/* ======================================================================== The 2022 /r/place Atlas An Atlas of Reddit's 2022 /r/place, with information to each artwork of the canvas provided by the community. Copyright (c) 2017 Roland Rytz Copyright (c) 2022 r/placeAtlas2 contributors Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 https://place-atlas.stefanocoding.me/license.txt ======================================================================== */ const variationsConfig = { default: { name: "r/place", code: "", default: 14, versions: [ { timestamp: 1648822500, url: "./_img/place/1648822500.png" }, { timestamp: 1648847036, url: "./_img/place/1648847036.png" }, { timestamp: 1648870452, url: "./_img/place/1648870452.png" }, { timestamp: 1648893666, url: "./_img/place/1648893666.png" }, { timestamp: 1648917500, url: "./_img/place/1648917500.png" }, { timestamp: 1648942113, url: "./_img/place/1648942113.png" }, { timestamp: 1648956234, url: "./_img/place/1648956234.png" }, { timestamp: 1648968061, url: "./_img/place/1648968061.png" }, { timestamp: 1648979987, url: "./_img/place/1648979987.png" }, { timestamp: 1648992274, url: "./_img/place/1648992274.png" }, { timestamp: 1649012915, url: "./_img/place/1649012915.png" }, { timestamp: 1649037182, url: "./_img/place/1649037182.png" }, { timestamp: 1649060793, url: "./_img/place/1649060793.png" }, { timestamp: 1649084741, url: "./_img/place/1649084741.png" }, { timestamp: 1649113199, url: "./_img/place/final.png" } ] } } const codeReference = {} const imageCache = {} const variantsEl = document.getElementById("variants") for (let variation in variationsConfig) { codeReference[variationsConfig[variation].code] = variation const optionEl = document.createElement('option') optionEl.value = variation optionEl.textContent = variationsConfig[variation].name variantsEl.appendChild(optionEl) } const timelineSlider = document.getElementById("timeControlsSlider"); const tooltip = document.getElementById("timeControlsTooltip") const image = document.getElementById("image"); let abortController = new AbortController() let currentUpdateIndex = 0 let updateTimeout = setTimeout(null, 0) let currentVariation = "default" let defaultPeriod = variationsConfig[currentVariation].default let currentPeriod = defaultPeriod window.currentPeriod = currentPeriod window.currentVariation = currentVariation // SETUP timelineSlider.max = variationsConfig[currentVariation].versions.length - 1; timelineSlider.value = currentPeriod; timelineSlider.addEventListener("input", (event) => { updateTooltip(parseInt(event.target.value), currentVariation) clearTimeout(updateTimeout) updateTimeout = setTimeout(() => { updateTime(parseInt(event.target.value), currentVariation) }, 100) }) variantsEl.addEventListener("input", (event) => { updateTime(currentPeriod, event.target.value) }) // document.querySelector('#period-group .period-start').oninput = (event) => { // slider.value = parseInt(event.target.value) // updateTime(parseInt(event.target.value)) // }; // document.querySelector('#period-group .period-end').oninput = (event) => { // slider.value = parseInt(event.target.value) // updateTime(parseInt(event.target.value)) // }; const dispatchTimeUpdateEvent = (period = timelineSlider.value, atlas = atlas) => { const timeUpdateEvent = new CustomEvent('timeupdate', { detail: { period: period, atlas: atlas } }); document.dispatchEvent(timeUpdateEvent); } async function updateBackground(newPeriod = currentPeriod, newVariation = currentVariation) { abortController.abort() abortController = new AbortController() currentUpdateIndex++ let myUpdateIndex = currentUpdateIndex currentPeriod = newPeriod // console.log(newPeriod, newVariation) const variationConfig = variationsConfig[newVariation] if (currentVariation !== newVariation) { currentVariation = newVariation timelineSlider.max = variationConfig.versions.length - 1; currentPeriod = variationConfig.default; newPeriod = currentPeriod timelineSlider.value = currentPeriod } const configObject = variationConfig.versions[currentPeriod]; if (typeof configObject.url === "string") { if (imageCache[configObject.url] === undefined) { let fetchResult = await fetch(configObject.url, { signal: abortController.signal }); if (currentUpdateIndex !