/*! * The 2022 r/place Atlas * Copyright (c) 2017 Roland Rytz * Copyright (c) 2022 Place Atlas contributors * Licensed under AGPL-3.0 (https://place-atlas.stefanocoding.me/license.txt) */ const finishButton = document.getElementById("finishButton") const resetButton = document.getElementById("resetButton") const undoButton = document.getElementById("undoButton") const redoButton = document.getElementById("redoButton") const highlightUnchartedLabel = document.getElementById("highlightUnchartedLabel") const drawControlsBody = document.getElementById("offcanvasDraw-drawControls") const objectInfoBody = document.getElementById("offcanvasDraw-objectInfo") const objectInfoForm = document.getElementById("objectInfo") const hintText = document.getElementById("hint") const periodsStatus = document.getElementById('periodsStatus') const periodGroups = document.getElementById('periodGroups') const periodGroupTemplate = document.getElementById('period-group').content.firstElementChild.cloneNode(true) const periodsAdd = document.getElementById('periodsAdd') const exportButton = document.getElementById("exportButton") const cancelButton = document.getElementById("cancelButton") const redditPostButton = document.getElementById("exportRedditPost") let redditPostTooltip = null const githubPostButton = document.getElementById("exportGithubPost") let githubPostTooltip = null const exportModalElement = document.getElementById("exportModal") const exportModal = new bootstrap.Modal(exportModalElement) const nameField = document.getElementById("nameField") const descriptionField = document.getElementById("descriptionField") const websiteGroup = document.getElementById("websiteGroup") const subredditGroup = document.getElementById("subredditGroup") const discordGroup = document.getElementById("discordGroup") const wikiGroup = document.getElementById("wikiGroup") const exportArea = document.getElementById("exportString") const subredditPattern = /^(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:(?:www|old|new|np)\.)?)?reddit\.com)?\/)?[rR]\/)?([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{1,20})(?:\/[^" ]*)*$/ const discordPattern = /^(?:(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:(?:discord)?\.?gg|discord(?:app)?\.com\/invite)\/)?([^\s/]+?)(?=\b)$/ let entryId = undefined let path = [] let center = [canvasCenter.x, canvasCenter.y] let websiteGroupElements = [] let subredditGroupElements = [] let discordGroupElements = [] let wikiGroupElements = [] let pathWithPeriods = [] let periodGroupElements = [] let disableDrawingOverride = false let drawing = false let undoHistory = [] const periodClipboard = { "index": null, "path": null } const drawBackButton = document.createElement("a") drawBackButton.className = "btn btn-outline-primary" drawBackButton.id = "drawBackButton" drawBackButton.textContent = "Exit Draw Mode" const baseInputAddon = document.createElement("span") baseInputAddon.className = "input-group-text" const baseInputGroup = document.createElement("div") baseInputGroup.className = "input-group" const baseInputField = document.createElement("input") baseInputField.className = "form-control" baseInputField.spellcheck = false baseInputField.type = "text" ;[...document.querySelectorAll("#objectInfo textarea")].forEach(el => { el.addEventListener("input", function () { this.style.height = "auto" this.style.height = (this.scrollHeight) + "px" }) }) // https://gist.github.com/codeguy/6684588?permalink_comment_id=3243980#gistcomment-3243980 function slugify(text) { return text .normalize('NFKD') .toLowerCase() .trim() .replace(/\s+/g, '-') .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '') .replace(/\-+/g, '-'); 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If needed, please copy manually." if (!redditPostTooltip) redditPostTooltip = new bootstrap.Tooltip(redditPostButton) } else { // redditPostButton.classList.remove("disabled") // redditPostButton.ariaDisabled = false redditPostButton.dataset.bsTitle = "" } redditPostButton.href = redditPostUrl if (exportObject.id === 0) document.getElementById("redditFlair").textContent = "New Entry" else document.getElementById("redditFlair").textContent = "Edit Entry" // GitHub let githubPostJsonString = prettyJsonString let githubPostUrl = `${instanceRepo}/new/cleanup/data/patches?filename=gh-${[...Array(4)].map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16)).join('')}-${slugify(exportObject.name)}.json&value=` if (encodeURIComponent(githubPostJsonString).length > 8192 - githubPostUrl.length) { githubPostJsonString = miniJsonString } githubPostUrl += encodeURIComponent(githubPostJsonString) if (githubPostUrl.length > 8192) { // githubPostButton.classList.add("disabled") // githubPostButton.ariaDisabled = true githubPostButton.dataset.bsToggle = "tooltip" githubPostButton.dataset.bsTitle = "This may not work due to the length of the entry. If needed, please copy manually." if (!githubPostTooltip) githubPostTooltip = new bootstrap.Tooltip(githubPostButton) } else { // githubPostButton.classList.remove("disabled") // githubPostButton.ariaDisabled = false githubPostButton.dataset.bsTitle = "" } githubPostButton.href = githubPostUrl console.log(githubPostUrl) exportModal.show() } function preview() { let infoElement = createInfoBlock(generateExportObject(), true) objectsContainer.replaceChildren() objectsContainer.appendChild(infoElement) closeObjectsListButton.classList.remove("d-none") } function undo() { if (path.length == 0 || !drawing) return undoHistory.push(path.pop()) redoButton.disabled = false updatePath(path, undoHistory) } function redo() { if (undoHistory.length == 0 || !drawing) return path.push(undoHistory.pop()) undoButton.disabled = false updatePath(path, undoHistory) } function finish() { updatePath() drawing = false disableDrawingOverride = true container.style.cursor = "default" 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subredditGroup.appendChild(inputGroup) const inputAddon = baseInputAddon.cloneNode() inputAddon.id = "subredditField" + index + "-addon" inputAddon.textContent = "reddit.com/" inputGroup.appendChild(inputAddon) const inputField = baseInputField.cloneNode() inputField.id = "subredditField" + index inputField.placeholder = "r/example" inputField.pattern = "^r\/[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{1,50}$" inputField.title = "Subreddit in format of r/example" inputField.minLength = "4" inputField.maxLength = "50" inputField.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", "subredditLabel") inputField.setAttribute("aria-describedby", "subredditField" + index + "-addon") if (link) { inputField.value = "r/" + link } else { inputField.value = "" } inputGroup.appendChild(inputField) subredditGroupElements.push(inputField) const inputButton = document.createElement("button") inputButton.type = "button" // If button is the last in the array give it the add button if (array.length === index + 1) { inputButton.className = "btn btn-secondary" inputButton.title = "Add subreddit" inputButton.innerHTML = '' inputButton.addEventListener('click', () => addFieldButton(inputButton, inputGroup, subredditGroupElements, index, "subreddit")) } else { inputButton.className = "btn btn-outline-secondary" inputButton.title = "Remove subreddit" inputButton.innerHTML = '' inputButton.addEventListener('click', () => removeFieldButton(inputGroup, subredditGroupElements, index)) } inputField.addEventListener('paste', event => { let paste = (event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData).getData('text') paste = paste.trim().match(subredditPattern)?.[1] if (paste) { event.target.value = "r/" + paste event.preventDefault() } }) inputGroup.appendChild(inputButton) } function addDiscordFields(link, index, array) { const inputGroup = baseInputGroup.cloneNode() discordGroup.appendChild(inputGroup) const inputAddon = baseInputAddon.cloneNode() inputAddon.id = "discordField" + index + "-addon" inputAddon.textContent = "discord.gg/" inputGroup.appendChild(inputAddon) const inputField = baseInputField.cloneNode() inputField.id = "discordField" + index inputField.placeholder = "pJkm23b2nA" inputField.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", "discordLabel") inputField.setAttribute("aria-describedby", "discordField" + index + "-addon") inputField.value = link inputGroup.appendChild(inputField) discordGroupElements.push(inputField) const inputButton = document.createElement("button") inputButton.type = "button" // If button is the last in the array give it the add button if (array.length === index + 1) { inputButton.className = "btn btn-secondary" inputButton.title = "Add Discord invite" inputButton.innerHTML = '' inputButton.addEventListener('click', () => addFieldButton(inputButton, inputGroup, discordGroupElements, index, "Discord invite")) } else { inputButton.className = "btn btn-outline-secondary" inputButton.title = "Remove Discord invite" inputButton.innerHTML = '' inputButton.addEventListener('click', () => removeFieldButton(inputGroup, discordGroupElements, index)) } inputField.addEventListener('paste', event => { let paste = (event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData).getData('text') paste = paste.trim().match(discordPattern)?.