethnic group native to the Brittany region of France. Their flag was designed in 1923 by Morvan Marchal.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [140.5, 717.5], "path": [[135.5, 713.5], [144.5, 713.5], [145.5, 720.5], [135.5, 720.5]]}, +{"id": "twosqh", "submitted_by": "Cargo_Commando", "name": "King Crimson - Three of a Perfect Pair", "description": "A miniature illustration of the cover of King Crimson's 1984 album, Three of a Perfect Pair. It was built as an exclave of King Crimson's main drawing, located just below it", "website": "[https://www.dgmlive.com/king-crimson](https://www.dgmlive.com/king-crimson)", "subreddit": "r/KingCrimson", "center": [1741.5, 1164.5], "path": [[1738.5, 1167.5], [1743.5, 1167.5], [1743.5, 1161.5], [1738.5, 1161.5], [1738.5, 1167.5]]}, +{"id": "twosjz", "submitted_by": "Shirokaneso", "name": "Mashiro Kurata (BanG Dream!)", "description": "Pixel art of Mashiro Kurata. a character from BanG Dream!. a collective effort between kurataposting(a group of Mashiro fans) and the BanG Dream! discord.", "website": "https://twitter.com/kurataposting", "subreddit": "r/bangdream", "center": [1686.5, 959.5], "path": [[1688.5, 939.5], [1698.5, 955.5], [1688.5, 955.5], [1688.5, 941.5], [1698.5, 939.5], [1692.5, 939.5], [1698.5, 952.5], [1697.5, 947.5], [1697.5, 944.5], [1698.5, 941.5], [1697.5, 940.5], [1693.5, 940.5], [1690.5, 939.5], [1689.5, 939.5], [1697.5, 944.5], [1697.5, 943.5], [1696.5, 942.5], [1689.5, 944.5], [1688.5, 940.5], [1695.5, 947.5], [1697.5, 943.5]]}, +{"id": "twosfb", "submitted_by": "CaringPhoenix", "name": "Ram Mandir", "description": "Ram Mandir is a Hindu temple that is being built in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India, at the site of Ram Janmabhoomi, according to the Ramayana the birthplace of Rama, a principal deity of Hinduism.", "website": "[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram_Mandir](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram_Mandir)", "subreddit": "", "center": [1328.5, 328.5], "path": [[1489.5, 314.5], [1224.5, 315.5], [1206.5, 344.5], [1401.5, 343.5], [1401.5, 325.5], [1488.5, 325.5]]}, +{"id": "tworrm", "submitted_by": "SadChiruno", "name": "The Second :Marisad: (Smolrisad)", "description": "The original creator of the second Marisad is unknown. However the Marisad building team, which is also responsible for the other Marisad below the German Flag discovered this art and decided to preserve it. They are the ones who dubbed her \u201cSmolrisad\u201d. Unfortunately she was destroyed by 3 streamers and had to move between many locations. First was XQC, then a Russian Streamer and finally a Latin American streamer destroyed her during the last hours leaving her griefed. But despite being griefed, she miraculously appeared in one of the most upvoted final canvas posts on the r/place subreddit.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Marisad", "center": [1733.5, 1208.5], "path": [[1725.5, 1199.5], [1742.5, 1199.5], [1741.5, 1201.5], [1740.5, 1205.5], [1739.5, 1211.5], [1740.5, 1215.5], [1741.5, 1218.5], [1725.5, 1218.5]]}, +{"id": "tworh3", "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Ljud & Bildskolan", "description": "Ljud & Bildskolan (Audio and Visual School) is a Swedish high school founded in 1993.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [789.5, 1118.5], "path": [[782.5, 1115.5], [795.5, 1115.5], [795.5, 1120.5], [795.5, 1121.5], [782.5, 1121.5]]}, +{"id": "twoqvg", "submitted_by": "Ok-Distribution-1336", "name": "Technoblade", "description": "A Minecraft youtuber that is known for his competitiveness and funny humor and also part of the dsmp", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Technoblade", "center": [222.5, 1080.5], "path": [[189.5, 1039.5], [254.5, 1039.5], [254.5, 1122.5], [190.5, 1122.5]]}, +{"id": "twoqne", "submitted_by": "Cargo_Commando", "name": "King Crimson - Beat", "description": "A miniature illustration of the cover of King Crimson's 1982 album, Beat. It was agreed Between King Crimson and the Anime Alliance that a music note could be built between Gon and BU, in exchange for King Crimson moving their 'Schizoid Man' illustration 50 pixels right of it's original position. After one day and 2 failed attempts, the music note was finally built at 1:20 PM PST April 4th and stood there until the end", "website": "[https://www.dgmlive.com/king-crimson](https://www.dgmlive.com/king-crimson)", "subreddit": "r/KingCrimson", "center": [1707.5, 1196.5], "path": [[1709.5, 1199.5], [1709.5, 1192.5], [1705.5, 1192.5], [1705.5, 1194.5], [1706.5, 1195.5], [1706.5, 1196.5], [1705.5, 1197.5], [1705.5, 1199.5]]}, +{"id": "twod6v", "submitted_by": "zpjester", "name": "Mars", "description": "Larger version of Mars", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/spaceXPlace", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twod4d", "submitted_by": "carpinx", "name": "Obelisco de Buenos Aires", "description": "The Obelisco de Buenos Aires (Obelisk of Buenos Aires) is a national historic monument and icon of Buenos Aires.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Argentina", "center": [1126.5, 641.5], "path": [[1124.5, 655.5], [1129.5, 655.5], [1127.5, 624.5], [1124.5, 624.5], [1124.5, 655.5]]}, +{"id": "twoczd", "submitted_by": "Virtual_Cheek_7633", "name": "Flandre Scarlet", "description": "A character from Touhou 6 Embodiment of Scarlet Devil", "website": "https://youtu.be/iSNfKxfhMnc", "subreddit": "r/touhou", "center": [1638.5, 1468.5], "path": [[1621.5, 1451.5], [1654.5, 1451.5], [1654.5, 1484.5], [1621.5, 1484.5]]}, +{"id": "twock2", "submitted_by": "carpinx", "name": "San Mart\u00edn crossing the Andes", "description": "The Crossing of the Andes (Spanish: Cruce de los Andes) was one of the most important feats in the Argentine and Chilean wars of independence, in which a combined army of Argentine soldiers and Chilean exiles invaded Chile leading to Chile's liberation from Spanish rule. The crossing of the Andes was a major step in the strategy devised by Jos\u00e9 de San Mart\u00edn to defeat the royalist forces at their stronghold of Lima, Viceroyalty of Per\u00fa, and secure the Spanish American independence movements.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Argentina", "center": [1250.5, 652.5], "path": [[1200.5, 664.5], [1199.5, 658.5], [1196.5, 656.5], [1199.5, 650.5], [1207.5, 645.5], [1213.5, 648.5], [1212.5, 654.5], [1216.5, 657.5], [1225.5, 648.5], [1225.5, 646.5], [1229.5, 645.5], [1230.5, 653.5], [1232.5, 650.5], [1233.5, 644.5], [1238.5, 644.5], [1238.5, 651.5], [1242.5, 646.5], [1242.5, 642.5], [1247.5, 642.5], [1246.5, 647.5], [1252.5, 640.5], [1252.5, 635.5], [1258.5, 636.5], [1257.5, 641.5], [1265.5, 634.5], [1266.5, 630.5], [1271.5, 632.5], [1269.5, 636.5], [1274.5, 641.5], [1280.5, 636.5], [1280.5, 632.5], [1286.5, 632.5], [1283.5, 636.5], [1288.5, 641.5], [1290.5, 663.5], [1202.5, 664.5]]}, +{"id": "twoce3", "submitted_by": "zpjester", "name": "Starship S20", "description": "SpaceX's Starship S20, created by members of various SpaceX subs.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/spacexplace", "center": [895.5, 1568.5], "path": [[881.5, 1539.5], [894.5, 1521.5], [897.5, 1521.5], [909.5, 1540.5], [909.5, 1546.5], [904.5, 1546.5], [904.5, 1585.5], [910.5, 1594.5], [910.5, 1606.5], [881.5, 1606.5], [881.5, 1593.5], [887.5, 1583.5], [887.5, 1548.5], [881.5, 1547.5]]}, +{"id": "twocc3", "submitted_by": "SoakingBearInTheMoss", "name": "Daimyo", "description": "Beloved dog of fabled paladin and game designer Artix von Krieger. Created by fans of Artix Entertainment games such as; /r/AQW, /r/AQ3D, /r/AdventureQuest and /r/DragonFable", "website": "https://twitter.com/Daimyo_AE", "subreddit": "/r/AQW", "center": [734.5, 1662.5], "path": [[727.5, 1656.5], [729.5, 1658.5], [730.5, 1658.5], [731.5, 1657.5], [732.5, 1656.5], [733.5, 1656.5], [733.5, 1658.5], [734.5, 1658.5], [735.5, 1657.5], [736.5, 1657.5], [737.5, 1656.5], [740.5, 1656.5], [742.5, 1658.5], [742.5, 1661.5], [741.5, 1661.5], [739.5, 1663.5], [739.5, 1666.5], [738.5, 1668.5], [737.5, 1667.5], [736.5, 1667.5], [735.5, 1668.5], [734.5, 1667.5], [733.5, 1667.5], [732.5, 1668.5], [731.5, 1667.5], [730.5, 1668.5], [729.5, 1667.5], [729.5, 1666.5], [728.5, 1665.5], [727.5, 1665.5], [727.5, 1656.5]]}, +{"id": "twocbz", "submitted_by": "Y_Martinaise", "name": "/r/SouthAfrica", "description": "Mural of the South African national flag displayed horizontally, featuring a mural of Nelson Mandela, the country's first democratically-elected president following the end of apartheid, and a springbok, a species of antelope which is the national animal of South Africa", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/SouthAfrica", "center": [751.5, 1011.5], "path": [[720.5, 955.5], [720.5, 1066.5], [781.5, 1067.5], [781.5, 955.5], [781.5, 954.5], [781.5, 954.5]]}, +{"id": "twocb4", "submitted_by": "Bazo_05", "name": "Hornet", "description": "Made by the Hollow Knight Community", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/hkplace", "center": [262.5, 382.5], "path": [[225.5, 343.5], [225.5, 420.5], [299.5, 420.5], [299.5, 344.5], [299.5, 343.5]]}, +{"id": "twoc8e", "submitted_by": "palapapa0201", "name": "Nitori", "description": "Nitori from Touhou Project", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/touhou", "center": [485.5, 535.5], "path": [[469.5, 528.5], [501.5, 529.5], [501.5, 541.5], [469.5, 541.5], [469.5, 528.5]]}, +{"id": "twobtx", "submitted_by": "Youtube_Games123", "name": "The Nordic Union", "description": "A collection of flags, although most are not actually Nordic, they're just in the North.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/place_nordicunion", "center": [501.5, 128.5], "path": [[537.5, 294.5], [437.5, 294.5], [437.5, 167.5], [344.5, 167.5], [344.5, 158.5], [275.5, 158.5], [275.5, 134.5], [266.5, 126.5], [235.5, 126.5], [235.5, 100.5], [231.5, 100.5], [207.5, 100.5], [207.5, 94.5], [215.5, 94.5], [215.5, 35.5], [657.5, 35.5], [657.5, 70.5], [840.5, 70.5], [840.5, 67.5], [885.5, 67.5], [885.5, 69.5], [892.5, 69.5], [892.5, 88.5], [798.5, 88.5], [798.5, 119.5], [778.5, 119.5], [778.5, 137.5], [633.5, 136.5], [633.5, 201.5], [633.5, 201.5], [593.5, 201.5], [593.5, 283.5], [537.5, 283.5], [537.5, 294.5]]}, +{"id": "twobr1", "submitted_by": "Nincadalop", "name": "Update TF2", "description": "A collaborative effort by the two communities of two games that share initials, game engine, and bot crisis. TF2 stands for Team Fortress 2 and Titanfall 2, two games which desperately need a security update. Subreddits: r/tf2 and r/titanfalln", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [815.5, 53.5], "path": [[790.5, 35.5], [840.5, 35.5], [840.5, 70.5], [790.5, 70.5]]}, +{"id": "twoboa", "submitted_by": "ziemnakiscool", "name": "pxls.space", "description": "This community is named pxls.space and got helped mostly by osu!. They moved from a italian flag to this location to prevent being crushed.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [807.5, 723.5], "path": [[776.5, 733.5], [777.5, 719.5], [784.5, 718.5], [785.5, 717.5], [778.5, 716.5], [778.5, 714.5], [783.5, 713.5], [787.5, 708.5], [790.5, 708.5], [792.5, 712.5], [790.5, 718.5], [794.5, 719.5], [793.5, 714.5], [798.5, 713.5], [804.5, 714.5], [802.5, 718.5], [804.5, 718.5], [805.5, 712.5], [802.5, 708.5], [806.5, 709.5], [808.5, 711.5], [809.5, 717.5], [811.5, 718.5], [810.5, 714.5], [813.5, 713.5], [816.5, 714.5], [817.5, 718.5], [820.5, 719.5], [818.5, 715.5], [821.5, 712.5], [822.5, 710.5], [825.5, 713.5], [825.5, 717.5], [823.5, 719.5], [825.5, 711.5], [826.5, 708.5], [828.5, 708.5], [828.5, 715.5], [828.5, 719.5], [829.5, 710.5], [832.5, 707.5], [835.5, 711.5], [834.5, 717.5], [835.5, 718.5], [836.5, 729.5], [836.5, 734.5], [777.5, 735.5]]}, +{"id": "twobm3", "submitted_by": "Techtype_Apple", "name": "The Retro Apple Logo", "description": "This was made by the Retro Apple Community in alliance with r/GreenLattice. More specifically we're from the Action Retro Discord Server. Link is below.", "website": "[https://discord.com/invite/q4uJ5eC](https://discord.com/invite/q4uJ5eC)", "subreddit": "none", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twobkt", "submitted_by": "Narnall", "name": "Katawa Shoujo ", "description": "This art features Hanako Ikezawa from the visual novel Katawa Shoujo", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/katawashoujo", "center": [1575.5, 1178.5], "path": [[1550.5, 1172.5], [1550.5, 1172.5], [1600.5, 1172.5], [1600.5, 1184.5], [1550.5, 1184.5]]}, +{"id": "twobhf", "submitted_by": "carpinx", "name": "Mafalda", "description": "Mafalda is an Argentinian comic strip written and drawn by cartoonist Quino.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Argentina", "center": [1179.5, 648.5], "path": [[1174.5, 664.5], [1174.5, 658.5], [1170.5, 657.5], [1168.5, 653.5], [1170.5, 650.5], [1173.5, 650.5], [1168.5, 648.5], [1167.5, 644.5], [1169.5, 638.5], [1172.5, 636.5], [1172.5, 632.5], [1186.5, 632.5], [1186.5, 637.5], [1188.5, 638.5], [1191.5, 643.5], [1191.5, 648.5], [1186.5, 650.5], [1190.5, 651.5], [1191.5, 656.5], [1188.5, 658.5], [1187.5, 660.5], [1187.5, 663.5], [1186.5, 665.5], [1174.5, 664.5]]}, +{"id": "twobh1", "submitted_by": "fruselight", "name": "Honkai Impact 3rd", "description": "Honkai Impact 3rd is a Free-to-play 3D action Hack'n Slash game inspired by Evangelion, developed and published by miHoYo/HoYoverse in 2016.", "website": "https://honkaiimpact3.hoyoverse.com", "subreddit": "/r/houkai3rd", "center": [1695.5, 1786.5], "path": [[1674.5, 1809.5], [1674.5, 1762.5], [1709.5, 1762.5], [1709.5, 1773.5], [1720.5, 1774.5], [1721.5, 1787.5], [1715.5, 1789.5], [1716.5, 1790.5], [1717.5, 1790.5], [1713.5, 1792.5], [1713.5, 1793.5], [1714.5, 1793.5], [1715.5, 1793.5], [1713.5, 1795.5], [1714.5, 1797.5], [1722.5, 1810.5], [1722.5, 1802.5], [1721.5, 1808.5], [1722.5, 1810.5]]}, +{"id": "twobfs", "submitted_by": "Flamberge3000", "name": "Overly Sarcastic Productions", "description": "An edutainment YouTube channel based around discussing literature, mythology, and history with sarcasm and attitude. They've seen better days. ", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/c/OverlySarcasticProductionsChannel/featured", "subreddit": "/r/osp", "center": [1704.5, 1635.5], "path": [[1706.5, 1626.5], [1706.5, 1624.5], [1704.5, 1622.5], [1700.5, 1622.5], [1697.5, 1624.5], [1693.5, 1626.5], [1692.5, 1627.5], [1691.5, 1632.5], [1695.5, 1638.5], [1699.5, 1636.5], [1699.5, 1642.5], [1702.5, 1643.5], [1702.5, 1648.5], [1714.5, 1648.5], [1714.5, 1626.5]]}, +{"id": "twobcm", "submitted_by": "DarknDeepNut", "name": "Dofus From r/france", "description": "Dofus is a famous game in france wich marked most our childhood, it was created in 2004 by french studio Ankama.", "website": "[https://www.dofus.com/](https://www.dofus.com/)", "subreddit": "r/france/", "center": [73.5, 1766.5], "path": [[58.5, 1749.5], [59.5, 1780.5], [94.5, 1781.5], [78.5, 1749.5]]}, +{"id": "twob1y", "submitted_by": "Spenske-", "name": "TGForever Discord Advertisement", "description": "An advertisement for the TGForever Discord Server, a Minecraft and Terraria community with dedicated servers for each.", "website": "https://discord.gg/tgf", "subreddit": "/r/TGF", "center": [1602.5, 985.5], "path": [[1592.5, 969.5], [1612.5, 969.5], [1612.5, 1000.5], [1591.5, 1000.5], [1591.5, 969.5]]}, +{"id": "twob1s", "submitted_by": "Canigetfries", "name": "DDRaceNetwork", "description": "Art of a free game on Steam.", "website": "[https://ddnet.tw](https://ddnet.tw)", "subreddit": "r/ddnet", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twoad0", "submitted_by": "zL2noob-", "name": "The Longing", "description": "Shade, the main character from The Longing, is hiding behind Cookie Clicker, a game that the devs of The Longing were inspired by.nnTHE LONGING is an unusual mix of an adventure and an idle-game. The player controls a Shade, who is told to keep watch of a sleeping King for 400 days until he awakens. The catch: These 400 days start to count down in real-time.", "website": "http://www.399d-23h-59m-59s.com/", "subreddit": "/r/TheLonging", "center": [1563.5, 185.5], "path": [[1559.5, 179.5], [1569.5, 179.5], [1568.5, 181.5], [1568.5, 182.5], [1566.5, 183.5], [1567.5, 185.5], [1566.5, 185.5], [1566.5, 189.5], [1567.5, 189.5], [1567.5, 192.5], [1559.5, 192.5]]}, +{"id": "twoa9g", "submitted_by": "GeoJayman", "name": "Rainbow Dash", "description": "Depicts the Element of Loyalty saluting the future and the world. Caption demonstrates that the fandom will continue despite the ending of Friendship is Magic in 2019.", "website": "mlp.fandom.com/wiki/Rainbow_Dash", "subreddit": "/r/mylittlepony", "center": [927.5, 1858.5], "path": [[925.5, 1830.5], [892.5, 1830.5], [892.5, 1885.5], [961.5, 1886.5], [961.5, 1830.5], [925.5, 1830.5]]}, +{"id": "two9iy", "submitted_by": "Virtual_Cheek_7633", "name": "Nitori and Badapple", "description": "A kappa from Touhou she was raided by peru multiple times we were forced to concede land at the end", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/touhou", "center": [497.5, 527.5], "path": [[468.5, 528.5], [468.5, 541.5], [511.5, 541.5], [511.5, 528.5], [527.5, 528.5], [527.5, 513.5], [480.5, 513.5], [480.5, 527.5]]}, +{"id": "two9dx", "submitted_by": "Pandaxtor", "name": "Path of Exile", "description": "Diablo like game but you spend 10% of the time theory crafting and testing the build. The other 90% is falling back on a meta build.", "website": "https://www.pathofexile.com/", "subreddit": "https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/", "center": [1405.5, 467.5], "path": [[1433.5, 473.5], [1433.5, 446.5], [1364.5, 447.5], [1365.5, 457.5], [1369.5, 457.5], [1369.5, 456.5], [1372.5, 456.5], [1372.5, 457.5], [1375.5, 457.5], [1375.5, 455.5], [1378.5, 457.5], [1377.5, 461.5], [1380.5, 463.5], [1381.5, 466.5], [1378.5, 467.5], [1374.5, 468.5], [1372.5, 470.5], [1372.5, 471.5], [1375.5, 472.5], [1375.5, 473.5], [1384.5, 473.5], [1384.5, 491.5], [1433.5, 491.5], [1433.5, 473.5], [1417.5, 464.5], [1393.5, 459.5], [1400.5, 466.5]]}, +{"id": "two8y1", "submitted_by": "hakyeons-army", "name": "BC Logo", "description": "Logo of a C inside a B. Created and maintained by BC logo guy in alliance with r/dinoplace", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/dinoplace", "center": [340.5, 784.5], "path": [[342.5, 781.5], [342.5, 786.5], [338.5, 786.5], [338.5, 781.5]]}, +{"id": "two8xr", "submitted_by": "lemonaid4", "name": "Suncracker0", "description": "the simplified logo of a small twitch streamer named Suncracker0", "website": "https://www.twitch.tv/suncracker0", "subreddit": "/r/Suncracker/", "center": [736.5, 950.5], "path": [[734.5, 946.5], [734.5, 954.5], [738.5, 954.5], [738.5, 946.5], [738.5, 946.5]]}, +{"id": "two8xe", "submitted_by": "SkytAsul", "name": "INSA", "description": "A French engineering school.", "website": "https://www.groupe-insa.fr/", "subreddit": "", "center": [12.5, 1073.5], "path": [[0.5, 1068.5], [24.5, 1068.5], [24.5, 1078.5], [1.5, 1078.5], [0.5, 1068.5]]}, +{"id": "two8ve", "submitted_by": "ostensacken", "name": "Blue Butterfly", "description": "The Blue Butterfly, an insect commonly depicted in the episodic adventure game, Life is Strange. Appearing on the Nigerian flag as a collaboration between r/lifeisstrange and r/Nigeria", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/lifeisstrange", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "two8ua", "submitted_by": "NerdKnight66", "name": "Kirby", "description": "An image of Kirby. After ludwig raided it, one of the only few wholesome raids on the subreddit, the detail and community around it drastically increased", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1845.5, 582.5], "path": [[1800.5, 540.5], [1890.5, 540.5], [1890.5, 623.5], [1800.5, 623.5]]}, +{"id": "two8s7", "submitted_by": "ziemnakiscool", "name": "Kurzgesagt Painting", "description": "The r/kurzgesagt community made this picture.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/kurzgesagt", "center": [749.5, 52.5], "path": [[788.5, 70.5], [790.5, 68.5], [790.5, 36.5], [788.5, 35.5], [707.5, 35.5], [708.5, 69.5], [707.5, 70.5], [707.5, 36.5], [707.5, 70.5]]}, +{"id": "two8df", "submitted_by": "MagicBraden1", "name": "r/Cubers", "description": "r/cubers is a place for speedcubers (people who speedsolve different twisty-puzzles, such as the Rubik's cube) discuss different cubes, solving styles, records, and more.", "website": "[https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/)", "subreddit": "r/cubers", "center": [1388.5, 497.5], "path": [[1350.5, 485.5], [1364.5, 485.5], [1363.5, 486.5], [1364.5, 487.5], [1365.5, 487.5], [1365.5, 488.5], [1366.5, 488.5], [1366.5, 489.5], [1366.5, 489.5], [1367.5, 490.5], [1368.5, 490.5], [1368.5, 491.5], [1425.5, 491.5], [1425.5, 509.5], [1412.5, 509.5], [1412.5, 503.5], [1355.5, 503.5], [1355.5, 502.5], [1354.5, 502.5], [1354.5, 501.5], [1353.5, 501.5], [1353.5, 500.5], [1352.5, 500.5], [1352.5, 499.5], [1351.5, 499.5], [1351.5, 498.5], [1350.5, 498.5], [1350.5, 485.5]]}, +{"id": "two7wa", "submitted_by": "GeoJayman", "name": "Derpy Hooves", "description": "Depicts the fandom's favorite background character", "website": "mlp.fandom.com/wiki/Derpy_Hooves", "subreddit": "/r/mylittlepony", "center": [1975.5, 378.5], "path": [[2000.5, 356.5], [1950.5, 356.5], [1950.5, 400.5], [2000.5, 400.5], [2000.5, 356.5]]}, +{"id": "two7h3", "submitted_by": "sk1pzy", "name": "Bow from Inanimate Insanity", "description": "Bow from Inanimate Insanity holding up the earth (r/BuildTheEarth)", "website": "https://www.inanimateinsanity.com/", "subreddit": "/r/inanimateinsanity/", "center": [68.5, 638.5], "path": [[60.5, 632.5], [60.5, 642.5], [76.5, 642.5], [76.5, 632.5], [74.5, 632.5], [74.5, 633.5], [73.5, 633.5], [73.5, 634.5], [72.5, 634.5], [72.5, 635.5], [69.5, 635.5], [69.5, 633.5], [70.5, 633.5], [70.5, 632.5], [69.5, 632.5], [69.5, 635.5], [67.5, 635.5], [67.5, 632.5], [66.5, 632.5], [66.5, 633.5], [67.5, 633.5], [67.5, 635.5], [64.5, 635.5], [63.5, 635.5], [63.5, 634.5], [63.5, 633.5], [62.5, 633.5], [61.5, 633.5], [61.5, 632.5]]}, +{"id": "two7fp", "submitted_by": "Virtual_Cheek_7633", "name": "Kirisame Marisa", "description": "logo from Touhou 6 Embodiment of Scarlet Devil", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/touhou", "center": [1122.5, 1985.5], "path": [[1109.5, 1973.5], [1109.5, 1997.5], [1135.5, 1996.5], [1135.5, 1973.5]]}, +{"id": "two7fm", "submitted_by": "Boring_Disaster_21", "name": "Luna Crown", "description": "Crown representing Himemori Luna, a Vtuber from Hololive Japan 4th Generation.", "website": "https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/talents/himemori-luna/", "subreddit": "r/hololive", "center": [1360.5, 1119.5], "path": [[1360.5, 1111.5], [1360.5, 1124.5], [1355.5, 1124.5], [1353.5, 1119.5], [1358.5, 1111.5], [1366.5, 1117.5], [1365.5, 1124.5], [1360.5, 1124.5]]}, +{"id": "two7c7", "submitted_by": "LetteredSymbol", "name": "VRChat logo", "description": "the logo for the Virtual Reality game VRChat", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/VRChat", "center": [962.5, 96.5], "path": [[994.5, 101.5], [994.5, 102.5], [994.5, 103.5], [931.5, 104.5], [931.5, 89.5], [995.5, 89.5], [994.5, 104.5], [931.5, 104.5], [989.5, 104.5], [986.5, 103.5], [983.5, 104.5], [990.5, 111.5], [990.5, 99.5]]}, +{"id": "two7br", "submitted_by": "Narnall", "name": "Starscape", "description": "A small artwork relating to the roblox game starscape", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1663.5, 837.5], "path": [[1693.5, 832.5], [1632.5, 833.5], [1631.5, 842.5], [1693.5, 842.5]]}, +{"id": "two7bb", "submitted_by": "MrEduxator", "name": "Delutaya's Delta", "description": "A small green Delta symbol to represent Delutaya, a JP V-tuber. ", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7YXqPO3eUnxbJ6rN0z2z1Q", "subreddit": "", "center": [269.5, 766.5], "path": [[264.5, 767.5], [264.5, 766.5], [265.5, 766.5], [265.5, 765.5], [266.5, 765.5], [266.5, 764.5], [267.5, 764.5], [267.5, 763.5], [268.5, 763.5], [268.5, 762.5], [269.5, 762.5], [270.5, 762.5], [270.5, 763.5], [271.5, 763.5], [271.5, 764.5], [272.5, 764.5], [272.5, 765.5], [273.5, 765.5], [273.5, 766.5], [274.5, 766.5], [274.5, 767.5], [274.5, 768.5], [264.5, 768.5], [264.5, 767.5]]}, +{"id": "two6y0", "submitted_by": "Koton_Bads", "name": "r/unixporn", "description": "r/unixporn - the home for *NIX customization! Submit screenshots of all your *NIX desktops, themes, and nifty configurations, or submit anything else that will make ricers happy. Maybe a server running on an Amiga, or a thinkpad signed by Bjarne Stroustrup? Show the world how sexy your computer can be!", "website": "https://unixporn.github.io/", "subreddit": "r/unixporn", "center": [10.5, 761.5], "path": [[0.5, 765.5], [20.5, 765.5], [20.5, 756.5], [0.5, 756.5], [0.5, 765.5]]}, +{"id": "two6n0", "submitted_by": "-ChronicClub", "name": "Classic Guy, Spelunky Series", "description": "The protagonist of Spelunky Classic, and returns as the final unlockable character in Spelunky 2, both games being tough, 2D roguelike platformers.", "website": "[https://www.mossmouth.com/spelunky2/](https://www.mossmouth.com/spelunky2/)", "subreddit": "/r/Spelunky", "center": [871.5, 513.5], "path": [[867.5, 518.5], [877.5, 518.5], [876.5, 516.5], [874.5, 516.5], [874.5, 514.5], [877.5, 510.5], [875.5, 510.5], [874.5, 507.5], [869.5, 507.5], [867.5, 510.5], [867.5, 517.5]]}, +{"id": "two6gx", "submitted_by": "GeoJayman", "name": "My Little Pony", "description": "Combines the main characters of Generations 4 and 5 of the My Little Pony series. Also includes the combined Unicorn, Pegasus, and Earth Pony gems from A New Generation (2021).", "website": "mlp.wikia.com", "subreddit": "/r/mylittlepony", "center": [1651.5, 247.5], "path": [[1656.5, 211.5], [1645.5, 211.5], [1633.5, 212.5], [1627.5, 217.5], [1616.5, 229.5], [1613.5, 240.5], [1614.5, 258.5], [1619.5, 278.5], [1637.5, 279.5], [1640.5, 281.5], [1652.5, 281.5], [1669.5, 281.5], [1671.5, 279.5], [1684.5, 279.5], [1686.5, 261.5], [1689.5, 257.5], [1688.5, 228.5], [1677.5, 221.5], [1676.5, 213.5], [1662.5, 211.5], [1652.5, 211.5]]}, +{"id": "two6dq", "submitted_by": "migueloni_", "name": "A bot generated France flag", "description": "Users used scripts to create this artwork.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [125.5, 1718.5], "path": [[3.5, 1469.5], [246.5, 1469.5], [246.5, 1967.5], [3.5, 1966.5]]}, +{"id": "two67l", "submitted_by": "danieru_desu", "name": "The Philippine Flag", "description": "The Philippine Flag with the r/Philippines mascot and the Philippine archipelago silhouette", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Philippines", "center": [332.5, 666.5], "path": [[302.5, 646.5], [302.5, 685.5], [362.5, 685.5], [362.5, 646.5]]}, +{"id": "two5oy", "submitted_by": "j123s", "name": "oc.tc (Overcast Community)", "description": "Overcast Community, formerly Overcast Network, is a Minecraft server that focuses on large team-based minigames like Capture the Wool.", "website": "https://oc.tc", "subreddit": "", "center": [1990.5, 1517.5], "path": [[1982.5, 1511.5], [1990.5, 1509.5], [1998.5, 1511.5], [1997.5, 1522.5], [1990.5, 1527.5], [1983.5, 1522.5]]}, +{"id": "two5fk", "submitted_by": "Gh0st_Division", "name": "De nachtwacht", "description": "A famous painting by Dutch painter Rembrandt van Rijn", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [626.5, 1899.5], "path": [[540.5, 1947.5], [540.5, 1851.5], [713.5, 1851.5], [713.5, 1946.5]]}, +{"id": "two5bh", "submitted_by": "MagicBraden1", "name": "MLP ManeChat Mural", "description": "A My Little Pony tribute done by the ManeChat Discord server, featuring the main ponies from the G4 and G5 series. They are, in order starting from the top, Sunny Starscout, Zipp Storm, Pipp Petals, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Izzy Moonbow, and Hitch Trailblazer.", "website": "[https://discord.gg/manechat](https://discord.gg/manechat)", "subreddit": "", "center": [1651.5, 248.5], "path": [[1637.5, 213.5], [1643.5, 215.5], [1655.5, 212.5], [1660.5, 214.5], [1662.5, 216.5], [1665.5, 216.5], [1667.5, 214.5], [1670.5, 214.5], [1673.5, 215.5], [1670.5, 213.5], [1673.5, 217.5], [1676.5, 218.5], [1674.5, 222.5], [1675.5, 222.5], [1674.5, 224.5], [1676.5, 228.5], [1681.5, 228.5], [1683.5, 229.5], [1686.5, 230.5], [1686.5, 232.5], [1685.5, 235.5], [1687.5, 240.5], [1683.5, 245.5], [1684.5, 246.5], [1686.5, 248.5], [1686.5, 250.5], [1686.5, 253.5], [1686.5, 255.5], [1683.5, 260.5], [1682.5, 264.5], [1682.5, 266.5], [1682.5, 271.5], [1681.5, 277.5], [1680.5, 278.5], [1677.5, 276.5], [1671.5, 276.5], [1669.5, 274.5], [1668.5, 276.5], [1669.5, 278.5], [1665.5, 279.5], [1663.5, 279.5], [1659.5, 280.5], [1657.5, 279.5], [1656.5, 278.5], [1654.5, 276.5], [1653.5, 279.5], [1651.5, 279.5], [1648.5, 280.5], [1643.5, 280.5], [1639.5, 278.5], [1640.5, 276.5], [1636.5, 273.5], [1635.5, 276.5], [1634.5, 278.5], [1632.5, 277.5], [1630.5, 275.5], [1626.5, 276.5], [1624.5, 277.5], [1622.5, 278.5], [1619.5, 278.5], [1620.5, 275.5], [1621.5, 274.5], [1618.5, 268.5], [1623.5, 262.5], [1621.5, 263.5], [1619.5, 266.5], [1622.5, 261.5], [1620.5, 260.5], [1618.5, 258.5], [1616.5, 254.5], [1617.5, 243.5], [1617.5, 240.5], [1615.5, 240.5], [1617.5, 238.5], [1617.5, 234.5], [1625.5, 225.5], [1622.5, 224.5], [1622.5, 226.5], [1622.5, 228.5], [1625.5, 226.5], [1627.5, 228.5], [1629.5, 229.5], [1630.5, 226.5], [1629.5, 220.5], [1631.5, 217.5], [1631.5, 216.5], [1634.5, 214.5], [1635.5, 214.5], [1637.5, 214.5], [1647.5, 215.5], [1651.5, 213.5], [1650.5, 212.5], [1652.5, 212.5]]}, +{"id": "two4yq", "submitted_by": "MrEduxator", "name": "Uruha Rushia's Butterfly", "description": "A short and sweet tribute to Uruha Rushia, a hololive member who was a part of holoive until Feburary 24th, 2022. The butterfly was used to represent her, as she had a strong association with them. ", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl_gCybOJRIgOXw6Qb4qJzQ", "subreddit": "r/hololive", "center": [253.5, 790.5], "path": [[250.5, 785.5], [259.5, 785.5], [259.5, 791.5], [256.5, 793.5], [255.5, 794.5], [254.5, 795.5], [253.5, 795.5], [253.5, 796.5], [252.5, 796.5], [251.5, 795.5], [250.5, 794.5], [249.5, 794.5], [248.5, 793.5], [247.5, 793.5], [247.5, 789.5], [248.5, 789.5], [248.5, 787.5], [249.5, 786.5]]}, +{"id": "two4ji", "submitted_by": "Narnall", "name": "Space Station 13 ", "description": "Space station 13 clown", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/ss13", "center": [1699.5, 591.5], "path": [[1678.5, 570.5], [1727.5, 569.5], [1726.5, 590.5], [1722.5, 596.5], [1715.5, 592.5], [1710.5, 593.5], [1707.5, 598.5], [1707.5, 600.5], [1710.5, 605.5], [1711.5, 606.5], [1705.5, 611.5], [1706.5, 618.5], [1678.5, 618.5]]}, +{"id": "two4an", "submitted_by": "Y_Martinaise", "name": "Russian anti-war flag", "description": "Variant of the Russian national flag (without the red stripe) currently being used by Russians protesting the invasion of Ukraine", "website": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-blue-white_flag", "subreddit": "", "center": [726.5, 266.5], "path": [[695.5, 263.5], [753.5, 262.5], [753.5, 269.5], [695.5, 268.5]]}, +{"id": "two480", "submitted_by": "OTechium", "name": "Hollow Knight: Silksong", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/HollowKnight", "center": [262.5, 382.5], "path": [[226.5, 344.5], [225.5, 419.5], [298.5, 419.5], [298.5, 344.5], [226.5, 344.5]]}, +{"id": "two3qz", "submitted_by": "hakyeons-army", "name": "Mini LOONA Logo", "description": "A small logo of K-Pop girl group LOONA", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/loona", "center": [515.5, 535.5], "path": [[511.5, 529.5], [511.5, 540.5], [519.5, 540.5], [519.5, 529.5]]}, +{"id": "two350", "submitted_by": "migueloni_", "name": "Flag of Costa Rica w/ symbolic animals and items", "description": "National flag that includes 7 hearts (one per province), whitetail deer (national symbol), Arenal volcano eruption (1968), Red-eyed frog, Lizano sauce, Pura Vida popular greeting and slogan, sloth (national symbol), hummingbird and country purple girl (national symbol)", "website": "[https://www.visitcostarica.com/en](https://www.visitcostarica.com/en)", "subreddit": "r/Ticos and r/costarica", "center": [1432.5, 436.5], "path": [[1246.5, 426.5], [1621.5, 427.5], [1621.5, 446.5], [1246.5, 446.5], [1246.5, 426.5]]}, +{"id": "two30e", "submitted_by": "Flamberge3000", "name": "Philippines Reddit Mascot", "description": "The mascot of r/Philippines. Its color here is based on those of the Philippine flag.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Philippines", "center": [1354.5, 623.5], "path": [[1334.5, 600.5], [1334.5, 647.5], [1374.5, 647.5], [1374.5, 599.5]]}, +{"id": "two30d", "submitted_by": "RealJordanTRS", "name": "Chicago Bears logo", "description": "The logo for the American Football team known as the Chicago Bears, whom are one of the oldest teams currently in the NFL (National Football League)", "website": "[https://www.chicagobears.com/](https://www.chicagobears.com/)", "subreddit": "", "center": [793.5, 565.5], "path": [[773.5, 548.5], [813.5, 548.5], [813.5, 581.5], [773.5, 581.5]]}, +{"id": "two2oz", "submitted_by": "NinjamanAway", "name": "Australia", "description": "The Australian community (/r/Australia & /r/Straya)nVB - local beernVegemite Jar - local spreadnAustralian Aboriginal FlagnBunnings Warehouse Logo - Australian hardware storenAustralian flag with Sydney Opera House, and an ANZAC poppynKangaroo with Koala ridingnNed Kelly's armournFreddo frog - popular local chocolatenBubble o' Bill Ice Cream - Local ice creamnCockatoo", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/straya, /r/australia", "center": [692.5, 661.5], "path": [[721.5, 608.5], [702.5, 608.5], [702.5, 632.5], [669.5, 632.5], [669.5, 698.5], [671.5, 698.5], [671.5, 745.5], [680.5, 745.5], [679.5, 744.5], [678.5, 744.5], [678.5, 740.5], [677.5, 740.5], [677.5, 734.5], [676.5, 734.5], [676.5, 720.5], [677.5, 720.5], [677.5, 715.5], [678.5, 715.5], [678.5, 710.5], [679.5, 710.5], [680.5, 709.5], [680.5, 705.5], [681.5, 705.5], [681.5, 704.5], [682.5, 704.5], [682.5, 702.5], [683.5, 702.5], [683.5, 700.5], [702.5, 685.5], [704.5, 686.5], [712.5, 681.5], [712.5, 649.5], [720.5, 649.5], [722.5, 647.5], [722.5, 633.5], [721.5, 633.5], [721.5, 608.5]]}, +{"id": "two1zz", "submitted_by": "silverwolv", "name": "WolvHaven Minecraft Server", "description": "WolvHaven is a creative minecraft server that started out as a city-roleplay and survival server established in 2011. It is mainly known for its railway Metro Systems constructed using the TrainCarts bukkit plugin. The server has since transistioned into more of a creative city-building server for architecture, urban, and transit enthusiasts, centered around a showcase city. Depicted here is the server's official flag.", "website": "https://wolvhaven.net", "subreddit": "r/wolvhaven", "center": [1350.5, 463.5], "path": [[1346.5, 461.5], [1354.5, 461.5], [1354.5, 465.5], [1346.5, 465.5]]}, +{"id": "two1vu", "submitted_by": "GoJoeyGo123", "name": "BL\u00c5HAJ", "description": "BL\u00c5HAJ is a popular soft toy sold by ikea", "website": "[https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/blahaj-soft-toy-shark-90373590/](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/blahaj-soft-toy-shark-90373590/)", "subreddit": "r/BLAHAJ/", "center": [250.5, 669.5], "path": [[242.5, 668.5], [242.5, 667.5], [247.5, 667.5], [247.5, 666.5], [248.5, 666.5], [248.5, 665.5], [249.5, 665.5], [249.5, 664.5], [250.5, 664.5], [251.5, 664.5], [251.5, 667.5], [253.5, 667.5], [253.5, 666.5], [254.5, 666.5], [254.5, 665.5], [255.5, 665.5], [255.5, 664.5], [258.5, 664.5], [258.5, 665.5], [258.5, 666.5], [257.5, 666.5], [257.5, 667.5], [257.5, 668.5], [256.5, 668.5], [256.5, 669.5], [257.5, 669.5], [257.5, 670.5], [258.5, 670.5], [258.5, 671.5], [258.5, 672.5], [255.5, 672.5], [255.5, 671.5], [254.5, 671.5], [254.5, 670.5], [253.5, 671.5], [252.5, 671.5], [252.5, 672.5], [251.5, 672.5], [250.5, 672.5], [250.5, 673.5], [250.5, 674.5], [249.5, 674.5], [248.5, 674.5], [248.5, 673.5], [247.5, 673.5], [247.5, 672.5], [243.5, 672.5], [242.5, 672.5], [242.5, 671.5], [241.5, 671.5], [241.5, 669.5], [241.5, 668.5], [241.5, 668.5], [241.5, 668.5]]}, +{"id": "two1vh", "submitted_by": "flippin_egg", "name": "Olive", "description": "The protagonist of the Purrfect Apawcalypse series ", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [492.5, 483.5], "path": [[486.5, 478.5], [486.5, 478.5], [486.5, 488.5], [486.5, 488.5], [497.5, 488.5], [497.5, 478.5]]}, +{"id": "two1q1", "submitted_by": "MrEduxator", "name": "FOOB", "description": "A meme-d and edited version of Shirakami Fubuki's Live2D model without a nose making a happy face, usually referred to as FOOB.