#!/usr/bin/python import re import json import math import traceback from typing import List END_NORMAL_IMAGE = "164" END_WHITEOUT_IMAGE = "166" NORMAL_IMAGE_SUFFIX = "-" + END_NORMAL_IMAGE WHITEOUT_IMAGE_SUFFIX = "-" + END_WHITEOUT_IMAGE """ Examples: 1. - /r/place - r/place 2. /rplace 3. - https://www.reddit.com/r/place - www.reddit.com/r/place - reddit.com/r/place UNUSED AND FAULTY 4. - https://place.reddit.com - place.reddit.com 5. - [https://place.reddit.com](https://place.reddit.com) - [place.reddit.com](https://place.reddit.com) """ FS_REGEX = { "commatization": r'[,;& ]+(?:and)?[,;& ]*?', "pattern1": r'\/*[rR]\/([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,20})(?:\/$)?', "pattern2": r'^\/*[rR](?!\/)([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,20})(?:\/$)?', "pattern3": r'(?:(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:(?:www|old|new|np)\.)?)?reddit\.com\/r\/([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,20})(?:\/[^" ]*)*', "pattern1user": r'\/*(?:u|user)\/([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,20})(?:\/$)?', "pattern2user": r'^\/*(?:u|user)(?!\/)([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,20})(?:\/$)?', "pattern3user": r'(?:(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:(?:www|old|new|np)\.)?)?reddit\.com\/(?:u|user)\/([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,20})(?:\/[^" ]*)*', "pattern1new": r'(?:(?:(?:(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:(?:www|old|new|np)\.)?)?reddit\.com)?\/)?[rR]\/([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,20})(?:\/[^" ]*)*' # "pattern4": r'(?:https?:\/\/)?(?!^www\.)(.+)\.reddit\.com(?:\/[^"]*)*', # "pattern5": r'\[(?:https?:\/\/)?(?!^www\.)(.+)\.reddit\.com(?:\/[^"]*)*\]\((?:https:\/\/)?(?!^www\.)(.+)\.reddit\.com(?:\/[^"]*)*\)"', } VALIDATE_REGEX = { "subreddit": r'^ *\/?r\/([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,20}) *(, *\/?r\/([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,20}) *)*$|^$', "website": r'^https?://[^\s/$.?#].[^\s]*$|^$' } CL_REGEX = r'\[(.+?)\]\((.+?)\)' CWTS_REGEX = { "url": r'^(?:(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:(?:www|old|new|np)\.)?)?reddit\.com\/r\/([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,20})(?:\/)?$', "subreddit": r'^\/*[rR]\/([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,20})\/?$' } CSTW_REGEX = { "website": r'^https?://[^\s/$.?#].[^\s]*$', "user": r'^\/*u\/([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,20})$' } CWTD_REGEX = r'^(?:(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:(?:discord)?\.?gg|discord(?:app)?\.com\/invite)\/)?([^\s/]+?)$' # r/... to /r/... SUBREDDIT_TEMPLATE = r"/r/\1" USER_TEMPLATE = r"/u/\1" def format_subreddit(entry: dict): """ Fix formatting of the value on "subreddit". """ if "links" in entry and "subreddit" in entry["links"]: for i in range(len(entry["links"]["subreddit"])): subredditLink = entry["links"]["subreddit"][i] subredditLink = re.sub(FS_REGEX["pattern3"], r"\1", subredditLink) subredditLink = re.sub(FS_REGEX["pattern1new"], r"\1", subredditLink) entry["links"]["subreddit"][i] = subredditLink return entry def collapse_links(entry: dict): """ Collapses Markdown links. """ if "links" in entry and "website" in entry["links"]: for i in range(len(entry["links"]["website"])): website = entry["links"]["website"][i] if re.search(CL_REGEX, website): match = re.search(CL_REGEX, website) if match.group(1) == match.group(2): website = match.group(2) entry["links"]["website"][i] = website if "links" in entry and "subreddit" in entry["links"]: for i in range(len(entry["links"]["subreddit"])): subreddit = entry["links"]["subreddit"][i] if re.search(CL_REGEX, subreddit): match = re.search(CL_REGEX, subreddit) if match.group(1) == match.group(2): subreddit = match.group(2) entry["links"]["subreddit"][i] = subreddit return entry def remove_extras(entry: dict): """ Removing unnecessary extra characters and converts select characters. """ if "subreddit" in entry and entry["subreddit"]: entry["subreddit"] = re.sub(r'[.,]+$', r'', entry["subreddit"]) for key in entry: if not entry[key] or not isinstance(entry[key], str): continue # Leading and trailing spaces entry[key] = entry[key].strip() # Double characters entry[key] = re.sub(r' {2,}(?!