mirror of
synced 2024-11-13 21:41:43 +01:00
The user and org attachment limit use `size` as wording while it should have been `storage` since it isn't per attachment, but the sum of all attachments. - Changed the wording in the config/env - Changed the wording of the error messages. Resolves #1818
1431 lines
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1431 lines
49 KiB
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use chrono::{NaiveDateTime, Utc};
use rocket::{http::ContentType, request::Form, Data, Route};
use rocket_contrib::json::Json;
use serde_json::Value;
use multipart::server::{save::SavedData, Multipart, SaveResult};
use crate::{
api::{self, EmptyResult, JsonResult, JsonUpcase, Notify, PasswordData, UpdateType},
db::{models::*, DbConn, DbPool},
pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
// Note that many routes have an `admin` variant; this seems to be
// because the stored procedure that upstream Bitwarden uses to determine
// whether the user can edit a cipher doesn't take into account whether
// the user is an org owner/admin. The `admin` variant first checks
// whether the user is an owner/admin of the relevant org, and if so,
// allows the operation unconditionally.
// vaultwarden factors in the org owner/admin status as part of
// determining the write accessibility of a cipher, so most
// admin/non-admin implementations can be shared.
post_attachment, // legacy
post_attachment_admin, // legacy
pub fn purge_trashed_ciphers(pool: DbPool) {
debug!("Purging trashed ciphers");
if let Ok(conn) = pool.get() {
} else {
error!("Failed to get DB connection while purging trashed ciphers")
#[derive(FromForm, Default)]
struct SyncData {
#[form(field = "excludeDomains")]
exclude_domains: bool, // Default: 'false'
fn sync(data: Form<SyncData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> Json<Value> {
let user_json = headers.user.to_json(&conn);
let folders = Folder::find_by_user(&headers.user.uuid, &conn);
let folders_json: Vec<Value> = folders.iter().map(Folder::to_json).collect();
let collections = Collection::find_by_user_uuid(&headers.user.uuid, &conn);
let collections_json: Vec<Value> =
collections.iter().map(|c| c.to_json_details(&headers.user.uuid, &conn)).collect();
let policies = OrgPolicy::find_by_user(&headers.user.uuid, &conn);
let policies_json: Vec<Value> = policies.iter().map(OrgPolicy::to_json).collect();
let ciphers = Cipher::find_by_user_visible(&headers.user.uuid, &conn);
let ciphers_json: Vec<Value> =
ciphers.iter().map(|c| c.to_json(&headers.host, &headers.user.uuid, &conn)).collect();
let sends = Send::find_by_user(&headers.user.uuid, &conn);
let sends_json: Vec<Value> = sends.iter().map(|s| s.to_json()).collect();
let domains_json = if data.exclude_domains {
} else {
api::core::_get_eq_domains(headers, true).into_inner()
"Profile": user_json,
"Folders": folders_json,
"Collections": collections_json,
"Policies": policies_json,
"Ciphers": ciphers_json,
"Domains": domains_json,
"Sends": sends_json,
"unofficialServer": true,
"Object": "sync"
fn get_ciphers(headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> Json<Value> {
let ciphers = Cipher::find_by_user_visible(&headers.user.uuid, &conn);
let ciphers_json: Vec<Value> =
ciphers.iter().map(|c| c.to_json(&headers.host, &headers.user.uuid, &conn)).collect();
"Data": ciphers_json,
"Object": "list",
"ContinuationToken": null
fn get_cipher(uuid: String, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(&uuid, &conn) {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
if !cipher.is_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, &conn) {
err!("Cipher is not owned by user")
Ok(Json(cipher.to_json(&headers.host, &headers.user.uuid, &conn)))
fn get_cipher_admin(uuid: String, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
// TODO: Implement this correctly
get_cipher(uuid, headers, conn)
fn get_cipher_details(uuid: String, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
get_cipher(uuid, headers, conn)
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct CipherData {
// Id is optional as it is included only in bulk share
pub Id: Option<String>,
// Folder id is not included in import
FolderId: Option<String>,
// TODO: Some of these might appear all the time, no need for Option
OrganizationId: Option<String>,
Login = 1,
SecureNote = 2,
Card = 3,
Identity = 4
pub Type: i32, // TODO: Change this to NumberOrString
pub Name: String,
Notes: Option<String>,
Fields: Option<Value>,
// Only one of these should exist, depending on type
Login: Option<Value>,
SecureNote: Option<Value>,
Card: Option<Value>,
Identity: Option<Value>,
Favorite: Option<bool>,
Reprompt: Option<i32>,
PasswordHistory: Option<Value>,
// These are used during key rotation
#[serde(rename = "Attachments")]
_Attachments: Option<Value>, // Unused, contains map of {id: filename}
Attachments2: Option<HashMap<String, Attachments2Data>>,
// The revision datetime (in ISO 8601 format) of the client's local copy
// of the cipher. This is used to prevent a client from updating a cipher
// when it doesn't have the latest version, as that can result in data
// loss. It's not an error when no value is provided; this can happen
// when using older client versions, or if the operation doesn't involve
// updating an existing cipher.