== myUpdateIndex) { hideLoading() return } let imageBlob = await fetchResult.blob() imageCache[configObject.url] = URL.createObjectURL(imageBlob) } image.src = imageCache[configObject.url] } else { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas') const context = canvas.getContext('2d') context.canvas.width = 2000 context.canvas.height = 2000 for await (let url of configObject.url) { if (imageCache[url] === undefined) { let fetchResult = await fetch(url, { signal: abortController.signal }); if (currentUpdateIndex !== myUpdateIndex) { hideLoading() break } let imageBlob = await fetchResult.blob() imageCache[url] = URL.createObjectURL(imageBlob) } const imageLayer = new Image() console.log(imageCache[url]) await new Promise(resolve => { imageLayer.onload = () => { context.drawImage(imageLayer, 0, 0) console.log("image done") resolve() } imageLayer.src = imageCache[url] }) } if (currentUpdateIndex !== myUpdateIndex) return const blob = await new Promise(resolve => canvas.toBlob(resolve)) console.log(URL.createObjectURL(blob)) image.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob) } return [configObject, newPeriod, newVariation] } async function updateTime(newPeriod = currentPeriod, newVariation = currentVariation) { document.body.dataset.canvasLoading = true let configObject [configObject, newPeriod, newVariation] = await updateBackground(newPeriod, newVariation) atlas = [] for ( var atlasIndex in atlasAll ) { let pathChosen, centerChosen, chosenIndex let validPeriods2 = Object.keys(atlasAll[atlasIndex].path) // console.log(chosenIndex) for (let i in validPeriods2) { let validPeriods = validPeriods2[i].split(', ') for (let j in validPeriods) { let [start, end, variation] = parsePeriod(validPeriods[j]) // console.log(start, end, variation, newPeriod, newVariation) if (isOnPeriod(start, end, variation, newPeriod, newVariation)) { // console.log("match", start, end, variation, newPeriod, newVariation, i) chosenIndex = i break } } if (chosenIndex !== undefined) break } // console.log(testMatches) // console.log(chosenIndex) if (chosenIndex === undefined) continue pathChosen = Object.values(atlasAll[atlasIndex].path)[chosenIndex] centerChosen = Object.values(atlasAll[atlasIndex].center)[chosenIndex] if (pathChosen === undefined) continue // console.log(123) atlas.push({ ...atlasAll[atlasIndex], path: pathChosen, center: centerChosen, }) } // console.log(atlas) dispatchTimeUpdateEvent(newPeriod, atlas) document.body.dataset.canvasLoading = false } function updateTooltip(newPeriod, newVariation) { var configObject = variationsConfig[newVariation].versions[newPeriod] if (typeof configObject.timestamp === "number") tooltip.querySelector('p').textContent = new Date(configObject.timestamp*1000).toUTCString() else tooltip.querySelector('p').textContent = configObject.timestamp tooltip.style.left = Math.max(((timelineSlider.offsetWidth)*(timelineSlider.value >= 1 ? timelineSlider.value - 1:0)/(timelineSlider.max-1)) - tooltip.offsetWidth/2, 0) + "px" } tooltip.parentElement.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => updateTooltip(parseInt(timelineSlider.value), currentVariation)) window.addEventListener('resize', () => updateTooltip(parseInt(timelineSlider.value), currentVariation)) function isOnPeriod(start, end, variation, currentPeriod, currentVariation) { return currentPeriod >= start && currentPeriod <= end && variation === currentVariation } function parsePeriod(periodString) { // console.log(periodString) let variation = "default" periodString = periodString + "" if (periodString.split(':').length > 1) { let split = periodString.split(':') variation = codeReference[split[0]] periodString = split[1] } if (periodString.search('-') + 1) { var [start, end] = periodString.split('-').map(i => parseInt(i)) return [start, end, variation] } else { let periodNew = parseInt(periodString) return [periodNew, periodNew, variation] } }