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Examples of +representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail +address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed +representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be +further defined and clarified by project maintainers. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be +reported by contacting the project team at {{ email }}. All +complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that +is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is +obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. +Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. + +Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good +faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other +members of the project's leadership. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, +available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct.html + +[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..95359b79 --- /dev/null +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# How To Contribute + +## Contributing to the Map + +To contribute to the map, we require a certain format for artwork region and labels. This can be generated on the [contributing page](/index.html?mode=draw) on the website. + +You can either post this contribution to the subreddit, or make a Pull Request on the GitHub repo. + +### Reddit Submission + +1. Follow the instructions on the [contributing page](/index.html?mode=draw), then click "Post Direct to Reddit". +2. Flair your post with the "New Entry" tag. +3. A moderator will accept your contribution shortly. + +### GitHub Submission + +1. Create a fork of our repo. +2. Enter your data into the `web/_js/atlas.js` file, with the correct format and ID number. +3. Create a Pull Request. + +## Contributing to the Project + +This project is open source. You may contribute to the project by submitting a Pull Request on the GitHub repo. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/_css/style.css b/web/_css/style.css index d5f3b1c7..2b5ee371 100644 --- a/web/_css/style.css +++ b/web/_css/style.css @@ -41,6 +41,11 @@ html, body { width: 100%; } +p { + line-height: 1.5em; + margin-bottom: 1em; +} + body { overflow: hidden; overflow-x: hidden; @@ -980,10 +985,15 @@ #about h2 { margin-bottom: 10px; } +#about h3 { + line-height: 1.4em; + text-align: center; +} + #contributors { text-align: justify; margin-top: 15px; - margin-bottom: 60px; + margin-bottom: 15px; } #contributors a { diff --git a/web/_img/place-indexed-4.png b/web/_img/place-indexed-4.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c0a431f7 Binary files /dev/null and b/web/_img/place-indexed-4.png differ diff --git a/web/_img/place-indexed-seemingly-good.png b/web/_img/place-indexed-seemingly-good.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f70aa017 Binary files /dev/null and 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Valve.","website":"dota2.com","subreddit":"r/DotA2","center":[14.5,160.5],"path":[[0.5,143.5],[27.5,143.5],[27.5,177.5],[0.5,177.5]]}, -{"id":159,"name":"Flag of Egypt","description":"","website":"","subreddit":"r/Egypt","center":[66.5,156.5],"path":[[28.5,144.5],[28.5,169.5],[108.5,169.5],[108.5,148.5],[74.5,148.5],[74.5,138.5],[52.5,138.5],[47.5,144.5],[28.5,144.5]]}, -{"id":160,"name":"Pyramids of Giza","description":"","website":"","subreddit":"","center":[66.5,157.5],"path":[[52.5,160.5],[80.5,160.5],[74.5,154.5],[72.5,155.5],[68.5,152.5],[66.5,154.5],[62.5,150.5]]}, -{"id":161,"name":"Homestuck","description":"A webcomic by Andrew Hussie that ran from 2009 to 2016.","website":"homestuck.com","subreddit":"r/homestuck","center":[248.5,145.5],"path":[[221.5,126.5],[266.5,126.5],[275.5,135.5],[275.5,164.5],[221.5,164.5]]}, -{"id":162,"name":"Hiveswap","description":"An adventure game set in the same multiverse as 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Production began in 2015 by developers from the Minecraft multiplayer server Hypixel with funding and assistance from Riot Games, who later acquired the studio in 2020. It is planned to be released for PC, consoles, and mobile devices by 2023.","website": "https://hytale.com/","subreddit": "/r/hytaleinfo","center": [342.5,630.5],"path": [[323.5,614.5],[361.5,614.5],[361.5,645.5],[323.5,645.5],[323.5,614.5]]}, -{"id":175,"name":"Truttle1","description":"Theiconofanesolangyoutuber","website":"https://www.youtube.com/c/Truttle1","subreddit":"r/Truttle1","center":[1857.5,497.5],"path":[[1853.5,494.5],[1853.5,494.5],[1853.5,494.5],[1851.5,496.5],[1851.5,497.5],[1852.5,498.5],[1854.5,498.5],[1854.5,498.5],[1856.5,500.5],[1858.5,498.5],[1860.5,500.5],[1860.5,500.5],[1862.5,498.5],[1862.5,497.5],[1858.5,493.5],[1857.5,493.5],[1855.5,495.5],[1854.5,495.5],[1854.5,495.5],[1854.5,495.5],[1854.5,495.5],[1853.5,494.5]]}, -{"id":176,"name": "Interlingue", "description": "Flag