Updated (1600, 600) to (1700, 700)

This commit is contained in:
AnonymousRandomPerson 2023-03-22 01:11:56 -04:00
parent 251cf7ae04
commit bf0749e710
2 changed files with 33 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -12168,3 +12168,12 @@ zznclm

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@ -572,7 +572,7 @@
{"id": "twmh5c", "name": "Rainbow Road", "description": "Rainbow Road is the final race track in all Mario Kart games.\n\nRainbow Road, returning from the first r/place and drawn by r/ainbowroad, was an initiative to draw a rainbow trail/road on the canvas and extend it as long as possible. Rainbow Road managed to span large swaths of the canvas in the earlier hours of r/place, though it was later confined to a more controlled area as other artworks defined their boundaries and filled the canvas.\n\nThis is one of the only parts of the western rainbow remaining. After r/ainbowroad moved to the eastern canvas, this rainbow was maintained by r/PlacePride as a stand-in for the rainbow flag, a symbol of the LGBT community. It was in alliance with the trans flag to the north.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.mariowiki.com/Rainbow_Road", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_flag_(LGBT)"], "subreddit": ["PlacePride", "ainbowroad"]}, "path": {"100-105": [[480, 476], [480, 513], [527, 513], [527, 508], [530, 505], [552, 505], [554, 507], [557, 506], [560, 506], [561, 510], [562, 510], [569, 504], [569, 476], [544, 476], [538, 480], [537, 480], [533, 476], [530, 479], [522, 479], [522, 477], [520, 475], [519, 475], [510, 482], [509, 482], [503, 476]], "85-93": [[469, 476], [469, 513], [545, 513], [545, 507], [547, 505], [552, 505], [555, 508], [558, 506], [559, 506], [559, 510], [560, 510], [569, 504], [569, 476], [546, 476], [539, 483], [538, 483], [531, 476], [528, 476], [528, 479], [521, 479], [521, 476], [518, 476], [511, 483], [510, 483], [503, 476]], "73-84": [[480, 476], [480, 513], [545, 513], [545, 508], [547, 505], [554, 505], [561, 500], [562, 500], [562, 504], [564, 504], [569, 499], [569, 476], [547, 476], [540, 483], [539, 483], [532, 476], [527, 476], [527, 478], [522, 478], [522, 476], [518, 476], [509, 483], [503, 476]], "50-72": [[480, 476], [480, 513], [530, 513], [531, 514], [554, 514], [554, 507], [561, 500], [561, 507], [562, 507], [569, 500], [569, 476]], "31-49": [[359, 476], [343, 528], [527, 528], [527, 514], [551, 514], [551, 511], [559, 502], [561, 505], [566, 501], [584, 497], [584, 476], [469, 476], [469, 528], [421, 528], [421, 476]], "21-30": [[456, 449], [381, 528], [445, 528], [445, 531], [427, 550], [421, 562], [421, 588], [429, 588], [439, 577], [439, 557], [440, 536], [445, 531], [445, 553], [449, 557], [457, 557], [457, 549], [459, 547], [461, 540], [462, 526], [465, 518], [468, 518], [468, 556], [483, 556], [581, 476], [565, 476], [565, 449]], "15-20": [[468, 429], [468, 507], [436, 540], [421, 566], [421, 595], [461, 557], [465, 526], [468, 527], [468, 559], [473, 559], [522, 525], [579, 476], [565, 476], [566, 427], [620, 427], [620, 400], [571, 400], [571, 414], [522, 414], [522, 418], [505, 418], [505, 429]], "7-14": [[586, 393], [477, 513], [469, 528], [356, 642], [276, 563], [274, 563], [221, 617], [221, 622], [228, 629], [234, 629], [282, 580], [347, 645], [365, 645], [481, 531], [489, 530], [621, 410], [621, 393]], "1-6": [[747, 252], [356, 642], [352, 639], [344, 639], [351, 645], [362, 645], [752, 258], [758, 263], [761, 260], [798, 296], [765, 330], [776, 330], [800, 305], [800, 287], [765, 252]], "94-99": [[469, 449], [469, 513], [527, 513], [527, 508], [530, 505], [533, 505], [535, 507], [537, 507], [539, 505], [542, 505], [544, 507], [546, 507], [548, 505], [551, 505], [553, 507], [556, 507], [559, 504], [561, 509], [563, 509], [568, 504], [568, 476], [546, 476], [541, 481], [538, 481], [533, 477], [518, 476], [512, 482], [509, 482], [502, 476], [480, 476], [480, 449]], "106-165, T:0-1": [[468, 476], [468, 513], [527, 513], [527, 507], [529, 505], [552, 505], [554, 507], [559, 507], [560, 510], [562, 510], [569, 503], [569, 476], [546, 476], [541, 482], [539, 482], [532, 476], [518, 476], [511, 483], [510, 483], [503, 476]]}, "center": {"100-105": [498, 495], "85-93": [488, 495], "73-84": [525, 495], "50-72": [537, 495], "31-49": [495, 502], "21-30": [498, 490], "15-20": [513, 473], "7-14": [594, 411], "1-6": [768, 261], "94-99": [488, 494], "106-165, T:0-1": [487, 495]}},
{"id": "twmh1h", "name": "Update TF2", "description": "A call to action to both TF2s' developers to update their games, especially to curb the rise of bots in the games.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.teamfortress.com", "https://www.ea.com/games/titanfall/titanfall-2", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Team_Fortress_2", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanfall_2"], "subreddit": ["tf2", "titanfall2", "titanfall"]}, "path": {"11-102": [[657, 35], [657, 45], [707, 45], [707, 35]], "6-10": [[657, 48], [657, 58], [707, 58], [707, 48]], "103-166, T:0-1": [[790, 35], [840, 35], [840, 44], [790, 44]]}, "center": {"11-102": [682, 40], "6-10": [682, 53], "103-166, T:0-1": [815, 40]}},
{"id": "twmgzq", "name": "Grapu", "description": "Grapu is the Green Lattice's mascot. He started as a little work of art drawn by an ally in r/place 2017 that got destroyed twice and never made it to the final canvas. Over the years since then, we've grown to love him.", "links": {"subreddit": ["GreenLattice"]}, "path": {"106-115, 131-165, T:0-1": [[1095, 417], [1088, 423], [1088, 432], [1095, 438], [1102, 438], [1109, 432], [1109, 423], [1102, 417]]}, "center": {"106-115, 131-165, T:0-1": [1099, 428]}},
{"id": "twmgj5", "name": "Void", "description": "The Void in its final moments, a large area of black pixels consuming art wherever it spreads. After the main void got destroyed by The First Hand, it moved up TotalBiscuit's hair and reformed right before the canvas ended. Created by The Swarm.\n\nT̵͙̣͈̔he̷̗̣̰͉̒͐̽ ̸̬͚̔̊̒̄V̵̘̖̦͛̅̄͛ö̸̧̘̞̲͆i̸̻͉̙̿͛̃ḍ̸̜̅͜ ̴̝̟͂C̸̨̜͑o̸̡̤̙͑n̸̻̳̂ͅs̴̡̩̘͈̃u̵͈̩͌̃̃m̴͚͎̾̀̀͗e̷̘̕s̴̲̱̓ͅ ̷̮͍̏͊̿̆A̴̮̪̥̎l̴", "links": {"subreddit": ["theblackvoid", "theswarm"]}, "path": {"T": [[1050, 1177], [1022, 1303], [1067, 1362], [1079, 1338], [1113, 1338], [1113, 1325], [1127, 1325], [1119, 1310], [1122, 1171], [1064, 1170], [1063, 1176]], "117-152": [[1016, 1316], [948, 1346], [967, 1365], [961, 1384], [951, 1384], [951, 1433], [961, 1434], [960, 1489], [958, 1504], [953, 1508], [956, 1548], [962, 1549], [968, 1563], [948, 1590], [949, 1602], [958, 1609], [980, 1651], [1026, 1672], [1045, 1655], [1043, 1631], [1043, 1612], [1069, 1613], [1062, 1596], [1062, 1582], [1071, 1582], [1069, 1521], [1084, 1521], [1083, 1343], [1063, 1345]], "153-159": [[1015, 1298], [971, 1324], [972, 1358], [968, 1396], [960, 1415], [961, 1487], [966, 1497], [969, 1523], [954, 1535], [958, 1553], [1068, 1553], [1070, 1522], [1082, 1514], [1082, 1418], [1075, 1416], [1065, 1389], [1066, 1355], [1039, 1335], [1043, 1325]], "109-116": [[951, 1340], [950, 1430], [888, 1432], [889, 1511], [909, 1540], [918, 1560], [904, 1566], [911, 1593], [911, 1607], [905, 1608], [897, 1657], [871, 1663], [849, 1689], [850, 1692], [867, 1681], [889, 1685], [889, 1703], [920, 1703], [921, 1725], [931, 1744], [934, 1761], [953, 1763], [953, 1782], [969, 1796], [1046, 1793], [1075, 1783], [1083, 1760], [1082, 1743], [1091, 1735], [1096, 1740], [1098, 1756], [1139, 1757], [1141, 1648], [1154, 1637], [1153, 1517], [1133, 1498], [1103, 1500], [1083, 1487], [1062, 1375], [1046, 1340]], "64-65": [[1343, 313], [1295, 381], [1270, 358], [1252, 365], [1260, 382], [1244, 406], [1191, 405], [1208, 422], [1219, 443], [1262, 442], [1261, 532], [1305, 534], [1298, 527], [1298, 510], [1306, 503], [1324, 504], [1330, 513], [1330, 542], [1358, 542], [1362, 599], [1393, 599], [1392, 569], [1395, 556], [1406, 555], [1408, 568], [1419, 569], [1416, 504], [1407, 504], [1407, 491], [1431, 490], [1431, 475], [1484, 474], [1482, 427], [1504, 426], [1497, 404], [1497, 393], [1527, 378], [1553, 379], [1530, 354], [1491, 360], [1443, 354], [1432, 328], [1412, 328], [1407, 312]], "55-62": [[1394, 289], [1362, 312], [1239, 314], [1239, 325], [1191, 336], [1178, 376], [1223, 439], [1215, 452], [1162, 451], [1194, 461], [1193, 489], [1258, 503], [1258, 551], [1296, 552], [1297, 566], [1320, 566], [1321, 542], [1358, 542], [1363, 599], [1393, 598], [1394, 570], [1441, 569], [1460, 566], [1459, 545], [1503, 544], [1494, 531], [1493, 491], [1525, 490], [1494, 446], [1493, 426], [1526, 426], [1527, 370], [1534, 352], [1533, 317], [1573, 280], [1537, 280], [1531, 254], [1496, 259], [1484, 260], [1470, 249], [1408, 245], [1408, 259], [1396, 260]], "29-36": [[434, 254], [433, 301], [393, 303], [296, 263], [240, 311], [239, 343], [305, 343], [308, 396], [503, 398], [518, 443], [524, 400], [611, 390], [633, 374], [633, 287], [545, 285], [544, 253]], "91-98": [[1169, 416], [1159, 508], [1108, 510], [1109, 526], [1149, 526], [1149, 536], [1206, 538], [1207, 561], [1225, 561], [1229, 567], [1251, 562], [1251, 511], [1259, 511], [1259, 471], [1280, 448], [1254, 440], [1245, 427], [1240, 427], [1239, 445], [1196, 445], [1185, 436], [1185, 417]], "162-165": [[1067, 1170], [1042, 1192], [1044, 1224], [1023, 1290], [967, 1325], [972, 1347], [981, 1347], [981, 1366], [975, 1366], [968, 1374], [965, 1399], [977, 1430], [998, 1456], [1066, 1402], [1066, 1353], [1082, 1337], [1116, 1338], [1119, 1323], [1129, 1321], [1119, 1310], [1123, 1170]]}, "center": {"T": [1073, 1291], "117-152": [1019, 1409], "153-159": [1021, 1445], "109-116": [1032, 1598], "64-65": [1379, 409], "55-62": [1377, 427], "29-36": [494, 330], "91-98": [1209, 492], "162-165": [1072, 1291]}},