LastKnownRevisionDate: Option<String>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct Attachments2Data {
FileName: String,
Key: String,
/// Called when an org admin clones an org cipher.
#[post("/ciphers/admin", data = "<data>")]
fn post_ciphers_admin(data: JsonUpcase<ShareCipherData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> JsonResult {
post_ciphers_create(data, headers, conn, nt)
/// Called when creating a new org-owned cipher, or cloning a cipher (whether
/// user- or org-owned). When cloning a cipher to a user-owned cipher,
/// `organizationId` is null.
#[post("/ciphers/create", data = "<data>")]
fn post_ciphers_create(data: JsonUpcase<ShareCipherData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> JsonResult {
let mut data: ShareCipherData = data.into_inner().data;
// Check if there are one more more collections selected when this cipher is part of an organization.
// err if this is not the case before creating an empty cipher.
if data.Cipher.OrganizationId.is_some() && data.CollectionIds.is_empty() {
err!("You must select at least one collection.");
// This check is usually only needed in update_cipher_from_data(), but we
// need it here as well to avoid creating an empty cipher in the call to
// cipher.save() below.
enforce_personal_ownership_policy(&data.Cipher, &headers, &conn)?;
let mut cipher = Cipher::new(data.Cipher.Type, data.Cipher.Name.clone());
cipher.user_uuid = Some(headers.user.uuid.clone());
// When cloning a cipher, the Bitwarden clients seem to set this field
// based on the cipher being cloned (when creating a new cipher, it's set
// to null as expected). However, `cipher.created_at` is initialized to
// the current time, so the stale data check will end up failing down the
// line. Since this function only creates new ciphers (whether by cloning
// or otherwise), we can just ignore this field entirely.
data.Cipher.LastKnownRevisionDate = None;
share_cipher_by_uuid(&cipher.uuid, data, &headers, &conn, &nt)
/// Called when creating a new user-owned cipher.
#[post("/ciphers", data = "<data>")]
fn post_ciphers(data: JsonUpcase<CipherData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> JsonResult {
let mut data: CipherData = data.into_inner().data;
// The web/browser clients set this field to null as expected, but the
// mobile clients seem to set the invalid value `0001-01-01T00:00:00`,
// which results in a warning message being logged. This field isn't
// needed when creating a new cipher, so just ignore it unconditionally.
data.LastKnownRevisionDate = None;
let mut cipher = Cipher::new(data.Type, data.Name.clone());
update_cipher_from_data(&mut cipher, data, &headers, false, &conn, &nt, UpdateType::CipherCreate)?;
Ok(Json(cipher.to_json(&headers.host, &headers.user.uuid, &conn)))
/// Enforces the personal ownership policy on user-owned ciphers, if applicable.
/// A non-owner/admin user belonging to an org with the personal ownership policy
/// enabled isn't allowed to create new user-owned ciphers or modify existing ones
/// (that were created before the policy was applicable to the user). The user is
/// allowed to delete or share such ciphers to an org, however.
/// Ref: https://bitwarden.com/help/article/policies/#personal-ownership
fn enforce_personal_ownership_policy(data: &CipherData, headers: &Headers, conn: &DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
if data.OrganizationId.is_none() {
let user_uuid = &headers.user.uuid;
let policy_type = OrgPolicyType::PersonalOwnership;
if OrgPolicy::is_applicable_to_user(user_uuid, policy_type, conn) {
err!("Due to an Enterprise Policy, you are restricted from saving items to your personal vault.")
pub fn update_cipher_from_data(
cipher: &mut Cipher,
data: CipherData,
headers: &Headers,
shared_to_collection: bool,
conn: &DbConn,
nt: &Notify,
ut: UpdateType,
) -> EmptyResult {
enforce_personal_ownership_policy(&data, headers, conn)?;
// Check that the client isn't updating an existing cipher with stale data.
if let Some(dt) = data.LastKnownRevisionDate {
match NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(&dt, "%+") {
// ISO 8601 format
Err(err) => warn!("Error parsing LastKnownRevisionDate '{}': {}", dt, err),
Ok(dt) if cipher.updated_at.signed_duration_since(dt).num_seconds() > 1 => {
err!("The client copy of this cipher is out of date. Resync the client and try again.")
