#!/usr/bin/python """ Migrator script from old atlas format to remastered atlas format. - center and path: single -> time-specific - website and subreddit: single strings -> links object - submitted_by removed """ import re import json END_IMAGE = 166 INIT_CANVAS_RANGE = (1, END_IMAGE) EXPANSION_1_RANGE = (56, END_IMAGE) EXPANSION_2_RANGE = (109, END_IMAGE) COMMATIZATION = re.compile(r'[,;& ]+(?:and)?[,;& ]*?') FS_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?:(?:(?:(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:(?:www|old|new|np)\.)?)?reddit\.com)?\/)?[rR]\/([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{1,20})(?:\/[^" ]*)*') def migrate_atlas_format(entry: dict): new_entry = { "id": "", "name": "", "description": "", "links": {}, "path": {}, "center": {} } center = entry['center'] path = entry['path'] if isinstance(center, list): # Use the center to figure out which canvas expansion the entry is in. if center[1] > 1000: time_range = EXPANSION_2_RANGE elif center[0] > 1000: time_range = EXPANSION_1_RANGE else: time_range = INIT_CANVAS_RANGE time_key = '%d-%d, T' % time_range new_entry = { **new_entry, "center": { time_key: center }, "path": { time_key: path } } del entry['center'] del entry['path'] if "website" in entry: if isinstance(entry["website"], str) and entry["website"]: new_entry['links']['website'] = [entry['website']] del entry['website'] if "subreddit" in entry: if isinstance(entry["subreddit"], str) and entry["subreddit"]: new_entry['links']['subreddit'] = list(map(lambda x: FS_REGEX.sub(r"\1", x), COMMATIZATION.split(entry['subreddit']))) del entry['subreddit'] toreturn = { **new_entry, **entry } return toreturn def per_line_entries(entries: list): """ Returns a string of all the entries, with every entry in one line. """ out = "[\n" for entry in entries: if entry: out += json.dumps(entry, ensure_ascii=False) + ",\n" out = out[:-2] + "\n]" return out if __name__ == '__main__': def go(path): print(f"Formatting {path}...") with open(path, "r+", encoding='UTF-8') as f1: entries = json.loads(f1.read()) for i in range(len(entries)): entry_formatted = migrate_atlas_format(entries[i]) entries[i] = entry_formatted if not (i % 1000): print(f"{i} checked.") print(f"{len(entries)} checked. Writing...") with open(path, "w", encoding='utf-8', newline='\n') as f2: f2.write(per_line_entries(entries)) print("Writing completed. All done.") go("../web/atlas.json")