/* ======================================================================== The 2022 r/place Atlas An atlas of Reddit's 2022 r/place, with information to each artwork of the canvas provided by the community. Copyright (c) 2017 Roland Rytz Copyright (c) 2022 Place Atlas contributors Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 https://place-atlas.stefanocoding.me/license.txt ======================================================================== */ const finishButton = document.getElementById("finishButton") const resetButton = document.getElementById("resetButton") const undoButton = document.getElementById("undoButton") const redoButton = document.getElementById("redoButton") const highlightUnchartedLabel = document.getElementById("highlightUnchartedLabel") const drawControlsBody = document.getElementById("offcanvasDraw-drawControls") const objectInfoBody = document.getElementById("offcanvasDraw-objectInfo") const objectInfoForm = document.getElementById("objectInfo") const hintText = document.getElementById("hint") const periodsStatus = document.getElementById('periodsStatus') const periodGroups = document.getElementById('periodGroups') const periodGroupTemplate = 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/^(?:(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:(?:discord)?\.?gg|discord(?:app)?\.com\/invite)\/)?([^\s/]+?)(?=\b)$/ let entryId = 0 let path = [] let websiteGroupElements = [] let subredditGroupElements = [] let discordGroupElements = [] let wikiGroupElements = [] let pathWithPeriods = [] let periodGroupElements = [] let disableDrawingOverride = false let drawing = false let undoHistory = [] const periodClipboard = { "index": null, "path": null } const drawBackButton = document.createElement("a") drawBackButton.className = "btn btn-outline-primary" drawBackButton.id = "drawBackButton" drawBackButton.textContent = "Exit Draw Mode" const baseInputAddon = document.createElement("span") baseInputAddon.className = "input-group-text" const baseInputGroup = document.createElement("div") baseInputGroup.className = "input-group" const baseInputField = document.createElement("input") baseInputField.className = "form-control" baseInputField.spellcheck = false baseInputField.type = "text" 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() { highlightUncharted = this.checked render(path) }) function generateExportObject() { const exportObject = { id: entryId, name: nameField.value, description: descriptionField.value, links: {}, path: {}, center: {}, } const pathWithPeriodsTemp = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(pathWithPeriods)) for (let i = pathWithPeriodsTemp.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { for (let j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (JSON.stringify(pathWithPeriodsTemp[i][1]) === JSON.stringify(pathWithPeriodsTemp[j][1])) { pathWithPeriodsTemp[j][0] = pathWithPeriodsTemp[i][0] + ', ' + pathWithPeriodsTemp[j][0] pathWithPeriodsTemp.splice(i, 1) break } } } pathWithPeriodsTemp.forEach(([key, value]) => { // TODO: Compress periods on something like 0-13, 14. exportObject.path[key] = value.map(point => point.map(int => int - 0.5)) exportObject.center[key] = calculateCenter(value).map(int => int - 0.5) }) const inputWebsite = websiteGroupElements.map(element => element.value.trim()).filter(element => element) const inputSubreddit = subredditGroupElements.map(element => element.value.trim().match(subredditPattern)?.[1]).filter(element => element) const inputDiscord = discordGroupElements.map(element => element.value.trim().match(discordPattern)?.[1]).filter(element => element) const inputWiki = wikiGroupElements.map(element => element.value.trim().replace(/ /g, '_')).filter(element => element) if (inputWebsite.length) exportObject.links.website = inputWebsite if (inputSubreddit.length) exportObject.links.subreddit = inputSubreddit if (inputDiscord.length) exportObject.links.discord = inputDiscord if (inputWiki.length) exportObject.links.wiki = inputWiki return exportObject } function exportJson() { const exportObject = generateExportObject() let jsonString = JSON.stringify(exportObject, null, "\t") jsonString = jsonString.split("\n") jsonString = jsonString.join("\n ") jsonString = " " + jsonString exportArea.value = jsonString let directPostUrl = "https://www.reddit.com/r/placeAtlas2/submit?selftext=true&title=New%20Submission&text=" + encodeURIComponent(exportArea.value) if (jsonString.length > 7493) { directPostUrl = "https://www.reddit.com/r/placeAtlas2/submit?selftext=true&title=New%20Submission&text=" + encodeURIComponent(" " + JSON.stringify(exportObject)) } document.getElementById("exportDirectPost").href = directPostUrl if (entryId === 0) document.getElementById("redditFlair").textContent = "New Entry" else document.getElementById("redditFlair").textContent = "Edit Entry" exportModal.show() } function preview() { let infoElement = createInfoBlock(generateExportObject(), true) objectsContainer.replaceChildren() objectsContainer.appendChild(infoElement) closeObjectsListButton.classList.remove("d-none") } function undo() { if (path.length > 0 && drawing) { undoHistory.push(path.pop()) redoButton.disabled = false updatePath(path, undoHistory) } } function redo() { if (undoHistory.length > 0 && drawing) { 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descriptionField.value = "" // Clears input array websiteGroupElements = [] subredditGroupElements = [] discordGroupElements = [] wikiGroupElements = [] // Rebuilds multi-input list websiteGroup.replaceChildren() subredditGroup.replaceChildren() discordGroup.replaceChildren() wikiGroup.replaceChildren() addWebsiteFields("", 0, [0]) addSubredditFields("", 0, [0]) addDiscordFields("", 0, [0]) addWikiFields("", 0, [0]) // Resets periods pathWithPeriods = [] pathWithPeriods.push([defaultPeriod, []]) initPeriodGroups() } else { resetButton.textContent = "Confirm Reset" resetButton.className = "btn btn-danger" } } function back() { drawing = true disableDrawingOverride = false container.style.cursor = "crosshair" updatePath() objectInfoBody.classList.add("d-none") drawControlsBody.classList.remove("d-none") // Clears preview objectsContainer.replaceChildren() closeObjectsListButton.classList.add("d-none") } function renderBackground() { backgroundContext.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) backgroundContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)" //backgroundContext.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) for (let i = 0; i < atlas.length; i++) { const path = atlas[i].path backgroundContext.beginPath() if (path[0]) { backgroundContext.moveTo(path[0][0], path[0][1]) } for (let p = 1; p < path.length; p++) { backgroundContext.lineTo(path[p][0], path[p][1]) } backgroundContext.closePath() backgroundContext.fill() } } function render(path) { if (!Array.isArray(path)) return context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over" context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) if (highlightUncharted) { context.drawImage(backgroundCanvas, 0, 0) context.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)" } else { context.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)" } context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) context.beginPath() if (path[0]) { context.moveTo(path[0][0], path[0][1]) } for (let i = 1; i < path.length; i++) { context.lineTo(path[i][0], path[i][1]) } context.closePath() context.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)" context.stroke() context.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out" context.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)" context.fill() } function updateHovering(e, tapped) { if (!dragging && (!fixed || tapped)) { const pos = [ (e.clientX - (container.clientWidth / 2 - innerContainer.clientWidth / 2 + zoomOrigin[0] + container.offsetLeft)) / zoom, (e.clientY - (container.clientHeight / 2 - innerContainer.clientHeight / 2 + zoomOrigin[1] + container.offsetTop)) / zoom ] const coords_p = document.getElementById("coords_p") // Displays coordinates as zero instead of NaN if (isNaN(pos[0]) === true) { coords_p.textContent = "0, 0" } else { coords_p.textContent = Math.ceil(pos[0]) + ", " + Math.ceil(pos[1]) } } } const getEntry = id => { const entries = atlasAll.filter(entry => entry.id === id) if (entries.length === 1) return entries[0] return {} } const params = new URLSearchParams(document.location.search) function addFieldButton(inputButton, inputGroup, array, index, name) { if (inputButton.title === "Remove " + name) { removeFieldButton(inputGroup, array, index) return } inputButton.className = "btn btn-outline-secondary" inputButton.title = "Remove " + name inputButton.innerHTML = '' if (name === "website") { addWebsiteFields(null, array.length, array) } else if (name === "subreddit") { addSubredditFields(null, array.length, array) } else if (name === "Discord invite") { addDiscordFields(null, array.length, array) } else if (name === "wiki page") { addWikiFields(null, array.length, array) } } function removeFieldButton(inputGroup, array, index) { delete array[index] inputGroup.remove() } function addWebsiteFields(link, index, array) { const inputGroup = baseInputGroup.cloneNode() websiteGroup.appendChild(inputGroup) const inputField = baseInputField.cloneNode() inputField.type = "url" inputField.id = "websiteField" + index inputField.placeholder = "https://example.com" inputField.pattern = "https?://.