{"id": "twmgj5", "name": "Void", "description": "The Void in its final moments, a large area of black pixels consuming art wherever it spreads. After the main void got destroyed by The First Hand, it moved up TotalBiscuit's hair and reformed right before the canvas ended. Created by r/theswarm.\n\nT̵͙̣͈̔he̷̗̣̰͉̒͐̽ ̸̬͚̔̊̒̄V̵̘̖̦͛̅̄͛ö̸̧̘̞̲͆i̸̻͉̙̿͛̃ḍ̸̜̅͜ ̴̝̟͂C̸̨̜͑o̸̡̤̙͑n̸̻̳̂ͅs̴̡̩̘͈̃u̵͈̩͌̃̃m̴͚͎̾̀̀͗e̷̘̕s̴̲̱̓ͅ ̷̮͍̏͊̿̆A̴̮̪̥̎l̴", "links": {"subreddit": ["theblackvoid", "theswarm"], "discord": ["2SBTh2Zt7y"]}, "path": {"T": [[1050, 1177], [1022, 1303], [1067, 1362], [1079, 1338], [1113, 1338], [1113, 1325], [1127, 1325], [1119, 1310], [1122, 1171], [1064, 1170], [1063, 1176]], "117-152": [[1016, 1316], [948, 1346], [967, 1365], [961, 1384], [951, 1384], [951, 1433], [961, 1434], [960, 1489], [958, 1504], [953, 1508], [956, 1548], [962, 1549], [968, 1563], [948, 1590], [949, 1602], [958, 1609], [980, 1651], [1026, 1672], [1045, 1655], [1043, 1631], [1043, 1612], [1069, 1613], [1062, 1596], [1062, 1582], [1071, 1582], [1069, 1521], [1084, 1521], [1083, 1343], [1063, 1345]], "153-159": [[1015, 1298], [971, 1324], [972, 1358], [968, 1396], [960, 1415], [961, 1487], [966, 1497], [969, 1523], [954, 1535], [958, 1553], [1068, 1553], [1070, 1522], [1082, 1514], [1082, 1418], [1075, 1416], [1065, 1389], [1066, 1355], [1039, 1335], [1043, 1325]], "109-116": [[951, 1340], [950, 1430], [888, 1432], [889, 1511], [909, 1540], [918, 1560], [904, 1566], [911, 1593], [911, 1607], [905, 1608], [897, 1657], [871, 1663], [849, 1689], [850, 1692], [867, 1681], [889, 1685], [889, 1703], [920, 1703], [921, 1725], [931, 1744], [934, 1761], [953, 1763], [953, 1782], [969, 1796], [1046, 1793], [1075, 1783], [1083, 1760], [1082, 1743], [1091, 1735], [1096, 1740], [1098, 1756], [1139, 1757], [1141, 1648], [1154, 1637], [1153, 1517], [1133, 1498], [1103, 1500], [1083, 1487], [1062, 1375], [1046, 1340]], "64-65": [[1343, 313], [1295, 381], [1270, 358], [1252, 365], [1260, 382], [1244, 406], [1191, 405], [1208, 422], [1219, 443], [1262, 442], [1261, 532], [1305, 534], [1298, 527], [1298, 510], [1306, 503], [1324, 504], [1330, 513], [1330, 542], [1358, 542], [1362, 599], [1393, 599], [1392, 569], [1395, 556], [1406, 555], [1408, 568], [1419, 569], [1416, 504], [1407, 504], [1407, 491], [1431, 490], [1431, 475], [1484, 474], [1482, 427], [1504, 426], [1497, 404], [1497, 393], [1527, 378], [1553, 379], [1530, 354], [1491, 360], [1443, 354], [1432, 328], [1412, 328], [1407, 312]], "55-62": [[1394, 289], [1362, 312], [1239, 314], [1239, 325], [1191, 336], [1178, 376], [1223, 439], [1215, 452], [1162, 451], [1194, 461], [1193, 489], [1258, 503], [1258, 551], [1296, 552], [1297, 566], [1320, 566], [1321, 542], [1358, 542], [1363, 599], [1393, 598], [1394, 570], [1441, 569], [1460, 566], [1459, 545], [1503, 544], [1494, 531], [1493, 491], [1525, 490], [1494, 446], [1493, 426], [1526, 426], [1527, 370], [1534, 352], [1533, 317], [1573, 280], [1537, 280], [1531, 254], [1496, 259], [1484, 260], [1470, 249], [1408, 245], [1408, 259], [1396, 260]], "29-36": [[434, 254], [433, 301], [393, 303], [296, 263], [240, 311], [239, 343], [305, 343], [308, 396], [503, 398], [518, 443], [524, 400], [611, 390], [633, 374], [633, 287], [545, 285], [544, 253]], "91-98": [[1169, 416], [1159, 508], [1108, 510], [1109, 526], [1149, 526], [1149, 536], [1206, 538], [1207, 561], [1225, 561], [1229, 567], [1251, 562], [1251, 511], [1259, 511], [1259, 471], [1280, 448], [1254, 440], [1245, 427], [1240, 427], [1239, 445], [1196, 445], [1185, 436], [1185, 417]], "162-165": [[1067, 1170], [1042, 1192], [1044, 1224], [1023, 1290], [967, 1325], [972, 1347], [981, 1347], [981, 1366], [975, 1366], [968, 1374], [965, 1399], [977, 1430], [998, 1456], [1066, 1402], [1066, 1353], [1082, 1337], [1116, 1338], [1119, 1323], [1129, 1321], [1119, 1310], [1123, 1170]]}, "center": {"T": [1073, 1291], "117-152": [1019, 1409], "153-159": [1021, 1445], "109-116": [1032, 1598], "64-65": [1379, 409], "55-62": [1377, 427], "29-36": [494, 330], "91-98": [1209, 492], "162-165": [1072, 1291]}},
{"id": "twmg9x", "name": "Jill from VA-11 HALL-A", "description": "Jill from the indie game VA-11 HALL-A, sitting at her kotatsu, as seen at the end of workdays in the game.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.reddit.com/r/waifubartending/comments/twf172/i_designed_the_template_for_jill_on_rplace_check/"], "subreddit": ["waifubartending"]}, "path": {"109-166, T:0-1": [[535, 1598], [535, 1550], [492, 1550], [492, 1562], [486, 1562], [486, 1591], [492, 1591], [492, 1599]]}, "center": {"109-166, T:0-1": [512, 1574]}},
{"id": "twmg8y", "name": "TF2", "description": "The two games pictured, Team Fortress 2 and Titanfall 2, are both games that have been neglected by their developers, have unique takes on a first-person shooter game, and are both shortened to TF2. They also share the same game engine and are troubled by bot crises. Also pictured are Source Engine, a game engine shared by both games, and \"Trust me\", a phrase said by BT-7274, a titan in Titanfall.\n\nThe art was moved to the right of r/kurzgesagt instead of the left due to their neighbors.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.teamfortress.com", "https://www.ea.com/games/titanfall/titanfall-2", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Team_Fortress_2", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanfall_2"], "subreddit": ["tf2", "titanfall2", "titanfall"]}, "path": {"11-102": [[657, 35], [657, 70], [707, 70], [707, 35]], "3-10": [[657, 48], [657, 70], [664, 70], [664, 74], [672, 82], [683, 82], [707, 70], [707, 48]], "103-166, T:0-1": [[790, 35], [840, 35], [840, 70], [790, 70]]}, "center": {"11-102": [682, 53], "3-10": [680, 65], "103-166, T:0-1": [815, 53]}},
{"id": "twmg7n", "name": "Tower of Formula 1 Champions", "description": "A Formula 1 timing tower featuring the previous F1 world champions in order, as well as tributes to the late Anthoine Hubert and Jules Bianchi.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formula_One_World_Champion"], "subreddit": ["formula1"]}, "path": {"56-166, T:0-1": [[1392, 752], [1418, 752], [1418, 806], [1392, 806]]}, "center": {"56-166, T:0-1": [1405, 779]}},
@ -1472,7 +1472,7 @@
{"id": "twtkki", "name": "Flag of Ireland", "description": "The Republic of Ireland is a country in north-western Europe. It consists of most of the island of Ireland.\n\nThis flag features a pint of Guinness connecting to a French bottle of wine. Next to it is a hurley and sliotar, used in the traditional Irish sport of hurling; the hurley is connected to a French baguette. Below these is a crest of the four provinces of Ireland; Munster, Ulster, Connacht, and Leinster. Underneath is an image of Mr. Tayto, the mascot of the Irish brand of crisps Tayto. Going through the r/AnarchyChess section, their checkerboard is designed in a tricolour pattern. Below this, it has the Panceltic flag.\n\nThis flag was built on the first day of r/place, and the Irish community are exceptionally proud of it. At first at war with the French flag above, peace was quickly declared and held for the remainder of r/place. The proximity inspired both countries to place national symbols on their sides, starting with the French wine and baguette complemented by an Irish Guinness. Ireland eventually expanded their offering to include the hurley and sliotar as well. An agreement with r/AnarchyChess was also made to merge the chessboard with the flag. The flag later went on to feature numerous collaborations with different communities, such as Evangelion, Purdue University, DFTBA, and Grand Order. Various hearts with neighbouring communities are also drawn, demonstrating the pride that the Irish server took in collaborating with their neighbours.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_Ireland", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Ireland"], "subreddit": ["PlaceIreland", "ireland"]}, "path": {"123-129": [[125, 484], [175, 484], [174, 726], [170, 730], [168, 734], [168, 740], [170, 744], [170, 747], [165, 756], [165, 759], [167, 763], [167, 765], [158, 773], [154, 781], [125, 781]], "130-165, 2-122, T:0-1": [[125, 497], [175, 497], [175, 582], [174, 582], [174, 726], [170, 730], [168, 734], [168, 740], [170, 744], [170, 747], [165, 756], [165, 759], [166, 760], [166, 766], [165, 766], [163, 764], [163, 762], [161, 761], [157, 761], [156, 762], [156, 764], [150, 764], [148, 765], [148, 768], [145, 768], [143, 769], [143, 771], [141, 773], [141, 777], [143, 779], [143, 781], [125, 781], [125, 780], [128, 777], [128, 765], [125, 765]]}, "center": {"123-129": [150, 509], "130-165, 2-122, T:0-1": [150, 522]}},
{"id": "twtkgy", "name": "Dagoth Ur", "description": "A small depiction of the villan of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind", "links": {"subreddit": ["Morrowind"]}, "path": {"109-165, T:0-1": [[1465, 1726], [1485, 1726], [1485, 1755], [1469, 1754], [1469, 1749], [1465, 1749]]}, "center": {"109-165, T:0-1": [1475, 1740]}},
{"id": "twtkff", "name": "Capybaras", "description": "Basically a giant guinea pig. Endemic to South American countries like Colombia.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capybara"], "subreddit": ["Colombia"]}, "path": {"109-165, T:0-1": [[375, 1297], [375, 1299], [373, 1299], [373, 1301], [370, 1304], [370, 1305], [372, 1307], [372, 1308], [373, 1309], [375, 1309], [376, 1310], [376, 1312], [377, 1313], [377, 1318], [376, 1319], [376, 1321], [370, 1321], [368, 1319], [366, 1319], [364, 1321], [364, 1323], [362, 1323], [360, 1325], [360, 1326], [358, 1326], [357, 1327], [356, 1327], [352, 1331], [352, 1339], [368, 1339], [368, 1338], [367, 1337], [367, 1335], [372, 1335], [375, 1332], [375, 1330], [371, 1326], [371, 1325], [370, 1324], [370, 1321], [376, 1321], [376, 1322], [383, 1322], [383, 1320], [384, 1319], [384, 1317], [390, 1317], [390, 1318], [388, 1320], [388, 1322], [393, 1322], [395, 1320], [395, 1318], [396, 1317], [396, 1315], [398, 1313], [400, 1313], [400, 1305], [394, 1299], [393, 1299], [392, 1298], [386, 1298], [385, 1299], [385, 1297], [383, 1295], [379, 1295], [379, 1297]]}, "center": {"109-165, T:0-1": [378, 1316]}},
{"id": "twtkar", "name": "Asexual flag", "description": "A pride flag representing the asexual community. Asexual people have no sexual attraction to others.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asexuality"], "subreddit": ["asexuality", "Asexual", "aaaaaaacccccccce"]}, "path": {"148-161": [[1653, 625], [1653, 637], [1737, 637], [1737, 627], [1722, 627], [1722, 624]], "56-147": [[1653, 624], [1653, 636], [1661, 636], [1661, 637], [1743, 637], [1743, 624]], "162-166, T:0-1": [[1722, 624], [1666, 624], [1666, 625], [1653, 625], [1653, 632], [1661, 632], [1661, 637], [1722, 637]]}, "center": {"148-161": [1712, 631], "56-147": [1699, 631], "162-166, T:0-1": [1688, 631]}},
{"id": "twtkar", "name": "Asexual flag", "description": "A pride flag representing the asexual community. Asexual people have no sexual attraction to others.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asexuality"], "subreddit": ["asexuality", "Asexual", "aaaaaaacccccccce"]}, "path": {"148-161": [[1653, 625], [1653, 637], [1737, 637], [1737, 627], [1722, 627], [1722, 621], [1676, 621], [1676, 624], [1673, 624], [1673, 625]], "58-147": [[1653, 620], [1653, 637], [1707, 637], [1707, 638], [1744, 638], [1744, 620]], "162-166, T:0-1": [[1722, 624], [1666, 624], [1666, 625], [1653, 625], [1653, 632], [1661, 632], [1661, 637], [1722, 637]]}, "center": {"148-161": [1695, 629], "58-147": [1716, 629], "162-166, T:0-1": [1688, 631]}},
