use std::{net::IpAddr, sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use chrono::{NaiveDateTime, Utc}; use rmpv::Value; use rocket::{futures::StreamExt, Route}; use tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender; use rocket_ws::{Message, WebSocket}; use crate::{ auth::{ClientIp, WsAccessTokenHeader}, db::{ models::{Cipher, Folder, Send as DbSend, User}, DbConn, }, Error, CONFIG, }; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; pub static WS_USERS: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { Arc::new(WebSocketUsers { map: Arc::new(dashmap::DashMap::new()), }) }); pub static WS_ANONYMOUS_SUBSCRIPTIONS: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { Arc::new(AnonymousWebSocketSubscriptions { map: Arc::new(dashmap::DashMap::new()), }) }); use super::{ push::push_auth_request, push::push_auth_response, push_cipher_update, push_folder_update, push_logout, push_send_update, push_user_update, }; static NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLED: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| !CONFIG.enable_websocket() && !CONFIG.push_enabled()); pub fn routes() -> Vec { if CONFIG.enable_websocket() { routes![websockets_hub, anonymous_websockets_hub] } else { info!("WebSocket are disabled, realtime sync functionality will not work!"); routes![] } } #[derive(FromForm, Debug)] struct WsAccessToken { access_token: Option, } struct WSEntryMapGuard { users: Arc, user_uuid: String, entry_uuid: uuid::Uuid, addr: IpAddr, } impl WSEntryMapGuard { fn new(users: Arc, user_uuid: String, entry_uuid: uuid::Uuid, addr: IpAddr) -> Self { Self { users, user_uuid, entry_uuid, addr, } } } impl Drop for WSEntryMapGuard { fn drop(&mut self) { info!("Closing WS connection from {}", self.addr); if let Some(mut entry) = { entry.retain(|(uuid, _)| uuid != &self.entry_uuid); } } } struct WSAnonymousEntryMapGuard { subscriptions: Arc, token: String, addr: IpAddr, } impl WSAnonymousEntryMapGuard { fn new(subscriptions: Arc, token: String, addr: IpAddr) -> Self { Self { subscriptions, token, addr, } } } impl Drop for WSAnonymousEntryMapGuard { fn drop(&mut self) { info!("Closing WS connection from {}", self.addr);; } } #[get("/hub?")] fn websockets_hub<'r>( ws: WebSocket, data: WsAccessToken, ip: ClientIp, header_token: WsAccessTokenHeader, ) -> Result { let addr = ip.ip; info!("Accepting Rocket WS connection from {addr}"); let token = if let Some(token) = data.access_token { token } else if let Some(token) = header_token.access_token { token } else { err_code!("Invalid claim", 401) }; let Ok(claims) = crate::auth::decode_login(&token) else { err_code!("Invalid token", 401) }; let (mut rx, guard) = { let users = Arc::clone(&WS_USERS); // Add a channel to send messages to this client to the map let entry_uuid = uuid::Uuid::new_v4(); let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel::(100);, tx)); // Once the guard goes out of scope, the connection will have been closed and the entry will be deleted from the map (rx, WSEntryMapGuard::new(users, claims.sub, entry_uuid, addr)) }; Ok({ rocket_ws::Stream! { ws => { let mut ws = ws; let _guard = guard; let mut interval = tokio::time::interval(Duration::from_secs(15)); loop { tokio::select! { res = => { match res { Some(Ok(message)) => { match message { // Respond to any pings Message::Ping(ping) => yield Message::Pong(ping), Message::Pong(_) => {/* Ignored */}, // We should receive an initial message with the protocol and version, and we will reply to it Message::Text(ref message) => { let msg = message.strip_suffix(RECORD_SEPARATOR as char).unwrap_or(message); if serde_json::from_str(msg).ok() == Some(INITIAL_MESSAGE) { yield Message::binary(INITIAL_RESPONSE); continue; } } // Prevent sending anything back when a `Close` Message is received. // Just break the loop Message::Close(_) => break, // Just echo anything else the client sends _ => yield message, } } _ => break, } } res = rx.recv() => { match res { Some(res) => yield res, None => break, } } _ = interval.tick() => yield Message::Ping(create_ping()) } } }} }) } #[get("/anonymous-hub?")] fn anonymous_websockets_hub<'r>(ws: WebSocket, token: String, ip: ClientIp) -> Result { let addr = ip.ip; info!