/* ======================================================================== The 2022 /r/place Atlas An Atlas of Reddit's 2022 /r/place, with information to each artwork of the canvas provided by the community. Copyright (c) 2017 Roland Rytz Copyright (c) 2022 r/placeAtlas2 contributors Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 https://place-atlas.stefanocoding.me/license.txt ======================================================================== */ var finishButton = document.getElementById("finishButton"); var resetButton = document.getElementById("resetButton"); var undoButton = document.getElementById("undoButton"); var redoButton = document.getElementById("redoButton"); var highlightUnchartedLabel = document.getElementById("highlightUnchartedLabel"); var entryId = 0 var objectInfoBox = document.getElementById("objectInfo"); var hintText = document.getElementById("hint"); var periodsStatus = document.getElementById('periodsStatus') var periodGroups = document.getElementById('periodGroups') var periodGroupTemplate = document.getElementById('period-group').content.firstElementChild.cloneNode(true) var periodsAdd = document.getElementById('periodsAdd') var exportButton = document.getElementById("exportButton"); var cancelButton = document.getElementById("cancelButton"); var exportOverlay = document.getElementById("exportOverlay"); var exportCloseButton = document.getElementById("exportCloseButton"); var exportBackButton = document.getElementById("exportBackButton") var path = []; var center = [1000, 1000]; var pathWithPeriods = [] var periodGroupElements = [] var disableDrawingOverride = false var drawing = true; [...document.querySelectorAll("#drawControlsContainer textarea")].forEach(el => { el.addEventListener("input", function() { this.style.height = "auto"; this.style.height = (this.scrollHeight) + "px" }) }) function initDraw(){ wrapper.classList.remove('listHidden') window.render = render window.renderBackground = renderBackground window.updateHovering = updateHovering // var startPeriodField = document.getElementById('startPeriodField') // var endPeriodField = document.getElementById('endPeriodField') // var periodVisbilityInfo = document.getElementById('periodVisbilityInfo') var rShiftPressed = false; var lShiftPressed = false; var shiftPressed = false; var highlightUncharted = true; renderBackground(); applyView(); container.style.cursor = "crosshair"; var undoHistory = []; render(path); container.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e){ lastPos = [ e.clientX, e.clientY ]; }); function getCanvasCoords(x, y){ x = x - container.offsetLeft; y = y - container.offsetTop; var pos = [ ~~((x - (container.clientWidth/2 - innerContainer.clientWidth/2 + zoomOrigin[0]))/zoom)+0.5, ~~((y - (container.clientHeight/2 - innerContainer.clientHeight/2 + zoomOrigin[1]))/zoom)+0.5 ]; if(shiftPressed && path.length > 0){ var previous = path[path.length-1]; if(Math.abs(pos[1] - previous[1]) > Math.abs(pos[0] - previous[0]) ){ pos[0] = previous[0]; } else { pos[1] = previous[1]; } } return pos; } container.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e){ if(Math.abs(lastPos[0] - e.clientX) + Math.abs(lastPos[1] - e.clientY) <= 4 && drawing){ var coords = getCanvasCoords(e.clientX, e.clientY); path.push(coords); render(path); undoHistory = []; redoButton.disabled = true; undoButton.disabled = false; if(path.length >= 3){ finishButton.disabled = false; } updatePath() } }); window.