Ok(_) => (),
if cipher.organization_uuid.is_some() && cipher.organization_uuid != data.OrganizationId {
err!("Organization mismatch. Please resync the client before updating the cipher")
if let Some(org_id) = data.OrganizationId {
match UserOrganization::find_by_user_and_org(&headers.user.uuid, &org_id, conn) {
None => err!("You don't have permission to add item to organization"),
Some(org_user) => {
if shared_to_collection
|| org_user.has_full_access()
|| cipher.is_write_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, conn)
cipher.organization_uuid = Some(org_id);
// After some discussion in PR #1329 re-added the user_uuid = None again.
// TODO: Audit/Check the whole save/update cipher chain.
// Upstream uses the user_uuid to allow a cipher added by a user to an org to still allow the user to view/edit the cipher
// even when the user has hide-passwords configured as there policy.
// Removing the line below would fix that, but we have to check which effect this would have on the rest of the code.
cipher.user_uuid = None;
} else {
err!("You don't have permission to add cipher directly to organization")
} else {
cipher.user_uuid = Some(headers.user.uuid.clone());
if let Some(ref folder_id) = data.FolderId {
match Folder::find_by_uuid(folder_id, conn) {
Some(folder) => {
if folder.user_uuid != headers.user.uuid {
err!("Folder is not owned by user")
None => err!("Folder doesn't exist"),
// Modify attachments name and keys when rotating
if let Some(attachments) = data.Attachments2 {
for (id, attachment) in attachments {
let mut saved_att = match Attachment::find_by_id(&id, conn) {
Some(att) => att,
None => err!("Attachment doesn't exist"),
if saved_att.cipher_uuid != cipher.uuid {
// Warn and break here since cloning ciphers provides attachment data but will not be cloned.
// If we error out here it will break the whole cloning and causes empty ciphers to appear.
warn!("Attachment is not owned by the cipher");
saved_att.akey = Some(attachment.Key);
saved_att.file_name = attachment.FileName;
// Cleanup cipher data, like removing the 'Response' key.
// This key is somewhere generated during Javascript so no way for us this fix this.
// Also, upstream only retrieves keys they actually want to store, and thus skip the 'Response' key.
// We do not mind which data is in it, the keep our model more flexible when there are upstream changes.
// But, we at least know we do not need to store and return this specific key.
fn _clean_cipher_data(mut json_data: Value) -> Value {
if json_data.is_array() {
json_data.as_array_mut().unwrap().iter_mut().for_each(|ref mut f| {
let type_data_opt = match data.Type {
1 => data.Login,
2 => data.SecureNote,
3 => data.Card,
4 => data.Identity,
_ => err!("Invalid type"),
let type_data = match type_data_opt {
Some(mut data) => {
// Remove the 'Response' key from the base object.
// Remove the 'Response' key from every Uri.
if data["Uris"].is_array() {
data["Uris"] = _clean_cipher_data(data["Uris"].clone());
None => err!("Data missing"),
cipher.name = data.Name;
cipher.notes = data.Notes;
cipher.fields = data.Fields.map(|f| _clean_cipher_data(f).to_string());
cipher.data = type_data.to_string();
cipher.password_history = data.PasswordHistory.map(|f| f.to_string());
cipher.reprompt = data.Reprompt;
cipher.move_to_folder(data.FolderId, &headers.user.uuid, conn)?;
cipher.set_favorite(data.Favorite, &headers.user.uuid, conn)?;
if ut != UpdateType::None {
nt.send_cipher_update(ut, cipher, &cipher.update_users_revision(conn));
use super::folders::FolderData;
struct ImportData {
Ciphers: Vec<CipherData>,
Folders: Vec<FolderData>,
FolderRelationships: Vec<RelationsData>,
struct RelationsData {
// Cipher id
Key: usize,
// Folder id
Value: usize,
#[post("/ciphers/import", data = "<data>")]
fn post_ciphers_import(data: JsonUpcase<ImportData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> EmptyResult {
let data: ImportData = data.into_inner().data;
// Read and create the folders
let mut folders: Vec<_> = Vec::new();
for folder in data.Folders.into_iter() {
let mut new_folder = Folder::new(headers.user.uuid.clone(), folder.Name);
// Read the relations between folders and ciphers
let mut relations_map = HashMap::new();
for relation in data.FolderRelationships {
relations_map.insert(relation.Key, relation.Value);
// Read and create the ciphers
for (index, mut cipher_data) in data.Ciphers.into_iter().enumerate() {
let folder_uuid = relations_map.get(&index).map(|i| folders[*i].uuid.clone());
cipher_data.FolderId = folder_uuid;
let mut cipher = Cipher::new(cipher_data.Type, cipher_data.Name.clone());
update_cipher_from_data(&mut cipher, cipher_data, &headers, false, &conn, &nt, UpdateType::None)?;
let mut user = headers.user;
nt.send_user_update(UpdateType::Vault, &user);
/// Called when an org admin modifies an existing org cipher.
