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mirror of https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden synced 2024-05-19 13:23:48 +02:00
Mathijs van Veluw f863ffb89a
Add Protected Actions Check (#4067)
Since the feature `Login with device` some actions done via the
web-vault need to be verified via an OTP instead of providing the MasterPassword.

This only happens if a user used the `Login with device` on a device
which uses either Biometrics login or PIN. These actions prevent the
athorizing device to send the MasterPasswordHash. When this happens, the
web-vault requests an OTP to be filled-in and this OTP is send to the
users email address which is the same as the email address to login.

The only way to bypass this is by logging in with the your password, in
those cases a password is requested instead of an OTP.

In case SMTP is not enabled, it will show an error message telling to
user to login using there password.

Fixes #4042
2023-11-12 22:15:44 +01:00

189 lines
6.1 KiB

use data_encoding::BASE32;
use rocket::serde::json::Json;
use rocket::Route;
use crate::{
core::log_user_event, core::two_factor::_generate_recover_code, EmptyResult, JsonResult, JsonUpcase,
NumberOrString, PasswordOrOtpData,
auth::{ClientIp, Headers},
models::{EventType, TwoFactor, TwoFactorType},
pub use crate::config::CONFIG;
pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
routes![generate_authenticator, activate_authenticator, activate_authenticator_put,]
#[post("/two-factor/get-authenticator", data = "<data>")]
async fn generate_authenticator(data: JsonUpcase<PasswordOrOtpData>, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let data: PasswordOrOtpData = data.into_inner().data;
let user = headers.user;
data.validate(&user, false, &mut conn).await?;
let type_ = TwoFactorType::Authenticator as i32;
let twofactor = TwoFactor::find_by_user_and_type(&user.uuid, type_, &mut conn).await;
let (enabled, key) = match twofactor {
Some(tf) => (true, tf.data),
_ => (false, crypto::encode_random_bytes::<20>(BASE32)),
"Enabled": enabled,
"Key": key,
"Object": "twoFactorAuthenticator"
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct EnableAuthenticatorData {
Key: String,
Token: NumberOrString,
MasterPasswordHash: Option<String>,
Otp: Option<String>,
#[post("/two-factor/authenticator", data = "<data>")]
async fn activate_authenticator(
data: JsonUpcase<EnableAuthenticatorData>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
) -> JsonResult {
let data: EnableAuthenticatorData = data.into_inner().data;
let key = data.Key;
let token = data.Token.into_string();
let mut user = headers.user;
PasswordOrOtpData {
MasterPasswordHash: data.MasterPasswordHash,
Otp: data.Otp,
.validate(&user, true, &mut conn)
// Validate key as base32 and 20 bytes length
let decoded_key: Vec<u8> = match BASE32.decode(key.as_bytes()) {
Ok(decoded) => decoded,
_ => err!("Invalid totp secret"),
if decoded_key.len() != 20 {
err!("Invalid key length")
// Validate the token provided with the key, and save new twofactor
validate_totp_code(&user.uuid, &token, &key.to_uppercase(), &headers.ip, &mut conn).await?;
_generate_recover_code(&mut user, &mut conn).await;
log_user_event(EventType::UserUpdated2fa as i32, &user.uuid, headers.device.atype, &headers.ip.ip, &mut conn).await;
"Enabled": true,
"Key": key,
"Object": "twoFactorAuthenticator"
#[put("/two-factor/authenticator", data = "<data>")]
async fn activate_authenticator_put(
data: JsonUpcase<EnableAuthenticatorData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
) -> JsonResult {
activate_authenticator(data, headers, conn).await
pub async fn validate_totp_code_str(
user_uuid: &str,
totp_code: &str,
secret: &str,
ip: &ClientIp,
conn: &mut DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
if !totp_code.chars().all(char::is_numeric) {
err!("TOTP code is not a number");
validate_totp_code(user_uuid, totp_code, secret, ip, conn).await
pub async fn validate_totp_code(
user_uuid: &str,
totp_code: &str,
secret: &str,
ip: &ClientIp,
conn: &mut DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
use totp_lite::{totp_custom, Sha1};
let decoded_secret = match BASE32.decode(secret.as_bytes()) {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(_) => err!("Invalid TOTP secret"),
let mut twofactor =
match TwoFactor::find_by_user_and_type(user_uuid, TwoFactorType::Authenticator as i32, conn).await {
Some(tf) => tf,
_ => TwoFactor::new(user_uuid.to_string(), TwoFactorType::Authenticator, secret.to_string()),
// The amount of steps back and forward in time
// Also check if we need to disable time drifted TOTP codes.
// If that is the case, we set the steps to 0 so only the current TOTP is valid.
let steps = i64::from(!CONFIG.authenticator_disable_time_drift());
// Get the current system time in UNIX Epoch (UTC)
let current_time = chrono::Utc::now();
let current_timestamp = current_time.timestamp();
for step in -steps..=steps {
let time_step = current_timestamp / 30i64 + step;
// We need to calculate the time offsite and cast it as an u64.
// Since we only have times into the future and the totp generator needs an u64 instead of the default i64.
let time = (current_timestamp + step * 30i64) as u64;
let generated = totp_custom::<Sha1>(30, 6, &decoded_secret, time);
// Check the the given code equals the generated and if the time_step is larger then the one last used.
if generated == totp_code && time_step > i64::from(twofactor.last_used) {
// If the step does not equals 0 the time is drifted either server or client side.
if step != 0 {
warn!("TOTP Time drift detected. The step offset is {}", step);
// Save the last used time step so only totp time steps higher then this one are allowed.
// This will also save a newly created twofactor if the code is correct.
twofactor.last_used = time_step as i32;
return Ok(());
} else if generated == totp_code && time_step <= i64::from(twofactor.last_used) {
warn!("This TOTP or a TOTP code within {} steps back or forward has already been used!", steps);
format!("Invalid TOTP code! Server time: {} IP: {}", current_time.format("%F %T UTC"), ip.ip),
ErrorEvent {
event: EventType::UserFailedLogIn2fa
// Else no valid code received, deny access
format!("Invalid TOTP code! Server time: {} IP: {}", current_time.format("%F %T UTC"), ip.ip),
ErrorEvent {
event: EventType::UserFailedLogIn2fa