of Interlingue, an IAL to communicate between Western European languages.", "website": "https://occidental-lang.com", "subreddit": "/r/interlingue", "center": [ 768.5, 328.5 ], "path": [ [ 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Production began in 2015 by developers from the Minecraft multiplayer server Hypixel with funding and assistance from Riot Games, who later acquired the studio in 2020. It is planned to be released for PC, consoles, and mobile devices by 2023.","website": "https://hytale.com/","subreddit": "/r/hytaleinfo","center": [342.5,630.5],"path": [[323.5,614.5],[361.5,614.5],[361.5,645.5],[323.5,645.5],[323.5,614.5]]}, +{"id":174,"name":"Truttle1","description":"An animated Youtube channel dedicated to showcasing esoteric programming languages, old game engines, and other miscellaneous cartoons.","website":"http://truttle1.xyz/","subreddit":"r/Truttle1","center":[1857.5,497.5],"path":[[1853.5,494.5],[1853.5,494.5],[1853.5,494.5],[1851.5,496.5],[1851.5,497.5],[1852.5,498.5],[1854.5,498.5],[1854.5,498.5],[1856.5,500.5],[1858.5,498.5],[1860.5,500.5],[1860.5,500.5],[1862.5,498.5],[1862.5,497.5],[1858.5,493.5],[1857.5,493.5],[1855.5,495.5],[1854.5,495.5],[1854.5,495.5],[1854.5,495.5],[1854.5,495.5],[1853.5,494.5]]}, +{"id":175,"name": "Indomie Logo", "description": "Logo of an instant noodle brand from Indonesia.", "website": "https://www.indomie.com/", "subreddit": "r/indonesia", "center": [900.5, 1714.5 ], "path": [[873.5, 1703.5 ], [929.5, 1703.5 ], [929.5, 1724.5 ], [888.5, 1724.5 ], [888.5, 1728.5 ], [873.5, 1728.5 ], [873.5, 1703.5 ] ] }, +{"id":176,"name": "Viossa", "description": "Flag of the conpidgin Viossa.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/viossa", "center": [ 775.5, 296.5 ], "path": [ [ 769.5, 290.5 ], [ 780.5, 290.5 ], [ 780.5, 301.5 ], [ 769.5, 301.5 ] ] }, +{"id":177,"name": "Lojban", "description": "Flag of Lojban", "website": "https://lojban.org", "subreddit": "/r/lojban", "center": [ 760.5, 328.5 ], "path": [ [ 763.5, 326.5 ], [ 757.5, 326.5 ], [ 757.5, 330.5 ], [ 763.5, 330.5 ] ] }, +{"id":178,"name": "TUM Logo","description": "Logo of the Technical University of Munich","website": "https://tum.de","subreddit": "/r/tumunich","center": [1250.5,1184.5],"path": [[1239.5,1178.5],[1260.5,1178.5],[1260.5,1189.5],[1239.5,1189.5],[1239.5,1178.5]]}, +{"id":179,"name":"SiIvaGunner","description":"SiIvaGunner is a collaborative YouTube channel uploading remixes, jokes and memes masquerading as video game music uploads.\nOnly the highest quality video game rips around!","website":"https://www.youtube.com/c/SiIvaGunner","subreddit":"/r/giivasunner","center":[77.5,962.5],"path":[[62.5,942.5],[62.5,982.5],[92.5,982.5],[92.5,942.5]]}, +{"id":180, "name": "TeosGame", "description": "Mural made by the TeosGame community.", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/teosgame", "subreddit": "/r/TeosGame", "center": [1121.5,998.5], "path": [[1083.5,962.5], [1083.5,1038.5], [1116.5,1038.5], [1116.5,1003.5], [1118.5,1001.5], [1127.5,1001.5], [1129.5,1003.5], [1129.5,1038.5], [1160.5,1038.5], [1160.5,962.5]]}, +{"id":181,"name": "Rhythm Doctor - Otto", "description": "The auto-play robot Otto, from the rhythm game Rhythm Doctor. RDL is the acronym for the community discord, Rhythm Doctor Lounge", "website": "https://rhythmdr.com/", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 77.5, 710.5 ], "path": [ [ 72.5, 704.5 ], [ 82.5, 704.5 ], [ 82.5, 715.5 ], [ 72.5, 715.5 ] ] }, +{"id":182,"name":"Hello Internet","description":"A podcast by CGP Grey and Dr. Brady Haran.","website":"https://www.hellointernet.fm/","subreddit":"/r/HelloInternet/","center":[69.5,805.5],"path":[[48.5,777.5],[48.5,787.5],[58.5,787.5],[58.5,798.5],[48.5,798.5],[48.5,830.5],[94.5,830.5],[94.5,820.5],[89.5,820.5],[89.5,801.5],[80.5,801.5],[80.5,792.5],[89.5,792.5],[89.5,777.5]]}, +{"id":183,"name":"Coldplay","description":"The \"Viva\" sign from the album Viva la Vida. 4 album covers of A Rush Of Blood To The Head, X&Y, Mylo Xyloto and Parachutes, and the A Head Full Of Dreams colour spectrum.","website":"","subreddit":"/r/coldplay","center":[1722.5,43.5],"path":[[1695.5,35.5],[1745.5,35.5],[1745.5,45.5],[1744.5,45.5],[1744.5,52.5],[1717.5,52.5],[1717.5,47.5],[1695.5,47.5],[1695.5,35.5]]}, +{"id":184, "name": "Hololive Logo", "description": "Hololive is a VTuber agency from Japan. The agency has a Japanese, English, and Indonesian branch.", "website": "https://www.hololive.tv/", "subreddit": "r/hololive", "center": [ 239.5, 745.5 ], "path": [ [ 201.5, 722.5 ], [ 201.5, 771.5 ], [ 239.5, 752.5 ], [ 301.5, 752.5 ], [ 301.5, 737.5 ], [ 