#[put("/ciphers/<uuid>/admin", data = "<data>")]
fn put_cipher_admin(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<CipherData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify,
) -> JsonResult {
put_cipher(uuid, data, headers, conn, nt)
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>/admin", data = "<data>")]
fn post_cipher_admin(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<CipherData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify,
) -> JsonResult {
post_cipher(uuid, data, headers, conn, nt)
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>", data = "<data>")]
fn post_cipher(uuid: String, data: JsonUpcase<CipherData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> JsonResult {
put_cipher(uuid, data, headers, conn, nt)
#[put("/ciphers/<uuid>", data = "<data>")]
fn put_cipher(uuid: String, data: JsonUpcase<CipherData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> JsonResult {
let data: CipherData = data.into_inner().data;
let mut cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(&uuid, &conn) {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
// TODO: Check if only the folder ID or favorite status is being changed.
// These are per-user properties that technically aren't part of the
// cipher itself, so the user shouldn't need write access to change these.
// Interestingly, upstream Bitwarden doesn't properly handle this either.
if !cipher.is_write_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, &conn) {
err!("Cipher is not write accessible")
update_cipher_from_data(&mut cipher, data, &headers, false, &conn, &nt, UpdateType::CipherUpdate)?;
Ok(Json(cipher.to_json(&headers.host, &headers.user.uuid, &conn)))
struct CollectionsAdminData {
CollectionIds: Vec<String>,
#[put("/ciphers/<uuid>/collections", data = "<data>")]
fn put_collections_update(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<CollectionsAdminData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
post_collections_admin(uuid, data, headers, conn)
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>/collections", data = "<data>")]
fn post_collections_update(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<CollectionsAdminData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
post_collections_admin(uuid, data, headers, conn)
#[put("/ciphers/<uuid>/collections-admin", data = "<data>")]
fn put_collections_admin(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<CollectionsAdminData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
post_collections_admin(uuid, data, headers, conn)
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>/collections-admin", data = "<data>")]
fn post_collections_admin(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<CollectionsAdminData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
let data: CollectionsAdminData = data.into_inner().data;
let cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(&uuid, &conn) {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
if !cipher.is_write_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, &conn) {
err!("Cipher is not write accessible")
let posted_collections: HashSet<String> = data.CollectionIds.iter().cloned().collect();
let current_collections: HashSet<String> =
cipher.get_collections(&headers.user.uuid, &conn).iter().cloned().collect();
for collection in posted_collections.symmetric_difference(¤t_collections) {
match Collection::find_by_uuid(collection, &conn) {
None => err!("Invalid collection ID provided"),
Some(collection) => {
if collection.is_writable_by_user(&headers.user.uuid, &conn) {
if posted_collections.contains(&collection.uuid) {
// Add to collection
CollectionCipher::save(&cipher.uuid, &collection.uuid, &conn)?;
} else {
// Remove from collection
CollectionCipher::delete(&cipher.uuid, &collection.uuid, &conn)?;
} else {
err!("No rights to modify the collection")
struct ShareCipherData {
Cipher: CipherData,
CollectionIds: Vec<String>,
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>/share", data = "<data>")]
fn post_cipher_share(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<ShareCipherData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify,
) -> JsonResult {
let data: ShareCipherData = data.into_inner().data;
share_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, data, &headers, &conn, &nt)
#[put("/ciphers/<uuid>/share", data = "<data>")]
fn put_cipher_share(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<ShareCipherData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify,
) -> JsonResult {
let data: ShareCipherData = data.into_inner().data;
share_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, data, &headers, &conn, &nt)
struct ShareSelectedCipherData {
Ciphers: Vec<CipherData>,
CollectionIds: Vec<String>,
#[put("/ciphers/share", data = "<data>")]
fn put_cipher_share_selected(
data: JsonUpcase<ShareSelectedCipherData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify,
) -> EmptyResult {
let mut data: ShareSelectedCipherData = data.into_inner().data;
let mut cipher_ids: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
if data.Ciphers.is_empty() {
err!("You must select at least one cipher.")
if data.CollectionIds.is_empty() {
err!("You must select at least one collection.")
for cipher in data.Ciphers.iter() {
match cipher.Id {
Some(ref id) => cipher_ids.push(id.to_string()),
None => err!("Request missing ids field"),
let attachments = Attachment::find_by_ciphers(cipher_ids, &conn);
if !attachments.is_empty() {
err!("Ciphers should not have any attachments.")