{"id": "twtkac", "name": "megan9958's flower", "description": "a mysterious flower (originally created by u/megan9958) that appeared when the D-Cell group were building one of their earlier iterations of quaver (a character from the game they were representing). However, because it coincidentaly fit well into the art they were doing, They decided to keep it and carry it through every new attempt that they made.", "links": {}, "path": {"109-165, T:0-1": [[1364, 1281], [1365, 1280], [1366, 1281], [1365, 1282]]}, "center": {"109-165, T:0-1": [1365, 1281]}},
{"id": "twtk6b", "name": "Youmu Konpaku", "description": "Swordswoman from Touhou 7: Perfect Cherry Blossom. She serves Yuyuko.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Youmu_Konpaku"], "subreddit": ["touhou"], "discord": ["UVkWNdhQ"]}, "path": {"58-166, T:0-1": [[1708, 794], [1709, 793], [1715, 793], [1716, 794], [1717, 793], [1721, 791], [1722, 790], [1725, 790], [1725, 795], [1723, 799], [1724, 801], [1726, 802], [1727, 803], [1725, 805], [1723, 804], [1722, 806], [1720, 806], [1718, 809], [1717, 808], [1716, 808], [1715, 809], [1716, 810], [1718, 809], [1721, 807], [1722, 808], [1727, 806], [1728, 807], [1727, 810], [1724, 812], [1722, 812], [1719, 813], [1720, 814], [1723, 814], [1724, 815], [1721, 817], [1720, 819], [1719, 819], [1721, 821], [1721, 822], [1715, 822], [1715, 821], [1710, 821], [1710, 822], [1704, 822], [1704, 821], [1706, 819], [1704, 819], [1702, 817], [1700, 816], [1700, 812], [1705, 812], [1705, 810], [1704, 809], [1708, 808], [1705, 804], [1704, 803], [1704, 799]]}, "center": {"58-166, T:0-1": [1712, 801]}},
{"id": "twtjno", "name": "Arceus", "description": "Arceus is the god of the Pokémon world and the creator of everything in the Pokémon series of video games, introduced in the Generation IV games (Pokémon Diamond/Pearl) with National Pokédex number 493. It is said to have emerged from an egg in a place where there was nothing, then shaped the world. Arceus is also the titular Pokémon of Game Freak's open-world Pokémon game, Pokémon Legends: Arceus.\n\nThis piece was created by Pokémon in r/place, and was allied with its surrounding friends, including the letters H and A, as well as the Pachirisu OC to the side.", "links": {"website": ["https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Arceus_(Pok%C3%A9mon)"], "subreddit": ["pokemon"]}, "path": {"56-166, T:0-1": [[1646, 539], [1646, 536], [1647, 536], [1647, 534], [1648, 534], [1648, 532], [1647, 532], [1647, 529], [1648, 529], [1648, 528], [1649, 528], [1649, 530], [1652, 530], [1660, 525], [1661, 527], [1660, 528], [1659, 532], [1657, 532], [1656, 537], [1659, 536], [1661, 537], [1662, 536], [1660, 534], [1660, 533], [1662, 533], [1663, 534], [1666, 533], [1666, 535], [1672, 531], [1671, 534], [1671, 535], [1669, 538], [1668, 538], [1670, 541], [1669, 542], [1668, 543], [1669, 544], [1669, 547], [1666, 546], [1666, 547], [1663, 547], [1660, 545], [1657, 550], [1656, 550], [1653, 548], [1651, 547], [1651, 541], [1649, 539]]}, "center": {"56-166, T:0-1": [1656, 542]}},
@ -3536,7 +3536,7 @@
{"id": "tx5aeb", "name": "SMG3", "description": "SMG3 is a character from the SMG4 universe. At the same time, it can also mean a YouTuber who records general content, but it is not canonical in SMG4.", "links": {"website": ["https://smg3-snitchprod.website"], "subreddit": ["SMG4"]}, "path": {"109-166, T:0-1": [[948, 1663], [960, 1663], [960, 1678], [948, 1678]]}, "center": {"109-166, T:0-1": [954, 1671]}},
{"id": "tx5acw", "name": "Duodji", "description": "Duodji, the Sámi handicraft, including the Niibi (knife) and Guksi (burl cup). Duodji are typically made from wood, bone, antlers, and leather.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duodji"], "subreddit": ["place_nordicunion", "SaamiPeople"]}, "path": {"92-140": [[478, 62], [475, 69], [475, 85], [480, 90], [482, 88], [481, 87], [481, 69], [478, 61]], "141-166, T:0-1": [[475, 65], [475, 85], [480, 90], [484, 90], [485, 91], [489, 91], [493, 88], [493, 86], [491, 84], [484, 84], [482, 86], [481, 86], [481, 65]]}, "center": {"92-140": [478, 83], "141-166, T:0-1": [486, 87]}},
{"id": "tx5ac5", "name": "Mug Moment", "description": "An edited version of the Mug root beer logo, reading \"Mug Moment\" as a reference to the popular internet meme. It was made and maintained by a dedicated Discord server working in coordination with r/196, where the meme was prevalent. The art was drawn over in the final minutes of r/place by YouTuber and Twitch streamer Dream, who considered it to be advertising and directed his followers to replace it with the logo of Marvel's Spider-Man.", "links": {"website": ["https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/mug-root-beer-mug-moment"], "subreddit": ["196", "vinesauce"]}, "path": {"109-166, T:0-1": [[644, 1693], [645, 1693], [646, 1693], [646, 1691], [648, 1689], [653, 1687], [687, 1686], [692, 1690], [693, 1716], [691, 1716], [691, 1718], [689, 1719], [689, 1731], [686, 1731], [685, 1730], [681, 1730], [681, 1729], [680, 1728], [658, 1728], [658, 1729], [655, 1729], [653, 1729], [651, 1728], [648, 1724], [648, 1721], [648, 1719], [645, 1718], [644, 1713]]}, "center": {"109-166, T:0-1": [669, 1707]}},
{"id": "tx59s0", "name": "Mouse City", "description": "Mouse City is a Discord community for the game osu! for the mouse-only community, players who only play the game with a mouse. The mouse icon is from the official osu! website.", "links": {"website": ["https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10tzxu_mvysFg47WptB-AgPNvyVk9MVht8yobuom76ps", "https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/en/Gameplay/Play_style"]}, "path": {"116-166, T:0-1": [[1687, 689], [1687, 694], [1695, 702], [1695, 721], [1694, 722], [1694, 724], [1695, 724], [1700, 719], [1704, 717], [1707, 717], [1707, 712], [1703, 707], [1703, 699], [1704, 694], [1708, 690], [1708, 689]]}, "center": {"116-166, T:0-1": [1697, 695]}},
{"id": "tx59s0", "name": "Mouse City", "description": "Mouse City is a Discord community for the game osu! for the mouse-only community, players who only play the game with a mouse. The mouse icon is from the official osu! website.", "links": {"website": ["https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10tzxu_mvysFg47WptB-AgPNvyVk9MVht8yobuom76ps", "https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/en/Gameplay/Play_style"]}, "path": {"84-115": [[1689, 698], [1687, 700], [1687, 706], [1690, 709], [1692, 709], [1694, 707], [1703, 707], [1703, 705], [1698, 705], [1698, 701], [1700, 701], [1702, 699], [1702, 693], [1700, 691], [1698, 691], [1696, 693], [1696, 694], [1690, 694], [1690, 697]], "116-166, T:0-1": [[1687, 689], [1687, 694], [1695, 702], [1695, 721], [1694, 722], [1694, 724], [1695, 724], [1700, 719], [1704, 717], [1707, 717], [1707, 712], [1703, 707], [1703, 699], [1704, 694], [1708, 690], [1708, 689]]}, "center": {"84-115": [1693, 702], "116-166, T:0-1": [1697, 695]}},
{"id": "tx59ry", "name": "Cool", "description": "Well-known star grinder in the Geometry Dash community, currently ranked #2 on the leaderboards.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwgIVc7OEkbY7z9LkXOxaLQ"], "subreddit": ["geometrydashplace"]}, "path": {"109-166, T:0-1": [[605, 1711], [605, 1717], [611, 1717], [611, 1711]]}, "center": {"109-166, T:0-1": [608, 1714]}},
{"id": "tx59mv", "name": "Sunflower", "description": "This sunflower was placed in front of the Brazilian yellow ipê tree by a group of users unaffiliated with Brazil, and warred with Brazil to maintain its place. Two days of fighting for the final picture! Thanks! <3 CG Team", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helianthus"]}, "path": {"106-108": [[1022, 612], [1022, 616], [1023, 616], [1023, 619], [1024, 619], [1026, 617], [1026, 612]], "109-115": [[1020, 612], [1020, 616], [1021, 616], [1021, 619], [1022, 619], [1024, 617], [1024, 612]], "138-165, T:0-1": [[1021, 609], [1019, 611], [1019, 612], [1021, 614], [1021, 616], [1022, 616], [1024, 614], [1024, 611], [1022, 609]]}, "center": {"106-108": [1024, 614], "109-115": [1022, 614], "138-165, T:0-1": [1022, 612]}},
{"id": "tx59a0", "name": "Eastside Vagos", "description": "The Eastside Vagos (ESV) are a renowned criminal gang on the Grand Theft Auto V role-play server NoPixel.", "links": {"website": ["https://nopixel.fandom.com/wiki/Vagos"], "subreddit": ["NoPixel"]}, "path": {"56-165, T:0-1": [[1334, 779], [1362, 779], [1362, 793], [1334, 793]]}, "center": {"56-165, T:0-1": [1348, 786]}},
@ -3761,7 +3761,7 @@
{"id": "txa3o2", "name": "Illimani", "description": "El Illimani, con 6.460 metros sobre el nivel del mar, es una montaña de Bolivia, ubicada cerca de la ciudad de La Paz. Es la mayor altura de la Cordillera Real y la segunda de Bolivia.", "links": {"subreddit": ["BOLIVIA"]}, "path": {"109-166, T:0-1": [[1390, 1232], [1450, 1233], [1440, 1223], [1437, 1222], [1429, 1215], [1425, 1217], [1417, 1215], [1413, 1219], [1409, 1216], [1392, 1231]]}, "center": {"109-166, T:0-1": [1421, 1226]}},
{"id": "txa3nn", "name": "The Cuke", "description": "A cucumber commemorating Marshall's World X stream and his watchers.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.twitch.tv/marshallsworldx"], "subreddit": ["none"]}, "path": {"109-166, T:0-1": [[529, 1495], [520, 1495], [520, 1497], [517, 1498], [517, 1500], [522, 1508], [524, 1508], [527, 1507], [528, 1507], [528, 1510], [527, 1510], [527, 1512], [531, 1512], [531, 1510], [531, 1500], [530, 1500], [529, 1500], [529, 1499], [528, 1498], [528, 1497], [528, 1496]]}, "center": {"109-166, T:0-1": [525, 1502]}},
{"id": "txa37g", "name": "Bear emoticon", "description": "A classic bear emoticon, which was a form of emotive text faces from before emojis were a thing. A pencil lays beside it.", "links": {"website": ["https://cutekaomoji.com/animals/bears/"]}, "path": {"109-167, T:0-1": [[1376, 1808], [1376, 1815], [1399, 1815], [1399, 1808]]}, "center": {"109-167, T:0-1": [1388, 1812]}},
{"id": "txa340", "name": "Nonbinary flag", "description": "small pride flag representing nonbinary people", "links": {}, "path": {"56-166, T:0-1": [[1699, 619], [1699, 621], [1708, 621], [1709, 620], [1707, 619], [1700, 619]]}, "center": {"56-166, T:0-1": [1704, 620]}},