("Accepting Anonymous Rocket WS connection from {addr}"); let (mut rx, guard) = { let subscriptions = Arc::clone(&WS_ANONYMOUS_SUBSCRIPTIONS); // Add a channel to send messages to this client to the map let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel::(100);, tx); // Once the guard goes out of scope, the connection will have been closed and the entry will be deleted from the map (rx, WSAnonymousEntryMapGuard::new(subscriptions, token, addr)) }; Ok({ rocket_ws::Stream! { ws => { let mut ws = ws; let _guard = guard; let mut interval = tokio::time::interval(Duration::from_secs(15)); loop { tokio::select! { res = => { match res { Some(Ok(message)) => { match message { // Respond to any pings Message::Ping(ping) => yield Message::Pong(ping), Message::Pong(_) => {/* Ignored */}, // We should receive an initial message with the protocol and version, and we will reply to it Message::Text(ref message) => { let msg = message.strip_suffix(RECORD_SEPARATOR as char).unwrap_or(message); if serde_json::from_str(msg).ok() == Some(INITIAL_MESSAGE) { yield Message::binary(INITIAL_RESPONSE); continue; } } // Prevent sending anything back when a `Close` Message is received. // Just break the loop Message::Close(_) => break, // Just echo anything else the client sends _ => yield message, } } _ => break, } } res = rx.recv() => { match res { Some(res) => yield res, None => break, } } _ = interval.tick() => yield Message::Ping(create_ping()) } } }} }) } // // Websockets server // fn serialize(val: Value) -> Vec { use rmpv::encode::write_value; let mut buf = Vec::new(); write_value(&mut buf, &val).expect("Error encoding MsgPack"); // Add size bytes at the start // Extracted from BinaryMessageFormat.js let mut size: usize = buf.len(); let mut len_buf: Vec = Vec::new(); loop { let mut size_part = size & 0x7f; size >>= 7; if size > 0 { size_part |= 0x80; } len_buf.push(size_part as u8); if size == 0 { break; } } len_buf.append(&mut buf); len_buf } fn serialize_date(date: NaiveDateTime) -> Value { let seconds: i64 = date.timestamp(); let nanos: i64 = date.timestamp_subsec_nanos().into(); let timestamp = nanos << 34 | seconds; let bs = timestamp.to_be_bytes(); // -1 is Timestamp // Value::Ext(-1, bs.to_vec()) } fn convert_option>(option: Option) -> Value { match option { Some(a) => a.into(), None => Value::Nil, } } const RECORD_SEPARATOR: u8 = 0x1e; const INITIAL_RESPONSE: [u8; 3] = [0x7b, 0x7d, RECORD_SEPARATOR]; // {, }, #[derive(Deserialize, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] struct InitialMessage<'a> { protocol: &'a str, version: i32, } static INITIAL_MESSAGE: InitialMessage<'static> = InitialMessage { protocol: "messagepack", version: 1, }; // We attach the UUID to the sender so we can differentiate them when we need to remove them from the Vec type UserSenders = (uuid::Uuid, Sender); #[derive(Clone)] pub struct WebSocketUsers { map: Arc>>, } impl WebSocketUsers { async fn send_update(&self, user_uuid: &str, data: &[u8]) { if let Some(user) =|v| v.clone()) { for (_, sender) in user.iter() { if let Err(e) = sender.send(Message::binary(data)).await { error!