while let Some(cipher) = data.Ciphers.pop() {
let mut shared_cipher_data = ShareCipherData {
Cipher: cipher,
CollectionIds: data.CollectionIds.clone(),
match shared_cipher_data.Cipher.Id.take() {
Some(id) => share_cipher_by_uuid(&id, shared_cipher_data, &headers, &conn, &nt)?,
None => err!("Request missing ids field"),
fn share_cipher_by_uuid(
uuid: &str,
data: ShareCipherData,
headers: &Headers,
conn: &DbConn,
nt: &Notify,
) -> JsonResult {
let mut cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(uuid, conn) {
Some(cipher) => {
if cipher.is_write_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, conn) {
} else {
err!("Cipher is not write accessible")
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
let mut shared_to_collection = false;
match data.Cipher.OrganizationId.clone() {
// If we don't get an organization ID, we don't do anything
// No error because this is used when using the Clone functionality
None => {}
Some(organization_uuid) => {
for uuid in &data.CollectionIds {
match Collection::find_by_uuid_and_org(uuid, &organization_uuid, conn) {
None => err!("Invalid collection ID provided"),
Some(collection) => {
if collection.is_writable_by_user(&headers.user.uuid, conn) {
CollectionCipher::save(&cipher.uuid, &collection.uuid, conn)?;
shared_to_collection = true;
} else {
err!("No rights to modify the collection")
&mut cipher,
Ok(Json(cipher.to_json(&headers.host, &headers.user.uuid, conn)))
/// v2 API for downloading an attachment. This just redirects the client to
/// the actual location of an attachment.
/// Upstream added this v2 API to support direct download of attachments from
/// their object storage service. For self-hosted instances, it basically just
/// redirects to the same location as before the v2 API.
fn get_attachment(uuid: String, attachment_id: String, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
match Attachment::find_by_id(&attachment_id, &conn) {
Some(attachment) if uuid == attachment.cipher_uuid => Ok(Json(attachment.to_json(&headers.host))),
Some(_) => err!("Attachment doesn't belong to cipher"),
None => err!("Attachment doesn't exist"),
struct AttachmentRequestData {
Key: String,
FileName: String,
FileSize: i32,
// We check org owner/admin status via is_write_accessible_to_user(),
// so we can just ignore this field.
// AdminRequest: bool,
enum FileUploadType {
Direct = 0,
// Azure = 1, // only used upstream
/// v2 API for creating an attachment associated with a cipher.
/// This redirects the client to the API it should use to upload the attachment.
/// For upstream's cloud-hosted service, it's an Azure object storage API.
/// For self-hosted instances, it's another API on the local instance.
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>/attachment/v2", data = "<data>")]
fn post_attachment_v2(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<AttachmentRequestData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
) -> JsonResult {
let cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(&uuid, &conn) {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
if !cipher.is_write_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, &conn) {
err!("Cipher is not write accessible")
let attachment_id = crypto::generate_attachment_id();
let data: AttachmentRequestData = data.into_inner().data;
let attachment =
Attachment::new(attachment_id.clone(), cipher.uuid.clone(), data.FileName, data.FileSize, Some(data.Key));
attachment.save(&conn).expect("Error saving attachment");
let url = format!("/ciphers/{}/attachment/{}", cipher.uuid, attachment_id);
Ok(Json(json!({ // AttachmentUploadDataResponseModel
"Object": "attachment-fileUpload",
"AttachmentId": attachment_id,
"Url": url,
"FileUploadType": FileUploadType::Direct as i32,
"CipherResponse": cipher.to_json(&headers.host, &headers.user.uuid, &conn),
"CipherMiniResponse": null,
/// Saves the data content of an attachment to a file. This is common code
/// shared between the v2 and legacy attachment APIs.
/// When used with the legacy API, this function is responsible for creating
/// the attachment database record, so `attachment` is None.
/// When used with the v2 API, post_attachment_v2() has already created the
/// database record, which is passed in as `attachment`.
fn save_attachment(
mut attachment: Option<Attachment>,
cipher_uuid: String,
data: Data,
content_type: &ContentType,
headers: &Headers,
conn: &DbConn,
nt: Notify,
) -> Result<Cipher, crate::error::Error> {
let cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(&cipher_uuid, conn) {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err_discard!("Cipher doesn't exist", data),
if !cipher.is_write_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, conn) {
err_discard!("Cipher is not write accessible", data)
// In the v2 API, the attachment record has already been created,
// so the size limit needs to be adjusted to account for that.
