Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden synced 2024-06-04 13:08:55 +02:00
Daniel García 84ed185579
Update u2f to 0.2, which requires OpenSSL but also might solve the problems we've had with certificates.
The rust image doesn't need installing curl or tar, so removed. Also collapsed ENV lines.
2020-01-19 21:34:13 +01:00

362 lines
11 KiB

use rocket::Route;
use rocket_contrib::json::Json;
use serde_json;
use serde_json::Value;
use u2f::messages::{RegisterResponse, SignResponse, U2fSignRequest};
use u2f::protocol::{Challenge, U2f};
use u2f::register::Registration;
use crate::api::core::two_factor::_generate_recover_code;
use crate::api::{ApiResult, EmptyResult, JsonResult, JsonUpcase, NumberOrString, PasswordData};
use crate::auth::Headers;
use crate::db::{
models::{TwoFactor, TwoFactorType},
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::CONFIG;
const U2F_VERSION: &str = "U2F_V2";
lazy_static! {
static ref APP_ID: String = format!("{}/app-id.json", &CONFIG.domain());
static ref U2F: U2f = U2f::new(APP_ID.clone());
pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
#[post("/two-factor/get-u2f", data = "<data>")]
fn generate_u2f(data: JsonUpcase<PasswordData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
if !CONFIG.domain_set() {
err!("`DOMAIN` environment variable is not set. U2F disabled")
let data: PasswordData = data.into_inner().data;
if !headers.user.check_valid_password(&data.MasterPasswordHash) {
err!("Invalid password");
let (enabled, keys) = get_u2f_registrations(&headers.user.uuid, &conn)?;
let keys_json: Vec<Value> = keys.iter().map(U2FRegistration::to_json).collect();
"Enabled": enabled,
"Keys": keys_json,
"Object": "twoFactorU2f"
#[post("/two-factor/get-u2f-challenge", data = "<data>")]
fn generate_u2f_challenge(data: JsonUpcase<PasswordData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let data: PasswordData = data.into_inner().data;
if !headers.user.check_valid_password(&data.MasterPasswordHash) {
err!("Invalid password");
let _type = TwoFactorType::U2fRegisterChallenge;
let challenge = _create_u2f_challenge(&headers.user.uuid, _type, &conn).challenge;
"UserId": headers.user.uuid,
"AppId": APP_ID.to_string(),
"Challenge": challenge,
"Version": U2F_VERSION,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct EnableU2FData {
Id: NumberOrString,
// 1..5
Name: String,
MasterPasswordHash: String,
DeviceResponse: String,
// This struct is referenced from the U2F lib
// because it doesn't implement Deserialize
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
#[serde(remote = "Registration")]
struct RegistrationDef {
key_handle: Vec<u8>,
pub_key: Vec<u8>,
attestation_cert: Option<Vec<u8>>,
device_name: Option<String>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct U2FRegistration {
id: i32,
name: String,
#[serde(with = "RegistrationDef")]
reg: Registration,
counter: u32,
compromised: bool,
impl U2FRegistration {
fn to_json(&self) -> Value {
"Id": self.id,
"Name": self.name,
"Compromised": self.compromised,
// This struct is copied from the U2F lib
// to add an optional error code
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct RegisterResponseCopy {
pub registration_data: String,
pub version: String,
pub client_data: String,
pub error_code: Option<NumberOrString>,
impl Into<RegisterResponse> for RegisterResponseCopy {
fn into(self) -> RegisterResponse {
RegisterResponse {
registration_data: self.registration_data,
version: self.version,
client_data: self.client_data,
#[post("/two-factor/u2f", data = "<data>")]
fn activate_u2f(data: JsonUpcase<EnableU2FData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let data: EnableU2FData = data.into_inner().data;
let mut user = headers.user;
if !user.check_valid_password(&data.MasterPasswordHash) {
err!("Invalid password");
let tf_type = TwoFactorType::U2fRegisterChallenge as i32;
let tf_challenge = match TwoFactor::find_by_user_and_type(&user.uuid, tf_type, &conn) {
Some(c) => c,
None => err!("Can't recover challenge"),
let challenge: Challenge = serde_json::from_str(&tf_challenge.data)?;
let response: RegisterResponseCopy = serde_json::from_str(&data.DeviceResponse)?;
let error_code = response
.map_or("0".into(), NumberOrString::into_string);
if error_code != "0" {
err!("Error registering U2F token")
let registration = U2F.register_response(challenge, response.into())?;
let full_registration = U2FRegistration {
id: data.Id.into_i32()?,
name: data.Name,
reg: registration,
compromised: false,
counter: 0,
let mut regs = get_u2f_registrations(&user.uuid, &conn)?.1;
// TODO: Check that there is no repeat Id