{"id": "txa340", "name": "Non-binary flag", "description": "A pride flag representing the non-binary community. Non-binary people identify as a gender other than only male or female. The non-binary flag was created in 2014 by Kye Rowan. The different ways people can have a non-binary gender is represented by each color.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-binary_gender"], "subreddit": ["NonBinary"]}, "path": {"135-162": [[1698, 618], [1698, 623], [1708, 623], [1708, 618]], "163-166, T:0-1": [[1700, 618], [1700, 620], [1699, 621], [1699, 623], [1708, 623], [1708, 618]]}, "center": {"135-162": [1703, 621], "163-166, T:0-1": [1704, 621]}},
{"id": "txa2jh", "name": "Cuban Flag", "description": "A Cuban flag that was made as part of yuukibunny's army and then maintained and edited by members of r/placecuba and their discord", "links": {"subreddit": ["placecuba"]}, "path": {"109-165, T:0-1": [[1120, 1360], [1142, 1361], [1142, 1370], [1116, 1370], [1116, 1360], [1118, 1360], [1119, 1361]]}, "center": {"109-165, T:0-1": [1129, 1365]}},
{"id": "txa2cx", "name": "Jopping", "description": "\"Jopping\" is the debut single by the South Korean K-pop boy group SuperM, consisting of Taemin, Baekhyun, Kai, Taeyong, Mark, Ten, and Lucas.. Released in 2019, the song's title is a portmanteau of \"jumping\" and \"popping\". The release became an instant meme among K-pop fandoms for its lyrics, catchiness, and the concept behind the group's creation. The most popular lines were sung by Mark: \"Uh, ya think ya big boy throwin' three stacks, I'm-a show ya how to ball you a mismatch. Opinionated but I'm always spittin' straight facts, throwback I might throw this on an eight track\".\n\nJopping is one of the most prominent memes on circlejerk subreddit r/kpoopheads, which led the project to write it on r/place 2022.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAnK1y7qjuE", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jopping"], "subreddit": ["kpoopheads", "superm"]}, "path": {"64-164, T:0-1": [[1390, 561], [1422, 561], [1422, 569], [1390, 569]]}, "center": {"64-164, T:0-1": [1406, 565]}},
{"id": "txa292", "name": "TGM", "description": "A joint effort between u/TheGoldMustache and students at Technologisches Gewerbemuseum, an Austrian high school with the same initials.", "links": {"website": ["https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technologisches_Gewerbemuseum"], "subreddit": ["TheGoldMustache"]}, "path": {"109-165, T:0-1": [[1612, 1918], [1612, 1930], [1634, 1930], [1634, 1918]]}, "center": {"109-165, T:0-1": [1623, 1924]}},
@ -5589,7 +5589,7 @@
{"id": "txy7h0", "name": "Slimebo", "description": "The Minecraft skin of Slimebo, a small community Minecraft plugin developer. Slimebo's skin was created by Nexlevl. <3", "links": {"subreddit": ["CursedExcerium"]}, "path": {"109-166, T:0-1": [[485, 1674], [485, 1668], [479, 1668], [479, 1675], [485, 1675]]}, "center": {"109-166, T:0-1": [482, 1672]}},
{"id": "txy6vw", "name": "u/Bitstained's goblin", "description": "A lone goblin represented by a lone man. Was erased and rebuilt several times, and finally settled here, with Proller's little dude acting as his noble steed.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.reddit.com/user/Bitstained/"]}, "path": {"80-87": [[143, 305], [143, 309], [144, 309], [144, 312], [148, 312], [148, 309], [149, 309], [149, 305]], "159-165, T:0-1": [[166, 290], [166, 294], [167, 294], [167, 297], [169, 297], [169, 296], [169, 297], [171, 297], [171, 294], [172, 294], [172, 290], [170, 290], [170, 291], [168, 291], [168, 290]]}, "center": {"80-87": [146, 308], "159-165, T:0-1": [169, 293]}},
{"id": "txy64o", "name": "Jules", "description": "Jules, a 17 year old gym rat that will be immortalized on art forever, Owner of Infury.", "links": {"website": ["https://[infuryfitness.com](https://infuryfitness.com)"]}, "path": {"109-166, T:0-1": [[1711, 1122], [1711, 1130], [1729, 1129], [1730, 1121], [1711, 1121]]}, "center": {"109-166, T:0-1": [1720, 1125]}},
{"id": "txy5te", "name": "Perry the Platypus", "description": "A secret agent platypus from the 2007 animated TV series Phineas and Ferb.", "links": {"website": ["https://phineasandferb.fandom.com/wiki/Perry_the_Platypus"], "subreddit": ["phineasandferb"]}, "path": {"56-166, T:0-1": [[1705, 625], [1704, 624], [1703, 624], [1702, 623], [1703, 622], [1702, 621], [1703, 620], [1705, 620], [1706, 621], [1707, 621], [1708, 622], [1709, 622], [1710, 623], [1709, 624], [1708, 624], [1707, 625], [1706, 624]]}, "center": {"56-166, T:0-1": [1706, 622]}},
{"id": "txy5te", "name": "Perry the Platypus", "description": "A secret agent platypus from the 2007 animated TV series Phineas and Ferb.", "links": {"website": ["https://phineasandferb.fandom.com/wiki/Perry_the_Platypus"], "subreddit": ["phineasandferb"]}, "path": {"163-166, T:0-1": [[1702, 621], [1702, 624], [1704, 624], [1704, 625], [1708, 625], [1708, 624], [1710, 624], [1710, 622], [1708, 622], [1708, 621], [1706, 621], [1704, 619]]}, "center": {"163-166, T:0-1": [1706, 623]}},
{"id": "txy534", "name": "Revue Starlight", "description": "Kirin (Giraffe) symbol and mascot of Revue Starlight, a gacha/anime about musical theater plus Utena, where everyone and everything is extremely gay.\n\nIt was mostly maded by a group of Twitter users, one of them created several accounts to put the final pixels before /place was finished. Bananice!", "links": {"website": ["https://anilist.co/anime/98658/ShoujoKageki-Revue-Starlight/"], "subreddit": ["RevueStarlight"]}, "path": {"109-166, T:0-1": [[1939, 1044], [1939, 1074], [1969, 1074], [1969, 1044]]}, "center": {"109-166, T:0-1": [1954, 1059]}},
{"id": "txy52b", "name": "Gona89", "description": "A popular Spanish YouTuber and streamer, well-known for his Minecraft, Plants vs. Zombies, and other games of the like videos.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVrrU-Z0cxcVIX9uq40LoqA"]}, "path": {"109-166, T:0-1": [[1969, 1466], [1969, 1474], [1978, 1474], [1978, 1466]]}, "center": {"109-166, T:0-1": [1974, 1470]}},
{"id": "txy4ag", "name": "MiyuuWAH", "description": "A group of about 300 viewers led by twitch streamer Miyune contested this location for 11 hours and managed to put up one of her emotes - MiyuuWAH - in its entirety before eventually being defeated by the Epic 7 community.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.twitch.tv/miyune"]}, "path": {"124-136": [[1856, 1228], [1825, 1228], [1825, 1257], [1856, 1257]]}, "center": {"124-136": [1841, 1243]}},
@ -7670,7 +7670,7 @@
{"id": "ubz4ak", "name": "Flag of Chile", "description": "Chile is a country on the west coast of South America.\n\nThis flag is located above the Chilean town of Pomaire. It was created after gaining territory from the nearby LGBT pride flags.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chile", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Chile"], "subreddit": ["chile"]}, "path": {"109-165, T:0-1": [[1940, 1715], [1940, 1732], [1999, 1732], [1999, 1715]]}, "center": {"109-165, T:0-1": [1970, 1724]}},
{"id": "ubykss", "name": "Chile-Canada heart", "description": "A heart depicting the flags of Chile and Canada.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chile", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada"], "subreddit": ["chile", "placecanada", "canada"]}, "path": {"22-76, 80-106": [[244, 526], [250, 520], [250, 518], [247, 515], [246, 515], [245, 516], [243, 516], [242, 515], [241, 515], [238, 518], [238, 520]], "123-165, T:0-1": [[241, 517], [238, 520], [238, 522], [244, 528], [250, 522], [250, 520], [247, 517], [246, 517], [245, 518], [243, 518], [242, 517]]}, "center": {"22-76, 80-106": [244, 520], "123-165, T:0-1": [244, 522]}},
{"id": "ubyjqo", "name": "Andes Mountains", "description": "The longest mountain range in the world, spanning much of Chile and other countries on the west coast of South America.\n\nThis artwork has the flags of Chile flown on the peaks of the mountains.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andes"], "subreddit": ["chile"]}, "path": {"63-101": [[299, 492], [299, 453], [260, 492]], "102-107": [[299, 492], [299, 450], [264, 450], [264, 492]], "108-165, T:0-1": [[244, 450], [244, 498], [421, 498], [421, 450]]}, "center": {"63-101": [288, 481], "102-107": [282, 471], "108-165, T:0-1": [333, 474]}},
{"id": "ubxsaz", "name": "Void Entity", "description": "A spontaneous and uncoordinated figure formed in the Void. Whilst the group known as the Swarm maintained the art, They were not responsible for its creation.", "links": {"subreddit": ["theblackvoid", "theswarm"]}, "path": {"109-165, T:0-1": [[1012, 1304], [972, 1339], [975, 1354], [969, 1363], [970, 1376], [970, 1388], [980, 1408], [1003, 1433], [1021, 1437], [1036, 1425], [1054, 1410], [1070, 1389], [1072, 1367], [1058, 1344], [1028, 1309], [1014, 1303]]}, "center": {"109-165, T:0-1": [1018, 1372]}},
{"id": "ubxsaz", "name": "Void Entity", "description": "A spontaneous and uncoordinated figure formed in the Void. Whilst the group known as the Swarm maintained the art, They were not responsible for its creation.", "links": {"subreddit": ["theblackvoid", "theswarm"], "discord": ["2SBTh2Zt7y"]}, "path": {"109-165, T:0-1": [[1012, 1304], [972, 1339], [975, 1354], [969, 1363], [970, 1376], [970, 1388], [980, 1408], [1003, 1433], [1021, 1437], [1036, 1425], [1054, 1410], [1070, 1389], [1072, 1367], [1058, 1344], [1028, 1309], [1014, 1303]]}, "center": {"109-165, T:0-1": [1018, 1372]}},
{"id": "ubwkme", "name": "INSA Strasbourg", "description": "The Strasbourg location of French engineering school INSA.", "links": {"website": ["http://www.insa-strasbourg.fr/"], "subreddit": ["insa"]}, "path": {"161-165, T:0-1": [[35, 1073], [35, 1078], [38, 1078], [38, 1073]]}, "center": {"161-165, T:0-1": [37, 1076]}},
{"id": "ubwk45", "name": "INSA Rouen", "description": "The Rouen location of French engineering school INSA.", "links": {"website": ["http://www.insa-rouen.fr/"], "subreddit": ["insa"]}, "path": {"161-165, T:0-1": [[31, 1073], [31, 1078], [35, 1078], [35, 1073]]}, "center": {"161-165, T:0-1": [33, 1076]}},
{"id": "ubwjpi", "name": "INSA Rennes", "description": "The Rennes location of French engineering school INSA.", "links": {"website": ["http://www.insa-rennes.fr/"], "subreddit": ["insa"]}, "path": {"161-164, T:0-1": [[27, 1073], [27, 1078], [31, 1078], [31, 1073]]}, "center": {"161-164, T:0-1": [29, 1076]}},