let size_adjust = match &attachment {
None => 0, // Legacy API
Some(a) => a.file_size as i64, // v2 API
let size_limit = if let Some(ref user_uuid) = cipher.user_uuid {
match CONFIG.user_attachment_limit() {
Some(0) => err_discard!("Attachments are disabled", data),
Some(limit_kb) => {
let left = (limit_kb * 1024) - Attachment::size_by_user(user_uuid, conn) + size_adjust;
if left <= 0 {
err_discard!("Attachment storage limit reached! Delete some attachments to free up space", data)
Some(left as u64)
None => None,
} else if let Some(ref org_uuid) = cipher.organization_uuid {
match CONFIG.org_attachment_limit() {
Some(0) => err_discard!("Attachments are disabled", data),
Some(limit_kb) => {
let left = (limit_kb * 1024) - Attachment::size_by_org(org_uuid, conn) + size_adjust;
if left <= 0 {
err_discard!("Attachment storage limit reached! Delete some attachments to free up space", data)
Some(left as u64)
None => None,
} else {
err_discard!("Cipher is neither owned by a user nor an organization", data);
let mut params = content_type.params();
let boundary_pair = params.next().expect("No boundary provided");
let boundary = boundary_pair.1;
let base_path = Path::new(&CONFIG.attachments_folder()).join(&cipher_uuid);
let mut path = PathBuf::new();
let mut attachment_key = None;
let mut error = None;
Multipart::with_body(data.open(), boundary)
.foreach_entry(|mut field| {
match &*field.headers.name {
"key" => {
use std::io::Read;
let mut key_buffer = String::new();
if field.data.read_to_string(&mut key_buffer).is_ok() {
attachment_key = Some(key_buffer);
"data" => {
// In the legacy API, this is the encrypted filename
// provided by the client, stored to the database as-is.
// In the v2 API, this value doesn't matter, as it was
// already provided and stored via an earlier API call.
let encrypted_filename = field.headers.filename;
// This random ID is used as the name of the file on disk.
// In the legacy API, we need to generate this value here.
// In the v2 API, we use the value from post_attachment_v2().
let file_id = match &attachment {
Some(attachment) => attachment.id.clone(), // v2 API
None => crypto::generate_attachment_id(), // Legacy API
path = base_path.join(&file_id);
let size =
match field.data.save().memory_threshold(0).size_limit(size_limit).with_path(path.clone()) {
SaveResult::Full(SavedData::File(_, size)) => size as i32,
SaveResult::Full(other) => {
error = Some(format!("Attachment is not a file: {:?}", other));
SaveResult::Partial(_, reason) => {
error = Some(format!("Attachment storage limit exceeded with this file: {:?}", reason));
SaveResult::Error(e) => {
error = Some(format!("Error: {:?}", e));
if let Some(attachment) = &mut attachment {
// v2 API
// Check the actual size against the size initially provided by
// the client. Upstream allows +/- 1 MiB deviation from this
// size, but it's not clear when or why this is needed.
const LEEWAY: i32 = 1024 * 1024; // 1 MiB
let min_size = attachment.file_size - LEEWAY;
let max_size = attachment.file_size + LEEWAY;
if min_size <= size && size <= max_size {
if size != attachment.file_size {
// Update the attachment with the actual file size.
attachment.file_size = size;
attachment.save(conn).expect("Error updating attachment");
} else {
let err_msg = "Attachment size mismatch".to_string();
error!("{} (expected within [{}, {}], got {})", err_msg, min_size, max_size, size);
error = Some(err_msg);
} else {
// Legacy API
if encrypted_filename.is_none() {
error = Some("No filename provided".to_string());
if attachment_key.is_none() {
error = Some("No attachment key provided".to_string());
let attachment = Attachment::new(
attachment.save(conn).expect("Error saving attachment");
_ => error!("Invalid multipart name"),
.expect("Error processing multipart data");
if let Some(ref e) = error {
nt.send_cipher_update(UpdateType::CipherUpdate, &cipher, &cipher.update_users_revision(conn));
/// v2 API for uploading the actual data content of an attachment.
/// This route needs a rank specified so that Rocket prioritizes the
/// /ciphers/<uuid>/attachment/v2 route, which would otherwise conflict
/// with this one.
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>/attachment/<attachment_id>", format = "multipart/form-data", data = "<data>", rank = 1)]
fn post_attachment_v2_data(
uuid: String,
attachment_id: String,
data: Data,
content_type: &ContentType,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify,
) -> EmptyResult {
let attachment = match Attachment::find_by_id(&attachment_id, &conn) {
Some(attachment) if uuid == attachment.cipher_uuid => Some(attachment),
Some(_) => err!("Attachment doesn't belong to cipher"),
None => err!("Attachment doesn't exist"),
save_attachment(attachment, uuid, data, content_type, &headers, &conn, nt)?;
/// Legacy API for creating an attachment associated with a cipher.