\n)', r' ', entry[key]) entry[key] = re.sub(r' {3,}\n', r' ', entry[key]) entry[key] = re.sub(r'\n{3,}', r'\n\n', entry[key]) entry[key] = re.sub(r'r\/{2,}', r'r\/', entry[key]) entry[key] = re.sub(r',{2,}', r',', entry[key]) # Smart quotation marks entry[key] = re.sub(r'[\u201c\u201d]', '"', entry[key]) entry[key] = re.sub(r'[\u2018\u2019]', "'", entry[key]) # Psuedo-empty strings if entry[key] in ["n/a", "N/A", "na", "NA", "-", "null", "none", "None"]: entry[key] = "" return entry def remove_duplicate_points(entry: dict): """ Removes points from paths that occur twice after each other """ if not "path" in entry: return entry for key in entry['path']: path: list = entry['path'][key] previous: list = path[0] for i in range(len(path)-1, -1, -1): current: list = path[i] if current == previous: path.pop(i) previous = current return entry def fix_r_caps(entry: dict): """ Fixes capitalization of /r/. (/R/place -> /r/place) """ if not "description" in entry or not entry['description']: return entry entry["description"] = re.sub(r'([^\w]|^)\/R\/', '\1/r/', entry["description"]) entry["description"] = re.sub(r'([^\w]|^)R\/', '\1r/', entry["description"]) return entry def fix_no_protocol_urls(entry: dict): """ Fixes URLs with no protocol by adding "https://" protocol. """ if "links" in entry and "website" in entry['links']: for i in range(len(entry["links"]["website"])): if entry["links"]["website"][i] and not entry["links"]["website"][i].startswith("http"): entry["links"]["website"][i] = "https://" + entry["links"]["website"][i] return entry def convert_website_to_subreddit(entry: dict): """ Converts the subreddit link on "website" to "subreddit" if possible. """ if "links" in entry and "website" in entry["links"]: for i in range(len(entry["links"]["website"])): if re.match(CWTS_REGEX["url"], entry["links"]["website"][i]): new_subreddit = re.sub(CWTS_REGEX["url"], r"\1", entry["links"]["website"][i]) if not "subreddit" in entry["links"]: entry["links"]["subreddit"] = [] if new_subreddit in entry["links"]["subreddit"]: entry["links"]["website"][i] = "" elif not "subreddit" in entry["links"] or len(entry["links"]["subreddit"]) == 0: entry["links"]["subreddit"].append(new_subreddit) entry["links"]["website"][i] = "" elif re.match(CWTS_REGEX["subreddit"], entry["links"]["website"][i]): new_subreddit = re.sub(CWTS_REGEX["subreddit"], r"\1", entry["links"]["website"][i]) if not "subreddit" in entry["links"]: entry["links"]["subreddit"] = [] if new_subreddit in entry["links"]["subreddit"]: entry["links"]["website"][i] = "" elif not "subreddit" in entry["links"] or len(entry["links"]["subreddit"]) == 0: entry["links"]["subreddit"].append(new_subreddit) entry["links"]["website"][i] = "" return entry def convert_website_to_discord(entry: dict): """ Converts the Discord link on "website" to "discord" if possible. """ if "links" in entry and "website" in entry["links"]: for i in range(len(entry["links"]["website"])): if re.match(CWTD_REGEX, entry["links"]["website"][i]): new_discord = re.match(CWTD_REGEX, entry["links"]["website"][i])[1] if not "discord" in entry["links"]: entry["links"]["discord"] = [] if new_discord in entry["links"]["discord"]: entry["links"]["website"][i] = "" elif not "discord" in entry["links"] or len(entry["links"]["discord"]) == 0: entry["links"]["discord"].append(new_discord) entry["links"]["website"][i] = "" return entry def convert_subreddit_to_website(entry: dict): """ Converts the links on "subreddit" to a "website" if needed. This also supports Reddit users (/u/reddit). """ if "links" in entry and "subreddit" in entry["links"]: for i in range(len(entry["links"]["subreddit"])): if re.match(CSTW_REGEX["website"], entry["links"]["subreddit"][i]): if "website" in entry["links"] and entry["links"]["subreddit"][i] in entry["links"]["website"]: entry["links"]["subreddit"][i] = "" elif not "website" in entry["links"] or len(entry["website"]) == 0: if not "website" in entry["links"]: entry["links"]["website"] = [] entry["website"].append(entry["links"]["subreddit"][i]) entry["links"]["subreddit"][i] = "" elif re.match(CSTW_REGEX["user"], entry["links"]["subreddit"][i]): if not "website" in entry["links"] or len(entry["website"]) == 0: username = re.match(CSTW_REGEX["user"], entry["links"]["subreddit"][i]).group(1) if not "website" in entry["links"]: entry["links"]["website"] = [] entry["website"].append("https://www.reddit.com/user/" + username) entry["links"]["subreddit"][i] = "" return entry def remove_empty_and_similar(entry: dict): """ Removes empty items on lists, usually