save_u2f_registrations(&user.uuid, &regs, &conn)?;
_generate_recover_code(&mut user, &conn);
let keys_json: Vec<Value> = regs.iter().map(U2FRegistration::to_json).collect();
"Enabled": true,
"Keys": keys_json,
"Object": "twoFactorU2f"
#[put("/two-factor/u2f", data = "<data>")]
fn activate_u2f_put(data: JsonUpcase<EnableU2FData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
activate_u2f(data, headers, conn)
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct DeleteU2FData {
Id: NumberOrString,
MasterPasswordHash: String,
#[delete("/two-factor/u2f", data = "<data>")]
fn delete_u2f(data: JsonUpcase<DeleteU2FData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let data: DeleteU2FData = data.into_inner().data;
let id = data.Id.into_i32()?;
if !headers.user.check_valid_password(&data.MasterPasswordHash) {
err!("Invalid password");
let type_ = TwoFactorType::U2f as i32;
let mut tf = match TwoFactor::find_by_user_and_type(&headers.user.uuid, type_, &conn) {
Some(tf) => tf,
None => err!("U2F data not found!"),
let mut data: Vec<U2FRegistration> = match serde_json::from_str(&tf.data) {
Ok(d) => d,
Err(_) => err!("Error parsing U2F data"),
data.retain(|r| r.id != id);
let new_data_str = serde_json::to_string(&data)?;
tf.data = new_data_str;
let keys_json: Vec<Value> = data.iter().map(U2FRegistration::to_json).collect();
"Enabled": true,
"Keys": keys_json,
"Object": "twoFactorU2f"
fn _create_u2f_challenge(user_uuid: &str, type_: TwoFactorType, conn: &DbConn) -> Challenge {
let challenge = U2F.generate_challenge().unwrap();
TwoFactor::new(user_uuid.into(), type_, serde_json::to_string(&challenge).unwrap())
.expect("Error saving challenge");
fn save_u2f_registrations(user_uuid: &str, regs: &[U2FRegistration], conn: &DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
TwoFactor::new(user_uuid.into(), TwoFactorType::U2f, serde_json::to_string(regs)?).save(&conn)
fn get_u2f_registrations(user_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> Result<(bool, Vec<U2FRegistration>), Error> {
let type_ = TwoFactorType::U2f as i32;
let (enabled, regs) = match TwoFactor::find_by_user_and_type(user_uuid, type_, conn) {
Some(tf) => (tf.enabled, tf.data),
None => return Ok((false, Vec::new())), // If no data, return empty list
let data = match serde_json::from_str(&regs) {
Ok(d) => d,
Err(_) => {
// If error, try old format
let mut old_regs = _old_parse_registrations(&regs);
if old_regs.len() != 1 {
err!("The old U2F format only allows one device")
// Convert to new format
let new_regs = vec![U2FRegistration {
id: 1,
name: "Unnamed U2F key".into(),
reg: old_regs.remove(0),
compromised: false,
counter: 0,
// Save new format
save_u2f_registrations(user_uuid, &new_regs, &conn)?;
Ok((enabled, data))
fn _old_parse_registrations(registations: &str) -> Vec<Registration> {
struct Helper(#[serde(with = "RegistrationDef")] Registration);
let regs: Vec<Value> = serde_json::from_str(registations).expect("Can't parse Registration data");
.map(|r| serde_json::from_value(r).unwrap())
.map(|Helper(r)| r)
pub fn generate_u2f_login(user_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> ApiResult<U2fSignRequest> {
let challenge = _create_u2f_challenge(user_uuid, TwoFactorType::U2fLoginChallenge, conn);
let registrations: Vec<_> = get_u2f_registrations(user_uuid, conn)?
.map(|r| r.reg)
if registrations.is_empty() {
err!("No U2F devices registered")
Ok(U2F.sign_request(challenge, registrations))
pub fn validate_u2f_login(user_uuid: &str, response: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
let challenge_type = TwoFactorType::U2fLoginChallenge as i32;
let tf_challenge = TwoFactor::find_by_user_and_type(user_uuid, challenge_type, &conn);
let challenge = match tf_challenge {
Some(tf_challenge) => {
let challenge: Challenge = serde_json::from_str(&tf_challenge.data)?;
None => err!("Can't recover login challenge"),
let response: SignResponse = serde_json::from_str(response)?;
let mut registrations = get_u2f_registrations(user_uuid, conn)?.1;
if registrations.is_empty() {
err!("No U2F devices registered")
for reg in &mut registrations {
let response = U2F.sign_response(challenge.clone(), reg.reg.clone(), response.clone(), reg.counter);
match response {
Ok(new_counter) => {
reg.counter = new_counter;
save_u2f_registrations(user_uuid, &registrations, &conn)?;
return Ok(());
Err(u2f::u2ferror::U2fError::CounterTooLow) => {
reg.compromised = true;
save_u2f_registrations(user_uuid, &registrations, &conn)?;
err!("This device might be compromised!");
Err(e) => {
warn!("E {:#}", e);
// break;
err!("error verifying response")