- Decreased `recursion_limit` from 512 to 87
Mainly done by optimizing the config macro's.
This fixes an issue with the rust-analyzer which doesn't go beyond 128
- Removed Regex for masking sensitive values and replaced it with a map()
This is much faster then using a Regex.
- Refactored the get_support_json macro's
- All items above also lowered the binary size and possibly compile-time
- Removed `_conn: DbConn` from several functions, these caused unnecessary database connections for functions who didn't used that at all
- Decreased json response for `/plans`
- Updated libraries and where needed some code changes
This also fixes some rare issues with SMTP https://github.com/lettre/lettre/issues/678
- Using Rust 2021 instead of 2018
- Updated rust nightly
- Updated some packages
- Updated code related to package updates.
- Disabled User Verification enforcement when WebAuthn Key sends UV=1
This makes it compatible with upstream and resolves#1840
- Fixed a bug where removing an individual WebAuthn key deleted the wrong key.
- Updated rust nightly
- Updated depenencies
- Removed unicode support for regex (less dependencies)
- Fixed dependency and nightly changes/deprications
- Some mail changes for less spam point triggering
Ignore a missing `id` query param; it's unclear what this ID represents,
but it wasn't being used in the existing bitwarden_rs code, and no longer
seems to be sent in the latest versions of the official clients.
Use LOG_LEVEL debug or trace to recover them.
Removed LOG_MOUNTS and bundled it with LOG_LEVEL debug and trace.
Removed duplicate error messages
Made websocket not proxied message more prominent, but only print it once.
For now only folder notifications are sent (create, rename, delete).
The notifications are only tested between two web-vault sessions in different browsers, mobile apps and browser extensions are untested.
The websocket server is exposed in port 3012, while the rocket server is exposed in another port (8000 by default). To make notifications work, both should be accessible in the same port, which requires a reverse proxy.
My testing is done with Caddy server, and the following config:
localhost {
# The negotiation endpoint is also proxied to Rocket
proxy /notifications/hub/negotiate {
# Notifications redirected to the websockets server
proxy /notifications/hub {
# Proxy the Root directory to Rocket
proxy / {
This exposes the service in port 2015.