[1] if (paste) { event.target.value = paste event.preventDefault() } }) inputGroup.appendChild(inputButton) } function addWikiFields(link, index, array) { const inputGroup = baseInputGroup.cloneNode() wikiGroup.appendChild(inputGroup) const inputField = baseInputField.cloneNode() inputField.id = "wikiField" + index inputField.placeholder = "Page title" inputField.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", "wikiLabel") inputField.value = link inputGroup.appendChild(inputField) wikiGroupElements.push(inputField) const inputButton = document.createElement("button") inputButton.type = "button" // If button is the last in the array give it the add button if (array.length === index + 1) { inputButton.className = "btn btn-secondary" inputButton.title = "Add wiki page" inputButton.innerHTML = '' inputButton.addEventListener('click', () => addFieldButton(inputButton, inputGroup, wikiGroupElements, index, "wiki page")) } else { inputButton.className = "btn btn-outline-secondary" inputButton.title = "Remove wiki page" inputButton.innerHTML = '' inputButton.addEventListener('click', () => removeFieldButton(inputGroup, wikiGroupElements, index)) } inputGroup.appendChild(inputButton) } if (params.has('id') && getEntry(params.get('id'))) { entryId = params.get('id') const entry = getEntry(entryId) nameField.value = entry.name descriptionField.value = entry.description if (entry.links.website.length) { entry.links.website.forEach((link, index, array) => { addWebsiteFields(link, index, array) }) } else { addWebsiteFields("", -1, entry.links.website) } if (entry.links.subreddit.length) { entry.links.subreddit.forEach((link, index, array) => { addSubredditFields(link, index, array) }) } else { addSubredditFields("", -1, entry.links.subreddit) } if (entry.links.discord.length) { entry.links.discord.forEach((link, index, array) => { addDiscordFields(link, index, array) }) } else { addDiscordFields("", -1, entry.links.discord) } if (entry.links.wiki.length) { entry.links.wiki.forEach((link, index, array) => { addWikiFields(link, index, array) }) } else { addWikiFields("", -1, entry.links.wiki) } redoButton.disabled = true undoButton.disabled = false Object.entries(entry.path).forEach(([period, path]) => { period.split(", ").forEach(period => { pathWithPeriods.push([period, path]) }) }) } else { document.getElementById("offcanvasDrawLabel").textContent = "New Entry" pathWithPeriods.push([formatPeriod(currentPeriod, currentPeriod, currentVariation), []]) // Builds multi-input list addWebsiteFields("", 0, [0]) addSubredditFields("", 0, [0]) addDiscordFields("", 0, [0]) addWikiFields("", 0, [0]) } initPeriodGroups() zoom = 4 setView(center[0], center[1]) document.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => { renderBackground(atlas) updatePeriodGroups() }) periodsAdd.addEventListener('click', () => { pathWithPeriods.push([formatPeriod(currentPeriod, currentPeriod, currentVariation), []]) initPeriodGroups() }) drawBackButton.href = "./" + formatHash(entryId, currentPeriod, currentPeriod, currentVariation) document.addEventListener('timeupdate', event => { drawBackButton.href = "./" + formatHash(entryId, event.detail.period, event.detail.period, event.detail.variation) }) } function calculateCenter(path) { const result = polylabel(path) return [Math.floor(result[0]) + 0.5, Math.floor(result[1]) + 0.5] } function initPeriodGroups() { periodGroupElements = [] periodGroups.replaceChildren() pathWithPeriods.forEach(([period, path], index) => { let periodCenter // Set element variables const periodGroupEl = periodGroupTemplate.cloneNode(true) periodGroupEl.id = "periodGroup" + index const startPeriodEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-start') const startPeriodListEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('#periodStartList') const startPeriodLabelEl = startPeriodEl.previousElementSibling.querySelector('label') const startPeriodLeftEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('#periodStartLeft') const startPeriodRightEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('#periodStartRight') const startPeriodViewEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('#periodStartView') const endPeriodEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-end') const endPeriodListEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('#periodEndList') const endPeriodLabelEl = endPeriodEl.previousElementSibling.querySelector('label') const endPeriodLeftEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('#periodEndLeft') const endPeriodRightEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('#periodEndRight') const endPeriodViewEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('#periodEndView') const periodCopyEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-copy') const periodDuplicateEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-duplicate') const periodDeleteEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-delete') const periodVariationEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-variation') const periodStatusEl = periodGroupEl.querySelector('.period-status') const [start, end, variation] = parsePeriod(period) // Set index startPeriodEl.id = "periodStart" + index startPeriodLabelEl.htmlFor = startPeriodEl.id startPeriodListEl.id += index startPeriodEl.setAttribute("list", startPeriodListEl.id) startPeriodLeftEl.id += index startPeriodRightEl.id += index startPeriodViewEl.id += index endPeriodEl.id = "periodEnd" + index endPeriodLabelEl.htmlFor = endPeriodEl.id endPeriodListEl.id += index endPeriodEl.setAttribute("list", endPeriodListEl.id) endPeriodLeftEl.id += index endPeriodRightEl.id += index endPeriodViewEl.id += index periodCopyEl.id = "periodCopy" + index periodVariationEl.id = "periodVariation" + index periodStatusEl.id = "periodStatus" + index // Set ranges startPeriodEl.min = variationsConfig[variation].drawablePeriods[0] endPeriodEl.min = variationsConfig[variation].drawablePeriods[0] startPeriodEl.max = variationsConfig[variation].drawablePeriods[1] endPeriodEl.max = variationsConfig[variation].drawablePeriods[1] startPeriodEl.value = start if (startPeriodEl.value === startPeriodEl.min) startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true if (startPeriodEl.value === startPeriodEl.max) startPeriodRightEl.disabled = true endPeriodEl.value = end if (endPeriodEl.value === endPeriodEl.min) endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true if (endPeriodEl.value === endPeriodEl.max) endPeriodRightEl.disabled = true // Adds tick marks to assit in preventing overlap startPeriodListEl.innerHTML = '' endPeriodListEl.innerHTML = '' // Removes slider controls if no timeline range exists if (startPeriodEl.max === 0) periodGroupEl.classList.add('no-time-slider') else periodGroupEl.classList.remove('no-time-slider') // Disable delete if only one period if (pathWithPeriods.length === 1) periodDeleteEl.disabled = true startPeriodEl.addEventListener('input', () => { if (path.length >= 3) { periodCenter = calculateCenter(path) // @instance-only if ((periodCenter[1] > 1000) && (startPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[getCurrentVariation()].expansions[1])) { // Second expansion startPeriodEl.value = variationsConfig[getCurrentVariation()].expansions[1]; } else if ((periodCenter[0] > 1000) && (startPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[getCurrentVariation()].expansions[0])) { // First expansion startPeriodEl.value = variationsConfig[getCurrentVariation()].expansions[0]; } } startPeriodUpdate(startPeriodEl.value) }) startPeriodLeftEl.addEventListener('click', () => { startPeriodEl.value = parseInt(startPeriodEl.value) - 1 startPeriodUpdate(startPeriodEl.value) }) startPeriodRightEl.addEventListener('click', () => { startPeriodEl.value = parseInt(startPeriodEl.value) + 1 startPeriodUpdate(startPeriodEl.value) }) startPeriodViewEl.addEventListener('click', () => { updateTime(parseInt(startPeriodEl.value), getCurrentVariation()) // Set zoom view periodCenter = calculateCenter(path) setView(periodCenter[0], periodCenter[1], setZoomByPath(path)) }) function getCurrentVariation() { return periodVariationEl[periodVariationEl.selectedIndex].value } function startPeriodUpdate(value) { endPeriodListEl.innerHTML = '' // Update time only when value changes if (startPeriodEl.value !== timelineSlider.value) { timelineSlider.value = value updateTime(parseInt(value), getCurrentVariation()) } // Set start incremental button disabled states if (startPeriodEl.value === startPeriodEl.min) { startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true startPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else if (startPeriodEl.value === startPeriodEl.max) { startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = false startPeriodRightEl.disabled = true } else { if (path.length >= 3) { periodCenter = calculateCenter(path) // @instance-only if ((periodCenter[1] > 1000) && (startPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[getCurrentVariation()].expansions[1])) { // Second expansion startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true startPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else if ((periodCenter[0] > 