240.5, 738.5 ], [ 204.5, 720.5 ] ] }, +{"id":185, "name": "Nijisanji Logo", "description": "Nijisanji is a VTuber agency from Japan with over 200 streamers in the agency.", "website": "https://www.nijisanji.jp/", "subreddit": "r/Nijisanji", "center": [ 183.5, 736.5 ], "path": [ [ 184.5, 720.5 ], [ 192.5, 723.5 ], [ 197.5, 729.5 ], [ 198.5, 735.5 ], [ 195.5, 736.5 ], [ 194.5, 744.5 ], [ 189.5, 749.5 ], [ 184.5, 751.5 ], [ 177.5, 750.5 ], [ 174.5, 748.5 ], [ 171.5, 749.5 ], [ 170.5, 751.5 ], [ 168.5, 751.5 ], [ 168.5, 749.5 ], [ 169.5, 747.5 ], [ 170.5, 746.5 ], [ 170.5, 744.5 ], [ 169.5, 742.5 ], [ 168.5, 739.5 ], [ 168.5, 736.5 ], [ 169.5, 733.5 ], [ 171.5, 730.5 ], [ 173.5, 727.5 ], [ 180.5, 724.5 ], [ 182.5, 724.5 ], [ 183.5, 720.5 ] ] }, +{"id":186, "name": "Gawr Gura", "description": "Gawr Gura is a VTuber from Hololive English. Her twitter is https://twitter.com/gawrgura", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g", "subreddit": "r/GawrGura", "center": [ 247.5, 769.5 ], "path": [ [ 228.5, 769.5 ], [ 244.5, 754.5 ], [ 254.5, 754.5 ], [ 267.5, 771.5 ], [ 261.5, 770.5 ], [ 261.5, 774.5 ], [ 266.5, 775.5 ], [ 266.5, 780.5 ], [ 227.5, 780.5 ], [ 227.5, 775.5 ], [ 234.5, 774.5 ], [ 234.5, 769.5 ] ] }, +{"id":187, "name": "Hololive English (2nd Gen.)", "description": "Hololive Council (EN 2nd Gen.) chibi artwork. From left to right: Hakos Baelz, Nanashi Mumei, Ceres Fauna, Ouro Kronii, Tsukumo Sana.", "website": "https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/talents?gp=english", "subreddit": "/r/hololive", "center": [ 264.5, 731.5 ], "path": [ [ 236.5, 725.5 ], [ 292.5, 725.5 ], [ 298.5, 736.5 ], [ 295.5, 737.5 ], [ 238.5, 737.5 ], [ 231.5, 733.5 ] ] }, +{"id":188, "name": "VShojo Logo", "description": "VShojo is a US-based VTuber organization based in San Francisco.\n\nUnlike Japan-based VTuber organizations, VShojo primarily uses Twitch for livestreaming, with YouTube reserved primarily for highlight clips and edited content.", "website": "https://www.vshojo.com/", "subreddit": "/r/VShojo", "center": [ 173.5, 757.5 ], "path": [ [ 170.5, 750.5 ], [ 165.5, 755.5 ], [ 165.5, 759.5 ], [ 167.5, 764.5 ], [ 170.5, 765.5 ], [ 177.5, 764.5 ], [ 180.5, 764.5 ], [ 182.5, 759.5 ], [ 182.5, 756.5 ], [ 181.5, 753.5 ], [ 175.5, 749.5 ] ] }, +{"id":189, "name": "Shuba Duck", "description": "Shuba Duck / Dancing Duck Oozora Subaru, also known as Subaru Duck, refers to an animation of a duck in a backward baseball cap dancing alongside virtual Hololive influencer Oozora Subaru. The duck is a representation of Subaru, who is often likened to a duck for her raspy ASMR voice, among other reasons. The duck took on the nickname \"Shuba Duck\" or \"Shubaduck\" based on Subaru's habit of regularly saying \"shuba\" when excited.", "website": "https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/shuba-duck-dancing-duck-oozora-subaru", "subreddit": "/r/Hololive", "center": [ 242.5, 799.5 ], "path": [ [ 238.5, 782.5 ], [ 235.5, 787.5 ], [ 235.5, 790.5 ], [ 233.5, 791.5 ], [ 238.5, 793.5 ], [ 237.5, 796.5 ], [ 232.5, 801.5 ], [ 232.5, 805.5 ], [ 238.5, 809.5 ], [ 235.5, 813.5 ], [ 246.5, 813.5 ], [ 246.5, 810.5 ], [ 252.5, 806.5 ], [ 253.5, 802.5 ], [ 250.5, 798.5 ], [ 248.5, 797.5 ], [ 246.5, 799.5 ], [ 243.5, 797.5 ], [ 243.5, 792.5 ], [ 247.5, 790.5 ], [ 247.5, 789.5 ], [ 245.5, 787.5 ], [ 244.5, 782.5 ] ] }, +{"id":190, "name": "Udin", "description": "Udin is the mascot of Kureiji Ollie, a VTuber from Hololive Indonesia", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYz_5n-uDuChHtLo7My1HnQ", "subreddit": "/r/Hololive", "center": [ 290.5, 763.5 ], "path": [ [ 279.5, 753.5 ], [ 279.5, 773.5 ], [ 300.5, 773.5 ], [ 300.5, 753.5 ] ] }, +{"id":191, "name": "PEKO!!!", "description": "\"Peko\" is the catchphrase used by Usada Pekora, a VTuber from Hololive 3rd Gen. Japan branch", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1DCedRgGHBdm81E1llLhOQ", "subreddit": "/r/Hololive", "center": [ 228.5, 793.5 ], "path": [ [ 225.5, 781.5 ], [ 225.5, 804.5 ], [ 231.5, 804.5 ], [ 231.5, 781.5 ] ] }, +{"id":192, "name": "Mini YAGOO", "description": "Motoaki Tanigo is the CEO of COVER Corporation, the company behind Hololive Production. His nickname is \"Yagoo\", which originated from a misreading of his name \"Tanigo\" as \"Yagoo\" by Oozora Subaru, one of Hololive's talents.