/* ======================================================================== The 2022 /r/place Atlas An atlas of Reddit's 2022 /r/place, with information to each artwork of the canvas provided by the community. Copyright (c) 2017 Roland Rytz Copyright (c) 2022 Place Atlas contributors Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 https://place-atlas.stefanocoding.me/license.txt ======================================================================== */ const linesCanvas = document.getElementById("linesCanvas") const linesContext = linesCanvas.getContext("2d") let hovered = [] let previousZoomOrigin = [0, 0] let previousScaleZoomOrigin = [0, 0] const backgroundCanvas = document.createElement("canvas") backgroundCanvas.width = 2000 backgroundCanvas.height = 2000 const backgroundContext = backgroundCanvas.getContext("2d") const wrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper") const bottomBar = document.getElementById("bottomBar") const showListButton = document.getElementById("showListButton") const offcanvasList = document.getElementById("offcanvasList") const bsOffcanvasList = new bootstrap.Offcanvas(offcanvasList) const offcanvasDraw = document.getElementById("offcanvasDraw") const bsOffcanvasDraw = new bootstrap.Offcanvas(offcanvasDraw) const objectsContainer = document.getElementById("objectsList") const closeObjectsListButton = document.getElementById("closeObjectsListButton") const objectsListOverflowNotice = document.getElementById("objectsListOverflowNotice") const filterInput = document.getElementById("searchList") const entriesList = document.getElementById("entriesList") let entriesListShown = false let sortedAtlas const entriesLimit = 50 let entriesOffset = 0 const moreEntriesButton = document.createElement("button") moreEntriesButton.innerHTML = "Show " + entriesLimit + " more" moreEntriesButton.type = "button" moreEntriesButton.className = "btn btn-primary d-block mb-2 mx-auto" moreEntriesButton.id = "moreEntriesButton" moreEntriesButton.onclick = function () { buildObjectsList(null, null) renderBackground() render() } let defaultSort = "shuffle" document.getElementById("sort").value = defaultSort let lastPos = [0, 0] let fixed = false; // Fix hovered items in place, so that clicking on links is possible filterInput.addEventListener("input", function () { entriesOffset = 0 entriesList.replaceChildren() entriesList.appendChild(moreEntriesButton) if (this.value === "") { document.getElementById("relevantOption").disabled = true sortedAtlas = atlas.concat() buildObjectsList(null, null) } else { document.getElementById("relevantOption").disabled = false buildObjectsList(this.value.toLowerCase(), "relevant") } }) document.getElementById("sort").addEventListener("input", function () { if (this.value != "relevant") { defaultSort = this.value } resetEntriesList(filterInput.value.toLowerCase(), this.value) }) offcanvasDraw.addEventListener('show.bs.offcanvas', function () { wrapper.classList.remove('listHidden') wrapper.classList.add('listTransitioning') applyView() }) offcanvasDraw.addEventListener('shown.bs.offcanvas', function () { wrapper.classList.remove('listTransitioning') applyView() }) offcanvasDraw.addEventListener('hide.bs.offcanvas', function () { wrapper.classList.add('listHidden') wrapper.classList.add('listTransitioning') applyView() }) offcanvasDraw.addEventListener('hidden.bs.offcanvas', function () { wrapper.classList.remove('listTransitioning') applyView() }) offcanvasList.addEventListener('show.bs.offcanvas', function (e) { wrapper.classList.remove('listHidden') wrapper.classList.add('listTransitioning') applyView() }) offcanvasList.addEventListener('shown.bs.offcanvas', function (e) { entriesListShown = true wrapper.classList.remove('listTransitioning') updateHovering(e) applyView() render() updateLines() }) offcanvasList.addEventListener('hide.bs.offcanvas', function () { wrapper.classList.add('listHidden') wrapper.classList.add('listTransitioning') applyView() }) offcanvasList.addEventListener('hidden.bs.offcanvas', function (e) { entriesListShown = false wrapper.classList.remove('listTransitioning') updateHovering(e) applyView() render() updateLines() }) closeObjectsListButton.addEventListener("click", clearObjectsList) bottomBar.addEventListener("mouseover", function () { if (!fixed) clearObjectsList() }) function clearObjectsList() { closeObjectsListButton.classList.add("d-none") objectsListOverflowNotice.classList.add("d-none") entriesList.classList.remove("disableHover") hovered = [] objectsContainer.replaceChildren() updateLines() fixed = false render() } function toggleFixed(e, tapped) { if (!fixed && hovered.length == 0) { entriesList.classList.remove("disableHover") return 0 } fixed = !fixed if (!fixed) { updateHovering(e, tapped) render() } entriesList.classList.add("disableHover") objectsListOverflowNotice.classList.add("d-none") } window.addEventListener("resize", updateLines) window.addEventListener("mousemove", updateLines) window.addEventListener("dblClick", updateLines) window.addEventListener("wheel", updateLines) objectsContainer.addEventListener("scroll", function () { updateLines() }) window.addEventListener("resize", function (e) { //console.log(document.documentElement.clientWidth, document.documentElement.clientHeight) // Legacy code let viewportWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth if (document.documentElement.clientWidth > 2000 && viewportWidth <= 2000) { entriesListShown = true wrapper.classList.remove("listHidden") } if (document.documentElement.clientWidth < 2000 && viewportWidth >= 2000) { entriesListShown = false wrapper.classList.add("listHidden") } updateHovering(e) viewportWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth applyView() render() updateLines() }) function updateLines() { // Line border linesCanvas.width = linesCanvas.clientWidth linesCanvas.height = linesCanvas.clientHeight linesContext.lineCap = "round" linesContext.lineWidth = Math.max(Math.min(zoom * 1.5, 16 * 1.5), 6) linesContext.strokeStyle = "#222" for (let i = 0; i < hovered.length; i++) { const element = hovered[i].element if (element.getBoundingClientRect().left != 0) { linesContext.beginPath() // Align line based on which side the card is on if ((element.getBoundingClientRect().left + element.clientWidth / 2) < (document.documentElement.clientWidth / 2)) { linesContext.moveTo( element.getBoundingClientRect().left + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + element.clientWidth - 5 , element.getBoundingClientRect().top + document.documentElement.scrollTop + 20 ) } else { linesContext.moveTo( element.getBoundingClientRect().left + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + 5 , element.getBoundingClientRect().top + document.documentElement.scrollTop + 20 ) } linesContext.lineTo( ~~(hovered[i].center[0] * zoom) + innerContainer.offsetLeft , ~~(hovered[i].center[1] * zoom) + innerContainer.offsetTop ) linesContext.stroke() } } // Line body linesContext.lineWidth = Math.max(Math.min(zoom, 16), 4) linesContext.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF" for (let i = 0; i < hovered.length; i++) { const element = hovered[i].element if (element.getBoundingClientRect().left != 0) { linesContext.beginPath() // Align line based on which side the card is on if ((element.getBoundingClientRect().left + element.clientWidth / 2) < (document.documentElement.clientWidth / 2)) { linesContext.moveTo( element.getBoundingClientRect().left + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + element.clientWidth - 5 , element.getBoundingClientRect().top + document.documentElement.scrollTop + 20 ) } else { linesContext.moveTo( element.getBoundingClientRect().left + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + 5 , element.getBoundingClientRect().top + document.documentElement.scrollTop + 20 ) } linesContext.lineTo( ~~(hovered[i].center[0] * zoom) + innerContainer.offsetLeft , ~~(hovered[i].center[1] * zoom) + innerContainer.offsetTop ) linesContext.stroke() } } } function renderBackground(atlas) { backgroundContext.