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e){ if(!dragging && drawing && path.length > 0){ var coords = getCanvasCoords(e.clientX, e.clientY); render(path.concat([coords])); } }); window.addEventListener("keyup", function(e){ if(e.key == "Enter"){ finish(); } else if(e.key == "z" && e.ctrlKey){ undo(); } else if(e.key == "y" && e.ctrlKey){ redo(); } else if(e.key == "Escape"){ exportOverlay.style.display = "none"; } else if (e.key === "Shift" ){ if(e.code === "ShiftRight"){ rShiftPressed = false; } else if(e.code === "ShiftLeft"){ lShiftPressed = false; } shiftPressed = rShiftPressed || lShiftPressed; } }); window.addEventListener("keydown", function(e){ if (e.key === "Shift" ){ if(e.code === "ShiftRight"){ rShiftPressed = true; } else if(e.code === "ShiftLeft"){ lShiftPressed = true; } shiftPressed = rShiftPressed || lShiftPressed; } }); finishButton.addEventListener("click", function(e){ finish(); }); undoButton.addEventListener("click", function(e){ undo(); }); redoButton.addEventListener("click", function(e){ redo(); }); resetButton.addEventListener("click", function(e){ reset(); }); cancelButton.addEventListener("click", function(e){ back(); }); document.getElementById("nameField").addEventListener("keyup", function(e){ if(e.key == "Enter"){ exportJson(); } }); // document.getElementById("websiteField").addEventListener("keyup", function(e){ // if(e.key == "Enter"){ // exportJson(); // } // }); // document.getElementById("subredditField").addEventListener("keyup", function(e){ // if(e.key == "Enter"){ // exportJson(); // } // }); exportButton.addEventListener("click", function(e){ exportJson(); }); exportCloseButton.addEventListener("click", function(e){ reset(); exportOverlay.style.display = "none"; }); exportBackButton.addEventListener("click", function(e){ finish(); exportOverlay.style.display = "none"; }); document.getElementById("highlightUncharted").addEventListener("click", function(e){ highlightUncharted = this.checked; render(path); }); function exportJson(){ var exportObject = { id: entryId, name: document.getElementById("nameField").value, description: document.getElementById("descriptionField").value, links: {}, center: {}, path: {}, }; pathWithPeriodsTemp = pathWithPeriods.concat() // console.log(pathWithPeriodsTemp) // calculateCenter(path) for (let i = pathWithPeriodsTemp.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { for (let j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (JSON.stringify(pathWithPeriodsTemp[i][1]) === JSON.stringify(pathWithPeriodsTemp[j][1])) { pathWithPeriodsTemp[j][0] = pathWithPeriodsTemp[i][0] + ', ' + pathWithPeriodsTemp[j][0] pathWithPeriodsTemp.splice(i, 1) break } } } pathWithPeriodsTemp.forEach(([key, value]) => { // TODO: Compress periods on something like 0-13, 14. exportObject.path[key] = value exportObject.center[key] = calculateCenter(value) }) let inputWebsite = document.getElementById("websiteField").value.split('\n').map(line => line.trim()).filter(line => line) let inputSubreddit = document.getElementById("subredditField").value.split('\n').map(line => line.trim().replace(/^\/?r\//, '')).filter(line => line) if (inputWebsite.length) exportObject.links.website = inputWebsite if (inputSubreddit.length) exportObject.links.subreddit = inputSubreddit var jsonString = JSON.stringify(exportObject, null, "\t"); var textarea = document.getElementById("exportString"); jsonString = jsonString.split("\n"); jsonString = jsonString.join("\n "); jsonString = " "+jsonString; textarea.value = jsonString; var directPostUrl = "https://www.reddit.com/r/placeAtlas2/submit?selftext=true&title=New%20Submission&text="+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("exportString").value); if (jsonString.length > 7493) { directPostUrl = "https://www.reddit.com/r/placeAtlas2/submit?selftext=true&title=New%20Submission&text="+encodeURIComponent(" " + JSON.stringify(exportObject)); } document.getElementById("exportDirectPost").href=directPostUrl; exportOverlay.style.display = "flex"; textarea.focus(); textarea.select(); } function undo(){ if(path.length > 0 && drawing){ undoHistory.push(path.pop()); redoButton.disabled = false; updatePath() } } function redo(){ if(undoHistory.length > 0 && drawing){ path.push(undoHistory.pop()); undoButton.disabled = false; updatePath() } } function finish(){ if (objectInfoBox.style.display === "block") return updatePath() drawing = false; disableDrawingOverride = true; objectInfoBox.style.display = "block"; objectDraw.style.display = "none"; hintText.style.display = "none"; [...document.querySelectorAll("#drawControlsContainer textarea")].forEach(el => { if (el.value) el.style.height = (el.scrollHeight) + "px" }) // if (isOnPeriod()) { // periodVisbilityInfo.textContent = "" // } else { // periodVisbilityInfo.textContent = "Not visible during this period!" // } } function reset(){ updatePath([]) undoHistory = []; drawing = true; disableDrawingOverride = false; objectInfoBox.style.display = "none"; objectDraw.style.display = "block"; hintText.style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("nameField").value = ""; document.getElementById("descriptionField").value = ""; document.getElementById("websiteField").value = ""; document.getElementById("subredditField").value = ""; } function back(){ drawing = true; disableDrawingOverride = false; updatePath() objectInfoBox.style.display = "none"; objectDraw.style.display = "block"; hintText.style.display = "block"; } function renderBackground(){ backgroundContext.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); backgroundContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"; //backgroundContext.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); for(var i = 0; i < atlas.length; i++){ var path = atlas[i].path; backgroundContext.beginPath(); if(path[0]){ backgroundContext.moveTo(path[0][0], path[0][1]); } for(var p = 1; p < path.length; p++){ backgroundContext.lineTo(path[p][0], path[p][1]); } backgroundContext.closePath(); backgroundContext.fill(); } } function render(path){ context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); if(highlightUncharted){ context.drawImage(backgroundCanvas, 0, 0); context.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)"; } else { context.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)"; } context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); context.beginPath(); if(path[0]){ context.moveTo(path[0][0], path[0][1]); } for(var i = 1; i < path.length; i++){ context.lineTo(path[i][0], path[i][1]); } context.closePath(); context.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)"; context.stroke(); context.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out"; context.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"; context.fill(); } function updateHovering(e, tapped){ if(!dragging && (!fixed || tapped)){ var pos = [ (e.clientX - (container.clientWidth/2 - innerContainer.clientWidth/2 + zoomOrigin[0] + container.offsetLeft))/zoom ,(e.clientY - (container.clientHeight/2 - innerContainer.clientHeight/2 + zoomOrigin[1] + container.offsetTop))/zoom ]; var coords_p = document.getElementById("coords_p"); coords_p.innerText = Math.ceil(pos[0]) + ", " + Math.ceil(pos[1]); } } const getEntry = id => { const entries = atlasAll.filter(entry => entry.id === id) if (entries.length === 1) return entries[0] return {} } let params = new URLSearchParams(document.location.search) if (params.has('id')) { entry = getEntry(params.get('id')) document.getElementById("nameField").value = entry.name document.getElementById("descriptionField").value = entry.description document.getElementById("websiteField").value = entry.links.website.join('\n') document.getElementById("subredditField").value = entry.links.subreddit.map(sub => '/r/' + sub).join('\n') pathWithPeriods = Object.entries(entry.path) redoButton.disabled = true; undoButton.disabled = false; entryId = params.get('id') if (typeof entry.period === "string") { entry.period.split(', ').some(period => { if (period.search('-') + 1) { var [before, after] = period.split('-') startPeriodField.value = before endPeriodField.value = after // console.log(before, after) return } }) } } else { pathWithPeriods.push([defaultPeriod, []]) } initPeriodGroups() zoom = 4; zoomOrigin = [ innerContainer.clientWidth/2 - center[0] * zoom,// + container.offsetLeft innerContainer.clientHeight/2 - center[1] * zoom// + container.offsetTop ]; scaleZoomOrigin = [ 2000/2 - center[0],// + container.offsetLeft 2000/2 - center[1]// + container.offsetTop ]; applyView(); document.addEventListener('timeupdate', (event) => { renderBackground() updatePeriodGroups() }) periodsAdd.addEventListener('click', () => { pathWithPeriods.push([defaultPeriod, []]) initPeriodGroups() }) } function calculateCenter(path){ var area = 0, i, j, point1, point2, x = 0, y = 0, f; for (i = 0, j = path.length - 1; i < path.length; j=i,i++) { point1 = path[i]; point2 = path[j]; f = point1[0] * point2[1] - point2[0] * point1[1]; area += f; x += (point1[0] + point2[0]) * f; y += (point1[1] + point2[1]) * f; } area *= 3; return [Math.floor(x / area)+0.5, Math.floor(y / area)+0.5]; } function isOnPeriod(start = parseInt(startPeriodField.value), end = parseInt(endPeriodField.value), current = period) { // console.log(start, end, current, current >= start && current <= end) return current >= start && current <= end } function initPeriodGroups() { periodGroupElements = [] periodGroups.textContent = '' // console.log(pathWithPeriods) pathWithPeriods.forEach(([period, path], index) => { let periodGroupEl = periodGroupTemplate.cloneNode(true) periodGroupEl.id = "periodGroup" + index let startPeriodEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-start') let endPeriodEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-end') let periodVisibilityEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-visible') let periodDeleteEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-delete') let periodDuplicateEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-duplicate') let [start, end] = parsePeriod(period) startPeriodEl.id = "periodStart" + index startPeriodEl.previousSibling.for = startPeriodEl.id endPeriodEl.id = "periodEnd" + index endPeriodEl.previousSibling.for = endPeriodEl.id periodVisibilityEl.id = "periodVisibility" + index startPeriodEl.value = start startPeriodEl.max = maxPeriod endPeriodEl.value = end endPeriodEl.max = maxPeriod startPeriodEl.addEventListener('input', event => { timelineSlider.value = parseInt(event.target.value) updateTime(parseInt(event.target.value)) // console.log(parseInt(event.target.value)) }) endPeriodEl.addEventListener('input', event => { timelineSlider.value = parseInt(event.target.value) updateTime(parseInt(event.target.value)) // console.log(parseInt(event.target.value)) }) periodDeleteEl.addEventListener('click', () => { if (pathWithPeriods.length === 1) return pathWithPeriods = pathWithPeriods.filter((_, i) => i !== index) initPeriodGroups() }) periodDuplicateEl.addEventListener('click', () => { pathWithPeriods.push([pathWithPeriods[index][0], [...pathWithPeriods[index][1]]]) initPeriodGroups() }) periodGroups.appendChild(periodGroupEl) periodGroupElements.push({ periodGroupEl, startPeriodEl, endPeriodEl, periodVisibilityEl }) }) // console.log(periodGroupTemplate) updatePeriodGroups() } function updatePeriodGroups() { // console.log('updatePeriodGroups') var pathToActive = [] var lastActivePathIndex var currentActivePathIndex var currentActivePathIndexes = [] periodGroupElements.forEach((elements, index) => { let { periodGroupEl, startPeriodEl, endPeriodEl, periodVisibilityEl } = elements if (periodGroupEl.dataset.active === "true") lastActivePathIndex = index periodGroupEl.dataset.active = "" if (isOnPeriod( parseInt(startPeriodEl.value), parseInt(endPeriodEl.value), period )) { pathToActive = pathWithPeriods[index][1] currentActivePathIndex = index currentActivePathIndexes.push(index) periodGroupEl.dataset.active = "true" } pathWithPeriods[index][0] = formatPeriod( parseInt(startPeriodEl.value), parseInt(endPeriodEl.value), period ) }) // console.log('updatePeriodGroups searcher', pathToActive, lastActivePathIndex, currentActivePathIndex, period) periodsStatus.textContent = "" // if (currentActivePathIndexes.length > 1) { // periodsStatus.textContent = "Collision detected! Please resolve it." // currentActivePathIndexes.forEach(index => { // periodGroupElements[index].periodGroupEl.dataset.status = "error" // }) // currentActivePathIndex = undefined // } // console.log(lastActivePathIndex) if (lastActivePathIndex !