\n\n Mini Yagoo is a figure that has been a running gag as his profile pictures mostly used his portrait without his body, so limbs were drawn for him during one stream", "website": "https://twitter.com/tanigox", "subreddit": "/r/Hololive", "center": [ 240.5, 821.5 ], "path": [ [ 234.5, 813.5 ], [ 230.5, 813.5 ], [ 230.5, 828.5 ], [ 249.5, 828.5 ], [ 249.5, 813.5 ] ] }, +{"id":193, "name": "Haaton", "description": "Akai Haato is a VTuber from Hololive's 1st Generation from Japan. She also has a nickname \"Haachama\". Her fanbase is officially called \"Haaton\" (はあとん), which is a combination of \"Haato\" and \"ton\" 豚 (pig). They are represented by a yellow plush pig that also works as her mascot. ", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CfXB_kRs3C-zaeTG3oGyg", "subreddit": "/r/Hololive", "center": [ 1362.5, 898.5 ], "path": [ [ 1354.5, 894.5 ], [ 1370.5, 894.5 ], [ 1370.5, 901.5 ], [ 1354.5, 901.5 ] ] }, +{"id":194, "name": "r/place Vtubers","description": "An area carved up by a coalition of different vtuber communities which includes r/Hololive, r/Nijisanji, r/Vshojo. ","website": "","subreddit": "/r/VirtualYoutubers","center": [235.5,757.5],"path": [[174.5,724.5],[185.5,723.5],[183.5,716.5],[258.5,715.5],[261.5,726.5],[292.5,725.5],[298.5,737.5],[302.5,737.5],[301.5,754.5],[298.5,754.5],[300.5,766.5],[296.5,773.5],[288.5,773.5],[280.5,767.5],[267.5,773.5],[267.5,780.5],[259.5,781.5],[261.5,794.5],[256.5,794.5],[257.5,810.5],[257.5,829.5],[229.5,829.5],[229.5,806.5],[225.5,804.5],[225.5,789.5],[217.5,783.5],[206.5,782.5],[201.5,774.5],[196.5,774.5],[190.5,769.5],[183.5,765.5],[170.5,766.5],[165.5,757.5],[170.5,749.5],[167.5,738.5]]}, +{"id":195, "name": "Kobo Kanaeru x Wave collab", "description": "Kobo Kanaeru is a VTuber from Hololive Indonesia. The art was made in collaboration with r/place_the_wave", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjLEmnpCNeisMxy134KPwWw", "subreddit": "/r/Hololive", "center": [ 1916.5, 714.5 ], "path": [ [ 1892.5, 697.5 ], [ 1939.5, 697.5 ], [ 1939.5, 731.5 ], [ 1892.5, 731.5 ] ] }, +{"id":196,"name":"Oaklands","description":"A pixel art version of the game Oaklands on Roblox, made by Typical Developers.","website":"https://twitter.com/TypicalDevelops","subreddit":"r/Oaklands/","center":[19.5,1118.5],"path":[[0.5,1114.5],[40.5,1115.5],[40.5,1121.5],[0.5,1121.5]]}, +{"id":197, "submitted_by": "Matojeje", "name": "Pokémon Workshop", "description": "A Discord community for artists who create drawings, songs or stories related to the Pokémon franchise. The Discord server with hundreds of friendly artists holds art weekly contests.", "website": "https://discord.gg/PkmnWorkshop", "subreddit":"", "center":[1495.5,1196.5], "path": [[1484.5,1192.5],[1505.5,1192.5],[1505.5,1200.5],[1484.5,1200.5]]}, +{"id":198, "submitted_by": "Matojeje", "name": "Pokémon Workshop", "description": "A Discord community for artists who create drawings, songs or stories related to the Pokémon franchise. The Discord server with hundreds of friendly artists holds art weekly contests.", "website": "https://discord.gg/PkmnWorkshop", "subreddit":"", "center":[1090.5,493.5], "path": [[1078.5,489.5],[1078.5,497.5],[1101.5,497.5],[1101.5,489.5]]}, +{"id":199, "name": "McMaster University Crest", "description": "The school crest of McMaster University, located in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.","website": "https://www.mcmaster.ca/","subreddit": "/r/McMaster","center": [ 1255.5, 45.5 ], "path": [ [ 1261.5, 36.5 ], [ 1263.5, 36.5 ], [ 1263.5, 51.5 ], [ 1255.5, 58.5 ], [ 1247.5, 51.5 ], [ 1247.5, 36.5 ] ] }, +{"id":200,"name":"ImmutableX","description":"ImmutableX is a Layer 2 scaling solution for NFTs built on Ethereum.","website":"https://www.immutable.com/","subreddit":"","center":[873.5,876.5],"path":[[841.5,856.5],[905.5,856.5],[905.5,896.5],[841.5,896.5]]}, +{"id":201,"name":"Loopring","description":"Loopring is a zero-knowledge exchange and payment protocol built on Ethereum.","website":"https://loopring.org/","subreddit":"","center":[807.5,876.5],"path":[[775.5,856.5],[775.5,896.5],[839.5,896.5],[840.5,857.5],[775.5,856.5]]}, +{"id":202,"name":"Flag of Morocco","description":"The flag of Morocco, consisting of a green pentagram over a red background","website":"","subreddit":"/r/morocco","center":[1661.5,815.5],"path":[[1624.5,798.5],[1624.5,831.5],[1698.5,832.5],[1698.5,799.5],[1624.5,798.5]]}, +{"id":203,"name":"Genshin Impact","description":"Genshin Impact is an action role-playing game developed by Chinese developer miHoYo, and first published in 2020. The game features an anime-style open-world environment and an action-based battle system using elemental magic and character-switching.","website":"https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/","subreddit":"/r/Genshin_Impact","center":[1750.5,1786.5],"path":[[1736.5,1773.5],[1736.5,1761.5],[1772.5,1761.5],[1772.5,1809.5],[1723.5,1809.5],[1723.5,1803.5],[1727.5,1803.5],[1727.5,1802.5],[1728.5,1802.5],[1728.5,1801.5],[1729.5,1801.5],[1729.5,1800.5],[1730.5,1800.5],[1730.5,1798.5],[1731.5,1798.5],[1731.5,1792.5],[1730.5,1792.5],[1730.5,1791.5],[1729.5,1791.5],[1729.5,1790.5],[1728.5,1790.5],[1728.5,1789.5],[1727.5,1789.5],[1727.5,1788.5],[1723.5,1788.5],[1723.5,1773.5],[1736.5,1773.5]]}, +{"id":204,"name": "The