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) //backgroundCanvas.width = 1000 * zoom //backgroundCanvas.height = 1000 * zoom //backgroundContext.lineWidth = zoom backgroundContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)" backgroundContext.fillRect(0, 0, backgroundCanvas.width, backgroundCanvas.height) for (let i = 0; i < atlas.length; i++) { const path = atlas[i].path backgroundContext.beginPath() if (path[0]) { //backgroundContext.moveTo(path[0][0]*zoom, path[0][1]*zoom) backgroundContext.moveTo(path[0][0], path[0][1]) } for (let p = 1; p < path.length; p++) { //backgroundContext.lineTo(path[p][0]*zoom, path[p][1]*zoom) backgroundContext.lineTo(path[p][0], path[p][1]) } backgroundContext.closePath() let bgStrokeStyle switch (atlas[i].diff) { case "add": bgStrokeStyle = "rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)" backgroundContext.lineWidth = 2 break case "edit": bgStrokeStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 0, 1)" backgroundContext.lineWidth = 2 break case "delete": bgStrokeStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)" backgroundContext.lineWidth = 2 break default: bgStrokeStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)" break } backgroundContext.strokeStyle = bgStrokeStyle backgroundContext.stroke() backgroundContext.lineWidth = 1 } } function buildObjectsList(filter = null, sort = null) { if (entriesList.contains(moreEntriesButton)) { entriesList.removeChild(moreEntriesButton) } if (!sortedAtlas) { sortedAtlas = atlas.concat() document.getElementById("atlasSize").innerHTML = "The Atlas contains " + sortedAtlas.length + " entries." } if (filter) { sortedAtlas = atlas.filter(function (value) { return ( value.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) !== -1 || value.description.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) !== -1 || value.subreddit && value.subreddit.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) !== -1 || value.id === filter ) }) document.getElementById("atlasSize").innerHTML = "Found " + sortedAtlas.length + " entries." } else { document.getElementById("atlasSize").innerHTML = "The Atlas contains " + sortedAtlas.length + " entries." } if (sort === null) { sort = defaultSort } renderBackground(sortedAtlas) render() document.getElementById("sort").value = sort //console.log(sort) let sortFunction //console.log(sort) switch (sort) { case "shuffle": sortFunction = null if (entriesOffset == 0) { shuffle() } break case "alphaAsc": sortFunction = function (a, b) { return a.name.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.name.toLowerCase()) } break case "alphaDesc": sortFunction = function (a, b) { return b.name.toLowerCase().localeCompare(a.name.toLowerCase()) } break case "newest": sortFunction = function (a, b) { if (a.id > b.id) { return -1 } if (a.id < b.id) { return 1 } // a must be equal to b return 0 } break case "oldest": sortFunction = function (a, b) { if (a.id < b.id) { return -1 } if (a.id > b.id) { return 1 } // a must be equal to b return 0 } break case "area": sortFunction = function (a, b) { return calcPolygonArea(b.path) - calcPolygonArea(a.path) } break case "relevant": sortFunction = function (a, b) { if (a.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) !== -1 && b.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) !== -1) { if (a.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) < b.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter)) { return -1 } else if (a.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) > b.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter)) { return 1 } else { return a.name.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.name.toLowerCase()) } } else if (a.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) !