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>/attachment", format = "multipart/form-data", data = "<data>")]
fn post_attachment(
uuid: String,
data: Data,
content_type: &ContentType,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify,
) -> JsonResult {
// Setting this as None signifies to save_attachment() that it should create
// the attachment database record as well as saving the data to disk.
let attachment = None;
let cipher = save_attachment(attachment, uuid, data, content_type, &headers, &conn, nt)?;
Ok(Json(cipher.to_json(&headers.host, &headers.user.uuid, &conn)))
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>/attachment-admin", format = "multipart/form-data", data = "<data>")]
fn post_attachment_admin(
uuid: String,
data: Data,
content_type: &ContentType,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify,
) -> JsonResult {
post_attachment(uuid, data, content_type, headers, conn, nt)
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>/attachment/<attachment_id>/share", format = "multipart/form-data", data = "<data>")]
fn post_attachment_share(
uuid: String,
attachment_id: String,
data: Data,
content_type: &ContentType,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify,
) -> JsonResult {
_delete_cipher_attachment_by_id(&uuid, &attachment_id, &headers, &conn, &nt)?;
post_attachment(uuid, data, content_type, headers, conn, nt)
fn delete_attachment_post_admin(
uuid: String,
attachment_id: String,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify,
) -> EmptyResult {
delete_attachment(uuid, attachment_id, headers, conn, nt)
fn delete_attachment_post(
uuid: String,
attachment_id: String,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify,
) -> EmptyResult {
delete_attachment(uuid, attachment_id, headers, conn, nt)
fn delete_attachment(uuid: String, attachment_id: String, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_cipher_attachment_by_id(&uuid, &attachment_id, &headers, &conn, &nt)
fn delete_attachment_admin(
uuid: String,
attachment_id: String,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify,
) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_cipher_attachment_by_id(&uuid, &attachment_id, &headers, &conn, &nt)
fn delete_cipher_post(uuid: String, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, &headers, &conn, false, &nt)
fn delete_cipher_post_admin(uuid: String, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, &headers, &conn, false, &nt)
fn delete_cipher_put(uuid: String, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, &headers, &conn, true, &nt)
fn delete_cipher_put_admin(uuid: String, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, &headers, &conn, true, &nt)
fn delete_cipher(uuid: String, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, &headers, &conn, false, &nt)
fn delete_cipher_admin(uuid: String, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, &headers, &conn, false, &nt)
#[delete("/ciphers", data = "<data>")]
fn delete_cipher_selected(data: JsonUpcase<Value>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_multiple_ciphers(data, headers, conn, false, nt)
#[post("/ciphers/delete", data = "<data>")]
fn delete_cipher_selected_post(data: JsonUpcase<Value>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_multiple_ciphers(data, headers, conn, false, nt)
#[put("/ciphers/delete", data = "<data>")]
fn delete_cipher_selected_put(data: JsonUpcase<Value>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_multiple_ciphers(data, headers, conn, true, nt) // soft delete
#[delete("/ciphers/admin", data = "<data>")]
fn delete_cipher_selected_admin(data: JsonUpcase<Value>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> EmptyResult {
delete_cipher_selected(data, headers, conn, nt)
#[post("/ciphers/delete-admin", data = "<data>")]
fn delete_cipher_selected_post_admin(
data: JsonUpcase<Value>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify,
) -> EmptyResult {
delete_cipher_selected_post(data, headers, conn, nt)
#[put("/ciphers/delete-admin", data = "<data>")]
fn delete_cipher_selected_put_admin(
data: JsonUpcase<Value>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify,
) -> EmptyResult {
delete_cipher_selected_put(data, headers, conn, nt)
fn restore_cipher_put(uuid: String, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> JsonResult {
_restore_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, &headers, &conn, &nt)
fn restore_cipher_put_admin(uuid: String, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> JsonResult {
_restore_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, &headers, &conn, &nt)
#[put("/ciphers/restore", data = "<data>")]
fn restore_cipher_selected(data: JsonUpcase<Value>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> JsonResult {
_restore_multiple_ciphers(data, &headers, &conn, &nt)
struct MoveCipherData {
FolderId: Option<String>,
Ids: Vec<String>,
#[post("/ciphers/move", data = "<data>")]
fn move_cipher_selected(data: JsonUpcase<MoveCipherData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn, nt: Notify) -> EmptyResult {
let data = data.into_inner().data;
let user_uuid = headers.user.uuid;