Sun","description": "The Sun is the name of the lightbulb held by Niko in the game OneShot.","website": "https://www.oneshot-game.com","subreddit": "/r/OneShot","center": [1681.5,555.5],"path": [[1668.5,564.5],[1671.5,561.5],[1669.5,558.5],[1669.5,552.5],[1672.5,547.5],[1678.5,543.5],[1684.5,543.5],[1690.5,547.5],[1693.5,552.5],[1693.5,558.5],[1690.5,563.5],[1684.5,567.5],[1678.5,567.5],[1674.5,565.5],[1672.5,568.5],[1670.5,567.5]]}, +{"id":205,"name": "Divergence Meter", "description":"A recreation of the Divergence Meter from the popular anime & visual novel Steins;Gate. The meter reads the \"Steins Gate\" Wordline of 1.048596.","website":"","subreddit":"/r/steinsgate/","center":[1204.5,29.5],"path":[[1182.5,34.5],[1226.5,34.5],[1226.5,23.5],[1182.5,23.5],[1182.5,34.5]]}, +{"id":206,"name": "forsenE", "description": "The face of Twitch. An emote by the popular streamer of the decade forsen (aka. Sebastian Forsen Fors).", "website": "https://twitch.tv/forsen", "subreddit": "r/forsen", "center": [ 727.5, 925.5 ], "path": [ [ 706.5, 906.5 ], [ 748.5, 906.5 ], [ 748.5, 943.5 ], [ 706.5, 943.5 ], [ 706.5, 906.5 ] ] }, +{"id":207,"name":"Interlingue", "description": "Flag of Interlingue, an IAL to communicate between Western European languages.", "website": "https://occidental-lang.com", "subreddit": "/r/interlingue", "center": [ 768.5, 328.5 ], "path": [ [ 765.5, 326.5 ], [ 770.5, 326.5 ], [ 770.5, 329.5 ], [ 765.5, 329.5 ] ] }, +{"id":208,"name":"Viossa", "description": "Flag of the conpidgin Viossa.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/viossa", "center": [ 775.5, 296.5 ], "path": [ [ 769.5, 290.5 ], [ 780.5, 290.5 ], [ 780.5, 301.5 ], [ 769.5, 301.5 ] ] }, +{"id":209,"name":"Lojban", "description": "Flag of Lojban", "website": "https://lojban.org", "subreddit": "/r/lojban", "center": [ 760.5, 328.5 ], "path": [ [ 763.5, 326.5 ], [ 757.5, 326.5 ], [ 757.5, 330.5 ], [ 763.5, 330.5 ] ] }, +{"id":210,"name":"DMU","description": "De Montfort University","website": "","subreddit": "","center": [919.5,1425.5],"path": [[909.5,1420.5],[929.5,1420.5],[929.5,1430.5],[909.5,1430.5],[909.5,1420.5]]}, +{"id":211,"name":"The University of Texas at Austin","description":"The hand-sign, mascot, and the main tower of the University of Texas at Austin. Hook 'Em!","website":"https://utexas.edu","subreddit":"/r/UTAustin","center":[583.5,961.5],"path":[[594.5,974.5],[593.5,948.5],[573.5,948.5],[573.5,973.5],[594.5,974.5]]}, +{"id":212,"name":"The Vineshroom", "description": "The mascot of the Vinesauce Twitch channel.", "website": "https://twitch.tv/Vinesauce", "subreddit": "/r/Vinesauce", "center": [76.5, 675.5], "path": [ [73.5, 676.5], [73.5, 683.5], [74.5, 684.5], [78.5, 684.5], [79.5, 683.5], [79.5, 676.5], [81.5, 676.5], [82.5, 675.5], [82.5, 672.5], [81.5, 671.5], [81.5, 670.5], [80.5, 669.5], [79.5, 668.5], [73.5, 668.5], [72.5, 669.5], [71.5, 670.5], [71.5, 671.5], [70.5, 672.5], [70.5, 676.5], [73.5, 676.5]]}, +{"id":213,"submitted_by": "L33Tech", "name":"SMP Online","description":"The SMP Online Minecraft server community!","website":"https://callmecarson.live","subreddit":"/r/CallMeCarson","center":[516.5,1686.5],"path":[[499.5,1673.5],[499.5,1673.5],[537.5,1673.5],[536.5,1685.5],[530.5,1685.5],[530.5,1699.5],[500.5,1700.5],[500.5,1688.5],[499.5,1688.5],[499.5,1680.5]]}, +{"id":214,"name":"Loky Ronin","description":"a piece of art drawn by Videoyun Community ","website":"https://twitch.tv/videoyun","subreddit":"/r/videoyun","center":[772.5,1421.5],"path":[[735.5,1403.5],[735.5,1439.5],[809.5,1439.5],[809.5,1403.5]]}, +{"id":215,"submitted_by": "L33Tech", "name":"Place Start","description":"A start menu for r/place, syled after Windows XP","website":"","subreddit":"/r/PlaceStart","center":[589.5,1985.5],"path":[[0.5,1970.5],[1200.5,1972.5],[1200.5,1999.5],[0.5,2000.5],[0.5,1970.5]]}, +{"id":216,"submitted_by": "L33Tech", "name":"r/TheBlueCorner","description":"Exactly what it sounds like, but filled with amogus.","website":"","subreddit":"/r/TheBlueCorner","center":[1959.5,1939.5],"path":[[1915.5,1868.5],[2002.5,1867.5],[2004.5,2007.5],[1916.5,2013.5],[1916.5,1991.5],[1916.5,1922.5],[1916.5,1868.5]]}, +{"id":217,"name":"The Rust programming language","description":"This little square belongs to the community of the Rust programming language","website":"https://rust-lang.org","subreddit":"r/rust","center":[735.5,622.5],"path":[[722.5,608.5],[722.5,635.5],[748.5,635.5],[748.5,608.5]]}, +{"id":218,"name":"Realm of the Mad God","description":"Realm of The Mad God is a permadeath MMORPG developed by Deca Games. The image shows all eighteen of the playable classes in the game, a White Bag (Rarest loot container), the