*" inputField.title = "Website URL using the http:// or https:// protocol" inputField.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", "websiteLabel") inputField.value = link inputGroup.appendChild(inputField) websiteGroupElements.push(inputField) const inputButton = document.createElement("button") inputButton.type = "button" // If button is the last in the array give it the add button if (array.length === index + 1) { inputButton.className = "btn btn-secondary" inputButton.title = "Add website" inputButton.innerHTML = '' inputButton.addEventListener('click', () => addFieldButton(inputButton, inputGroup, websiteGroupElements, index, "website")) } else { inputButton.className = "btn btn-outline-secondary" inputButton.title = "Remove website" inputButton.innerHTML = '' inputButton.addEventListener('click', () => removeFieldButton(inputGroup, array, index)) } inputGroup.appendChild(inputButton) } function addSubredditFields(link, index, array) { const inputGroup = baseInputGroup.cloneNode() subredditGroup.appendChild(inputGroup) const inputAddon = baseInputAddon.cloneNode() inputAddon.id = "subredditField" + index + "-addon" inputAddon.textContent = "reddit.com/" inputGroup.appendChild(inputAddon) const inputField = baseInputField.cloneNode() inputField.id = "subredditField" + index inputField.placeholder = "r/example" inputField.pattern = "^r\/[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{1,20}$" inputField.title = "Subreddit in format of r/example" inputField.minLength = "4" inputField.maxLength = "23" inputField.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", "subredditLabel") inputField.setAttribute("aria-describedby", "subredditField" + index + "-addon") if (link) { inputField.value = "r/" + link } else { inputField.value = "" } inputGroup.appendChild(inputField) subredditGroupElements.push(inputField) const inputButton = document.createElement("button") inputButton.type = "button" // If button is the last in the array give it the add button if (array.length === index + 1) { inputButton.className = "btn btn-secondary" inputButton.title = "Add subreddit" inputButton.innerHTML = '' inputButton.addEventListener('click', () => addFieldButton(inputButton, inputGroup, subredditGroupElements, index, "subreddit")) } else { inputButton.className = "btn btn-outline-secondary" inputButton.title = "Remove subreddit" inputButton.innerHTML = '' inputButton.addEventListener('click', () => removeFieldButton(inputGroup, array, index)) } inputField.addEventListener('paste', (event) => { let paste = (event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData).getData('text') paste = paste.trim().match(subredditPattern)?.[1] if (paste) { event.target.value = "r/" + paste event.preventDefault() } }) inputGroup.appendChild(inputButton) } function addDiscordFields(link, index, array) { const inputGroup = baseInputGroup.cloneNode() discordGroup.appendChild(inputGroup) const inputAddon = baseInputAddon.cloneNode() inputAddon.id = "discordField" + index + "-addon" inputAddon.textContent = "discord.gg/" inputGroup.appendChild(inputAddon) const inputField = baseInputField.cloneNode() inputField.id = "discordField" + index inputField.placeholder = "pJkm23b2nA" inputField.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", "discordLabel") inputField.setAttribute("aria-describedby", "discordField" + index + "-addon") inputField.value = link inputGroup.appendChild(inputField) discordGroupElements.push(inputField) const inputButton = document.createElement("button") inputButton.type = "button" // If button is the last in the array give it the add button if (array.length === index + 1) { inputButton.className = "btn btn-secondary" inputButton.title = "Add Discord invite" inputButton.innerHTML = '' inputButton.addEventListener('click', () => addFieldButton(inputButton, inputGroup, discordGroupElements, index, "Discord invite")) } else { inputButton.className = "btn btn-outline-secondary" inputButton.title = "Remove Discord invite" inputButton.innerHTML = '' inputButton.addEventListener('click', () => removeFieldButton(inputGroup, array, index)) } inputField.addEventListener('paste', (event) => { let paste = (event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData).getData('text') paste = paste.trim().match(discordPattern)?.[1] if (paste) { event.target.value = paste event.preventDefault() } }) inputGroup.appendChild(inputButton) } function addWikiFields(link, index, array) { const inputGroup = baseInputGroup.cloneNode() wikiGroup.appendChild(inputGroup) const inputField = baseInputField.cloneNode() inputField.id = "wikiField" + index inputField.placeholder = "Page title" inputField.