#!/usr/bin/python import json import traceback import numpy from PIL import Image, ImageDraw import gc """ # 166 to 164 with reference of 165 shrink 166 164 20 web\_img\canvas\place30\159.png web\_img\canvas\place30\163_159.png # 166 to 165 with reference of 166 shrink 166 165 20 web\_img\canvas\place30\159.png web\_img\canvas\place30\164_159.png # 164 to 165 with reference of 165 shrink 164 165 20 web\_img\canvas\place30\159.png web\_img\canvas\place30\163_159.png # 166 to 167 with reference of 167 expand 166 167 20 web\_img\canvas\place30\159.png web\_img\canvas\place30\165_159.png """ class ScaleConfig: type = 'expand' source = '' destination = '' threshold = 20 image1 = '' image2 = '' def swap_source_dest(source, destination, image2): ScaleConfig.source = source ScaleConfig.destination = destination ScaleConfig.image2 = image2 def remove_white(entry: dict): canvas_ref = Image.new('RGBA', (2000,2000)) with Image.open(ScaleConfig.image1).convert('RGBA') as image1: if ScaleConfig.image2: with Image.open(ScaleConfig.image2).convert('RGBA') as image2: canvas_ref.paste(image1, (0, 0), image1) canvas_ref.paste(image2, (0, 0), image2) canvas_ref else: canvas_ref.paste(image1, (0, 0), image1) # uncomment when you need to see the source canvas # canvas_ref.show() # print(entry['path']) for (period, polygonList) in entry['path'].items(): if not f"-{ScaleConfig.source}" in period: continue # Get bounding rectangle and have a list of tuples for polygon polygon = [] x_box = 2000 y_box = 2000 x_box2 = 0 y_box2 = 0 for point in polygonList: x_box = min(x_box, max(point[0] - 1.5, 0)) y_box = min(y_box, max(point[1] - 1.5, 0)) x_box2 = max(x_box2, min(point[0] + 1.5, 2000)) y_box2 = max(y_box2, min(point[1] + 1.5, 2000)) polygon.append(tuple(point)) x_box = int(x_box) y_box = int(y_box) x_box2 = int(x_box2) y_box2 = int(y_box2) # Crop the image based on polygon # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22588074/ imArray = numpy.asarray(canvas_ref) with Image.new('L', (imArray.shape[1], imArray.shape[0]), 0) as maskIm: ImageDraw.Draw(maskIm).polygon(polygon, outline=1, fill=1) mask = numpy.array(maskIm) newImArray = numpy.empty(imArray.shape,dtype='uint8') newImArray[:,:,:3] = imArray[:,:,:3] newImArray[:,:,3] = mask*255 imArray = newImArray[y_box:y_box2,x_box:x_box2,:] # points = numpy.array([polygon]) # print(points) # print(cv2.boundingRect(points[0])) # print(1) # print(imArray) colored_pixel_count: int = 0 all_pixel_count: int = 0 # Read the area based on bounding box for x in imArray: for pixel in x: if pixel[3] == 0: continue all_pixel_count += 1 if (pixel[1] == 255 and pixel[2] == 255): continue colored_pixel_count += 1 if all_pixel_count == 0: break colorness = (100 * colored_pixel_count)/all_pixel_count if (ScaleConfig.type == "shrink" and colorness < ScaleConfig.threshold) or (ScaleConfig.type == "expand" and colorness > ScaleConfig.threshold): print(f"[{entry['id']} {period}] {colored_pixel_count}/{all_pixel_count} ({colorness}%)") new_period = period.replace(f'-{ScaleConfig.source}', f'-{ScaleConfig.destination}') entry['path'][new_period] = entry['path'][period] del entry['path'][period] entry['center'][new_period] = entry['center'][period] del entry['center'][period] break # newIm = Image.fromarray(newImArray, "RGBA") # newIm.show() break return entry def per_line_entries(entries: list): """ Returns a string of all the entries, with every entry in one line. """ out = "[\n" for entry in entries: if entry: out += json.dumps(entry, ensure_ascii=False) + ",\n" out = out[:-2] + "\n]" return out def format_all(entry: dict, silent=False): def print_(*args, **kwargs): if not silent: print(*args, **kwargs) entry = remove_white(entry) print_("Completed!") return entry def scale_back_entries(entries): for i in range(len(entries)): try: entry_formatted = format_all(entries[i], True) entries[i] = entry_formatted except Exception: print(f"Exception occured when formatting ID {entries[i]['id']}") print(traceback.format_exc()) if not (i % 50): print(f"{i} checked.") gc.collect() def go(path): print(f"Scaling whiteout for {path}...") with open(path, "r+", encoding='UTF-8') as f1: entries = json.loads(f1.read()) scale_back_entries(entries) print(f"{len(entries)} checked. Writing...") with open(path, "w", encoding='utf-8', newline='\n') as f2: f2.write(per_line_entries(entries)) print("Writing completed. All done.") if __name__ == '__main__': ScaleConfig.type = input("Type (shrink/expand): ") ScaleConfig.source = input("Source: ") ScaleConfig.destination = input("Destination: ") ScaleConfig.threshold = int(input("Threshold (%): ")) ScaleConfig.image1 = input("Reference canvas layer 1: ") ScaleConfig.image2 = input("Reference canvas layer 2: ") go("web/atlas.json")