head of Oryx the Mad God (An endgame boss), Craig the Intern (A friendly NPC), and Archbishop Leucoryx (Another endgame boss) pictured as part of the German Flag holding.","website":"","subreddit":"/r/Rotmg","center":[508.5,877.5],"path":[[470.5,866.5],[470.5,889.5],[561.5,889.5],[561.5,886.5],[536.5,886.5],[536.5,871.5],[548.5,871.5],[548.5,861.5],[547.5,861.5],[547.5,857.5],[546.5,857.5],[546.5,858.5],[543.5,858.5],[543.5,857.5],[541.5,857.5],[541.5,858.5],[538.5,858.5],[538.5,857.5],[538.5,858.5],[537.5,858.5],[537.5,865.5],[536.5,865.5],[536.5,866.5],[470.5,866.5]]}, +{"id":219,"name":"Forgotten King and Shattered Queen","description":"Endgame Bosses from the video game Realm of the Mad God. The Forgotten King on the left shown holding a tri-force to symbolize the alliance between r/Zelda and r/RoTMG, while the Shattered Queen is shown on the right. In the bottom right corner is the iconic level 20 grave representing the permadeath nature of the game.","website":"","subreddit":"r/Rotmg","center":[1346.5,1888.5],"path":[[1326.5,1876.5],[1326.5,1900.5],[1366.5,1900.5],[1366.5,1876.5],[1326.5,1876.5]]}, +{"id":220,"name":"The Shotbow Network ","description":"The Original Minecraft Server Network! Home to old classics like MineZ, Annihilation and Smash!","website":"https://shotbow.net/","subreddit":"/r/Shotbow","center":[1009.5,478.5],"path":[[999.5,495.5],[1008.5,495.5],[1008.5,492.5],[1010.5,492.5],[1010.5,488.5],[1012.5,487.5],[1014.5,486.5],[1020.5,486.5],[1020.5,465.5],[999.5,465.5]]}, +{"id":221,"name":"MineZ","description":"Shotbow's original Minecraft gamemode! Based on the popular DayZ mod.","website":"https://shotbow.net/","subreddit":"/r/MineZ","center":[1012.5,460.5],"path":[[1004.5,465.5],[1020.5,465.5],[1020.5,455.5],[1004.5,455.5]]}, +{"id":222,"name":"Blasphemous","description":"Blasphemous is a Spanish indie metroidvania created by TheGameKitchen and released in 2019.","website":"https://store.steampowered.com/app/774361/Blasphemous/","subreddit":"https://www.reddit.com/r/Blasphemous/","center":[1192.5,335.5],"path":[[1191.5,320.5],[1184.5,320.5],[1184.5,323.5],[1183.5,323.5],[1183.5,324.5],[1182.5,324.5],[1182.5,345.5],[1204.5,345.5],[1204.5,333.5],[1199.5,333.5],[1199.5,331.5],[1200.5,330.5],[1199.5,329.5],[1196.5,329.5],[1194.5,327.5],[1195.5,326.5],[1195.5,325.5],[1191.5,321.5],[1191.5,320.5]]}, +{"id":223,"name":"Kaf","description": "Kaf is a Japanese female Virtual Singer on YouTube. She is a performer signed to Kamitsubaki Studio.","website": "https://discord.gg/NwCy89U","subreddit": "/r/Kamitsubaki_Fans","center": [1434.5,1114.5],"path": [[1452.5,1103.5],[1423.5,1103.5],[1423.5,1095.5],[1421.5,1095.5],[1421.5,1098.5],[1420.5,1098.5],[1420.5,1099.5],[1419.5,1099.5],[1419.5,1101.5],[1421.5,1101.5],[1421.5,1102.5],[1416.5,1102.5],[1416.5,1107.5],[1417.5,1107.5],[1417.5,1108.5],[1418.5,1108.5],[1418.5,1115.5],[1419.5,1115.5],[1419.5,1119.5],[1418.5,1119.5],[1418.5,1120.5],[1412.5,1120.5],[1412.5,1123.5],[1413.5,1123.5],[1413.5,1125.5],[1414.5,1125.5],[1414.5,1126.5],[1451.5,1126.5],[1451.5,1121.5],[1452.5,1121.5]]}, +{"id":224,"name":"Big Ten East", "description": "The eastern claim of the Big Ten. Pioneered by Indiana, this claim also includes Northwestern, Michigan State, Minnesota, and PAC-12 member Stanford.", "website": "","subreddit": "/r/TheB1G", "center": [1529.5, 764.5], "path": [[1508.5,780.5],[1552.5,780.5],[1552.5,768.5],[1550.5,768.5],[1550.5,747.5],[1508.5,747.5],[1508.5,780.5]]}, +{"id":225,"name":"Shelly (Small)", "description": "Shelly is the player character in the indie platformer Will You Snail?", "website": "https://store.steampowered.com/app/1115050/Will_You_Snail/", "subreddit": "/r/WillYouSnail", "center": [ 853.5, 973.5 ], "path": [ [ 849.5, 971.5 ], [ 849.5, 971.5 ], [ 850.5, 971.5 ], [ 851.5, 971.5 ], [ 851.5, 970.5 ], [ 857.5, 970.5 ], [ 857.5, 976.5 ], [ 849.5, 976.5 ], [ 849.5, 973.5 ] ] }, +{"id":226,"name":"Hu Tao Poland from r/polandball","description":"Poland from r/polandball dressed up as Hu Tao from Genshin Impact, our allies!","website":"","subreddit":"r/polandball","center":[1598.5,1781.5],"path":[[1577.5,1762.5],[1576.5,1761.5],[1625.5,1761.5],[1625.5,1781.5],[1620.5,1784.5],[1620.5,1786.5],[1619.5,1788.5],[1615.5,1798.5],[1615.5,1801.5],[1612.5,1803.5],[1610.5,1801.5],[1607.5,1798.5],[1604.5,1797.5],[1603.5,1799.5],[1603.5,1800.5],[1604.5,1801.5],[1605.5,1802.5],[1604.5,1803.5],[1597.5,1803.5],[1595.5,1804.5],[1591.5,1804.5],[1594.5,1801.5],[1596.5,1798.5],[1593.5,1795.5],[1588.5,1798.5],[1587.5,1799.5],[1586.5,1802.5],[1588.5,1806.5],[1591.5,1806.5],[1587.5,1806.5],[1586.5,1810.5],[1576.5,1810.5],[1577.5,1761.5],[1577.5,1761.5]]}, +{"id":227,"name":"Tiny! Hu Tao Poland - Polandball","description":"The tiny version of Poland from