if let Some(ref folder_id) = data.FolderId {
match Folder::find_by_uuid(folder_id, &conn) {
Some(folder) => {
if folder.user_uuid != user_uuid {
err!("Folder is not owned by user")
None => err!("Folder doesn't exist"),
for uuid in data.Ids {
let cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(&uuid, &conn) {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
if !cipher.is_accessible_to_user(&user_uuid, &conn) {
err!("Cipher is not accessible by user")
// Move cipher
cipher.move_to_folder(data.FolderId.clone(), &user_uuid, &conn)?;
nt.send_cipher_update(UpdateType::CipherUpdate, &cipher, &[user_uuid.clone()]);
#[put("/ciphers/move", data = "<data>")]
fn move_cipher_selected_put(
data: JsonUpcase<MoveCipherData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify,
) -> EmptyResult {
move_cipher_selected(data, headers, conn, nt)
struct OrganizationId {
#[form(field = "organizationId")]
org_id: String,
#[post("/ciphers/purge?<organization..>", data = "<data>")]
fn delete_all(
organization: Option<Form<OrganizationId>>,
data: JsonUpcase<PasswordData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify,
) -> EmptyResult {
let data: PasswordData = data.into_inner().data;
let password_hash = data.MasterPasswordHash;
let mut user = headers.user;
if !user.check_valid_password(&password_hash) {
err!("Invalid password")
match organization {
Some(org_data) => {
// Organization ID in query params, purging organization vault
match UserOrganization::find_by_user_and_org(&user.uuid, &org_data.org_id, &conn) {
None => err!("You don't have permission to purge the organization vault"),
Some(user_org) => {
if user_org.atype == UserOrgType::Owner {
Cipher::delete_all_by_organization(&org_data.org_id, &conn)?;
nt.send_user_update(UpdateType::Vault, &user);
} else {
err!("You don't have permission to purge the organization vault");
None => {
// No organization ID in query params, purging user vault
// Delete ciphers and their attachments
for cipher in Cipher::find_owned_by_user(&user.uuid, &conn) {
// Delete folders
for f in Folder::find_by_user(&user.uuid, &conn) {
nt.send_user_update(UpdateType::Vault, &user);
fn _delete_cipher_by_uuid(uuid: &str, headers: &Headers, conn: &DbConn, soft_delete: bool, nt: &Notify) -> EmptyResult {
let mut cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(uuid, conn) {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
if !cipher.is_write_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, conn) {
err!("Cipher can't be deleted by user")
if soft_delete {
cipher.deleted_at = Some(Utc::now().naive_utc());
nt.send_cipher_update(UpdateType::CipherUpdate, &cipher, &cipher.update_users_revision(conn));
} else {
nt.send_cipher_update(UpdateType::CipherDelete, &cipher, &cipher.update_users_revision(conn));
fn _delete_multiple_ciphers(
data: JsonUpcase<Value>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
soft_delete: bool,
nt: Notify,
) -> EmptyResult {
let data: Value = data.into_inner().data;
let uuids = match data.get("Ids") {
Some(ids) => match ids.as_array() {
Some(ids) => ids.iter().filter_map(Value::as_str),
None => err!("Posted ids field is not an array"),
None => err!("Request missing ids field"),
for uuid in uuids {
if let error @ Err(_) = _delete_cipher_by_uuid(uuid, &headers, &conn, soft_delete, &nt) {
return error;
fn _restore_cipher_by_uuid(uuid: &str, headers: &Headers, conn: &DbConn, nt: &Notify) -> JsonResult {
let mut cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(uuid, conn) {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
if !cipher.is_write_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, conn) {
err!("Cipher can't be restored by user")
cipher.deleted_at = None;
nt.send_cipher_update(UpdateType::CipherUpdate, &cipher, &cipher.update_users_revision(conn));
Ok(Json(cipher.to_json(&headers.host, &headers.user.uuid, conn)))
fn _restore_multiple_ciphers(data: JsonUpcase<Value>, headers: &Headers, conn: &DbConn, nt: &Notify) -> JsonResult {
let data: Value = data.into_inner().data;
let uuids = match data.get("Ids") {
Some(ids) => match ids.as_array() {
Some(ids) => ids.iter().filter_map(Value::as_str),
None => err!("Posted ids field is not an array"),
None => err!("Request missing ids field"),
let mut ciphers: Vec<Value> = Vec::new();
for uuid in uuids {
match _restore_cipher_by_uuid(uuid, headers, conn, nt) {
Ok(json) => ciphers.push(json.into_inner()),
err => return err,
"Data": ciphers,
"Object": "list",
"ContinuationToken": null
fn _delete_cipher_attachment_by_id(
uuid: &str,
attachment_id: &str,
headers: &Headers,
conn: &DbConn,
nt: &Notify,
) -> EmptyResult {
let attachment = match Attachment::find_by_id(attachment_id, conn) {
Some(attachment) => attachment,
None => err!("Attachment doesn't exist"),
if attachment.cipher_uuid != uuid {
err!("Attachment from other cipher")
let cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(uuid, conn) {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
if !cipher.is_write_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, conn) {
err!("Cipher cannot be deleted by user")
// Delete attachment
nt.send_cipher_update(UpdateType::CipherUpdate, &cipher, &cipher.update_users_revision(conn));