== -1) { return -1 } else if (b.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) !== -1) { return 1 } else { if (a.description.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) < b.description.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter)) { return -1 } else if (a.description.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) > b.description.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter)) { return 1 } else { return a.name.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.name.toLowerCase()) } } } break } if (sortFunction) { sortedAtlas.sort(sortFunction) } for (let i = entriesOffset; i < entriesOffset + entriesLimit; i++) { if (i >= sortedAtlas.length) { break } const element = createInfoBlock(sortedAtlas[i]) element.entry = sortedAtlas[i] element.addEventListener("mouseenter", function (e) { if (!fixed && !dragging) { objectsContainer.replaceChildren() previousZoomOrigin = [zoomOrigin[0], zoomOrigin[1]] previousScaleZoomOrigin = [scaleZoomOrigin[0], scaleZoomOrigin[1]] applyView() zoomOrigin = [ innerContainer.clientWidth / 2 - this.entry.center[0] * zoom// + container.offsetLeft , innerContainer.clientHeight / 2 - this.entry.center[1] * zoom// + container.offsetTop ] scaleZoomOrigin = [ 2000 / 2 - this.entry.center[0] , 2000 / 2 - this.entry.center[1] ] //console.log(zoomOrigin) applyView() hovered = [this.entry] render() hovered[0].element = this updateLines() } }) element.addEventListener("click", function (e) { toggleFixed(e) if (fixed) { previousZoomOrigin = [zoomOrigin[0], zoomOrigin[1]] previousScaleZoomOrigin = [scaleZoomOrigin[0], scaleZoomOrigin[1]] applyView() } // Legacy code /*if (document.documentElement.clientWidth < 500) { objectsContainer.replaceChildren() entriesListShown = false bsOffcanvasList.hide() wrapper.classList.add("listHidden") zoom = 4 renderBackground(atlas) applyView() updateHovering(e) zoomOrigin = [ innerContainer.clientWidth / 2 - this.entry.center[0] * zoom// + container.offsetLeft , innerContainer.clientHeight / 2 - this.entry.center[1] * zoom// + container.offsetTop ] scaleZoomOrigin = [ 2000 / 2 - this.entry.center[0] , 2000 / 2 - this.entry.center[1] ] previousZoomOrigin = [zoomOrigin[0], zoomOrigin[1]] previousScaleZoomOrigin = [scaleZoomOrigin[0], scaleZoomOrigin[1]] fixed = true hovered = [this.entry] hovered[0].element = this applyView() render() updateLines() }*/ }) element.addEventListener("mouseleave", function () { if (!fixed && !dragging) { zoomOrigin = [previousScaleZoomOrigin[0] * zoom, previousScaleZoomOrigin[1] * zoom] scaleZoomOrigin = [previousScaleZoomOrigin[0], previousScaleZoomOrigin[1]] applyView() hovered = [] updateLines() render() } }) entriesList.appendChild(element) } entriesOffset += entriesLimit if (sortedAtlas.length > entriesOffset) { moreEntriesButton.innerHTML = "Show " + Math.min(entriesLimit, sortedAtlas.length - entriesOffset) + " more" entriesList.appendChild(moreEntriesButton) } } function shuffle() { //console.log("shuffled atlas") for (let i = sortedAtlas.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)) const temp = sortedAtlas[i] sortedAtlas[i] = sortedAtlas[j] sortedAtlas[j] = temp } } function resetEntriesList() { entriesOffset = 0 entriesList.replaceChildren() entriesList.appendChild(moreEntriesButton) buildObjectsList(filter = null, sort = null) } async function render() { context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) //canvas.width = 1000*zoom //canvas.height = 1000*zoom context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over" context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) if (hovered.length > 0) { container.style.cursor = "pointer" } else { container.style.cursor = "default" } for (let i = 0; i < hovered.length; i++) { const path = hovered[i].path context.beginPath() if (path[0]) { //context.moveTo(path[0][0]*zoom, path[0][1]*zoom) context.moveTo(path[0][0], path[0][1]) } for (let p = 1; p < path.length; p++) { //context.lineTo(path[p][0]*zoom, path[p][1]*zoom) context.lineTo(path[p][0], path[p][1]) } context.closePath() context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over" context.