r/polandball dressed up as Hu Tao, with Boo Tao as well!","website":"","subreddit":"r/polandball","center":[1152.5,78.5],"path":[[1133.5,84.5],[1133.5,84.5],[1136.5,86.5],[1133.5,78.5],[1131.5,72.5],[1138.5,66.5],[1144.5,65.5],[1148.5,69.5],[1151.5,73.5],[1159.5,67.5],[1165.5,68.5],[1170.5,73.5],[1171.5,79.5],[1170.5,82.5],[1173.5,81.5],[1173.5,86.5],[1171.5,87.5],[1166.5,88.5],[1162.5,88.5],[1158.5,87.5],[1136.5,87.5],[1135.5,86.5]]}, +{"id":228,"name":"Femboy Bean", "description": "Original artwork by Fleurfurr, and Bean's sona, reimagined in pixel form by furry_irl.", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/furry_irl", "center": [ 1044.5, 1798.5 ], "path": [ [ 1030.5, 1780.5 ], [ 1056.5, 1780.5 ], [ 1056.5, 1817.5 ], [ 1054.5, 1817.5 ], [ 1054.5, 1818.5 ], [ 1053.5, 1818.5 ], [ 1053.5, 1819.5 ], [ 1052.5, 1819.5 ], [ 1052.5, 1820.5 ], [ 1051.5, 1820.5 ], [ 1051.5, 1821.5 ], [ 1048.5, 1821.5 ], [ 1048.5, 1822.5 ], [ 1045.5, 1822.5 ], [ 1045.5, 1820.5 ], [ 1044.5, 1820.5 ], [ 1044.5, 1816.5 ], [ 1043.5, 1816.5 ], [ 1043.5, 1815.5 ], [ 1042.5, 1815.5 ], [ 1042.5, 1814.5 ], [ 1041.5, 1814.5 ], [ 1041.5, 1813.5 ], [ 1041.5, 1812.5 ], [ 1033.5, 1812.5 ], [ 1033.5, 1813.5 ], [ 1032.5, 1813.5 ], [ 1032.5, 1814.5 ], [ 1031.5, 1814.5 ], [ 1030.5, 1814.5 ], [ 1030.5, 1815.5 ], [ 1030.5, 1780.5 ] ] }, +{"id":229, "name":"Scott (Nelward)", "description": "Scott, the symbol for Atlanta-based independent music artist Nelward.", "website": "https://www.nelward.com", "subreddit": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Nelward","center": [7.5,69.5],"path": [[1.5,65.5],[12.5,65.5],[12.5,72.5],[1.5,72.5]]}, +{"id":230, "name":"Taiwan's First Claim", "description": "r/Taiwan's first claims on r/Place, starting from the big Taiwan flag and evolving into the mini-flags, Taipei 101, and Boba tea. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Taiwan", "center": [938.5, 546.5], "path": [ [978.5, 567.5], [910.5, 567.5], [910.5, 515.5], [958.5, 515.5], [959.5, 519.5], [934.5, 519.5], [934.5, 542.5], [978.5, 542.5], [978.5, 567.5] ]}, +{"id":231, "name":"Taiwan Independence Flag", "description": "The flag of the World Taiwanese Congress, the most common flag representing the Taiwanese Independence movement. ", "website": "", "subreddit": "/r/Taiwan", "center": [ 1227.5, 147.5 ], "path": [ [ 1206.5, 134.5 ], [ 1248.5, 134.5 ], [ 1248.5, 160.5 ], [ 1206.5, 160.5 ], [ 1206.5, 134.5 ] ]}, +{"id":232,"name":"Taipei 101 attempt","description": "r/Taiwan tried to make a 101 pixel high Taipei 101 at this location, in coordination with many other allies. ","website": "","subreddit": "/r/Taiwan","center": [ 1200.5, 1266.5],"path": [[ 1178.5, 1275.5],[ 1219.5, 1275.5],[ 1219.5, 1265.5],[ 1217.5, 1265.5],[ 1217.5, 1264.5],[ 1216.5, 1264.5],[ 1216.5, 1262.5],[ 1214.5, 1262.5],[ 1214.5, 1261.5],[ 1213.5, 1261.5],[ 1213.5, 1260.5],[ 1212.5, 1260.5],[ 1212.5, 1259.5],[ 1211.5, 1259.5],[ 1211.5, 1258.5],[ 1210.5, 1258.5],[ 1210.5, 1257.5],[ 1209.5, 1257.5],[ 1209.5, 1256.5],[ 1207.5, 1256.5],[ 1207.5, 1254.5],[ 1206.5, 1254.5],[ 1206.5, 1251.5],[ 1205.5, 1251.5],[ 1205.5, 1247.5],[ 1204.5, 1247.5],[ 1204.5, 1241.5],[ 1202.5, 1241.5],[ 1202.5, 1250.5],[ 1199.5, 1250.5],[ 1199.5, 1257.5],[ 1199.5, 1257.5],[ 1199.5, 1258.5],[ 1198.5, 1258.5],[ 1198.5, 1263.5],[ 1179.5, 1263.5],[ 1178.5, 1263.5],[ 1178.5, 1275.5]]}, +{"id":233, "name": "Super Smash Bros Melee", "description": "Super smash bros melee, a fighting game community dedicated to their game, which they have not abandoned after 20 years and 3 sequels. They also never abandoned their main slippi.gg logo, which stood for effectively the whole duration of r/place. They also collaborated with place trees to construct Dream Land, one of the 6 legal stages in competitive Melee, featuring Whispy woods, and added Fox and Falco Stock icons. ", "website": "https://slippi.gg", "subreddit": "/r/ssbm", "center": [789.5,943.5],"path": [[776.5,927.5],[775.5,961.5],[781.5,962.5],[781.5,978.5],[800.5,982.5],[817.5,979.5],[818.5,962.5],[824.5,962.5],[823.5,926.5],[800.5,915.5],[777.5,926.5],[771.5,907.5],[750.5,905.5],[749.5,927.5],[748.5,945.5],[776.5,947.5]]}, +{"id":234,"name":"VRChat","description":"Logo of the VRChat online virtual reality social platform.","website":"https://vrchat.com","subreddit":"r/vrchat","center":[962.5,97.5],"path":[[930.5,88.5],[994.5,88.5],[994.5,104.5],[990.5,104.5],[991.5,112.5],[983.5,105.5],[930.5,105.5]]}, ]; //console.log("There are "+atlas.length+" entries in the Atlas."); @@ -303,4 +359,4 @@ for(var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { }); } -*/ +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web/about.html b/web/about.html index 655571d7..2e22b833 100644 --- a/web/about.html +++ b/web/about.html @@ -67,30 +67,45 @@