1000) && (startPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[getCurrentVariation()].expansions[0])) { // First expansion startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true startPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else { // Starting area startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = false startPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } } } } endPeriodEl.addEventListener('input', () => { if (path.length >= 3) { periodCenter = calculateCenter(path) // @instance-only if ((periodCenter[1] > 1000) && (endPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[getCurrentVariation()].expansions[1])) { // Second expansion endPeriodEl.value = variationsConfig[getCurrentVariation()].expansions[1]; } else if ((periodCenter[0] > 1000) && (endPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[getCurrentVariation()].expansions[0])) { // First expansion endPeriodEl.value = variationsConfig[getCurrentVariation()].expansions[0]; } } endPeriodUpdate(endPeriodEl.value) }) endPeriodLeftEl.addEventListener('click', () => { endPeriodEl.value = parseInt(endPeriodEl.value) - 1 endPeriodUpdate(endPeriodEl.value) }) endPeriodRightEl.addEventListener('click', () => { endPeriodEl.value = parseInt(endPeriodEl.value) + 1 endPeriodUpdate(endPeriodEl.value) }) endPeriodViewEl.addEventListener('click', () => { updateTime(parseInt(endPeriodEl.value), getCurrentVariation()) // Set zoom view periodCenter = calculateCenter(path) setView(periodCenter[0], periodCenter[1], setZoomByPath(path)) }) function endPeriodUpdate(value) { startPeriodListEl.innerHTML = '' // Update time only when value changes if (endPeriodEl.value !== timelineSlider.value) { timelineSlider.value = value } updateTime(parseInt(value), getCurrentVariation(), true) // Set end incremental button disabled states if (endPeriodEl.value === endPeriodEl.min) { endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true endPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else if (endPeriodEl.value === endPeriodEl.max) { endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = false endPeriodRightEl.disabled = true } else { if (path.length >= 3) { periodCenter = calculateCenter(path) // @instance-only if (periodCenter && (periodCenter[1] > 1000) && (endPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[getCurrentVariation()].expansions[1])) { // Second expansion endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true endPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else if (periodCenter && (periodCenter[0] > 1000) && (endPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[getCurrentVariation()].expansions[0])) { // First expansion endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true endPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else { // Starting area endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = false endPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } } } } periodDeleteEl.addEventListener('click', () => { if (pathWithPeriods.length === 1) return pathWithPeriods.splice(index, 1) initPeriodGroups() }) periodDuplicateEl.addEventListener('click', () => { pathWithPeriods.push([pathWithPeriods[index][0], [...pathWithPeriods[index][1]]]) initPeriodGroups() }) periodVariationEl.addEventListener('input', event => { const newVariation = event.target.value const newVariationConfig = variationsConfig[newVariation] startPeriodEl.min = newVariationConfig.drawablePeriods[0] endPeriodEl.min = newVariationConfig.drawablePeriods[0] startPeriodEl.max = newVariationConfig.drawablePeriods[1] endPeriodEl.max = newVariationConfig.drawablePeriods[1] startPeriodEl.value = newVariationConfig.default endPeriodEl.value = newVariationConfig.default periodVariationEl.previousElementSibling.innerHTML = newVariationConfig.icon if (startPeriodEl.max === 0) periodGroupEl.classList.add('no-time-slider') else periodGroupEl.classList.remove('no-time-slider') pathWithPeriods[index][0] = `${newVariationConfig.code}:${newVariationConfig.default}` updateTime(newVariationConfig.default, newVariation) }) periodCopyEl.addEventListener("click", event => { const index = parseInt(event.target.id.split('periodCopy')[1]) if (event.target.textContent === " Copy") { event.target.className = "period-copy btn btn-primary btn-sm flex-fill" event.target.innerHTML = ' End' periodClipboard.index = index periodClipboard.path = [...pathWithPeriods[index][1]] updatePeriodGroups() } else if (event.target.textContent === " End") { event.target.className = "period-copy btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex-fill" event.target.innerHTML = ' Copy' periodClipboard.index = null