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/okbuddyhololive", "center": [1348.5, 884.5], "path": [[1333.5, 901.5], [1332.5, 870.5], [1365.5, 870.5], [1365.5, 893.5], [1355.5, 893.5], [1353.5, 901.5], [1333.5, 901.5]]}, +{"id": "two0ph", "submitted_by": "SenatusSPQR", "name": "Nano currency symbol", "description": "The currency symbol of Nano, a green, instant & feeless cryptocurrency", "website": "www.nano.org", "subreddit": "r/nanocurrency", "center": [841.5, 649.5], "path": [[826.5, 634.5], [856.5, 634.5], [856.5, 663.5], [826.5, 663.5]]}, +{"id": "two0lb", "submitted_by": "hakyeons-army", "name": "Pink Fantasy", "description": "Logo of K-Pop group Pink Fantasy. Left is a logo consisting of two keys crossing over each other, and to the right is a bunny representing member Daewang.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1689.5, 894.5], "path": [[1684.5, 896.5], [1681.5, 897.5], [1681.5, 891.5], [1696.5, 891.5], [1696.5, 897.5]]}, +{"id": "two0em", "submitted_by": "betterert", "name": "Juke's Towers of Hell", "description": "Juke's Towers of Hell is a platforming game on the ROBLOX platform where players are tasked with climbing very tall and difficult towers. It is notorious for its high difficulty. The three large towers (from left to right) are the Tower of Hecc (sic), the Tower of Screen Punching, and the Tower of Impossible Expectations. These are the first three towers ever added to the game, respectively. The small structures in the middle are other beloved towers in the community.", "website": "https://jtoh.fandom.com/wiki/Juke%27s_Towers_of_Hell_Wiki", "subreddit": "/r/JToH2", "center": [1520.5, 1628.5], "path": [[1507.5, 1605.5], [1532.5, 1605.5], [1532.5, 1651.5], [1507.5, 1651.5]]}, +{"id": "twnzxf", "submitted_by": "Killer_The_Cat", "name": "M\u00e9tis Flag", "description": "The flag of the M\u00e9tis people of Canada", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [218.5, 467.5], "path": [[226.5, 462.5], [210.5, 462.5], [210.5, 472.5], [226.5, 472.5]]}, +{"id": "twnzwk", "submitted_by": "vizce", "name": "IQ & J\u00e4ger", "description": "Two of the four German playable characters from the game Rainbow Six Siege. Cooperation with /r/Rainbow6/ n", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/placeDE/", "center": [255.5, 1160.5], "path": [[236.5, 1148.5], [274.5, 1148.5], [274.5, 1171.5], [235.5, 1171.5], [236.5, 1148.5]]}, +{"id": "twnzv6", "submitted_by": "GaymerQWQ", "name": "Genshin Impact (Chinese Characters)", "description": "Genshin Impact's Chinese Logo. Venti, a playable character in the game, is featured above.", "website": "[https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/)", "subreddit": "/r/GenshinImpact", "center": [1145.5, 51.5], "path": [[1104.5, 74.5], [1110.5, 74.5], [1110.5, 71.5], [1112.5, 68.5], [1116.5, 70.5], [1118.5, 71.5], [1120.5, 67.5], [1122.5, 67.5], [1125.5, 65.5], [1127.5, 66.5], [1127.5, 70.5], [1130.5, 73.5], [1133.5, 70.5], [1145.5, 65.5], [1150.5, 71.5], [1151.5, 72.5], [1159.5, 67.5], [1164.5, 67.5], [1172.5, 75.5], [1175.5, 70.5], [1177.5, 65.5], [1181.5, 63.5], [1178.5, 60.5], [1183.5, 57.5], [1181.5, 54.5], [1179.5, 52.5], [1182.5, 50.5], [1181.5, 35.5], [1175.5, 35.5], [1174.5, 31.5], [1174.5, 26.5], [1170.5, 26.5], [1169.5, 24.5], [1171.5, 21.5], [1170.5, 20.5], [1166.5, 22.5], [1164.5, 20.5], [1163.5, 16.5], [1162.5, 14.5], [1161.5, 18.5], [1158.5, 21.5], [1156.5, 23.5], [1154.5, 20.5], [1156.5, 25.5], [1154.5, 28.5], [1156.5, 31.5], [1158.5, 35.5], [1149.5, 35.5], [1147.5, 38.5], [1132.5, 39.5], [1130.5, 41.5], [1118.5, 40.5], [1115.5, 36.5], [1104.5, 35.5]]}, +{"id": "twnz8w", "submitted_by": "Beegrene", "name": "Daft Punk", "description": "The robotic hands of Daft Punk, a French house music duo active from 1993 to 2021.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/DaftPunk", "center": [220.5, 945.5], "path": [[195.5, 926.5], [195.5, 964.5], [244.5, 964.5], [244.5, 926.5], [195.5, 926.5]]}, +{"id": "twnz42", "submitted_by": "MineRabbit33", "name": "EPITA", "description": "EPITA (\u00c9cole Pour l'Informatique et les Techniques Avanc\u00e9es) is a French computer engineering school", "website": "https://www.epita.fr/", "subreddit": "/r/epita", "center": [1210.5, 321.5], "path": [[1209.5, 308.5], [1192.5, 320.5], [1196.5, 324.5], [1195.5, 327.5], [1201.5, 330.5], [1200.5, 332.5], [1205.5, 331.5], [1211.5, 336.5], [1212.5, 329.5], [1228.5, 328.5], [1226.5, 325.5], [1228.5, 323.5], [1223.5, 319.5], [1219.5, 309.5], [1214.5, 312.5]]}, +{"id": "twnz2v", "submitted_by": "Vampire_Artyom", "name": "Stardew Valley Art #1", "description": "Created by the Stardew Valley Community, depicting some recognizable art from the game: Brown Chicken, Blue Chicken, a Stardrop and a Green Junimo, alongside a heavily pixelated part of the world's landscape ", "website": "https://www.stardewvalley.net", "subreddit": "/r/StardewValley", "center": [102.5, 365.5], "path": [[71.5, 345.5], [132.5, 345.5], [132.5, 386.5], [77.5, 386.5], [77.5, 385.5], [76.5, 385.5], [76.5, 383.5], [75.5, 383.5], [74.5, 382.5], [71.5, 382.5]]}, +{"id": "twnyry", "submitted_by": "AsrielDashie", "name": "Taiwan/R.O.C Flag", "description": "National flag of Republic of China a.k.a Taiwan.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/taiwan", "center": [959.5, 555.5], "path": [[941.5, 543.5], [941.5, 566.5], [977.5, 566.5], [977.5, 543.5]]}, +{"id": "twnyr8", "submitted_by": "Killer_The_Cat", "name": "Flag of Nunavut", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/nunavut", "center": [201.5, 457.5], "path": [[193.5, 462.5], [209.5, 462.5], [209.5, 452.5], [193.5, 452.5]]}, +{"id": "twnymj", "submitted_by": "Asteralium", "name": "Animal Jam Ladybug", "description": "A ladybug from the logo of Animal Jam, a virtual world that opened in 2010.", "website": "https://discord.com/invite/animaljamcommunity", "subreddit": "/r/AnimalJam", "center": [1761.5, 1090.5], "path": [[1755.5, 1083.5], [1767.5, 1083.5], [1767.5, 1097.5], [1755.5, 1097.5]]}, +{"id": "twnyli", "submitted_by": "Drakzia", "name": "ENS Rennes Logo", "description": "The logo of the French school \u00c9cole normale sup\u00e9rieure de Rennes (ENS Rennes).", "website": "http://www.ens-rennes.fr/", "subreddit": "", "center": [288.5, 1590.5], "path": [[282.5, 1586.5], [282.5, 1594.5], [293.5, 1594.5], [293.5, 1586.5]]}, +{"id": "twnyao", "submitted_by": "Glum218", "name": "M 152.0 (810) motor coach", "description": "Small railway passenger vehicle manufactured in Czechoslovakia 1975-82. In total, 885 of them were made (including the export version for Hungary) and some are still in use, mostly on rural railways in Czechia, Slovakia, and Hungary.", "website": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%8CSD_Class_M_152.0", "subreddit": "/r/czech", "center": [1286.5, 237.5], "path": [[1269.5, 248.5], [1269.5, 224.5], [1293.5, 223.5], [1304.5, 227.5], [1301.5, 245.5], [1294.5, 252.5]]}, +{"id": "twny3q", "submitted_by": "the_pain_train_town", "name": "Brick Hill Logo and Chicken Hat", "description": "Two small icons of the Brick Hill Logo and the Chicken Hat item.", "website": "https://www.brick-hill.com/", "subreddit": "/r/BrickHill", "center": [1925.5, 86.5], "path": [[1921.5, 74.5], [1921.5, 74.5], [1921.5, 74.5], [1921.5, 98.5], [1928.5, 98.5], [1928.5, 74.5], [1921.5, 74.5]]}, +{"id": "twny3k", "submitted_by": "GoJoeyGo123", "name": "Rickroll QR code", "description": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up", "website": "[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)", "subreddit": "", "center": [1886.5, 933.5], "path": [[1870.5, 917.5], [1902.5, 917.5], [1902.5, 949.5], [1870.5, 949.5]]}, +{"id": "twny35", "submitted_by": "TehEpicDuckeh", "name": "Stimlo", "description": "The short-lived logo of the musician Stimlo. They create music in varying styles and genres, but all are EDM.", "website": "https://open.spotify.com/artist/4hF7yJOF52q2pczg70fdl2", "subreddit": "r/stimlo", "center": [875.5, 1850.5], "path": [[872.5, 1847.5], [872.5, 1852.5], [877.5, 1852.5], [877.5, 1847.5]]}, +{"id": "twny22", "submitted_by": "TL_H", "name": "Ninji", "description": "Ninji is an enemy from the Super Mario Bros. series, appearing in Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA), Super Mario World, Super Mario Run, Super Mario Maker 2, and more games. Super Mario Maker 2's v2.0.0 update added a Ninji Speedruns mode, where players complete to beat levels designed by Nintendo in the fastest time possible. In that mode, you can race against other players' times, with their ghosts appearing as Ninjis.", "website": "https://discord.gg/5ECWF94", "subreddit": "/r/MarioMaker2", "center": [1767.5, 145.5], "path": [[1762.5, 139.5], [1762.5, 151.5], [1772.5, 151.5], [1772.5, 139.5]]}, +{"id": "twnxtm", "submitted_by": "Killer_The_Cat", "name": "Flag of Colorado", "description": "The flag of the US State of Colorado.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/colorado", "center": [10.5, 738.5], "path": [[19.5, 731.5], [0.5, 731.5], [0.5, 744.5], [19.5, 744.5]]}, +{"id": "twnxsy", "submitted_by": "LandLovingFish", "name": "MCC (2)", "description": "An expansion of what was made on the first quarter of the map. Depicted are more logos of MCC, as well as MCC organizer Noxite.", "website": "[https://noxcrew.com/mcc](https://noxcrew.com/mcc)", "subreddit": "r/minecraftchampionship", "center": [1789.5, 116.5], "path": [[1785.5, 99.5], [1785.5, 100.5], [1785.5, 100.5], [1774.5, 100.5], [1774.5, 110.5], [1770.5, 110.5], [1770.5, 129.5], [1780.5, 129.5], [1780.5, 138.5], [1788.5, 138.5], [1788.5, 129.5], [1808.5, 129.5], [1808.5, 111.5], [1804.5, 111.5], [1804.5, 103.5], [1803.5, 102.5], [1799.5, 100.5], [1794.5, 100.5], [1794.5, 99.5], [1785.5, 99.5]]}, +{"id": "twnxkl", "submitted_by": "MrEduxator", "name": "Risu Nut", "description": "HoloID's Ayunda Risu as a nut! How nutty! She's also the creator of Nonstop Nut November, a fun spin on the average No Nut November.", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOyYb1c43VlX9rc_lT6NKQw", "subreddit": "r/hololive", "center": [1342.5, 1070.5], "path": [[1336.5, 1082.5], [1349.5, 1082.5], [1349.5, 1081.5], [1350.5, 1081.5], [1350.5, 1079.5], [1351.5, 1079.5], [1351.5, 1076.5], [1352.5, 1076.5], [1352.5, 1070.5], [1352.5, 1069.5], [1353.5, 1069.5], [1354.5, 1069.5], [1354.5, 1068.5], [1355.5, 1067.5], [1354.5, 1066.5], [1353.5, 1065.5], [1353.5, 1061.5], [1351.5, 1061.5], [1351.5, 1060.5], [1349.5, 1060.5], [1349.5, 1059.5], [1347.5, 1059.5], [1347.5, 1058.5], [1345.5, 1058.5], [1345.5, 1057.5], [1338.5, 1057.5], [1338.5, 1058.5], [1336.5, 1058.5], [1336.5, 1059.5], [1336.5, 1059.5], [1334.5, 1059.5], [1334.5, 1060.5], [1333.5, 1060.5], [1333.5, 1061.5], [1332.5, 1061.5], [1332.5, 1079.5], [1333.5, 1079.5], [1333.5, 1079.5], [1333.5, 1081.5], [1335.5, 1081.5], [1335.5, 1082.5], [1341.5, 1082.5]]}, +{"id": "twnx92", "submitted_by": "Killer_The_Cat", "name": "Flag of Denver", "description": "The flag of Denver, Colorado, United States.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/denver", "center": [10.5, 750.5], "path": [[19.5, 745.5], [0.5, 745.5], [0.5, 755.5], [19.5, 755.5]]}, +{"id": "twnx3u", "submitted_by": "micarot", "name": "Aromat", "description": "A swiss spice, famous in swizerland only", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1180.5, 885.5], "path": [[1177.5, 879.5], [1183.5, 879.5], [1183.5, 890.5], [1177.5, 890.5]]}, +{"id": "twnw5c", "submitted_by": "keroshijoshi", "name": "Former Hero's Logo", "description": "Indie electronic musician Former Hero's bridge logo. Former Hero is known for his fast-paced, pulsating melodic tracks and is well-loved in the SoundCloud dance scene, garnering the attention of San Holo and his independent label bitbird.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/bitbird", "center": [883.5, 1795.5], "path": [[872.5, 1790.5], [872.5, 1799.5], [893.5, 1799.5], [893.5, 1790.5], [872.5, 1790.5]]}, +{"id": "twnw1v", "submitted_by": "micarot", "name": "RTS", "description": "The french speaking radio and TV for Switzerland", "website": "https://www.rts.ch", "subreddit": "", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twnvko", "submitted_by": "CyborgRyno603", "name": "The iFunny watermark", "description": "Uh oh, you forgot to crop your stolen meme, now you deal with the consequences. Brought to you by r/Place_iFunny.", "website": "[https://www.ifunny.co](https://www.ifunny.co)", "subreddit": "r/iFunny", "center": [338.5, 1893.5], "path": [[311.5, 1888.5], [365.5, 1888.5], [365.5, 1897.5], [311.5, 1897.5], [311.5, 1888.5]]}, +{"id": "twnvj5", "submitted_by": "GoJoeyGo123", "name": "Anarchy Chess", "description": "Anarchy chess is a chess meme subreddit ", "website": "", "subreddit": "[https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/)", "center": [123.5, 661.5], "path": [[80.5, 607.5], [151.5, 607.5], [151.5, 609.5], [174.5, 609.5], [174.5, 712.5], [125.5, 712.5], [125.5, 715.5], [71.5, 715.5], [71.5, 679.5], [70.5, 679.5], [70.5, 642.5], [76.5, 642.5], [76.5, 632.5], [74.5, 632.5], [74.5, 633.5], [73.5, 633.5], [73.5, 634.5], [72.5, 634.5], [72.5, 635.5], [70.5, 635.5], [70.5, 631.5], [72.5, 631.5], [73.5, 630.5], [74.5, 630.5], [75.5, 629.5], [76.5, 628.5], [77.5, 627.5], [78.5, 626.5], [79.5, 625.5], [80.5, 624.5], [80.5, 623.5], [81.5, 622.5], [81.5, 620.5], [82.5, 619.5], [82.5, 612.5], [81.5, 611.5], [81.5, 609.5], [80.5, 608.5], [80.5, 607.5]]}, +{"id": "twnvep", "submitted_by": "MrEduxator", "name": "Snuffy", "description": "An emote of Twitch VTuber Snuffy. Lead by her community, and Snuffy herself.", "website": "https://www.twitch.tv/snuffy", "subreddit": "", "center": [694.5, 1074.5], "path": [[667.5, 1050.5], [719.5, 1050.5], [720.5, 1098.5], [668.5, 1098.5]]}, +{"id": "twnv32", "submitted_by": "ibm2431", "name": "DDLC Micro Yuri", "description": "A miniature representation of Yuri, a character from Doki Doki Literature Club. DDLC is a psychological horror visual novel about writing your way into a girl's heart. Yuri's hobbies include aromatherapy, reading horror novels, and knife collecting. Will you take a stab at her route and make the cut?", "website": "https://ddlc.moe/", "subreddit": "/r/ddlc", "center": [1862.5, 1443.5], "path": [[1859.5, 1439.5], [1864.5, 1439.5], [1864.5, 1447.5], [1859.5, 1447.5]]}, +{"id": "twnv2l", "submitted_by": "BigPortal", "name": "Sonic Advance", "description": "Two sprites of Sonic the Hedgehog and Tails the Fox from the Sonic Advance trilogy for Game Boy Advance.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/SonicTheHedgehog", "center": [1599.5, 373.5], "path": [[1626.5, 391.5], [1626.5, 374.5], [1625.5, 374.5], [1625.5, 373.5], [1624.5, 373.5], [1624.5, 372.5], [1624.5, 371.5], [1625.5, 371.5], [1625.5, 365.5], [1624.5, 365.5], [1623.5, 365.5], [1623.5, 364.5], [1622.5, 364.5], [1620.5, 364.5], [1620.5, 361.5], [1620.5, 359.5], [1615.5, 359.5], [1615.5, 358.5], [1614.5, 358.5], [1614.5, 357.5], [1613.5, 357.5], [1612.5, 357.5], [1612.5, 355.5], [1611.5, 355.5], [1611.5, 354.5], [1574.5, 354.5], [1574.5, 391.5], [1626.5, 391.5]]}, +{"id": "twnutc", "submitted_by": "eevee1714", "name": "Belkan Flag", "description": "The flag of Belka from the video game Ace Combat, infamous for dropping 7 nukes on itself to prevent the advance of allied forces", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/acecombat", "center": [1699.5, 319.5], "path": [[1706.5, 329.5], [1697.5, 329.5], [1697.5, 328.5], [1692.5, 328.5], [1692.5, 309.5], [1705.5, 309.5], [1705.5, 329.5]]}, +{"id": "twnut5", "submitted_by": "Beegrene", "name": "Metroid", "description": "One of the titular alien parasites from the Metroid video game series", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Metroid", "center": [1357.5, 60.5], "path": [[1352.5, 68.5], [1362.5, 68.5], [1365.5, 62.5], [1365.5, 57.5], [1360.5, 52.5], [1353.5, 52.5], [1348.5, 58.5], [1349.5, 63.5], [1352.5, 68.5]]}, +{"id": "twnuqj", "submitted_by": "Chef_Senpai", "name": "Lord Of The Void", "description": "Ruler of the dark", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1076.5, 1273.5], "path": [[1069.5, 1169.5], [1123.5, 1171.5], [1118.5, 1280.5], [1130.5, 1281.5], [1130.5, 1339.5], [1085.5, 1338.5], [1059.5, 1376.5], [1079.5, 1418.5], [1038.5, 1379.5], [1022.5, 1299.5], [1042.5, 1196.5], [1070.5, 1169.5]]}, +{"id": "twnuop", "submitted_by": "Narnall", "name": "Chestnut Puck (Berserk)", "description": "This is Puck from Berserk in his iconic and emotional chestnut form.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/berserklejerk", "center": [730.5, 283.5], "path": [[715.5, 296.5], [715.5, 269.5], [745.5, 269.5], [745.5, 296.5]]}, +{"id": "twntzq", "submitted_by": "CornMayor", "name": "Cuca from XTale (Undertale AU)", "description": "Cuca is a butterfly. Became a local character on Discord Server. XTale is a YT animation series by Jael Pe\u00f1aloza", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/c/JakeiHazen", "subreddit": "/r/XTale", "center": [1850.5, 1706.5], "path": [[1851.5, 1699.5], [1855.5, 1708.5], [1852.5, 1709.5], [1850.5, 1711.5], [1844.5, 1706.5], [1844.5, 1704.5], [1849.5, 1706.5], [1849.5, 1703.5], [1850.5, 1703.5], [1850.5, 1700.5]]}, +{"id": "twntyf", "submitted_by": "MrEduxator", "name": "Ankimo & Tokino Sora", "description": "Tokino Sora (Right side) and her mascot, Ankimo. (Left side)", "website": "https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/", "subreddit": "r/hololive", "center": [1342.5, 1120.5], "path": [[1333.5, 1115.5], [1350.5, 1115.5], [1351.5, 1115.5], [1351.5, 1117.5], [1352.5, 1117.5], [1352.5, 1119.5], [1353.5, 1119.5], [1353.5, 1124.5], [1353.5, 1125.5], [1332.5, 1125.5], [1332.5, 1115.5]]}, +{"id": "twntsr", "submitted_by": "bermuda__", "name": "Newgrounds", "description": "A site for online animations and games", "website": "https://www.newgrounds.com", "subreddit": "/r/newgrounds", "center": [903.5, 1921.5], "path": [[878.5, 1947.5], [878.5, 1895.5], [929.5, 1896.5], [929.5, 1947.5]]}, +{"id": "twntrk", "submitted_by": "MiguJib", "name": "Moist Esports", "description": "Moist Esports is an e-sports team founded by MoistCr1TiKaL ", "website": "[https://www.twitch.tv/moistcr1tikal](https://www.twitch.tv/moistcr1tikal)", "subreddit": "", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twntnk", "submitted_by": "MrDaveCole98", "name": "Guinness Rei", "description": "Pixel art of Rei Ayanami, a character from the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, holding a mug of Guinness beer in honor of the subreddit's alliance with Ireland.", "website": "https://www.evangelion.co.jp/index.html", "subreddit": "/r/evangelion/", "center": [1261.5, 143.5], "path": [[1250.5, 157.5], [1272.5, 157.5], [1272.5, 128.5], [1250.5, 128.5], [1250.5, 157.5]]}, +{"id": "twntm5", "submitted_by": "CanicheFumando", "name": "Flag of Uruguay", "description": "Uruguayan flag with some typical stuff of the country ", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Uruguay", "center": [1083.5, 675.5], "path": [[966.5, 665.5], [966.5, 684.5], [1172.5, 684.5], [1200.5, 684.5], [1200.5, 665.5], [966.5, 665.5]]}, +{"id": "twnt6g", "submitted_by": "overacted", "name": "Elbphilharmonie Hamburg", "description": "Concert hall in Hamburg, Germany", "website": "https://www.elbphilharmonie.de/en/", "subreddit": "r/placeDE", "center": [518.5, 1156.5], "path": [[503.5, 1139.5], [503.5, 1171.5], [536.5, 1171.5], [536.5, 1150.5], [529.5, 1145.5], [519.5, 1141.5], [510.5, 1137.5], [503.5, 1139.5], [503.5, 1139.5], [503.5, 1171.5]]}, +{"id": "twnt56", "submitted_by": "I_Love_U_and_1892", "name": "Philippine Banner", "description": "Banner made by Filipinos from r/Philippines. Features the Philippine flag as the background, with the r/Philippines icon at center, and the Philippine Islands on the right.nnBelow it is a complimentary banner supporting Presidential Candidate Leni Robredo (#10 on the ballot) and Vice Presidential Candidate Kiko Pangilinan (#7 on the ballot). Above Kiko's name is a pink rose, further symbolizing the artwork creators' support for the duo.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Philippines", "center": [332.5, 674.5], "path": [[301.5, 645.5], [301.5, 702.5], [363.5, 702.5], [363.5, 645.5], [328.5, 645.5]]}, +{"id": "twnsxr", "submitted_by": "SA_AVOCADO", "name": "Zyzz Tribute", "description": "A tribute to the late Aziz (Zyzz) Shavershian, a Russian-born Australian bodybuilder, who gained a cult following after posting on YouTube", "website": "", "subreddit": "R/Zyzz", "center": [1381.5, 1689.5], "path": [[1332.5, 1612.5], [1332.5, 1682.5], [1332.5, 1753.5], [1439.5, 1754.5], [1439.5, 1658.5], [1417.5, 1658.5], [1413.5, 1654.5], [1413.5, 1638.5], [1394.5, 1637.5], [1394.5, 1612.5]]}, +{"id": "twnsih", "submitted_by": "Narnall", "name": "Madotsuki (YUME NIKKI)", "description": "This is Madotsuki from the RPG Maker game Yume Nikki", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1221.5, 121.5], "path": [[1214.5, 116.5], [1215.5, 111.5], [1222.5, 108.5], [1226.5, 111.5], [1227.5, 116.5], [1228.5, 124.5], [1224.5, 120.5], [1227.5, 128.5], [1227.5, 129.5], [1225.5, 128.5], [1226.5, 131.5], [1226.5, 132.5], [1225.5, 133.5], [1223.5, 133.5], [1222.5, 132.5], [1222.5, 131.5], [1219.5, 130.5], [1219.5, 133.5], [1216.5, 133.5], [1215.5, 132.5], [1213.5, 127.5], [1215.5, 127.5], [1217.5, 122.5], [1217.5, 120.5], [1214.5, 124.5], [1213.5, 123.5], [1215.5, 119.5]]}, +{"id": "twnsd8", "submitted_by": "GoJoeyGo123", "name": "Homage to Daft punk", "description": "daft punk was a french electronic duo that formed in 1993 and split in 2021", "website": "[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daft_Punk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daft_Punk)", "subreddit": "[https://www.reddit.com/r/DaftPunk/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaftPunk/)", "center": [220.5, 945.5], "path": [[195.5, 926.5], [244.5, 926.5], [244.5, 964.5], [195.5, 964.5]]}, +{"id": "twns45", "submitted_by": "UrbanTea362", "name": "Inscryption", "description": "From the creator of Pony Island and The Hex comes the latest mind melting, self-destructing love letter to video games. Inscryption is a narrative focused, card-based odyssey that blends the deckbuilding roguelike, escape-room style puzzles, and psychological horror into a blood-laced smoothie. Darker still are the secrets inscrybed upon the cards", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/inscryption", "center": [127.5, 298.5], "path": [[106.5, 267.5], [160.5, 267.5], [160.5, 275.5], [144.5, 274.5], [146.5, 277.5], [146.5, 288.5], [148.5, 288.5], [148.5, 300.5], [141.5, 306.5], [141.5, 318.5], [143.5, 318.5], [144.5, 319.5], [144.5, 320.5], [152.5, 320.5], [152.5, 328.5], [104.5, 328.5], [101.5, 327.5], [101.5, 319.5], [99.5, 319.5], [98.5, 318.5], [96.5, 318.5], [96.5, 316.5], [95.5, 316.5], [95.5, 314.5], [94.5, 314.5], [94.5, 312.5], [95.5, 312.5], [95.5, 311.5], [98.5, 311.5], [98.5, 310.5], [99.5, 309.5], [100.5, 308.5], [101.5, 308.5], [105.5, 304.5], [110.5, 304.5], [111.5, 305.5], [110.5, 304.5], [111.5, 305.5], [112.5, 304.5], [114.5, 302.5], [114.5, 300.5], [113.5, 299.5], [112.5, 298.5], [112.5, 292.5], [111.5, 292.5], [111.5, 286.5], [110.5, 286.5], [110.5, 275.5], [106.5, 275.5]]}, +{"id": "twnrj8", "submitted_by": "Yolo1212123", "name": "AKL", "description": "Alternative Keyboard Layouts", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [642.5, 1344.5], "path": [[639.5, 1343.5], [645.5, 1343.5], [644.5, 1346.5], [639.5, 1346.5], [639.5, 1343.5]]}, +{"id": "twnrbk", "submitted_by": "LandLovingFish", "name": "MCC", "description": "Minecraft Championship, also known as MCC, is a monthly Minecraft minigame event streamed by multiple creators. Several logos and creators who have participated are shown here.", "website": "[https://noxcrew.com/mcc](https://noxcrew.com/mcc)", "subreddit": "r/MinecraftChampionship", "center": [889.5, 561.5], "path": [[864.5, 579.5], [864.5, 587.5], [873.5, 587.5], [873.5, 590.5], [879.5, 590.5], [879.5, 583.5], [904.5, 584.5], [904.5, 534.5], [885.5, 534.5], [885.5, 535.5], [878.5, 535.5], [877.5, 535.5], [877.5, 566.5], [880.5, 566.5], [881.5, 566.5], [881.5, 579.5], [877.5, 566.5], [881.5, 579.5], [864.5, 579.5], [864.5, 587.5], [864.5, 587.5]]}, +{"id": "twnr8m", "submitted_by": "ThatDudeIsShort", "name": "Lucifer", "description": "Lucifer is one of the characters of the game Helltaker", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Helltaker", "center": [1990.5, 1255.5], "path": [[1981.5, 1237.5], [1999.5, 1237.5], [1999.5, 1272.5], [1981.5, 1272.5]]}, +{"id": "twnqia", "submitted_by": "bermuda__", "name": "A2B2", "description": "The logo for A2B2.org, an online forum with a radio station, music festival, and magazine", "website": "https://a2b2.org", "subreddit": "/r/a2b2", "center": [10.5, 665.5], "path": [[19.5, 643.5], [9.5, 643.5], [9.5, 642.5], [0.5, 642.5], [0.5, 687.5], [20.5, 687.5], [20.5, 643.5]]}, +{"id": "twnpxw", "submitted_by": "GoJoeyGo123", "name": "Manjaro", "description": "Manjaro is an open source linux operating system", "website": "[https://manjaro.org/](https://manjaro.org/)", "subreddit": "r/ManjaroLinux/", "center": [66.5, 685.5], "path": [[62.5, 681.5], [69.5, 681.5], [69.5, 688.5], [62.5, 688.5], [62.5, 681.5]]}, +{"id": "twnpks", "submitted_by": "MiguJib", "name": "Fuck AFD ", "description": "AfD is a German right wing political party that many Germans hate.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [335.5, 836.5], "path": [[297.5, 831.5], [372.5, 831.5], [372.5, 841.5], [297.5, 841.5], [297.5, 841.5]]}, +{"id": "twnpie", "submitted_by": "ThatDudeIsShort", "name": "Flag of Puerto Rico", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1373.5, 1769.5], "path": [[1345.5, 1784.5], [1400.5, 1784.5], [1400.5, 1753.5], [1345.5, 1753.5]]}, +{"id": "twnp7v", "submitted_by": "TorebeCP", "name": "TheTook", "description": "TheTook logo from TorebeCP's YouTube channel", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [248.5, 296.5], "path": [[246.5, 294.5], [250.5, 294.5], [250.5, 298.5], [246.5, 298.5], [246.5, 294.5]]}, +{"id": "twnp51", "submitted_by": "ToCatchACreditor", "name": "Xenoblade Chronicles", "description": "Artwork representing each game in the Xenoblade franchise. nnClockwise from left:n(1,X,3,2)", "website": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Xenoblade_Chronicles/", "subreddit": "r/Xenoblade_Chronicles", "center": [1186.5, 716.5], "path": [[1175.5, 743.5], [1175.5, 716.5], [1174.5, 715.5], [1174.5, 709.5], [1172.5, 707.5], [1172.5, 704.5], [1171.5, 703.5], [1171.5, 701.5], [1172.5, 698.5], [1173.5, 680.5], [1176.5, 678.5], [1179.5, 680.5], [1178.5, 683.5], [1177.5, 684.5], [1177.5, 690.5], [1178.5, 691.5], [1178.5, 693.5], [1183.5, 693.5], [1186.5, 695.5], [1200.5, 695.5], [1200.5, 743.5], [1175.5, 743.5]]}, +{"id": "twnp12", "submitted_by": "Mikepick492", "name": "Dale Earnhardt's Number 3", "description": "The number of famous nascar driver Dale Earnhardt", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/nascar", "center": [775.5, 1527.5], "path": [[754.5, 1512.5], [754.5, 1543.5], [796.5, 1542.5], [797.5, 1511.5], [796.5, 1511.5], [772.5, 1512.5]]}, +{"id": "twno9a", "submitted_by": "NoodleSushi", "name": "Godot Engine", "description": "The logo of Godot designed by Andrea Calabr\u00f3. Godot is a free and open-source game engine released under the MIT license, initially developed by Juan Linietsky (logo designer's husband) and Ariel Manzur and maintained by a community of voluntary contributors.", "website": "https://godotengine.org", "subreddit": "/r/godot", "center": [1222.5, 438.5], "path": [[1196.5, 433.5], [1196.5, 445.5], [1246.5, 445.5], [1246.5, 430.5], [1222.5, 430.5], [1222.5, 433.5]]}, +{"id": "twno94", "submitted_by": "Norpaz", "name": "Finland Flag", "description": "Finland Flag made by r/NordicUnion and r/Suomi", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/NordicUnion", "center": [559.5, 204.5], "path": [[497.5, 294.5], [537.5, 293.5], [537.5, 285.5], [594.5, 285.5], [594.5, 203.5], [634.5, 203.5], [634.5, 189.5], [635.5, 188.5], [635.5, 188.5], [635.5, 186.5], [634.5, 185.5], [635.5, 183.5], [636.5, 182.5], [636.5, 181.5], [636.5, 180.5], [635.5, 179.5], [634.5, 179.5], [634.5, 159.5], [634.5, 120.5], [635.5, 122.5], [591.5, 120.5], [591.5, 136.5], [539.5, 136.5], [539.5, 120.5], [525.5, 120.5], [525.5, 136.5], [496.5, 136.5], [496.5, 149.5], [527.5, 149.5], [527.5, 180.5], [496.5, 180.5], [497.5, 293.5]]}, +{"id": "twnnbb", "submitted_by": "BreakDownSphere", "name": "Star Trek Delta", "description": "The Star Trek Delta Insignia, a direct descendant of the vector component of the old NASA (and later UESPA) logos. The logo is synonymous with Star Trek in today's pop culture. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/startrek", "center": [616.5, 960.5], "path": [[608.5, 975.5], [613.5, 973.5], [623.5, 973.5], [623.5, 947.5], [609.5, 947.5], [609.5, 961.5], [608.5, 965.5], [608.5, 975.5]]}, +{"id": "twnn3g", "submitted_by": "Zerustu", "name": "ISAE SUPAERO/ENSMA", "description": "two major engineering schools in France specializing in aeronautics", "website": "http://groupe-isae.fr", "subreddit": "", "center": [1156.5, 877.5], "path": [[1130.5, 869.5], [1175.5, 869.5], [1175.5, 890.5], [1161.5, 890.5], [1161.5, 880.5], [1130.5, 880.5]]}, +{"id": "twnn1g", "submitted_by": "CharlieNmyT", "name": "Sakamata Chloe Mask", "description": "Mask worn by Hololive Japan Generation 6 (Secret Society HoloX) Vtuber Sakamata Chloe. During her debut, she took off her eye mask and showed her red eyes to the audience. After her debut, her YouTube and Twitter profile pictures were updated to no longer feature the eye mask. A new version of the holoX PV was released on the official hololive channel after her debut to reflect the mask change. ", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIBY1ollUsauvVi4hW4cumw/featured", "subreddit": "/r/hololive", "center": [1392.5, 1067.5], "path": [[1386.5, 1065.5], [1386.5, 1068.5], [1389.5, 1070.5], [1397.5, 1070.5], [1399.5, 1067.5], [1399.5, 1064.5], [1386.5, 1064.5]]}, +{"id": "twnmn6", "submitted_by": "SA_AVOCADO", "name": "Australian Showcase", "description": "A small collection of iconic Australian imagery, including the aboriginal and Australian flag, Vegemite, Sydney harbour bridge, a koala, kangaroo, and more.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/australia", "center": [692.5, 660.5], "path": [[701.5, 609.5], [720.5, 608.5], [721.5, 633.5], [723.5, 644.5], [719.5, 650.5], [715.5, 649.5], [713.5, 650.5], [712.5, 675.5], [710.5, 681.5], [707.5, 678.5], [704.5, 678.5], [701.5, 679.5], [700.5, 682.5], [700.5, 685.5], [697.5, 687.5], [688.5, 693.5], [684.5, 700.5], [681.5, 708.5], [678.5, 720.5], [678.5, 735.5], [678.5, 739.5], [673.5, 743.5], [671.5, 740.5], [672.5, 724.5], [671.5, 710.5], [671.5, 698.5], [669.5, 675.5], [669.5, 650.5], [669.5, 632.5], [702.5, 631.5]]}, +{"id": "twnmmh", "submitted_by": "MrDaveCole98", "name": "NERV Logo (Evangelion)", "description": "The logo representing NERV, a fictional paramilitary agency from the Neon Genesis Evangelion anime, stylized in the color of Ireland's flag.", "website": "https://www.evangelion.co.jp/index.html", "subreddit": "/r/evangelion/", "center": [135.5, 751.5], "path": [[122.5, 763.5], [149.5, 763.5], [148.5, 738.5], [122.5, 738.5], [122.5, 763.5]]}, +{"id": "twnmb9", "submitted_by": "TorebeCP", "name": "Piston", "description": "A Minecraft's piston, capable of pushing blocks, players, and mobs when given a redstone pulse", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [244.5, 296.5], "path": [[241.5, 294.5], [246.5, 294.5], [246.5, 298.5], [241.5, 298.5], [241.5, 294.5]]}, +{"id": "twnm8o", "submitted_by": "GoJoeyGo123", "name": "Hilbert curve ", "description": "Hilbert curve drawn by r/maths was originally in the top left quadrant but moved due to border dispute with the Ukraine flag ", "website": "[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert_curve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert_curve)", "subreddit": "r/maths", "center": [1656.5, 303.5], "path": [[1641.5, 284.5], [1671.5, 284.5], [1671.5, 289.5], [1671.5, 290.5], [1672.5, 290.5], [1672.5, 321.5], [1672.5, 322.5], [1640.5, 322.5], [1640.5, 290.5], [1641.5, 290.5], [1641.5, 284.5], [1641.5, 284.5]]}, +{"id": "twnlr1", "submitted_by": "AJCisanacronym", "name": "TUYU", "description": "TUYU (\u30c4\u30e6) is a Japanese pop group consisting of Pusu on (\u3077\u3059) on guitar, Reikoromo (\u793c\u8863) as vocals, and Miro on piano. Omutatsu (\u304a\u3080\u305f\u3064) and AzyuN is in charge of the illustration and video design. \u201c\u3084\u3063\u3071\u308a\u96e8\u306f\u964d\u308b\u3093\u3060\u306d\u201d (It's Raining After All) was released as a full album on March 2020.", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB2tP2QfRG7hTra0KTOtTBg?feature=gws_kp_artist&feature=gws_kp_artist", "subreddit": "r/TUYU_official", "center": [1153.5, 1355.5], "path": [[1144.5, 1340.5], [1162.5, 1370.5], [1162.5, 1340.5], [1144.5, 1340.5], [1144.5, 1370.5], [1162.5, 1370.5]]}, +{"id": "twnlo2", "submitted_by": "Yolo1212123", "name": "Issaquah High School Emblem", "description": "Issaquah High School's Emblem in Purple and Gold. Located in Issaquah, WA, USA", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1311.5, 79.5], "path": [[1307.5, 76.5], [1315.5, 76.5], [1315.5, 81.5], [1307.5, 81.5]]}, +{"id": "twnkbf", "submitted_by": "Fuizaidomineer", "name": "Xipig the Pooh and LIHKG pig", "description": "Xi Jinping Winnie the Pooh Comparisons refer to memes comparing the Chinese President and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping to the Disney character Winnie the Pooh. Originally spread by Internet users in China to mock the president, the meme saw wider recognition among the Western users after Winnie the Pooh was blacklisted by the Chinese censorship authorities in July 2017. The pig emote mascot used in Hong Kong online forum LIHKG is also added and depicted in a gas mask and helmet, a common attire for protesters in Hong Kong during the 2019 Anti-Extradition Law Protests.", "website": "[https://lihkg.com](https://lihkg.com)", "subreddit": "", "center": [987.5, 143.5], "path": [[949.5, 120.5], [949.5, 165.5], [1025.5, 166.5], [1025.5, 120.5], [949.5, 120.5]]}, +{"id": "twnjmz", "submitted_by": "_8o_", "name": "Machu Picchu", "description": "One of the seven wonders of the world, located in peru", "website": "machupicchu.gob.pe", "subreddit": "https://www.reddit.com/r/PERU/", "center": [517.5, 572.5], "path": [[469.5, 541.5], [571.5, 541.5], [571.5, 557.5], [575.5, 557.5], [575.5, 587.5], [535.5, 587.5], [535.5, 609.5], [535.5, 610.5], [469.5, 610.5], [469.5, 541.5]]}, +{"id": "twnjl4", "submitted_by": "Kvothealar", "name": "GFG/Sky/AB Alliance", "description": "This group established a white boundary around not only their own art, but all the art in the neighbourhood to stop them from being griefed. Over 200 confirmed users contributed to defending the artwork of all these users until the very last moments of /r/Place. Depicted here are:nnNot within blue boundaryn- AwardBonanza Logon- GoForGold Logon- Mamadon- Green Seedn- 6-Pixel Rainbown- Efrei OwlnnWithin blue boundary (non-Sky)n- Pansexual Flagn- Lemonn- A TV named Screenien- FlowernnWithin blue boundary (Sky)n- Sky Logon- Butterfliesn- Mantas (3)n- Crabn- Moth with Candlesn- Krilln- Jellyfish n", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/GoForGold", "center": [1189.5, 381.5], "path": [[1181.5, 346.5], [1205.5, 346.5], [1205.5, 382.5], [1222.5, 382.5], [1222.5, 391.5], [1245.5, 391.5], [1245.5, 398.5], [1205.5, 398.5], [1204.5, 398.5], [1204.5, 401.5], [1191.5, 401.5], [1191.5, 402.5], [1183.5, 402.5], [1183.5, 403.5], [1165.5, 403.5], [1165.5, 407.5], [1155.5, 407.5], [1155.5, 385.5], [1158.5, 385.5], [1158.5, 377.5], [1159.5, 377.5], [1159.5, 376.5], [1161.5, 376.5], [1161.5, 367.5], [1181.5, 367.5]]}, +{"id": "twnj7q", "submitted_by": "TheWingedevil", "name": "Dwarf Fortress 2", "description": "Strike the earth!", "website": "https://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/", "subreddit": "r/dwarffortress", "center": [26.5, 490.5], "path": [[0.5, 464.5], [52.5, 464.5], [52.5, 515.5], [0.5, 515.5], [0.5, 464.5]]}, +{"id": "twnj64", "submitted_by": "ICastTidalWave", "name": "Wings of Fire Logo", "description": "Wings of Fire is a series of children's fantasy novels written by author Tui T. Sutherland.