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", "wikiLabel") inputField.value = link inputGroup.appendChild(inputField) wikiGroupElements.push(inputField) const inputButton = document.createElement("button") inputButton.type = "button" // If button is the last in the array give it the add button if (array.length === index + 1) { inputButton.className = "btn btn-secondary" inputButton.title = "Add wiki page" inputButton.innerHTML = '' inputButton.addEventListener('click', () => addFieldButton(inputButton, inputGroup, wikiGroupElements, index, "wiki page")) } else { inputButton.className = "btn btn-outline-secondary" inputButton.title = "Remove wiki page" inputButton.innerHTML = '' inputButton.addEventListener('click', () => removeFieldButton(inputGroup, array, index)) } inputGroup.appendChild(inputButton) } let entryId if (params.has('id')) { entryId = params.get('id') const entry = getEntry(entryId) nameField.value = entry.name descriptionField.value = entry.description if (entry.links.website.length) { entry.links.website.forEach((link, index, array) => { addWebsiteFields(link, index, array) }) } else { addWebsiteFields("", -1, entry.links.website) } if (entry.links.subreddit.length) { entry.links.subreddit.forEach((link, index, array) => { addSubredditFields(link, index, array) }) } else { addSubredditFields("", -1, entry.links.subreddit) } if (entry.links.discord.length) { entry.links.discord.forEach((link, index, array) => { addDiscordFields(link, index, array) }) } else { addDiscordFields("", -1, entry.links.discord) } if (entry.links.wiki.length) { entry.links.wiki.forEach((link, index, array) => { addWikiFields(link, index, array) }) } else { addWikiFields("", -1, entry.links.wiki) } redoButton.disabled = true undoButton.disabled = false Object.entries(entry.path).forEach(([period, path]) => { period.split(", ").forEach(period => { pathWithPeriods.push([period, path]) }) }) } else { document.getElementById("offcanvasDrawLabel").textContent = "New Entry" pathWithPeriods.push([formatPeriod(currentPeriod, currentPeriod, currentVariation), []]) // Builds multi-input list addWebsiteFields("", 0, [0]) addSubredditFields("", 0, [0]) addDiscordFields("", 0, [0]) addWikiFields("", 0, [0]) } initPeriodGroups() zoom = 4 zoomOrigin = [ innerContainer.clientWidth / 2 - canvasCenter.x * zoom,// + container.offsetLeft innerContainer.clientHeight / 2 - canvasCenter.y * zoom// + container.offsetTop ] scaleZoomOrigin = [ 0, // + container.offsetLeft 0 // + container.offsetTop ] applyView() document.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => { renderBackground() updatePeriodGroups() }) periodsAdd.addEventListener('click', () => { pathWithPeriods.push([formatPeriod(currentPeriod, currentPeriod, currentVariation), []]) initPeriodGroups() }) drawBackButton.href = "./" + formatHash(entryId, currentPeriod, currentPeriod, currentVariation) document.addEventListener('timeupdate', (event) => { drawBackButton.href = "./" + formatHash(entryId, event.detail.period, event.detail.period, event.detail.variation) }) } function calculateCenter(path) { const result = polylabel(path) return [Math.floor(result[0]) + 0.5, Math.floor(result[1]) + 0.5] } function initPeriodGroups() { periodGroupElements = [] periodGroups.replaceChildren() pathWithPeriods.forEach(([period, path], index) => { let periodCenter // Set element variables const periodGroupEl = periodGroupTemplate.cloneNode(true) periodGroupEl.id = "periodGroup" + index const startPeriodEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-start') const startPeriodListEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('#periodStartList') const startPeriodLabelEl = startPeriodEl.previousElementSibling.querySelector('label') const startPeriodLeftEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('#periodStartLeft') const startPeriodRightEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('#periodStartRight') const startPeriodViewEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('#periodStartView') const endPeriodEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-end') const endPeriodListEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('#periodEndList') const endPeriodLabelEl = endPeriodEl.previousElementSibling.querySelector('label') const endPeriodLeftEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('#periodEndLeft') const endPeriodRightEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('#periodEndRight') const endPeriodViewEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('#periodEndView') const periodCopyEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-copy') const periodDuplicateEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-duplicate') const periodDeleteEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-delete') const periodVariationEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-variation') const periodStatusEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-status') const [start, end, variation] = parsePeriod(period) // Set index startPeriodEl.id = "periodStart" + index startPeriodLabelEl.htmlFor = startPeriodEl.id startPeriodListEl.id += index startPeriodEl.setAttribute("list", startPeriodListEl.id) startPeriodLeftEl.id += index startPeriodRightEl.id += index startPeriodViewEl.id += index endPeriodEl.id = "periodEnd" + index endPeriodLabelEl.htmlFor = endPeriodEl.id endPeriodListEl.id += index endPeriodEl.setAttribute("list", endPeriodListEl.id) endPeriodLeftEl.id += index endPeriodRightEl.id += index endPeriodViewEl.id += index periodCopyEl.id = "periodCopy" + index periodVariationEl.id = "periodVariation" + index periodStatusEl.id = "periodStatus" + index // Set ranges startPeriodEl.min = variationsConfig[variation].drawablePeriods[0] endPeriodEl.min = variationsConfig[variation].drawablePeriods[0] startPeriodEl.max = variationsConfig[variation].drawablePeriods[1] endPeriodEl.max = variationsConfig[variation].drawablePeriods[1] startPeriodEl.value = start if (startPeriodEl.value === startPeriodEl.min) startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true if (startPeriodEl.value === startPeriodEl.max) startPeriodRightEl.disabled = true endPeriodEl.value = end if (endPeriodEl.value === endPeriodEl.min) endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true if (endPeriodEl.value === endPeriodEl.max) endPeriodRightEl.disabled = true // Adds tick marks to assit in preventing overlap startPeriodListEl.innerHTML = '' endPeriodListEl.innerHTML = '' // Removes slider controls if no timeline range exists if (startPeriodEl.max === 0) periodGroupEl.classList.add('no-time-slider') else periodGroupEl.classList.remove('no-time-slider') // If one period disable delete if (pathWithPeriods.length === 1) periodDeleteEl.disabled = true startPeriodEl.addEventListener('input', () => { if (path.length >= 3) { periodCenter = calculateCenter(path) // @instance-only if ((periodCenter[1] > 1000) && (startPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[variation].expansions[1])) { // Second expansion startPeriodEl.value = variationsConfig[variation].expansions[1]; } else if ((periodCenter[0] > 1000) && (startPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[variation].expansions[0])) { // First expansion startPeriodEl.value = variationsConfig[variation].expansions[0]; } } startPeriodUpdate(startPeriodEl.value) }) startPeriodLeftEl.addEventListener('click', () => { startPeriodEl.value = parseInt(startPeriodEl.value) - 1 startPeriodUpdate(startPeriodEl.value) }) startPeriodRightEl.addEventListener('click', () => { startPeriodEl.value = parseInt(startPeriodEl.value) + 1 startPeriodUpdate(startPeriodEl.value) }) startPeriodViewEl.addEventListener('click', () => { updateTime(parseInt(startPeriodEl.value), variation) // Set zoom view periodCenter = calculateCenter(path) zoomOrigin = [innerContainer.clientWidth / 2 - periodCenter[0] * zoom, innerContainer.clientHeight / 2 - periodCenter[1] * zoom] scaleZoomOrigin = [canvasCenter.x - periodCenter[0], canvasCenter.y - periodCenter[1]] applyView() }) function startPeriodUpdate(value) { endPeriodListEl.innerHTML = '' // Update time only when value changes if (startPeriodEl.value !== timelineSlider.value) { timelineSlider.value = value updateTime(parseInt(value), variation) } // Set start incremental button disabled states if (startPeriodEl.value === startPeriodEl.min) { startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true startPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else if (startPeriodEl.value === startPeriodEl.max) { startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = false startPeriodRightEl.disabled = true } else { if (path.length >= 3) { periodCenter = calculateCenter(path) // @instance-only if ((periodCenter[1] > 1000) && (startPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[variation].expansions[1])) { // Second expansion startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true startPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else if ((periodCenter[0] > 1000) && (startPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[variation].expansions[0])) { // First expansion startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true startPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else { // Starting area startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = false startPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } } } } endPeriodEl.addEventListener('input', () => { if (path.length >= 3) { periodCenter = calculateCenter(path) // @instance-only if ((periodCenter[1] > 1000) && (endPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[variation].expansions[1])) { // Second expansion endPeriodEl.value = variationsConfig[variation].expansions[1]; } else if ((periodCenter[0] > 1000) && (endPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[variation].expansions[0])) { // First expansion endPeriodEl.value = variationsConfig[variation].expansions[0]; } } endPeriodUpdate(endPeriodEl.value) }) endPeriodLeftEl.addEventListener('click', () => { endPeriodEl.value = parseInt(endPeriodEl.value) - 1 endPeriodUpdate(endPeriodEl.value) }) endPeriodRightEl.addEventListener('click', () => { endPeriodEl.value = parseInt(endPeriodEl.value) + 1 endPeriodUpdate(endPeriodEl.value) }) endPeriodViewEl.addEventListener('click', () => { updateTime(parseInt(endPeriodEl.value), variation) // Set zoom view periodCenter = calculateCenter(path) zoomOrigin = [innerContainer.clientWidth / 2 - periodCenter[0] * zoom, innerContainer.clientHeight / 2 - periodCenter[1] * zoom] scaleZoomOrigin = [canvasCenter.x - periodCenter[0], canvasCenter.y - periodCenter[1]] applyView() }) function endPeriodUpdate(value) { startPeriodListEl.innerHTML = '' // Update time only when value changes if (endPeriodEl.value !== timelineSlider.value) { timelineSlider.value = value updateTime(parseInt(value), variation) } // Set end incremental button disabled states if (endPeriodEl.value === endPeriodEl.min) { endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true endPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else if (endPeriodEl.value === endPeriodEl.max) { endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = false endPeriodRightEl.disabled = true } else { if (path.length >= 3) { periodCenter = calculateCenter(path) // @instance-only if (periodCenter && (periodCenter[1] > 1000) && (endPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[variation].expansions[1])) { // Second expansion endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true endPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else if (periodCenter && (periodCenter[0] > 1000) && (endPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[variation].expansions[0])) { // First expansion endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true endPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else { // Starting area endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = false endPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } } } } periodDeleteEl.addEventListener('click', () => { if (pathWithPeriods.length === 1) return pathWithPeriods.splice(index, 1) initPeriodGroups() }) periodDuplicateEl.addEventListener('click', () => { pathWithPeriods.push([pathWithPeriods[index][0], [...pathWithPeriods[index][1]]]) initPeriodGroups() }) periodVariationEl.addEventListener('input', event => { const newVariation = event.target.value const newVariationConfig = variationsConfig[newVariation] startPeriodEl.min = newVariationConfig.drawablePeriods[0] endPeriodEl.min = newVariationConfig.drawablePeriods[0] startPeriodEl.max = newVariationConfig.drawablePeriods[1] endPeriodEl.max = newVariationConfig.drawablePeriods[1] startPeriodEl.value = newVariationConfig.default endPeriodEl.value = newVariationConfig.default periodVariationEl.previousElementSibling.innerHTML = newVariationConfig.icon if (startPeriodEl.max === 0) periodGroupEl.classList.add('no-time-slider') else periodGroupEl.classList.remove('no-time-slider') pathWithPeriods[index][0] = `${newVariationConfig.code}:${newVariationConfig.default}` updateTime(newVariationConfig.default, newVariation) }) periodCopyEl.addEventListener("click", event => { const index = parseInt(event.target.id.split('periodCopy')[1]) if (event.target.textContent === " Copy") { event.target.className = "period-copy btn btn-primary btn-sm flex-fill" event.target.innerHTML = ' End' periodClipboard.index = index periodClipboard.path = [...pathWithPeriods[index][1]] updatePeriodGroups() } else if (event.target.textContent === " End") { event.target.className = "period-copy btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex-fill" event.target.innerHTML = ' Copy' periodClipboard.index = null periodClipboard.path = null updatePeriodGroups() } else if (event.target.textContent === " Paste") { pathWithPeriods[index][1] = [...periodClipboard.path] if (pathWithPeriods.length > 2) console.log(pathWithPeriods[2]) initPeriodGroups() } }) periodGroups.appendChild(periodGroupEl) for (const variation in variationsConfig) { const optionEl = document.createElement('option') optionEl.value = variation optionEl.textContent = variationsConfig[variation].name periodVariationEl.appendChild(optionEl) } periodVariationEl.value = variation periodVariationEl.previousElementSibling.innerHTML = variationsConfig[variation].icon periodGroupElements.push({ periodGroupEl, startPeriodEl, startPeriodLeftEl, startPeriodRightEl, startPeriodViewEl, endPeriodEl, endPeriodLeftEl, endPeriodRightEl, endPeriodViewEl, periodVariationEl, periodCopyEl, periodDeleteEl, periodStatusEl }) }) updatePeriodGroups() } function updatePeriodGroups() { let pathToActive = [] let lastActivePathIndex let currentActivePathIndex const currentActivePathIndexes = [] periodGroupElements.forEach((elements, index) => { const { periodGroupEl, startPeriodEl, startPeriodLeftEl, startPeriodRightEl, endPeriodEl, endPeriodLeftEl, endPeriodRightEl, periodVariationEl, periodCopyEl, periodDeleteEl } = elements if (periodGroupEl.dataset.active === "true") lastActivePathIndex = index periodGroupEl.dataset.active = "" let periodCenter if (pathWithPeriods[index][1].length >= 3) periodCenter = calculateCenter(pathWithPeriods[index][1]) if (isOnPeriod( parseInt(startPeriodEl.value), parseInt(endPeriodEl.value), periodVariationEl.value, currentPeriod, currentVariation )) { pathToActive = pathWithPeriods[index][1] currentActivePathIndex = index currentActivePathIndexes.push(index) periodGroupEl.dataset.active = "true" } pathWithPeriods[index][0] = formatPeriod( parseInt(startPeriodEl.value), parseInt(endPeriodEl.value), periodVariationEl.value ) if (periodClipboard.index !== null) { if (index !== periodClipboard.index) { periodCopyEl.innerHTML = ' Paste' if (JSON.stringify(pathWithPeriods[index][1]) === JSON.stringify(periodClipboard.path)) { // If contents are identical prevent pasting periodCopyEl.innerHTML = ' Paste' periodCopyEl.disabled = true } else { // Ready to paste periodCopyEl.innerHTML = ' Paste' periodCopyEl.disabled = false } } else { // Stop paste periodCopyEl.className = "period-copy btn btn-primary btn-sm flex-fill" periodCopyEl.innerHTML = ' End' periodDeleteEl.disabled = true startPeriodEl.disabled = true startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true startPeriodRightEl.disabled = true endPeriodEl.disabled = true endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true endPeriodRightEl.disabled = true } } else { // Default state periodCopyEl.innerHTML = ' Copy' periodCopyEl.disabled = false startPeriodEl.disabled = false endPeriodEl.disabled = false // If one period disable delete if (pathWithPeriods.length === 1) periodDeleteEl.disabled = true else periodDeleteEl.disabled = false // Set start incremental button disabled states // @instance-only if (startPeriodEl.value === startPeriodEl.min) { startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true startPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else if (startPeriodEl.value === startPeriodEl.max) { startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = false startPeriodRightEl.disabled = true } else { if (periodCenter && (periodCenter[1] > 1000) && (startPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[periodVariationEl.value].expansions[1])) { // Second expansion startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true startPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else if (periodCenter && (periodCenter[0] > 1000) && (startPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[periodVariationEl.value].expansions[0])) { // First expansion startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true startPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else { // Starting area startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = false startPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } } // Set end incremental button disabled states // @instance-only if (endPeriodEl.value === endPeriodEl.min) { endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true endPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else if (endPeriodEl.value === endPeriodEl.max) { endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = false endPeriodRightEl.disabled = true } else { if (periodCenter && (periodCenter[1] > 1000) && (endPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[periodVariationEl.value].expansions[1])) { // Second expansion endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true endPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else if (periodCenter && (periodCenter[0] > 1000) && (endPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[periodVariationEl.value].expansions[0])) { // First expansion endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true endPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else { // Starting area endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = false endPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } } } }) periodsStatus.textContent = "" if (lastActivePathIndex !