== undefined) { if (lastActivePathIndex === currentActivePathIndex) { // just update the path pathWithPeriods[currentActivePathIndex] = [ formatPeriod( parseInt(periodGroupElements[currentActivePathIndex].startPeriodEl.value), parseInt(periodGroupElements[currentActivePathIndex].endPeriodEl.value) ), path ] updatePath() } else if (currentActivePathIndex === undefined) { pathWithPeriods[lastActivePathIndex][1] = path updatePath([]) } else { // switch the path pathWithPeriods[lastActivePathIndex][1] = path updatePath(pathToActive) } } else { console.log('direct active', pathToActive) updatePath(pathToActive) } drawing = disableDrawingOverride ? false : currentActivePathIndex !== undefined } function parsePeriod(periodString) { periodString = periodString + "" // TODO: Support for multiple/alternative types of canvas if (periodString.search('-') + 1) { var [start, end] = periodString.split('-').map(i => parseInt(i)) return [start, end] } else { let periodNew = parseInt(periodString) return [periodNew, periodNew] } } function formatPeriod(start, end) { if (start === end) return start else return start + "-" + end } function updatePath(newPath) { // console.log('updatePath', path, newPath) if (newPath) path = newPath // console.log('updatePath', path, newPath) if (path.length > 3) center = calculateCenter(path) render(path) undoButton.disabled = path.length == 0; // Maybe make it undo the cancel action in the future undoHistory = [] updateErrors() } function updateErrors() { if (path.length === 0) { periodsStatus.textContent = "No paths available on this period!" } let [conflicts, invalidPaths, allErrors] = getErrors() if (allErrors.length > 0) { periodsStatus.textContent = `Problems detected. Please check the groups indicated by red.` if (conflicts.length > 0) { periodsStatus.textContent += `\nConflicts on ${conflicts.join(', ')}.` currentActivePathIndex = undefined } if (invalidPaths.length > 0) periodsStatus.textContent += `\nInsufficient paths on ${invalidPaths.join(', ')}.` allErrors.forEach(index => { periodGroupElements[index].periodGroupEl.dataset.status = "error" }) finishButton.disabled = true } else { periodsStatus.textContent = `` finishButton.disabled = false periodGroupElements.forEach((elements, index) => { let { periodGroupEl, startPeriodEl, endPeriodEl, periodVisibilityEl } = elements if (periodGroupEl.dataset.active === "true") periodGroupEl.dataset.status = "active" else periodGroupEl.dataset.status = "" }) } } function getConflicts() { let conflicts = new Set() for (let i = pathWithPeriods.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { for (let j = 0; j < i; j++) { let [start1, end1] = parsePeriod(pathWithPeriods[i][0]) let [start2, end2] = parsePeriod(pathWithPeriods[j][0]) if ( (start2 <= start1 && start1 <= end2) || (start2 <= end1 && end1 <= end2) || (start1 <= start2 && start2 <= end1) || (start1 <= end2 && end2 <= end1) ) { conflicts.add(i) conflicts.add(j) } } } conflicts = [...conflicts] return conflicts } function getErrors() { let conflicts = getConflicts() let invalidPaths = [] pathWithPeriods.forEach(([period, path], i) => { if (path.length < 3) invalidPaths.push(i) }) // console.info('conflicts', conflicts) // console.info('invalid paths', invalidPaths) return [conflicts, invalidPaths, [...new Set([...conflicts, ...invalidPaths])]] } // function compressPeriod(periodsString) { // let periodStrings = periodsString.split(", ") // let validPeriods = new Set() // periodStrings.forEach(periodString => { // let [start, end] = parsePeriod(periodString) // for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) { // validPeriods.add(i) // } // }) // validPeriods = [...validPeriods].sort() // }