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/WingsOfFire", "center": [1066.5, 482.5], "path": [[1053.5, 465.5], [1078.5, 465.5], [1078.5, 498.5], [1053.5, 498.5], [1053.5, 480.5], [1053.5, 472.5]]}, +{"id": "twnj5b", "submitted_by": "Trainzack", "name": "3D Benchy", "description": "A mural of the 3D Benchy, one of the most popular 3D printer benchmark tests among 3D printer enthusiasts.", "website": "https://www.3dbenchy.com/about/", "subreddit": "/r/3Dprinting/", "center": [281.5, 537.5], "path": [[272.5, 528.5], [272.5, 523.5], [274.5, 523.5], [274.5, 518.5], [275.5, 517.5], [279.5, 517.5], [279.5, 522.5], [281.5, 522.5], [282.5, 521.5], [290.5, 521.5], [290.5, 526.5], [289.5, 526.5], [289.5, 535.5], [290.5, 534.5], [291.5, 534.5], [292.5, 533.5], [300.5, 533.5], [300.5, 540.5], [295.5, 547.5], [292.5, 547.5], [292.5, 548.5], [291.5, 549.5], [266.5, 549.5], [266.5, 548.5], [263.5, 548.5], [262.5, 547.5], [261.5, 547.5], [260.5, 547.5], [258.5, 545.5], [259.5, 544.5], [259.5, 540.5], [260.5, 539.5], [262.5, 539.5], [263.5, 540.5], [265.5, 542.5], [267.5, 542.5], [267.5, 538.5], [273.5, 538.5], [273.5, 528.5], [272.5, 528.5]]}, +{"id": "twnitj", "submitted_by": "XandroR2", "name": "The Cover of Playboi Carti's Whole Lotta Red", "description": "It has been vandalized multiple times since its creation throughout the whole event by a lot of people, including haters of Carti and fans led by streamer Adin Ross. Adin was condemned by the majority of the subreddit for this type of behavior, even also Lil Uzi Vert.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/playboicarti", "center": [73.5, 498.5], "path": [[92.5, 528.5], [53.5, 528.5], [53.5, 509.5], [54.5, 508.5], [55.5, 507.5], [55.5, 499.5], [54.5, 498.5], [53.5, 497.5], [53.5, 468.5], [92.5, 468.5], [92.5, 498.5]]}, +{"id": "twniov", "submitted_by": "I_Love_U_and_1892", "name": "Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell", "description": "The banner of the YouTube channel Kurzgesagt - In a nutshell made by its fans. It consists of 2 ducks surrounding the Kurzgesagt Earth and Moon, a few stars, a black hole, a galaxy and a comet, with a small picture of the German flag in the bottom right corner.", "website": "youtube.com/c/inanutshell", "subreddit": "r/kurzgesagt", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twnil1", "submitted_by": "paketiket", "name": "Brams the Cat", "description": "A little ginger cat that was built by a group of his fans", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/kotbrams", "center": [1536.5, 1505.5], "path": [[1529.5, 1512.5], [1529.5, 1508.5], [1526.5, 1505.5], [1528.5, 1503.5], [1530.5, 1499.5], [1531.5, 1498.5], [1531.5, 1497.5], [1535.5, 1500.5], [1540.5, 1500.5], [1542.5, 1497.5], [1543.5, 1500.5], [1544.5, 1503.5], [1545.5, 1504.5], [1547.5, 1505.5], [1542.5, 1509.5], [1543.5, 1512.5]]}, +{"id": "twnihw", "submitted_by": "RedditRodditRaddit", "name": "Geocaching", "description": "A traditional geocache overlaid on the Geocaching logo. It is the third generation of geocaches placed on the r/Place canvas.", "website": "https://geocaching.com", "subreddit": "/r/geocaching", "center": [1562.5, 199.5], "path": [[1556.5, 193.5], [1556.5, 204.5], [1568.5, 204.5], [1568.5, 193.5], [1556.5, 193.5]]}, +{"id": "twni8x", "submitted_by": "wfa19", "name": "CLG", "description": "The logo of esports organization Counter Logic Gaming", "website": "https://clg.gg", "subreddit": "/r/CLG", "center": [1207.5, 891.5], "path": [[1192.5, 892.5], [1198.5, 886.5], [1205.5, 886.5], [1214.5, 888.5], [1221.5, 888.5], [1221.5, 894.5], [1221.5, 896.5], [1208.5, 895.5], [1206.5, 894.5], [1203.5, 894.5], [1201.5, 897.5], [1198.5, 897.5], [1195.5, 895.5], [1192.5, 893.5]]}, +{"id": "twni12", "submitted_by": "NoActive3589", "name": "Spyro the Dragon", "description": "Spyro the Dragon is a series of platforming games for the PlayStation, created by Insomniac Games. The series would later be remade by Toys for Bob in Spyro Reignited Trilogy for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Steam.", "website": "https://spyrothedragon.com/", "subreddit": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Spyro/", "center": [1612.5, 812.5], "path": [[1623.5, 799.5], [1623.5, 825.5], [1600.5, 825.5], [1600.5, 799.5], [1618.5, 799.5], [1623.5, 799.5]]}, +{"id": "twnhu3", "submitted_by": "userat", "name": "ISRO", "description": "Indian Space Research Organisation", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [272.5, 275.5], "path": [[251.5, 252.5], [293.5, 252.5], [293.5, 298.5], [250.5, 298.5], [250.5, 252.5], [250.5, 252.5]]}, +{"id": "twnhlv", "submitted_by": "Narnall", "name": "Astroneer Logo", "description": "The logo of the game Astroneer", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/astroneer", "center": [1124.5, 495.5], "path": [[1118.5, 500.5], [1118.5, 497.5], [1119.5, 494.5], [1121.5, 491.5], [1120.5, 491.5], [1121.5, 489.5], [1125.5, 487.5], [1127.5, 490.5], [1128.5, 493.5], [1129.5, 496.5], [1130.5, 500.5], [1129.5, 501.5], [1119.5, 501.5]]}, +{"id": "twngqg", "submitted_by": "userat", "name": "Indian Flag", "description": "Indian Flag with PSLV, Peacock, Madurai Meenakshi Temple, Taj Mahal and a caparisoned elephant.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [386.5, 320.5], "path": [[241.5, 298.5], [241.5, 308.5], [237.5, 308.5], [237.5, 343.5], [536.5, 342.5], [531.5, 342.5], [531.5, 340.5], [532.5, 339.5], [534.5, 339.5], [535.5, 340.5], [536.5, 340.5], [536.5, 298.5], [241.5, 298.5], [241.5, 298.5], [241.5, 300.5], [241.5, 300.5], [248.5, 298.5], [241.5, 298.5], [241.5, 298.5]]}, +{"id": "twngew", "submitted_by": "TheWingedevil", "name": "Noita (H\u00e4mis)", "description": "Noita is a magical action roguelite set in a world where every pixel is physically simulated. Fight, explore, melt, burn, freeze and evaporate your way through the procedurally generated world using spells you've crafted yourself.", "website": "https://noitagame.com/", "subreddit": "/r/noita", "center": [590.5, 911.5], "path": [[549.5, 934.5], [549.5, 900.5], [556.5, 900.5], [556.5, 890.5], [562.5, 890.5], [562.5, 900.5], [638.5, 900.5], [638.5, 888.5], [655.5, 888.5], [655.5, 909.5], [579.5, 909.5], [580.5, 948.5], [572.5, 948.5], [572.5, 934.5], [549.5, 934.5]]}, +{"id": "twnge8", "submitted_by": "Narnall", "name": "Trash Taste After Dark", "description": "The logo of the Trash Taste After Dark podcast.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/trashtaste", "center": [36.5, 547.5], "path": [[30.5, 531.5], [28.5, 531.5], [27.5, 532.5], [27.5, 566.5], [28.5, 567.5], [30.5, 567.5], [31.5, 566.5], [33.5, 566.5], [34.5, 565.5], [35.5, 564.5], [39.5, 561.5], [41.5, 560.5], [44.5, 558.5], [46.5, 555.5], [47.5, 555.5], [47.5, 532.5], [46.5, 531.5]]}, +{"id": "twng3y", "submitted_by": "Penguiner1888", "name": "evermore", "description": "Taylor Swift's 8th studio album. Completed in collaboration with the 13 and lover albums. Shortly before being taken over by the pufferfish bots.", "website": "www.taylorswift.com", "subreddit": "", "center": [1964.5, 923.5], "path": [[1927.5, 917.5], [1927.5, 929.5], [2001.5, 929.5], [2001.5, 917.5]]}, +{"id": "twng0j", "submitted_by": "ICastTidalWave", "name": "Time Gear", "description": "From the video game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/ Darkness/ Sky. Time Gears are artifacts that regulate time and a key part of the plot in this entry to the franchise.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/MysteryDungeon", "center": [1090.5, 477.5], "path": [[1079.5, 465.5], [1101.5, 465.5], [1101.5, 488.5], [1078.5, 488.5], [1078.5, 477.5], [1078.5, 474.5], [1078.5, 465.5], [1078.5, 465.5]]}, +{"id": "twnfym", "submitted_by": "TheAdvertisement", "name": "Spamton", "description": "A popular character from Deltarune Chapter 2, who was heavily memed. The extremely long nose he was given was extended by random people.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Deltarune", "center": [601.5, 408.5], "path": [[698.5, 391.5], [670.5, 391.5], [670.5, 411.5], [594.5, 411.5], [594.5, 400.5], [481.5, 400.5], [481.5, 414.5], [670.5, 414.5], [670.5, 429.5], [698.5, 429.5], [698.5, 398.5], [706.5, 398.5], [706.5, 392.5], [706.5, 392.5], [706.5, 391.5], [675.5, 392.5]]}, +{"id": "twnfed", "submitted_by": "Ugleh", "name": "My Neighbour Bebop", "description": "My Neighbour Totoro & Cowboy Bebop overlap made at the same time by streamer Ludwig and his viewers", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrPseYLGpNygVi34QpGNqpA", "subreddit": "/r/LudwigAhgren", "center": [1221.5, 1549.5], "path": [[1155.5, 1489.5], [1286.5, 1489.5], [1286.5, 1609.5], [1156.5, 1609.5]]}, +{"id": "twnf23", "submitted_by": "Trainzack", "name": "Fuck NFTS!", "description": "A sign made by those wishing to show their distaste for Non Fungible Tokens. There was a previous sign by this collective to the right of the Gamestop mural, but it was paved over and became part of the /r/FuckCars mural.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/fucknftsplace/", "center": [1666.5, 1661.5], "path": [[1649.5, 1649.5], [1649.5, 1672.5], [1682.5, 1672.5], [1682.5, 1649.5]]}, +{"id": "twnevu", "submitted_by": "_8o_", "name": "Tomiii 11", "description": "tribute to tomiii 11, a child who passed away due to brain cancer in 2021 whose last wish was to become a big youtuber, as of 04/04/2022 tomiii 11 youtube channel has 10.5 million subscribers.", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/c/tomiii11_oficial", "subreddit": "", "center": [1272.5, 1921.5], "path": [[1299.5, 1953.5], [1243.5, 1953.5], [1244.5, 1897.5], [1249.5, 1894.5], [1249.5, 1890.5], [1248.5, 1890.5], [1248.5, 1888.5], [1300.5, 1888.5], [1300.5, 1953.5]]}, +{"id": "twnep0", "submitted_by": "expectocat", "name": "Wynncraft", "description": "Wynncraft is the #1 Minecraft mmorpg", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/wynncraft", "center": [705.5, 780.5], "path": [[703.5, 775.5], [703.5, 775.5], [701.5, 775.5], [709.5, 775.5], [709.5, 784.5], [701.5, 784.5], [701.5, 784.5], [701.5, 781.5], [701.5, 779.5], [701.5, 778.5], [701.5, 776.5], [709.5, 784.5], [701.5, 784.5], [701.5, 776.5]]}, +{"id": "twne4z", "submitted_by": "MrDaveCole98", "name": "Red vs. Blue", "description": "An American web series produced by Rooster Teeth. The show is based on the Halo franchise.", "website": "https://roosterteeth.com/channel/red-vs-blue-universe", "subreddit": "/r/RedvsBlue/", "center": [461.5, 698.5], "path": [[448.5, 682.5], [472.5, 682.5], [472.5, 713.5], [449.5, 713.5], [449.5, 682.5]]}, +{"id": "twndzy", "submitted_by": "Narnall", "name": "Auby and Kle", "description": "It's auby and kle! :))nn", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/OMORI", "center": [1051.5, 839.5], "path": [[1049.5, 838.5], [1049.5, 837.5], [1048.5, 836.5], [1047.5, 835.5], [1047.5, 834.5], [1048.5, 834.5], [1048.5, 829.5], [1049.5, 828.5], [1055.5, 827.5], [1057.5, 830.5], [1057.5, 832.5], [1056.5, 832.5], [1056.5, 835.5], [1055.5, 836.5], [1054.5, 837.5], [1054.5, 838.5], [1055.5, 840.5], [1056.5, 841.5], [1056.5, 844.5], [1055.5, 844.5], [1055.5, 847.5], [1054.5, 847.5], [1054.5, 848.5], [1053.5, 848.5], [1053.5, 850.5], [1052.5, 851.5], [1051.5, 852.5], [1050.5, 852.5], [1049.5, 850.5], [1048.5, 851.5], [1047.5, 851.5], [1047.5, 850.5], [1048.5, 849.5], [1048.5, 848.5], [1047.5, 847.5], [1046.5, 846.5], [1046.5, 845.5], [1047.5, 844.5], [1047.5, 840.5], [1048.5, 839.5]]}, +{"id": "twndms", "submitted_by": "userat", "name": "Indian Flag", "description": "Indian flag with the India gate, Lotus and The Himalayas", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [170.5, 1199.5], "path": [[0.5, 1225.5], [0.5, 1173.5], [343.5, 1175.5], [343.5, 1225.5], [2.5, 1225.5], [2.5, 1225.5], [0.5, 1225.5], [0.5, 1225.5]]}, +{"id": "twndhk", "submitted_by": "TheCracker27", "name": "Rio Logo", "description": "The logo for the 2011 animated movie about spix's macaws", "website": "https://rio.fandom.com/wiki/Rio_Wiki", "subreddit": "r/RioMovie", "center": [1338.5, 1757.5], "path": [[1332.5, 1754.5], [1344.5, 1754.5], [1344.5, 1759.5], [1332.5, 1759.5]]}, +{"id": "twndhc", "submitted_by": "penguin14425", "name": "r/protogen", "description": "a sub reddit for protogens, incudes, memes art", "website": "", "subreddit": "[https://www.reddit.com/r/protogen/](https://www.reddit.com/r/protogen/)", "center": [304.5, 1914.5], "path": [[291.5, 1903.5], [317.5, 1903.5], [316.5, 1926.5], [292.5, 1926.5]]}, +{"id": "twndd2", "submitted_by": "TacoMadeOfCoco", "name": "Deeeep.io - Eat fish, become the shark", "description": "4 colorful clownfish made by r/deeeepio. Deeeep.io is a multiplayer online browser game. You start as small aquatic animals, and evolve to become the apex predator.", "website": "https://deeeep.io/", "subreddit": "r/deeeepio", "center": [490.5, 1644.5], "path": [[479.5, 1650.5], [479.5, 1637.5], [500.5, 1637.5], [500.5, 1650.5], [500.5, 1650.5]]}, +{"id": "twncts", "submitted_by": "Narnall", "name": "Neco arc", "description": "buru nyu", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [462.5, 1087.5], "path": [[448.5, 1071.5], [476.5, 1071.5], [476.5, 1103.5], [449.5, 1103.5]]}, +{"id": "twncr2", "submitted_by": "SOXDRAW", "name": "Eren yeager ", "description": "The true eren from anime and manga attack on titan", "website": "Shingekinokyojin.com", "subreddit": "r/titanfolk", "center": [205.5, 132.5], "path": [[172.5, 92.5], [174.5, 137.5], [133.5, 139.5], [133.5, 94.5], [88.5, 96.5], [84.5, 113.5], [125.5, 116.5], [138.5, 92.5], [137.5, 112.5], [146.5, 94.5], [143.5, 91.5], [139.5, 94.5], [137.5, 98.5]]}, +{"id": "twnc9l", "submitted_by": "FRUHD", "name": "#100Devs", "description": "It's our fearless leader, miniLeon! miniLeons are the currency on Twitch streams led by Leon Noel, who created #100Devs: A free full stack coding bootcamp for those laid off or affected by the pandemic.", "website": "https://www.twitch.tv/learnwithleon", "subreddit": "", "center": [840.5, 534.5], "path": [[832.5, 521.5], [832.5, 547.5], [848.5, 547.5], [848.5, 521.5]]}, +{"id": "twnbtz", "submitted_by": "VermillionOcean", "name": "Madoka Magoca", "description": "Puella Magi Madoka Magica is a 2011 anime series animated by Shaft studio. The characters featured are Akemi Homura on the left and Kaname Madoka on the right. The 5 hearts represent the 5 magical girls featured on the show in order from top to bottom: Akemi Homura, Kname Madoka, Miki Sayaka, Sakura Kyouko and Tomoe Mami.", "website": "https://wiki.puella-magi.net/Puella_Magi_Madoka_Magica", "subreddit": "/r/MadokaMagica", "center": [652.5, 402.5], "path": [[635.5, 393.5], [635.5, 410.5], [669.5, 410.5], [669.5, 393.5]]}, +{"id": "twnbju", "submitted_by": "_8o_", "name": "VT LATAM", "description": "tribute to the latin american Vtuber community organized by Kendomurft, rakkunVT and more.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1752.5, 1969.5], "path": [[1731.5, 1952.5], [1774.5, 1952.5], [1773.5, 1986.5], [1731.5, 1986.5], [1731.5, 1952.5]]}, +{"id": "twnb4g", "submitted_by": "BreakDownSphere", "name": "Star Trek Enterprise", "description": "A small number of Star Trek fans partnering with The Wandering Inn to secure a ship on the canvas.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/startrek", "center": [1890.5, 389.5], "path": [[1918.5, 383.5], [1905.5, 382.5], [1895.5, 384.5], [1892.5, 382.5], [1880.5, 382.5], [1873.5, 389.5], [1853.5, 389.5], [1853.5, 395.5], [1918.5, 395.5], [1918.5, 389.5]]}, +{"id": "twnaxd", "submitted_by": "Narnall", "name": "Mug Moment", "description": "This is a certified MUG MOMENT. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [669.5, 1707.5], "path": [[644.5, 1693.5], [644.5, 1693.5], [645.5, 1693.5], [646.5, 1693.5], [646.5, 1691.5], [648.5, 1689.5], [653.5, 1687.5], [687.5, 1686.5], [692.5, 1690.5], [693.5, 1716.5], [691.5, 1716.5], [691.5, 1718.5], [689.5, 1719.5], [689.5, 1731.5], [686.5, 1731.5], [685.5, 1730.5], [681.5, 1730.5], [681.5, 1729.5], [680.5, 1728.5], [658.5, 1728.5], [658.5, 1729.5], [655.5, 1729.5], [653.5, 1729.5], [651.5, 1728.5], [648.5, 1724.5], [648.5, 1721.5], [648.5, 1719.5], [645.5, 1718.5], [644.5, 1713.5]]}, +{"id": "twnahg", "submitted_by": "GenericFirstName", "name": "Benchy", "description": "A common calibration print for 3d printers ", "website": "", "subreddit": "R/3dprinting", "center": [280.5, 536.5], "path": [[274.5, 519.5], [277.5, 519.5], [279.5, 522.5], [287.5, 525.5], [287.5, 532.5], [290.5, 534.5], [297.5, 535.5], [298.5, 539.5], [294.5, 543.5], [287.5, 544.5], [280.5, 545.5], [272.5, 546.5], [264.5, 546.5], [259.5, 543.5], [263.5, 539.5], [266.5, 543.5], [270.5, 541.5], [269.5, 538.5], [274.5, 539.5], [275.5, 530.5], [272.5, 526.5]]}, +{"id": "twn9mp", "submitted_by": "_8o_", "name": "Nimu VT", "description": "Nimu Spacecat is one of the biggest spanish vtubers,this pixel art shows her official mascot, which is a parasite that hosts the body of centi, the girl that we can usually see on her streams.", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/c/NimuCh", "subreddit": "", "center": [1528.5, 1186.5], "path": [[1506.5, 1172.5], [1506.5, 1200.5], [1550.5, 1200.5], [1550.5, 1172.5]]}, +{"id": "twn9em", "submitted_by": "GamerGuySeth", "name": "New Location McGee", "description": "Hey all, Scott here!", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/scottthewoz", "center": [1577.5, 230.5], "path": [[1577.5, 230.5], [1603.5, 231.5], [1603.5, 248.5], [1551.5, 248.5], [1551.5, 212.5], [1603.5, 212.5], [1603.5, 231.5]]}, +{"id": "twn9c1", "submitted_by": "veem96", "name": "ISRO logo", "description": "Logo of the Indian Space Research Organisation", "website": "Indian Space Research Organisation", "subreddit": "reddit.com/r/indiaplace", "center": [272.5, 275.5], "path": [[251.5, 252.5], [251.5, 253.5], [292.5, 252.5], [292.5, 297.5], [251.5, 297.5]]}, +{"id": "twn99e", "submitted_by": "LeaderThren", "name": "Anbennar", "description": "An fantasy word setting inspired by mainstream D&D worlds, and has become an EU4 mod.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/anbennar", "center": [580.5, 991.5], "path": [[540.5, 974.5], [540.5, 1012.5], [623.5, 1012.5], [624.5, 1012.5], [624.5, 974.5], [610.5, 974.5], [610.5, 975.5], [609.5, 975.5], [609.5, 976.5], [608.5, 976.5], [607.5, 976.5], [607.5, 975.5], [607.5, 974.5], [572.5, 974.5], [572.5, 960.5], [551.5, 960.5], [551.5, 974.5]]}, +{"id": "twn97p", "submitted_by": "Vernon-xta", "name": "The United States of America", "description": "A shrining bastion of Freedom and Democracy. An idea of free men and women in a land of brave generations. The flag was taken down by multiple invaders and shredded by many hostiles. But the American people hold their flag high and their voice higher. What can you stop? Certainly not an idea, certainly not the American people.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/AmericaFlagInPlace", "center": [1887.5, 1809.5], "path": [[1775.5, 1751.5], [1999.5, 1750.5], [1999.5, 1867.5], [1774.5, 1868.5], [1774.5, 1792.5]]}, +{"id": "twn8k6", "submitted_by": "Trainzack", "name": "GME Stock Price Line", "description": "A line representing the price of the GME stock. The line exits its originating mural and weaves between multiple other murals. Note that the line has been traced here only so far as it unambiguously does not branch; multiple offshoots of the line continue beyond that point.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1328.5, 308.5], "path": [[774.5, 782.5], [774.5, 784.5], [870.5, 784.5], [871.5, 783.5], [872.5, 778.5], [874.5, 779.5], [876.5, 783.5], [877.5, 784.5], [878.5, 783.5], [879.5, 780.5], [881.5, 778.5], [882.5, 780.5], [882.5, 784.5], [883.5, 784.5], [884.5, 782.5], [885.5, 781.5], [886.5, 779.5], [887.5, 780.5], [888.5, 782.5], [889.5, 784.5], [890.5, 782.5], [891.5, 780.5], [892.5, 778.5], [893.5, 780.5], [894.5, 781.5], [895.5, 782.5], [896.5, 784.5], [897.5, 782.5], [898.5, 780.5], [899.5, 779.5], [900.5, 781.5], [901.5, 783.5], [902.5, 784.5], [905.5, 784.5], [905.5, 619.5], [909.5, 619.5], [909.5, 514.5], [956.5, 514.5], [956.5, 497.5], [964.5, 497.5], [964.5, 364.5], [1046.5, 364.5], [1098.5, 312.5], [1394.5, 312.5], [1394.5, 277.5], [1411.5, 247.5], [1440.5, 247.5], [1440.5, 240.5], [1458.5, 240.5], [1458.5, 205.5], [1514.5, 205.5], [1514.5, 204.5], [1522.5, 204.5], [1522.5, 114.5], [1527.5, 109.5], [1528.5, 107.5], [1529.5, 105.5], [1530.5, 103.5], [1531.5, 101.5], [1532.5, 99.5], [1537.5, 90.5], [1537.5, 64.5], [1562.5, 64.5], [1562.5, 37.5], [1597.5, 2.5], [1971.5, 2.5], [1998.5, 33.5], [1998.5, 80.5], [1971.5, 80.5], [1971.5, 99.5], [1953.5, 99.5], [1953.5, 118.5], [1951.5, 118.5], [1951.5, 119.5], [1952.5, 119.5], [1952.5, 132.5], [1953.5, 133.5], [1953.5, 159.5], [1947.5, 159.5], [1947.5, 173.5], [1940.5, 173.5], [1940.5, 174.5], [1939.5, 174.5], [1939.5, 238.5], [1941.5, 238.5], [1941.5, 175.5], [1949.5, 175.5], [1949.5, 161.5], [1955.5, 161.5], [1955.5, 131.5], [1953.5, 131.5], [1953.5, 119.5], [1955.5, 119.5], [1955.5, 101.5], [1973.5, 101.5], [1973.5, 82.5], [1999.5, 82.5], [1999.5, 28.5], [1974.5, 0.5], [1596.5, 0.5], [1559.5, 37.5], [1559.5, 61.5], [1534.5, 61.5], [1534.5, 89.5], [1525.5, 106.5], [1519.5, 110.5], [1519.5, 202.5], [1455.5, 202.5], [1455.5, 237.5], [1437.5, 237.5], [1437.5, 244.5], [1409.5, 244.5], [1391.5, 276.5], [1391.5, 309.5], [1096.5, 309.5], [1043.5, 361.5], [961.5, 361.5], [961.5, 494.5], [953.5, 494.5], [953.5, 511.5], [906.5, 511.5], [906.5, 616.5], [902.5, 616.5], [902.5, 781.5], [901.5, 778.5], [899.5, 774.5], [896.5, 780.5], [892.5, 774.5], [889.5, 780.5], [886.5, 776.5], [884.5, 779.5], [882.5, 776.5], [881.5, 773.5], [880.5, 776.5], [878.5, 778.5], [877.5, 781.5], [875.5, 777.5], [874.5, 774.5], [873.5, 776.5], [872.5, 773.5], [869.5, 782.5], [774.5, 782.5]]}, +{"id": "twn8gv", "submitted_by": "Advanced-Vacation-49", "name": "France", "description": "The flag of France", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/france", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twn8d6", "submitted_by": "qfoxb", "name": "Moist E-Sports", "description": "An E-Sports team ran by Cr1Tikal also known as penguinz0", "website": "https://www.twitch.tv/moistcr1tikal", "subreddit": "/r/penguinz0", "center": [1986.5, 98.5], "path": [[1974.5, 83.5], [1998.5, 83.5], [1998.5, 112.5], [1974.5, 112.5]]}, +{"id": "twn7z4", "submitted_by": "WeedRats", "name": "r/furry", "description": "Mural made by r/furry.", "website": "https://discord.com/invite/rfurry", "subreddit": "https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/", "center": [1763.5, 913.5], "path": [[1749.5, 929.5], [1749.5, 897.5], [1772.5, 897.5], [1780.5, 908.5], [1780.5, 912.5], [1774.5, 912.5], [1774.5, 916.5], [1776.5, 918.5], [1777.5, 928.5], [1775.5, 928.5], [1775.5, 937.5], [1771.5, 934.5], [1771.5, 929.5], [1768.5, 929.5], [1766.5, 927.5], [1764.5, 929.5], [1762.5, 929.5], [1760.5, 927.5], [1758.5, 929.5], [1749.5, 929.5]]}, +{"id": "twn7yg", "submitted_by": "connardnumero1", "name": "The Little Prince", "description": "Famous french story of Antoine de Saint-Exupery. This simple tale tells the story of a child, the little prince, who travels the universe gaining wisdom. He discovers how to love, appriciate, understand and truly live a happy and peaceful life ", "website": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Little_Prince", "subreddit": "/r/TheLittlePrince/", "center": [154.5, 357.5], "path": [[133.5, 386.5], [175.5, 386.5], [175.5, 328.5], [133.5, 328.5], [133.5, 328.5]]}, +{"id": "twn7x2", "submitted_by": "BossBark", "name": "Scratch from The Ghost and Molly Magee", "description": "Tween optimist Molly McGee lives to make the world a better place, fix what has gone wrong, and spread joy. Meanwhile, cantankerous ghost Scratch lives to make the world a worse place, break what has gone right, and spread misery. When a curse from Scratch backfires, he finds himself forever bound to Molly. Despite that, Scratch and Molly form an unlikely friendship that guides each of them through the ups and downs of their respective worlds. - WIKI", "website": "https://www.reddit.com/r/GhostAndMollyMcGee/", "subreddit": "r/GhostAndMollyMcGee", "center": [500.5, 920.5], "path": [[494.5, 911.5], [506.5, 911.5], [506.5, 929.5], [494.5, 929.5], [494.5, 911.5]]}, +{"id": 0, "name": "Tumindig", "description": "The original Tumindig artwork was created by Filipino satirist and cartoonist Kevin Eric Raymundo. It is a Filipino symbol of standing up against tyranny especially when the threat of dictatorship looms near the country.", "website": "", "subreddit": " r/Philippines", "center": [1354.5, 624.5], "path": [[1334.5, 599.5], [1333.5, 648.5], [1374.5, 648.5], [1374.5, 599.5], [1349.5, 599.5], [1342.5, 600.5], [1338.5, 598.5]]}, +{"id": "twn73x", "submitted_by": "Zamedel", "name": "Arknights", "description": "free-to-play tactical RPG/tower defense mobile game developed by Chinese developer Hypergryph", "website": "[https://www.arknights.global/](https://www.arknights.global/)", "subreddit": "[https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/)", "center": [1647.5, 1735.5], "path": [[1626.5, 1713.5], [1626.5, 1760.5], [1661.5, 1760.5], [1661.5, 1737.5], [1673.5, 1737.5], [1673.5, 1713.5], [1626.5, 1713.5]]}, +{"id": "twn6zp", "submitted_by": "Bob_Brick", "name": "F**kFace Logo", "description": "The logo of the F**kFace podcast, created by the joint efforts of the community Reddit and Discord. In typical F**kFace fashion, the F**kPlacers spent most of their battles defending the logo from themselves. Yes, it makes as much sense as you think.", "website": "[https://discord.gg/fuckface](https://discord.gg/fuckface)", "subreddit": "r/fuckfacepod", "center": [1198.5, 42.5], "path": [[1184.5, 35.5], [1212.5, 35.5], [1212.5, 49.5], [1184.5, 49.5], [1184.5, 35.5]]}, +{"id": "twn6jx", "submitted_by": "TurtleTheSeawing", "name": "Wings of Fire", "description": "Wings of Fire is a book series about a world of Dragons, it consists of 15 main series books, 2 Legends books, and 4 Winglets. It is similar to the Warrior Cats series, and is rather gruesome at times, so if you are planning to read it, be warned. Along the sides are miniature portraits of some of the dragons from the series.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/WingsOfFire", "center": [1066.5, 482.5], "path": [[1053.5, 465.5], [1078.5, 465.5], [1078.5, 498.5], [1053.5, 498.5]]}, +{"id": "twn6es", "submitted_by": "Gyfald", "name": "Mikoto Misaka from index/railgun", "description": "Misaka represent the toaru/raildex lightnovels & Animes", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/toarumajutsunoindex", "center": [1815.5, 1184.5], "path": [[1806.5, 1173.5], [1827.5, 1174.5], [1824.5, 1194.5], [1805.5, 1194.5]]}, +{"id": "twn5wt", "submitted_by": "Rijinthaman", "name": "Stormlight and Malazan", "description": "A collaborative effort by the subreddits for The Stormlight Archive and Malazan Book of the Fallen, depicting their respective fantasy series.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Stormlight_Archive, r/Malazan", "center": [1849.5, 910.5], "path": [[1830.5, 870.5], [1868.5, 870.5], [1868.5, 949.5], [1830.5, 949.5]]}, +{"id": "twn5nh", "submitted_by": "AffectionateWinner11", "name": "Deltarune plushes", "description": "These are plushes of some Deltarune characters. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/deltarune", "center": [1774.5, 185.5], "path": [[1749.5, 175.5], [1749.5, 206.5], [1805.5, 205.5], [1805.5, 172.5], [1776.5, 172.5], [1775.5, 161.5], [1745.5, 161.5], [1746.5, 174.5]]}, +{"id": "twn5hs", "submitted_by": "LysdexicSoup48", "name": "Rusty Lake", "description": "an indie game studio for puzzle point and click games", "website": "http://www.rustylake.com/", "subreddit": "https://www.reddit.com/r/rustylake/", "center": [1779.5, 1054.5], "path": [[1768.5, 1044.5], [1768.5, 1064.5], [1789.5, 1064.5], [1789.5, 1044.5]]}, +{"id": "twn5bk", "submitted_by": "fleeval", "name": "SciFi-Fantasy Alliance", "description": "A collection of symbols depicting popular science fiction and fantasy series including Dune, Red Rising, Cosmere, Wheel of Time, A Song of Ice and Fire, Lord of the Rings, and more! Visit the subreddit for full symbol identification. The greyscale at the top is part of a compromise with r/onepiece over territory disputes. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/SFFA", "center": [1662.5, 1385.5], "path": [[1718.5, 1359.5], [1723.5, 1367.5], [1725.5, 1379.5], [1723.5, 1393.5], [1721.5, 1406.5], [1715.5, 1415.5], [1704.5, 1428.5], [1698.5, 1435.5], [1686.5, 1441.5], [1671.5, 1444.5], [1667.5, 1441.5], [1656.5, 1441.5], [1643.5, 1438.5], [1626.5, 1431.5], [1617.5, 1423.5], [1610.5, 1411.5], [1602.5, 1388.5], [1602.5, 1376.5], [1608.5, 1358.5], [1612.5, 1349.5], [1629.5, 1332.5], [1651.5, 1324.5], [1664.5, 1322.5], [1676.5, 1322.5], [1685.5, 1327.5], [1686.5, 1358.5], [1717.5, 1358.5]]}, +{"id": "twn57v", "submitted_by": "RollingLineTD2", "name": "Higurashi When They Cry", "description": "The characters from Higurashi When They Cry, in a line.", "website": "[discord.gg/higurashi](https://discord.gg/higurashi)", "subreddit": "/r/higurashinonakakoroni", "center": [1848.5, 1743.5], "path": [[1804.5, 1750.5], [1891.5, 1750.5], [1892.5, 1736.5], [1805.5, 1735.5]]}, +{"id": "twn55o", "submitted_by": "carpinx", "name": "Tango dancers", "description": "Tango isis a style of music that originated among European immigrant populations of Argentina and Uruguay.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/argentina", "center": [1000.5, 652.5], "path": [[1005.5, 664.5], [1005.5, 652.5], [1008.5, 651.5], [1008.5, 648.5], [1011.5, 646.5], [1007.5, 645.5], [1005.5, 642.5], [1004.5, 639.5], [1001.5, 636.5], [994.5, 638.5], [994.5, 641.5], [998.5, 645.5], [996.5, 647.5], [994.5, 650.5], [997.5, 656.5], [993.5, 661.5], [989.5, 665.5], [1005.5, 665.5]]}, +{"id": "twn4yy", "submitted_by": "monarchcycoldia", "name": "German Maple Leaf", "description": "The maple leaf of Canada added to the German Flag by Germany.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1721.5, 1144.5], "path": [[1705.5, 1145.5], [1712.5, 1151.5], [1711.5, 1153.5], [1710.5, 1152.5], [1711.5, 1154.5], [1720.5, 1154.5], [1720.5, 1163.5], [1722.5, 1163.5], [1722.5, 1153.5], [1725.5, 1153.5], [1726.5, 1154.5], [1731.5, 1154.5], [1730.5, 1152.5], [1730.5, 1151.5], [1731.5, 1150.5], [1732.5, 1149.5], [1733.5, 1149.5], [1737.5, 1145.5], [1737.5, 1144.5], [1736.5, 1144.5], [1735.5, 1143.5], [1736.5, 1142.5], [1736.5, 1140.5], [1737.5, 1139.5], [1737.5, 1138.5], [1735.5, 1138.5], [1734.5, 1139.5], [1731.5, 1139.5], [1731.5, 1138.5], [1730.5, 1137.5], [1727.5, 1140.5], [1726.5, 1140.5], [1726.5, 1138.5], [1727.5, 1137.5], [1728.5, 1137.5], [1727.5, 1135.5], [1727.5, 1133.5], [1726.5, 1133.5], [1725.5, 1134.5], [1724.5, 1134.5], [1723.5, 1133.5], [1723.5, 1132.5], [1722.5, 1131.5], [1722.5, 1130.5], [1721.5, 1129.5], [1720.5, 1130.5], [1720.5, 1131.5], [1719.5, 1132.5], [1719.5, 1133.5], [1718.5, 1134.5], [1717.5, 1134.5], [1716.5, 1133.5], [1715.5, 1133.5], [1715.5, 1134.5], [1715.5, 1136.5], [1715.5, 1136.5], [1716.5, 1137.5], [1716.5, 1139.5], [1715.5, 1140.5], [1714.5, 1139.5], [1712.5, 1137.5], [1711.5, 1138.5], [1710.5, 1139.5], [1708.5, 1139.5], [1707.5, 1138.5], [1705.5, 1138.5], [1705.5, 1139.5], [1706.5, 1140.5], [1706.5, 1142.5], [1707.5, 1143.5], [1706.5, 1144.5], [1705.5, 1144.5]]}, +{"id": "twn45x", "submitted_by": "Least_Chip448", "name": "The Phantom Thieves Logo", "description": "From the game Persona 5", "website": "https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Phantom_Thieves_of_Hearts", "subreddit": "r/Persona5", "center": [1507.5, 302.5], "path": [[1511.5, 280.5], [1505.5, 280.5], [1505.5, 281.5], [1503.5, 281.5], [1503.5, 282.5], [1499.5, 282.5], [1499.5, 283.5], [1497.5, 283.5], [1497.5, 284.5], [1495.5, 284.5], [1495.5, 286.5], [1494.5, 285.5], [1494.5, 286.5], [1492.5, 286.5], [1492.5, 287.5], [1491.5, 287.5], [1489.5, 289.5], [1487.5, 297.5], [1488.5, 297.5], [1494.5, 302.5], [1497.5, 308.5], [1496.5, 308.5], [1492.5, 309.5], [1491.5, 311.5], [1489.5, 313.5], [1489.5, 318.5], [1497.5, 321.5], [1503.5, 323.5], [1507.5, 322.5], [1511.5, 323.5], [1519.5, 314.5], [1520.5, 314.5], [1526.5, 308.5], [1528.5, 307.5], [1528.5, 303.5], [1531.5, 303.5], [1532.5, 300.5], [1527.5, 295.5], [1527.5, 291.5], [1527.5, 290.5], [1528.5, 290.5], [1528.5, 288.5], [1524.5, 288.5], [1523.5, 291.5], [1519.5, 296.5], [1515.5, 296.5], [1514.5, 296.5], [1514.5, 294.5], [1513.5, 294.5], [1513.5, 288.5], [1514.5, 287.5], [1514.5, 285.5], [1515.5, 285.5], [1515.5, 283.5], [1513.5, 282.5]]}, +{"id": "twn3zy", "submitted_by": "Midokuni", "name": "Blue Archive and Sporkbot", "description": "Hifumi and Peroro from Blue Archive along with Sporkbot server. And half of the burger.n", "website": "https://discord.gg/bluearchive", "subreddit": "r/BlueArchive", "center": [163.5, 989.5], "path": [[136.5, 963.5], [189.5, 963.5], [189.5, 1014.5], [136.5, 1014.5]]}, +{"id": "twn3rk", "submitted_by": "qfoxb", "name": "iPod Classic", "description": "An iPod Classic, used to have an iPod Nano next to it, but it was destroyed.", "website": "https://discord.gg/iPod", "subreddit": "/r/ipod", "center": [858.5, 984.5], "path": [[855.5, 978.5], [855.5, 989.5], [861.5, 989.5], [861.5, 978.5]]}, +{"id": "twn3qv", "submitted_by": "FastHound", "name": "Chile", "description": "Chilean flag with depictions of the Andes mountains, the pud\u00fa, the condor, red wine, mote con huesillo and the silhouette of the country in the flag", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/chile", "center": [333.5, 489.5], "path": [[245.5, 528.5], [272.5, 528.5], [272.5, 523.5], [274.5, 523.5], [274.5, 518.5], [274.5, 517.5], [279.5, 517.5], [279.5, 522.5], [281.5, 522.5], [281.5, 521.5], [290.5, 521.5], [290.5, 526.5], [300.5, 526.5], [300.5, 528.5], [314.5, 528.5], [378.5, 528.5], [421.5, 527.5], [421.5, 450.5], [244.5, 450.5], [244.5, 528.5]]}, +{"id": "twn3no", "submitted_by": "Narnall", "name": "Colorado Flag", "description": "A flag of colorado", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Colorado", "center": [10.5, 738.5], "path": [[0.5, 730.5], [20.5, 730.5], [20.5, 745.5], [0.5, 745.5]]}, +{"id": "twn3ne", "submitted_by": "flappity", "name": "Aromantic/Ace Flags", "description": "Three flags from the aromantic/asexual community. nnFirst flag: top 5 stripes (Dark yellow, light yellow, white, blue, dark blue) are the Aroace flagnnSecond flag: Next five stripes (Dark green, light green, white, grey, black) are the Aromantic flagnnThird flag: Bottom four stripes (Black, grey, white, purple) are the Asexual flag.