/*! * The 2022 r/place Atlas * Copyright (c) 2017 Roland Rytz * Copyright (c) 2022 Place Atlas contributors * Licensed under AGPL-3.0 (https://place-atlas.stefanocoding.me/license.txt) */ let areasSum = 0 const areas = [] for (const entry of atlas) { const path = entry.path let area = 0, i, j, point1, point2 for (i = 0, j = path.length - 1; i < path.length; j = i, i++) { point1 = path[i] point2 = path[j] area += point1[0] * point2[1] area -= point1[1] * point2[0] } area = Math.abs(area / 2) areasSum += area areas.push(area) entry.area = area } areas.sort((a, b) => a - b) atlas.sort((a, b) => a.area - b.area) const el = document.createElement("canvas") el.style.position = "absolute" el.style.top = "0px" el.style.zIndex = "10000" const ctx = el.getContext("2d") el.width = 1600 el.height = 500 const steps = 150 const max = 1500 let largerThanMax = areas.reduce((total, area) => total + (area > max), 0) console.info("There are " + largerThanMax + " entries larger than " + max + ", accounting for " + (largerThanMax / areas.length * 100) + "% of all entries.") console.info("The largest entry has an area of " + areas[areas.length - 1] + " pixels.") const counts = [0] const brackets = [max / steps] let bracket = 0 let mostCounts = 0 for (const area of areas) { if (area > (bracket + 1) * (max / steps)) { mostCounts = Math.max(mostCounts, counts[bracket]) bracket++ if (bracket >= steps) break counts[bracket] = 0 brackets[bracket] = (bracket + 1) * (max / steps) } counts[bracket]++ } //console.log(counts) //console.log(brackets) //console.log(mostCounts) ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF" ctx.fillRect(0, 0, el.width, el.height) ctx.strokeStyle = "#F5F5F5" ctx.fillStyle = "#333333" ctx.font = "15px sans" ctx.textAlign = "right" ctx.textBaseline = "middle" let linesDistance = 1 for (let i = 0; i <= Math.ceil((mostCounts / linesDistance) / 5) * 5; i++) { ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo( 50, ~~(el.height - 50 - i * (linesDistance / mostCounts) * (el.height - 100)) + 0.5 ) ctx.lineTo( el.width - 25, ~~(el.height - 50 - i * (linesDistance / mostCounts) * (el.height - 100)) + 0.5 ) ctx.stroke() } ctx.strokeStyle = "#333333" linesDistance = 5 for (let i = 0; i <= Math.ceil(mostCounts / linesDistance); i++) { ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo( 50, ~~(el.height - 50 - i * (linesDistance / mostCounts) * (el.height - 100)) + 0.5 ) ctx.lineTo( el.width - 25, ~~(el.height - 50 - i * (linesDistance / mostCounts) * (el.height - 100)) + 0.5 ) ctx.stroke() ctx.fillText( i * linesDistance, 40, ~~(el.height - 50 - i * (linesDistance / mostCounts) * (el.height - 100)) + 0.5 ) } const skip = 2 ctx.textAlign = "center" ctx.textBaseline = "hanging" ctx.font = "10px sans" let a = 0 for (let i = 0; i <= counts.length; i++) { if (i % skip === 0) { let y = 0 if (a % 2 === 0) { y = ~~(el.height - 30) + 0.5 } else { y = ~~(el.height - 45) + 0.5 } a++ ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo( ~~(((i) / steps) * (el.width - 125) + 75) + 0.5, ~~(el.height - 50) + 0.5 ) ctx.lineTo( ~~(((i) / steps) * (el.width - 125) + 75) + 0.5, y ) ctx.stroke() ctx.fillText( (i) * (max / steps), ~~(((i) / steps) * (el.width - 125) + 75) - 0.5, y + 5 ) } } ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000" ctx.strokeStyle = "#CC0000" for (let i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) { if (i % 2) ctx.fillStyle = "#DD0000" else ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000" ctx.fillRect( ~~((i / steps) * (el.width - 125) + 75), el.height - 50, Math.ceil(1 / steps * (el.width - 125)), ~~(-(counts[i] / mostCounts) * (el.height - 100)) ) /*ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo( ~~((i/steps)*(el.width-125)+75)+0.5 ,~~(el.height - 50) ) ctx.lineTo( ~~((i/steps)*(el.width-125)+75)+0.5 ,~~(el.height-(counts[i]/mostCounts)*(el.height-100))-50+0.5 ) ctx.lineTo( ~~(((i+1)/steps)*(el.width-125)+75)+0.5 ,~~(el.height-(counts[i]/mostCounts)*(el.height-100))-50+0.5 ) ctx.lineTo( ~~(((i+1)/steps)*(el.width-125)+75)+0.5 ,~~(el.height - 50) ) ctx.stroke();*/ } document.getElementById("wrapper").appendChild(el) //console.log(areas) console.info("Median area: " + areas[~~(areas.length / 2)]) console.info("Average area: " + (areasSum / atlas.length)) const topCount = 50 console.info("The " + topCount + " largest entries:") let outstring = "" for (let i = 0; i < topCount; i++) { outstring += ((i + 1) + "|[" + atlas[atlas.length - i - 1].name + "](http://place-atlas.stefanocoding.me/?id=" + atlas[atlas.length - i - 1].id + ")|" + ~~atlas[atlas.length - i - 1].area + "|" + Math.round(atlas[atlas.length - i - 1].area / 100) / 100 + "%\n") } console.info(outstring) atlas.sort((a, b) => a.center[0] - b.center[0]) console.info("Median x: " + atlas[~~(atlas.length / 2)].center[0]) atlas.sort((a, b) => a.center[1] - b.center[1]) console.info("Median y: " + atlas[~~(atlas.length / 2)].center[1])