""" Script to retroactively fix flairs Only touches things flaired "New entry" that either fail JSON parsing or are already in the Atlas Otherwise, it leaves them untouched Setting up authentication: 1. Head to https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps 2. Click "are you a developer? create an app..." on the button 3. Enter the name and description 4. Select "script" for the type 5. Enter "redirect uri" as "http://localhost:8080" 6. Create file "credentials" with the format below ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ [id] <- Under "personal use script" │ │ [secret] │ │ [username] <- For flair access, must be a mod, Don't do this... │ │ [password] <- ...if you don't know what you are doing. │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Running: 1. Run the script """ import praw import json import time import re import os credentials = open('credentials', 'r') client_id = credentials.readline().strip(' \t\n\r') client_secret = credentials.readline().strip(' \t\n\r') user = credentials.readline().strip(' \t\n\r') pw = credentials.readline().strip(' \t\n\r') reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, user_agent='atlas_bot',username=user,password=pw) has_write_access = not reddit.read_only if not has_write_access: print("No write access, exiting without doing anything") quit() jsonfile = open("../web/atlas.json", "r", encoding='utf-8') existing = json.load(jsonfile) existing_ids = [] for item in existing: existing_ids.append(item['id']) def set_flair(submission, flair): if has_write_access and submission.link_flair_text != flair: print(submission.link_flair_text) print(submission.id) print(flair) flair_choices = submission.flair.choices() flair = next(x for x in flair_choices if x["flair_text_editable"] and flair == x["flair_text"]) submission.flair.select(flair["flair_template_id"]) return 1 return 0 total_all_flairs = 0 rejected_count = 0 processed_count = 0 for submission in reddit.subreddit('placeAtlas2').new(limit=1000): #for submission in reddit.subreddit('placeAtlas2').search('flair:"New Entry"',limit=1000,syntax='lucene', sort="top"): #for submission in reddit.subreddit('placeAtlas2').search('flair:"New Entry"',limit=1000,syntax='lucene', sort="comments"): #for submission in reddit.subreddit('placeAtlas2').search('flair:"New Entry"',limit=1000,syntax='lucene', sort="hot"): #for submission in reddit.subreddit('placeAtlas2').search('flair:"New Entry"',limit=1000,syntax='lucene', sort="new"): #for submission in reddit.subreddit('placeAtlas2').search('flair:"New Entry"',limit=1000,syntax='lucene', sort="relevance"): """ Auth setup 1. Head to https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps 2. Click "create another app" 3. Give it a name and description 4. Select "script" 5. Redirect to http://localhost:8080 6. Copy ID (under Personal Use Script) 7. Append to file called "credentials" 8. Copy Secret 9. Append on newline to "credentials" file 10-. Append 2 newlines with username and password if you want flair write access 11. Run Script Running Script 1. Input the next ID to use 2. Manually resolve errors in temp-atlas-manual.json 3. Copy temp-atlas.json entries into web/_js/atlas.js 4. Pull Request """ total_all_flairs += 1 if (submission.id in existing_ids): processed_count += set_flair(submission, "Processed Entry") continue if(submission.link_flair_text == "New Entry"): text = submission.selftext #Old backslash filter: #text = text.replace("\\", "") #New one: One \\ escapes a backslash in python's parser # Two escape it again in the regex parser, so \\\\ is \ # Then anything but " or n is replaced with the first capture group (anything but " or n) # Test in repl: re.sub("\\\\([^\"n])", "\\1", "\\t < removed slash, t stays and > stays \\n \\\"") text = re.sub("\\\\([^\"n])", "\\1", text) try: text = text.replace("\"id\": 0,", "\"id\": 0,\n\t\t\"submitted_by\": \""+submission.author.name+"\",") except AttributeError: text = text.replace("\"id\": 0,", "\"id\": 0,\n\t\t\"submitted_by\": \""+"unknown"+"\",") lines = text.split("\n") for i, line in enumerate(lines): if("\"id\": 0" in line): lines[i] = line.replace("\"id\": 0", "\"id\": "+"\""+str(submission.id)+"\"") text = "\n".join(lines) try: json.dumps(json.loads(text)) # Do not set processed, we're only updating old entries in atlas or invalid submission flairs and not processing except json.JSONDecodeError: rejected_count += set_flair(submission, "Rejected Entry") print(f"\n\nTotal all flairs:{total_all_flairs}\nUpdated as rejected: {rejected_count}/{total_all_flairs}\nUpdated as processed: {processed_count}/{total_all_flairs}\n")