periodClipboard.path = null updatePeriodGroups() } else if (event.target.textContent === " Paste") { pathWithPeriods[index][1] = [...periodClipboard.path] if (pathWithPeriods.length > 2) console.log(pathWithPeriods[2]) initPeriodGroups() } }) periodGroups.appendChild(periodGroupEl) for (const variation in variationsConfig) { const optionEl = document.createElement('option') optionEl.value = variation optionEl.textContent = variationsConfig[variation].name periodVariationEl.appendChild(optionEl) } periodVariationEl.value = variation periodVariationEl.previousElementSibling.innerHTML = variationsConfig[variation].icon periodGroupElements.push({ periodGroupEl, startPeriodEl, startPeriodLeftEl, startPeriodRightEl, startPeriodViewEl, endPeriodEl, endPeriodLeftEl, endPeriodRightEl, endPeriodViewEl, periodVariationEl, periodCopyEl, periodDeleteEl, periodStatusEl }) }) updatePeriodGroups() } function updatePeriodGroups() { let pathToActive = [] let lastActivePathIndex let currentActivePathIndex const currentActivePathIndexes = [] periodGroupElements.forEach((elements, index) => { const { periodGroupEl, startPeriodEl, startPeriodLeftEl, startPeriodRightEl, endPeriodEl, endPeriodLeftEl, endPeriodRightEl, periodVariationEl, periodCopyEl, periodDeleteEl } = elements if (periodGroupEl.dataset.active === "true") lastActivePathIndex = index periodGroupEl.dataset.active = "" let periodCenter if (pathWithPeriods[index][1].length >= 3) periodCenter = calculateCenter(pathWithPeriods[index][1]) if (isOnPeriod( parseInt(startPeriodEl.value), parseInt(endPeriodEl.value), periodVariationEl.value, currentPeriod, currentVariation )) { pathToActive = pathWithPeriods[index][1] currentActivePathIndex = index currentActivePathIndexes.push(index) periodGroupEl.dataset.active = "true" } pathWithPeriods[index][0] = formatPeriod( parseInt(startPeriodEl.value), parseInt(endPeriodEl.value), periodVariationEl.value ) if (periodClipboard.index !== null) { if (index !== periodClipboard.index) { periodCopyEl.innerHTML = ' Paste' if (JSON.stringify(pathWithPeriods[index][1]) === JSON.stringify(periodClipboard.path)) { // If contents are identical prevent pasting periodCopyEl.innerHTML = ' Paste' periodCopyEl.disabled = true } else { // Ready to paste periodCopyEl.innerHTML = ' Paste' periodCopyEl.disabled = false } } else { // Stop paste periodCopyEl.className = "period-copy btn btn-primary btn-sm flex-fill" periodCopyEl.innerHTML = ' End' periodDeleteEl.disabled = true startPeriodEl.disabled = true startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true startPeriodRightEl.disabled = true endPeriodEl.disabled = true endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true endPeriodRightEl.disabled = true } } else { // Default state periodCopyEl.innerHTML = ' Copy' periodCopyEl.disabled = false startPeriodEl.disabled = false endPeriodEl.disabled = false // Disable delete if only one period if (pathWithPeriods.length === 1) periodDeleteEl.disabled = true else periodDeleteEl.disabled = false // Set start incremental button disabled states // @instance-only if (startPeriodEl.value === startPeriodEl.min) { startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true startPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else if (startPeriodEl.value === startPeriodEl.max) { startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = false startPeriodRightEl.disabled = true } else { if (periodCenter && (periodCenter[1] > 1000) && (startPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[periodVariationEl.value].expansions[1])) { // Second expansion startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true startPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else if (periodCenter && (periodCenter[0] > 1000) && (startPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[periodVariationEl.value].expansions[0])) { // First expansion startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true startPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else { // Starting area startPeriodLeftEl.disabled = false startPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } } // Set end incremental button disabled states // @instance-only if (endPeriodEl.value === endPeriodEl.min) { endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true endPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else if (endPeriodEl.value === endPeriodEl.max) { endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = false endPeriodRightEl.disabled = true } else { if (periodCenter && (periodCenter[1] > 1000) && (endPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[periodVariationEl.value].expansions[1])) { // Second expansion endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true endPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else if (periodCenter && (periodCenter[0] > 1000) && (endPeriodEl.valueAsNumber <= variationsConfig[periodVariationEl.value].expansions[0])) { // First expansion endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = true endPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } else { // Starting area endPeriodLeftEl.disabled = false endPeriodRightEl.disabled = false } } } }) periodsStatus.textContent = "" if (lastActivePathIndex !