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [524.5, 664.5], "path": [[449.5, 646.5], [598.5, 647.5], [598.5, 682.5], [449.5, 681.5], [449.5, 646.5]]}, +{"id": "twn3ak", "submitted_by": "carpinx", "name": "Mate", "description": "Traditional South American, specially Argentinian and Uruguayan, caffeine-rich infused drink.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1092.5, 656.5], "path": [[1083.5, 664.5], [1081.5, 661.5], [1082.5, 656.5], [1087.5, 649.5], [1095.5, 648.5], [1100.5, 643.5], [1104.5, 644.5], [1098.5, 651.5], [1098.5, 653.5], [1102.5, 657.5], [1101.5, 665.5], [1084.5, 665.5]]}, +{"id": "twn35n", "submitted_by": "Kliuqard", "name": "Excalibur & The Lotus Symbol", "description": "Excalibur Warframe from Warframe and the Lotus symbol, the trademark symbol of the game. Bonus Central Alliance logo (top left).", "website": "https://www.warframe.com", "subreddit": "/r/Warframe", "center": [570.5, 1063.5], "path": [[540.5, 1054.5], [540.5, 1068.5], [562.5, 1068.5], [562.5, 1081.5], [590.5, 1081.5], [590.5, 1046.5], [562.5, 1046.5], [562.5, 1054.5], [540.5, 1054.5]]}, +{"id": "twn2ft", "submitted_by": "MasterTrouble", "name": "FIRST Robotics", "description": "FIRST Robotics is an organization that sponsors multiple robotics leagues and teaches students about STEM and working with others all around the world. The 4 digit numbers in area are FRC team numbers that contributed to logo", "website": "[https://www.firstinspires.org/](https://www.firstinspires.org/)", "subreddit": " r/FRC r/FTC r/FLL", "center": [1201.5, 1636.5], "path": [[1163.5, 1609.5], [1223.5, 1610.5], [1223.5, 1647.5], [1280.5, 1648.5], [1280.5, 1655.5], [1163.5, 1658.5]]}, +{"id": "twn2co", "submitted_by": "Cioss21", "name": "Sonic and Tails", "description": "The first to start it's appearance on the canvas was Tails. It had to be remade 7 times with different locations according to the r/milesprower community. Finally, r/SonicTheHedgehog came along to reunite the duo together.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/milesprower, /r/SonicTheHedgehog", "center": [1598.5, 374.5], "path": [[1573.5, 354.5], [1606.5, 354.5], [1607.5, 353.5], [1609.5, 354.5], [1609.5, 356.5], [1611.5, 356.5], [1614.5, 359.5], [1619.5, 359.5], [1620.5, 360.5], [1616.5, 363.5], [1615.5, 368.5], [1615.5, 369.5], [1619.5, 370.5], [1625.5, 373.5], [1625.5, 391.5], [1574.5, 391.5], [1574.5, 366.5], [1575.5, 365.5], [1575.5, 364.5], [1574.5, 363.5], [1574.5, 354.5]]}, +{"id": "twn1sc", "submitted_by": "mc395686", "name": "Minecraft Championship", "description": "MCC is a Minecraft tournament featuring various different creators competing in minigames!", "website": "https://noxcrew.com/mcc", "subreddit": "r/Minecraftchampionship", "center": [1789.5, 117.5], "path": [[1801.5, 98.5], [1809.5, 109.5], [1809.5, 130.5], [1789.5, 130.5], [1789.5, 141.5], [1780.5, 141.5], [1780.5, 130.5], [1769.5, 131.5], [1769.5, 110.5], [1774.5, 110.5], [1774.5, 98.5]]}, +{"id": "twn1rc", "submitted_by": "Oponik", "name": "Jetstream Sam", "description": "His real name is Samuel Rodrigues from Metal Gear Rising Revengeance. Has the whitest smile and a thicc ass", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1880.5, 1720.5], "path": [[1884.5, 1740.5], [1896.5, 1740.5], [1897.5, 1741.5], [1901.5, 1741.5], [1901.5, 1737.5], [1901.5, 1734.5], [1901.5, 1731.5], [1893.5, 1728.5], [1894.5, 1722.5], [1892.5, 1719.5], [1893.5, 1712.5], [1889.5, 1705.5], [1885.5, 1702.5], [1880.5, 1698.5], [1872.5, 1697.5], [1868.5, 1698.5], [1864.5, 1700.5], [1862.5, 1707.5], [1862.5, 1718.5], [1866.5, 1722.5], [1863.5, 1726.5], [1868.5, 1730.5], [1870.5, 1732.5], [1869.5, 1735.5], [1873.5, 1736.5], [1878.5, 1740.5]]}, +{"id": "twn1pg", "submitted_by": "carpinx", "name": "Fernet con Coca", "description": "Typical drink from Argentina. Fernet Branca (Italian beverage) mixed with Coca-Cola, usually in a 30-70 proportion.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1030.5, 654.5], "path": [[1016.5, 665.5], [1045.5, 665.5], [1044.5, 649.5], [1043.5, 647.5], [1043.5, 642.5], [1039.5, 642.5], [1028.5, 642.5], [1025.5, 644.5], [1018.5, 644.5], [1017.5, 651.5], [1015.5, 653.5], [1016.5, 665.5]]}, +{"id": "twn1fh", "submitted_by": "firthisaword", "name": "Bulgarian Flag", "description": "The flag of Bulgaria and a portrait of its national hero Vasil Levski", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/bulgaria", "center": [1622.5, 729.5], "path": [[1578.5, 691.5], [1664.5, 691.5], [1666.5, 767.5], [1580.5, 767.5], [1578.5, 691.5]]}, +{"id": "twn0zr", "submitted_by": "GamerRighway", "name": "Hikari", "description": "One of the two main characters of Arcaea; representing 'Light'", "website": "https://arcaea.lowiro.com/en", "subreddit": "/r/arcaea", "center": [1841.5, 1665.5], "path": [[1833.5, 1661.5], [1834.5, 1660.5], [1834.5, 1659.5], [1835.5, 1658.5], [1835.5, 1657.5], [1836.5, 1656.5], [1837.5, 1655.5], [1838.5, 1654.5], [1839.5, 1654.5], [1840.5, 1654.5], [1841.5, 1654.5], [1842.5, 1654.5], [1843.5, 1654.5], [1844.5, 1655.5], [1845.5, 1656.5], [1846.5, 1657.5], [1846.5, 1658.5], [1847.5, 1659.5], [1847.5, 1660.5], [1848.5, 1661.5], [1848.5, 1662.5], [1847.5, 1662.5], [1847.5, 1663.5], [1847.5, 1664.5], [1847.5, 1665.5], [1847.5, 1666.5], [1847.5, 1667.5], [1847.5, 1668.5], [1847.5, 1669.5], [1848.5, 1670.5], [1849.5, 1671.5], [1848.5, 1672.5], [1847.5, 1673.5], [1846.5, 1672.5], [1845.5, 1672.5], [1844.5, 1673.5], [1843.5, 1674.5], [1843.5, 1675.5], [1842.5, 1676.5], [1841.5, 1675.5], [1840.5, 1675.5], [1839.5, 1676.5], [1838.5, 1675.5], [1838.5, 1674.5], [1837.5, 1673.5], [1836.5, 1672.5], [1835.5, 1672.5], [1834.5, 1673.5], [1833.5, 1672.5], [1832.5, 1671.5], [1833.5, 1670.5], [1834.5, 1669.5], [1834.5, 1668.5], [1834.5, 1667.5], [1834.5, 1666.5], [1834.5, 1665.5], [1834.5, 1664.5], [1834.5, 1663.5], [1834.5, 1662.5], [1833.5, 1662.5], [1833.5, 1661.5]]}, +{"id": "twn0lz", "submitted_by": "Trainzack", "name": "StotalMisplay", "description": "The Stoat from the video game Inscryption, accompanied by Lonely Wizard (left) and Goobert (right)", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/inscryption", "center": [128.5, 299.5], "path": [[106.5, 267.5], [106.5, 275.5], [112.5, 275.5], [112.5, 277.5], [110.5, 277.5], [110.5, 285.5], [111.5, 285.5], [111.5, 286.5], [112.5, 286.5], [112.5, 299.5], [109.5, 299.5], [108.5, 300.5], [108.5, 304.5], [105.5, 304.5], [105.5, 305.5], [104.5, 306.5], [104.5, 307.5], [104.5, 308.5], [102.5, 308.5], [101.5, 309.5], [101.5, 311.5], [98.5, 311.5], [98.5, 312.5], [96.5, 312.5], [96.5, 317.5], [96.5, 318.5], [101.5, 318.5], [101.5, 328.5], [152.5, 328.5], [152.5, 313.5], [151.5, 313.5], [151.5, 309.5], [150.5, 308.5], [149.5, 307.5], [148.5, 306.5], [148.5, 279.5], [147.5, 279.5], [147.5, 276.5], [149.5, 276.5], [149.5, 277.5], [149.5, 275.5], [159.5, 275.5], [160.5, 274.5], [160.5, 268.5], [159.5, 267.5], [106.5, 267.5]]}, +{"id": "twn05d", "submitted_by": "daily_flags", "name": "Giant \u00d1 between hispanic flags", "description": "Giant \u00d1 that represents the Spanish language, on the sides is the flag of Ecuador, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Argentina, Colombia, Spain, Panama, El Salvador, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Chile, Venezuela, Uruguay and Paraguay plus the flag of France, the old Chechnya flag, and a random unrecognized flag", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/PERU with the help of other random redditords", "center": [500.5, 628.5], "path": [[535.5, 610.5], [535.5, 646.5], [465.5, 646.5], [465.5, 610.5]]}, +{"id": "twmzrk", "submitted_by": "mc395686", "name": "Minecraft CHampionship", "description": "MCC is a Minecraft tournament featuring various different creators competing in minigames!", "website": "[https://noxcrew.com/mcc](https://noxcrew.com/mcc)", "subreddit": "r/MinecraftChampionship", "center": [886.5, 563.5], "path": [[877.5, 533.5], [905.5, 533.5], [905.5, 584.5], [880.5, 583.5], [879.5, 590.5], [851.5, 590.5], [851.5, 579.5], [877.5, 579.5], [877.5, 533.5]]}, +{"id": "twmzln", "submitted_by": "_8o_", "name": "Cyclic VS Riot", "description": "a tribute to one of the biggest rivalries in geometry dash history", "website": "", "subreddit": "https://www.reddit.com/r/geometrydashplace/", "center": [583.5, 1698.5], "path": [[550.5, 1711.5], [588.5, 1711.5], [589.5, 1710.5], [597.5, 1710.5], [598.5, 1711.5], [615.5, 1711.5], [615.5, 1706.5], [616.5, 1706.5], [617.5, 1705.5], [618.5, 1705.5], [618.5, 1703.5], [619.5, 1702.5], [618.5, 1701.5], [618.5, 1700.5], [619.5, 1699.5], [618.5, 1698.5], [616.5, 1695.5], [617.5, 1695.5], [617.5, 1694.5], [618.5, 1693.5], [615.5, 1690.5], [614.5, 1687.5], [599.5, 1687.5], [598.5, 1688.5], [597.5, 1686.5], [598.5, 1686.5], [598.5, 1680.5], [590.5, 1680.5], [587.5, 1682.5], [583.5, 1682.5], [577.5, 1687.5], [573.5, 1687.5], [571.5, 1689.5], [568.5, 1689.5], [566.5, 1687.5], [562.5, 1687.5], [560.5, 1689.5], [558.5, 1689.5], [558.5, 1687.5], [557.5, 1687.5], [554.5, 1684.5], [553.5, 1684.5], [552.5, 1683.5], [550.5, 1683.5], [550.5, 1711.5]]}, +{"id": "twmzdz", "submitted_by": "Mathgeek007", "name": "Trash Taste", "description": "An anime podcast run by three well-known anitubers. Subtitles include two friends of the show - Chris Broad, a regular guest, and Ironmouse, a VTuber who is great friends with CDawgVA, one of the hosts.", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcmxOGYGF51T1XsqQLewGtQ", "subreddit": "/r/TrashTaste", "center": [39.5, 559.5], "path": [[77.5, 528.5], [78.5, 589.5], [0.5, 588.5], [0.5, 529.5]]}, +{"id": "twmyah", "submitted_by": "Arlong-sama", "name": "V\u0334\u030b\u0303\u030e\u030c\u0358\u034a\u034a\u0300\u035d\u0307\u034c\u0352\u0343\u0327o\u0334\u0313\u0350\u0304\u030a\u0315\u0315\u0303\u030a\u033e\u035d\u0351\u0314\u030c\u0321\u031c\u031c\u0329\u031c\u0328\u0325\u0320\u0329\u032c\u032bi\u0337\u0352\u0311\u033e\u0357\u0344\u0357\u0343\u030f\u030d\u033d\u0352\u034c\u0323\u0316\u0345\u0318\u0333\u031d\u032a\u032f\u0321\u0332\u033c\u033b\u0318\u033bd\u0336\u0305\u0330\u0326\u032d\u0324\u0347\u033c\u0316 \u0336\u034c\u0340\u0314\u030c\u033f\u0302\u0303\u0307\u0342\u0357\u030b\u030e\u035d\u030e\u035a\u0319\u035a\u035a\u0325\u0354\u0328\u031d\u0354\u035c\u034e\u0319\u0324\u033c\u034dM\u0334\u033e\u030f\u0342\u031b\u0301\u0351\u0310\u0351\u0310\u0311\u0300\u0301\u032f\u0319\u0322\u0339\u0356\u0330\u034d\u033c\u034d\u0339\u033bo\u0338\u0302\u035b\u0302\u0306\u0303\u0351\u0358\u0313\u0303\u0304\u0344\u0301\u033f\u030e\u030b\u0321t\u0335\u033e\u0344\u0343\u032c\u032f\u0339\u0333h\u0334\u035d\u0315\u031b\u0332\u032c\u0324\u0339\u0323\u0318\u0333e\u0335\u0351\u030f\u0302\u0308r\u0336\u0308\u0357\u0303\u030c\u032c", "description": "T\u0335\u0314\u0359\u0323\u0348he\u0337\u0312\u0350\u033d\u0317\u0323\u0330\u0349 \u0338\u0314\u030a\u0312\u0304\u032c\u035aV\u0335\u035b\u0305\u0304\u035b\u0318\u0316\u0326o\u0338\u0308\u0346\u0327\u0318\u031e\u0332i\u0338\u033f\u035b\u0303\u033b\u0349\u0319d\u0338\u0305\u035c\u0323\u031c \u0334\u0342\u031d\u031fC\u0338\u0351\u031c\u0328o\u0338\u0351\u0324\u0319\u0321n\u0338\u0302\u0345\u033b\u0333s\u0334\u0303\u0329\u0318\u0348\u0321u\u0335\u034c\u0303\u0303\u0348\u0329m\u0334\u033e\u0300\u0300\u0357\u035a\u034ee\u0337\u0315\u0318s\u0334\u0313\u0332\u0345\u0331 \u0337\u030f\u034a\u033f\u0306\u032e\u034dA\u0334\u030e\u032e\u032a\u0325l\u0334\u0343\u032cl\u0336\u0310\u0327\u034d", "website": "V\u0335\u0306\u0358\u030a\u0345\u0345\u031dO\u0335\u035d\u0312\u030e\u0350\u0345I\u0338\u030c\u0315\u035d\u0323\u0319\u034eD\u0338\u0300\u0311\u030f\u0341\u0330\u034e\u035c", "subreddit": "V\u0335\u0306\u0358\u030a\u0345\u0345\u031dO\u0335\u035d\u0312\u030e\u0350\u0345I\u0338\u030c\u0315\u035d\u0323\u0319\u034eD\u0338\u0300\u0311\u030f\u0341\u0330\u034e\u035c", "center": [1017.5, 1481.5], "path": [[989.5, 1349.5], [967.5, 1376.5], [949.5, 1427.5], [959.5, 1437.5], [965.5, 1446.5], [965.5, 1459.5], [965.5, 1471.5], [964.5, 1497.5], [962.5, 1574.5], [992.5, 1631.5], [1006.5, 1652.5], [1022.5, 1656.5], [1031.5, 1641.5], [1041.5, 1617.5], [1057.5, 1592.5], [1063.5, 1564.5], [1066.5, 1536.5], [1066.5, 1503.5], [1069.5, 1485.5], [1073.5, 1466.5], [1081.5, 1444.5], [1081.5, 1421.5], [1074.5, 1389.5], [1071.5, 1364.5], [1068.5, 1350.5], [1041.5, 1343.5], [1031.5, 1333.5], [1022.5, 1331.5], [1004.5, 1337.5], [993.5, 1343.5]]}, +{"id": "twmxrw", "submitted_by": "ritardandoo", "name": "Thousand Sunny", "description": "The Thousand Sunny ship from the manga/anime One Piece. There is also a floating island called Onigashima in the background, and the One Piece logo on the far left. The smaller boat next to the Sunny is called the Mini Merry, a smaller ship based on the first One Piece ship.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/OnePiece", "center": [1576.5, 138.5], "path": [[1544.5, 113.5], [1543.5, 115.5], [1542.5, 115.5], [1541.5, 118.5], [1539.5, 120.5], [1540.5, 138.5], [1536.5, 141.5], [1533.5, 141.5], [1533.5, 138.5], [1524.5, 134.5], [1525.5, 118.5], [1523.5, 116.5], [1523.5, 158.5], [1525.5, 156.5], [1529.5, 154.5], [1532.5, 155.5], [1535.5, 155.5], [1534.5, 152.5], [1534.5, 148.5], [1537.5, 146.5], [1540.5, 143.5], [1542.5, 142.5], [1546.5, 145.5], [1549.5, 146.5], [1550.5, 147.5], [1550.5, 151.5], [1550.5, 153.5], [1551.5, 153.5], [1551.5, 155.5], [1553.5, 155.5], [1554.5, 160.5], [1558.5, 165.5], [1615.5, 165.5], [1615.5, 114.5]]}, +{"id": "twmxnx", "submitted_by": "elljobellnackle", "name": "Silksong", "description": "Art of Hornet, main character of Silksong (the still-in-development sequel to Hollow Knight). Also depicts art of a small grub from the original Hollow Knight game.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/hkplace", "center": [263.5, 381.5], "path": [[225.5, 343.5], [299.5, 343.5], [299.5, 420.5], [228.5, 420.5], [228.5, 419.5], [227.5, 419.5], [227.5, 418.5], [226.5, 418.5], [226.5, 417.5], [225.5, 417.5], [225.5, 398.5], [226.5, 398.5], [226.5, 397.5], [227.5, 397.5], [227.5, 396.5], [228.5, 396.5], [228.5, 395.5], [237.5, 395.5], [237.5, 394.5], [238.5, 394.5], [238.5, 393.5], [239.5, 393.5], [239.5, 388.5], [238.5, 387.5], [238.5, 386.5], [237.5, 386.5], [237.5, 385.5], [225.5, 385.5]]}, +{"id": "twmxmf", "submitted_by": "bigFoote0069", "name": "R/GreenLattice", "description": "A green lattice background created to give small pixel artists a place to build their art.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/GreenLattice", "center": [1036.5, 429.5], "path": [[866.5, 372.5], [867.5, 485.5], [963.5, 480.5], [962.5, 495.5], [1172.5, 499.5], [1172.5, 465.5], [1199.5, 465.5], [1198.5, 433.5], [1199.5, 361.5]]}, +{"id": "twmx4w", "submitted_by": "Dorankuu", "name": "Arknights", "description": "Arknights is a free-to-play tactical RPG/tower defense mobile game developed by Chinese developer Hypergryph. It was released in China on 1 May 2019, in other countries on 16 January 2020 and in Taiwan on 29 June 2020. Arknights is available on Android and iOS platforms and features gacha game mechanics.", "website": "[https://www.arknights.global/](https://www.arknights.global/)", "subreddit": "[https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/)", "center": [1648.5, 1735.5], "path": [[1625.5, 1713.5], [1673.5, 1713.5], [1674.5, 1738.5], [1662.5, 1738.5], [1662.5, 1761.5], [1626.5, 1761.5], [1627.5, 1713.5], [1624.5, 1713.5]]}, +{"id": "twmwcx", "submitted_by": "Chartlecake", "name": "Oant Moarn", "description": "The catchphrase of Dutch weatherman Piet Paulusma, who died March 20th 2022 of cancer.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1204.5, 17.5], "path": [[1180.5, 14.5], [1180.5, 20.5], [1227.5, 20.5], [1227.5, 14.5], [1204.5, 14.5], [1204.5, 14.5]]}, +{"id": "twmw78", "submitted_by": "miku_hatsunase", "name": "Holo - Spice and Wolf", "description": "Holo the Wise Wolf from the light novel and anime series Spice and Wolf.", "website": "https://www.crunchyroll.com/spice-and-wolf", "subreddit": "/r/SpiceandWolf", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twmvzq", "submitted_by": "Bismvth_", "name": "Nurture by Porter Robinson", "description": "A nod to Porter Robinson's 2021 album Nurture. The stylized N was a recurring icon throughout the album's promotion.", "website": "https://porterrobinson.com/", "subreddit": "/r/porterrobinson", "center": [1821.5, 85.5], "path": [[1841.5, 80.5], [1801.5, 80.5], [1801.5, 90.5], [1841.5, 90.5]]}, +{"id": "twmvvp", "submitted_by": "RacgiMan", "name": "TagPro", "description": "Free to play web-based capture the flag game, banned from askreddit (no, really)", "website": "tagpro.gg", "subreddit": "/r/tagpro", "center": [1750.5, 1934.5], "path": [[1732.5, 1919.5], [1773.5, 1919.5], [1773.5, 1938.5], [1760.5, 1937.5], [1760.5, 1952.5], [1732.5, 1952.5], [1732.5, 1935.5]]}, +{"id": "twmvou", "submitted_by": "Erixperience", "name": "Cosmere", "description": "The connected universe by author Brandon Sanderson", "website": "https://www.brandonsanderson.com/", "subreddit": "r/comsere", "center": [881.5, 950.5], "path": [[861.5, 924.5], [863.5, 926.5], [901.5, 924.5], [901.5, 974.5], [861.5, 974.5], [861.5, 974.5], [861.5, 974.5], [862.5, 941.5], [862.5, 941.5]]}, +{"id": "twmuos", "submitted_by": "202042", "name": "Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)", "description": "The codec image of one of the most iconic characters in gaming; Solid Snake.nSnake originates from the Metal gear games.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/metalgearsolid", "center": [1968.5, 147.5], "path": [[1956.5, 131.5], [1980.5, 131.5], [1980.5, 162.5], [1956.5, 162.5]]}, +{"id": "twmuoq", "submitted_by": "BillSimmonsSkinSuit", "name": "I Heart Pat Bev", "description": "a meme from Minnesota Timberwolves basketball twitter. Pat Bev is short for Patrick Beverley, a basketball player for the wolves known for being unhinged on the basketball court, and widely despised by all the teams he doesn't play for. Based off of the design by @jakesgraphs on twitter", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/timberwolves", "center": [427.5, 1385.5], "path": [[418.5, 1373.5], [414.5, 1372.5], [437.5, 1373.5], [438.5, 1397.5], [416.5, 1396.5], [416.5, 1372.5]]}, +{"id": "twmucj", "submitted_by": "MithradatesMegas", "name": "Yorkshire Tea GOLD", "description": "The best tea, and semi-official symbol, of violently British (and completely balanced) streamer TheSpiffingBrit", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/c/thespiffingbrit", "subreddit": "r/thespiffingbrit", "center": [640.5, 572.5], "path": [[619.5, 558.5], [619.5, 587.5], [660.5, 587.5], [661.5, 557.5]]}, +{"id": "twmtr1", "submitted_by": "TheShadowKick", "name": "Rainbow Dash", "description": "A character from My Little Pony", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/MyLittlePony", "center": [927.5, 1858.5], "path": [[892.5, 1830.5], [961.5, 1830.5], [961.5, 1885.5], [892.5, 1885.5]]}, +{"id": "twmthw", "submitted_by": "202042", "name": "Jetstream Sam (Metal Gear Rising)", "description": "The beloved Brazilian antagonist from Metal Gear Rising: Revengance.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/metalgearsolid", "center": [1879.5, 1720.5], "path": [[1864.5, 1699.5], [1869.5, 1699.5], [1872.5, 1696.5], [1884.5, 1700.5], [1894.5, 1712.5], [1892.5, 1720.5], [1894.5, 1728.5], [1902.5, 1733.5], [1899.5, 1740.5], [1876.5, 1741.5], [1872.5, 1737.5], [1867.5, 1737.5], [1865.5, 1733.5], [1863.5, 1724.5], [1863.5, 1701.5], [1865.5, 1699.5]]}, +{"id": "twmt61", "submitted_by": "XOXAR9", "name": "ULTRAKILL", "description": "A simple logo of the game ULTRAKILL. Featuring the iconic marksman revolver coin, and the P-rank symbol", "website": "[http://devilmayquake.com/](http://devilmayquake.com/)", "subreddit": "[https://www.reddit.com/r/Ultrakill/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ultrakill/)", "center": [1360.5, 1808.5], "path": [[1346.5, 1797.5], [1346.5, 1818.5], [1353.5, 1818.5], [1353.5, 1820.5], [1365.5, 1820.5], [1365.5, 1818.5], [1374.5, 1817.5], [1374.5, 1797.5]]}, +{"id": "twmt3s", "submitted_by": "thysnice", "name": "Original Blue Corner", "description": "Before the First Expansion, this was the base of the Blue Corner. Remnants can be seen in the Quebec Area and surrounding region.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/TheBlueCorner", "center": [959.5, 1069.5], "path": [[902.5, 1016.5], [1016.5, 1016.5], [1016.5, 1122.5], [902.5, 1122.5]]}, +{"id": "twmt33", "submitted_by": "-KiriHana", "name": "Goku", "description": "Goku from Dragon Ball Z charging his Spirit Bomb!", "website": "https://discord.gg/Mqk6FhJp", "subreddit": "r/DBZ", "center": [1979.5, 1452.5], "path": [[1965.5, 1431.5], [1978.5, 1431.5], [1978.5, 1434.5], [1979.5, 1435.5], [1987.5, 1435.5], [1987.5, 1437.5], [1986.5, 1438.5], [1985.5, 1439.5], [1985.5, 1441.5], [1986.5, 1442.5], [1987.5, 1443.5], [1987.5, 1445.5], [1989.5, 1445.5], [1989.5, 1448.5], [1988.5, 1453.5], [1989.5, 1453.5], [1989.5, 1455.5], [1991.5, 1455.5], [1992.5, 1456.5], [1993.5, 1457.5], [1995.5, 1458.5], [1995.5, 1465.5], [1996.5, 1466.5], [1998.5, 1467.5], [1998.5, 1468.5], [1989.5, 1468.5], [1989.5, 1469.5], [1988.5, 1470.5], [1987.5, 1474.5], [1975.5, 1474.5], [1974.5, 1473.5], [1975.5, 1469.5], [1976.5, 1469.5], [1978.5, 1468.5], [1978.5, 1466.5], [1976.5, 1462.5], [1975.5, 1460.5], [1974.5, 1458.5], [1970.5, 1456.5], [1968.5, 1453.5], [1967.5, 1450.5], [1965.5, 1446.5], [1962.5, 1447.5], [1961.5, 1446.5], [1960.5, 1444.5], [1961.5, 1442.5], [1964.5, 1441.5], [1965.5, 1439.5], [1966.5, 1436.5], [1968.5, 1433.5]]}, +{"id": "twmszp", "submitted_by": "oMEGAthreader", "name": "100 Devs", "description": "A picture of Leon Noel. Leon leads an entirely free and remote software engineering bootcamp on twitch. The bootcamp is called 100 Devs after a goal Leon set to help 100 people affected by the pandemic break into the tech industry. This goal was recently achieved. He now leads a second cohort with 1000s of people checking in to class each week. This picture of him was made by some of the students and friends in the discord community. We don't get got. We go get!", "website": "https://www.twitch.tv/learnwithleon", "subreddit": "", "center": [1616.5, 521.5], "path": [[1600.5, 499.5], [1600.5, 543.5], [1632.5, 543.5], [1632.5, 499.5], [1632.5, 499.5]]}, +{"id": "twmsme", "submitted_by": "ThatDudeIsShort", "name": "KAngel", "description": "KAngel or OMGKawaiiANgel is the persona of Ame-chan, the main protagonist of Needy Girl Overdose / Needy Streamer Overload.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1869.5, 1263.5], "path": [[1856.5, 1250.5], [1881.5, 1250.5], [1881.5, 1276.5], [1857.5, 1276.5]]}, +{"id": "twmsl5", "submitted_by": "ScorpionStrike77", "name": "Lateralus 'Flame Eye'", "description": "The Flame Eye is a logo associated with American Rock band Tool.", "website": "[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tool_(band)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tool_(band))", "subreddit": "r/ToolBand", "center": [310.5, 1237.5], "path": [[319.5, 1247.5], [321.5, 1246.5], [323.5, 1245.5], [324.5, 1244.5], [325.5, 1242.5], [323.5, 1238.5], [320.5, 1237.5], [318.5, 1235.5], [317.5, 1231.5], [315.5, 1228.5], [313.5, 1233.5], [312.5, 1233.5], [313.5, 1228.5], [312.5, 1227.5], [310.5, 1224.5], [307.5, 1223.5], [309.5, 1226.5], [307.5, 1226.5], [306.5, 1229.5], [304.5, 1225.5], [301.5, 1226.5], [302.5, 1231.5], [299.5, 1229.5], [298.5, 1224.5], [297.5, 1228.5], [297.5, 1235.5], [298.5, 1236.5], [299.5, 1238.5], [302.5, 1241.5], [303.5, 1242.5], [306.5, 1244.5], [309.5, 1247.5], [319.5, 1248.5]]}, +{"id": "twmsjg", "submitted_by": "Correct_Month9612", "name": "Technoblade ", "description": "One of the two technoblade pixel arts.", "website": "", "subreddit": "R/technoblade", "center": [220.5, 1078.5], "path": [[189.5, 1043.5], [190.5, 1044.5], [249.5, 1041.5], [253.5, 1044.5], [252.5, 1051.5], [250.5, 1061.5], [252.5, 1064.5], [252.5, 1070.5], [252.5, 1076.5], [252.5, 1081.5], [252.5, 1088.5], [251.5, 1088.5], [249.5, 1095.5], [250.5, 1098.5], [251.5, 1100.5], [252.5, 1102.5], [250.5, 1105.5], [250.5, 1104.5], [252.5, 1104.5], [253.5, 1103.5], [250.5, 1104.5], [250.5, 1106.5], [254.5, 1107.5], [251.5, 1109.5], [251.5, 1114.5], [188.5, 1112.5]]}, +{"id": "twmsav", "submitted_by": "Kuberd", "name": "Gigachad Emote DGG", "description": "Popular Emote created by the DGG community together with the Destiny logo.", "website": "destiny.gg", "subreddit": "r/destiny", "center": [1917.5, 1495.5], "path": [[1875.5, 1430.5], [1959.5, 1430.5], [1959.5, 1561.5], [1954.5, 1556.5], [1943.5, 1558.5], [1939.5, 1554.5], [1926.5, 1560.5], [1875.5, 1561.5], [1875.5, 1430.5]]}, +{"id": "twms79", "submitted_by": "MemoryAggravating694", "name": "Maya ", "description": "This is Maya, a recurring and very important character in the ace attorney franchise Ace attorney", "website": "", "subreddit": "R/aceattorney", "center": [1410.5, 100.5], "path": [[1410.5, 93.5], [1415.5, 93.5], [1417.5, 93.5], [1417.5, 91.5], [1420.5, 92.5], [1420.5, 94.5], [1421.5, 99.5], [1420.5, 101.5], [1419.5, 101.5], [1420.5, 105.5], [1418.5, 106.5], [1417.5, 107.5], [1416.5, 108.5], [1413.5, 109.5], [1412.5, 109.5], [1412.5, 107.5], [1410.5, 106.5], [1409.5, 105.5], [1409.5, 104.5], [1410.5, 104.5], [1409.5, 104.5], [1407.5, 104.5], [1407.5, 104.5], [1407.5, 103.5], [1405.5, 104.5], [1402.5, 104.5], [1401.5, 101.5], [1400.5, 96.5], [1402.5, 94.5], [1404.5, 92.5], [1405.5, 92.5], [1407.5, 105.5], [1401.5, 104.5], [1399.5, 102.5], [1400.5, 99.5], [1407.5, 93.5], [1409.5, 93.5]]}, +{"id": "twmrxn", "submitted_by": "Nezarecs", "name": "Elite: Dangerous ", "description": "A space simulation game. The duel coloured hearts and o7 salute represents the mutual love between the Star Citizen and Elite communities", "website": "[https://www.elitedangerous.com/](https://www.elitedangerous.com/)", "subreddit": "[https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/)", "center": [1733.5, 101.5], "path": [[1719.5, 86.5], [1720.5, 117.5], [1745.5, 116.5], [1744.5, 107.5], [1749.5, 100.5], [1749.5, 87.5], [1719.5, 86.5]]}, +{"id": "twmrwl", "submitted_by": "QuietWanderingNerd", "name": "Hollow Knight", "description": "Pixel art of the protagonist from the game, Hollow Knight", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/HKplace", "center": [1377.5, 82.5], "path": [[1365.5, 101.5], [1370.5, 97.5], [1370.5, 94.5], [1362.5, 86.5], [1362.5, 83.5], [1366.5, 84.5], [1368.5, 84.5], [1368.5, 74.5], [1365.5, 71.5], [1364.5, 66.5], [1367.5, 61.5], [1371.5, 58.5], [1375.5, 57.5], [1374.5, 61.5], [1369.5, 66.5], [1370.5, 69.5], [1371.5, 70.5], [1384.5, 70.5], [1386.5, 68.5], [1386.5, 64.5], [1381.5, 60.5], [1381.5, 57.5], [1384.5, 57.5], [1391.5, 63.5], [1391.5, 72.5], [1387.5, 75.5], [1388.5, 86.5], [1385.5, 89.5], [1383.5, 89.5], [1388.5, 99.5], [1383.5, 103.5], [1379.5, 99.5], [1377.5, 103.5], [1370.5, 103.5]]}, +{"id": "twmru6", "submitted_by": "TheShadowKick", "name": "My Little Pony Crystal", "description": "A My Little Pony Crystal surrounded by characters from generations 4 and 5. The number on the right counts how many times it was nuked and rebuilt, and reached 22 by the end of the event.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/mylittlepony", "center": [1651.5, 247.5], "path": [[1618.5, 228.5], [1628.5, 217.5], [1633.5, 213.5], [1644.5, 214.5], [1646.5, 216.5], [1661.5, 216.5], [1668.5, 213.5], [1677.5, 217.5], [1677.5, 227.5], [1681.5, 228.5], [1682.5, 229.5], [1687.5, 229.5], [1688.5, 252.5], [1687.5, 259.5], [1684.5, 261.5], [1683.5, 269.5], [1682.5, 278.5], [1677.5, 276.5], [1669.5, 276.5], [1667.5, 280.5], [1641.5, 279.5], [1620.5, 278.5], [1619.5, 277.5], [1619.5, 265.5], [1616.5, 254.5], [1615.5, 243.5], [1615.5, 237.5], [1617.5, 235.5], [1618.5, 232.5], [1618.5, 228.5]]}, +{"id": "twmrth", "submitted_by": "NeoCipher790", "name": "Destiny 2 ", "description": "Destiny 2 is a free-to-play online-only multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie.", "website": "https://www.bungie.net/", "subreddit": "/r/Destinythegame", "center": [483.5, 997.5], "path": [[449.5, 962.5], [511.5, 961.5], [512.5, 992.5], [524.5, 993.5], [522.5, 1030.5], [448.5, 1031.5], [448.5, 963.5]]}, +{"id": "twmrq2", "submitted_by": "FreakoSchizo", "name": "VRChat", "description": "VRChat is an online virtual world platform.", "website": "https://hello.vrchat.com/", "subreddit": "/r/VRChat", "center": [963.5, 97.5], "path": [[931.5, 89.5], [931.5, 104.5], [983.5, 104.5], [990.5, 111.5], [990.5, 104.5], [994.5, 104.5], [994.5, 89.5]]}, +{"id": "twmrnx", "submitted_by": "frosty704", "name": "Superstonk / Gamestop", "description": "Superstonk is a subreddit that converses in all things GameStop/GME. The face on the left is DeepFuckingValue, the original founding father of GME's short squeeze. The face on the right is Ryan Cohen, an entrepreneur who is the CEO of Chewy and is the Chairman of GameStop. He owns 11.9% of all total shares of the company.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Superstonk", "center": [841.5, 795.5], "path": [[774.5, 735.5], [909.5, 736.5], [909.5, 855.5], [773.5, 855.5]]}, +{"id": "twmr82", "submitted_by": "Lucas90012", "name": "gwa", "description": "gwa is a kind deity. He represents the \u201cMeta Studios\u201d discord server and the g should not be capitalized.", "website": "https://discord.gg/qMXFvwcNHM", "subreddit": "r/gwaplace", "center": [1669.5, 525.5], "path": [[1664.5, 522.5], [1663.5, 520.5], [1664.5, 522.5], [1672.5, 522.5], [1673.5, 522.5], [1673.5, 521.5], [1674.5, 521.5], [1674.5, 520.5], [1674.5, 523.5], [1675.5, 523.5], [1675.5, 526.5], [1676.5, 526.5], [1676.5, 527.5], [1675.5, 527.5], [1675.5, 528.5], [1672.5, 528.5], [1672.5, 529.5], [1665.5, 529.5], [1665.5, 528.5], [1663.5, 528.5], [1662.5, 527.5], [1662.5, 524.5], [1663.5, 524.5], [1663.5, 522.5], [1664.5, 526.5], [1663.5, 524.5], [1663.5, 524.5], [1663.5, 523.5]]}, +{"id": "twmr69", "submitted_by": "Kuberd", "name": "Koibu's K", "description": "Logo for popular Dungeons And Dragons professional Dungeon Master Koibu, associated with the DGG community.", "website": "https://regalgoblins.com/", "subreddit": "r/Koibu/", "center": [1599.5, 56.5], "path": [[1590.5, 41.5], [1590.5, 73.5], [1612.5, 64.5], [1607.5, 49.5], [1599.5, 41.5], [1590.5, 41.5], [1590.5, 41.5], [1590.5, 42.5]]}, +{"id": "twmqtd", "submitted_by": "softly_snowing", "name": "Omori HQ", "description": "A section filled with characters from the 2020 Indie RPG Omori", "website": "https:/omori-game.com", "subreddit": "r/OMORI", "center": [1020.5, 826.5], "path": [[915.5, 801.5], [916.5, 801.5], [916.5, 803.5], [919.5, 803.5], [919.5, 806.5], [920.5, 806.5], [920.5, 809.5], [921.5, 810.5], [921.5, 816.5], [922.5, 817.5], [922.5, 821.5], [933.5, 833.5], [934.5, 833.5], [935.5, 834.5], [936.5, 835.5], [938.5, 835.5], [939.5, 836.5], [944.5, 836.5], [945.5, 835.5], [947.5, 835.5], [949.5, 833.5], [950.5, 833.5], [957.5, 826.5], [958.5, 825.5], [958.5, 824.5], [959.5, 822.5], [959.5, 820.5], [960.5, 819.5], [960.5, 817.5], [961.5, 816.5], [961.5, 811.5], [962.5, 810.5], [962.5, 807.5], [963.5, 806.5], [963.5, 803.5], [1122.5, 803.5], [1122.5, 829.5], [1069.5, 829.5], [1068.5, 828.5], [1067.5, 827.5], [1066.5, 826.5], [1064.5, 826.5], [1063.5, 827.5], [1062.5, 828.5], [1060.5, 829.5], [1059.5, 832.5], [1058.5, 835.5], [1057.5, 837.5], [1056.5, 838.5], [1055.5, 852.5], [918.5, 852.5], [916.5, 850.5], [915.5, 850.5], [914.5, 851.5], [913.5, 850.5], [912.5, 850.5], [910.5, 852.5], [910.5, 827.5], [911.5, 829.5], [911.5, 832.5], [912.5, 833.5], [912.5, 837.5], [913.5, 837.5], [913.5, 842.5], [914.5, 842.5], [914.5, 844.5], [915.5, 845.5], [915.5, 846.5], [918.5, 849.5], [920.5, 849.5], [921.5, 850.5], [926.5, 850.5], [926.5, 849.5], [929.5, 849.5], [930.5, 847.5], [930.5, 846.5], [929.5, 845.5], [927.5, 840.5], [927.5, 834.5], [926.5, 834.5], [926.5, 829.5], [925.5, 829.5], [925.5, 826.5], [924.5, 826.5], [923.5, 824.5], [922.5, 822.5], [920.5, 822.5], [920.5, 808.5], [918.5, 807.5], [918.5, 809.5], [917.5, 808.5], [916.5, 809.5], [915.5, 807.5]]}, +{"id": "twmqp5", "submitted_by": "elljobellnackle", "name": "Omori 2", "description": "The second place in the canvas dedicated to the video game Omori. Contains art from the game as well as the title in its original style.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/omori", "center": [1776.5, 1525.5], "path": [[1700.5, 1496.5], [1852.5, 1496.5], [1852.5, 1553.5], [1700.5, 1553.5]]}, +{"id": "twmqkp", "submitted_by": "NeoCipher790", "name": "Katawa Shoujo", "description": "Katawa Shoujo is a bish\u014djo-style visual novel by Four Leaf Studios that tells the story of a young man and five young women living with varying disabilities", "website": "https://www.katawa-shoujo.com/", "subreddit": "/r/katawashoujo/", "center": [1475.5, 771.5], "path": [[1461.5, 763.5], [1485.5, 764.5], [1486.5, 780.5], [1472.5, 780.5], [1471.5, 772.5], [1461.5, 772.5], [1461.5, 764.5]]}, +{"id": "twmq7c", "submitted_by": "MithradatesMegas", "name": "Little Princess", "description": "One of the main characters in Guardian Tales. Bright, cheerful, and ever helpful, she is the heir to the throne of Kanterbury. She does not like bell peppers.", "website": "https://guardiantales.com/", "subreddit": "r/GuardianTales", "center": [702.5, 225.5], "path": [[695.5, 233.5], [695.5, 220.5], [701.5, 214.5], [709.5, 220.5], [709.5, 233.5]]}, +{"id": "twmq4r", "submitted_by": "KingMarine", "name": "Holocene Year 12022", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [743.5, 65.5], "path": [[734.5, 63.5], [752.5, 63.5], [752.5, 67.5], [734.5, 67.5]]}, +{"id": "twmq4p", "submitted_by": "Ericbazinga", "name": "Katawa Shouju", "description": "A dating sim visual novel that takes place in a school for disabled teenagers. The main character is able to befriend and date five different girls, each with different disabilities. ", "website": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katawa_Shoujo", "subreddit": "r/katawashouju", "center": [1575.5, 1178.5], "path": [[1600.5, 1172.5], [1600.5, 1184.5], [1550.5, 1184.5], [1550.5, 1172.5]]}, +{"id": "twmpz9", "submitted_by": "Nezarecs", "name": "Star Citizen", "description": "Realism-driven space simulation game", "website": "[https://robertsspaceindustries.com/](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/)", "subreddit": "[https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/)", "center": [1735.5, 69.5], "path": [[1721.5, 55.5], [1721.5, 55.5], [1720.5, 86.5], [1749.5, 86.5], [1749.5, 52.5], [1721.5, 53.5]]}, +{"id": "twmpx6", "submitted_by": "journcy", "name": "/r/parahumans", "description": "Subreddit for the works of webfiction author Wildbow, including the popular 2011-2013 superhero webnovel Worm.