@ -7965,7 +7965,7 @@
{"id": "vzxaoi", "name": "Dygn", "description": "The logo of Dygn, creator and developer of the io game Gats.io.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.gats.io", "https://stats.gats.io"], "subreddit": ["gatsio"]}, "path": {"112-134": [[304, 1888], [304, 1893], [309, 1893], [309, 1888]], "135-144": [[301, 1884], [301, 1891], [308, 1891], [308, 1884]]}, "center": {"112-134": [307, 1891], "135-144": [305, 1888]}},
{"id": "w2dudh", "name": "Goblins", "description": "The Minecraft anarchy group Goblin Gang's iconic goblin face", "links": {"discord": ["aamgpBZyvF"]}, "path": {"126-136": [[899, 1980], [906, 1980], [906, 1987], [899, 1987]]}, "center": {"126-136": [903, 1984]}},
{"id": "w2xw3c", "name": "المغرب", "description": "\"Morocco\" written in Arabic. Romanizes to \"al-Maghrib\", which means \"The West\".", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabic"], "subreddit": ["Morocco"]}, "path": {"29-48": [[223, 69], [223, 77], [243, 77], [243, 69]]}, "center": {"29-48": [233, 73]}},
{"id": "w4mb6b", "name": "Super Bowl LI", "description": "Super Bowl LI was an American football championship game in the National Football League (NFL) played on February 5, 2017 between the New England Patriots and the Atlanta Falcons. This scoreboard depicts the Falcons leading 28-3 in the third quarter. Later on, The Patriots came back from this deficit and won the game in overtime. This turn of events resulted in the nickname \"28-3\" and memes about the Falcons losing their 25-point lead.\n\nThis scoreboard was drawn by the Patriots community as a repeat of the first r/place event. However, This was frequently targeted by the streamer brucedropemoff, a Falcons fan. The Patriots community eventually relocated and drew the Patriots logo instead.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl_LI", "https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/super-bowl-li"], "subreddit": ["Patriots"]}, "path": {"10-29": [[245, 45], [245, 83], [300, 83], [300, 45]], "56-136": [[1631, 588], [1631, 620], [1678, 620], [1678, 588]]}, "center": {"10-29": [273, 64], "56-136": [1655, 604]}},
{"id": "w4mb6b", "name": "Super Bowl LI", "description": "Super Bowl LI was an American football championship game in the National Football League (NFL) played on February 5, 2017 between the New England Patriots and the Atlanta Falcons. This scoreboard depicts the Falcons leading 28-3 in the third quarter. Later on, the Patriots came back from this deficit and won the game in overtime. This turn of events resulted in the nickname \"28-3\" and memes about the Falcons losing their 25-point lead.\n\nThis scoreboard was drawn by the Patriots community as a repeat of the first r/place event. However, this was frequently targeted by the streamer brucedropemoff, a Falcons fan. The Patriots community eventually drew the Patriots logo instead.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl_LI", "https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/super-bowl-li"], "subreddit": ["Patriots"]}, "path": {"10-29": [[245, 45], [245, 83], [300, 83], [300, 45]], "56-136": [[1631, 588], [1631, 620], [1678, 620], [1678, 588]]}, "center": {"10-29": [273, 64], "56-136": [1655, 604]}},
{"id": "w4lvw7", "name": "Minecraft Hardcore hearts", "description": "Three hearts that appear in the game Minecraft, an infinite open-world sandbox game. Normally, you can respawn if you die, but if you die in Hardcore mode, you cannot respawn and must delete your save file. The hearts depicting player health change to this appearance in Hardcore mode.", "links": {"website": ["https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Hardcore"], "subreddit": ["Minecraft"]}, "path": {"1-18": [[218, 55], [215, 58], [215, 61], [220, 66], [242, 66], [246, 62], [246, 57], [244, 55]]}, "center": {"1-18": [231, 61]}},
{"id": "w6rh82", "name": "Adult Baby/Diaper Lovers", "description": "ABDL, or Adult Baby/Diaper Lovers, is a group of people who enjoy wearing diapers and/or acting like infants, for many different reasons. Here's a space for all of them, including the ABDL subreddit and Discord server.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraphilic_infantilism"], "subreddit": ["ABDL"], "discord": ["ABDL"]}, "path": {"72-100": [[1444, 216], [1439, 220], [1437, 225], [1437, 235], [1439, 238], [1439, 243], [1445, 248], [1445, 252], [1447, 254], [1451, 254], [1465, 265], [1489, 242], [1489, 226], [1484, 218], [1478, 214], [1443, 214]]}, "center": {"72-100": [1463, 236]}},
{"id": "w9kgjt", "name": "Maryland hearts", "description": "Hearts depicting the yellow/black portion of the flag of Maryland.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maryland"], "subreddit": ["maryland"]}, "path": {"20-44": [[272, 32], [270, 34], [270, 36], [274, 40], [283, 40], [287, 36], [287, 34], [285, 32]], "115-146, 70-87": [[254, 32], [252, 34], [252, 36], [256, 40], [292, 40], [296, 36], [296, 34], [294, 32]]}, "center": {"20-44": [279, 36], "115-146, 70-87": [274, 36]}},
@ -8150,7 +8150,7 @@
{"id": "xmg6k3", "name": "Kirby", "description": "Kirby is the titular protagonist of the Kirby video game series, developed by HAL Laboratory and published by Nintendo.", "links": {"website": ["https://kirby.nintendo.com/", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirby_(character)"], "subreddit": ["Kirby"]}, "path": {"76-88": [[1436, 7], [1436, 15], [1444, 15], [1444, 7]], "25-54": [[715, 237], [712, 240], [712, 244], [713, 245], [713, 250], [712, 251], [712, 252], [726, 252], [729, 249], [729, 247], [728, 246], [728, 242], [723, 237]], "3-12": [[336, 416], [331, 421], [331, 428], [333, 430], [345, 430], [347, 428], [347, 421], [343, 417], [341, 416]], "161-163": [[992, 431], [990, 433], [990, 438], [997, 438], [997, 433], [995, 431]], "62-67": [[1463, 517], [1459, 524], [1462, 529], [1471, 529], [1472, 528], [1474, 528], [1476, 526], [1471, 517]]}, "center": {"76-88": [1440, 11], "25-54": [720, 245], "3-12": [339, 423], "161-163": [994, 435], "62-67": [1468, 523]}},
{"id": "xmfvmr", "name": "Bisexual heart", "description": "A heart depicting the bisexual pride flag. Bisexual people are sexually attracted to both males and females.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisexuality"], "subreddit": ["bisexual"]}, "path": {"83-103": [[1413, 68], [1411, 70], [1411, 72], [1415, 76], [1419, 72], [1419, 70], [1417, 68]], "18-22": [[118, 256], [114, 260], [114, 261], [116, 263], [120, 263], [122, 261], [122, 260]]}, "center": {"83-103": [1415, 71], "18-22": [118, 260]}},
{"id": "xmfuiu", "name": "Flag of Cuba", "description": "Cuba is an island country in the Caribbean Sea.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuba", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Cuba"], "subreddit": ["placecuba"]}, "path": {"59-95": [[1437, 68], [1437, 74], [1447, 74], [1447, 72], [1448, 72], [1448, 68]]}, "center": {"59-95": [1443, 71]}},
{"id": "xmgwhv", "name": "Flag of France", "description": "France is a country in Western Europe.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/France", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_France"], "subreddit": ["placefrance", "franceplace", "placeFR", "france"]}, "path": {"147-151": [[1473, 72], [1473, 79], [1483, 79], [1483, 74], [1481, 74], [1481, 73], [1479, 73], [1479, 72]]}, "center": {"147-151": [1477, 76]}},
{"id": "xmgwhv", "name": "Flag of France", "description": "France is a country in Western Europe.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/France", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_France"], "subreddit": ["placefrance", "franceplace", "placeFR", "france"]}, "path": {"147-151": [[1473, 72], [1473, 79], [1483, 79], [1483, 74], [1481, 74], [1481, 73], [1479, 73], [1479, 72]], "143-145": [[1653, 620], [1653, 625], [1663, 625], [1663, 620]]}, "center": {"147-151": [1477, 76], "143-145": [1658, 623]}},
{"id": "xmh2kn", "name": "Commander Keen", "description": "A sprite of the titular Commander Keen from id Software's Commander Keen games.\n\nOne of the very first artworks after the first expansion, it lasted until almost the end when it was destroyed by the streamer xQc's infamous \"meteor\", and was not able to be rebuilt in time.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commander_Keen"]}, "path": {"56-123": [[1469, 83], [1466, 86], [1466, 101], [1468, 103], [1468, 110], [1470, 112], [1473, 110], [1475, 110], [1475, 93], [1477, 91], [1477, 86], [1474, 83]], "2-7": [[554, 431], [551, 434], [551, 438], [553, 440], [559, 441], [563, 437], [563, 436], [559, 431]]}, "center": {"56-123": [1472, 89], "2-7": [556, 436]}},
{"id": "xnar40", "name": "Bubble", "description": "Bubble is a bubble character in Battle for Dream Island.", "links": {"website": ["https://battlefordreamisland.fandom.com/wiki/Bubble"], "subreddit": ["BattleForDreamIsland"]}, "path": {"65-166, T:0-1": [[1568, 48], [1565, 53], [1565, 58], [1564, 58], [1564, 61], [1568, 61], [1568, 63], [1575, 63], [1575, 61], [1579, 61], [1579, 59], [1578, 59], [1578, 53], [1574, 48]]}, "center": {"65-166, T:0-1": [1572, 56]}},
{"id": "xnaq8d", "name": "Leafy", "description": "Leafy is a leaf character in the YouTube web series Battle for Dream Island.", "links": {"website": ["https://battlefordreamisland.fandom.com/wiki/Leafy"], "subreddit": ["BattleForDreamIsland"]}, "path": {"2-3": [[966, 166], [963, 168], [960, 172], [960, 181], [959, 182], [959, 184], [963, 184], [963, 188], [971, 188], [971, 184], [974, 184], [974, 180], [973, 180], [973, 172], [970, 168]], "56-60": [[1802, 500], [1802, 523], [1821, 523], [1821, 500]], "61-166, T:0-1": [[1583, 48], [1579, 53], [1579, 59], [1580, 60], [1580, 63], [1587, 63], [1587, 61], [1588, 61], [1588, 53], [1584, 48]]}, "center": {"2-3": [967, 177], "56-60": [1812, 512], "61-166, T:0-1": [1584, 56]}},
@ -8190,7 +8190,7 @@
{"id": "xnx3fr", "name": "Flag of Switzerland", "description": "Switzerland is a country in Central Europe.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switzerland", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Switzerland"], "subreddit": ["Switzerland"], "discord": ["JS9eFKty"]}, "path": {"6": [[259, 254], [256, 257], [259, 260], [262, 257]], "64-69": [[1644, 36], [1644, 47], [1655, 47], [1655, 36]]}, "center": {"6": [259, 257], "64-69": [1650, 42]}},
{"id": "xnx1h0", "name": "YouTube", "description": "YouTube is an American video sharing website.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.youtube.com/", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube"]}, "path": {"70-79": [[1642, 37], [1642, 47], [1655, 47], [1655, 37]]}, "center": {"70-79": [1649, 42]}},