== undefined) { if (lastActivePathIndex === currentActivePathIndex) { // just update the path const { startPeriodEl, endPeriodEl, periodVariationEl } = periodGroupElements[currentActivePathIndex] pathWithPeriods[currentActivePathIndex] = [ formatPeriod( parseInt(startPeriodEl.value), parseInt(endPeriodEl.value), periodVariationEl.value, ), path ] updatePath() } else if (currentActivePathIndex === undefined) { pathWithPeriods[lastActivePathIndex][1] = path updatePath([]) } else { // switch the path pathWithPeriods[lastActivePathIndex][1] = path updatePath(pathToActive) } } else { updatePath(pathToActive) } drawing = disableDrawingOverride ? false : currentActivePathIndex !== undefined } function updatePath(newPath, newUndoHistory) { path = newPath || path if (path.length > 3) center = calculateCenter(path) render(path) undoButton.disabled = path.length === 0; // Maybe make it undo the cancel action in the future undoHistory = newUndoHistory || [] redoButton.disabled = (!undoHistory.length) updateErrors() } function updateErrors() { if (path.length === 0) { periodsStatus.textContent = "No paths available on this period!" } const { conflicts, insufficientPaths } = getErrors() let errorCount = 0 // console.log(conflicts, invalidPaths, allErrors) periodGroupElements.forEach((el, index) => { const { periodStatusEl, startPeriodViewEl, endPeriodViewEl, periodGroupEl } = el periodStatusEl.textContent = "" periodStatusEl.classList.add("d-none") if (conflicts[index] !== undefined) { periodStatusEl.textContent += `Period conflicts with path${conflicts[index].length === 1 ? "" : "s"} ${conflicts[index].join(", ")}.\n` } if (insufficientPaths[index] !== undefined) { periodStatusEl.textContent += `Insufficient paths. Got ${insufficientPaths[index]}, need at least 3.\n` startPeriodViewEl.disabled = true endPeriodViewEl.disabled = true } else { startPeriodViewEl.disabled = false endPeriodViewEl.disabled = false } if (periodStatusEl.textContent !== "") { periodStatusEl.classList.remove("d-none") periodGroupEl.dataset.status = "error" errorCount += 1 } }) if (errorCount > 0) { periodsStatus.textContent = `Problems detected. Please check the groups indicated by red.` finishButton.disabled = true } else { periodsStatus.textContent = "" finishButton.disabled = false periodGroupElements.forEach((elements, index) => { const { periodGroupEl } = elements if (periodGroupEl.dataset.active === "true") periodGroupEl.dataset.status = "active" else periodGroupEl.dataset.status = "" }) } // Disable drawing during conflict if (Object.keys(conflicts).length === 0) { drawing = true disableDrawingOverride = false container.style.cursor = "crosshair" } else { drawing = false disableDrawingOverride = true container.style.cursor = "default" } } function getConflicts() { const conflicts = {} for (let i = pathWithPeriods.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const [start1, end1, period1] = parsePeriod(pathWithPeriods[i][0]) for (let j = 0; j < i; j++) { const [start2, end2, period2] = parsePeriod(pathWithPeriods[j][0]) if (period1 !== period2) continue if ( (start2 <= start1 && start1 <= end2) || (start2 <= end1 && end1 <= end2) || (start1 <= start2 && start2 <= end1) || (start1 <= end2 && end2 <= end1) ) { conflicts[i] ||= [] conflicts[j] ||= [] conflicts[i].push(j) conflicts[j].push(i) } } } return conflicts } function getErrors() { const conflicts = getConflicts() const insufficientPaths = {} pathWithPeriods.forEach(([period, path], i) => { if (path.length < 3) insufficientPaths[i] = path.length }) // console.info('conflicts', conflicts) // console.info('invalid paths', invalidPaths) return { conflicts, insufficientPaths, } } // function compressPeriod(periodsString) { // let periodStrings = periodsString.split(", ") // let validPeriods = new Set() // periodStrings.forEach(periodString => { // let [start, end] = parsePeriod(periodString) // for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) { // validPeriods.add(i) // } // }) // validPeriods = [...validPeriods].sort() // }