== undefined) { if (lastActivePathIndex === currentActivePathIndex) { // just update the path const { startPeriodEl, endPeriodEl, periodVariationEl } = periodGroupElements[currentActivePathIndex] pathWithPeriods[currentActivePathIndex] = [ formatPeriod( parseInt(startPeriodEl.value), parseInt(endPeriodEl.value), periodVariationEl.value, ), path ] updatePath() } else if (currentActivePathIndex === undefined) { pathWithPeriods[lastActivePathIndex][1] = path updatePath([]) } else { // switch the path pathWithPeriods[lastActivePathIndex][1] = path updatePath(pathToActive) } } else { updatePath(pathToActive) } drawing = disableDrawingOverride ? false : currentActivePathIndex !== undefined } function updatePath(newPath, newUndoHistory) { path = newPath || path if (path.length > 3) center = calculateCenter(path) render(path) undoButton.disabled = path.length === 0; // Maybe make it undo the cancel action in the future undoHistory = newUndoHistory || [] redoButton.disabled = (!undoHistory.length) updateErrors() } function updateErrors() { if (path.length === 0) { periodsStatus.textContent = "No paths available on this period!" } const { conflicts, insufficientPaths } = getErrors() let errorCount = 0 // console.log(conflicts, invalidPaths, allErrors) periodGroupElements.forEach((el, index) => { const { periodStatusEl, startPeriodViewEl, endPeriodViewEl, periodGroupEl } = el periodStatusEl.textContent = "" periodStatusEl.classList.add("d-none") if (conflicts[index] !== undefined) { periodStatusEl.textContent += `Period conflicts with path${conflicts[index].length === 1 ? "" : "s"} ${conflicts[index].join(", ")}.\n` } if (insufficientPaths[index] !== undefined) { periodStatusEl.textContent += `Insufficient paths. Got ${insufficientPaths[index]}, need at least 3.\n` startPeriodViewEl.disabled = true endPeriodViewEl.disabled = true } else { startPeriodViewEl.disabled = false endPeriodViewEl.disabled = false } if (periodStatusEl.textContent !== "") { periodStatusEl.classList.remove("d-none") periodGroupEl.dataset.status = "error" errorCount += 1 } }) if (errorCount > 0) { periodsStatus.textContent = `Problems detected. Please check the groups indicated by red.` finishButton.disabled = true } else { periodsStatus.textContent = "" finishButton.disabled = false periodGroupElements.forEach((elements, index) => { const { periodGroupEl } = elements if (periodGroupEl.dataset.active === "true") periodGroupEl.dataset.status = "active" else periodGroupEl.dataset.status = "" }) } // Disable drawing during conflict if (Object.keys(conflicts).length === 0) { drawing = true disableDrawingOverride = false container.style.cursor = "crosshair" } else { drawing = false disableDrawingOverride = true container.style.cursor = "default" } } function getConflicts() { const conflicts = {} for (let i = pathWithPeriods.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const [start1, end1, period1] = parsePeriod(pathWithPeriods[i][0]) for (let j = 0; j < i; j++) { const [start2, end2, period2] = parsePeriod(pathWithPeriods[j][0]) if (period1 !== period2) continue if ( (start2 <= start1 && start1 <= end2) || (start2 <= end1 && end1 <= end2) || (start1 <= start2 && start2 <= end1) || (start1 <= end2 && end2 <= end1) ) { if (!conflicts[i]) conflicts[i] = [] if (!conflicts[j]) conflicts[j] = [] conflicts[i].push(j) conflicts[j].push(i) } } } return conflicts } function getErrors() { const conflicts = getConflicts() const insufficientPaths = {} pathWithPeriods.forEach(([period, path], i) => { if (path.length < 3) insufficientPaths[i] = path.length }) // console.info('conflicts', conflicts) // console.info('invalid paths', invalidPaths) return { conflicts, insufficientPaths, } } // function compressPeriod(periodsString) { // let periodStrings = periodsString.split(", ") // let validPeriods = new Set() // periodStrings.forEach(periodString => { // let [start, end] = parsePeriod(periodString) // for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) { // validPeriods.add(i) // } // }) // validPeriods = [...validPeriods].sort() // }