{"id": "xnwy50", "name": "Non-binary flag", "description": "A pride flag representing the non-binary community. Non-binary people identify as a gender other than only male or female. The non-binary flag was created in 2014 by Kye Rowan. The different ways people can have a non-binary gender is represented by each color.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-binary_gender"], "subreddit": ["NonBinary"]}, "path": {"82-92": [[1646, 25], [1646, 30], [1649, 30], [1649, 25]]}, "center": {"82-92": [1648, 28]}},
{"id": "xnwvio", "name": "Bisexual flag", "description": "A pride flag representing the bisexual community. Bisexual people are sexually attracted to both males and females.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisexuality", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisexual_flag"], "subreddit": ["bisexual"]}, "path": {"83-87": [[1626, 9], [1626, 15], [1631, 15], [1631, 9]], "57-61": [[1703, 356], [1703, 360], [1712, 360], [1712, 356]]}, "center": {"83-87": [1629, 12], "57-61": [1708, 358]}},
{"id": "xnwvio", "name": "Bisexual flag", "description": "A pride flag representing the bisexual community. Bisexual people are sexually attracted to both males and females.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisexuality", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisexual_flag"], "subreddit": ["bisexual"]}, "path": {"83-87": [[1626, 9], [1626, 15], [1631, 15], [1631, 9]], "57-61": [[1703, 356], [1703, 360], [1712, 360], [1712, 356]], "T:0-1": [[1693, 618], [1693, 619], [1695, 622], [1699, 622], [1701, 619], [1701, 618]], "150-161": [[1693, 618], [1693, 622], [1699, 622], [1699, 618]], "162-166": [[1693, 618], [1693, 619], [1696, 622], [1699, 622], [1701, 620], [1701, 618]]}, "center": {"83-87": [1629, 12], "57-61": [1708, 358], "T:0-1": [1697, 620], "150-161": [1696, 620], "162-166": [1697, 620]}},
{"id": "xnwttv", "name": "Microsoft", "description": "Microsoft is an American technology company.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.microsoft.com/", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft"]}, "path": {"68-87": [[1625, 8], [1625, 16], [1633, 16], [1633, 8]], "59-61": [[1736, 35], [1736, 40], [1741, 40], [1741, 35]], "129-132": [[165, 270], [165, 275], [175, 275], [175, 270]], "1-6": [[825, 486], [825, 491], [830, 491], [830, 486]]}, "center": {"68-87": [1629, 12], "59-61": [1739, 38], "129-132": [170, 273], "1-6": [828, 489]}},
{"id": "xnxu6b", "name": "Battle for Dream Island", "description": "Battle for Dream Island (BFDI) is a YouTube web series where anthropomorphic objects compete in a competition to win the titular luxury island, Dream Island.\n\nThis art shows the contestants Golf Ball, Pencil, Match, Pen, and Eraser from BGDI. Next to them is the character Paint Brush from a related series, Inanimate Insanity.", "links": {"website": ["https://bfdi.tv/", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQa2-DY7Y_Q&list=PL24C8378F296DB656&ab_channel=jacknjellify"], "subreddit": ["BattleForDreamIsland"]}, "path": {"139-157": [[1620, 60], [1616, 64], [1616, 69], [1615, 69], [1615, 74], [1619, 74], [1619, 73], [1624, 73], [1624, 68], [1626, 66], [1626, 64], [1622, 60]]}, "center": {"139-157": [1621, 65]}},
{"id": "xnxr3f", "name": "Transgender flag", "description": "A pride flag representing the transgender community. Transgender people have a gender identity different from their sex assigned at birth.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_flag"]}, "path": {"66": [[1238, 323], [1234, 327], [1236, 329], [1238, 329], [1240, 326], [1240, 323]], "150-154": [[1615, 63], [1615, 69], [1617, 69], [1617, 63]], "146-148": [[1615, 65], [1615, 71], [1617, 71], [1617, 65]], "63-65": [[1238, 322], [1238, 328], [1245, 328], [1245, 322]], "56-58": [[1244, 351], [1242, 353], [1243, 354], [1243, 357], [1247, 357], [1247, 353], [1245, 351]], "30-34": [[605, 551], [605, 557], [638, 557], [638, 555], [629, 552], [625, 552], [624, 551]], "106-110, 113-127": [[53, 517], [53, 528], [92, 528], [92, 517]]}, "center": {"66": [1237, 327], "150-154": [1616, 66], "146-148": [1616, 68], "63-65": [1242, 325], "56-58": [1245, 354], "30-34": [620, 554], "106-110, 113-127": [73, 523]}},
@ -8791,7 +8791,7 @@
{"id": "yf85cg", "name": "Flag of Estonia", "description": "Estonia is a country in Northeastern Europe and one of the Baltic states.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estonia", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Estonia"], "subreddit": ["Eesti", "BalticStates"]}, "path": {"154": [[1894, 114], [1888, 120], [1888, 121], [1902, 121], [1902, 120], [1896, 114]], "57-61": [[1889, 100], [1879, 115], [1883, 125], [1955, 125], [1955, 120], [1958, 115], [1958, 100]], "136-139": [[1886, 103], [1886, 107], [1885, 108], [1885, 113], [1905, 113], [1905, 103]], "140-148": [[1888, 104], [1888, 114], [1891, 114], [1891, 104]], "130-135": [[1897, 103], [1897, 107], [1893, 107], [1893, 111], [1903, 111], [1903, 107], [1909, 107], [1909, 103]], "95-122": [[1892, 112], [1892, 116], [1898, 116], [1898, 112]], "90-94": [[1872, 112], [1872, 116], [1890, 116], [1890, 112]], "88-89": [[1888, 112], [1888, 116], [1897, 116], [1897, 112]], "84-87": [[1894, 112], [1894, 116], [1898, 116], [1898, 112]], "47-52": [[640, 558], [640, 586], [647, 586], [647, 558]]}, "center": {"154": [1895, 118], "57-61": [1919, 113], "136-139": [1895, 108], "140-148": [1890, 109], "130-135": [1900, 106], "95-122": [1895, 114], "90-94": [1881, 114], "88-89": [1893, 114], "84-87": [1896, 114], "47-52": [644, 572]}},
{"id": "yf7yo6", "name": "Flag of Latvia", "description": "Latvia is a country in Northeastern Europe and one of the Baltic states.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latvia", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Latvia"], "subreddit": ["latvia", "BalticStates"]}, "path": {"58-61": [[1886, 124], [1891, 147], [1902, 149], [1904, 147], [1950, 149], [1950, 131], [1955, 131], [1955, 124]], "127-133": [[1899, 103], [1899, 107], [1907, 107], [1907, 103]], "97-122": [[1887, 112], [1887, 116], [1893, 116], [1893, 112]], "92-96": [[1889, 112], [1889, 116], [1899, 116], [1899, 112]], "83-91": [[1891, 112], [1891, 116], [1901, 116], [1901, 112]], "46-52": [[647, 558], [647, 586], [654, 586], [654, 558]], "134-153, 155-166, T:0-1": [[1893, 115], [1888, 120], [1888, 121], [1902, 121], [1902, 120], [1897, 115]]}, "center": {"58-61": [1937, 136], "127-133": [1903, 105], "97-122": [1890, 114], "92-96": [1894, 114], "83-91": [1896, 114], "46-52": [651, 572], "134-153, 155-166, T:0-1": [1895, 118]}},
{"id": "yf7tei", "name": "Flag of Lithuania", "description": "Lithuania is a country in Northeastern Europe and one of the Baltic states.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithuania", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Lithuania"], "subreddit": ["lithuania", "BalticStates"]}, "path": {"58-61": [[1898, 148], [1892, 151], [1892, 153], [1896, 164], [1903, 165], [1907, 170], [1913, 170], [1920, 179], [1926, 180], [1936, 172], [1936, 169], [1950, 169], [1950, 163], [1952, 156], [1950, 148], [1931, 148], [1930, 146]], "125-135": [[1893, 103], [1893, 107], [1899, 107], [1899, 103]], "119-124": [[1897, 112], [1897, 116], [1904, 116], [1904, 112]], "101-118": [[1886, 103], [1886, 107], [1904, 107], [1904, 112], [1898, 112], [1898, 116], [1904, 116], [1904, 107], [1906, 107], [1906, 103]], "84-100": [[1898, 112], [1898, 116], [1904, 116], [1904, 112]]}, "center": {"58-61": [1924, 161], "125-135": [1896, 105], "119-124": [1901, 114], "101-118": [1888, 105], "84-100": [1901, 114]}},
{"id": "yf7tej", "name": "Flag of Lithuania", "description": "Lithuania is a country in Northeastern Europe and one of the Baltic states.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithuania", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Lithuania"], "subreddit": ["lithuania"]}, "path": {"42-45": [[858, 631], [858, 635], [873, 635], [874, 634], [877, 634], [877, 631]], "46-52": [[858, 631], [858, 633], [860, 635], [864, 635], [864, 631]], "39-41": [[858, 631], [858, 635], [865, 635], [865, 631]], "19-25, 5-15": [[67, 254], [64, 257], [67, 260], [70, 257]]}, "center": {"42-45": [868, 633], "46-52": [861, 633], "39-41": [862, 633], "19-25, 5-15": [67, 257]}},
{"id": "yf7tej", "name": "Flag of Lithuania", "description": "Lithuania is a country in Northeastern Europe and one of the Baltic states.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithuania", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Lithuania"], "subreddit": ["lithuania"]}, "path": {"56": [[1668, 647], [1668, 651], [1674, 651], [1674, 647]], "42-45": [[858, 631], [858, 635], [873, 635], [874, 634], [877, 634], [877, 631]], "46-52": [[858, 631], [858, 633], [860, 635], [864, 635], [864, 631]], "39-41": [[858, 631], [858, 635], [865, 635], [865, 631]], "19-25, 5-15": [[67, 254], [64, 257], [67, 260], [70, 257]]}, "center": {"56": [1671, 649], "42-45": [868, 633], "46-52": [861, 633], "39-41": [862, 633], "19-25, 5-15": [67, 257]}},
{"id": "yf6sn5", "name": "Kaliningrad Oblast", "description": "A map of Kaliningrad Oblast, the western-most region of Russia that is separated from the rest of Russia by Poland, Lithuania, and Belarus.\n\nAlthough Kaliningrad is part of Russia, this art used the flag of Ukraine as a background for most of its time on the canvas, a symbol of protest against Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine. Attempts to change the background to the Russian flag were quickly reverted.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaliningrad_Oblast", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Ukraine", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Russia"]}, "path": {"92-136": [[1898, 165], [1893, 169], [1893, 174], [1910, 173], [1903, 165]]}, "center": {"92-136": [1900, 169]}},
{"id": "yf6ivm", "name": "Germany", "description": "The country of Germany as it appears on a map, with the flag of Germany as the background.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germany", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Germany"], "subreddit": ["placeDE", "de", "germany"]}, "path": {"93-101": [[1803, 177], [1802, 183], [1802, 206], [1788, 206], [1785, 216], [1785, 222], [1800, 231], [1798, 238], [1798, 242], [1801, 244], [1803, 244], [1805, 241], [1807, 241], [1815, 249], [1819, 246], [1822, 246], [1824, 249], [1831, 248], [1832, 249], [1845, 239], [1835, 228], [1835, 226], [1850, 218], [1850, 213], [1853, 180], [1823, 172], [1811, 172]], "112-126": [[1840, 175], [1840, 225], [1848, 220], [1851, 220], [1853, 213], [1850, 210], [1851, 203], [1848, 192], [1851, 179], [1857, 175]]}, "center": {"93-101": [1827, 199], "112-126": [1846, 215]}},