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/parahumans", "center": [755.5, 380.5], "path": [[718.5, 381.5], [718.5, 398.5], [787.5, 398.5], [787.5, 361.5], [726.5, 361.5], [727.5, 361.5], [727.5, 364.5], [729.5, 364.5], [729.5, 366.5], [729.5, 368.5], [729.5, 374.5], [729.5, 376.5], [729.5, 378.5], [728.5, 378.5], [725.5, 380.5]]}, +{"id": "twmpua", "submitted_by": "MemoryAggravating694", "name": "The Mask", "description": "Titular character from Jim Carey\u2019s classic 1994 movie The Masm ", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1871.5, 91.5], "path": [[1877.5, 84.5], [1875.5, 86.5], [1876.5, 90.5], [1873.5, 92.5], [1878.5, 94.5], [1877.5, 99.5], [1874.5, 100.5], [1871.5, 100.5], [1864.5, 100.5], [1865.5, 96.5], [1864.5, 94.5], [1867.5, 93.5], [1868.5, 91.5], [1865.5, 90.5], [1865.5, 88.5], [1866.5, 86.5], [1866.5, 85.5], [1864.5, 84.5], [1866.5, 85.5], [1866.5, 83.5], [1867.5, 81.5], [1875.5, 81.5], [1876.5, 82.5], [1877.5, 85.5]]}, +{"id": "twmpcj", "submitted_by": "NeoCipher790", "name": "Doki Doki Literature Club", "description": "Doki Doki Literature Club! (DDLC) is a 2017 freeware visual novel developed by American independent game studio Team Salvato.", "website": "[https://ddlc.moe/](https://ddlc.moe/)", "subreddit": "/r/ddlc", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twmoxn", "submitted_by": "Buddist_pizza", "name": "Spike Spegial from cowboy bebop", "description": "This is Spike Spegial from the popular anime cowboy bebop smoking a cigrate.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/cowboybebop", "center": [1247.5, 1547.5], "path": [[1285.5, 1490.5], [1225.5, 1489.5], [1225.5, 1518.5], [1211.5, 1537.5], [1225.5, 1559.5], [1209.5, 1537.5], [1218.5, 1523.5], [1194.5, 1508.5], [1170.5, 1522.5], [1195.5, 1537.5], [1224.5, 1567.5], [1225.5, 1608.5], [1286.5, 1609.5]]}, +{"id": "twmovo", "submitted_by": "OnlyManOnMars", "name": "The Gizzard Gator", "description": "The mascot for the band King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard", "website": "https://kinggizzardandthelizardwizard.com/", "subreddit": "r/KGATLW", "center": [72.5, 401.5], "path": [[50.5, 389.5], [50.5, 387.5], [51.5, 387.5], [51.5, 386.5], [52.5, 386.5], [52.5, 385.5], [54.5, 385.5], [54.5, 384.5], [55.5, 384.5], [55.5, 383.5], [58.5, 383.5], [58.5, 379.5], [59.5, 379.5], [59.5, 377.5], [60.5, 377.5], [61.5, 373.5], [64.5, 370.5], [68.5, 373.5], [70.5, 378.5], [70.5, 383.5], [73.5, 383.5], [73.5, 385.5], [78.5, 384.5], [79.5, 393.5], [82.5, 395.5], [93.5, 400.5], [109.5, 400.5], [109.5, 403.5], [109.5, 407.5], [101.5, 413.5], [89.5, 414.5], [89.5, 420.5], [56.5, 420.5], [56.5, 415.5], [50.5, 409.5], [49.5, 408.5], [49.5, 406.5], [48.5, 406.5], [48.5, 392.5], [49.5, 392.5], [49.5, 390.5], [50.5, 390.5]]}, +{"id": "twmouf", "submitted_by": "FreakoSchizo", "name": "Flag of Australia", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Australia", "center": [1959.5, 1707.5], "path": [[1941.5, 1696.5], [1941.5, 1718.5], [1977.5, 1718.5], [1977.5, 1696.5]]}, +{"id": "twmogt", "submitted_by": "frito11", "name": "Chvrches band ", "description": "band name with stylized E colored with their 4 album colors and black heart with blue cross logo from their 3rd album Love is Dead", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/chvrches", "center": [1533.5, 57.5], "path": [[1507.5, 52.5], [1559.5, 52.5], [1559.5, 61.5], [1507.5, 61.5]]}, +{"id": "twmo8e", "submitted_by": "Kuberd", "name": "MrMouton Logo", "description": "Twitch streamer MrMouton, associated with the Dgg community", "website": "twitch.tv/mrmouton", "subreddit": "", "center": [194.5, 109.5], "path": [[180.5, 97.5], [207.5, 97.5], [207.5, 121.5], [180.5, 120.5], [180.5, 97.5]]}, +{"id": "twmo0t", "submitted_by": "journcy", "name": "KyoAni", "description": "Abbreviated logo of the popular Japanese animation studio Kyoto Animation.", "website": "https://www.kyotoanimation.co.jp/", "subreddit": "/r/kyoani", "center": [1937.5, 764.5], "path": [[1920.5, 760.5], [1920.5, 768.5], [1953.5, 769.5], [1953.5, 760.5]]}, +{"id": "twmnzn", "submitted_by": "KingMarine", "name": "Source", "description": "A game engine developed by Valve. Used in games like Team Fortress 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Used in filmmaking with Source Filmmaker", "website": "https://www.sourcefilmmaker.com/", "subreddit": "r/SourceEngine", "center": [807.5, 66.5], "path": [[813.5, 61.5], [816.5, 61.5], [818.5, 63.5], [818.5, 66.5], [816.5, 68.5], [792.5, 68.5], [792.5, 65.5], [811.5, 65.5], [811.5, 63.5]]}, +{"id": "twmnfs", "submitted_by": "Wonderful-Surprise-7", "name": "North Atlantic Treaty Organization", "description": "The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, commonly known as NATO, is a military alliance formed in 1949 by the nations in Western Europe, the USA, and Canada. Over time, the alliance grew across Europe and is one of the most powerful alliances in the world as of 2022.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1432.5, 1419.5], "path": [[1400.5, 1400.5], [1464.5, 1400.5], [1465.5, 1437.5], [1400.5, 1437.5]]}, +{"id": "twmnes", "submitted_by": "MithradatesMegas", "name": "Demon Queen Lilith", "description": "The Queen of Demon World in Guardian Tales, also serving as the Guardian Tales Logo for Season 2.", "website": "https://guardiantales.com/", "subreddit": "r/GuardianTales", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twmn8q", "submitted_by": "JasperDG828", "name": "World War 1 Memorial", "description": "A war memorial on the intersection of the Belgian and German flags", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1309.5, 1150.5], "path": [[1286.5, 1126.5], [1287.5, 1170.5], [1298.5, 1175.5], [1321.5, 1177.5], [1331.5, 1172.5], [1332.5, 1125.5]]}, +{"id": "twmn5l", "submitted_by": "FreakoSchizo", "name": "Ficsit.app", "description": "Ficsit.app is a website for the game Satisfactory that hosts mods and other helpful resources for players.", "website": "https://ficsit.app/", "subreddit": "/r/SatisfactoryGame", "center": [1498.5, 44.5], "path": [[1467.5, 35.5], [1528.5, 35.5], [1528.5, 52.5], [1467.5, 52.5]]}, +{"id": "twmmyy", "submitted_by": "Seiunn", "name": "Boston Mural", "description": "A mural consisting of colleges located in and around the city of Boston. It includes Boston University, Tufts, Northeastern, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Wentworth Institute of Technology, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and Boston College.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [322.5, 1537.5], "path": [[300.5, 1500.5], [301.5, 1576.5], [343.5, 1572.5], [344.5, 1501.5]]}, +{"id": "twmmwi", "submitted_by": "Narnall2", "name": "Asriel Dreemur", "description": "A small artwork of Asriel Dreemur from Undertale", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [684.5, 826.5], "path": [[675.5, 834.5], [675.5, 833.5], [676.5, 832.5], [677.5, 832.5], [678.5, 833.5], [679.5, 833.5], [679.5, 830.5], [677.5, 828.5], [677.5, 824.5], [678.5, 822.5], [680.5, 819.5], [686.5, 817.5], [689.5, 819.5], [691.5, 822.5], [692.5, 826.5], [691.5, 829.5], [690.5, 832.5], [690.5, 832.5], [691.5, 833.5], [693.5, 832.5], [694.5, 833.5], [694.5, 834.5]]}, +{"id": "twmmvg", "submitted_by": "The_Dinkster2201", "name": "Federation of the Rising Dawn", "description": "A popular Star Citizen community org", "website": "[https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/DAWNBREAK](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/DAWNBREAK)", "subreddit": "", "center": [1763.5, 703.5], "path": [[1756.5, 701.5], [1769.5, 701.5], [1769.5, 705.5], [1756.5, 705.5]]}, +{"id": "twmmmu", "submitted_by": "QuietWanderingNerd", "name": "RWBY", "description": "Logo for the Rooster Teeth series, RWBY", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [473.5, 721.5], "path": [[449.5, 729.5], [449.5, 713.5], [497.5, 713.5], [497.5, 729.5]]}, +{"id": "twmmgu", "submitted_by": "CCONX", "name": "TotalBiscuit", "description": "John Peter Bain, better known as TotalBiscuit, was an English video gaming commentator and game critic on YouTube. He was known for his role in professional shoutcasting and esports, and also known for his gaming commentary audio work on [WCradio.com](https://WCradio.com)nnRest in Peace", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [986.5, 1255.5], "path": [[908.5, 1181.5], [909.5, 1343.5], [947.5, 1359.5], [1071.5, 1294.5], [1077.5, 1177.5], [944.5, 1174.5]]}, +{"id": "twmme8", "submitted_by": "itsmeagknoows", "name": "The Philippine Flag with Leni-Kiko Endorsement", "description": "An art made by thr r/Philippines and it is 1st out of their 3 bases in the canvas, it contains a snoo inspired of the traditional Philippine outfit (Barong), a shadow of the PH islands overlaying the flag and the Leni-Kiko Presidential Campaign endorsement at the bottom", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Philippines", "center": [332.5, 674.5], "path": [[301.5, 645.5], [301.5, 702.5], [364.5, 702.5], [363.5, 645.5], [314.5, 645.5]]}, +{"id": "twmm82", "submitted_by": "f5xs_0000b", "name": "Horny Matsuri", "description": "Natsuiro Matsuri of hololive, but very horny.", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ0UDLQCjY0rmuxCDE38FGg", "subreddit": "/r/hololive", "center": [1439.5, 1088.5], "path": [[1423.5, 1073.5], [1454.5, 1073.5], [1454.5, 1103.5], [1423.5, 1103.5]]}, +{"id": "twmls3", "submitted_by": "Nickosaurus", "name": "The Real Eren", "description": "Pixel art of a face and phrase from Attack on Titan's main character, Eren Jaeger, in the series' last chapter, with minimal context and no plot spoilers. The subject of countless entertaining memes and jokes in the series' fandom, this face & phrase owes its popularization to the /r/titanfolk subreddit, with its placement on this year's /r/place by that subreddit assisted by the unexpectedly unified assistance of other communities in the fandom. This image will surely be at the front of our minds for quite a while - ten years, at least! nnBe wary of significant spoilers for the series if you seek further context, however", "website": "https://i.imgur.com/y845KFg.png", "subreddit": "/r/titanfolk", "center": [139.5, 114.5], "path": [[109.5, 93.5], [79.5, 93.5], [80.5, 115.5], [124.5, 114.5], [130.5, 118.5], [130.5, 127.5], [131.5, 134.5], [130.5, 146.5], [150.5, 147.5], [157.5, 144.5], [171.5, 144.5], [173.5, 133.5], [175.5, 123.5], [176.5, 89.5], [172.5, 87.5], [159.5, 87.5], [140.5, 89.5], [135.5, 95.5], [132.5, 102.5], [133.5, 107.5], [132.5, 111.5], [130.5, 114.5], [129.5, 116.5], [124.5, 113.5], [120.5, 110.5], [119.5, 105.5]]}, +{"id": "twmloz", "submitted_by": "MemoryAggravating694", "name": "Juice Wrld", "description": "A tribute to the late Juice Wrld: the two albums depicted are \u201cGoodbye and Gods Riddance\u201d and \u201cLegends Never Die\u201d ", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/juicewrld", "center": [1980.5, 1538.5], "path": [[1960.5, 1548.5], [2000.5, 1547.5], [2000.5, 1529.5], [1962.5, 1529.5]]}, +{"id": "twmlm7", "submitted_by": "Wonderful-Surprise-7", "name": "Flag of Equestria", "description": "Equestria is a fictional monarchy in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The flag displays Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, the rulers of Equestria, flying around the sun and moon, which they raise and lower each day.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/mylittlepony", "center": [919.5, 1760.5], "path": [[906.5, 1778.5], [906.5, 1746.5], [932.5, 1746.5], [932.5, 1777.5], [920.5, 1771.5]]}, +{"id": "twmlez", "submitted_by": "Narnall2", "name": "June and Angel Memorial (Sewerslvt)", "description": "A piece dedicated to the music artist Sewerslvt. The artwork is based off of the thumbnail image used for the final song of their career titled 'Goodbye'", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABBpsy6rlVU&t", "subreddit": "/r/sewerslvt", "center": [445.5, 1815.5], "path": [[464.5, 1800.5], [425.5, 1800.5], [425.5, 1829.5], [464.5, 1829.5], [464.5, 1807.5]]}, +{"id": "twml87", "submitted_by": "rafaelloaa", "name": "WPI", "description": "Logo of Worcester Polytechnic University, an engineering school in Worcester, MA", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/WPI", "center": [318.5, 1559.5], "path": [[310.5, 1554.5], [325.5, 1554.5], [325.5, 1563.5], [325.5, 1563.5], [325.5, 1564.5], [310.5, 1564.5]]}, +{"id": "twml7z", "submitted_by": "Acrobatic-Waltz-1702", "name": "Pregnant Mario", "description": "You heard that correctly.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1618.5, 1956.5], "path": [[1606.5, 1970.5], [1607.5, 1971.5], [1610.5, 1972.5], [1616.5, 1972.5], [1619.5, 1975.5], [1623.5, 1975.5], [1623.5, 1974.5], [1624.5, 1973.5], [1625.5, 1974.5], [1633.5, 1974.5], [1634.5, 1973.5], [1635.5, 1973.5], [1638.5, 1970.5], [1638.5, 1965.5], [1637.5, 1964.5], [1637.5, 1962.5], [1636.5, 1961.5], [1635.5, 1961.5], [1634.5, 1960.5], [1634.5, 1959.5], [1633.5, 1958.5], [1633.5, 1957.5], [1632.5, 1956.5], [1628.5, 1956.5], [1627.5, 1955.5], [1625.5, 1955.5], [1625.5, 1951.5], [1623.5, 1951.5], [1623.5, 1950.5], [1622.5, 1950.5], [1622.5, 1949.5], [1622.5, 1948.5], [1624.5, 1948.5], [1625.5, 1947.5], [1625.5, 1944.5], [1626.5, 1943.5], [1627.5, 1942.5], [1628.5, 1941.5], [1628.5, 1939.5], [1626.5, 1937.5], [1624.5, 1937.5], [1624.5, 1936.5], [1621.5, 1933.5], [1619.5, 1933.5], [1619.5, 1932.5], [1613.5, 1932.5], [1613.5, 1933.5], [1609.5, 1933.5], [1609.5, 1935.5], [1608.5, 1935.5], [1606.5, 1937.5], [1606.5, 1940.5], [1607.5, 1940.5], [1608.5, 1941.5], [1608.5, 1947.5], [1609.5, 1948.5], [1608.5, 1949.5], [1607.5, 1949.5], [1601.5, 1955.5], [1601.5, 1956.5], [1600.5, 1957.5], [1600.5, 1964.5], [1601.5, 1965.5], [1601.5, 1966.5], [1603.5, 1968.5], [1605.5, 1968.5], [1606.5, 1970.5]]}, +{"id": "twmkzk", "submitted_by": "keroshijoshi", "name": "Worlds Kaomoji", "description": "The famous kaomoji from Porter Robinson's debut album, Worlds (2014), now in a tiny form!", "website": "https://porterrobinson.com/", "subreddit": "/r/porterrobinson", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twmkux", "submitted_by": "jeezerschristicles", "name": "Firey and other characters from BFDI", "description": "Firey, Cloudy, X, Four, Puffball announcer, Firey announcer, Announcer, and Flower announcer from Battle For Dream Island.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/BattleForDreamIsland", "center": [494.5, 1077.5], "path": [[478.5, 1062.5], [510.5, 1063.5], [510.5, 1092.5], [478.5, 1092.5], [478.5, 1064.5], [478.5, 1062.5], [478.5, 1062.5]]}, +{"id": "twmkup", "submitted_by": "daily_flags", "name": "Peru flag with llama wearing sunglasses", "description": "Peruvian flag with a llama wearing sunglasses, aside there is a bottle of Inca Kola, a popular soft drink in Peru", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/PERU", "center": [568.5, 617.5], "path": [[535.5, 587.5], [600.5, 587.5], [600.5, 646.5], [535.5, 646.5], [535.5, 587.5]]}, +{"id": "twmkoo", "submitted_by": "QuietWanderingNerd", "name": "Hollow Knight: Silksong", "description": "Features Hornet, the protagonist of the game.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/HKPlace", "center": [263.5, 381.5], "path": [[226.5, 343.5], [299.5, 343.5], [299.5, 419.5], [229.5, 419.5], [225.5, 415.5], [225.5, 398.5], [229.5, 395.5], [236.5, 395.5], [239.5, 392.5], [239.5, 388.5], [236.5, 385.5], [226.5, 385.5]]}, +{"id": "twmkh3", "submitted_by": "DedePainted", "name": "Minecraft Championship ", "description": "Icons of the team mascots and the winner\u2019s coin of the Minecraft tournament \u2018Minecraft Championship!\u2019", "website": "[https://noxcrew.com/mcc](https://noxcrew.com/mcc)", "subreddit": "r/MinecraftChampionship", "center": [1789.5, 115.5], "path": [[1774.5, 101.5], [1774.5, 101.5], [1774.5, 101.5], [1774.5, 101.5], [1774.5, 102.5], [1774.5, 104.5], [1774.5, 105.5], [1774.5, 107.5], [1774.5, 108.5], [1774.5, 109.5], [1774.5, 110.5], [1772.5, 110.5], [1770.5, 110.5], [1770.5, 111.5], [1770.5, 113.5], [1770.5, 115.5], [1770.5, 118.5], [1770.5, 121.5], [1770.5, 124.5], [1770.5, 128.5], [1770.5, 130.5], [1772.5, 130.5], [1783.5, 130.5], [1797.5, 130.5], [1809.5, 130.5], [1809.5, 111.5], [1804.5, 110.5], [1805.5, 105.5], [1804.5, 103.5], [1805.5, 103.5], [1804.5, 103.5], [1803.5, 102.5], [1802.5, 101.5], [1801.5, 99.5], [1796.5, 98.5], [1786.5, 97.5], [1785.5, 98.5], [1784.5, 99.5], [1782.5, 100.5], [1779.5, 100.5], [1776.5, 100.5], [1774.5, 101.5], [1774.5, 101.5], [1774.5, 101.5]]}, +{"id": "twmkh1", "submitted_by": "CydersZenith", "name": "Goop House", "description": "An underground label/collective with community challenges based around the PC music scene.", "website": "https://soundcloud.com/goophouse", "subreddit": "", "center": [873.5, 1809.5], "path": [[872.5, 1800.5], [874.5, 1800.5], [874.5, 1817.5], [872.5, 1817.5]]}, +{"id": "twmkbd", "submitted_by": "craff_t", "name": "Hamburger Elbphilharmonie", "description": "The Elbphilharmonie, popularly nicknamed Elphi, is a concert hall in the HafenCity quarter of Hamburg, Germany, on the Grasbrook peninsula of the Elbe River. It is among the largest in the world.n", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [518.5, 1158.5], "path": [[503.5, 1139.5], [507.5, 1142.5], [510.5, 1138.5], [516.5, 1145.5], [519.5, 1142.5], [525.5, 1152.5], [524.5, 1149.5], [528.5, 1149.5], [528.5, 1146.5], [534.5, 1152.5], [534.5, 1149.5], [535.5, 1150.5], [536.5, 1152.5], [536.5, 1171.5], [503.5, 1171.5]]}, +{"id": "twmk7q", "submitted_by": "Wonderful-Surprise-7", "name": "Derpy and Fluttershy", "description": "Derpy and Fluttershy are two characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Derpy was first noticed by fans in 2010 for her cross-eyed look in the pilot episode of the show. She was a fan favorite ever since. Fluttershy is one of the main characters in the show and is known for representing the element of kindness.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/mylittlepony", "center": [1975.5, 378.5], "path": [[1951.5, 357.5], [2001.5, 356.5], [2000.5, 400.5], [1949.5, 400.5]]}, +{"id": "twmk6g", "submitted_by": "GabrielDieck", "name": "Flag of Paraguay", "description": "Flag of Paraguay made by r/Paraguay and the Paraguayan Discord community.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Paraguay", "center": [1063.5, 690.5], "path": [[926.5, 684.5], [1200.5, 684.5], [1200.5, 695.5], [926.5, 695.5]]}, +{"id": "twmk0n", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "LGBTQ Pride", "description": "Pride flags :D", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/placepride", "center": [525.5, 485.5], "path": [[496.5, 494.5], [496.5, 501.5], [502.5, 501.5], [503.5, 501.5], [503.5, 502.5], [553.5, 501.5], [553.5, 494.5], [552.5, 494.5], [552.5, 493.5], [537.5, 493.5], [537.5, 488.5], [536.5, 488.5], [536.5, 487.5], [535.5, 487.5], [535.5, 486.5], [534.5, 486.5], [534.5, 486.5], [534.5, 485.5], [533.5, 484.5], [532.5, 483.5], [532.5, 483.5], [531.5, 481.5], [530.5, 481.5], [529.5, 480.5], [528.5, 479.5], [527.5, 477.5], [527.5, 475.5], [528.5, 474.5], [529.5, 474.5], [529.5, 475.5], [530.5, 475.5], [537.5, 482.5], [547.5, 473.5], [535.5, 460.5], [525.5, 473.5], [515.5, 462.5], [502.5, 474.5], [509.5, 482.5], [520.5, 473.5], [523.5, 476.5], [511.5, 492.5]]}, +{"id": "twmk0b", "submitted_by": "Relssifille", "name": "MCYT (mostly DSMP) monument", "description": "What started as a monument for Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade but evolved to involve many other MCYTers as well", "website": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Technoblade/", "subreddit": "r/Technoblade", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twmjz6", "submitted_by": "Ericbazinga", "name": "HYDRA", "description": "A terrorist organization within the Marvel universe. Beginning life as the rogue science division of the Nazi Party, HYDRA went into hiding after World War 2, rebuilding within SHIELD before re-emerging in 2014. HYDRA is hell-bent on world domination and will let nothing stand in its way. Cut off one head, two more shall take its place! HAIL HYDRA!", "website": "https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/HYDRA", "subreddit": "r/marvelstudios", "center": [938.5, 913.5], "path": [[936.5, 905.5], [940.5, 905.5], [947.5, 911.5], [947.5, 915.5], [941.5, 921.5], [935.5, 921.5], [929.5, 915.5], [929.5, 910.5]]}, +{"id": "twmjrt", "submitted_by": "-robotic", "name": "Happinex", "description": "Discord gaming community's mascot, Smiles. Allied with Green Lattice. Check us out on YouTube :) <3", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQVdNL6Vs8RRmC6ZkozXVWg", "subreddit": "", "center": [1559.5, 1529.5], "path": [[1554.5, 1526.5], [1563.5, 1526.5], [1563.5, 1529.5], [1562.5, 1529.5], [1562.5, 1532.5], [1561.5, 1532.5], [1561.5, 1533.5], [1556.5, 1533.5], [1556.5, 1532.5], [1555.5, 1532.5], [1555.5, 1529.5], [1554.5, 1529.5]]}, +{"id": "twmjhe", "submitted_by": "KingMarine", "name": "Team Fortress 2", "description": "Team Fortress 2 (TF2) is a game developed by Valve and released in 2007 as a paid game. TF2 was changed to a Free to Play game in 2011.", "website": "https://www.teamfortress.com", "subreddit": "r/tf2", "center": [802.5, 55.5], "path": [[793.5, 46.5], [810.5, 46.5], [810.5, 63.5], [793.5, 63.5]]}, +{"id": "twmjaz", "submitted_by": "journcy", "name": "r/Nichijou", "description": "Subreddit for the 2011 slice of life comedy anime Nichijou from Kyoto Animation.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Nichijou", "center": [1413.5, 1252.5], "path": [[1387.5, 1243.5], [1387.5, 1261.5], [1439.5, 1261.5], [1439.5, 1243.5]]}, +{"id": "twmjad", "submitted_by": "Derfla12345", "name": "The Gnome (Link)", "description": "A tiny picture of Link recreated from a drawing I made in 2017. Protected and loved by the Safemoon Discord. Not present in this image, but exists in the final version of /r/place before the whitening : https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/twkdw7/actual_final_image_of_place_2022_high_res/", "website": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/255124269527203840/960756918723416084/pfp_jpg.jpg", "subreddit": "/r/ttteat/", "center": [348.5, 1260.5], "path": [[347.5, 1264.5], [348.5, 1264.5], [348.5, 1263.5], [348.5, 1264.5], [349.5, 1264.5], [350.5, 1264.5], [350.5, 1263.5], [350.5, 1262.5], [351.5, 1262.5], [352.5, 1262.5], [352.5, 1261.5], [352.5, 1260.5], [352.5, 1259.5], [352.5, 1258.5], [352.5, 1257.5], [351.5, 1257.5], [350.5, 1257.5], [350.5, 1258.5], [350.5, 1259.5], [350.5, 1260.5], [350.5, 1259.5], [350.5, 1258.5], [349.5, 1258.5], [349.5, 1257.5], [348.5, 1257.5], [347.5, 1257.5], [346.5, 1257.5], [345.5, 1257.5], [345.5, 1258.5], [344.5, 1258.5], [344.5, 1259.5], [344.5, 1260.5], [345.5, 1260.5], [346.5, 1260.5], [346.5, 1259.5], [346.5, 1260.5], [345.5, 1260.5], [345.5, 1261.5], [345.5, 1262.5], [346.5, 1262.5], [346.5, 1263.5], [346.5, 1264.5], [347.5, 1264.5]]}, +{"id": "twmj17", "submitted_by": "Acrobatic-Waltz-1702", "name": "Noggin", "description": "Noggin, from the game My Singing Monsters.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/MySingingMonsters", "center": [1936.5, 1304.5], "path": [[1903.5, 1358.5], [1909.5, 1364.5], [1913.5, 1364.5], [1916.5, 1367.5], [1923.5, 1367.5], [1925.5, 1362.5], [1933.5, 1362.5], [1936.5, 1359.5], [1936.5, 1351.5], [1929.5, 1342.5], [1958.5, 1342.5], [1957.5, 1345.5], [1957.5, 1347.5], [1970.5, 1356.5], [1986.5, 1347.5], [1986.5, 1339.5], [1980.5, 1334.5], [1973.5, 1331.5], [1973.5, 1308.5], [1965.5, 1304.5], [1965.5, 1291.5], [1971.5, 1291.5], [1972.5, 1268.5], [1966.5, 1251.5], [1960.5, 1245.5], [1954.5, 1245.5], [1958.5, 1252.5], [1956.5, 1252.5], [1949.5, 1245.5], [1944.5, 1245.5], [1941.5, 1250.5], [1945.5, 1254.5], [1939.5, 1250.5], [1929.5, 1249.5], [1930.5, 1253.5], [1939.5, 1263.5], [1924.5, 1264.5], [1922.5, 1261.5], [1927.5, 1258.5], [1927.5, 1256.5], [1922.5, 1253.5], [1918.5, 1255.5], [1906.5, 1266.5], [1906.5, 1260.5], [1910.5, 1249.5], [1905.5, 1248.5], [1901.5, 1250.5], [1895.5, 1264.5], [1896.5, 1303.5], [1900.5, 1307.5], [1901.5, 1326.5], [1906.5, 1330.5]]}, +{"id": "twmiry", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "Pride flags", "description": "All kinds of different LGBTQ pride flags. This includes Turkey of course.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [458.5, 590.5], "path": [[448.5, 537.5], [468.5, 537.5], [468.5, 609.5], [468.5, 610.5], [465.5, 610.5], [465.5, 646.5], [448.5, 646.5], [448.5, 538.5]]}, +{"id": "twmir2", "submitted_by": "Doodley0", "name": "SMTIV Smirk", "description": "The icon for the Smirk status from the 3DS game Shin Megami Tensei IV. Also briefly featured in Persona 2 when possessed.", "website": "https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Smirk", "subreddit": "/r/Megaten", "center": [599.5, 1589.5], "path": [[593.5, 1583.5], [605.5, 1583.5], [605.5, 1595.5], [593.5, 1595.5]]}, +{"id": "twmiqx", "submitted_by": "Frostiikin", "name": "Jowee", "description": "Character from Nintendo DS game Drawn to Life", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/drawntolifegame/", "center": [1833.5, 136.5], "path": [[1829.5, 131.5], [1829.5, 131.5], [1829.5, 141.5], [1829.5, 141.5], [1836.5, 141.5], [1836.5, 141.5], [1836.5, 131.5], [1836.5, 131.5]]}, +{"id": "twmig1", "submitted_by": "_Harkyn_", "name": "Puck", "description": "A character from the Manga Berserk.nThis little guy was constructed by the same Miura Memorial Development Team who designed Guts and the 'Rip Miura' mural to Puck's left.", "website": "https://berserk.fandom.com/wiki/Puck", "subreddit": "r/Berserk", "center": [730.5, 283.5], "path": [[715.5, 269.5], [715.5, 296.5], [745.5, 296.5], [745.5, 269.5], [745.5, 269.5], [745.5, 269.5], [745.5, 269.5], [745.5, 269.5]]}, +{"id": "twmi5f", "submitted_by": "The_Dinkster2201", "name": "#33 Max Verstappen", "description": "Dutch 2021 F1 World Champion Max Verstappen's car, RB16, along with his driver number #33. A collaboration between r/Formula1 and r/PlaceNL", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Formula1", "center": [612.5, 8.5], "path": [[595.5, 12.5], [595.5, 11.5], [597.5, 11.5], [597.5, 9.5], [598.5, 9.5], [598.5, 0.5], [610.5, 0.5], [610.5, 4.5], [614.5, 4.5], [614.5, 3.5], [618.5, 3.5], [618.5, 4.5], [620.5, 4.5], [620.5, 5.5], [623.5, 5.5], [623.5, 6.5], [624.5, 6.5], [624.5, 7.5], [625.5, 7.5], [625.5, 6.5], [626.5, 6.5], [626.5, 5.5], [627.5, 5.5], [627.5, 4.5], [633.5, 4.5], [633.5, 5.5], [633.5, 6.5], [632.5, 6.5], [632.5, 9.5], [631.5, 9.5], [631.5, 10.5], [630.5, 10.5], [630.5, 11.5], [629.5, 11.5], [629.5, 12.5], [627.5, 12.5], [628.5, 13.5], [627.5, 13.5], [595.5, 13.5]]}, +{"id": "twmi3h", "submitted_by": "MemoryAggravating694", "name": "Everhood", "description": "Blue Thief from the indie rhythm action game Everhood", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/everhood", "center": [1315.5, 1891.5], "path": [[1300.5, 1893.5], [1303.5, 1892.5], [1303.5, 1891.5], [1306.5, 1891.5], [1308.5, 1889.5], [1306.5, 1887.5], [1307.5, 1886.5], [1310.5, 1884.5], [1311.5, 1882.5], [1315.5, 1881.5], [1318.5, 1881.5], [1322.5, 1881.5], [1324.5, 1882.5], [1325.5, 1885.5], [1325.5, 1886.5], [1325.5, 1889.5], [1324.5, 1893.5], [1322.5, 1897.5], [1319.5, 1899.5], [1316.5, 1899.5], [1313.5, 1901.5], [1311.5, 1900.5], [1309.5, 1898.5], [1307.5, 1897.5], [1301.5, 1895.5]]}, +{"id": "twmhwh", "submitted_by": "FreakoSchizo", "name": "Arsehole", "description": "An unexpected alliance", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [727.5, 528.5], "path": [[702.5, 523.5], [752.5, 523.5], [752.5, 533.5], [702.5, 533.5]]}, +{"id": "twmhw0", "submitted_by": "JamehsCretin", "name": "GIR and Snail", "description": "Proposed on r/invaderzim, this was the third attempt to create GIR on the canvas. Initially starting out as a head, it became a full body version with him holding a snail created after allying with Team Gottes Lokus.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/invaderzim", "center": [1340.5, 1331.5], "path": [[1332.5, 1317.5], [1348.5, 1317.5], [1348.5, 1339.5], [1350.5, 1339.5], [1345.5, 1346.5], [1336.5, 1346.5], [1336.5, 1343.5], [1334.5, 1343.5], [1332.5, 1332.5], [1331.5, 1332.5], [1331.5, 1327.5], [1332.5, 1327.5], [1332.5, 1317.5]]}, +{"id": "twmhts", "submitted_by": "Wonderful-Surprise-7", "name": "Chelsea F.C.", "description": "Chelsea F.C are a club based in West London. They are often regarded as one of the most successful clubs in recent English football history, winning 5 Premier League titles, 2 Champions Leagues, and many other trophies since their ownership takeover in 2003. However, recent events have caused Roman Abramovich, Chelsea's owner, to leave the club. In Chelsea's struggle to find a new owner, Chelsea's supporters wrote the text on their artwork to which owners they don't want to take over the club.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/chelseafc", "center": [1210.5, 1853.5], "path": [[1164.5, 1891.5], [1163.5, 1820.5], [1166.5, 1828.5], [1169.5, 1828.5], [1172.5, 1829.5], [1177.5, 1822.5], [1175.5, 1815.5], [1256.5, 1815.5], [1256.5, 1875.5], [1254.5, 1880.5], [1256.5, 1887.5], [1242.5, 1889.5], [1238.5, 1888.5], [1235.5, 1881.5], [1229.5, 1880.5], [1225.5, 1884.5], [1225.5, 1888.5], [1230.5, 1893.5], [1222.5, 1893.5], [1202.5, 1893.5], [1196.5, 1891.5], [1185.5, 1891.5], [1180.5, 1889.5], [1174.5, 1891.5], [1166.5, 1888.5]]}, +{"id": "twmh5c", "submitted_by": "Difficult_Tourist_79", "name": "Western Rainbow Road", "description": "One of the only parts of the western rainbow remaining is in alliance with the Trans flag to the north as part of r/placepride.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/placepride /r/ainbowroad", "center": [522.5, 492.5], "path": [[568.5, 475.5], [481.5, 475.5], [481.5, 513.5], [527.5, 513.5], [527.5, 505.5], [568.5, 505.5]]}, +{"id": "twmh1h", "submitted_by": "KingMarine", "name": "Update TF2 sign", "description": "A call to action to the both TF2's developers to update their game, especially to curb the rise of bots in the games.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [815.5, 40.5], "path": [[790.5, 35.5], [840.5, 35.5], [840.5, 44.5], [790.5, 44.5]]}, +{"id": "twmgzq", "submitted_by": "Artillect", "name": "Grapu", "description": "The Green Lattice's mascot. He started as a little work of art in Place 2017 that got destroyed twice and never made it to the final canvas. Over the years since then, we've grown to love him.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/greenlattice", "center": [1098.5, 428.5], "path": [[1088.5, 423.5], [1092.5, 419.5], [1094.5, 419.5], [1095.5, 418.5], [1102.5, 418.5], [1103.5, 419.5], [1104.5, 419.5], [1105.5, 420.5], [1106.5, 421.5], [1108.5, 423.5], [1108.5, 433.5], [1102.5, 437.5], [1102.5, 438.5], [1093.5, 438.5], [1093.5, 437.5], [1092.5, 437.5], [1088.5, 433.5]]}, +{"id": "twmgj5", "submitted_by": "Acrobatic-Waltz-1702", "name": "The Great Void Enitity", "description": "The Void in its final moments. Created by The Swarm.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/theswarm", "center": [1014.5, 1484.5], "path": [[938.5, 1348.5], [1014.5, 1315.5], [1078.5, 1346.5], [1085.5, 1478.5], [1037.5, 1650.5], [1025.5, 1685.5], [1007.5, 1684.5], [979.5, 1649.5], [948.5, 1598.5], [955.5, 1571.5], [957.5, 1545.5], [945.5, 1490.5], [961.5, 1489.5], [962.5, 1435.5], [951.5, 1432.5], [963.5, 1370.5]]}, +{"id": "twmg9x", "submitted_by": "Doodley0", "name": "Jill from VA-11 HALL-A", "description": "Jill from the indie game VA-11 HALL-A, sitting at her kotatsu, as seen at the end of workdays in the game.", "website": "https://www.reddit.com/r/waifubartending/comments/twf172/i_designed_the_template_for_jill_on_rplace_check/", "subreddit": "/r/waifubartending", "center": [512.5, 1574.5], "path": [[535.5, 1598.5], [535.5, 1550.5], [492.5, 1550.5], [492.5, 1562.5], [486.5, 1562.5], [486.5, 1591.5], [492.5, 1591.5], [492.5, 1599.5]]}, +{"id": "twmg8y", "submitted_by": "KingMarine", "name": "TF2 Rectangle", "description": "The two games listed, Team Fortress 2 and Titanfall 2 are both games that have been neglected by their developers, have unique takes on a First Person Shooter game, and are both shortened to TF2.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [815.5, 53.5], "path": [[790.5, 35.5], [840.5, 35.5], [840.5, 70.5], [790.5, 70.5]]}, +{"id": "twmg88", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "r/placenl", "description": "The subreddit for Dutch people to participate on r/place", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/placenl", "center": [337.5, 25.5], "path": [[297.5, 14.5], [297.5, 35.5], [378.5, 35.5], [377.5, 14.5], [297.5, 14.5]]}, +{"id": "twmg7n", "submitted_by": "The_Dinkster2201", "name": "Tower of F1 Champions", "description": "A Formula 1 timing tower featuring the previous F1 World Champions in order, aswell as a tributes to the late Anthoine Hubert and Jules Bianchi", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Formula1", "center": [1405.5, 779.5], "path": [[1392.5, 752.5], [1418.5, 752.5], [1418.5, 806.5], [1392.5, 806.5]]}, +{"id": "twmg1n", "submitted_by": "SmoreBender", "name": "Melee", "description": "Super Smash Bros. Melee is a popular fighting game from 2001. Slippi is an online service that allows melee to run with rollback netcode.", "website": "[https://slippi.gg/](https://slippi.gg/)", "subreddit": "r/SSBM", "center": [800.5, 949.5], "path": [[799.5, 916.5], [823.5, 927.5], [824.5, 961.5], [817.5, 961.5], [817.5, 979.5], [796.5, 981.5], [783.5, 979.5], [782.5, 962.5], [776.5, 961.5], [776.5, 928.5], [799.5, 916.5]]}, +{"id": "twmfnl", "submitted_by": "MemoryAggravating694", "name": "IFunny ", "description": "IFunny is a popular meme app. The art depicts the dreaded \u201ciFunny watermark\u201d that appears on saved images from the site", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/ifunny", "center": [322.5, 1892.5], "path": [[310.5, 1888.5], [309.5, 1898.5], [335.5, 1896.5], [337.5, 1888.5]]}, +{"id": "twmfmx", "submitted_by": "Buddist_pizza", "name": "Loner flag from r/stalker", "description": "This is the flag on the loners/Stalkers from the popular Ukraine game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. which represents the people who went to the exclusion zone of chernboyl in search of artifacts or riches (Anomalies and artifacts with mysterious powers came into the zone when it blew up agian)of course there are other flags too.Well what are you hovering your mouse over for stalker, go visit other pieces of art too.", "website": "[https://www.stalker2.com/](https://www.stalker2.com/)", "subreddit": "/r/stalker", "center": [497.5, 1046.5], "path": [[481.5, 1030.5], [481.5, 1062.5], [513.5, 1063.5], [512.5, 1031.5], [512.5, 1030.5]]}, +{"id": "twmfj6", "submitted_by": "FreakoSchizo", "name": "Dark Side of the Moon", "description": "This is the album art for Pink Floyd's psychedelic 1973 album Dark Side of the Moon.", "website": "https://www.pinkfloyd.com/", "subreddit": "/r/PinkFloyd", "center": [1812.5, 1355.5], "path": [[1726.5, 1378.5], [1723.5, 1365.5], [1720.5, 1360.5], [1723.5, 1356.5], [1723.5, 1330.5], [1778.5, 1330.5], [1779.5, 1331.5], [1783.5, 1331.5], [1786.5, 1330.5], [1798.5, 1330.5], [1801.5, 1329.5], [1812.5, 1330.5], [1882.5, 1330.5], [1882.5, 1338.5], [1883.5, 1346.5], [1885.5, 1348.5], [1889.5, 1351.5], [1901.5, 1357.5], [1907.5, 1363.5], [1912.5, 1369.5], [1918.5, 1376.5], [1924.5, 1384.5], [1926.5, 1384.5], [1926.5, 1386.5], [1925.5, 1386.5], [1925.5, 1390.5], [1924.5, 1390.5], [1924.5, 1394.5], [1912.5, 1394.5], [1912.5, 1377.5], [1811.5, 1377.5], [1809.5, 1376.5], [1803.5, 1378.5], [1766.5, 1378.5], [1742.5, 1378.5], [1726.5, 1378.5]]}, +{"id": "twmfdv", "submitted_by": "thysnice", "name": "No Man's Sky", "description": "The No Man's Sky community's contribution to r/place. A large Atlas diamond (the game's logo) fills the center, and the letters I [love] NMS can be seen. The number 16 16 16 can also be seen. 16 16 16 is a part of the game's lore and meme culture.", "website": "[https://www.nomanssky.com/](https://www.nomanssky.com/)", "subreddit": "r/NoMansSkyTheGame", "center": [1631.5, 1630.5], "path": [[1614.5, 1610.5], [1613.5, 1632.5], [1633.5, 1658.5], [1642.5, 1648.5], [1653.5, 1628.5], [1643.5, 1618.5], [1639.5, 1614.5], [1640.5, 1610.5], [1629.5, 1610.5]]}, +{"id": "twmelt", "submitted_by": "Difficult_Tourist_79", "name": "Rat", "description": "A rat that was invaded by Catalonia early in Place was rebuilt in the eastern Toki Pona/Parahumans area.