("Error sending WS update {e}"); } } } } // NOTE: The last modified date needs to be updated before calling these methods pub async fn send_user_update(&self, ut: UpdateType, user: &User) { // Skip any processing if both WebSockets and Push are not active if *NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLED { return; } let data = create_update( vec![("UserId".into(), user.uuid.clone().into()), ("Date".into(), serialize_date(user.updated_at))], ut, None, ); if CONFIG.enable_websocket() { self.send_update(&user.uuid, &data).await; } if CONFIG.push_enabled() { push_user_update(ut, user); } } pub async fn send_logout(&self, user: &User, acting_device_uuid: Option) { // Skip any processing if both WebSockets and Push are not active if *NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLED { return; } let data = create_update( vec![("UserId".into(), user.uuid.clone().into()), ("Date".into(), serialize_date(user.updated_at))], UpdateType::LogOut, acting_device_uuid.clone(), ); if CONFIG.enable_websocket() { self.send_update(&user.uuid, &data).await; } if CONFIG.push_enabled() { push_logout(user, acting_device_uuid); } } pub async fn send_folder_update( &self, ut: UpdateType, folder: &Folder, acting_device_uuid: &String, conn: &mut DbConn, ) { // Skip any processing if both WebSockets and Push are not active if *NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLED { return; } let data = create_update( vec![ ("Id".into(), folder.uuid.clone().into()), ("UserId".into(), folder.user_uuid.clone().into()), ("RevisionDate".into(), serialize_date(folder.updated_at)), ], ut, Some(acting_device_uuid.into()), ); if CONFIG.enable_websocket() { self.send_update(&folder.user_uuid, &data).await; } if CONFIG.push_enabled() { push_folder_update(ut, folder, acting_device_uuid, conn).await; } } pub async fn send_cipher_update( &self, ut: UpdateType, cipher: &Cipher, user_uuids: &[String], acting_device_uuid: &String, collection_uuids: Option>, conn: &mut DbConn, ) { // Skip any processing if both WebSockets and Push are not active if *NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLED { return; } let org_uuid = convert_option(cipher.organization_uuid.clone()); // Depending if there are collections provided or not, we need to have different values for the following variables. // The user_uuid should be `null`, and the revision date should be set to now, else the clients won't sync the collection change. let (user_uuid, collection_uuids, revision_date) = if let Some(collection_uuids) = collection_uuids { ( Value::Nil, Value::Array(collection_uuids.into_iter().map(|v| v.into()).collect::>()), serialize_date(Utc::now().naive_utc()), ) } else { (convert_option(cipher.user_uuid.clone()), Value::Nil, serialize_date(cipher.updated_at)) }; let data = create_update( vec![ ("Id".into(), cipher.uuid.clone().into()), ("UserId".into(), user_uuid), ("OrganizationId".into(), org_uuid), ("CollectionIds".into(), collection_uuids), ("RevisionDate".into(), revision_date), ], ut, Some(acting_device_uuid.into()), ); if CONFIG.enable_websocket() { for uuid in user_uuids { self.send_update(uuid, &data).await; } } if CONFIG.push_enabled() && user_uuids.len() == 1 { push_cipher_update(ut, cipher, acting_device_uuid, conn).await; } } pub async fn send_send_update( &self, ut: UpdateType, send: &DbSend, user_uuids: &[String], acting_device_uuid: &String, conn: &mut DbConn, ) { // Skip any processing if both WebSockets and Push are not active if *NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLED { return; } let user_uuid = convert_option(send.user_uuid.clone()); let data = create_update( vec![ ("Id".into(), send.uuid.clone().into()), ("UserId".into(), user_uuid), ("RevisionDate".into(), serialize_date(send.revision_date)), ], ut, None, ); if CONFIG.enable_websocket() { for uuid in user_uuids { self.send_update(uuid, &data).await; } } if CONFIG.push_enabled() && user_uuids.len() == 