/* ======================================================================== The 2022 /r/place Atlas An Atlas of Reddit's 2022 /r/place, with information to each artwork of the canvas provided by the community. Copyright (c) 2017 Roland Rytz Copyright (c) 2022 r/placeAtlas2 contributors Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 https://place-atlas.stefanocoding.me/license.txt ======================================================================== */ const timeConfig = [ { timestamp: 1648822500, url: "./_img/place/1648822500.png", image: null }, { timestamp: 1648847036, url: "./_img/place/1648847036.png", image: null }, { timestamp: 1648870452, url: "./_img/place/1648870452.png", image: null }, { timestamp: 1648893666, url: "./_img/place/1648893666.png", image: null }, { timestamp: 1648917500, url: "./_img/place/1648917500.png", image: null }, { timestamp: 1648942113, url: "./_img/place/1648942113.png", image: null }, { timestamp: 1648956234, url: "./_img/place/1648956234.png", image: null }, { timestamp: 1648968061, url: "./_img/place/1648968061.png", image: null }, { timestamp: 1648979987, url: "./_img/place/1648979987.png", image: null }, { timestamp: 1648992274, url: "./_img/place/1648992274.png", image: null }, { timestamp: 1649012915, url: "./_img/place/1649012915.png", image: null }, { timestamp: 1649037182, url: "./_img/place/1649037182.png", image: null }, { timestamp: 1649060793, url: "./_img/place/1649060793.png", image: null }, { timestamp: 1649084741, url: "./_img/place/1649084741.png", image: null }, { timestamp: 1649113199, url: "./_img/place/final.png", image: null, showAtlas: true, } ]; let timelineSlider = document.getElementById("timeControlsSlider"); let tooltip = document.getElementById("timeControlsTooltip") let image = document.getElementById("image"); let defaultPeriod = timeConfig.length - 1 let maxPeriod = timeConfig.length - 1 var period = defaultPeriod window.period = period // SETUP timelineSlider.max = timeConfig.length - 1; // document.querySelector('#period-group .period-start').max = defaultPeriod // document.querySelector('#period-group .period-end').max = defaultPeriod timelineSlider.value = timelineSlider.max; updateTime(timelineSlider.value) timelineSlider.addEventListener("input", (event) => { updateTime(parseInt(event.target.value)) }) // document.querySelector('#period-group .period-start').oninput = (event) => { // slider.value = parseInt(event.target.value) // updateTime(parseInt(event.target.value)) // }; // document.querySelector('#period-group .period-end').oninput = (event) => { // slider.value = parseInt(event.target.value) // updateTime(parseInt(event.target.value)) // }; const dispatchTimeUpdateEvent = (period = timelineSlider.value, atlas = atlas) => { const timeUpdateEvent = new CustomEvent('timeupdate', { detail: { period: period, atlas: atlas } }); document.dispatchEvent(timeUpdateEvent); } async function updateTime(currentPeriod) { period = currentPeriod let configObject = timeConfig[currentPeriod]; if (!configObject.image) { let fetchResult = await fetch(configObject.url); let imageBlob = await fetchResult.blob(); configObject.image = URL.createObjectURL(imageBlob); } image.src = configObject.image; // TEMP ATLAS ONLY ON LAST TIMESTAMP atlas = [] for ( var atlasIndex in atlasAll ) { var validPeriods = atlasAll[atlasIndex].period var isValid = false if (validPeriods === undefined) validPeriods = defaultPeriod + "" if (typeof validPeriods === "string") { validPeriods.split(', ').some(period => { if (period.search('-') + 1) { var [before, after] = period.split('-') if (currentPeriod >= before && currentPeriod <= after) { return atlas.push(atlasAll[atlasIndex]) } } else { var single = period if (single == currentPeriod) { return atlas.push(atlasAll[atlasIndex]) } } }) } if (isValid) atlas.push(atlasAll[atlasIndex]) } dispatchTimeUpdateEvent(currentPeriod, atlas) if (typeof configObject.timestamp === "number") tooltip.querySelector('p').textContent = new Date(configObject.timestamp*1000).toUTCString() else tooltip.querySelector('p').textContent = configObject.timestamp tooltip.style.left = (((timelineSlider.offsetWidth)*(timelineSlider.value-1)/(timelineSlider.max-1)) - tooltip.offsetWidth/2) + "px" } tooltip.parentElement.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => tooltip.style.left = (((timelineSlider.offsetWidth)*(timelineSlider.value-1)/(timelineSlider.max-1)) - tooltip.offsetWidth/2) + "px") window.addEventListener('resize', () => tooltip.style.left = (((timelineSlider.offsetWidth)*(timelineSlider.value-1)/(timelineSlider.max-1)) - tooltip.offsetWidth/2) + "px")