{"id": "yf6dr3", "name": "Poland", "description": "The country of Poland as it appears on a map, with the flag of Poland as the background.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poland", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Poland"]}, "path": {"87-131": [[1857, 175], [1853, 176], [1849, 183], [1848, 191], [1848, 200], [1853, 218], [1863, 222], [1866, 228], [1873, 228], [1874, 230], [1880, 230], [1883, 237], [1903, 235], [1908, 238], [1912, 238], [1921, 223], [1921, 191], [1919, 179], [1910, 172], [1904, 174], [1892, 174], [1891, 175]]}, "center": {"87-131": [1892, 204]}},
@ -10056,7 +10056,7 @@
{"id": "zzz11b7a0i", "name": "Odd", "description": "Odd is a playable robot character in the game Odd Bot, hosted on the game platform Fancade.", "links": {"website": ["https://play.fancade.com/5D01F70D3373F2DD", "https://www.fancade.com/wiki/games/odd-bot"], "subreddit": ["Fancade"]}, "path": {"5-166, T:0-1": [[71, 691], [71, 704], [75, 704], [75, 703], [79, 703], [79, 691]]}, "center": {"5-166, T:0-1": [75, 698]}},
{"id": "zzz11ba3se", "name": "owo", "description": "A text emoticon used to indicate cuteness. The 'o' depicts eyes, while the 'w' depicts a mouth.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uwu", "https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=OwO"]}, "path": {"3-7": [[0, 695], [0, 699], [14, 699], [14, 695]]}, "center": {"3-7": [7, 697]}},
{"id": "zzz11b9u3e", "name": "Flag of the Second Spanish Republic", "description": "The Second Spanish Republic was Spain's governance from 1931 to 1939.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Spanish_Republic", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_Second_Spanish_Republic"], "subreddit": ["esPlace", "spain"]}, "path": {"9-14": [[0, 663], [0, 670], [12, 670], [15, 668], [15, 663]], "15-18": [[0, 657], [0, 670], [2, 670], [2, 657]]}, "center": {"9-14": [8, 667], "15-18": [1, 664]}},
{"id": "zzz11b9sc6", "name": "Flag of Italy", "description": "Italy, officially the Republic of Italy (Repubblica Italiana), is a country in Southern Europe.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italy", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Italy"], "subreddit": ["italy", "ItalyPlace", "placeitaly", "Italia"], "discord": ["4jbTuR2"]}, "path": {"7-15": [[71, 679], [71, 685], [78, 685], [78, 679]]}, "center": {"7-15": [75, 682]}},
{"id": "zzz11b9sc6", "name": "Flag of Italy", "description": "Italy, officially the Republic of Italy (Repubblica Italiana), is a country in Southern Europe.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italy", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Italy"], "subreddit": ["italy", "ItalyPlace", "placeitaly", "Italia"], "discord": ["4jbTuR2"]}, "path": {"7-15": [[71, 679], [71, 685], [78, 685], [78, 679]], "59-70": [[1693, 695], [1693, 725], [1697, 725], [1697, 695]]}, "center": {"7-15": [75, 682], "59-70": [1695, 710]}},
{"id": "zzz11b9lrg", "name": "pepeHYPE", "description": "A Twitch emote featuring meme character Pepe the Frog with his hands raised in excitement.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.frankerfacez.com/emoticon/316277-pepeHYPE"]}, "path": {"88-95": [[17, 617], [13, 623], [13, 636], [15, 639], [15, 643], [41, 643], [41, 638], [40, 638], [40, 633], [42, 630], [42, 625], [37, 618], [35, 618], [33, 620], [33, 621], [22, 621], [22, 620], [20, 617]]}, "center": {"88-95": [24, 632]}},
{"id": "zzz11b9k0s", "name": "Yeet", "description": "A slang word that indicates either enthusiasm or throwing an object.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.dictionary.com/browse/yeet"]}, "path": {"90-96": [[41, 634], [41, 641], [57, 641], [57, 634]]}, "center": {"90-96": [49, 638]}},
{"id": "zzz11b9f4f", "name": "Burning Super Death Sword", "description": "The Burning Super Death Sword is a meme from YouTuber Vargskelethor Joel of Vinesauce. In one of Joel's videos, he infected a Windows 7 computer with malware from website ads, including a custom cursor application named CursorMania. While in CursorMania, a flaming sword cursor caught Joel's attention, with Joel naming the cursor \"Burning Super Death Sword\".", "links": {"website": ["https://vinesauce.fandom.com/wiki/VargFren", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDpxx5UqrVU"], "subreddit": ["Vinesauce"]}, "path": {"26-166, T:0-1": [[94, 671], [94, 673], [96, 675], [95, 676], [95, 678], [98, 681], [98, 682], [102, 686], [103, 686], [105, 688], [111, 688], [111, 682], [109, 679], [104, 674], [103, 674], [101, 672], [97, 672], [96, 671]]}, "center": {"26-166, T:0-1": [103, 680]}},
@ -10161,13 +10161,13 @@
{"id": "zzz11ilvk9", "name": "Australia", "description": "The country of Australia as it appears on a map.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia"], "subreddit": ["straya", "australia", "aus_place"]}, "path": {"90-92": [[748, 608], [747, 635], [764, 635], [767, 637], [768, 637], [777, 619], [777, 608]]}, "center": {"90-92": [761, 621]}},
{"id": "zzz11japb9", "name": "Former location of EUC", "description": "The former location of the artwork for the EUC Undertale AU before it was destroyed by a streamer. The first EUC pixel art here was covered up by Avengers, and then when they moved, it was rebuilt in alliance with DeepWoken. This section says \"EUC\" (the name of the AU) and \"HFE\" (the name of one of the primary theories the AU uses, more info at [https://redd.it/vtyojk/](https://redd.it/vtyojk/)) along with showing the EUC heart logo.", "links": {"subreddit": ["euc_ut"], "discord": ["2vfVXWktJC"]}, "path": {"109-121": [[1626, 1689], [1627, 1700], [1645, 1701], [1646, 1689]]}, "center": {"109-121": [1636, 1695]}},
{"id": "twhc75", "name": "Shoot or Run", "description": "Shoot or Run is a housing in the Minecraft server Hypixel.", "links": {"website": ["https://hypixel.net/threads/shoot-or-run-the-original-housing.2591045/"], "subreddit": ["ShootOrRun"]}, "path": {"30-45": [[799, 599], [799, 607], [850, 607], [850, 599]]}, "center": {"30-45": [825, 603]}},
{"id": "zzz11kpgdr", "name": "Penis", "description": "A penis is an organ found in male organisms, used for outputting urine as waste and semen for reproduction. Human penises are often drawn for humorous effect.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_penis"]}, "path": {"2-7": [[822, 687], [816, 693], [816, 696], [819, 699], [819, 708], [814, 713], [814, 716], [818, 720], [820, 720], [824, 717], [826, 717], [828, 720], [831, 720], [834, 717], [834, 714], [829, 709], [829, 699], [831, 696], [831, 693], [826, 688], [824, 687]]}, "center": {"2-7": [824, 695]}},
{"id": "zzz11kpgdr", "name": "Penis", "description": "A penis is an organ found in male organisms, used for outputting urine as waste and semen for reproduction. Human penises are often drawn for humorous effect.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_penis"]}, "path": {"2-7": [[822, 687], [816, 693], [816, 696], [819, 699], [819, 708], [814, 713], [814, 716], [818, 720], [820, 720], [824, 717], [826, 717], [828, 720], [831, 720], [834, 717], [834, 714], [829, 709], [829, 699], [831, 696], [831, 693], [826, 688], [824, 687]], "56-63": [[1669, 597], [1666, 600], [1666, 603], [1664, 605], [1664, 609], [1666, 611], [1666, 616], [1668, 619], [1671, 619], [1673, 616], [1673, 611], [1675, 611], [1675, 605], [1673, 605], [1673, 600], [1670, 597]]}, "center": {"2-7": [824, 695], "56-63": [1670, 608]}},
{"id": "zzz11lgwno", "name": "Calm Down Rookie", "description": "A World of Warcraft guild currently playing WoW Classic on US Grobbulus - Alliance.", "links": {"discord": ["MD3VTyVabR"]}, "path": {"164": [[346, 1842], [356, 1842], [356, 1845], [346, 1845]]}, "center": {"164": [351, 1844]}},
{"id": "zzz11pon43", "name": "Venezuelan Coat of Arms", "description": "", "links": {}, "path": {"164": [[1206, 775], [1206, 774], [1211, 774], [1211, 775], [1212, 775], [1212, 779], [1211, 779], [1211, 780], [1210, 780], [1210, 781], [1207, 781], [1207, 780], [1206, 780], [1206, 779], [1205, 779], [1205, 775]]}, "center": {"164": [1209, 777]}},
{"id": "zzz11pokoe", "name": "Bitcoin icon", "description": "Bitcoin (₿) is a decentralized digital currency (cryptocurrency) without a central bank or single administrator. It can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer Bitcoin network without the need for intermediaries.", "links": {"website": ["https://bitcoin.org"]}, "path": {"164": [[969, 1545], [977, 1545], [977, 1553], [969, 1553]]}, "center": {"164": [973, 1549]}},
{"id": "zzz11pnljm", "name": "r/Paraguay", "description": "Subreddit focused on the country of Paraguay.", "links": {"subreddit": ["Paraguay"]}, "path": {"63-165, T:0-1": [[987, 687], [987, 692], [1028, 692], [1028, 687]]}, "center": {"63-165, T:0-1": [1008, 690]}},
{"id": "zzz11ptnlr", "name": "Agender flag", "description": "Agender, also known as genderless, is an identity to describe someone that entirely lacks a gender or with complete genderlessness. It falls under the non-binary umbrella in which one is not male, female, neutral, xenic, outherine, or any other gender. They may identify most strongly as just an individual, rather than as any given gender.", "links": {"website": ["https://lgbta.miraheze.org/wiki/Agender"]}, "path": {"14-21": [[929, 678], [929, 682], [933, 682], [933, 684], [943, 684], [943, 678]]}, "center": {"14-21": [936, 681]}},
{"id": "zzz11ptkll", "name": "Transgender flag", "description": "A pride flag representing the transgender community. Transgender people have a gender identity different from their sex assigned at birth.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_flag"]}, "path": {"21-29": [[905, 697], [905, 703], [921, 703], [921, 697]], "2-18": [[915, 678], [915, 684], [938, 684], [938, 678]]}, "center": {"21-29": [913, 700], "2-18": [927, 681]}},
{"id": "zzz11ptkll", "name": "Transgender flag", "description": "A pride flag representing the transgender community. Transgender people have a gender identity different from their sex assigned at birth.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_flag"]}, "path": {"21-29": [[905, 697], [905, 703], [921, 703], [921, 697]], "2-18": [[915, 678], [915, 684], [938, 684], [938, 678]], "136-162, T:0-1": [[1678, 618], [1678, 622], [1694, 622], [1694, 618]]}, "center": {"21-29": [913, 700], "2-18": [927, 681], "136-162, T:0-1": [1686, 620]}},