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)" context.fill() } context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-out" context.drawImage(backgroundCanvas, 0, 0) if (hovered.length === 1 && hovered[0].path.length && hovered[0].overrideImage) { const undisputableHovered = hovered[0] // Find the left-topmost point of all the paths const entryPosition = getPositionOfEntry(undisputableHovered) if (entryPosition) { const [startX, startY] = entryPosition const overrideImage = new Image() const loadingPromise = new Promise((res, rej) => { overrideImage.onerror = rej overrideImage.onload = res }) overrideImage.src = "imageOverrides/" + undisputableHovered.overrideImage try { await loadingPromise context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over" context.drawImage(overrideImage, startX, startY) } catch (ex) { console.error("Cannot override image.", ex) } } } for (let i = 0; i < hovered.length; i++) { const path = hovered[i].path context.beginPath() if (path[0]) { //context.moveTo(path[0][0]*zoom, path[0][1]*zoom) context.moveTo(path[0][0], path[0][1]) } for (let p = 1; p < path.length; p++) { //context.lineTo(path[p][0]*zoom, path[p][1]*zoom) context.lineTo(path[p][0], path[p][1]) } context.closePath() context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over" let hoverStrokeStyle switch (hovered[i].diff) { case "add": hoverStrokeStyle = "rgba(0, 155, 0, 1)" break case "edit": hoverStrokeStyle = "rgba(155, 155, 0, 1)" break default: hoverStrokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)" break } context.strokeStyle = hoverStrokeStyle //context.lineWidth = zoom context.stroke() } } function updateHovering(e, tapped) { if (!dragging && (!fixed || tapped)) { const pos = [ (e.clientX - (container.clientWidth / 2 - innerContainer.clientWidth / 2 + zoomOrigin[0] + container.offsetLeft)) / zoom , (e.clientY - (container.clientHeight / 2 - innerContainer.clientHeight / 2 + zoomOrigin[1] + container.offsetTop)) / zoom ] const coords_p = document.getElementById("coords_p") // Displays coordinates as zero instead of NaN if (isNaN(pos[0]) == true) { coords_p.textContent = "0, 0" } else { coords_p.textContent = Math.ceil(pos[0]) + ", " + Math.ceil(pos[1]) } if (pos[0] <= 2200 && pos[0] >= -100 && pos[0] <= 2200 && pos[0] >= -100) { const newHovered = [] for (let i = 0; i < atlas.length; i++) { if (pointIsInPolygon(pos, atlas[i].path)) { newHovered.push(atlas[i]) } } let changed = false if (hovered.length == newHovered.length) { for (let i = 0; i < hovered.length; i++) { if (hovered[i].id != newHovered[i].id) { changed = true break } } } else { changed = true } if (changed) { hovered = newHovered.sort(function (a, b) { return calcPolygonArea(a.path) - calcPolygonArea(b.path) }) objectsContainer.replaceChildren() for (const i in hovered) { const element = createInfoBlock(hovered[i]) objectsContainer.appendChild(element) hovered[i].element = element } if (hovered.length > 0) { document.getElementById("timeControlsSlider").blur() closeObjectsListButton.classList.remove("d-none") if ((objectsContainer.scrollHeight > objectsContainer.clientHeight) && !tapped) { objectsListOverflowNotice.classList.remove("d-none") } else { objectsListOverflowNotice.classList.add("d-none") } } else { closeObjectsListButton.classList.add("d-none") objectsListOverflowNotice.classList.add("d-none") entriesList.classList.remove("disableHover") } render() } } } } window.addEventListener("hashchange", highlightEntryFromUrl) function highlightEntryFromUrl() { const hash = window.location.hash.substring(1); //Remove hash prefix const [id, period] = hash.split('/') if (period) { const [, targetPeriod, targetVariation] = parsePeriod(period) updateTime(targetPeriod, targetVariation, true) } else { updateTime(defaultPeriod, defaultVariation, true) } if (id) { const entries = atlas.filter(function (e) { return e.id === id }) if (entries.length === 1) { const entry = entries[0] document.title = entry.name + " on the 2022 r/place Atlas" if ((!entry.diff || entry.diff !