My Bitcoin Address

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The /r/place Atlas

This is an Atlas aiming to chart all the artworks created during the /r/place April's fools event on Reddit in 2022.


The code was developed by (mail, reddit) and is available under the free AGPL license on GitHub. (Modified GitHub for 2022 version) | Image's provided by Alex Tsernoh


The original code was developed by (mail, reddit) and is available under the free AGPL license on GitHub.


Roland Rytz worked on the Atlas full-time (and more!) for over two weeks.


The currently maintained version of the website is managed by and is obtainable under the same license within a Github Fork.


Image's provided by Alex Tsernoh

. +

Maintaining and updating the website takes work, but I enjoy doing it for free and giving this to people. But if you would like to support me, or the people who helped me with contributions to this project. You're free to support us though Paypal. (I don't have bitcoin)


To maintain the same tradition, I will also be offering stickers to anyone donating more then 20$ (Due to the size increase). But, you're not forced to do anything! This only shows appreciation to us and the people who've worked on this project


Roland Rytz worked on the Atlas full-time (and more!) for over two weeks during the 2017 r/place event.

If you'd like to support Roland, you can do so by PayPal or via Bitcoin.

If you donate more than 10(€/$/CHF/mBTC), He'll (hopefully) send you a nice sticker of the Place canvas! (2017 one)

If you donate by Bitcoin and want a 2017 sticker, please send him a
message with your Bitcoin address before you make the transaction!

How to contribute


Everybody is encouraged to collaborate in mapping all of /r/place on the Atlas.


Please read this post on reddit to learn how to submit a new entry.


The /r/Place Atlas project relies on user contributions.


To contribute a label for an artwork, please read this post on reddit to learn how to submit a new entry.


Alternatively, contributions can be made directly on GitHub.

The /r/placeAtlas2 subreddit is also the place to submit all bug reports, feature requests or questions.


r/placeAtlas2 (Current) Contributors


The 2022 Atlas would not have been possible without the help of the following (number still not known) reddit users.


Thank you to everyone who submitted new entries, amended existing ones, reported bugs and just supported the project in general.

+ + +

r/placeAtlas2 (Current) Contributors and Maintainers


The 2022 Atlas would not have been possible without the help of our reddit contributors. This section will be updated with all of the contributor's usernames.


Thank you to everyone who submitted new entries, amended existing ones, reported bugs and just supported the project in general.

r/placeAtlas Contributors


The (original) Atlas would not have been possible without the help of the following 775 reddit users.


The original Atlas project would not have been possible without the help of the following 775 reddit users.

Thank you to everyone who submitted new entries, amended existing ones, reported bugs and just supported the project in general.