from the past formattings. """ if "links" in entry: keys = list(entry["links"]) for key in keys: small = list(map(lambda x: x.lower(), entry["links"][key])) entry["links"][key] = [x for x in entry["links"][key] if x and x.lower() in small] if len(entry["links"][key]) == 0: del entry["links"][key] return entry def sort_image_keys(entry: dict): """ Alphabetizes comma-separated path and center keys. """ for outer_key in ["path", "center"]: image_keys: List[str] = list(entry[outer_key].keys()) for image_key in image_keys: key_split = image_key.split(", ") new_key = ", ".join(sorted(key_split)) if new_key != image_key: entry[outer_key][new_key] = entry[outer_key][image_key] del(entry[outer_key][image_key]) return entry def floor_points(entry: dict): """ Floors points on path and center, removing the decimal count. """ for period in entry["path"]: for points in entry["path"][period]: points[0] = math.floor(points[0]) points[1] = math.floor(points[1]) for period in entry["center"]: points = entry["center"][period] points[0] = math.floor(points[0]) points[1] = math.floor(points[1]) return entry def validate(entry: dict): """ Validates the entry. Catch errors and tell warnings related to the entry. Status code key: 0: All valid, no problems 1: Informational logs that may be ignored 2: Warnings that may effect user experience when interacting with the entry 3: Errors that make the entry inaccessible or broken. """ return_status = 0 if (not "id" in entry or (not entry['id'] and not entry['id'] == 0)): print(f"Wait, no id here! How did this happened? {entry}") return_status = 3 entry['id'] = '[MISSING_ID]' if "path" in entry: for key in entry['path']: path = entry['path'][key] if len(path) == 0: print(f"Period {key} of entry {entry['id']} has no points!") return_status = 3 elif len(path) < 3: print(f"Period {key} of entry {entry['id']} only has {len(entry['path'])} point(s)!") return_status = 3 else: print(f"Entry {entry['id']} has no path at all!") return_status = 3 for key in entry: if key in VALIDATE_REGEX and not re.match(VALIDATE_REGEX[key], entry[key]): if return_status < 2: return_status = 2 print(f"{key} of entry {entry['id']} is still invalid! {entry[key]}") return return_status def per_line_entries(entries: list): """ Returns a string of all the entries, with every entry in one line. """ out = "[\n" for entry in entries: if entry: out += json.dumps(entry, ensure_ascii=False) + ",\n" out = out[:-2] + "\n]" return out def format_all(entry: dict, silent=False): """ Format using all the available formatters. """ def print_(*args, **kwargs): if not silent: print(*args, **kwargs) print_("Fixing r/ capitalization...") entry = fix_r_caps(entry) print_("Fix formatting of subreddit...") entry = format_subreddit(entry) print_("Collapsing Markdown links...") entry = collapse_links(entry) print_("Converting website links to subreddit (if possible)...") entry = convert_website_to_subreddit(entry) print_("Converting website links to Discord...") entry = convert_website_to_discord(entry) print_("Converting subreddit links to website (if needed)...") entry = convert_subreddit_to_website(entry) print_("Fixing links without protocol...") entry = fix_no_protocol_urls(entry) print_("Removing extras...") entry = remove_extras(entry) print_("Removing duplicate points...") entry = remove_duplicate_points(entry) print_("Remove empty items...") entry = remove_empty_and_similar(entry) print_("Sorting image keys...") entry = sort_image_keys(entry) print_("Flooring points...") entry = floor_points(entry) print_("Completed!") return entry def format_all_entries(entries): for i in range(len(entries)): try: entry_formatted = format_all(entries[i], True) validation_status = validate(entries[i]) if validation_status > 2: print(f"Entry {entry_formatted['id']} will be removed! {json.dumps(entry_formatted)}") entries[i] = None else: entries[i] = entry_formatted except Exception: print(f"Exception occured when formatting ID {entries[i]['id']}") print(traceback.format_exc()) if not (i % 200): print(f"{i} checked.") def go(path): print(f"Formatting {path}...") with open(path, "r+", encoding='UTF-8') as f1: entries = json.loads(f1.read()) format_all_entries(entries) print(f"{len(entries)} checked. Writing...") with open(path, "w", encoding='utf-8', newline='\n') as f2: f2.write(per_line_entries(entries)) print("Writing completed. All done.") if __name__ == '__main__': go("../web/atlas.json")