{"id": "zzz11pr3w5", "name": "Uruguay-Argentina heart", "description": "A heart depicting the flags of Uruguay and Argentina.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uruguay", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argentina"], "subreddit": ["uruguay", "argentina", "Republica_Argentina", "dankargentina"]}, "path": {"26-124": [[980, 660], [977, 663], [977, 665], [982, 670], [987, 665], [987, 663], [984, 660]]}, "center": {"26-124": [982, 664]}},
{"id": "zzz11pr22i", "name": "Love Live! Sunshine!!", "description": "Love Live! Sunshine!! is an anime franchise about school girls forming a school idol club in their high school.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.lovelive-anime.jp/worldwide/", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_Live!_Sunshine!!"], "subreddit": ["LoveLive"]}, "path": {"72-75": [[907, 624], [907, 631], [910, 634], [967, 634], [970, 631], [970, 623], [968, 621], [910, 621]]}, "center": {"72-75": [939, 628]}},
{"id": "zzz11puqh5", "name": "Anal", "description": "A word used to describe anything related to the anus. Often used colloquially to refer to excessive carefulness.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anal", "https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Anal"]}, "path": {"2-6": [[912, 669], [912, 675], [927, 675], [927, 674], [932, 674], [932, 667], [928, 667], [928, 668], [916, 668], [916, 669]]}, "center": {"2-6": [919, 671]}},
@ -10237,5 +10237,15 @@
{"id": "zzz11x84ed", "name": "Attlerock", "description": "The Attlerock is a moon of the planet Timber Hearth in Outer Wilds.", "links": {"website": ["https://outerwilds.fandom.com/wiki/Attlerock"], "subreddit": ["outerwilds"]}, "path": {"164": [[1666, 672], [1666, 674], [1668, 674]], "109-144, T:0-1": [[1665, 672], [1665, 674], [1667, 674], [1667, 672]], "145-158, 162-163": [[1664, 672], [1664, 674], [1666, 674], [1666, 672]], "159-161": [[1670, 677], [1670, 679], [1672, 679], [1672, 677]], "72-108": [[1664, 673], [1664, 675], [1666, 675], [1666, 673]], "67-71": [[1665, 673], [1665, 675], [1667, 675], [1667, 673]]}, "center": {"164": [1667, 674], "109-144, T:0-1": [1666, 673], "145-158, 162-163": [1665, 673], "159-161": [1671, 678], "72-108": [1665, 674], "67-71": [1666, 674]}},
{"id": "zzz11x81kg", "name": "Timber Hearth", "description": "Timber Hearth is a planet in the Outer Wilds solar system.", "links": {"website": ["https://outerwilds.fandom.com/wiki/Timber_Hearth"], "subreddit": ["outerwilds"]}, "path": {"67-73": [[1667, 674], [1665, 676], [1667, 678], [1669, 676]], "74-166, T:0-1": [[1667, 674], [1665, 676], [1665, 677], [1667, 679], [1668, 679], [1670, 677], [1670, 676], [1668, 674]]}, "center": {"67-73": [1667, 676], "74-166, T:0-1": [1668, 677]}},
{"id": "zzz11x7vkl", "name": "Hourglass Twins", "description": "The Hourglass Twins are a binary planet system in the Outer Wilds solar system.", "links": {"website": ["https://outerwilds.fandom.com/wiki/Hourglass_Twins"], "subreddit": ["outerwilds"]}, "path": {"67-70": [[1665, 651], [1663, 653], [1665, 655], [1665, 656], [1667, 658], [1669, 656], [1667, 654], [1667, 653]], "71-166, T:0-1": [[1664, 651], [1662, 653], [1664, 655], [1664, 656], [1666, 658], [1668, 656], [1666, 654], [1666, 653]]}, "center": {"67-70": [1665, 653], "71-166, T:0-1": [1664, 653]}},
{"id": "zzz11x7u1l", "name": "White Hole", "description": "The White Hole is a singularity on the outskirts of the Outer Wilds solar system.", "links": {"website": ["https://outerwilds.fandom.com/wiki/White_Hole"], "subreddit": ["outerwilds"]}, "path": {"93-127": [[1683, 638], [1683, 641], [1686, 641], [1686, 638]], "129-166, 73-92, T:0-1": [[1682, 638], [1682, 641], [1685, 641], [1685, 638]]}, "center": {"93-127": [1685, 640], "129-166, 73-92, T:0-1": [1684, 640]}}
{"id": "zzz11x7u1l", "name": "White Hole", "description": "The White Hole is a singularity on the outskirts of the Outer Wilds solar system.", "links": {"website": ["https://outerwilds.fandom.com/wiki/White_Hole"], "subreddit": ["outerwilds"]}, "path": {"93-127": [[1683, 638], [1683, 641], [1686, 641], [1686, 638]], "129-166, 73-92, T:0-1": [[1682, 638], [1682, 641], [1685, 641], [1685, 638]]}, "center": {"93-127": [1685, 640], "129-166, 73-92, T:0-1": [1684, 640]}},
{"id": "zzz11x7u1m", "name": "Brittle Hollow", "description": "Brittle Hollow is a planet in the Outer Wilds solar system.", "links": {"website": ["https://outerwilds.fandom.com/wiki/Brittle_Hollow"], "subreddit": ["outerwilds"]}, "path": {"67-73": [[1705, 673], [1703, 675], [1705, 677], [1707, 675]], "74-166, T:0-1": [[1705, 673], [1703, 675], [1703, 676], [1705, 678], [1706, 678], [1708, 676], [1708, 675], [1706, 673]]}, "center": {"67-73": [1705, 675], "74-166, T:0-1": [1706, 676]}},
{"id": "zzz11y5n7r", "name": "White Hole Station", "description": "White Hole Station is a space station near the White Hole in Outer Wilds.", "links": {"website": ["https://outerwilds.fandom.com/wiki/White_Hole_Station"], "subreddit": ["outerwilds"]}, "path": {"75": [[1686, 637], [1686, 639], [1689, 639], [1689, 637]], "113-127": [[1687, 637], [1687, 640], [1689, 640], [1689, 637]], "102-112": [[1686, 637], [1686, 640], [1688, 640], [1688, 637]], "129-166, 78-87, T:0-1": [[1685, 637], [1685, 640], [1687, 640], [1687, 637]]}, "center": {"75": [1688, 638], "113-127": [1688, 639], "102-112": [1687, 639], "129-166, 78-87, T:0-1": [1686, 639]}},
{"id": "zzz11y5jvz", "name": "Giant's Deep", "description": "Giant's Deep is a planet in the Outer Wilds solar system.", "links": {"website": ["https://outerwilds.fandom.com/wiki/Giant%27s_Deep"], "subreddit": ["outerwilds"]}, "path": {"67-166, T:0-1": [[1705, 647], [1702, 650], [1702, 651], [1705, 654], [1706, 654], [1709, 651], [1709, 650], [1706, 647]]}, "center": {"67-166, T:0-1": [1706, 651]}},
{"id": "zzz11y5itx", "name": "Interloper", "description": "Interloper is a comet in Outer Wilds.", "links": {"website": ["https://outerwilds.fandom.com/wiki/Interloper"], "subreddit": ["outerwilds"]}, "path": {"78-166, T:0-1": [[1704, 665], [1704, 667], [1707, 670], [1707, 672], [1709, 672], [1709, 668], [1706, 665]]}, "center": {"78-166, T:0-1": [1707, 668]}},
{"id": "zzz11y5gvj", "name": "Hollow's Lantern", "description": "Hollow's Lantern is a moon of the planet Brittle Hollow in Outer Wilds.", "links": {"website": ["https://outerwilds.fandom.com/wiki/Hollow%27s_Lantern"], "subreddit": ["outerwilds"]}, "path": {"156-162": [[1706, 678], [1706, 680], [1708, 680], [1708, 678]], "152-155": [[1706, 671], [1706, 673], [1708, 673], [1708, 671]], "110-126": [[1701, 677], [1701, 679], [1703, 679], [1703, 677]], "88-89": [[1700, 675], [1700, 677], [1702, 677], [1702, 675]], "71-73": [[1702, 676], [1702, 678], [1704, 678], [1704, 676]], "67-70": [[1705, 676], [1705, 678], [1707, 678], [1707, 676]], "127-135, 142-151, 164, 74-76, 84-87, T:0-1": [[1702, 677], [1702, 679], [1704, 679], [1704, 677]], "136-141, 79-83, 91-109": [[1701, 676], [1701, 678], [1703, 678], [1703, 676]]}, "center": {"156-162": [1707, 679], "152-155": [1707, 672], "110-126": [1702, 678], "88-89": [1701, 676], "71-73": [1703, 677], "67-70": [1706, 677], "127-135, 142-151, 164, 74-76, 84-87, T:0-1": [1703, 678], "136-141, 79-83, 91-109": [1702, 677]}},
{"id": "zzz11xv3cd", "name": "Void", "description": "The void is a large area of black pixels consuming art wherever it spreads.\n\nThis was the first coordinated void attack on r/place by r/theswarm, the bringers of the void.\n\nT̵͙̣͈̔he̷̗̣̰͉̒͐̽ ̸̬͚̔̊̒̄V̵̘̖̦͛̅̄͛ö̸̧̘̞̲͆i̸̻͉̙̿͛̃ḍ̸̜̅͜ ̴̝̟͂C̸̨̜͑o̸̡̤̙͑n̸̻̳̂ͅs̴̡̩̘͈̃u̵͈̩͌̃̃m̴͚͎̾̀̀͗e̷̘̕s̴̲̱̓ͅ ̷̮͍̏͊̿̆A̴̮̪̥̎l̴", "links": {"subreddit": ["theblackvoid", "theswarm"], "discord": ["2SBTh2Zt7y"]}, "path": {"1-5": [[1, 119], [73, 137], [101, 121], [119, 100], [126, 75], [125, 57], [142, 35], [127, 0], [0, 0], [0, 82], [0, 113]]}, "center": {"1-5": [63, 68]}},
{"id": "zzz11y5zqs", "name": "Eye of the Universe", "description": "The Eye of the Universe is an object older than the Outer Wilds universe. Reaching it is the overarching objectives of the game.", "links": {"website": ["https://outerwilds.fandom.com/wiki/Eye_of_the_Universe"], "subreddit": ["outerwilds"]}, "path": {"65-166, T:0-1": [[1690, 636], [1690, 644], [1686, 647], [1679, 640], [1678, 641], [1686, 649], [1686, 651], [1685, 650], [1679, 648], [1678, 649], [1680, 651], [1687, 653], [1690, 653], [1690, 656], [1673, 656], [1673, 658], [1689, 658], [1689, 674], [1691, 674], [1691, 659], [1696, 662], [1700, 662], [1700, 672], [1702, 674], [1703, 673], [1702, 672], [1702, 664], [1705, 664], [1706, 665], [1707, 664], [1705, 662], [1700, 660], [1700, 658], [1708, 658], [1708, 656], [1697, 656], [1698, 655], [1697, 654], [1697, 651], [1709, 639], [1708, 638], [1696, 650], [1696, 646], [1697, 645], [1696, 644], [1695, 645], [1694, 648], [1692, 648], [1692, 636]]}, "center": {"65-166, T:0-1": [1694, 655]}},
{"id": "zzz11y79ti", "name": "Pink Floyd", "description": "Pink Floyd is an English progressive rock band.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.pinkfloyd.com", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_Floyd"], "subreddit": ["pinkfloyd"]}, "path": {"83-96": [[1665, 692], [1665, 704], [1685, 704], [1685, 698], [1683, 698], [1683, 692]]}, "center": {"83-96": [1675, 698]}},
{"id": "zzz11y715q", "name": "Shut the fuck up TERFs!", "description": "A message expressing disapproval of TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists), people who advocate for women's equality but don't consider transgender women to be women.", "links": {"website": ["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TERF"]}, "path": {"121-127, 130-132": [[1661, 622], [1661, 635], [1693, 635], [1693, 623], [1691, 621], [1687, 621], [1686, 622]]}, "center": {"121-127, 130-132": [1677, 628]}},
{"id": "zzz11y7r4h", "name": "xQc", "description": "xQc (a.k.a. xQcOW; real name Félix Lengyel) is a popular Twitch streamer. His logo is a depiction of the character Winston from the game Overwatch.\n\nxQc was known by many as the public enemy of r/place, responsible for the many wars and destruction.", "links": {"website": ["https://www.twitch.tv/xqcow", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XQc"]}, "path": {"78-79": [[1675, 691], [1675, 779], [1760, 779], [1760, 691]]}, "center": {"78-79": [1718, 735]}}