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1705.5, 222.5], "path": [[1708.5, 220.5], [1707.5, 220.5], [1707.5, 221.5], [1706.5, 221.5], [1705.5, 221.5], [1704.5, 221.5], [1704.5, 220.5], [1703.5, 220.5], [1703.5, 221.5], [1703.5, 222.5], [1702.5, 223.5], [1702.5, 224.5], [1702.5, 225.5], [1703.5, 224.5], [1704.5, 223.5], [1705.5, 223.5], [1706.5, 224.5], [1707.5, 224.5], [1708.5, 223.5], [1707.5, 222.5], [1708.5, 221.5]]}, +{"id": "twmeaj", "submitted_by": "The_Dinkster2201", "name": "Nicorolled", "description": "Former F1 driver Nico Rosberg, taken from a frequently memed thumbnail from his YouTube channel", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/FormulaDank", "center": [456.5, 1751.5], "path": [[499.5, 1800.5], [413.5, 1800.5], [413.5, 1703.5], [461.5, 1703.5], [461.5, 1699.5], [499.5, 1699.5]]}, +{"id": "twme8p", "submitted_by": "Wonderful-Surprise-7", "name": "Tottenham Hotspur F.C.", "description": "Tottenham Hotspur, also known as Spurs, are an English football club based in North London. Despite being a team that often finishes in the top 6 of the Premier League, they are often mocked for their lack of trophies, their most recent one being in 2008.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/tottenham", "center": [1699.5, 443.5], "path": [[1684.5, 420.5], [1713.5, 420.5], [1713.5, 466.5], [1685.5, 467.5]]}, +{"id": "twme6h", "submitted_by": "MemoryAggravating694", "name": "Rivals of Aether", "description": "Rivals of Aether is a popular indie fighting game inspired by Super Smash Brothers ", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/roa", "center": [842.5, 1959.5], "path": [[833.5, 1949.5], [851.5, 1949.5], [850.5, 1969.5], [833.5, 1970.5]]}, +{"id": "twmdw6", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "Sylveon", "description": "Sylveon, from Pokemon, is often seen as a trans icon, due to it's coloration matching that of the trans flag. It's shiny version does too.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [673.5, 451.5], "path": [[662.5, 451.5], [662.5, 449.5], [661.5, 448.5], [662.5, 447.5], [661.5, 446.5], [662.5, 445.5], [663.5, 444.5], [663.5, 443.5], [662.5, 442.5], [661.5, 442.5], [661.5, 439.5], [662.5, 439.5], [662.5, 438.5], [664.5, 438.5], [664.5, 437.5], [666.5, 437.5], [666.5, 436.5], [667.5, 436.5], [669.5, 435.5], [670.5, 435.5], [670.5, 436.5], [671.5, 436.5], [671.5, 441.5], [671.5, 442.5], [670.5, 442.5], [670.5, 444.5], [672.5, 442.5], [673.5, 442.5], [673.5, 443.5], [674.5, 442.5], [675.5, 441.5], [675.5, 440.5], [676.5, 440.5], [676.5, 439.5], [678.5, 439.5], [678.5, 438.5], [681.5, 438.5], [681.5, 439.5], [682.5, 439.5], [682.5, 443.5], [681.5, 443.5], [682.5, 444.5], [681.5, 445.5], [681.5, 446.5], [680.5, 446.5], [680.5, 447.5], [679.5, 447.5], [678.5, 448.5], [680.5, 448.5], [682.5, 447.5], [682.5, 445.5], [683.5, 445.5], [683.5, 443.5], [684.5, 443.5], [684.5, 442.5], [685.5, 442.5], [686.5, 442.5], [686.5, 443.5], [687.5, 443.5], [688.5, 443.5], [688.5, 444.5], [689.5, 444.5], [689.5, 447.5], [689.5, 448.5], [687.5, 448.5], [687.5, 448.5], [687.5, 449.5], [686.5, 449.5], [686.5, 450.5], [685.5, 450.5], [685.5, 451.5], [683.5, 451.5], [683.5, 454.5], [682.5, 454.5], [682.5, 455.5], [681.5, 455.5], [682.5, 456.5], [683.5, 456.5], [683.5, 457.5], [684.5, 457.5], [684.5, 456.5], [688.5, 456.5], [688.5, 457.5], [689.5, 457.5], [689.5, 458.5], [689.5, 459.5], [688.5, 459.5], [688.5, 460.5], [686.5, 460.5], [686.5, 461.5], [682.5, 461.5], [681.5, 461.5], [681.5, 460.5], [680.5, 461.5], [680.5, 463.5], [680.5, 464.5], [679.5, 464.5], [679.5, 465.5], [677.5, 465.5], [676.5, 465.5], [676.5, 464.5], [675.5, 464.5], [675.5, 462.5], [674.5, 461.5], [673.5, 461.5], [673.5, 462.5], [673.5, 463.5], [672.5, 463.5], [672.5, 464.5], [672.5, 465.5], [671.5, 465.5], [671.5, 466.5], [670.5, 466.5], [667.5, 466.5], [666.5, 465.5], [666.5, 464.5], [667.5, 464.5], [667.5, 463.5], [667.5, 464.5], [667.5, 463.5], [666.5, 462.5], [666.5, 461.5], [665.5, 460.5], [664.5, 461.5], [662.5, 461.5], [661.5, 461.5], [661.5, 460.5], [662.5, 459.5], [663.5, 459.5], [662.5, 458.5], [661.5, 458.5], [661.5, 454.5], [662.5, 454.5], [662.5, 453.5], [661.5, 453.5], [661.5, 449.5]]}, +{"id": "twmdtg", "submitted_by": "AwesomeTy79", "name": "FurfSky Reborn", "description": "A neon logo for the Hypixel Skyblock minecraft texture pack, FurfSky Reborn", "website": "https://furfsky.net/", "subreddit": "", "center": [1261.5, 818.5], "path": [[1281.5, 829.5], [1240.5, 829.5], [1240.5, 806.5], [1281.5, 806.5]]}, +{"id": "twmdkf", "submitted_by": "Ellakazam", "name": "JBOIZ", "description": "Many have asked what is JBOIZ, but only true JBOIZ know the answer to that question.nn", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1987.5, 122.5], "path": [[1974.5, 113.5], [1999.5, 113.5], [1999.5, 131.5], [1974.5, 131.5]]}, +{"id": "twmdh3", "submitted_by": "SmoreBender", "name": "Atrioc", "description": "Popular twitch streamer and youtuber Atrioc. This section includes pixel art for the ghost(Atrioc's fall guys character), the Enron logo, Burgzy (Atrioc's vtuber character), The clown (Atrioc's signature hitman outfit), S3K (a group of reddit users that help make content for him), The Yard (a podcast that includes a lot of his friends), and much more.", "website": "[https://twitch.tv/atrioc](https://twitch.tv/atrioc)", "subreddit": "r/atrioc", "center": [1831.5, 230.5], "path": [[1809.5, 298.5], [1817.5, 298.5], [1821.5, 292.5], [1825.5, 292.5], [1828.5, 298.5], [1843.5, 298.5], [1845.5, 289.5], [1853.5, 282.5], [1854.5, 273.5], [1864.5, 264.5], [1864.5, 252.5], [1866.5, 245.5], [1859.5, 238.5], [1847.5, 238.5], [1842.5, 235.5], [1840.5, 235.5], [1840.5, 220.5], [1840.5, 174.5], [1874.5, 175.5], [1874.5, 157.5], [1839.5, 157.5], [1839.5, 159.5], [1821.5, 159.5], [1821.5, 172.5], [1806.5, 172.5], [1806.5, 239.5], [1813.5, 239.5], [1814.5, 244.5], [1809.5, 249.5], [1808.5, 254.5], [1808.5, 254.5], [1808.5, 254.5], [1800.5, 266.5], [1796.5, 282.5], [1803.5, 285.5], [1805.5, 291.5], [1803.5, 295.5]]}, +{"id": "twmd9s", "submitted_by": "rileystan010", "name": "LittleBigPlanet", "description": "The Logo from the PlayStation\u2122 Exclusive sandbox game, LittleBigPlanet\u2122", "website": "https://www.mediamolecule.com/", "subreddit": "/r/littlebigplanet", "center": [1046.5, 385.5], "path": [[1034.5, 367.5], [1034.5, 399.5], [1064.5, 399.5], [1064.5, 386.5], [1061.5, 387.5], [1051.5, 387.5], [1051.5, 367.5]]}, +{"id": "twmd1l", "submitted_by": "The_Dinkster2201", "name": "Battle of the Heroes", "description": "A mural depicting the duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker on Mustafar from Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/PrequelMemes", "center": [737.5, 1631.5], "path": [[644.5, 1692.5], [637.5, 1691.5], [633.5, 1687.5], [629.5, 1680.5], [629.5, 1656.5], [625.5, 1650.5], [625.5, 1605.5], [635.5, 1596.5], [636.5, 1594.5], [646.5, 1592.5], [671.5, 1591.5], [674.5, 1593.5], [690.5, 1593.5], [703.5, 1585.5], [706.5, 1579.5], [706.5, 1557.5], [709.5, 1554.5], [692.5, 1526.5], [669.5, 1488.5], [660.5, 1480.5], [661.5, 1476.5], [669.5, 1484.5], [678.5, 1490.5], [690.5, 1505.5], [704.5, 1530.5], [713.5, 1540.5], [722.5, 1555.5], [727.5, 1562.5], [731.5, 1564.5], [737.5, 1559.5], [745.5, 1543.5], [750.5, 1533.5], [758.5, 1526.5], [761.5, 1529.5], [757.5, 1546.5], [758.5, 1559.5], [760.5, 1561.5], [760.5, 1582.5], [779.5, 1582.5], [779.5, 1579.5], [802.5, 1579.5], [802.5, 1584.5], [809.5, 1589.5], [816.5, 1585.5], [818.5, 1587.5], [819.5, 1596.5], [833.5, 1611.5], [826.5, 1616.5], [825.5, 1621.5], [839.5, 1637.5], [838.5, 1647.5], [846.5, 1654.5], [846.5, 1675.5], [846.5, 1676.5], [851.5, 1676.5], [851.5, 1685.5], [846.5, 1685.5], [847.5, 1706.5], [840.5, 1706.5], [840.5, 1713.5], [789.5, 1712.5], [789.5, 1688.5], [792.5, 1685.5], [792.5, 1677.5], [789.5, 1674.5], [784.5, 1676.5], [781.5, 1670.5], [778.5, 1670.5], [776.5, 1669.5], [769.5, 1669.5], [761.5, 1672.5], [756.5, 1670.5], [751.5, 1670.5], [751.5, 1679.5], [751.5, 1683.5], [717.5, 1684.5], [715.5, 1681.5], [706.5, 1681.5], [706.5, 1684.5], [704.5, 1687.5], [696.5, 1687.5], [687.5, 1685.5], [667.5, 1685.5], [653.5, 1686.5], [650.5, 1687.5], [648.5, 1688.5], [645.5, 1691.5]]}, +{"id": "twmclv", "submitted_by": "Rop-Tamen", "name": "BT-7274 and Titanfall 2 Logo", "description": "A depiction of BT-7274 from the game Titanfall 2 with the Titanfall 2 logo above him.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/titanfall", "center": [1546.5, 1952.5], "path": [[1522.5, 1918.5], [1570.5, 1918.5], [1570.5, 1985.5], [1522.5, 1985.5]]}, +{"id": "twmck8", "submitted_by": "Ericbazinga", "name": "SHIELD", "description": "The Strategic Homeland Investigation, Enforcement, and Logistics Division. A fictional government organization within the Marvel Universe, specializing in matters related to the Avengers and the supernatural. ", "website": "https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/S.H.I.E.L.D.", "subreddit": "r/shield", "center": [938.5, 894.5], "path": [[933.5, 886.5], [943.5, 886.5], [946.5, 890.5], [947.5, 897.5], [941.5, 903.5], [936.5, 903.5], [930.5, 898.5], [930.5, 891.5]]}, +{"id": "twmcix", "submitted_by": "f5xs_0000b", "name": "Roxy Migurdia", "description": "The mentor of Rudeus Greyrat in the anime Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation", "website": "https://myanimelist.net/anime/39535/Mushoku_Tensei__Isekai_Ittara_Honki_Dasu", "subreddit": "r/mushokutensei", "center": [1774.5, 1304.5], "path": [[1765.5, 1291.5], [1766.5, 1291.5], [1767.5, 1292.5], [1769.5, 1290.5], [1771.5, 1290.5], [1774.5, 1293.5], [1776.5, 1293.5], [1778.5, 1295.5], [1779.5, 1295.5], [1781.5, 1293.5], [1784.5, 1293.5], [1787.5, 1290.5], [1788.5, 1290.5], [1788.5, 1292.5], [1789.5, 1293.5], [1787.5, 1293.5], [1787.5, 1294.5], [1785.5, 1296.5], [1785.5, 1297.5], [1784.5, 1298.5], [1784.5, 1299.5], [1785.5, 1300.5], [1789.5, 1300.5], [1789.5, 1304.5], [1788.5, 1305.5], [1788.5, 1306.5], [1786.5, 1306.5], [1785.5, 1305.5], [1780.5, 1305.5], [1779.5, 1304.5], [1777.5, 1304.5], [1776.5, 1305.5], [1776.5, 1306.5], [1777.5, 1307.5], [1777.5, 1308.5], [1779.5, 1310.5], [1779.5, 1311.5], [1777.5, 1311.5], [1776.5, 1312.5], [1774.5, 1312.5], [1773.5, 1313.5], [1773.5, 1314.5], [1772.5, 1315.5], [1772.5, 1317.5], [1773.5, 1318.5], [1773.5, 1327.5], [1772.5, 1327.5], [1770.5, 1328.5], [1769.5, 1327.5], [1769.5, 1325.5], [1770.5, 1325.5], [1770.5, 1323.5], [1768.5, 1321.5], [1768.5, 1320.5], [1769.5, 1319.5], [1769.5, 1313.5], [1766.5, 1313.5], [1765.5, 1312.5], [1762.5, 1309.5], [1762.5, 1307.5], [1761.5, 1307.5], [1760.5, 1307.5], [1759.5, 1308.5], [1757.5, 1308.5], [1758.5, 1307.5], [1759.5, 1307.5], [1760.5, 1306.5], [1761.5, 1306.5], [1762.5, 1305.5], [1763.5, 1304.5], [1764.5, 1304.5], [1766.5, 1302.5], [1766.5, 1301.5], [1767.5, 1300.5], [1763.5, 1296.5], [1762.5, 1296.5], [1762.5, 1295.5], [1759.5, 1295.5], [1759.5, 1296.5], [1760.5, 1297.5], [1759.5, 1297.5], [1758.5, 1296.5], [1758.5, 1294.5], [1759.5, 1294.5], [1760.5, 1295.5], [1762.5, 1295.5], [1763.5, 1296.5], [1766.5, 1296.5], [1768.5, 1294.5]]}, +{"id": "twmcgz", "submitted_by": "sunnyotakuu", "name": ":wubby7:", "description": "An emote of Twitch Streamer PayMoneyWubby saluting. The emote is known in the community as \u201cwubby7.\u201d", "website": "https://twitch.tv/paymoneywubby", "subreddit": "/r/paymoneywubby", "center": [406.5, 1496.5], "path": [[370.5, 1460.5], [442.5, 1460.5], [442.5, 1532.5], [370.5, 1532.5]]}, +{"id": "twmc0y", "submitted_by": "thysnice", "name": "Large French Flag", "description": "An overly large French Flag created by a few French streamers. A large amount of controversy was created by the flag's sheer size, and some backlash was directed towards r/placefrance, even though they had nothing to do with the flag. In the last couple of hours, the area became a warzone, as Spanish streamers, French streamers, BTS fans, and many other smaller communities battled over the large area.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/placefrance", "center": [125.5, 1705.5], "path": [[0.5, 1443.5], [249.5, 1969.5], [250.5, 1443.5], [111.5, 1442.5], [0.5, 1442.5], [0.5, 1969.5], [249.5, 1969.5]]}, +{"id": "twmbzz", "submitted_by": "RH_Gaming20", "name": "Nico Rosberg (F1)", "description": "A famous photo of Nico Rosberg, the 2016 Formula 1 World champion", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Formula1", "center": [457.5, 1751.5], "path": [[414.5, 1704.5], [414.5, 1746.5], [414.5, 1745.5], [415.5, 1745.5], [416.5, 1745.5], [417.5, 1745.5], [418.5, 1745.5], [418.5, 1746.5], [419.5, 1746.5], [419.5, 1747.5], [420.5, 1747.5], [420.5, 1748.5], [420.5, 1751.5], [420.5, 1752.5], [419.5, 1752.5], [419.5, 1753.5], [418.5, 1753.5], [418.5, 1754.5], [417.5, 1754.5], [417.5, 1755.5], [416.5, 1755.5], [416.5, 1756.5], [415.5, 1756.5], [415.5, 1757.5], [414.5, 1757.5], [414.5, 1799.5], [498.5, 1799.5], [499.5, 1729.5], [498.5, 1729.5], [498.5, 1728.5], [497.5, 1728.5], [497.5, 1727.5], [496.5, 1727.5], [496.5, 1726.5], [495.5, 1726.5], [495.5, 1725.5], [494.5, 1725.5], [494.5, 1722.5], [495.5, 1722.5], [495.5, 1721.5], [496.5, 1721.5], [496.5, 1720.5], [497.5, 1720.5], [499.5, 1720.5], [499.5, 1700.5], [462.5, 1700.5], [462.5, 1704.5], [442.5, 1704.5], [442.5, 1705.5], [441.5, 1705.5], [441.5, 1706.5], [440.5, 1706.5], [440.5, 1707.5], [439.5, 1707.5], [439.5, 1708.5], [438.5, 1708.5], [437.5, 1708.5], [437.5, 1707.5], [436.5, 1707.5], [436.5, 1706.5], [435.5, 1706.5], [435.5, 1705.5], [434.5, 1705.5], [434.5, 1704.5]]}, +{"id": "twmbzr", "submitted_by": "Chloe_Mae_Art", "name": "Kirby in the Stars", "description": "Kirby is a fictional character and the titular protagonist of the Kirby series of video games owned by Nintendo and HAL Laboratory.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1845.5, 581.5], "path": [[1890.5, 539.5], [1890.5, 623.5], [1801.5, 623.5], [1800.5, 539.5]]}, +{"id": "twmbzs", "submitted_by": "Slyguy46", "name": "New York Jets", "description": "The New York Jets, a football team in the NFL, using their 80's logo.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/nyjets", "center": [1349.5, 42.5], "path": [[1328.5, 35.5], [1369.5, 35.5], [1369.5, 39.5], [1371.5, 39.5], [1371.5, 40.5], [1372.5, 40.5], [1372.5, 42.5], [1371.5, 42.5], [1371.5, 43.5], [1370.5, 43.5], [1370.5, 44.5], [1369.5, 44.5], [1369.5, 50.5], [1328.5, 50.5], [1328.5, 45.5], [1328.5, 44.5], [1327.5, 44.5], [1327.5, 43.5], [1326.5, 43.5], [1326.5, 42.5], [1325.5, 42.5], [1325.5, 40.5], [1326.5, 40.5], [1326.5, 39.5], [1328.5, 39.5], [1328.5, 35.5], [1328.5, 35.5], [1328.5, 35.5]]}, +{"id": "twmbw6", "submitted_by": "Wonderful-Surprise-7", "name": "Flag of Canada", "description": "Canada's flag quickly became the target of memes as their leaf was never quite in shape. This led to constant vandalism on the flag. At one point, the flag was changed to yellow and the leaf changed to a banana. Canada managed to gain a little progress on their leaf, but the canvas ended before it could be fully fixed.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/canada", "center": [209.5, 506.5], "path": [[175.5, 528.5], [244.5, 528.5], [244.5, 485.5], [175.5, 484.5]]}, +{"id": "twmbri", "submitted_by": "FreakoSchizo", "name": "Foxhole", "description": "Foxhole is a massively multiplayer war game where hundreds and thousands of players battle for control of the map. This image is the main icon for the game. ", "website": "[https://www.foxholegame.com/](https://www.foxholegame.com/)", "subreddit": "/r/foxholegame", "center": [564.5, 1559.5], "path": [[536.5, 1522.5], [536.5, 1596.5], [592.5, 1596.5], [592.5, 1522.5]]}, +{"id": "twmbny", "submitted_by": "dxdydz_dV", "name": "r/math's Hilbert Curve", "description": "Contains a level 4 Hilbert curve, Euler's identity, the golden ratio, gliders from Conways game of life in the colors of 3B1B, an icosahedron, and the first few digits of pi.", "website": "https://www.reddit.com/r/math/comments/twi1ge/rplace_end_results/", "subreddit": "r/math", "center": [1651.5, 309.5], "path": [[1638.5, 280.5], [1628.5, 280.5], [1628.5, 296.5], [1628.5, 315.5], [1631.5, 315.5], [1631.5, 316.5], [1632.5, 316.5], [1632.5, 339.5], [1672.5, 339.5], [1673.5, 280.5], [1673.5, 280.5]]}, +{"id": "twmbnb", "submitted_by": "MemoryAggravating694", "name": "R/pop heads ", "description": "A tribute to a subreddit for pop heads. The album featured in the image is Carly Rae Jepsens Emotion Side B", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/popheads", "center": [1443.5, 523.5], "path": [[1416.5, 539.5], [1416.5, 508.5], [1472.5, 509.5], [1474.5, 533.5], [1449.5, 536.5], [1448.5, 541.5]]}, +{"id": "twmbjh", "submitted_by": "Dashacutie", "name": "[OFF] The Batter", "description": "A small pixel art of the batter from the indie horror game OFF by Mortis Ghost", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/offthegame", "center": [1913.5, 776.5], "path": [[1905.5, 760.5], [1905.5, 792.5], [1920.5, 793.5], [1920.5, 760.5], [1906.5, 760.5]]}, +{"id": "twmbhp", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "Minecraft bee is trans", "description": "Trans Minecraft bee :)", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [716.5, 463.5], "path": [[706.5, 457.5], [705.5, 457.5], [704.5, 457.5], [704.5, 458.5], [704.5, 459.5], [703.5, 459.5], [703.5, 460.5], [704.5, 460.5], [704.5, 463.5], [704.5, 464.5], [704.5, 465.5], [703.5, 465.5], [703.5, 467.5], [704.5, 467.5], [704.5, 470.5], [705.5, 471.5], [726.5, 471.5], [726.5, 470.5], [727.5, 470.5], [727.5, 458.5], [726.5, 458.5], [726.5, 457.5], [722.5, 457.5], [722.5, 456.5], [722.5, 455.5], [723.5, 455.5], [723.5, 455.5], [723.5, 454.5], [722.5, 454.5], [722.5, 453.5], [721.5, 453.5], [721.5, 454.5], [720.5, 454.5], [720.5, 455.5], [719.5, 455.5], [719.5, 456.5], [718.5, 456.5], [717.5, 455.5], [716.5, 454.5], [715.5, 453.5], [714.5, 453.5], [713.5, 454.5], [713.5, 455.5], [714.5, 456.5], [714.5, 457.5], [709.5, 457.5], [705.5, 457.5]]}, +{"id": "twmb97", "submitted_by": "h_h_gregg", "name": "Slugcat (Rain World Third Location)", "description": "Rain World is a 2017 video game developed by the indie studio Videocult. This location depicts the Survivor slugcat (a playable character) in a sleeping position reminiscent of the slugcat's sleep screen ingame.", "website": "https://rainworldgame.com/", "subreddit": "/r/rainworld", "center": [1379.5, 128.5], "path": [[1376.5, 119.5], [1382.5, 119.5], [1383.5, 118.5], [1385.5, 118.5], [1386.5, 119.5], [1386.5, 120.5], [1385.5, 121.5], [1386.5, 122.5], [1387.5, 123.5], [1388.5, 123.5], [1389.5, 122.5], [1391.5, 122.5], [1391.5, 125.5], [1389.5, 127.5], [1389.5, 128.5], [1388.5, 128.5], [1388.5, 134.5], [1386.5, 136.5], [1385.5, 136.5], [1384.5, 137.5], [1373.5, 137.5], [1372.5, 136.5], [1371.5, 135.5], [1371.5, 133.5], [1370.5, 133.5], [1370.5, 132.5], [1369.5, 132.5], [1369.5, 131.5], [1368.5, 131.5], [1368.5, 130.5], [1367.5, 130.5], [1367.5, 127.5], [1368.5, 126.5], [1368.5, 125.5], [1369.5, 124.5], [1370.5, 123.5], [1371.5, 122.5], [1372.5, 121.5], [1373.5, 121.5], [1374.5, 120.5], [1375.5, 120.5], [1376.5, 119.5]]}, +{"id": "twmb92", "submitted_by": "Relssifille", "name": "The Neverland Castle", "description": "The logo of the kpop girl group (G)I-DLE's fandom Neverland featuring the group member's colours", "website": "https://www.reddit.com/r/GIDLE/", "subreddit": "r/gidle", "center": [1477.5, 925.5], "path": [[1492.5, 937.5], [1462.5, 937.5], [1462.5, 912.5], [1491.5, 912.5], [1491.5, 917.5], [1492.5, 917.5]]}, +{"id": "twmayf", "submitted_by": "splongadongla", "name": "Klei Logo", "description": "Klei Entertainment's Logo, Made by the Chester/Place Discord Server", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1068.5, 520.5], "path": [[1061.5, 511.5], [1061.5, 529.5], [1075.5, 529.5], [1075.5, 511.5]]}, +{"id": "twmas3", "submitted_by": "mitgas", "name": "r/sadboys", "description": "An emblem made by the r/sadboys subreddit. The subreddit is for the fans of the Sad Boys and Drain Gang music collectives. The emblem depicts two logos of the collectives, SBE for Sad Boys Entertainment on top, and DG for Drain Gang on the bottom.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/sadboys", "center": [1550.5, 382.5], "path": [[1526.5, 353.5], [1526.5, 353.5], [1526.5, 408.5], [1531.5, 413.5], [1568.5, 413.5], [1568.5, 411.5], [1573.5, 411.5], [1573.5, 360.5], [1573.5, 353.5], [1564.5, 353.5], [1563.5, 353.5], [1563.5, 352.5], [1537.5, 352.5], [1537.5, 353.5], [1526.5, 353.5]]}, +{"id": "twmard", "submitted_by": "TheXtremeVocaloid", "name": "Dreamcatcher", "description": "A South Korean girl group. Notable for their more rock-based songs.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Dreamcatcher", "center": [1627.5, 874.5], "path": [[1588.5, 869.5], [1588.5, 879.5], [1670.5, 878.5], [1670.5, 870.5], [1588.5, 869.5]]}, +{"id": "twmaoz", "submitted_by": "MortalUnicornnn", "name": "Honduras", "description": "Hondurans came together to leave something that represented our country. With our beutiful flag and our national bird, the red macaw. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twmajs", "submitted_by": "DeidreMengedoht", "name": "Yume Nikki Fan Games", "description": "Sprites of three characters, Urotsuki, Madotsuki, and Sabitsuki. Madotsuki is the protagonist of the surreal indie game Yume Nikki, while the others are protagonists from two of its popular fangames.", "website": "", "subreddit": "https://www.reddit.com/r/yumenikki/", "center": [1222.5, 120.5], "path": [[1197.5, 104.5], [1197.5, 104.5], [1197.5, 104.5], [1213.5, 104.5], [1213.5, 107.5], [1248.5, 107.5], [1248.5, 134.5], [1197.5, 134.5]]}, +{"id": "twmae3", "submitted_by": "Loicass", "name": "Halo Energy Sword", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [83.5, 1246.5], "path": [[0.5, 1226.5], [0.5, 1265.5], [166.5, 1265.5], [166.5, 1226.5]]}, +{"id": "twmaay", "submitted_by": "a_printer", "name": "H", "description": "H", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/theletterH", "center": [1587.5, 1377.5], "path": [[1576.5, 1368.5], [1576.5, 1386.5], [1600.5, 1386.5], [1600.5, 1373.5], [1595.5, 1373.5], [1595.5, 1372.5], [1594.5, 1372.5], [1594.5, 1368.5], [1576.5, 1368.5]]}, +{"id": "twma30", "submitted_by": "fleeval", "name": "6reen Bay Packers", "description": "Football team from Green Bay, Wisconsin. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/greenbaypackers", "center": [418.5, 922.5], "path": [[408.5, 914.5], [427.5, 914.5], [427.5, 930.5], [408.5, 930.5], [408.5, 914.5]]}, +{"id": "twma1z", "submitted_by": "Relssifille", "name": "(G)I-DLE logo", "description": "The logo of the kpop girl group (G)I-DLE featuring their lightstick", "website": "https://www.reddit.com/r/GIDLE/", "subreddit": "r/gidle", "center": [1683.5, 874.5], "path": [[1696.5, 879.5], [1670.5, 879.5], [1670.5, 869.5], [1696.5, 869.5]]}, +{"id": "twm9xs", "submitted_by": "f5xs_0000b", "name": "Rimuru Tempest, Human Form", "description": "The human form of the Slime Demon Rimuru Tempest. Takes the form and wears the mask of the late Otherworlder Shizue Izawa.nnAppears in the anime That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime.", "website": "https://myanimelist.net/anime/37430/Tensei_shitara_Slime_Datta_Ken", "subreddit": "/r/TenseiSlime", "center": [1866.5, 1297.5], "path": [[1844.5, 1306.5], [1843.5, 1305.5], [1843.5, 1301.5], [1844.5, 1300.5], [1844.5, 1298.5], [1845.5, 1297.5], [1845.5, 1296.5], [1846.5, 1295.5], [1846.5, 1294.5], [1852.5, 1288.5], [1853.5, 1289.5], [1853.5, 1291.5], [1856.5, 1294.5], [1857.5, 1294.5], [1858.5, 1295.5], [1859.5, 1294.5], [1859.5, 1291.5], [1858.5, 1290.5], [1858.5, 1288.5], [1859.5, 1287.5], [1859.5, 1285.5], [1860.5, 1284.5], [1860.5, 1282.5], [1861.5, 1281.5], [1861.5, 1280.5], [1862.5, 1279.5], [1863.5, 1279.5], [1864.5, 1278.5], [1868.5, 1278.5], [1869.5, 1277.5], [1871.5, 1277.5], [1875.5, 1281.5], [1875.5, 1285.5], [1873.5, 1287.5], [1873.5, 1289.5], [1872.5, 1290.5], [1872.5, 1292.5], [1873.5, 1293.5], [1875.5, 1291.5], [1875.5, 1289.5], [1876.5, 1288.5], [1877.5, 1289.5], [1877.5, 1290.5], [1878.5, 1291.5], [1878.5, 1292.5], [1879.5, 1293.5], [1879.5, 1295.5], [1880.5, 1296.5], [1880.5, 1304.5], [1878.5, 1304.5], [1878.5, 1300.5], [1876.5, 1300.5], [1875.5, 1301.5], [1873.5, 1299.5], [1872.5, 1300.5], [1873.5, 1301.5], [1873.5, 1302.5], [1876.5, 1305.5], [1878.5, 1305.5], [1880.5, 1307.5], [1880.5, 1309.5], [1881.5, 1310.5], [1882.5, 1309.5], [1883.5, 1309.5], [1883.5, 1312.5], [1877.5, 1318.5], [1876.5, 1317.5], [1875.5, 1317.5], [1875.5, 1316.5], [1874.5, 1315.5], [1872.5, 1312.5], [1871.5, 1312.5], [1870.5, 1311.5], [1869.5, 1310.5], [1867.5, 1309.5], [1866.5, 1309.5], [1865.5, 1308.5], [1859.5, 1308.5], [1858.5, 1307.5], [1855.5, 1307.5], [1855.5, 1306.5], [1858.5, 1303.5], [1858.5, 1300.5], [1859.5, 1299.5], [1858.5, 1298.5], [1857.5, 1298.5], [1856.5, 1299.5], [1855.5, 1299.5], [1854.5, 1300.5], [1854.5, 1301.5], [1853.5, 1302.5], [1850.5, 1299.5], [1848.5, 1299.5], [1846.5, 1301.5], [1845.5, 1302.5], [1845.5, 1305.5]]}, +{"id": "twm9sj", "submitted_by": "sit_ascha", "name": "Tufts University", "description": "The logo of Tufts University. Our mascot, Jumbo the Elephant, is graciously hosted by r/196 in the space directly above.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Tufts", "center": [179.5, 703.5], "path": [[174.5, 707.5], [183.5, 707.5], [183.5, 698.5], [174.5, 698.5], [174.5, 707.5]]}, +{"id": "twm9qx", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "Oant Moarn", "description": "A tribute to Piet Paulusma, a popular weatherman in the Netherlands who has passed away in 2022 due to cancer.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1204.5, 17.5], "path": [[1179.5, 14.5], [1179.5, 20.5], [1228.5, 20.5], [1228.5, 14.5], [1179.5, 14.5]]}, +{"id": "twm9pl", "submitted_by": "FreakoSchizo", "name": "Foxhole", "description": "Foxhole is a massively multiplayer war game where hundreds and thousands of players battle for control of the map. Each tile represents a subdivision of the map, and the colors represent which team controls that area on the tile. ", "website": "[https://www.foxholegame.com/](https://www.foxholegame.com/)", "subreddit": "/r/foxholegame", "center": [728.5, 571.5], "path": [[702.5, 607.5], [702.5, 607.5], [701.5, 607.5], [701.5, 556.5], [705.5, 556.5], [705.5, 550.5], [701.5, 550.5], [701.5, 534.5], [753.5, 534.5], [753.5, 547.5], [755.5, 547.5], [755.5, 602.5], [754.5, 602.5], [754.5, 603.5], [753.5, 603.5], [753.5, 607.5], [754.5, 607.5], [702.5, 607.5]]}, +{"id": "twm9nb", "submitted_by": "IndecisionGames", "name": "Bi_irl icon", "description": "Bi_irl discord icon and our lord and friend Eggy", "website": "[https://discord.com/invite/nBnt3UDsZA](https://discord.com/invite/nBnt3UDsZA)", "subreddit": "r/bi_irl", "center": [395.5, 1931.5], "path": [[378.5, 1918.5], [412.5, 1918.5], [412.5, 1943.5], [378.5, 1943.5], [378.5, 1918.5]]}, +{"id": "twm97a", "submitted_by": "Various_Profit1097", "name": "r/place 2022 Touhou Hijack :)", "description": "A small Touhou Hijack that is in the same style as the one from back in r/place in 2017 with this one having different characters including Kasane Teto as a sign of the partnership between r/Touhou and r/Hatsune", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Touhou", "center": [1652.5, 1503.5], "path": [[1688.5, 1556.5], [1621.5, 1556.5], [1620.5, 1452.5], [1685.5, 1451.5], [1683.5, 1549.5]]}, +{"id": "twm91r", "submitted_by": "Loicass", "name": "Aziz Shavershian", "description": "Beloved Australian bodybuilder who sadly passed away from a heart attack at 22.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twm90e", "submitted_by": "FancySkunk", "name": "Construction Skill Icon", "description": "Construction is one of the 23 skills in OldSchool RuneScape, primarily focused on the creation of furnishings for player-owned houses.nnThe icon here includes the green pixel on the saw, which was a long standing community meme.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/2007scape", "center": [130.5, 47.5], "path": [[118.5, 49.5], [119.5, 44.5], [125.5, 44.5], [135.5, 34.5], [141.5, 37.5], [139.5, 45.5], [133.5, 49.5], [137.5, 53.5], [135.5, 58.5], [127.5, 58.5], [124.5, 54.5], [122.5, 55.5], [119.5, 51.5], [118.5, 49.5]]}, +{"id": "twm8x2", "submitted_by": "MemoryAggravating694", "name": "Queens of the Stone Age ", "description": "A tribute to the rock band Queens of the Stone Age featuring two album logos, Left: \u2026.Like Clockwork (2013); Right: Songs for the Deaf (2002)n", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/qotsa", "center": [1144.5, 1668.5], "path": [[1132.5, 1659.5], [1132.5, 1676.5], [1136.5, 1676.5], [1135.5, 1678.5], [1151.5, 1678.5], [1157.5, 1672.5], [1157.5, 1658.5]]}, +{"id": "twm8lz", "submitted_by": "YaBoiLiam2005", "name": "Phish, Jojo, & Grateful Dead Collaboration", "description": "A collaboration between the Jojo, Phish, and Grateful Dead communities. The Jojo community also made a collaboration with the Jerma985 Community to put Jotaro's hat on Jerma.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/ShitPostCrusaders r/phish r/gratefuldead r/StardustCrusaders r/wholesomejojo r/jerma985", "center": [75.5, 910.5], "path": [[0.5, 874.5], [154.5, 874.5], [154.5, 882.5], [161.5, 882.5], [161.5, 898.5], [136.5, 898.5], [136.5, 957.5], [92.5, 957.5], [92.5, 942.5], [0.5, 942.5]]}, +{"id": "twm8f6", "submitted_by": "MattePurplehatt", "name": "SuperMega", "description": "Comedy Youtubers Matt Watson and Ryan Magee", "website": "https://youtube.com/c/SuperMegaOfficial", "subreddit": "r/SuperMegaShow", "center": [1899.5, 419.5], "path": [[1947.5, 439.5], [1947.5, 423.5], [1949.5, 417.5], [1949.5, 401.5], [1948.5, 397.5], [1924.5, 396.5], [1918.5, 396.5], [1918.5, 395.5], [1862.5, 395.5], [1854.5, 402.5], [1854.5, 443.5], [1855.5, 444.5], [1922.5, 443.5], [1923.5, 440.5], [1922.5, 440.5], [1922.5, 440.5], [1921.5, 440.5], [1921.5, 440.5], [1922.5, 434.5], [1923.5, 433.5], [1928.5, 439.5], [1934.5, 435.5], [1940.5, 435.5]]}, +{"id": "twm8di", "submitted_by": "Relssifille", "name": "Mini (G)I-DLE logo", "description": "A small logo of the kpop girl group (G)I-DLE featuring their official colors", "website": "https://www.reddit.com/r/GIDLE/", "subreddit": "r/gidle", "center": [846.5, 668.5], "path": [[854.5, 672.5], [838.5, 672.5], [838.5, 663.5], [854.5, 663.5], [854.5, 671.5]]}, +{"id": "twm8d6", "submitted_by": "DedePainted", "name": "Tiny Chicken ", "description": "A teeny tiny chicken who\u2019s beak constantly grew and shrunk. A lone survivor to many chickens who resided on the German and Quebec flags.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1094.5, 966.5], "path": [[1094.5, 963.5], [1094.5, 963.5], [1093.5, 964.5], [1091.5, 965.5], [1091.5, 966.5], [1092.5, 967.5], [1093.5, 968.5], [1094.5, 969.5], [1095.5, 969.5], [1095.5, 969.5], [1096.5, 967.5], [1096.5, 967.5], [1097.5, 966.5], [1097.5, 965.5], [1099.5, 965.5], [1097.5, 964.5], [1097.5, 963.5], [1096.5, 963.5], [1094.5, 963.5]]}, +{"id": "twm8am", "submitted_by": "--MagiK--", "name": "Rosie ", "description": "Popular Cat on instagram u/rockyandrosie_ . Rosie is a figure of empowerment and hope for those who follow her, and I hope anyone who stumbles upon her on r/place has a blessed evening :3", "website": "[https://www.instagram.com/rockyandrosie_/](https://www.instagram.com/rockyandrosie_/)", "subreddit": "r/rockyandrosie", "center": [11.5, 1088.5], "path": [[0.5, 1079.5], [13.5, 1079.5], [14.5, 1081.5], [18.5, 1082.5], [18.5, 1084.5], [18.5, 1085.5], [23.5, 1084.5], [23.5, 1095.5], [0.5, 1095.5]]}, +{"id": "twm8ad", "submitted_by": "SmoreBender", "name": "Moist E-Sports", "description": "An esports team run by Cr1tikal.", "website": "[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq6VFHwMzcMXbuKyG7SQYIg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq6VFHwMzcMXbuKyG7SQYIg)", "subreddit": "", "center": [1986.5, 97.5], "path": [[1973.5, 82.5], [1974.5, 112.5], [1999.5, 112.5], [1998.5, 83.5], [1973.5, 82.5]]}, +{"id": "twm89u", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "Flag of the province Flevoland", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1354.5, 7.5], "path": [[1347.5, 2.5], [1347.5, 12.5], [1361.5, 12.5], [1361.5, 2.5], [1347.5, 2.5]]}, +{"id": "twm899", "submitted_by": "Pure_Library_1069", "name": "Liverpool Football Club", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/LiverpoolFC", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twm832", "submitted_by": "wetyrgdgdfgdfg", "name": "Arknights", "description": "Arknights is a gacha tower defense game created by Yostar", "website": "https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tier-list/arknights-operator-tier-list#topic-548776", "subreddit": "/r/arknights", "center": [1650.5, 1736.5], "path": [[1625.5, 1760.5], [1625.5, 1712.5], [1675.5, 1712.5], [1674.5, 1760.5], [1674.5, 1760.5]]}, +{"id": "twm82r", "submitted_by": "fleeval", "name": "Minnesota Vikings", "description": "American football team based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Featuring the team's Norseman logo, SKOL! cheer, and star wide receiver Justin Jefferson. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/minnesotavikings", "center": [1312.5, 640.5], "path": [[1290.5, 615.5], [1333.5, 615.5], [1333.5, 664.5], [1290.5, 664.5], [1290.5, 616.5]]}, +{"id": "twm7uz", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "Flag of the province Zuid-Holland", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1335.5, 7.5], "path": [[1328.5, 2.5], [1328.5, 12.5], [1342.5, 12.5], [1342.5, 2.5], [1328.5, 2.5]]}, +{"id": "twm7hv", "submitted_by": "FancySkunk", "name": "IronMan, btw", "description": "Recreations of in-game icons representing the three IronMan modes in OldSchool Runescape: Standard, Hardcore, and Ultimate", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/2007scape", "center": [90.5, 42.5], "path": [[63.5, 34.5], [118.5, 34.5], [117.5, 50.5], [113.5, 50.5], [111.5, 51.5], [105.5, 51.5], [102.5, 50.5], [96.5, 50.5], [93.5, 51.5], [87.5, 51.5], [84.5, 49.5], [79.5, 49.5], [75.5, 51.5], [69.5, 51.5], [63.5, 48.5], [63.5, 34.5]]}, +{"id": "twm7gc", "submitted_by": "Schmittez", "name": "Captain Sparklez Head", "description": "The head of Youtuber CaptainSparklez' Minecraft skin.", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/c/CaptainSparklez", "subreddit": "r/CaptainSparklez", "center": [900.5, 580.5], "path": [[895.5, 576.5], [904.5, 576.5], [904.5, 584.5], [895.5, 584.5]]}, +{"id": "twm7en", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "Flag of the province Zeeland", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1316.5, 7.5], "path": [[1309.5, 2.5], [1309.5, 12.5], [1323.5, 12.5], [1323.5, 2.5], [1309.5, 2.5]]}, +{"id": "twm76k", "submitted_by": "Smyles85", "name": "Smash Melee", "description": "A tribute to a 2001 Smash Bros game and a mod that provides it online functionality, slippi.", "website": "https://slippi.gg", "subreddit": "/r/ssbm", "center": [800.5, 949.5], "path": [[781.5, 979.5], [791.5, 981.5], [803.5, 982.5], [812.5, 981.5], [818.5, 979.5], [818.5, 962.5], [824.5, 961.5], [824.5, 927.5], [800.5, 915.5], [776.5, 927.5], [775.5, 962.5], [781.5, 962.5], [781.5, 980.5]]}, +{"id": "twm6zf", "submitted_by": "Ember457", "name": "Squishums", "description": "A rare in-game item from the Dragalia Lost mobile game. A squishy blob. ...Or something more? No one knows for sure, but its squishiness is undeniable.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/DragaliaLost/", "center": [1470.5, 1716.5], "path": [[1460.5, 1706.5], [1479.5, 1706.5], [1479.5, 1725.5], [1460.5, 1725.5]]}, +{"id": "twm6wc", "submitted_by": "CydersZenith", "name": "RWBY Logo", "description": "The logo for anime-inspired show RWBY (ruby) created by Monty Oum (1981-2015). The heart connects to another popular show on Rooster Teeth.", "website": "https://roosterteeth.com", "subreddit": "r/RWBY", "center": [473.5, 721.5], "path": [[449.5, 713.5], [497.5, 713.5], [497.5, 729.5], [449.5, 729.5]]}, +{"id": "twm6ty", "submitted_by": "Adhara16", "name": "Spreen's Bear", "description": "Minecraft skin that belongs to Spreen, an argentinian content creator. ", "website": "[https://www.twitch.tv/elspreen](https://www.twitch.tv/elspreen)", "subreddit": "", "center": [1435.5, 637.5], "path": [[1410.5, 613.5], [1410.5, 660.5], [1460.5, 660.5], [1460.5, 613.5], [1410.5, 613.5]]}, +{"id": "twm6qo", "submitted_by": "Zidakuh", "name": "WYSI (When you see it)", "description": "A popular joke used in the osu! community. The joke originated by the player Aireu and is used every time the number 727 is spotted.", "website": "https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/", "subreddit": "/r/osugame", "center": [626.5, 1489.5], "path": [[592.5, 1522.5], [660.5, 1522.5], [660.5, 1453.5], [642.5, 1453.5], [642.5, 1456.5], [641.5, 1456.5], [641.5, 1457.5], [592.5, 1457.5], [592.5, 1522.5]]}, +{"id": "twm6kp", "submitted_by": "Ericbazinga", "name": "r/Femboy", "description": "Femboys are males who choose to adopt a more feminine appearance, wearing feminine clothes and makeup. The character depicted is Astolfo from the anime series Fate, a very popular femboy character. ", "website": "https://aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/Femboy", "subreddit": "r/femboy", "center": [264.5, 952.5], "path": [[245.5, 938.5], [281.5, 938.5], [281.5, 956.5], [285.5, 956.5], [285.5, 966.5], [245.5, 966.5]]}, +{"id": "twm6j2", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "Flag of the province Utrecht", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1297.5, 7.5], "path": [[1290.5, 2.5], [1290.5, 12.5], [1304.5, 12.5], [1304.5, 2.5], [1290.5, 2.5]]}, +{"id": "twm6g6", "submitted_by": "f5xs_0000b", "name": "Volodymyr Zelenskyy", "description": "The sixth and current president of Ukraine. Known for his valiant efforts in leading his country against the invasion of Russia into Ukraine.", "website": "https://www.president.gov.ua/", "subreddit": "", "center": [174.5, 221.5], "path": [[157.5, 216.5], [156.5, 215.5], [156.5, 214.5], [155.5, 213.5], [155.5, 212.5], [154.5, 211.5], [154.5, 203.5], [156.5, 201.5], [157.5, 200.5], [157.5, 199.5], [158.5, 198.5], [158.5, 197.5], [161.5, 194.5], [162.5, 194.5], [163.5, 193.5], [164.5, 193.5], [165.5, 192.5], [179.5, 192.5], [180.5, 193.5], [182.5, 193.5], [185.5, 196.5], [186.5, 197.5], [186.5, 200.5], [187.5, 201.5], [187.5, 219.5], [188.5, 220.5], [188.5, 221.5], [189.5, 222.5], [189.5, 230.5], [188.5, 230.5], [187.5, 231.5], [187.5, 233.5], [186.5, 234.5], [186.5, 235.5], [185.5, 236.5], [185.5, 241.5], [187.5, 243.5], [192.5, 243.5], [194.5, 245.5], [195.5, 245.5], [195.5, 246.5], [199.5, 250.5], [167.5, 250.5], [165.5, 248.5], [165.5, 247.5], [164.5, 246.5], [164.5, 245.5], [163.5, 244.5], [163.5, 241.5], [162.5, 240.5], [162.5, 237.5], [163.5, 235.5], [163.5, 233.5], [162.5, 232.5], [162.5, 229.5], [161.5, 228.5], [161.5, 227.5], [160.5, 226.5], [160.5, 222.5], [159.5, 221.5], [159.5, 219.5], [159.5, 219.5]]}, +{"id": "twm682", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "Flag of the province Noord-Holland", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1279.5, 7.5], "path": [[1272.5, 2.5], [1272.5, 12.5], [1285.5, 12.5], [1285.5, 2.5], [1272.5, 2.5]]}, +{"id": "twm5um", "submitted_by": "smokeyinferno", "name": "Spirit Phone Album Cover", "description": "The album cover for Neil Cicierega\u2019s 2016 album, Spirit Phone, which was released under the musical project known as \u201cLemon Demon\u201d. This album cover was drawn by Neil\u2019s wife, Ming Doyle, and features art of Neil holding Maui, a cat owned by the two until he passed away in 2020. The album itself is very eccentric; it is primarily composed of synth-pop songs about various things related to the occult, ranging from Gef the Talking Mongoose to a girl from another dimension who the narrator is hopelessly in love with despite her race\u2019s Earth-shattering properties.", "website": "https://lemondemon.bandcamp.com/album/spirit-phone", "subreddit": "/r/lemondemon", "center": [316.5, 1947.5], "path": [[292.5, 1926.5], [292.5, 1926.5], [292.5, 1925.5], [292.5, 1969.5], [340.5, 1969.5], [340.5, 1925.5]]}, +{"id": "twm5se", "submitted_by": "Flamberge3000", "name": "Kobo Kanaeru", "description": "Kobo Kanaeru is a talent of Hololive, a Vtuber agency. She debuted with two other VTubers as the third generation of Hololive's Indonesian branch.", "website": "https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/talents/kobo-kanaeru/", "subreddit": "/r/Hololive", "center": [1916.5, 714.5], "path": [[1891.5, 696.5], [1891.5, 732.5], [1940.5, 732.5], [1940.5, 696.5]]}, +{"id": "twm5b4", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "Flag of the Dutch province Overijssel", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1260.5, 7.5], "path": [[1253.5, 2.5], [1253.5, 12.5], [1267.5, 12.5], [1267.5, 2.5], [1253.5, 2.5]]}, +{"id": "twm4kc", "submitted_by": "Spoken-Softly", "name": "Stellaris Gigastructures Kaiser", "description": "A crisis event from the major Stellaris mod Gigastructures.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1464.5, 987.5], "path": [[1451.5, 974.5], [1451.5, 999.5], [1475.5, 999.5], [1475.5, 998.5], [1476.5, 998.5], [1476.5, 997.5], [1478.5, 997.5], [1478.5, 974.5], [1467.5, 974.5], [1467.5, 975.5], [1466.5, 975.5], [1466.5, 976.5], [1463.5, 976.5], [1463.5, 975.5], [1462.5, 975.5], [1462.5, 974.5]]}, +{"id": "twm4jy", "submitted_by": "Charimia", "name": "r/StardewValley Mural", "description": "It all started with a Chicken, but this tribute to the Stardew Valley community and subreddit grew into the piece you see before you. It underwent several renditions -- First just the Chicken, then the text and its mountainous background was added, then a green Junimo, a Blue chicken, and a purple Junimo. By day 2, the purple Junimo had lost to a more iconic Stardrop. The piece remained relatively unchanged for the remainder of r/place, with the exception of coloring improvements and several updates to the text backdrop. I'm so proud of our community for keeping this piece beautiful till the very end.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/StardewValley", "center": [102.5, 366.5], "path": [[71.5, 345.5], [132.5, 345.5], [132.5, 386.5], [71.5, 386.5]]}, +{"id": "twm4ix", "submitted_by": "Various_Profit1097", "name": "Reimu Hakurei & Hatsune Miku", "description": "A small Reimu beside a small Miku symbolizing the friendship between the two subreddits throughout r/place 2022", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Touhou, r/ Hatsune", "center": [810.5, 697.5], "path": [[786.5, 687.5], [777.5, 685.5], [792.5, 687.5], [801.5, 688.5], [807.5, 687.5], [809.5, 688.5], [811.5, 689.5], [812.5, 688.5], [813.5, 687.5], [813.5, 687.5], [814.5, 687.5], [813.5, 689.5], [813.5, 689.5], [813.5, 690.5], [813.5, 690.5], [813.5, 690.5], [811.5, 685.5], [821.5, 686.5], [829.5, 685.5], [806.5, 686.5], [805.5, 686.5], [806.5, 685.5], [793.5, 686.5], [791.5, 685.5], [787.5, 685.5], [786.5, 685.5], [784.5, 685.5], [808.5, 685.5], [811.5, 684.5], [810.5, 685.5], [794.5, 689.5], [790.5, 690.5], [791.5, 691.5], [796.5, 688.5], [797.5, 689.5], [799.5, 689.5], [802.5, 690.5], [804.5, 689.5], [805.5, 689.5], [807.5, 689.5], [790.5, 688.5], [787.5, 689.5], [786.5, 689.5], [784.5, 689.5], [783.5, 688.5], [782.5, 687.5], [779.5, 687.5], [778.5, 687.5], [778.5, 686.5], [777.5, 686.5], [777.5, 687.5], [778.5, 688.5], [775.5, 686.5], [782.5, 689.5], [781.5, 689.5], [778.5, 689.5], [780.5, 690.5], [781.5, 691.5], [785.5, 691.5], [788.5, 690.5], [789.5, 690.5], [786.5, 689.5], [784.5, 688.5], [781.5, 689.5], [781.5, 689.5], [798.5, 690.5], [799.5, 691.5], [797.5, 692.5], [789.5, 691.5], [788.5, 690.5], [788.5, 691.5], [784.5, 687.5], [783.5, 689.5], [783.5, 687.5], [781.5, 688.5], [782.5, 688.5], [792.5, 688.5], [794.5, 688.5], [794.5, 688.5], [790.5, 687.5], [788.5, 688.5], [789.5, 687.5], [788.5, 688.5], [787.5, 688.5], [809.5, 688.5], [809.5, 691.5], [807.5, 691.5], [807.5, 691.5], [801.5, 691.5], [801.5, 691.5], [816.5, 690.5], [813.5, 690.5], [820.5, 686.5], [828.5, 687.5], [828.5, 688.5], [828.5, 690.5], [828.5, 690.5], [828.5, 690.5], [827.5, 691.5], [814.5, 692.5], [813.5, 689.5], [829.5, 690.5], [829.5, 686.5], [828.5, 684.5], [825.5, 685.5], [815.5, 685.5], [814.5, 685.5], [813.5, 684.5], [820.5, 685.5], [824.5, 684.5], [828.5, 683.5], [830.5, 687.5], [831.5, 685.5], [829.5, 683.5], [830.5, 688.5], [831.5, 689.5], [831.5, 688.5], [830.5, 686.5], [829.5, 690.5], [828.5, 691.5], [826.5, 691.5], [827.5, 691.5], [824.5, 690.5], [825.5, 688.5], [826.5, 685.5], [826.5, 689.5], [823.5, 690.5], [823.5, 691.5], [820.5, 691.5], [822.5, 691.5], [818.5, 689.5], [820.5, 686.5], [820.5, 690.5], [819.5, 690.5], [820.5, 690.5], [821.5, 689.5], [827.5, 688.5], [827.5, 688.5], [826.5, 687.5], [824.5, 689.5], [822.5, 687.5], [823.5, 686.5], [824.5, 689.5], [821.5, 690.5], [821.5, 690.5], [821.5, 691.5], [820.5, 692.5], [819.5, 692.5], [820.5, 691.5], [821.5, 690.5], [821.5, 689.5], [813.5, 696.5], [817.5, 698.5], [814.5, 702.5], [814.5, 705.5], [812.5, 707.5], [812.5, 707.5], [811.5, 709.5], [817.5, 709.5], [817.5, 704.5], [812.5, 698.5], [811.5, 706.5], [796.5, 708.5], [789.5, 705.5], [787.5, 705.5], [795.5, 710.5], [787.5, 702.5], [798.5, 709.5], [788.5, 697.5], [787.5, 701.5], [790.5, 701.5], [820.5, 694.5], [820.5, 699.5], [821.5, 693.5], [822.5, 700.5], [828.5, 694.5], [827.5, 700.5], [827.5, 703.5], [828.5, 703.5], [827.5, 705.5], [826.5, 706.5], [822.5, 708.5], [818.5, 710.5], [814.5, 712.5], [810.5, 711.5], [787.5, 693.5], [787.5, 696.5], [793.5, 710.5], [784.5, 694.5], [783.5, 692.5], [782.5, 703.5], [777.5, 707.5], [774.5, 709.5], [784.5, 706.5], [776.5, 711.5], [786.5, 703.5], [774.5, 713.5], [786.5, 705.5]]}, +{"id": "twm4i3", "submitted_by": "Wonderful-Surprise-7", "name": "Arsenal F.C.", "description": "Arsenal are a soccer/football club founded in 1886. They are currently based in North London. They are known as one of the most successful clubs in English football history, winning 13 Division One Titles and 14 FA Cups respectively, as well as many more. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/gunners", "center": [727.5, 503.5], "path": [[701.5, 482.5], [752.5, 482.5], [753.5, 523.5], [701.5, 523.5]]}, +{"id": "twm4fh", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "Flag of the Dutch province Noord-Brabant", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1241.5, 7.5], "path": [[1234.5, 2.5], [1234.5, 12.5], [1248.5, 12.5], [1248.5, 2.5]]}, +{"id": "twm43c", "submitted_by": "MemoryAggravating694", "name": "Rick Roll", "description": "A somewhat corrupted depiction of the internets most storied and infamous troll post, Rick Astleys never gonna give you up. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1741.5, 1227.5], "path": [[1725.5, 1254.5], [1758.5, 1254.5], [1757.5, 1200.5], [1724.5, 1200.5]]}, +{"id": "twm41q", "submitted_by": "morningstarunicorn", "name": "Baba", "description": "a reference to Baba from the game Baba Is You", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/BabaIsYou", "center": [1366.5, 113.5], "path": [[1376.5, 114.5], [1378.5, 116.5], [1378.5, 118.5], [1376.5, 118.5], [1375.5, 117.5], [1373.5, 117.5], [1373.5, 119.5], [1370.5, 119.5], [1369.5, 118.5], [1368.5, 118.5], [1367.5, 117.5], [1356.5, 117.5], [1355.5, 118.5], [1353.5, 118.5], [1352.5, 117.5], [1353.5, 116.5], [1353.5, 115.5], [1354.5, 115.5], [1354.5, 113.5], [1355.5, 112.5], [1355.5, 111.5], [1357.5, 109.5], [1358.5, 109.5], [1359.5, 108.5], [1360.5, 108.5], [1361.5, 107.5], [1365.5, 107.5], [1365.5, 105.5], [1367.5, 105.5], [1369.5, 107.5], [1370.5, 107.5], [1370.5, 105.5], [1372.5, 105.5], [1372.5, 106.5], [1373.5, 107.5], [1374.5, 108.5], [1374.5, 109.5], [1375.5, 110.5], [1375.5, 111.5], [1376.5, 112.5], [1376.5, 114.5]]}, +{"id": "twm3s9", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "Flag of the Dutch province Limburg", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1222.5, 7.5], "path": [[1215.5, 2.5], [1215.5, 12.5], [1229.5, 12.5], [1229.5, 2.5], [1215.5, 2.5]]}, +{"id": "twm3k3", "submitted_by": "SlipsSC_", "name": "SOPHIE", "description": "The logo of the late Scottish electronic/hyperpop producer SOPHIE (1986-2021).", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/SophieMsmsmsm", "center": [1821.5, 73.5], "path": [[1801.5, 68.5], [1800.5, 68.5], [1800.5, 79.5], [1842.5, 78.5], [1842.5, 67.5], [1810.5, 68.5]]}, +{"id": "twm311", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "Flag of the Dutch province Friesland", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1203.5, 7.5], "path": [[1196.5, 2.5], [1196.5, 12.5], [1210.5, 12.5], [1210.5, 2.5], [1196.5, 2.5]]}, +{"id": "twm2xu", "submitted_by": "PsychicRadroach", "name": "Electric Light Orchestra (ELO)", "description": "The logo for Electric Light Orchestra (aka ELO), a 70s and 80s classic rock group. When threatened by the black void, they allied themselves with the My Little Pony community to rebuild.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/elo", "center": [977.5, 1845.5], "path": [[970.5, 1830.5], [983.5, 1830.5], [983.5, 1830.5], [991.5, 1838.5], [991.5, 1851.5], [985.5, 1860.5], [971.5, 1860.5], [962.5, 1851.5], [962.5, 1839.5]]}, +{"id": "twm2q2", "submitted_by": "HijoDeFootspa", "name": "Leni and Kiko", "description": "Opposition candidates for the 2022 Philippine presidential and vice presidential elections. The digits correspond to their ballot numbers. The rose is Leni's primary campaign symbol.", "website": "[https://www.teamlenirobredo.com/](https://www.teamlenirobredo.com/)", "subreddit": "r/Leni2022", "center": [333.5, 692.5], "path": [[301.5, 702.5], [301.5, 685.5], [339.5, 686.5], [344.5, 684.5], [348.5, 676.5], [354.5, 676.5], [358.5, 680.5], [358.5, 685.5], [359.5, 686.5], [362.5, 687.5], [363.5, 700.5]]}, +{"id": "twm2pp", "submitted_by": "SquaredHexahedron", "name": "Bow", "description": "Bow from the animated web series Inanimate Insanity", "website": "https://www.inanimateinsanity.com", "subreddit": "r/inanimateinsanity", "center": [68.5, 637.5], "path": [[59.5, 642.5], [59.5, 631.5], [65.5, 634.5], [70.5, 634.5], [74.5, 631.5], [76.5, 631.5], [76.5, 642.5], [59.5, 642.5]]}, +{"id": "twm2ln", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "Flag of the Dutch province Gelderland", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1184.5, 7.5], "path": [[1177.5, 2.5], [1177.5, 12.5], [1191.5, 12.5], [1191.5, 2.5], [1177.5, 2.5]]}, +{"id": "twm2lk", "submitted_by": "morningstarunicorn", "name": "Ranni the Witch", "description": "from the game Elden Ring", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Eldenring", "center": [1344.5, 85.5], "path": [[1357.5, 86.5], [1358.5, 87.5], [1359.5, 86.5], [1360.5, 86.5], [1360.5, 89.5], [1359.5, 89.5], [1360.5, 90.5], [1358.5, 92.5], [1357.5, 91.5], [1357.5, 92.5], [1359.5, 94.5], [1359.5, 95.5], [1359.5, 96.5], [1360.5, 97.5], [1360.5, 100.5], [1359.5, 100.5], [1360.5, 101.5], [1363.5, 104.5], [1357.5, 105.5], [1346.5, 106.5], [1346.5, 104.5], [1339.5, 104.5], [1339.5, 102.5], [1330.5, 103.5], [1330.5, 101.5], [1329.5, 101.5], [1329.5, 98.5], [1332.5, 95.5], [1331.5, 94.5], [1329.5, 94.5], [1329.5, 92.5], [1330.5, 92.5], [1331.5, 88.5], [1328.5, 87.5], [1326.5, 86.5], [1324.5, 85.5], [1324.5, 83.5], [1329.5, 79.5], [1337.5, 70.5], [1333.5, 66.5], [1329.5, 69.5], [1328.5, 68.5], [1334.5, 59.5], [1337.5, 58.5], [1343.5, 61.5], [1355.5, 72.5], [1358.5, 74.5], [1360.5, 75.5], [1363.5, 77.5], [1363.5, 79.5], [1359.5, 82.5]]}, +{"id": "twm2l0", "submitted_by": "AdrianOne_1", "name": "Senzawa", "description": "Pixel art of content creator/Vtuber, Senzawa, who went inactive mid 2020.", "website": "[https://www.youtube.com/c/senzawa](https://www.youtube.com/c/senzawa)", "subreddit": "[reddit.com/r/Senzawa/](https://reddit.com/r/Senzawa/)", "center": [1856.5, 811.5], "path": [[1845.5, 792.5], [1845.5, 830.5], [1867.5, 830.5], [1867.5, 792.5], [1846.5, 792.5]]}, +{"id": "twm253", "submitted_by": "cabbage-soup", "name": "Mug Moment", "description": "A popular movement started by Streamer/Youtuber Vargskelethor Joel (Vinesauce). ", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/vinesauce", "center": [669.5, 1707.5], "path": [[645.5, 1693.5], [651.5, 1687.5], [687.5, 1687.5], [693.5, 1692.5], [692.5, 1715.5], [690.5, 1719.5], [689.5, 1719.5], [689.5, 1731.5], [685.5, 1730.5], [681.5, 1729.5], [670.5, 1727.5], [664.5, 1728.5], [657.5, 1729.5], [653.5, 1729.5], [649.5, 1725.5], [648.5, 1720.5], [650.5, 1719.5], [645.5, 1716.5], [644.5, 1709.5], [645.5, 1692.5]]}, +{"id": "twm22t", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "Flag of the Dutch province Drenthe", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1165.5, 7.5], "path": [[1158.5, 2.5], [1158.5, 12.5], [1172.5, 12.5], [1172.5, 2.5], [1158.5, 2.5]]}, +{"id": "twm20m", "submitted_by": "f5xs_0000b", "name": "Rimuru Tempest, Slime Form", "description": "The slime form of the Slime Demon Rimuru Tempest. Don't let the cute looks fool you; he's the strongest being in his world. He wears the mask of the late Otherworlder Shizue Izawa.nnAppears in the anime That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime.nn", "website": "https://myanimelist.net/anime/37430/Tensei_shitara_Slime_Datta_Ken", "subreddit": "https://www.reddit.com/r/TenseiSlime/", "center": [1822.5, 120.5], "path": [[1821.5, 110.5], [1828.5, 110.5], [1829.5, 111.5], [1830.5, 111.5], [1834.5, 115.5], [1834.5, 116.5], [1835.5, 117.5], [1835.5, 121.5], [1834.5, 122.5], [1834.5, 126.5], [1831.5, 129.5], [1814.5, 129.5], [1810.5, 125.5], [1810.5, 124.5], [1809.5, 123.5], [1809.5, 120.5], [1810.5, 119.5], [1810.5, 118.5], [1811.5, 117.5], [1811.5, 116.5], [1814.5, 113.5], [1815.5, 113.5], [1816.5, 112.5], [1817.5, 112.5], [1818.5, 111.5], [1820.5, 111.5]]}, +{"id": "twm1va", "submitted_by": "MemoryAggravating694", "name": "Aphex Twin", "description": "Richard Davis James, also knows as Aphex Twin, is a popular indie electronic music artist known for producing music of the IDM genre. This image is the logo for the project, and this specific one comes from 1992s, selected ambient works ", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Aphex twin ", "center": [1315.5, 519.5], "path": [[1309.5, 504.5], [1323.5, 505.5], [1329.5, 510.5], [1330.5, 517.5], [1331.5, 524.5], [1325.5, 531.5], [1322.5, 534.5], [1307.5, 533.5], [1305.5, 529.5], [1301.5, 527.5], [1299.5, 517.5], [1302.5, 511.5], [1306.5, 506.5]]}, +{"id": "twm1qt", "submitted_by": "AungAlvin", "name": "Yuuko, Mio and Mai", "description": "Yuuko Aioi, Mio Naganohara and Mai Minakami are the main charaters of the Nichijou anime and manga.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/Nichijou", "center": [1413.5, 1252.5], "path": [[1387.5, 1243.5], [1387.5, 1261.5], [1439.5, 1261.5], [1439.5, 1243.5], [1387.5, 1243.5]]}, +{"id": "twm1kb", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "Flag of the Dutch province Groningen", "description": "", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1146.5, 7.5], "path": [[1139.5, 2.5], [1139.5, 12.5], [1153.5, 12.5], [1153.5, 2.5], [1139.5, 2.5]]}, +{"id": "twm1h0", "submitted_by": "CharlieNmyT", "name": "CHAD CAST Calli, IRyS, Baelz", "description": "Podcast featuring Hololive English talents (Myth) Calliope Mori, (Project Hope) IRyS and (Council) Hakos Baelz.", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXd7uOemEzc", "subreddit": "/r/hololive", "center": [1347.5, 919.5], "path": [[1344.5, 905.5], [1341.5, 908.5], [1341.5, 912.5], [1340.5, 917.5], [1338.5, 925.5], [1340.5, 928.5], [1345.5, 933.5], [1357.5, 927.5], [1354.5, 920.5], [1354.5, 915.5], [1355.5, 913.5], [1350.5, 905.5]]}, +{"id": "twm166", "submitted_by": "Wonderful-Surprise-7", "name": "Dark Side Of The Moon", "description": "Dark Side Of The Moon is an album released in 1973 by British rock group Pink Floyd. It is regarded as one of the best musical albums of all time and is one of the most bestselling albums to date.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/pinkfloyd", "center": [1803.5, 1353.5], "path": [[1722.5, 1330.5], [1883.5, 1329.5], [1884.5, 1377.5], [1725.5, 1378.5]]}, +{"id": "twm14d", "submitted_by": "JustKoiru", "name": "Jojolands", "description": "It\u2019s Bizarre.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/shitpostcrusaders", "center": [93.5, 911.5], "path": [[0.5, 883.5], [28.5, 883.5], [27.5, 876.5], [30.5, 876.5], [41.5, 888.5], [56.5, 876.5], [57.5, 881.5], [57.5, 883.5], [162.5, 883.5], [162.5, 898.5], [138.5, 898.5], [136.5, 956.5], [91.5, 956.5], [88.5, 942.5], [62.5, 941.5], [59.5, 904.5], [55.5, 904.5], [42.5, 892.5], [28.5, 904.5], [26.5, 899.5], [28.5, 898.5], [0.5, 898.5]]}, +{"id": "twm128", "submitted_by": "morningstarunicorn", "name": "The Hollow Knight", "description": "a reference to the Hollow Knight from the game Hollow Knight", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/HollowKnight", "center": [1377.5, 81.5], "path": [[1365.5, 101.5], [1370.5, 94.5], [1365.5, 89.5], [1365.5, 87.5], [1364.5, 87.5], [1363.5, 86.5], [1362.5, 85.5], [1362.5, 83.5], [1364.5, 83.5], [1365.5, 84.5], [1369.5, 87.5], [1368.5, 84.5], [1367.5, 74.5], [1365.5, 73.5], [1364.5, 64.5], [1371.5, 57.5], [1375.5, 58.5], [1375.5, 60.5], [1370.5, 65.5], [1370.5, 70.5], [1371.5, 70.5], [1384.5, 70.5], [1386.5, 68.5], [1386.5, 64.5], [1383.5, 61.5], [1381.5, 61.5], [1381.5, 58.5], [1384.5, 57.5], [1385.5, 58.5], [1386.5, 59.5], [1388.5, 59.5], [1388.5, 60.5], [1389.5, 62.5], [1391.5, 62.5], [1391.5, 71.5], [1391.5, 72.5], [1390.5, 72.5], [1388.5, 74.5], [1388.5, 87.5], [1385.5, 89.5], [1384.5, 89.5], [1384.5, 93.5], [1389.5, 100.5], [1389.5, 101.5], [1388.5, 100.5], [1385.5, 101.5], [1382.5, 103.5], [1382.5, 104.5], [1382.5, 101.5], [1381.5, 101.5], [1381.5, 98.5], [1380.5, 98.5], [1379.5, 97.5], [1378.5, 98.5], [1378.5, 100.5], [1377.5, 101.5]]}, +{"id": "twm10g", "submitted_by": "kane91123", "name": "Natus Vincere Logo", "description": "Logo for popular Ukrainian based Esport organization known as Natus Vincere. Better known as Na'Vi", "website": "https://navi.gg/en/", "subreddit": "/r/natusvincere/", "center": [47.5, 178.5], "path": [[34.5, 172.5], [34.5, 174.5], [33.5, 174.5], [33.5, 178.5], [32.5, 177.5], [32.5, 181.5], [31.5, 180.5], [31.5, 183.5], [30.5, 183.5], [30.5, 185.5], [60.5, 185.5], [61.5, 182.5], [61.5, 181.5], [61.5, 180.5], [62.5, 180.5], [62.5, 179.5], [63.5, 178.5], [63.5, 177.5], [64.5, 177.5], [64.5, 175.5], [65.5, 175.5], [65.5, 172.5], [65.5, 172.5], [49.5, 172.5], [35.5, 172.5], [35.5, 172.5]]}, +{"id": "twm0zt", "submitted_by": "Yay295", "name": "Madoka Chibis", "description": "Four characters from the Puella Magi Madoka Magica anime series.nnClockwise from top-left: Homura Akemi, Madoka Kaname, Iroha Tamaki, and Yachiyo Nanami.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/MadokaMagica", "center": [652.5, 411.5], "path": [[635.5, 393.5], [669.5, 393.5], [669.5, 429.5], [635.5, 429.5], [635.5, 415.5], [669.5, 415.5], [669.5, 410.5], [635.5, 410.5]]}, +{"id": "twm0vi", "submitted_by": "Pool-noodle-muncher2", "name": "Super Smash Bros Melee", "description": "SSBM is a fighting game made by HAL Laboratory released in 2001. Slippi.gg is an application that improves Melee, while also bringing online play.", "website": "https://slippi.gg/", "subreddit": "r/SSBM", "center": [799.5, 949.5], "path": [[775.5, 927.5], [775.5, 961.5], [775.5, 961.5], [782.5, 961.5], [782.5, 979.5], [793.5, 981.5], [810.5, 981.5], [818.5, 978.5], [818.5, 962.5], [824.5, 961.5], [824.5, 954.5], [823.5, 953.5], [823.5, 927.5], [800.5, 916.5], [776.5, 927.5]]}, +{"id": "twm0np", "submitted_by": "j123s", "name": "im a squid kid", "description": "im a squid kid is a Minecraft Youtuber who specializes in Hypixel Skyblock.nHe is most well known for being Technoblade's rival in the Potato Wars, which squid kid eventually lost.", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/c/imasquidkid", "subreddit": "", "center": [1825.5, 1265.5], "path": [[1814.5, 1258.5], [1835.5, 1258.5], [1835.5, 1272.5], [1814.5, 1272.5]]}, +{"id": "twm0b6", "submitted_by": "cabbage-soup", "name": "Blue Aisha", "description": "Aisha is a very popular and cute Neopet. This one happens to be blue.", "website": "[http://neopets.com/](http://neopets.com/)", "subreddit": "r/neopets", "center": [545.5, 1504.5], "path": [[532.5, 1490.5], [534.5, 1487.5], [537.5, 1487.5], [538.5, 1489.5], [542.5, 1489.5], [546.5, 1494.5], [547.5, 1494.5], [547.5, 1492.5], [548.5, 1491.5], [549.5, 1492.5], [550.5, 1493.5], [551.5, 1494.5], [552.5, 1495.5], [552.5, 1496.5], [553.5, 1497.5], [553.5, 1498.5], [552.5, 1499.5], [551.5, 1500.5], [550.5, 1500.5], [551.5, 1502.5], [552.5, 1503.5], [553.5, 1504.5], [553.5, 1505.5], [554.5, 1506.5], [554.5, 1508.5], [553.5, 1509.5], [553.5, 1512.5], [552.5, 1513.5], [552.5, 1514.5], [551.5, 1515.5], [551.5, 1516.5], [550.5, 1517.5], [549.5, 1518.5], [548.5, 1519.5], [547.5, 1519.5], [546.5, 1520.5], [545.5, 1520.5], [544.5, 1521.5], [541.5, 1521.5], [540.5, 1520.5], [539.5, 1520.5], [538.5, 1519.5], [537.5, 1518.5], [536.5, 1517.5], [536.5, 1515.5], [537.5, 1516.5], [538.5, 1517.5], [540.5, 1517.5], [540.5, 1518.5], [542.5, 1518.5], [543.5, 1517.5], [542.5, 1516.5], [542.5, 1515.5], [541.5, 1514.5], [541.5, 1513.5], [542.5, 1511.5], [543.5, 1511.5], [544.5, 1511.5], [545.5, 1512.5], [546.5, 1511.5], [545.5, 1510.5], [544.5, 1509.5], [544.5, 1507.5], [547.5, 1505.5], [546.5, 1504.5], [544.5, 1504.5], [544.5, 1503.5], [543.5, 1502.5], [542.5, 1501.5], [541.5, 1499.5], [540.5, 1497.5], [540.5, 1496.5], [539.5, 1495.5], [537.5, 1495.5], [536.5, 1496.5], [535.5, 1496.5], [534.5, 1497.5], [533.5, 1498.5], [533.5, 1499.5], [531.5, 1499.5], [530.5, 1497.5], [529.5, 1497.5], [530.5, 1496.5], [531.5, 1495.5], [533.5, 1495.5], [535.5, 1494.5], [536.5, 1494.5], [537.5, 1493.5], [541.5, 1493.5], [542.5, 1494.5], [544.5, 1495.5], [544.5, 1494.5], [543.5, 1493.5], [542.5, 1492.5], [541.5, 1491.5], [538.5, 1491.5], [537.5, 1491.5], [536.5, 1492.5], [534.5, 1492.5], [533.5, 1491.5], [532.5, 1490.5], [533.5, 1488.5], [532.5, 1489.5], [534.5, 1488.5], [533.5, 1489.5]]}, +{"id": "twlzw3", "submitted_by": "K4M1k4ZE_", "name": "Tulips", "description": "The Dutch are famous for their tulips. The flower itself actually originates from Central Asia.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [537.5, 4.5], "path": [[481.5, 13.5], [480.5, 13.5], [480.5, 9.5], [481.5, 9.5], [481.5, 0.5], [543.5, -10.5], [592.5, 0.5], [592.5, 1.5], [593.5, 1.5], [593.5, 2.5], [594.5, 2.5], [594.5, 11.5], [593.5, 11.5], [593.5, 12.5], [592.5, 13.5], [554.5, 13.5], [480.5, 14.5]]}, +{"id": "twlzv2", "submitted_by": "Ericbazinga", "name": "Sakamoto", "description": "A popular character from the anime Nichijou. He lives with the child genius Professor Hakase and her robot caretaker Nano. The scarf around his neck allows him to talk.", "website": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nichijou", "subreddit": "r/nichijou", "center": [1454.5, 523.5], "path": [[1461.5, 535.5], [1448.5, 535.5], [1448.5, 532.5], [1449.5, 532.5], [1449.5, 528.5], [1450.5, 528.5], [1450.5, 526.5], [1445.5, 520.5], [1448.5, 515.5], [1448.5, 511.5], [1451.5, 513.5], [1453.5, 510.5], [1457.5, 509.5], [1457.5, 512.5], [1458.5, 512.5], [1458.5, 519.5], [1459.5, 519.5], [1462.5, 518.5], [1462.5, 521.5], [1458.5, 525.5], [1459.5, 528.5], [1461.5, 526.5], [1462.5, 527.5], [1462.5, 531.5], [1461.5, 535.5]]}, +{"id": "twlzrt", "submitted_by": "SrPeixinho", "name": "Kindelia", "description": "A functional crypto-computer based on the HVM (High-order Virtual Machine). Kindelia is more efficient than alternatives, and, thanks to formal proofs, inherently more secure. Programs hosted on Kindelia are hack-proof and eternal.", "website": "https://kindelia.org/", "subreddit": "/r/kindelia", "center": [997.5, 559.5], "path": [[979.5, 566.5], [979.5, 553.5], [1014.5, 553.5], [1014.5, 562.5], [1012.5, 562.5], [1012.5, 563.5], [1010.5, 563.5], [1010.5, 566.5], [998.5, 566.5], [998.5, 557.5], [988.5, 557.5], [988.5, 566.5], [979.5, 566.5], [979.5, 553.5]]}, +{"id": "twlz4a", "submitted_by": "Wonderful-Surprise-7", "name": "Former site of My Little Pony", "description": "The former site of Rainbow Dash, Derpy, and other characters from My Little Pony. It was target to many griefings by Twitch streamers and foreign artwork. Eventually, a Twitch streamer griefed the artwork and placed the image of Guts. The MLP artwork remains elsewhere across the canvas.", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/mylittlepony", "center": [645.5, 243.5], "path": [[590.5, 261.5], [695.5, 260.5], [694.5, 221.5], [593.5, 229.5]]}, +{"id": "twlyz5", "submitted_by": "nhokbeo2005", "name": "Legends of IdleOn!", "description": "An icon representing Legends of Idleon MMO", "website": "https://www.legendsofidleon.com/", "subreddit": "/r/idleon", "center": [1726.5, 657.5], "path": [[1710.5, 637.5], [1710.5, 684.5], [1725.5, 670.5], [1727.5, 670.5], [1742.5, 683.5], [1742.5, 637.5], [1725.5, 637.5]]}, +{"id": "twlyru", "submitted_by": "Logical-Shoulder-820", "name": "Deltarune plush mural", "description": "A collection of plushies of Deltarune characters sitting in the Cyberworld", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/deltarune", "center": [0.5, 0.5], "path": []}, +{"id": "twlyok", "submitted_by": "f5xs_0000b", "name": "Goddess Madoka", "description": "FINAL EPISODE SPOILERS AHEADnnThe final form of Madoka Kaname after she achieves godhood through Homura Akemi's successive time jumps. Appears in the anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica.", "website": "https://myanimelist.net/anime/9756/Mahou_Shoujo_Madoka%E2%98%85Magica", "subreddit": "https://www.reddit.com/r/MadokaMagica/", "center": [1705.5, 1948.5], "path": [[1680.5, 1919.5], [1730.5, 1919.5], [1730.5, 1976.5], [1679.5, 1976.5]]}, +{"id": "twlylc", "submitted_by": "MemoryAggravating694", "name": "Mitski", "description": "Reference to the musical artist mitski", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/mitski", "center": [1071.5, 1805.5], "path": [[1058.5, 1810.5], [1058.5, 1801.5], [1083.5, 1800.5], [1084.5, 1810.5]]}, +{"id": "twlyi6", "submitted_by": "Castmaker", "name": "B.B chibi portrait", "description": "B.B is a character found in the Fate/Grand Order mobile game and the Fate/Extra game series", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/grandorder", "center": [178.5, 787.5], "path": [[169.5, 765.5], [154.5, 777.5], [156.5, 803.5], [208.5, 805.5], [189.5, 768.5], [186.5, 766.5]]}, +{"id": "twly9x", "submitted_by": "Spoodnt", "name": "The Battle Cats X World Box", "description": "The collab of Mobile game 'The Battle Cats' with Survival game 'World Box'", "website": "", "subreddit": "r/battlecats", "center": [567.5, 1669.5], "path": [[558.5, 1647.5], [578.5, 1646.5], [578.5, 1655.5], [580.5, 1667.5], [589.5, 1673.5], [589.5, 1682.5], [581.5, 1682.5], [577.5, 1687.5], [559.5, 1689.5], [553.5, 1682.5], [548.5, 1681.5], [545.5, 1669.5], [552.5, 1669.5], [555.5, 1664.5], [557.5, 1654.5], [558.5, 1647.5], [559.5, 1647.5], [560.5, 1647.5], [558.5, 1647.5], [558.5, 1647.5]]}, +{"id": "twly2s", "submitted_by": "yaboimankeez", "name": "Space and SpaceX art", "description": "A collection of Space and SpaceX-related art, including, from left to right and up to down, Starship in flight, Hubble Space Telescope, Mars, a SpaceX flight suit and Elon Musk's Tesla (or Starman).", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/SpaceXMasterrace", "center": [912.5, 1569.5], "path": [[897.5, 1638.5], [887.5, 1631.5], [888.5, 1614.5], [888.5, 1605.5], [882.5, 1605.5], [881.5, 1594.5], [886.5, 1587.5], [888.5, 1580.5], [887.5, 1546.5], [881.5, 1545.5], [882.5, 1541.5], [894.5, 1521.5], [903.5, 1533.5], [912.5, 1529.5], [914.5, 1523.5], [918.5, 1521.5], [920.5, 1523.5], [923.5, 1527.5], [924.5, 1530.5], [927.5, 1531.5], [930.5, 1531.5], [931.5, 1525.5], [933.5, 1524.5], [935.5, 1525.5], [936.5, 1527.5], [936.5, 1530.5], [939.5, 1528.5], [952.5, 1534.5], [955.5, 1539.5], [955.5, 1541.5], [956.5, 1542.5], [955.5, 1549.5], [951.5, 1553.5], [947.5, 1554.5], [945.5, 1554.5], [943.5, 1557.5], [935.5, 1571.5], [932.5, 1574.5], [931.5, 1577.5], [931.5, 1582.5], [930.5, 1585.5], [930.5, 1587.5], [930.5, 1588.5], [931.5, 1591.5], [932.5, 1592.5], [934.5, 1594.5], [934.5, 1595.5], [932.5, 1598.5], [921.5, 1604.5], [914.5, 1609.5], [909.5, 1610.5], [904.5, 1609.5], [902.5, 1606.5], [904.5, 1610.5], [902.5, 1621.5], [902.5, 1629.5], [899.5, 1636.5]]}, +{"id": "twlxni", "submitted_by": "cabbage-soup", "name": "Moist Esports", "description": "Youtuber and Streamer Charlie (aka Moist Critikal, penguinz0) took over the Colt's original spot after seeing them as an easy target. Charlie quickly felt bad and allowed them to settle in as neighbors.", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [1986.5, 96.5], "path": [[1978.5, 86.5], [1981.5, 94.5], [1999.5, 83.5], [1974.5, 83.5], [1975.5, 112.5], [1998.5, 112.5], [1998.5, 83.5]]}, +{"id": "twlxhk", "submitted_by": "CrackedatForkKnife", "name": "Roblox - Deepwoken Community", "description": ">> Deepwoken is a difficult game with permanent character loss. Losing characters is a part of the game that should be expected. <'+entry.subreddit+''; } + html+="