== "delete")) { if (document.getElementById("objectEditNav")) { document.getElementById("objectEditNav").href = "./?mode=draw&id=" + id document.getElementById("objectEditNav").title = "Edit " + entry.name } else { const objectEditNav = document.createElement("a") objectEditNav.className = "btn btn-outline-primary" objectEditNav.id = "objectEditNav" objectEditNav.innerText = "Edit" objectEditNav.href = "./?mode=draw&id=" + id objectEditNav.title = "Edit " + entry.name showListButton.parentElement.appendChild(objectEditNav) } } else if (entry.diff == "delete" && document.getElementById("objectEditNav")) { document.getElementById("objectEditNav").remove() } const infoElement = createInfoBlock(entry) objectsContainer.replaceChildren() objectsContainer.appendChild(infoElement) //console.log(entry.center[0]) //console.log(entry.center[1]) zoom = 4 renderBackground(atlas) applyView() zoomOrigin = [ innerContainer.clientWidth / 2 - entry.center[0] * zoom// + container.offsetLeft , innerContainer.clientHeight / 2 - entry.center[1] * zoom// + container.offsetTop ] scaleZoomOrigin = [ 2000 / 2 - entry.center[0]// + container.offsetLeft , 2000 / 2 - entry.center[1]// + container.offsetTop ] //console.log(zoomOrigin) closeObjectsListButton.classList.remove("d-none") entriesList.classList.add("disableHover") applyView() hovered = [entry] render() hovered[0].element = infoElement updateLines() fixed = true } } } function initView() { buildObjectsList(null, null) renderBackground(atlas) render() document.addEventListener('timeupdate', (event) => { sortedAtlas = atlas.concat() resetEntriesList(null, null) }) // parse linked atlas entry id from link hash /*if (window.location.hash.substring(3)){ zoom = 4 applyView() highlightEntryFromUrl() }*/ applyView() render() updateLines() } function initExplore() { window.updateHovering = updateHovering window.render = function () { } function updateHovering(e, tapped) { if (!dragging && (!fixed || tapped)) { const pos = [ (e.clientX - (container.clientWidth / 2 - innerContainer.clientWidth / 2 + zoomOrigin[0] + container.offsetLeft)) / zoom , (e.clientY - (container.clientHeight / 2 - innerContainer.clientHeight / 2 + zoomOrigin[1] + container.offsetTop)) / zoom ] const coords_p = document.getElementById("coords_p") // Displays coordinates as zero instead of NaN if (isNaN(pos[0]) == true) { coords_p.textContent = "0, 0" } else { coords_p.textContent = Math.ceil(pos[0]) + ", " + Math.ceil(pos[1]) } } } renderBackground(atlas) applyView() } function initGlobal() { container.addEventListener("mousemove", function (e) { if (e.sourceCapabilities) { if (!e.sourceCapabilities.firesTouchEvents) { updateHovering(e) } } else { updateHovering(e) } }) } function initViewGlobal() { container.addEventListener("mousedown", function (e) { lastPos = [ e.clientX , e.clientY ] }) container.addEventListener("touchstart", function (e) { if (e.touches.length == 1) { lastPos = [ e.touches[0].clientX , e.touches[0].clientY ] } }, { passive: true }) container.addEventListener("mouseup", function (e) { if (Math.abs(lastPos[0] - e.clientX) + Math.abs(lastPos[1] - e.clientY) <= 4) { toggleFixed(e) } }) container.addEventListener("touchend", function (e) { e.preventDefault() //console.log(e) //console.log(e.changedTouches[0].clientX) if (e.changedTouches.length == 1) { e = e.changedTouches[0] //console.log(lastPos[0] - e.clientX) if (Math.abs(lastPos[0] - e.clientX) + Math.abs(lastPos[1] - e.clientY) <= 4) { //console.log("Foo!!") dragging = false fixed = false setTimeout( function () { updateHovering(e, true) } , 10) } } }) if (window.location.hash) { // both "/" and just "/#" will be an empty hash string highlightEntryFromUrl() } }