use chrono::{NaiveDateTime, Utc}; use crate::CONFIG; db_object! { #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Insertable, AsChangeset)] #[diesel(table_name = devices)] #[diesel(treat_none_as_null = true)] #[diesel(primary_key(uuid, user_uuid))] pub struct Device { pub uuid: String, pub created_at: NaiveDateTime, pub updated_at: NaiveDateTime, pub user_uuid: String, pub name: String, pub atype: i32, // pub push_uuid: Option, pub push_token: Option, pub refresh_token: String, pub twofactor_remember: Option, } } /// Local methods impl Device { pub fn new(uuid: String, user_uuid: String, name: String, atype: i32) -> Self { let now = Utc::now().naive_utc(); Self { uuid, created_at: now, updated_at: now, user_uuid, name, atype, push_uuid: None, push_token: None, refresh_token: String::new(), twofactor_remember: None, } } pub fn refresh_twofactor_remember(&mut self) -> String { use crate::crypto; use data_encoding::BASE64; let twofactor_remember = crypto::encode_random_bytes::<180>(BASE64); self.twofactor_remember = Some(twofactor_remember.clone()); twofactor_remember } pub fn delete_twofactor_remember(&mut self) { self.twofactor_remember = None; } pub fn refresh_tokens( &mut self, user: &super::User, orgs: Vec, scope: Vec, ) -> (String, i64) { // If there is no refresh token, we create one if self.refresh_token.is_empty() { use crate::crypto; use data_encoding::BASE64URL; self.refresh_token = crypto::encode_random_bytes::<64>(BASE64URL); } // Update the expiration of the device and the last update date let time_now = Utc::now().naive_utc(); self.updated_at = time_now; let orgowner: Vec<_> = orgs.iter().filter(|o| o.atype == 0).map(|o| o.org_uuid.clone()).collect(); let orgadmin: Vec<_> = orgs.iter().filter(|o| o.atype == 1).map(|o| o.org_uuid.clone()).collect(); let orguser: Vec<_> = orgs.iter().filter(|o| o.atype == 2).map(|o| o.org_uuid.clone()).collect(); let orgmanager: Vec<_> = orgs.iter().filter(|o| o.atype == 3).map(|o| o.org_uuid.clone()).collect(); // Create the JWT claims struct, to send to the client use crate::auth::{encode_jwt, LoginJwtClaims, DEFAULT_VALIDITY, JWT_LOGIN_ISSUER}; let claims = LoginJwtClaims { nbf: time_now.timestamp(), exp: (time_now + *DEFAULT_VALIDITY).timestamp(), iss: JWT_LOGIN_ISSUER.to_string(), sub: user.uuid.clone(), premium: true, name:, email:, email_verified: !CONFIG.mail_enabled() || user.verified_at.is_some(), orgowner, orgadmin, orguser, orgmanager, sstamp: user.security_stamp.clone(), device: self.uuid.clone(), scope, amr: vec!["Application".into()], }; (encode_jwt(&claims), DEFAULT_VALIDITY.num_seconds()) } } use crate::db::DbConn; use crate::api::EmptyResult; use crate::error::MapResult; /// Database methods impl Device { pub async fn save(&mut self, conn: &mut DbConn) -> EmptyResult { self.updated_at = Utc::now().naive_utc(); db_run! { conn: sqlite, mysql { crate::util::retry( || diesel::replace_into(devices::table).values(DeviceDb::to_db(self)).execute(conn), 10, ).map_res("Error saving device") } postgresql { let value = DeviceDb::to_db(self); crate::util::retry( || diesel::insert_into(devices::table).values(&value).on_conflict((devices::uuid, devices::user_uuid)).do_update().set(&value).execute(conn), 10, ).map_res("Error saving device") } } } pub async fn delete_all_by_user(user_uuid: &str, conn: &mut DbConn) -> EmptyResult { db_run! { conn: { diesel::delete(devices::table.filter(devices::user_uuid.eq(user_uuid))) .execute(conn) .map_res("Error removing devices for user") }} } pub async fn find_by_uuid_and_user(uuid: &str, user_uuid: &str, conn: &mut DbConn) -> Option { db_run! { conn: { devices::table .filter(devices::uuid.eq(uuid)) .filter(devices::user_uuid.eq(user_uuid)) .first::(conn) .ok() .from_db() }} } pub async fn find_by_user(user_uuid: &str, conn: &mut DbConn) -> Vec { db_run! { conn: { devices::table .filter(devices::user_uuid.eq(user_uuid)) .load::(conn) .expect("Error loading devices") .from_db() }} } pub async fn find_by_uuid(uuid: &str, conn: &mut DbConn) -> Option { db_run! { conn: { devices::table .filter(devices::uuid.eq(uuid)) .first::(conn) .ok() .from_db() }} } pub async fn clear_push_token_by_uuid(uuid: &str, conn: &mut DbConn) -> EmptyResult { db_run! { conn: { diesel::update(devices::table) .filter(devices::uuid.eq(uuid)) .set(devices::push_token.eq::>(None)) .execute(conn) .map_res("Error removing push token") }} } pub async fn find_by_refresh_token(refresh_token: &str, conn: &mut DbConn) -> Option { db_run! { conn: { devices::table .filter(devices::refresh_token.eq(refresh_token)) .first::(conn) .ok() .from_db() }} } pub async fn find_latest_active_by_user(user_uuid: &str, conn: &mut DbConn) -> Option { db_run! { conn: { devices::table .filter(devices::user_uuid.eq(user_uuid)) .order(devices::updated_at.desc()) .first::(conn) .ok() .from_db() }} } pub async fn find_push_device_by_user(user_uuid: &str, conn: &mut DbConn) -> Vec { db_run! { conn: { devices::table .filter(devices::user_uuid.eq(user_uuid)) .filter(devices::push_token.is_not_null()) .load::(conn) .expect("Error loading push devices") .from_db() }} } }