id: "+entry.id+"

"; element.innerHTML += html; return element; diff --git a/web/about.html b/web/about.html index 112a3ef7..f7e0f276 100644 --- a/web/about.html +++ b/web/about.html @@ -67,19 +67,31 @@

My Bitcoin Address

< Back to the Atlas

The /r/Place Atlas


The /r/Place Atlas project aims to chart all the artworks created during the /r/place April Fools's day event on Reddit in 2022.

+ + Deploys by Netlify + Deploys by Netlify +

The first incarnation of r/Place Atlas for 2017 was developed by (mail, reddit) and is available under the free AGPL license on GitHub. If you'd like to support Roland, you can do so by PayPal or via Bitcoin. If you donate more than 10(€/$/CHF/mBTC), He'll (hopefully) send you a nice sticker of the 2017 r/Place canvas! If you donate by Bitcoin and want a 2017 sticker, please send him a message with your Bitcoin address before you make the transaction!

- The project was started again for the second incarnation or r/Place for 2022 April Fools by , and is also available on GitHub.

- Images are provided by Alex Tsernoh.

- +

The /r/place Atlas


This is an Atlas aiming to chart all the artworks created during the /r/place April's fools event on Reddit in 2022.


The original code was developed by (mail, reddit) and is available under the free AGPL license on GitHub.


The currently maintained version of the website is managed by and is obtainable under the same license within a Github Fork.


Image's provided by Alex Tsernoh

. +

Maintaining and updating the website takes work, but I enjoy doing it for free and giving this to people. But if you would like to support me, or the people who helped me with contributions to this project. You're free to support us though Paypal. (I don't have bitcoin)


To maintain the same tradition, I will also be offering stickers to anyone donating more then 20$ (Due to the size increase). But, you're not forced to do anything! This only shows appreciation to us and the people who've worked on this project


Roland Rytz worked on the Atlas full-time (and more!) for over two weeks during the 2017 r/place event.


If you'd like to support Roland, you can do so by PayPal or via Bitcoin.


If you donate more than 10(€/$/CHF/mBTC), He'll (hopefully) send you a nice sticker of the Place canvas! (2017 one)


If you donate by Bitcoin and want a 2017 sticker, please send him a
message with your Bitcoin address before you make the transaction!

How to contribute

The /r/Place Atlas project relies on user contributions.

To contribute a label for an artwork, please read this post on reddit to learn how to submit a new entry.

Alternatively, contributions can be made directly on GitHub.

The /r/placeAtlas2 subreddit is also the place to submit all bug reports, feature requests or questions.


r/placeAtlas2 (Current) Contributors and Maintainers

TCOOfficiall (Current Maintainer) · diff --git a/web/index.html b/web/index.html index ca67daba..04350246 100644 --- a/web/index.html +++ b/web/index.html @@ -102,11 +102,14 @@

The /r/place Atlas

Canvas of /r/place in the state of when the experiment was concluded.
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