1 { push_send_update(ut, send, acting_device_uuid, conn).await; } } pub async fn send_auth_request( &self, user_uuid: &String, auth_request_uuid: &String, acting_device_uuid: &String, conn: &mut DbConn, ) { // Skip any processing if both WebSockets and Push are not active if *NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLED { return; } let data = create_update( vec![("Id".into(), auth_request_uuid.clone().into()), ("UserId".into(), user_uuid.clone().into())], UpdateType::AuthRequest, Some(acting_device_uuid.to_string()), ); if CONFIG.enable_websocket() { self.send_update(user_uuid, &data).await; } if CONFIG.push_enabled() { push_auth_request(user_uuid.to_string(), auth_request_uuid.to_string(), conn).await; } } pub async fn send_auth_response( &self, user_uuid: &String, auth_response_uuid: &str, approving_device_uuid: String, conn: &mut DbConn, ) { // Skip any processing if both WebSockets and Push are not active if *NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLED { return; } let data = create_update( vec![("Id".into(), auth_response_uuid.to_owned().into()), ("UserId".into(), user_uuid.clone().into())], UpdateType::AuthRequestResponse, approving_device_uuid.clone().into(), ); if CONFIG.enable_websocket() { self.send_update(auth_response_uuid, &data).await; } if CONFIG.push_enabled() { push_auth_response(user_uuid.to_string(), auth_response_uuid.to_string(), approving_device_uuid, conn) .await; } } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct AnonymousWebSocketSubscriptions { map: Arc>>, } impl AnonymousWebSocketSubscriptions { async fn send_update(&self, token: &str, data: &[u8]) { if let Some(sender) =|v| v.clone()) { if let Err(e) = sender.send(Message::binary(data)).await { error!("Error sending WS update {e}"); } } } pub async fn send_auth_response(&self, user_uuid: &String, auth_response_uuid: &str) { if !CONFIG.enable_websocket() { return; } let data = create_anonymous_update( vec![("Id".into(), auth_response_uuid.to_owned().into()), ("UserId".into(), user_uuid.clone().into())], UpdateType::AuthRequestResponse, user_uuid.to_string(), ); self.send_update(auth_response_uuid, &data).await; } } /* Message Structure [ 1, // MessageType.Invocation {}, // Headers (map) null, // InvocationId "ReceiveMessage", // Target [ // Arguments { "ContextId": acting_device_uuid || Nil, "Type": ut as i32, "Payload": {} } ] ] */ fn create_update(payload: Vec<(Value, Value)>, ut: UpdateType, acting_device_uuid: Option) -> Vec { use rmpv::Value as V; let value = V::Array(vec![ 1.into(), V::Map(vec![]), V::Nil, "ReceiveMessage".into(), V::Array(vec![V::Map(vec![ ("ContextId".into(),|v| v.into()).unwrap_or_else(|| V::Nil)), ("Type".into(), (ut as i32).into()), ("Payload".into(), payload.into()), ])]), ]); serialize(value) } fn create_anonymous_update(payload: Vec<(Value, Value)>, ut: UpdateType, user_id: String) -> Vec { use rmpv::Value as V; let value = V::Array(vec![ 1.into(), V::Map(vec![]), V::Nil, "AuthRequestResponseRecieved".into(), V::Array(vec![V::Map(vec![ ("Type".into(), (ut as i32).into()), ("Payload".into(), payload.into()), ("UserId".into(), user_id.into()), ])]), ]); serialize(value) } fn create_ping() -> Vec { serialize(Value::Array(vec![6.into()])) } #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum UpdateType { SyncCipherUpdate = 0, SyncCipherCreate = 1, SyncLoginDelete = 2, SyncFolderDelete = 3, SyncCiphers = 4, SyncVault = 5, SyncOrgKeys = 6, SyncFolderCreate = 7, SyncFolderUpdate = 8, SyncCipherDelete = 9, SyncSettings = 10, LogOut = 11, SyncSendCreate = 12, SyncSendUpdate = 13, SyncSendDelete = 14, AuthRequest = 15, AuthRequestResponse = 16, None = 100, } pub type Notify<'a> = &'a rocket::State>; pub type AnonymousNotify<'a> = &'a rocket::State>;